Published on: 15198753. Disposition of Below Standard Gasoline, Kerosene, Diesel Fuel Oils No. 1-D and No. 2-D, and Fuel Oils No. 1 and No. 2, and Alternative Fuels., Registration and Identification, Inaccurate Measuring Devices, Inspection Identification Stickers, Adoption of the General Code and the Codes of Liquid-Measuring Devices, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Anhydrous Ammonia Liquid-Measuring Devices, Hydrocarbon Gas Vapor-Measuring Devices, Vehicle-Tank Meters, and Vehicle Tanks Used as Measures of National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44 Meter Sealing Requirements., Guidelines for Imposing Administrative Penalties
Published on: 14790189. A rule hearing has been requested for the proposed amendments to Rule Chapter 5F-2, F.A.C., Gasoline and Oil Inspection, as published in the June 11, 2014, Florida Administrative Register (Volume 40, Issue 113).; July 21, 2014, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.; Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Eyster Auditorium, 3125 Conner Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399.
Published on: 14679512. Update rule sections to adopt Federal requirements for labeling; reflect current versions of referenced department forms; change adopted reference of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 44 from a direct reference to another rule reference to ensure consistency with regard to adopted versions; amend biodiesel labeling requirements to better reflect current changes in the market with respect to diesel fuels blended with biodiesel; amend penalty section to more appropriately apply penalties to violations of this rule and update references in the penalty section; update sections of rule to account for the recent Division and Bureau level mergers; adopt diesel fuel nozzle size requirements for retail dispensers; adopt EPA labeling requirements for E15 fuel dispensers; adopt labeling requirements for mid-level ethanol blends; amend diesel fuel dispenser labeling requirements to reference applicable CFR requirements, which will update the labeling requirements to current codes; amend rule to reflect recent statutory changes to transfer collection of the petroleum inspection fee to the Florida Department of Revenue; and adopt labeling specifications for gasoline blended with butanol.
Published on: 13273012. Update adopted ASTM International quality specifications for motor fuels and adopted Federal requirements for product labeling; eliminate individualized volatility specifications for gasoline/ethanol blends as they are now incorporated into ASTM International specifications, which are adopted in rule; allow provisions for base fuels to not meet selected specifications before blending, but require them to meet those specifications after blending with ethanol; update rule sections to reflect current versions of referenced Department forms; change adopted reference of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 44 from a direct reference to another rule reference to ensure consistency with regard to adopted versions; add transfer document requirements so purchasers in the distribution chain have adequate knowledge of the type and composition of the fuel they are purchasing; amend penalty section to more appropriately apply penalties to violations of this rule and update references in the penalty section; adopt specifications for compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) when used as motor fuels; update sections of rule to account for the recent Division and Bureau level mergers; adopt motor oil labeling requirements and quality specifications; add a sunset date for certain volatility offsets (to ASTM International specifications) for gasoline-ethanol blends; adopt diesel fuel nozzle size requirements for retail dispensers; adopt EPA labeling requirements for E15 fuel dispensers; adopt blending specifications for gasoline-ethanol blends containing between 10 and 15 percent ethanol; adopt labeling requirements for mid-level ethanol blends; and adopt a specific ASTM International test method to determine the corrosiveness of silver by spark-ignition engine fuels.
Published on: 7876611. Standards, Disposition of Below Standard Gasoline, Kerosene, Diesel Fuel Oils No. 1-D and 2-D, and Fuel Oils No. 1 and No. 2, and Alternative Fuels., Registration and Identification, Inaccurate Measuring Devices, Inspection Identification Stickers, Adoption of the General Code and the Codes of Liquid-Measuring Devices, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Anhydrous Ammonia Liquid-Measuring Devices, Hydrocarbon Gas Vapor-Measuring Devices, Vehicle-Tank Meters, and Vehicle Tanks Used as Measures of National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44 and Meter Sealing Requirements., Guidelines for Imposing Administrative Penalties
Published on: 7512473. 1. Update ASTM International standards for gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel oils, fuel oils, fuel ethanol, and biodiesel. Also, incorporate new ASTM International standards for biodiesel blends (with diesel fuel oils) for concentrations from 6% to 20%.
2. Establish a minimum octane rating requirement of 87 for gasoline, which includes gasoline-ethanol blends, sold, distributed, offered for sale or offered for distribution at retail gas stations.
3. Establish a minimum motor octane number requirement of 82 for gasoline, which includes gasoline-ethanol blends, with an octane rating of 87 or higher.
4. Establish a temporary lower minimum vapor pressure requirement for E85 Fuel Ethanol classes permitted for sale in Florida, expiring on November 30, 2010, for Class I Type E85 fuels and on April 30, 2011, for Class II Type E85 Fuels. Currently, such blends have difficulty meeting the requirements set forth in the ASTM International Designation for E85 Fuel Ethanol, which is approximately 12 years old (that particular specification). This change is only temporary and is expected to remain in effect only until such time that ASTM International addresses the situation in their specifications.
5. Amend language to reduce the maximum amount of water permissible in storage tanks containing ethanol and biodiesel fuels and their respective blended products from two inches to one quarter inch.
6. Reference and list all forms used in the stopping of sale of substandard fuel and subsequent release of said fuel after proper remedy; disposition of all listed fuel types; the removal of improperly labeled devices from service; the removal of inaccurate measuring devices from service; the removal from service of devices without inspection stickers; the removal from service of devices not maintained properly (in violation of NIST Handbook 44); and the removal of improperly functioning measuring devices from service.
7. Clarify the disposition of gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oils and alternative fuels. Including the disposition of biodiesel blends (with diesel fuel oils) with a flash point less than the standard, but greater than 100 °F (making it consistent with the existing disposition for diesel fuel oils of the same characteristics). And the disposition of biodiesel and biodiesel blends (with diesel fuel oils and fuel oils) above the ultra-low (S15) sulfur standard, but less than 35 ppm (making it consistent with the existing disposition for diesel fuel oils of the same characteristics).
8. Remove the prohibition for penalty from the discovery of water and/or suspended matter in referenced motor fuels and to transfer references for penalty prohibitions for specified violations to the penalty matrix section.
9. Amend penalties for vapor pressure violations over 11.0 psi, from June 1 through September 15 of each calendar year. Violations above the applicable standard, but less than and including 11.0 psi will still be subject to Stop Sale Order, but without penalty.
10. Provide instructions to terminal suppliers, wholesalers, and importers filling out the required DACS Form #03202 titled “Gasoline and Oil Inspection Affidavit and Inspection Fee Report.”
11. Update references to 16 CFR Federal labeling requirements.
12. Further clarify ethanol dispenser labeling requirements.
13. Amend to existing labeling language for M85 Fuel Methanol products to more clearly and conspicuously notify consumers that methanol blended products are not necessarily compatible with all flex fuel vehicles.
14. Provide instructions and requirements to persons and service agencies wishing to register with the Department as authorized meter mechanics, able to repair and/or adjust the accuracy of petroleum fuel measuring devices in this state.
15. Adopt the 2009 version of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 44.
16. Specify the time period in which the Department must be notified after the installation of a petroleum fuel measuring device.
17. Revise the penalty matrix.
Published on: 6683511. 1. Establish a minimum octane rating requirement of 87 for gasoline, which includes gasoline blends, sold, distributed, offered for sale or offered for distribution at retail gas stations.
2. Establish a minimum motor octane number requirement of 82 for gasoline with an octane rating of 87 or higher.
3. Establish a temporary lower minimum vapor pressure requirement for E85 Fuel Ethanol classes permitted for sale in Florida to reflect an anticipated lowering of this requirement by ASTM International.
4. Amend language to reduce the maximum amount of water permissible in storage tanks containing ethanol and biodiesel fuels and their respective blended products from two inches to one quarter inch.
5. Clarify the disposition of gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oils and alternative fuels.
6. Remove the prohibition for penalty from the discovery of water and/or suspended matter in referenced motor fuels and to transfer references for penalty prohibitions for specified violations to the penalty matrix section.
7. Amend penalties for vapor pressure violations over 11.0 psi, from June 1 through September 15 of each calendar year. Violations above the applicable standard, but less than and including 11.0 psi will still be subject to Stop Sale Order, but without penalty.
8. Reference and list all forms used in the stopping of sale of substandard fuel; disposition of all listed fuel types; the removal of improperly labeled devices from service; the removal of inaccurate measuring devices from service; the removal from service of devices without inspection stickers; the removal from service of devices not maintained properly (in violation of NIST Handbook 44); and the removal of improperly functioning measuring devices from service.
9. Provide instructions to terminal suppliers, wholesalers, and importers filling out the required DACS Form #03202 titled “Gasoline and Oil Inspection Affidavit and Inspection Fee Report.”
10. Further clarify ethanol dispenser labeling requirements.
11. Amend language to add labeling language for M85 Fuel Methanol products to more clearly and conspicuously notify consumers that methanol blended products are not necessarily compatible with all flex fuel vehicles.
12. Provide instructions to persons and service agencies wishing to register with the Department as an authorized meter mechanic able to repair and/or adjust the accuracy of petroleum fuel measuring devices.
13. Adopt the current version of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 44.
14. Specify the time period in which the Department must be notified after the installation of a petroleum fuel measuring device.
15. Amend language to specify the Department may also suspend or revoke any registration issued under Chapter 525, F.S., in lieu of or in addition to issuing a penalty as prescribed by this section.
16. Reconstruct the penalty matrix.
17. Update ASTM International standards for gas, diesel fuels, fuel oils and biodiesel. Also, incorporate new ASTM International standards for biodiesel blends (with diesel fuel) for concentrations from 6% to 20%.