Published on: 20187269. The purpose and effect of this proposed rule is to update grant application forms, repeal unnecessary language, and revise the required reporting and data collection methods including forms require for submission in Chapter 62-716, F. A. C.
Published on: 19205435. The purpose and effect of this rule development is to revise the required data collecting and reporting methods, including forms in Chapter 62-716, F. A. C.
Published on: 18777762. General Grant Application Requirements, Disbursement of Funds, Solid Waste Annual Reports, Annual Recycling Reports, Voluntary Certification Program for Materials Recovery Facilities, Methods and Criteria for Calculating County Recycling Rates, Specific Small County Grant Application Requirements
Published on: 13072998. The Department proposes to amend Chapter 62-716, Florida Administrative Code, which contains regulations for solid waste grants and annual reports from counties to the Department. In 2010, the Legislature modified annual county solid waste management and recycling reporting requirements. The Legislature also directed the Department to adopt rules establishing the method and criteria to be used by counties in calculating their recycling rates. This chapter is being amended to address both the modified reporting requirements and the calculation of county recycling rates. Additionally, the 2010 Legislature required public sector entities (such as schools, state and local government agencies) to annually report to counties how much material they recycle using the Department's designated reporting format. The Legislature also encouraged, but did not require, private businesses to annually report to counties how much material they recycle using the Department's designated reporting format. This chapter is being amended to include the reporting formats for both the public sector and the private businesses. Finally, the 2010 Legislature created a voluntary certification program for materials recovery facilities. The chapter is being amended to include the qualifications for certification and the application form for certification.
Published on: 8973002. Chapter 2010-143, Laws of Florida, creates a number of new requirements that must be implemented by rule. It requires that the Department develop a reporting format for recycling rates; create a voluntary certification program for materials recovery facilities; and establish a method and criteria to be used by counties in calculating recycling rates. It is the Department's intention to amend the title of this Chapter to broaden its scope to include these new provisions. In addition, the Law amended the solid waste management grant program making it necessary to amend this Chapter to be consistent.
Published on: 7645266. In 1988, the Legislature created a large grant program to help counties and municipalities develop recycling and education programs, along with lesser grants for waste tire programs and to help small counties manage solid waste. The Department adopted Chapter 62-716, F.A.C., to implement all of these grants programs. Over time, funding for the recycling and education grants declined, and a few years ago the Legislature stopped funding them altogether. This rule chapter is being amended to delete obsolete references to grants that no longer exist.
A Notice of Rule Development for this chapter was published in the FAW on March 23, 2007. Due to delays in rule development and a change in the purpose and effect of proposed changes, a new notice is being published.
Published on: 3917653. In 1988, the Legislature created a large grant program to help counties and municipalities develop recycling and education programs, along with lesser grants for waste tire programs and to help small counties manage solid waste. The Department adopted Chapter 62-716, F.A.C., to implement all of these grants programs. Over time, funding for the recycling and education grants declined, and a few years ago the Legislature stopped funding them altogether. This rule chapter is being amended to delete obsolete references to grants that no longer exist.
At about the same time that the recycling and education grants were being phased out, the Innovative Grants were being introduced. From 1998 through 2001, the Legislature authorized these grants a year at a time as a line item in its budget. In 2002, the program was finally codified in Section 403.7095, Florida Statutes. The Department has administered the Innovative Grants program on an ad hoc basis since 1998. This was partly because the status of the program was uncertain from year to year, and partly because of the need to spend time developing policies and processes that would effectively implement a statute that lacked clear standards. This rule chapter is being amended to incorporate those policies and processes through rulemaking.