07-003951PL Department Of Financial Services vs. Monica L. Jones
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, January 7, 2008.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent is guilty of knowingly and willfully enabling unlicensed agency personnel to engage in insurance activities in their dealings with three customers of the agency.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 07-3951PL




28Respondent. )



33Pursuant to notice, a hearing was conducted in this case

43pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, 1

52before Stuart M. Lerner, a duly-designated Administrative Law

60Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH), on

69October 26, 2007, by video teleconference at sites in Lauderdale

79Lakes and Tallahassee, Florida.


84For Petitioner: David J. Busch, Esquire

90Department of Financial Services

94Division of Legal Services

98612 Larson Building

101200 East Gaines Street

105Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333

108For Respondent: James O. Walker, III, Esquire

1151339 Northeast Fourth Avenue

119Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304


127Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the

135Administrative Complaint issued against her and, if so, what

144penalty should be imposed.


150On August 2, 2007, the Department of Financial Services

159(Department) issued a three-count Administrative Complaint

165against Respondent, notifying her that, based on the allegations

174of wrongdoing made therein, it "intend[ed] to enter an Order

184suspending or revoking [her] licenses and appointments as an

193insurance agent or impose such penalties as may be provided

203under [the law]." In the Administrative Complaint's "General

211Allegations," the Department asserted that, while "operating out

219of an agency known as A Maples Insurance Agency, Inc.," in

230Pompano Beach, Florida, Respondent "employed unlicensed

236individuals named Claudia Smith and Gus Jones, Jr., to describe

246the benefits or terms of insurance coverage, invite consumers to

256enter into insurance contracts, make recommendations as to

264insurance products, complete insurance applications, and

270otherwise advise as to insurance matters." Count I of the

280Administrative Complaint alleged that Respondent "knowingly and

287willfully provided Claudia Smith with the means to engage

296in . . . insurance transactions and insurance code violations"

306in connection with Ms. Smith's dealings with Sarah Harrington.

315Count II of the of the Administrative Complaint alleged that

325Respondent "knowingly and willfully provided Claudia Smith and

333Gus Jones with the means to engage in . . . insurance

345transactions and insurance code violations" in connection with

353Ms. Smith's and Mr. Jones' dealings with Alton Barroso and

363Monica Barranco. Count III of the Administrative Complaint

371alleged that Respondent "knowingly and willfully provided

378Claudia Smith with the means to engage in . . . insurance

390transactions and insurance code violations" in connection with

398her dealings with Marvin Mercier.

403On or about August 16, 2007, Respondent filed a written

413request for "a hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida

422Statutes, to be held before the Division of Administrative

431Hearings." On August 29, 2007, the matter was referred to DOAH.

442Among the documents the Department transmitted to DOAH was a

452Motion to Dismiss and/or to Strike that it had received from

463Respondent. This motion was ultimately denied by the

471undersigned. See Wright-Simpson v. Department of Corrections ,

478891 So. 2d 1122, 1126 (Fla. 4th DCA 2004)("Notices of this sort

491[alleging misconduct] in administrative proceedings are not

498required to meet technical niceties or formal exactness as

507required of pleadings in the courts. The notice filed herein

517was specific enough to inform the employee with reasonable

526certainty of the nature of the charges against her.")(citation

536omitted); Seminole County Board of County Commissioners v. Long ,

545422 So. 2d 938, 940 (Fla. 5th DCA 1982)("A complaint filed by an

559administrative agency is not required to fulfill the technical

568niceties of a pleading filed in a court of law. Such an

580administrative complaint must only be specific enough to inform

589the accused with reasonable certainty of the nature of the

599charge. The charge in this instance met that requirement. The

609administrative complaint was not so vague, indistinct and

617indefinite as to mislead the appellee or to embarrass her in the

629preparation of her defense."); and Florida Board of Massage v.

640Thrall , 164 So. 2d 20, 22 (Fla. 3d DCA 1964)("[I]n [licensure

652disciplinary] administrative proceedings of this nature it is

660not necessary that the information or accusation be cast with

670that degree of technical nicety required in a criminal


681As noted above, the final hearing in this case was held on

693October 26, 2007. Five witnesses testified at the hearing:

702Monica Barranco, Marvin Mercier, Sarah Harrington, Raphael

709Montero, and Claudia Smith. In addition to these five witnesses'

719testimony, 14 exhibits (Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 14) were

728offered and received into evidence. 2

734Upon the unopposed request of Respondent's attorney, the

742deadline for the filing of proposed recommended orders was set at

75345 days from the date of the filing with DOAH of the hearing


767The hearing Transcript (consisting of one volume) was filed

776with DOAH on November 9, 2007.

782The Department filed its Proposed Recommended Order on

790December 21, 2007. To date, Respondent has not filed any post-

801hearing submittal.


806Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as

817a whole, the following findings of fact are made:

826Facts Relating to All Counts

8311. Respondent has held a Florida (2-20) general lines

840(property and casualty) insurance agent license since March 4,

8492000. She had been licensed as a (4-40) customer representative

859in Florida for approximately one year before obtaining her 2-20

869license. At no time as a licensee has she had any disciplinary

881action taken against her.

8852. At all times material to the instant case, Respondent

895was employed by A Maples Insurance Agency, Inc., in Pompano

905Beach, Florida (Agency).

9083. Respondent was one of four individuals involved in the

918operation of the Agency. The other three individuals were

927Respondent's sister, Mary Terrell (who had an ownership interest

936in the Agency); Respondent's brother, Gus Jones, Jr. (who was

946also a co-owner of the Agency), and Claudia Smith, a 25-year

957Agency employee. As Respondent was aware, neither Ms. Terrell,

966Mr. Jones, nor Ms. Smith possessed any Florida insurance


9764. At one time, prior to Respondent's coming to work for

987the Agency, Mr. Jones had been licensed in Florida as a 2-20

999insurance agent, but his license was taken away by the

1009Department's predecessor, the Department of Insurance, in 2002,

1017and it has not been reinstated. The Department of Insurance's

1027Final Order suspending Mr. Jones' license read, in pertinent

1036part, as follows:

1039Pursuant to Section 626.641, Florida

1044Statutes, the Respondent shall not engage in

1051or attempt to profess to engage in any

1059transaction or business for which a license

1066or appointment is required under the

1072Insurance Code or directly or indirectly

1078own, control, or be employed in any manner

1086by any insurance agent or agency or adjuster

1094or adjusting firm, during the period of


1102Further, pursuant to Section 626.641,

1107Florida Statutes, the licenses, appointment,

1112or eligibility, which has been suspended

1118shall not be reinstated except upon request

1125for such reinstatement; but the Department

1131shall not grant such reinstatement if it

1138finds that the circumstance or circumstances

1144for which the license, appointment or

1150eligibility was suspended still exist or are

1157likely to recur.

11605. Respondent knew, when she began working at the Agency,

1170that Mr. Jones' 2-20 license had been taken away and not been


11836. It was Mr. Jones' being stripped of his license that

1194prompted the Agency to hire Respondent. The Agency needed a

1204licensed agent to replace Mr. Jones so that there would be

1215someone at the Agency able to generate commission revenues.

1224Upon being hired, Respondent filled this role as the Agency's

1234lone licensed producing agent.

12387. Respondent's employment at the Agency was her only

1247source of income. She was paid on a commission-only basis,

1257receiving her commission payments in cash from Mr. Jones.

12668. The business hours of the Agency were 9:00 a.m. to

12775:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on

1289Friday. The Agency closed an hour for lunch each day.

12999. Although she was the only one working at the Agency who

1311held an insurance license, Respondent ordinarily worked just

1319nine hours a week (three hours on Mondays, three hours on

1330Wednesdays, and three hours on Fridays).

133610. Respondent authorized Ms. Terrell, Mr. Jones, and

1344Ms. Smith to sign Respondent's name on insurance-related

1352documents and otherwise act in her stead so that these

1362unlicensed individuals would be able to transact business and

1371produce commissions for the Agency when she was out of the

1382office. Respondent "g[o]t credit for the[se] sale[s]" made by

1391these three unlicensed individuals and was compensated

1398accordingly, notwithstanding her lack of personal involvement in

1406the transactions.

1408Facts Relating to Count I

141311. In August 2004, Sarah Harrington went to the Agency to

1424shop for insurance for a manufactured home she was purchasing

1434(through financing provided by Bank of America).

144112. At the Agency, Ms. Harrington dealt exclusively with

1450Ms. Smith, whom Ms. Harrington reasonably believed was an

1459insurance agent.

146113. Based on the information Ms. Harrington provided her,

1470Ms. Smith recommended obtaining coverage through Citizens

1477Property Insurance Corporation (Citizens), the state-created

1483entity that services homeowners unable to find insurance in the

1493private market.

149514. Ms. Smith told Ms. Harrington what the premiums were

1505for this coverage, and Ms. Harrington wrote a check to the

1516Agency for the total amount ($1,540.00) and gave it to

1527Ms. Smith.

152915. Ms. Harrington left the Agency with a two-page

1538insurance binder (with an effective date of August 25, 2004, and

1549an expiration date of August 25, 2005) that Ms. Smith gave her.

1561The binder contained what purported to be Respondent's signature

1570in two different places. The signatures, however, were not

1579Respondent's. They were placed there by Ms. Smith, pursuant to

1589the grant of authority Respondent had previously given her.

159816. In September 2005, Ms. Harrington received a letter

1607from her mortgage lender, Bank of America, advising her that her

"1618hazard insurance policy ha[d] potentially lapsed, effective

162508/25/2005" and that the bank was "unable to pay the premium for

1637[her] new hazard insurance coverage because [it had] not

1646received a bill from [her] insurance agent/company."

165317. Ms. Harrington reacted to this advisement by

1661telephoning the Agency and speaking with Ms. Smith. Ms. Smith

1671told Ms. Harrington that the Agency was a "little behind in

1682processing [the paperwork for the renewal of Ms. Harrington's

1691insurance coverage]" and would be sending Bank of America a bill


170318. Approximately a month later, Ms. Harrington received a

1712second letter from Bank of America. In the letter, the bank

1723informed her that it had still not received anything concerning

1733the renewal of her insurance coverage.

173919. Ms. Harrington again telephoned the Agency and spoke

1748with Ms. Smith. Ms. Smith told Ms. Harrington that the Agency

"1759had already billed Bank of America" and that "everything was


177020. On October 24, 2005, Hurricane Wilma made landfall in

1780South Florida and "took off two sides of [Ms. Harrington's]

1790home." The home was a total loss.

179721. When Ms. Harrington telephoned Citizens to initiate

1805the claim process, she was told that there was no record of her

1818being insured.

182022. Ms. Harrington thereafter went to the Agency to

1829inquire about the matter and met with Ms. Smith. Ms. Harrington

1840demanded to see proof of her insurance. Ms. Smith was unable to

1852provide such proof.

185523. Ms. Harrington returned to the Agency for a follow-up

1865visit. This time she met with Mr. Jones, as well as Ms. Smith.

187824. Mr. Jones gave Ms. Harrington the first two pages of

1889an application for insurance he said he had mailed, on her

1900behalf, to Citizens on October 19, 2005. Mr. Jones told

1910Ms. Harrington that the payment for this insurance "was being

1920processed" and that Ms. Harrington's "house was going be

1929covered" inasmuch as she "had insurance."

193525. Upon examining the two pages that Mr. Jones had given

1946her, Ms. Harrington noticed that it contained erroneous

1954information concerning her occupation, her date of birth, and

1963the age of her home. She pointed out these errors to Mr. Jones

1976and Ms. Smith. Ms. Smith subsequently wrote, and signed

1985Respondent's name to, a memorandum to Citizens, dated

1993November 7, 2005, correcting the information that Ms. Harrington

2002had identified as being erroneous.

200726. After this follow-up visit to the Agency,

2015Ms. Harrington requested, and later received from Citizens, the

2024entire application package that the Agency had submitted to

2033Citizens on October 19, 2005, on her behalf. There were

2043initials and signatures on the documents in this package that

2053purported to be Ms. Harrington's, but were actually forgeries.

2062These documents also contained signatures purporting to be

2070Respondent's that were placed there by Ms. Terrell, Mr. Jones,

2080and/or Ms. Smith, pursuant to the grant of authority Respondent

2090had previously given them.

209427. Ms. Harrington's claim for the destruction of her home

2104was ultimately paid by Citizens, as Mr. Jones and Ms. Smith said

2116it would be. Ms. Harrington received $74,000.00.

212428. At no time did Respondent have any dealings or

2134interaction with Ms. Harrington.

2138Facts Relating to Count II

214329. Alton Barroso is the owner of Barroso Pools, Inc.


215430. In March of 2005, the Company, through the Agency,

2164obtained insurance from Grenada Insurance Company (Grenada) for

2172three Company vehicles.

217531. Ms. Terrell had signed Respondent's name on the

2184application for this insurance, pursuant to the grant of

2193authority Respondent had previously given her. Respondent had

2201no personal involvement in this insurance transaction.

220832. After the effective date of the Company's policy with

2218Grenada, a Company vehicle was involved in an accident resulting

2228in damages to the vehicle costing approximately $7,500.00 to


223933. The Company submitted a claim requesting that Grenada

2248cover these damages under the Company's insurance policy with


225834. Grenada refused to pay the claim, advising the Company

2268that the Company vehicle "which was involved in [the]

2277accident . . . was not listed as a covered vehicle under [its]

2290auto policy at the time of the loss."

229835. Mr. Barroso, who does not "speak or write English very

2309well," had a friend of his, Monica Barranco, go to the Agency to

2322inquire about the matter.

232636. Ms. Barranco made several trips to the Agency. She

2336dealt primarily with Ms. Smith, but met once with Mr. Jones, who

2348gave her a copy of the Company's policy. She had no contact at

2361all with Respondent.

236437. Despite Ms. Barranco's efforts, the Company never

2372received any payment for the damages to the Company vehicle that

2383was involved in the accident.

2388Facts Relating to Count III

239338. Marvin Mercier is Ms. Smith's brother. He has

2402obtained automobile insurance through the Agency for the past

2411five or six years.

241539. In February 2006, Mr. Mercier was informed that the

2425insurance policy he had on his 1990 Ford Aerostar van would not

2437be renewed because of an at-fault accident in which he had been


245040. Mr. Mercier thereafter spoke with Ms. Smith, who

2459offered to "get [him] a [new] policy" with another insurer.

2469Mr. Mercier accepted his sister's offer of assistance.

247741. Approximately a week later, on or about March 11,

24872006, in accordance with Ms. Smith's instructions, Mr. Mercier

2496met with Ms. Smith at the Agency "to sign the application [for

2508the new policy] and to give a down payment."

251742. In obtaining this new policy for his van, Mr. Mercier

2528dealt exclusively with Ms. Smith. Respondent had no involvement

2537whatsoever in the transaction.


254443. DOAH has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this

2554proceeding and of the parties hereto pursuant to Chapter 120,

2564Florida Statutes.

256644. "Chapters 624-632, 634, 635, 636, 641, 642, 648, and

2576651 constitute the 'Florida Insurance Code.'" § 624.01, Fla.


258645. It is the Department's responsibility to "enforce the

2595provisions of this code." § 624.307(1), Fla. Stat.

260346. Among the Department's duties is to license and

2612discipline insurance agents.

261547. The Department is authorized to suspend or revoke

2624agents' licenses, pursuant to Sections 626.611 and 626.621,

2632Florida Statutes; to impose fines on agents of up to $500.00 or,

2644in cases where there are "willful violation[s] or willful

2653misconduct," up to $3,500, and to "augment[]" such disciplinary

2663action "by an amount equal to any commissions received by or

2674accruing to the credit of the [agent] in connection with any

2685transaction as to which the grounds for suspension, [or]

2694revocation . . . related," pursuant to Section 626.681, Florida

2704Statutes; to place agents on probation for up to two years,

2715pursuant to Section 626.691, Florida Statutes 3 ; and to order

2725agents "to pay restitution to any person who has been deprived

2736of money by [their] misappropriation, conversion, or unlawful

2744withholding of moneys belonging to insurers, insureds,

2751beneficiaries, or others," pursuant to Section 626.692, Florida


276048. The Department may take such disciplinary action

2768against an agent only after the agent has been given reasonable

2779written notice of the charges and an adequate opportunity to

2789request a proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57,

2798Florida Statutes. See § 120.60(5), Fla. Stat.

280549. An evidentiary hearing must be held if requested by

2815the agent when there are disputed issues of material fact.

2825§§ 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla. Stat.

283150. At the hearing, the Department bears the burden of

2841proving that the agent engaged in the conduct, and thereby

2851committed the violations, alleged in the charging instrument.

2859Proof greater than a mere preponderance of the evidence must be

2870presented for the Department to meet its burden of proof. Clear

2881and convincing evidence of the agent's guilt is required. See

2891Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Securities and

2900Investor Protection v. Osborne Stern and Company , 670 So. 2d 932,

2911935 (Fla. 1996); Beshore v. Department of Financial Services ,

2920928 So. 2d 411, 413 (Fla. 1st DCA 2006); Pou v. Department of

2933Insurance and Treasurer , 707 So. 2d 941 (Fla. 3d DCA 1998); and §

2946120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat. ("Findings of fact shall be based upon a

2958preponderance of the evidence, except in penal or licensure

2967disciplinary proceedings or except as otherwise provided by

2975statute . . . .").

298151. Clear and convincing evidence is an "intermediate

2989standard," "requir[ing] more proof than a 'preponderance of the

2998evidence' but less than 'beyond and to the exclusion of a

3009reasonable doubt.'" In re Graziano , 696 So. 2d 744, 753 (Fla.

30201997). For proof to be considered "'clear and convincing' . . .

3032the evidence must be found to be credible; the facts to which

3044the witnesses testify must be distinctly remembered; the

3052testimony must be precise and explicit and the witnesses must be

3063lacking in confusion as to the facts in issue. The evidence

3074must be of such weight that it produces in the mind of the trier

3088of fact a firm belief or conviction, without hesitancy, as to

3099the truth of the allegations sought to be established." In re

3110Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994), quoting, with approval,

3121from Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA

31331983); see also In re Adoption of Baby E. A. W. , 658 So. 2d 961,

3148967 (Fla. 1995)("The evidence [in order to be clear and

3159convincing] must be sufficient to convince the trier of fact

3169without hesitancy."). "Although this standard of proof may be

3179met where the evidence is in conflict, . . . it seems to

3192preclude evidence that is ambiguous." Westinghouse Electric

3199Corporation, Inc. v. Shuler Bros., Inc. , 590 So. 2d 986, 988

3210(Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

321452. In determining whether the Department has met its

3223burden of proof, it is necessary to evaluate its evidentiary

3233presentation in light of the specific allegations of wrongdoing

3242made in the charging instrument. Due process prohibits the

3251Department from taking disciplinary action against an agent

3259based on matters not specifically alleged in the charging

3268instrument, unless those matters have been tried by consent.

3277See Shore Village Property Owners' Association, Inc. v.

3285Department of Environmental Protection , 824 So. 2d 208, 210

3294(Fla. 4th DCA 2002); Cottrill v. Department of Insurance , 685

3304So. 2d 1371, 1372 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996); and Delk v. Department of

3317Professional Regulation , 595 So. 2d 966, 967 (Fla. 5th DCA


332853. The Administrative Complaint in the instant case

3336charges Respondent with three counts of violating Section

3344626.611(13), Florida Statutes, and Section 626.621.621(12),

3350Florida Statutes, by knowingly and willfully enabling unlicensed

3358Agency personnel to engage in activities requiring an insurance


336854. At all times material to the instant case, Section

3378626.611(13), Florida Statutes, has provided, in pertinent part,

3386as follows:

3388The department shall . . . suspend [or]

3396revoke . . . the license . . . of

3406any . . . agent . . . , and it shall suspend

3418or revoke the eligibility to hold a

3425license . . . of any such person, if it

3435finds that as to the . . . licensee . . .

3447any one or more of the following applicable

3455grounds exist:

3457* * *

3460Willful failure to comply with, or willful

3467violation of, any proper order or rule of

3475the department or willful violation of any

3482provision of this code.

348655. At all times material to the instant case, Section

3496626.621(12), Florida Statutes has provided, in pertinent part,

3504as follows:

3506The department may, in its discretion, . . .

3515suspend [or] revoke, . . . the license . . .

3526of any . . . agent . . . , and it may

3538suspend or revoke the eligibility to hold a

3546license . . . of any such person, if it

3556finds that as to the . . . licensee . . .

3568any one or more of the following applicable

3576grounds exist under circumstances for which

3582such . . . suspension [or] revocation . . .

3592is not mandatory under s. 626.611:

3598* * *

3601Knowingly aiding, assisting, procuring,

3605advising, or abetting any person in the

3612violation of or to violate a provision of

3620the insurance code or any order or rule of

3629the department, commission, or office.

363456. Engaging in insurance activities without a license is

3643prohibited by the following "provision[s] of the insurance code"

3652and "rule of the [D]epartment" (which were cited in the

3662Administrative Complaint):

3664§ 626.112. License and appointment

3669required; agents, customer representatives,

3673adjusters, insurance agencies, service

3677representatives, managing general agents

3681(1)(a) No person may be, act as, or

3689advertise or hold himself or herself out to

3697be an insurance agent, insurance adjuster,

3703or customer representative unless he or she

3710is currently licensed by the department[ 4 ]

3718and appointed by an appropriate appointing

3724entity or person.

3727(b) Except as provided in subsection (6) or

3735in applicable department rules, and in

3741addition to other conduct described in this

3748chapter with respect to particular types of

3755agents, a license as an insurance agent,

3762service representative, customer

3765representative, or limited customer

3769representative is required in order to

3775engage in the solicitation of insurance.

3781For purposes of this requirement, as

3787applicable to any of the license types

3794described in this section, the solicitation

3800of insurance is the attempt to persuade any

3808person to purchase an insurance product by:

38151. Describing the benefits or terms of

3822insurance coverage, including premiums or

3827rates of return;

38302. Distributing an invitation to contract

3836to prospective purchasers;

38393. Making general or specific

3844recommendations as to insurance products;

38494. Completing orders or applications for

3855insurance products;

38575. Comparing insurance products, advising

3862as to insurance matters, or interpreting

3868policies or coverages; or

38726. Offering or attempting to negotiate on

3879behalf of another person a viatical

3885settlement contract as defined in s.


3892* * *

3895(9) Any person who knowingly transacts

3901insurance or otherwise engages in insurance

3907activities in this state without a license

3914in violation of this section commits a

3921felony of the third degree, punishable as

3928provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.


3937§ 626.0428. Agency personnel powers,

3942duties, and limitations

3945* * *

3948(2) No employee of an agent or agency may

3957bind insurance coverage unless licensed and

3963appointed as a general lines agent or

3970customer representative.

3972(3) No employee of an agent or agency may

3981initiate contact with any person for the

3988purpose of soliciting insurance unless

3993licensed and appointed as a general lines

4000agent or customer representative.[ 5 ]

400669B-222.060. Unlawful Activities by

4010Unlicensed Insurance Agency Personnel.

4014The following actions are never allowable by

4021unlicensed personnel.

4023(1) Comparing insurance products; advising

4028as to insurance needs or insurance matters;

4035or interpreting policies or coverages.

4040(2) Binding new, additional, or replacement

4046coverage for new or existing customers; or

4053binding coverage on or recording additional

4059property under existing policies.

4063(3) Soliciting the sale of insurance by

4070telephone, in person, or by other

4076communication. However, the unlicensed

4080person may telephone persons to set

4086appointments for licensed and appointed

4091agents, customer representatives, or

4095solicitors, or to obtain basic policy

4101information as to existing insurance

4106coverage. The unlicensed person may not

4112engage in a substantive discussion of

4118insurance products.

412057. Because they are penal in nature, the foregoing

4129statutory provisions must be strictly construed, with any

4137reasonable doubts as to their meaning being resolved in favor of

4148the licensee. See Capital National Financial Corporation v.

4156Department of Insurance , 690 So. 2d 1335, 1337 (Fla. 3rd DCA

41671997)("Section 627.8405 is a penal statute and therefore must be

4178strictly construed: . . . . 'When a statute imposes a penalty,

4190any doubt as to its meaning must be resolved in favor of a

4203strict construction so that those covered by the statute have

4213clear notice of what conduct the statute proscribes.'").

422258. An examination of the evidentiary record in this case

4232reveals that the Department clearly and convincingly proved

4240that, as alleged in Counts I through III of the Administrative

4251Complaint, Respondent knowingly and willfully enabled unlicensed

4258Agency personnel to engage in insurance activities in connection

4267with their dealings with Ms. Harrington (Count I), Mr. Barroso

4277and Ms. Barranco (Count II), and Mr. Mercier (Count III), in

4288violation of Section 626.611(13), Florida Statutes, and Section

4296626.621(12), Florida Statutes, by giving these unlicensed

4303persons, in effect, a carte blanche to use her 2-20 license and

4315act in her stead to generate business and commission revenue for

4326the Agency. 6

432959. To determine the penalty the Department should impose

4338on Respondent for the commission of these violations, it is

4348necessary to consult the Department's "penalty guidelines" set

4356forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule Chapter 69B-231, which

4365impose restrictions and limitations on the exercise of the

4374Department's disciplinary authority. See Parrot Heads, Inc. v.

4382Department of Business and Professional Regulation , 741 So. 2d

43911231, 1233 (Fla. 5th DCA 1999)("An administrative agency is

4401bound by its own rules . . . creat[ing] guidelines for

4412disciplinary penalties."); cf . State v. Jenkins , 469 So. 2d 733,

4424734 (Fla. 1985)("[A]gency rules and regulations, duly

4432promulgated under the authority of law, have the effect of

4442law."); Buffa v. Singletary , 652 So. 2d 885, 886 (Fla. 1st DCA

44551995)("An agency must comply with its own rules."); Decarion v.

4467Martinez , 537 So. 2d 1083, 1084 (Fla. 1st 1989)("Until amended

4478or abrogated, an agency must honor its rules."); and Williams v.

4490Department of Transportation , 531 So. 2d 994, 996 (Fla. 1st DCA

45011988)(agency is required to comply with its disciplinary

4509guidelines in taking disciplinary action against its employees).

451760. Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B-231.040 explains

4524how Petitioner goes about "[c]alculating [a] penalty." It

4532provides as follows:

4535(1) Penalty Per Count.

4539(a) The Department is authorized to find

4546that multiple grounds exist under Sections

4552626.611 and 626.621, F.S., for disciplinary

4558action against the licensee based upon a

4565single count in an administrative complaint

4571based upon a single act of misconduct by a

4580licensee. However, for the purpose of this

4587rule chapter, only the violation specifying

4593the highest stated penalty will be

4599considered for that count. The highest

4605stated penalty thus established for each

4611count is referred to as the "penalty per


4621(b) The requirement for a single highest

4628stated penalty for each count in an

4635administrative complaint shall be applicable

4640regardless of the number or nature of the

4648violations established in a single count of

4655an administrative complaint.

4658(2) Total Penalty. Each penalty per count

4665shall be added together and the sum shall be

4674referred to as the "total penalty".

4681(3) Final Penalty.

4684(a) The final penalty which will be imposed

4692against a licensee under these rules shall

4699be the total penalty, as adjusted to take

4707into consideration any aggravating or

4712mitigating factors;

4714(b) The Department may convert the total

4721penalty to an administrative fine and

4727probation if the licensee has not previously

4734been subjected to an administrative penalty

4740and the current action does not involve a

4748violation of Section 626.611, F.S.;

4753(c) The Department will consider the

4759factors set forth in rule subsection 69B-

4766231.160(1), F.A.C., in determining whether

4771to convert the total penalty to an

4778administrative fine and probation.

4782(d) In the event that the final penalty

4790would exceed a suspension of twenty-four

4796(24) months, the final penalty shall be


480461. Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B-231.080 is

4811entitled, "Penalties for Violation of Section 626.611." It

4819provides, in pertinent part, as follows:

4825If it is found that the licensee has

4833violated any of the following subsections of

4840Section 626.611, F.S., for which compulsory

4846suspension or revocation . . . is required,

4854the following stated penalty shall apply:

4860* * *

4863(13) Section 626.611(13), F.S. - suspension

48696 months

487162. Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B-231.090 is

4878entitled, "Penalties for Violation of Section 626.621." It

4886provides, in pertinent part, as follows:

4892If it is found that the licensee has

4900violated any of the following subsections of

4907Section 626.621, F.S., for which suspension

4913or revocation of license(s) and

4918appointment(s) is discretionary, the

4922following stated penalty shall apply:

4927* * *

4930(12) Section 626.621(12), F.S. - suspension

49366 months

493863. In the instant case, the "penalty per count" for each

4949of the three counts of the Administrative Complaint is a six-

4960month suspension, making the "total penalty" an 18-month


496964. The "aggravating/mitigating factors" that must be

4976considered to determine whether any "adjust[ment]" should be

4984made to this "total penalty" are set forth in Florida

4994Administrative Code Rule 69B-231.160, which provides, in

5001pertinent part, as follows:

5005The Department shall consider the following

5011aggravating and mitigating factors and apply

5017them to the total penalty in reaching the

5025final penalty assessed against a licensee

5031under this rule chapter. After

5036consideration and application of these

5041factors, the Department shall, if warranted

5047by the Department's consideration of the

5053factors, either decrease or increase the

5059penalty to any penalty authorized by law.

5066(1) For penalties other than those assessed

5073under Rule 69B-231.150, F.A.C.:

5077(a) Willfulness of licensee's conduct;

5082(b) Degree of actual injury to victim;

5089(c) Degree of potential injury to victim;

5096(d) Age or capacity of victim;

5102(e) Timely restitution;

5105(f) Motivation of licensee;

5109(g) Financial gain or loss to licensee;

5116(h) Cooperation with the Department;

5121(i) Vicarious or personal responsibility;

5126(j) Related criminal charge; disposition;

5131(k) Existence of secondary violations in


5138(l) Previous disciplinary orders or prior

5144warning by the Department; and

5149(m) Other relevant factors.

515365. In its Proposed Recommended Order, the Department

5161takes the position that "the appropriate final penalty [in this

5171case] is revocation of Respondent's license," arguing as


518076. . . . . The evidence at hearing

5189demonstrated that Respondent's conduct was

5194willful; that there was a substantial degree

5201of actual and potential injury to the

5208victims; that the agent was motivated by

5215financial gain; and that Respondent was

5221responsible for all of the unlicensed

5227business practices at the agency, including

5233those that served to allow a suspended

5240licensee to flaunt a Department order

5246suspending his license and thus continue to

5253engage illegally in the insurance business.

525977. It is this latter aggravating factor

5266that alone serves as justification for the

5273revocation of Respondent's license. By

5278allowing her license to be abused by a

5286suspended licensee, she provided the means

5292to enable him to continue in the insurance

5300business from which he had been banned, and

5308she compounded this wrongdoing by allowing

5314two other unlicensed individuals to also

5320prey upon an unsuspecting public. Even the

5327appointed insurance carriers had no reason

5333to suspect the agency's essentially

5338unlicensed operation, so long as

5343Respondent's falsified signatures appeared

5347on the appropriate documents. It was a

5354deliberate and deceitful scam, rather like

5360hav[ing] a surgeon popping into the

5366operating room on occasion, while an

5372unlicensed nurse removes a healthy kidney,

5378leaves the diseased one, and then signs the

5386doctor's name to the medical notes.

539278. There is no mitigating factor to offset

5400these aggravating factors.

540366. The undersigned does not agree entirely with the

5412Department's analysis. He takes issue with the Department's

5420suggestion that the proof submitted at hearing is sufficient to

5430establish that Respondent's violations caused "a substantial

5437degree of actual . . . injury to the victims." Furthermore, he

5449disagrees that there are "no mitigating factor[s]" in this case.

5459One mitigating factor is Respondent's unblemished disciplinary

5466record (which does not contain any "[p]revious disciplinary

5474orders or prior warning by the Department"). Another mitigating

5484factor is Respondent's "[c]ooperation with the Department."

5491Although she could have invoked her right to remain silent, 7

5502Respondent gave incriminating answers to questions posed by the

5511Department's counsel during her deposition, and this deposition

5519testimony of hers was the linchpin of the Department's proof

5529against her at hearing.

553367. The foregoing mitigating factors offset the

5540aggravating factors present in the instant case, but only

5549partially. Inasmuch as the aggravating factors predominate, an

5557increase in the "total penalty" is warranted. An additional six

5567months should be added to the period her license is suspended.

557868. Accordingly, the "final penalty" that the Department

5586should impose in the instant case is a 24-month suspension of

5597Respondent's license.


5600Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

5609of Law, it is hereby

5614RECOMMENDED that the Department issue a Final Order finding

5623Respondent guilty of the violations alleged in Counts I through

5633III of the Administrative Complaint and suspending her license

5642for a total of 24 months for having committed these violations.

5653DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of January, 2008, in

5663Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




5672Administrative Law Judge

5675Division of Administrative Hearings

5679The DeSoto Building

56821230 Apalachee Parkway

5685Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

5688(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

5692Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


5697Filed with the Clerk of the

5703Division of Administrative Hearings

5707this 7th day of January, 2008.


57141 Unless otherwise noted, all references in this Recommended

5723Order to Florida Statutes are to Florida Statutes (2007).

57322 Petitioner's Exhibit 14 was a transcript of a deposition given

5743by Respondent on October 17, 2007. The statements Respondent

5752made during her deposition testimony constitute party admissions

5760(within the meaning of Section 90.803(18)(d), Florida Statutes)

5768that would be admissible over a hearsay objection in a civil

5779proceeding in Florida and therefore are, in and of themselves,

5789sufficient to support a finding of fact in this administrative

5799proceeding. See § 120.57(1)(c), Fla. Stat. ("Hearsay evidence

5808may be used for the purpose of supplementing or explaining other

5819evidence, but it shall not be sufficient in itself to support a

5831finding unless it would be admissible over objection in civil

5841actions."); and Castaneda v. Redlands Christian Migrant

5849Association , 884 So. 2d 1087, 1091 (Fla. 4th DCA 2004)("[T]he

5860statements of the Redlands employees are admissions within the

5869meaning of section 90.803(18)(d) as the statements concerned

5877matters regarding this specific accident arising from their

5885employment and were made while the deponents were still

5894employees of Redlands.").

58983 The Department may impose a fine or place an agent on

5910probation "in lieu of" suspension or revocation of the agent's

5920license "except on a second offense or when . . . suspension

5932[or] revocation . . . is mandatory." §§ 626.681 and 626.691,

5943Fla. Stat.

59454 This prohibition extends to all persons not holding a current

5956license, including those, like Mr. Jones, whose license has been

5966suspended or revoked by the Department. See also § 626.641(4),

5976Fla. Stat. ("During the period of suspension or revocation of

5987the license or appointment, the former licensee or appointee

5996shall not engage in or attempt or profess to engage in any

6008transaction or business for which a license or appointment is

6018required under this code or directly or indirectly own, control,

6028or be employed in any manner by any insurance agent or agency or

6041adjuster or adjusting firm.").

60465 Subsection (1) of Section 626.0428, Florida Statutes, provides

6055as follows:

6057An individual employed by an agent or agency

6065on salary who devotes full time to clerical

6073work, with incidental taking of insurance

6079applications or quoting or receiving

6084premiums on incoming inquiries in the office

6091of the agent or agency, is not deemed to be

6101an agent or customer representative if his

6108or her compensation does not include in

6115whole or in part any commissions on such

6123business and is not related to the

6130production of applications, insurance, or


61366 In her deposition testimony (the transcript of which was

6146offered into evidence by the Department and received as

6155Petitioner's Exhibit 14), Respondent claimed that the Department

6163had entered into an agreement allowing Ms. Terrell, Mr. Jones,

6173and Ms. Smith to "work as customer service reps,"

6182notwithstanding that they were not licensed by the Department to

6192do so. This testimony, which was not corroborated by any

6202evidence adduced at hearing, has been rejected as incredible and

6212unworthy of belief.

62157 See Kozerowitz v. Florida Real Estate Commission , 289 So. 2d

6226391, 392 (Fla. 1974)("In Vining , we explained that Kozerowitz

6236was based upon the premise that the self-incrimination clause of

6246the Fifth Amendment extended only to proceedings criminal in

6255nature. Our Vining opinion, however, concluded that the

6263proscription against self-incrimination also applies to any

6270administrative proceeding of a 'penal' character. We held that

6279a revocation or suspension hearing before the Florida Real

6288Estate Commission is a proceeding of this nature, and we

6298specifically held that Florida Statutes, Section 475.30(1),

6305F.S.A., was unconstitutional to the extent that it required a

6315defendant in a discipline proceeding before the Real Estate

6324Commission to respond to the charges against him."); State ex

6335rel. Vining v. Florida Real Estate Commission , 281 So. 2d 487,

6346491 (Fla. 1973)("[I]t is our view that the right to remain

6358silent applies not only to the traditional criminal case, but

6368also to proceedings 'penal' in nature in that they tend to

6379degrade the individual's professional standing, professional

6385reputation or livelihood."); Best Pool and Spa Service Co., Inc.

6396v. Romanik , 622 So. 2d 65, 66 (Fla. 4th DCA 1993)("We agree that

6410requiring Kassover to answer these questions does violate his

6419right against self-incrimination which applies not only to

6427criminal matters but also administrative proceedings such as

6435licensing."); and McDonald v. Department of Professional

6443Regulation, Board of Pilot Commissioners , 582 So. 2d 660, 663

6453n.2 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991)("Because license revocation or

6462suspension proceedings are penal in nature, the fifth amendment

6471right to remain silent applies.").


6480David J. Busch, Esquire

6484Department of Financial Services

6488Division of Legal Services

6492612 Larson Building

6495200 East Gaines Street

6499Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333

6502James O. Walker, III, Esquire

65071339 Northeast Fourth Avenue

6511Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304

6515Honorable Alex Sink

6518Chief Financial Officer

6521Department of Financial Services

6525The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

6530Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300

6533Daniel Sumner, General Counsel

6537Department of Financial Services

6541The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

6546Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0307


6555All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

656515 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

6576to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

6587will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 04/09/2008
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 04/07/2008
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/07/2008
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/07/2008
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 26, 2007). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/07/2008
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/21/2007
Proceedings: (Petitioner`s) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/09/2007
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 10/26/2007
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/24/2007
Proceedings: Deposition of Monica L. Jones filed.
Date: 10/24/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Deposition filed.
Date: 10/22/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Supplemental Filing to Petitioner`s Exhibit 3 filed.
Date: 10/19/2007
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Dismiss and/or to Strike.
Date: 10/11/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Exhibits (exhibits not available) filed.
Date: 10/11/2007
Proceedings: Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 10/11/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner`s Exhibits filed.
Date: 10/05/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Exhibits filed.
Date: 10/05/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Taking Deposition of Respondent filed.
Date: 09/11/2007
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 09/11/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for October 26, 2007; 9:00 a.m.; Lauderdale Lakes and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 09/07/2007
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 08/30/2007
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 08/29/2007
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 08/29/2007
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss and/or to Strike filed.
Date: 08/29/2007
Proceedings: Election of Proceeding filed.
Date: 08/29/2007
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lauderdale Lakes, Florida


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