08-000227 William Sam Walthour vs. Department Of Financial Services, Division Of State Fire Marshal
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, May 20, 2008.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner was properly awarded no points for parts of Retention Examination where he did not complete skills or steps within the alloted time.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 08-0227






35Respondent. )



40Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held on March 7, 2008, by

52video teleconference at sites in Tallahassee and Orlando,

60Florida, before Carolyn S. Holifield, Administrative Law Judge

68with the Division of Administrative Hearings.


75For Petitioner: William "Sam" Walthour, pro se

824055 Salmon Drive

85Orlando, Florida 32835

88For Respondent: Reg ina Keenan, Esquire

94Department of Financial Services

98200 East Gaines Street

102Tallah assee, Florida 32399


110The issues are: (1) whether Respondent properly scored

118Petitioner's retake of the Practical Examination for Firefighter

126Retention; and (2) whether Petitioner's application for

133firefighter recertification was properly denied.


140On or about September 26, 2007, Respondent, Department of

149Financial Services, Division of State Fire Marshal ("Division"),

159notified Petitioner, William "Sam" Walthour ("Petitioner"), that

168he did not pass the Practical Examination for Firefighter

177Retention ("Retention Examination") re-test. The notice also

186advised Petitioner that because he did not pass the Retention

196Examination re-test, his Firefighter Certificate of Compliance

203No. 3381 expired on September 13, 2007.

210Petitioner challenged the scoring on certain parts of the

219Retention Examination re-test and requested a formal

226administrative hearing. The Division referred the matter to the

235Division of Administrative Hearings on January 11, 2008, for

244assignment of an Administrative Law Judge to conduct the


254At hearing, Petitioner testified on his own behalf.

262Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 4 were received into evidence.

271The Division presented the testimony of Charles Brush and Philip

281Dean Oxendine. The Division's Exhibits A through D were

290received into evidence.

293At the request of the Division, the undersigned took

302official recognition of: (1) Sections 633.01, 633.30, 633.35,

310and 633.352, Florida Statutes 1/ ; (2) Florida Administrative Code

319Rules 69A-37.0527, 69A-37.055, 69A-37.056, and 69A-37.062; and

326(3) Sections 3-1.1, 3-1.1.2, 3-3.1, A-1-4 and A3-3.1 of the

336National Fire Protection Association ("NFPA") Standard 1001,

"345Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications", 1997 edition,

351adopted by reference in Florida Administrative Rule


359The hearing Transcript was filed on March 21, 2008.

368Petitioner filed his Proposed Recommended Order and revision

376thereto on March 26 and 28, 2008, respectively. The Division

386filed its Proposed Recommended Order on March 28, 2008. The

396parties' Proposed Recommended Orders have been considered in

404preparation of this Recommended Order.


4121. Petitioner has worked in the fire service for almost

42228 years. During that time, Petitioner served as the assistant

432fire marshal and the fire marshal for the City of Orlando.

443After Petitioner retired from the City of Orlando, he served as

454fire chief, building official, and code enforcer officer of

463Eatonville, Florida.

4652. After more than a three-year time period of not working

476as a firefighter or in the fire service field, Petitioner

486accepted a job as fire marshal in Hillsborough County, Florida.

496Although there is no legal requirement that a fire marshal be

507certified as a firefighter, a condition of Petitioner's

515employment with Hillsborough County was that he be recertified

524as a firefighter.

5273. In Florida, a firefighter retains his firefighter

535certification if he remains an active firefighter with an

544organized fire department. However, a firefighter who has not

553been active for a period of three years must successfully

563complete the Retention Examination in order to retain his


5734. The Retention Examination is the practical portion of

582the examination given to new applicants.

5885. Because Petitioner has not been an active firefighter

597for the past three years, in order to be recertified as a

609firefighter, he was required to successfully complete the

617Retention Examination.

6196. The Retention Examination consists of the following

627four parts: Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus ("SCBA"), Hose

636Operations, Ladder Operations, and Fireground Skills. To pass

644the Retention Examination, a candidate must achieve a score of

654at least 70 percent on each part.

6617. Petitioner applied for and took the Retention

669Examination that was given on May 16, 2007. He successfully

679completed the Fireground Skills part, but did not earn a passing

690score on the SCBA, the Hose Operations, and the Ladder

700Operations parts. 2/

7038. Petitioner applied for and took the September 13, 2007,

713Retention Examination re-test. During this re-test, Petitioner

720took only the SCBA, the Hose Operations, and the Ladder

730Operations parts, the ones that he had not successfully

739completed in May 2007.

7439. Petitioner passed the Hose Operations part of the

752Retention Examination re-test, but did not successfully complete

760the SCBA and the Ladder Operations parts, because he did not

771complete those components within the maximum allotted time.

77910. Each part of the Retention Examination has certain

788elements or skills that are graded. The SCBA and the Ladder

799Operations parts of the Retention Examination are each comprised

808of eleven skills or steps that the examinee must complete within

819the specified time. Ten of the 11 skills or steps for each part

832of the Retention Examination are assigned a point value of ten. 3/

844The other skill (the 11th skill or step) under each part is

856designated as a "mandatory step" for which the examinee is

866awarded a score of either "pass" or "fail". 4/

87611. Under the scoring system described in paragraph 10, an

886examinee receives ten points for each of the ten skills he

897successfully completes and a passing score for the one skill

907designated as mandatory.

91012. The SCBA and Ladder Operations parts of the Retention

920Examination have an established maximum time allotted for the

929examinee to complete a minimum of 70 percent of the skills. The

941time requirements are a mandatory criterion/requirement.

94713. In order to successfully complete the Retention

955Examination, an individual must not only complete a minimum of

96570 percent of the ten skills or steps for each part, but he must

979also successfully complete the two mandatory criteria for that


98914. If an examinee completes a minimum of 70 percent of

1000the skills in a particular part, but fails to do so within the

1013maximum allotted time specified for that part, he has not met

1024the mandatory time requirement and, thus, is not awarded any

1034points for that part.

103815. The Division established the minimum time requirements

1046for completing the various parts of the practical examination

1055for firefighters after consulting the NFPA standards and

1063soliciting input from fire departments, fire chiefs, and other

1072individuals in firefighter profession.

107616. Among the factors that were considered in establishing

1085the minimum time frames were the nature of fires (i.e., how

1096quickly they spread) and the need for firefighters to perform

1106their job duties both safely and quickly.

111317. The Division uses these time requirements in testing

1122the 3,500 to 3,800 firefighters a year that go through the

1135testing process.

113718. On the September 13, 2007, re-test, Petitioner

1145exceeded the maximum time allotted for the SCBA and the Ladder

1156Operations parts.

115819. The maximum time allotted for completion of the SCBA

1168part of the Retention Examination is one minute and 45 seconds.

1179Petitioner's completion time on the September 2007 Retention

1187Examination re-test was three minutes and ten seconds.

119520. The maximum time allotted on the Ladder Operations

1204part of the Retention Examination is two minutes and 45 seconds.

1215Petitioner's completion time on the September 2007 Retention

1223Examination re-test was three minutes and ten seconds.

123121. Because Petitioner failed to complete a minimum of

124070 percent of the skills in the SCBA and the Ladder Operations

1252parts of the Retention Examination within the maximum time

1261allotted, the Bureau properly awarded him no points. Therefore,

1270Petitioner did not earn a passing score on the Retention

1280Examination re-test.

128222. As a result of Petitioner's failing to pass the

1292Retention Examination, his Firefighter Certificate of Compliance

1299No. 3381 expired as of September 13, 2007.

130723. The Division's Bureau of Fire Standards and Training

1316("Bureau of Standards") employs field representatives to

1325administer the Retention Examination to examinees in accordance

1333with the applicable rules and procedures.

133924. Philip D. Oxendine is and has been a field

1349representative with the Bureau of Standards for four years. As

1359a field representative, Mr. Oxendine administers and scores the

1368minimum standards examination for firefighters, including the

1375Retention Examination.

137725. Prior to being employed as a field representative,

1386Petitioner worked as a firefighter for 27 years, having retired

1396as a lieutenant. He also has ten years of experience as an

1408instructor in the fire science division of the then South

1418Technical Institution in Palm Beach County, Florida.

142526. Mr. Oxendine administered and scored the three parts

1434of the Retention Examination re-test that Petitioner took on

1443September 13, 2007, in accordance with the Division's


145227. All examinees at the September 17, 2007, Retention

1461Examination re-test location, were assigned a number. In an

1470effort to avoid bias, throughout the testing process, examinees'

1479assigned numbers were used instead of their names.

148728. On the day of the Retention Examination re-test,

1496Petitioner was assigned a number by which he was identified.

1506When Mr. Oxendine administered and scored Petitioner's re-test,

1514he did not know Petitioner's name or anything about him.

152429. Prior to Petitioner's starting the Retention

1531Examination re-test, Mr. Oxendine took Petitioner and other

1539examinees to each station and told them what they had to do at

1552that station. Mr. Oxendine also told the examinees, including

1561Petitioner, how each part of the Retention Examination would be

1571graded. 5/

157330. Mr. Oxendine's usual practice is to instruct examinees

1582to touch the apparatus when they are ready for time to begin on

1595a particular part of the examination. He also gives specific

1605instructions to the examinees regarding how they should indicate

1614that they have completed each part. Once an examinee touches

1624the apparatus and says he is ready to begin, Mr. Oxendine starts

1636the stop watch. Mr. Oxendine instructed the examinees to

1645indicate that they had completed the SCBA part by standing up

1656and clapping their hands. The examinees were told that the

1666Ladder Operations part was considered completed when they were

1675behind the ladder and holding it and when they announced that

1686the ladder was ready to be climbed.

169331. Mr. Oxendine used the procedures described in

1701paragraph 30 in timing Petitioner on the three parts of the

1712Retention Examination re-test.

171532. Mr. Oxendine timed Petitioner's performance on each

1723part of the Retention Examination re-test using a stop watch.

1733This is the method that Mr. Oxendine was trained to use when

1745timing the examinees' performances on the practical portion of

1754the examination.

175633. An individual is allowed to re-take the Retention

1765Examination one time. If the person does not pass the re-test,

1776he must repeat the Firefighter Minimum Recruit Training Program

1785before he is eligible to re-take the Retention Examination.

1794See § 633.352, Fla. Stat., and Fla. Admin. Code R. 69A-37.0527.

180534. As noted above, Petitioner did not pass the SCBA and

1816the Ladder Operations parts of the Retention Examination re-

1825test. Therefore, before he is eligible to re-take that

1834examination, he must repeat the Firefighter Minimum Recruit

1842Training Program.

184435. Petitioner failed to establish that he was entitled to

1854a passing grade for his performance on the Retention Examination


186536. The greater weight of the credible evidence

1873established that Petitioner's performance on the Retention

1880Examination re-test was appropriately and fairly graded.


189037. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1897jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this

1906proceeding pursuant to Section 120.569 and Subsection 120.57(1),

1914Florida Statutes.

191638. The Department has jurisdiction over firefighter

1923training and certification in the State of Florida pursuant to

1933Chapter 633, Florida Statutes.

193739. Subsection 633.35(2), Florida Statutes, authorizes the

1944Division to establish firefighting training and to issue

1952certificates of compliance to individuals who meet the

1960prescribed eligibility requirements and provides in relevant


1968(2) The [D]ivision shall issue a certificate

1975of compliance to any person . . . who has

1985successfully passed an examination as

1990prescribed by the division.

199440. Section 633.352, Florida Statutes, which establishes

2001the process by which a certified firefighter who has not worked

2012as a firefighter for a three-year period may retain his or her

2024certification, provides in pertinent part:

2029Any certified firefighter who has not been

2036active as a firefighter, or as a volunteer

2044firefighter with an organized fire

2049department, for a period of 3 years shall be

2058required to retake the practical portion of

2065the minimum standards state examination

2070specified in rule 4A-37.056(6)(b), Florida

2075Administrative Code, [6/] in order to maintain

2082her or his certification as a firefighter

2089. . . The 3-year period begins on the date

2099the certificate of compliance is issued or

2106upon termination of service with an

2112organized fire department.

211541. Pursuant to its rulemaking authority, the Division is

2124authorized to promulgate rules for firefighter training,

2131certification, and re-certification. See § 633.45(2)(a), Fla.


213942. Florida Administrative Code Rule 69A-37.0527 provides

2146in part:

2148(1) The re-take of the state

2154certification examination for retention of

2159certificate shall be know as the retention

2166examination and is referenced in Section

2172633.352, F.S. . . .

2177* * *

2180(6) Any individual who does not obtain a

2188passing score of 70% or more on the

2196retention examination will be permitted one

2202re-take examination. [7/] The retake must

2208occur within 6 months of the original


2216(7) Failure of the re-take examination

2222will result in the individual's having to

2229successfully complete Firefighter I and II

2235training as defined in Rule 69A-37.055,

2241F.A.C., before any additional testing can


224843. The general procedures for administering the State

2256Firefighter Certification Examination set forth in Florida

2263Administrative Code Rule 69A-37.062 provide that the individual

2271practical examinations are timed. That section provides in

2279relevant part:

2281(5) General Procedures

2284* * *

2287(c) 1. The individual practical examinations

2293are timed separately but the participant

2299shall be prepared to begin upon reporting

2306for each segment.

23092. If a participant delays, the examiner

2316shall inform the participant that the time

2323will begin. (Emphasis supplied.)

232744. Florida Administrative Code Rule 69A-37.056 provides

2334in pertinent part:

2337(6) All tests, both written and

2343practical, given during training shall

2348require maintenance of a percentage score of

2355not less than 70% on each subject listed in

2364the prescribed Firefighter I and

2369Firefighter II courses. If a minimum score

2376of 70% is not achieved on any test, the

2385student shall be afforded a one-time make up

2393examination to achieve the required 70%.

2399Tests used shall be designed to encompass

2406all the significant contents of the subjects

2413being taught.

2415(a) In order to sit for the state

2423examination, the information required by

2428Sections 633.34 and 633.35, F.S., must be

2435furnished to the Bureau of Fire Standards

2442and Training.

2444(b) State examinations, consisting of a

2450written and a practical part, shall be

2457administered by a Field Representative of

2463the Bureau of Fire Standards and Training

2470and shall encompass all components of the

2477Firefighter I course for Firefighter I

2483testing and all components of both

2489Firefighter I and Firefighter II courses for

2496State Certification as a Firefighter. The

250270% score requirements for both written and

2509practical examinations shall prevail in this

2515testing environment as well.

2519* * *

2522(d) Only one retake of the state

2529examination is permitted. Retakes of the

2535practical portion of the examination will be

2542offered only at the Florida State Fire

2549College during the months of February, May,

2556September, and November. Retakes of the

2562written portion of the examination will be

2569offered at the Regional Testing Sites in

2576February, May, September, November and

2581monthly at the Florida State Fire College.

2588Students must be pre-registered at least 10

2595business days prior to the date of the


2604(e) The retake of the Firefighter II

2611Certification Examination must be taken

2616within 6 months of the initial examination


2624(f) Failing the retake of the Firefighter

2631II Certification Examination within the

2636prescribed 6 month time period will result

2643in the individual having to repeat the

2650Firefighter II Course.

265345. As an applicant for re-certification, Petitioner has

2661the burden of proving entitlement to the recertification he

2670seeks. Florida Department of Transportation v. J.W.C. Co.,

2678Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981).

268746. To prevail, Petitioner must show by a preponderance of

2697evidence that the Retention Examination and/or re-test was

2705faulty or that the grading process was devoid of logic. Harac

2716v. Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Architecture ,

2724484 So. 2d 1333, 1338 (Fla. 3d DCA 1986); State ex rel. Glaser

2737v. Pepper , 155 So. 2d 383 (Fla. 1st DCA 1963); State ex rel.

2750Topp v. Board of Electrical Examiners for Jacksonville Beach ,

2759101 So. 2d 583 (Fla. 1st DCA 1958).

276747. Petitioner failed to satisfy his burden.

277448. Petitioner argues that the scoring method used by the

2784Division violates provisions that establish a minimum of

279270 percent as a passing score on the Retention Examination

2802re-test. Petitioner contends that he should have been awarded

2811credit for the SCBA and Ladder Operations parts of the Retention

2822Examination re-test, even though he failed to complete those

2831activities within the prescribed maximum allotted time. Next,

2839Petitioner challenges the field's representative's use of a stop

2848watch during Petitioner's re-test, indicating that this was not

2857the most accurate method to time his performance. Finally,

2866Petitioner asserts that the scoring of his re-test was adversely

2876affected by bias.

287949. Petitioner failed to establish that the mandatory time

2888requirement for completing a minimum of 70 percent of the skills

2899in the SCBA and the Ladder Operations parts of the Retention

2910Examination re-test was devoid of logic and reason.

291850. Petitioner failed to establish that either the

2926stopwatch, or the field representative's use thereof, was in any

2936way faulty or resulted in an incorrect completion time being

2946recorded for Petitioner.

294951. Petitioner failed to establish that the scoring of his

2959test was based on any bias.

296552. The undisputed evidence established that in order to

2974pass the Retention Examination re-test, Petitioner was required

2982to earn a minimum score of 70 percent on the SCBA and the Ladder

2996Operations parts. The evidence also established that to receive

3005credit for the skills in each part, examinees must complete the

3016skills within the prescribed maximum time allotted.

302353. It is undisputed that Petitioner did not complete a

3033minimum of 70 percent of the skills in the SCBA and the Ladder

3046Operations parts within the maximum time allotted. Therefore,

3054he was properly awarded no credit for those parts.

306354. Petitioner failed to establish a legal basis that he

3073was entitled to a passing grade for his performance on the SCBA

3085and Ladder Operations parts of the Retention Examination re-



3096Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3106Law, it is

3109RECOMMENDED that the Department enter a final order denying

3118Petitioner's application to retain his certification as a

3126firefighter in the State of Florida.

3132DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of May, 2008, in

3142Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3150Administrative Law Judge

3153Division of Administrative Hearings

3157The DeSoto Building

31601230 Apalachee Parkway

3163Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

3166(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

3170Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


3175Filed with the Clerk of the

3181Division of Administrative Hearings

3185this 20th day of May, 2008.


31921/ All references are to 2007 Florida Statutes, unless otherwise


32032/ Petitioner attributed his lack of success on three of the

3214four parts to the almost 100-degree temperature the day he first

3225took the Retention Examination.

32293/ The ten performance skills that must be demonstrated in the

3240Ladder Operations part of the Retention Examination included

3248properly lifting and carrying a ladder for 50 feet and

3258positioning it for raise; checking for overhead obstructions;

3266properly lifting the ladder to a vertical position; maintaining

3275extremities in a safe position during entire operation; and

3284having the ladder properly heeled upon completion of the task.

3294Performance skills which must be demonstrated in the SCBA part

3304of the examination include fully opening cylinder valve and

3313confirming alarm activation; checking cylinder gauge and

3320announcing reading; positioning SCBA on back and tightening all

3329straps; donning and securing face piece properly; and completing

3338seal check and exhalation check.

33434/ The "mandatory" skill for the Ladder Operations part is that

3354examinees must maintain control of ladder during entire

3362operation. The "mandatory" skill for the SCBA part requires

3371that examinees wear and activate the Personal Alert Safety

3380System, or PASS, device and breathe from the regulator.

33895/ Petitioner was aware of the grading criteria, including the

3399time requirements, prior to the re-test because, in preparing

3408for the re-test, he had used a "practice" score sheet from

3419Hillsborough Community College that included the parts of the

3428examination, the skills under that part, and the maximum

3437allotted time for each part.

34426/ This rule is now Florida Administrative Code Rule 69A-37.056.

34527/ Florida Administrative Code Rule 69A-37.056(6) also provides

3460that a minimum score of 70 percent be obtained to pass both the

3473written and practical parts of the state examination.


3484William "Sam" Walthour

34874055 Salmon Drive

3490Orlando, Florida 32835

3493Regina Keenan, Esquire

3496Department of Financial Services

3500200 East Gaines Street

3504Tallahassee, Florida 32399

3507Honorable Alex Sink

3510Chief Financial Officer

3513Department of Financial Services

3517The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

3522Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300

3525Daniel Sumner, General Counsel

3529Department of Financial Services

3533The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

3538Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300


3547All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

355715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3568to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3579will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/01/2008
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/01/2008
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 05/20/2008
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/20/2008
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 05/20/2008
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 7, 2008). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/28/2008
Proceedings: Department`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/28/2008
Proceedings: Revision of Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/26/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/21/2008
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 03/07/2008
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/05/2008
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 7, 2008; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to room location for Tallahassee and Orlando sites).
Date: 02/29/2008
Proceedings: Department`s Notice of Receipt of Petitioner`s Answers to Interrogatories and Petitioner`s Response to Production filed.
Date: 02/29/2008
Proceedings: Department`s Motion for Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 02/29/2008
Proceedings: Department`s Witness and Exhibit List (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 02/06/2008
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/06/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 7, 2008; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/29/2008
Proceedings: Department`s Notice of Serving it`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 01/29/2008
Proceedings: Department`s First Request for Production filed.
Date: 01/15/2008
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/14/2008
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 01/11/2008
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 01/11/2008
Proceedings: Results of Examination filed.
Date: 01/11/2008
Proceedings: Affidavit of Dave Casey filed.
Date: 01/11/2008
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida


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