08-001468 Lamar Outdoor Advertising-Lakeland vs. Department Of Transportation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, October 7, 2008.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to prove that the purpose of the underlying statute could be achieved by other means or denial of the variance would create a substantial hardship. The variance is denied.






15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) Case No. 08-1468




29Respondent. )



34Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held on July 23,

452008, before Daniel M. Kilbride, Administrative Law Judge of the

55Division of Administrative Hearings, pursuant to the

62administrative appeal of an Order Denying Petition for Variance

71or Waiver under Subsection 120.542(2), Florida Statutes (2007)

79in Tallahassee, Florida. 1


84For Petitioner: Cynthia S. Tunnicliff, Esquire

90Gerald S. Livingston, Esquire

94Pennington, Moore, Wilkinson,

97Bell & Dunbar, P.A.

101215 S. Monroe Street, 2nd Floor

107Tallahassee, Florida 32302

110For Respondent: Susan Schwartz, Esquire

115Department of Transportation

118Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

124605 Suwannee Street

127Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450


134Whether Respondent properly denied Lamar Outdoor

140Advertising's Petition for Waiver or Variance from Florida

148Administrative Code Rule 14-10.007(2)(b).


154On November 28, 2007, Petitioner, Lamar Outdoor

161Advertising - Lakeland, submitted a Petition for Variance from

170Florida Administrative Code Rule 14-10.007(2)(b), to the

177Department of Transportation (FDOT) (Respondent), seeking a

184variance to allow the raising of the height above ground level

195for four non-conforming signs in Polk County, Florida. On

204February 25, 2008, Respondent entered an Order Denying Petition

213for Waiver or Variance. On March 13, 2008, Petitioner submitted

223a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing on the Variance

232Denial to Respondent, which was then referred to the Division of

243Administrative Hearings (DOAH) on March 24, 2008.

250On March 20, 2008, Petitioner filed a Petition to Determine

260the Invalidity of an Existing Rule with DOAH challenging Florida

270Administrative Code Rule 14-10.007(2)(b). On April 1, 2008, the

279challenges to an existing rule in DOAH Case No. 08-1408RX and

290the Challenge to the Variance Denial in DOAH Case No. 08-1468

301were consolidated for hearing. The parties waived the 30-day

310hearing requirement in Subsection 120.56(1)(b), Florida

316Statutes, and a hearing was scheduled for June 17, 2008. The

327matter was continued upon request of Petitioner, in order to

337complete additional discovery. The hearing was convened on

345July 23, 2008.

348Prior to hearing, the parties filed a Joint Stipulated

357Pre-Hearing Report. Petitioner requested official recognition

363of various provisions of the statutes and laws from Utah and

374Nevada, 23 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 750.707, and the

384preceding Florida Administrative Code Rule 14-10.007 from 1990.

392Without objection recognition was granted. At hearing, the

400parties submitted Joint Exhibits 1 through 11, including the

409deposition of John Garner, which were admitted into evidence.

418No live testimony was presented at hearing.

425The Transcript was filed on August 6, 2008. By agreement

435of the parties, proposed orders were timely filed by

444August 26, 2008. The parties' proposals have been carefully

453considered in the preparation of this order.


4631. Respondent is the State agency responsible for

471regulating outdoor advertising signs located within 660 feet of

480the State Highway system, interstate, or federal-aid primary

488system in accordance with Chapter 479, Florida Statutes.

4962. Petitioner owns and operates outdoor advertising signs

504in the State of Florida. In December 2004, Petitioner purchased

514four outdoor advertising signs adjacent to Interstate 4 in Polk

524County, Florida. The signs are located on lots zoned for

534residential use. In accordance with Section 479.111, Florida

542Statutes, signs adjacent to interstate highways and federal-aid

550primary roads are only authorized in commercial, industrial

558zoned or un-zoned areas. These signs are, therefore, not in

568conformance with Section 479.111, Florida Statutes, and are non-

577conforming signs.

5793. When initially permitted, the height from the ground to

589the bottom of the sign (referred to as "Height Above Ground

600Level" or "HAGL") for each of Petitioner's four signs was ten

612feet or less. The overall height of the signs from the ground

624to the top of the sign ranged from 34 to 37 feet.

6364. Respondent erected a sound attenuation barrier

643(soundwall) along Interstate 4 in Polk County, Florida. As a

653result, the signs were blocked from view by passing motorists.

6635. In August 2006, without seeking the permission of

672Respondent, Petitioner raised the HAGL of the four signs to a

683height of 18 to 23 feet above ground level to allow the signs to

697remain visible over the soundwall.

7026. In September 2007, Respondent issued Notices of Intent

711to Revoke Petitioner's permits for violations of Florida

719Administrative Code Rule 14-10.007(2).

7237. Previously, in 1972, an agreement was entered into

732between the State of Florida and the United States Department of

743Transportation to implement and carry out the Highway

751Beautification Act (HBA) by controlling outdoor advertising

758signs located along interstates and federal-aid primary


7668. One of the purposes stated in the 1972 Agreement, was

777to allow Florida "to remain eligible to receive the full amount

788of all Federal-aid highway funds." In accordance with the

797Agreement, a determination that Florida failed to maintain

805effective control of outdoor advertising could result in a 10

815percent reduction in federal highway funds.

8219. Florida Administrative Code Rule 14-10.007 was

828primarily drawn from the federal regulation language in

83623 CFR 750.707, in effect since 1973, which provides as to non-

848conforming signs:

850(5) The sign must remain substantially the

857same as it was on the effective date of the

867State law or regulations. Reasonable repair

873and maintenance of the sign, including a

880change of advertising message, is not a

887change which would terminate non-conforming

892rights. Each State shall develop its own

899criteria to determine when customary

904maintenance ceases and a substantial change

910has occurred which would terminate non-

916conforming rights.

91810. In November 2007, after receiving the Notices of

927Intent to Revoke Permits, Petitioner filed a Petition for

936Variance from Respondent to authorize the raising of these four

946signs blocked by a noise attenuation barrier.

95311. Thereafter, Respondent notified the Division

959Administrator for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) that

967a request for a variance had been received from Petitioner. By

978letter dated January 7, 2008, FHWA was asked (1) if it had

990developed any minimum criteria as to when a substantial change

1000had occurred to a non-conforming sign as prohibited by federal

1010regulations and (2) if no minimum criteria were established,

1019whether a variance from an existing rule could be granted to

1030allow a non-conforming sign to be increased in height as

1040minimally necessary to be seen over a noise attenuation barrier.

105012. By letter dated February 5, 2008, FHWA responded that

1060(1) "a minimum Federal criteria has not been established," and

1070(2) "an increase in height is considered an expansion or

1080improvement, which is not allowed for non-conforming signs."

1088The letter concluded:

1091To summarize, the HBA and its implementing

1098regulations do not permit the adjustment of

1105a non-conforming sign where action by the

1112State transportation agency obstructs the

1117visibility of the sign from the highway. As

1125such, the FHWA would expect FDOT to deny the

1134request for a variance from the provisions

1141of Florida Administrative Code Rule 14-


114813. FHWA's February 2008, correspondence was not its first

1157attempt to address modifications to non-conforming signs. By

1165letter dated June 15, 2000, FHWA informed the Florida Department

1175of Transportation that non-conforming signs were not permitted

1183to be raised to be seen over a noise wall, stating:

1194Federal regulations require that non-

1199conforming signs must remain substantially

1204the same as they are on the effective date

1213of the State law or regulations enacted to

1221control them. FDOT is required to develop

1228its own criteria to determine when customary

1235maintenance ceases and a substantial change

1241has occurred which would terminate non-

1247conforming rights. In this instance, we

1253believe raising the sign above the wall

1260would constitute a substantial change and

1266appreciate that FDOT has come to the same


127514. In September 2000, Respondent asked FHWA if non-

1284conforming signs could be reduced in size or height when

1294required by local ordinance. FHWA agreed to allow a reduction

1304in height for non-conforming signs, if required by local

1313ordinaces. Later in 2000, FHWA also authorized the addition of

1323catwalks or other fall-protection devices to non-conforming

1330signs provided such addition does not increase the structural

1339integrity of the sign or prolong the life of the sign.

1350Respondent's rules were amended accordingly to allow non-

1358conforming signs to be reduced in size when required by a local

1370ordinance and catwalks and other fall-protection devices to be

1379added provided they did not increase the signs' structural

138815. In December 2003, Respondent sought FHWA concurrence

1396on amending Rule 14-10.007 to allow sign owners to submit a

1407request to raise a non-conforming sign when a noise attenuation

1417barrier screens or blocks the sign. The text of the proposed

1428rule provided that any requests approved by Respondent would be

1438forwarded to FHWA for final acceptance.

144416. In March 2005, FHWA responded through a memorandum

1453providing: "Guidance on Adjustment of Non-Conforming Outdoor

1460Advertising Signs." As background, the memorandum noted:

1467With the broader use of noise walls around

1475the country, the conflict between HBA

1481prohibition against substantial improvement

1485of non-conforming signs and sign owners'

1491demands to maintain sign visibility is

1497arising with increasing frequency.

1501In analysis and guidance, the memorandum stated:

1508Current FHWA regulations permit a non-

1514conforming sign to remain "at its particular

1521location for the duration of its normal life

1529subject to customary maintenance." 23 CFR

1535750.707(c). The intent of the HBA is to

1543permit a non-conforming sign to continue in

1550place until it is destroyed, abandoned, or

1557discontinued, or is removed by the State

1564(which can use 75 percent Federal funding

1571for the removal of the sign). A non-

1579conforming sign must "remain substantially

1584the same as it was on the effective date of

1594the State law or regulations" adopted to

1601implement the HBA. 23 CFR 750.707(d)(5). A

1608height increase is an expansion and

1614improvement of a sign. In addition,

1620increasing sign height to clear a noise wall

1628typically will require new structural

1633measures, such as a monopole design, that

1640would be inconsistent with the concept of

1647limiting non-conforming signs to the

1652duration of their normal lives.

165717. The memorandum concluded with the admonition: "If a

1666State fails to comply with the non-conforming sign provisions of

1676the HBA, it will become necessary to evaluate whether the State

1687is maintaining effective control."

169118. On February 25, 2008, Respondent entered an Order

1700Denying Petitioner's Petition for Variance or Waiver, noting:

"1708FHWA has consistently advised Respondent that any increase in

1717height of a non-conforming sign would be a substantial change

1727under the federal regulation." As the underlying purpose of the

1737laws implementing Rule 14-10.007, was to implement and enforce

1746the federal-state Agreement, the HBA of 1965, and federal

1755regulations, Respondent concluded that "Petitioner has not

1762offered any contrary basis for Respondent to conclude that the

1772purpose of the laws underlying the rule can be achieved with a

1784variance." The Order Denying the Petition for Variance or

1793Waiver went on to state that Petitioner has not established a

1804substantial hardship as the affected signs were all over 30

1814years old and represented only four of the 900 signs owned by

1826Lamar Outdoor Advertising - Lakeland. Lastly, Respondent cited

1834to several cases for the proposition that a sign owner does not

1846have a right to be seen by passing motorists and concluded:

1857Any value Petitioner derived from having

1863signs visible from Interstate 4 was also

1870based on an artificially created condition

1876established in an exercise of the state's

1883police power for the benefit of the

1890traveling public. Principles of fairness do

1896not compel Respondent to waive its rules and

1904risk the loss of federal funds so that

1912Petitioner can continue receiving the same

1918state-sponsored benefit of passing motorists

1923that the signs enjoyed before the soundwall

1930was erected. Petitioner is subject to and

1937affected by the rule in the same manner as

1946every other sign owner who might wish to

1954construct improvements to a non-conforming

1959sign to enhance or maintain its economic



197019. The DOAH has jurisdiction over the subject matter and

1980the parties hereto, pursuant to Sections 120.569 and Subsections

1989120.48(8) and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

199420. Section 120.542, Florida Statutes, provides in

2001pertinent part: Variances and Waivers -

2007(1) Strict application of uniformly

2012applicable rule requirements can lead to

2018unreasonable, unfair, and unintended results

2023in particular instances. The Legislature

2028finds that it is appropriate in such cases

2036to adopt a procedure for agencies to provide

2044relief to persons subject to regulation. A

2051public employee is not a person subject to

2059regulation under this section for the

2065purpose of petitioning for a variance or

2072waiver to a rule that affects that public

2080employee in his or her capacity as a public

2089employee. Agencies are authorized to grant

2095variances and waivers to requirements of

2101their rules consistent with this section and

2108with rules adopted under the authority of

2115this section. An agency may limit the

2122duration of any grant of a variance or

2130waiver or otherwise impose conditions on the

2137grant only to the extent necessary for the

2145purpose of the underlying statute to be

2152achieved. This section does not authorize

2158agencies to grant variances or waivers to

2165statutes or to rules required by the Federal

2173Government for the agency's implementation

2178or retention of any federally approved or

2185delegated program, except as allowed by the

2192program or when the variance or waiver is

2200also approved by the appropriate agency of

2207the Federal Government. This section is

2213supplemental to, and does not abrogate, the

2220variance and waiver provisions in any other


2228(2) Variances and waivers shall be granted

2235when the person subject to the rule

2242demonstrates that the purpose of the

2248underlying statute will be or has been

2255achieved by other means by the person and

2263when application of a rule would create a

2271substantial hardship or would violate

2276principles of fairness. For purposes of

2282this section, "substantial hardship" means a

2288demonstrated economic, technological, legal,

2292or other type of hardship to the person

2300requesting the variance or waiver. For

2306purposes of this section, "principles of

2312fairness" are violated when the literal

2318application of a rule affects a particular

2325person in a manner significantly different

2331from the way it affects other similarly

2338situated persons who are subject to the


2346* * *

2349(5) A person who is subject to regulation

2357by an agency rule may file a petition with

2366that agency, . . . requesting a variance or

2375waiver from the agency's rule.

2380* * *

2383(8) An agency shall grant or deny a

2391petition for variance or waiver within 90

2398days after receipt of the original petition,

2405. . . The agency's decision to grant or

2414deny the petition shall be supported by

2421competent substantial evidence and is

2426subject to ss. 120.569 and 120.57 . Any

2434proceeding pursuant to ss. 120.569 and

2440120.57 in regard to a variance or waiver

2448shall be limited to the agency action on the

2457request for the variance or waiver, except

2464that a proceeding in regard to a variance or

2473waiver may be consolidated with any other

2480proceeding authorized by this chapter.

248521. Petitions for Variance or Waiver must comply with

2494the requirements of Florida Administrative Code Rule 28-


250322. A non-conforming sign is defined in Subsection

2511479.01(14), Florida Statutes, as:

2515[A] sign which was lawfully erected but

2522which does not comply with the land use,

2530setback, size, spacing, and lighting

2535provisions of state or local law, rule,

2542regulation, or ordinance passed at a later

2549date or a sign which was lawfully erected

2557but which later fails to comply with state

2565or local law, rule, regulation, or ordinance

2572due to changed conditions.

257623. 23 CFR Subsection 750.707(b) similarly defines a non-

2585conforming sign as:

2588[A] sign which was lawfully erected but does

2596not comply with the provisions of State law

2604or State regulations passed at a later date

2612or later fails to comply with State law or

2621State regulations due to changed conditions.

262724. 23 CFR Part 750.707(d)(5), provides that a non-

2636conforming sign may undergo reasonable repair and maintenance,

2644but must "remain substantially the same as it was on the

2655effective date of the State law or regulations." Petitioner

2664argues that because 23 CFR Part 750.707(d)(5) allows each state

2674to "develop its own criteria to determine when customary

2683maintenance ceases and a substantial change had occurred which

2692would terminate non-conforming rights," the Respondent is free

2700to draft a rule that an increase in height as minimally

2711necessary to be viewed over a soundwall is "customary


272125. Florida Administrative Code Rule 14-10.007 provides in

2729pertinent part:

2731(1) A nonconforming sign must remain

2737substantially the same as it was as of the

2746date it became nonconforming.

2750(2) Reasonable repair and maintenance of

2756nonconforming signs, including change of

2761advertising message, is permitted and is not

2768a change which would terminate the

2774nonconforming status. Reasonable repair and

2779maintenance means the work necessary to keep

2786the sign structure in a state of good

2794repair, including the replacement in kind of

2801materials in the sign structure. . . . The

2810following are examples of modifications

2815which do not constitute reasonable repair

2821or maintenance, and which constitute

2826substantial changes to a nonconforming

2831sign that will result in the loss of

2839nonconforming status:

2841* * *

2844(b) Modification that changes the area of

2851the sign facing or the HAGL of the sign,


28611. Reduction in the area of the sign facing

2870or the HAGL of the sign, which reduction is

2879required by an ordinance adopted by a local

2887government entity with jurisdiction over the

2893sign, is not a change which would terminate

2901the nonconforming status of the sign,

2907provided like materials are used and no

2914enhancements are made to the visibility of

2921the sign.

292326. The implementing language for Rule 14-10.007 is found

2932in Subsection 479.02(1), Florida Statutes, which provides:

2939It shall be the duty of the department to:

2948Administer and enforce the provisions of

2954this chapter and the agreement between the

2961state and the United States Department of

2968Transportation relating to the size,

2973lighting, and spacing of signs in accordance

2980with Title 1 of the Highway Beautification

2987Act of 1965 and Title 23, Unites States

2995Code, and federal regulations in effect as

3002of the effective date of this act.

300927. Section 479.02 was initially enacted in 1941 providing

3018the duty of the department to administer and enforce the

3028chapter. The requirement to enforce the Highway Beautification

3036Act was added in December 1971. See Laws of Florida, Chapter

304771-971, Section 2. The final clause for enforcement of "federal

3057regulations in effect as of the effective date of this act" was

3069added in 1984. See Laws of Florida, Chapter 84-227, Section 3.

308028. Respondent has defined "reasonable repair and

3087maintenance" as "the work necessary to keep the sign structure

3097in a state of good repair, including the replacement in kind of

3109materials in the sign structure." Fla. Admin. Code R.

311814-10.007(2). Respondent's definition of reasonable repair and

3125maintenance is not illogical and therefore falls within its

3134grant of rulemaking authority. Board of Podiatric Medicine v.

3143Florida Medical Association , 779 So. 2d 658 (Fla. 1st DCA 2001)

3154(agency definitions of term subject to various interpretations

3162entitled to deference unless definition is without any valid


317229. Respondent's definition of maintenance is reasonable.

3179Cf. Indiana Insurance Co. v. Winston , 377 So. 2d 718, 720

3190(Fla. 4th DCA 1979) (defining "maintenance" as "the labor of

3200keeping something in a state of repair or efficiency").

3210Conversely, Petitioner's manipulation of the term "maintenance"

3217to include replacing all structural supports and nearly doubling

3226the size of a structure is without valid basis.

323530. Allowing each state to develop rules on when customary

3245maintenance ceases and a substantial change has occurred, does

3254not vest the individual states with unbridled discretion.

326223 CFR § 750.705(j) requires that the State submit all

3272regulations and enforcement procedures regarding outdoor

3278advertising control to the FHWA for approval. If FHWA

3287determines that a state is not in compliance with the HBA, it

3299can withhold 10 percent federal highway funding. Cf. South

3308Dakota v. Volpe , 353 F. Supp. 335 (S.D. S. Dak. 1973) (upholding

3320FHWA's removal of 10 percent highway funding because South

3329Dakota's liberal zoning legislation was not consistent with the


333931. Section 339.05, Florida Statutes, entitled Assent to

3347Federal Aid Given, also provides authority for Florida

3355Administrative Code Rule 14-10.007, stating, in pertinent part:

3363The department is authorized to make

3369application for the advancement of federal

3375funds and make all contracts and do all

3383things necessary to cooperate with the

3389United States Government in the construction

3395of roads under the provisions of such Acts

3403of Congress and all amendments thereto.

340932. In 2003, Respondent asked FHWA for permission to amend

3419its rule to allow non-conforming signs to be raised over

3429soundwalls. FHWA stated in unequivocal terms that increases in

3438height for non-conforming signs were not allowable under federal


344833. In Chancellor Media Whiteco Outdoor Corporation v.

3456State, Department of Transportation , 796 So. 2d 547 (Fla. 1st

3466DCA 2001), rev. denied , 821 So. 2d 293 (Fla. 2002), the court

3478affirmed an order directing the removal of non-conforming signs

3487reconstructed after being destroyed by wildfire. The court in

3496Chancellor addressed the sign owners' suggestion that other

3504states have allowed their sign regulations to vary from the

3514federal regulations, despite the threatened removal of federal

3522funds, by stating:

3525Florida has exerted considerable effort over

3531the last 30 years in complying with the

3539Highway Beautification Act in order to

3545protect its full share of federal highway

3552funds. The federal-state agreement has been

3558executed, legislation required for

3562compliance has been enacted, and

3567comprehensive state administrative rules

3571have been enacted. The legislature surely

3577did not intend to cast aside these years of

3586effort and imperil the state's share of

3593future federal highway funds simply to allow

3600erection of some non-conforming highway

3605billboards. We instead conclude, as

3610respecting highway signs, that the

3615legislative intent was to authorize erection

3621of new like-kind signs to replace

3627grandfathered signs only if erection of the

3634signs would not be contrary to the Highway

3642Beautification Act and the federal

3647regulations. Because the appellant's non-

3652conforming signs do not satisfy this

3658condition, they are not authorized.

3663Chancellor , 796 So. 2d at 549-550.

366934. In 2002, the Florida legislature enacted legislation

3677balancing the federal legislation with the rights of sign owners

3687by providing:

3689This chapter does not prevent a governmental

3696entity from entering into an agreement

3702allowing the height above ground level of a

3710lawfully erected sign to be increased at its

3718permitted location if a noise-attenuation

3723barrier, visibility screen, or other highway

3729improvement is erected in such a way as to

3738screen or block visibility of the sign.

3745However, if a nonconforming sign is located

3752on the federal-aid primary highway system,

3758as such existed on June 1, 1991, or on any

3768highway that was not part of such system as

3777of that date but that is or becomes after

3786June 1, 1991, a part of the National Highway

3795System, the agreement must be approved by

3802the Federal Highway Administration. Any

3807increase in height permitted under this

3813section may only be the increase in height

3821which is required to achieve the same degree

3829of visibility from the right-of-way which

3835the sign had prior to construction of the

3843noise-attenuation barrier, visibility

3846screen, or other highway improvement.

3851§ 479.25, Fla. Stat. (2002-2006).

385635. After the FHWA's 2005 memorandum disapproving any

3864increases in height to non-conforming signs, Section 497.25,

3872Florida Statutes was amended in 2006 to provide that only signs

3883conforming to state and federal requirements for land use, size

3893and height could be increased in height if a noise-attenuation

3903barrier is erected so as to block the sign's visibility. By

3914specifying that conforming signs may be raised, under the

3923doctrine of expression unius est excluiso alterius , the Florida

3932legislature has declined to provide authorization for the

3940raising of non-conforming signs.

394436. Petitioner had the option of allowing the signs to

3954remain at their original height. Instead, Petitioner chose to

3963violate Respondent's rules and raised the HAGL without

3971permission. Therefore, Petitioner lost the signs' right to

3979remain as non-conforming uses.

398337. Petitioner has not demonstrated that the Order Denying

3992Petition for Variance or Waiver was an abuse of agency

4002discretion. Petitioner did not demonstrate that the underlying

4010purpose of the implementing statute could be met through

4019variance, nor that the loss of these four signs would be either

4031a substantial hardship or would violate principles of fairness.

404038. Moreover, in accordance with Subsection 120.542(1),

4047Florida Statutes, FHWA concurrence was required to authorize

4055Respondent to waive the provisions of Florida Administrative

4063Code Rule 14-10.007. As FHWA explicitly refused to approve the

4073variance, Respondent properly denied Petitioner's request.


4080Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of

4090Law, it is

4093RECOMMENDED that the Department of Transportation enter a

4101final order denying Petitioner's Request for a Waiver or


4111DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of October, 2008, in

4121Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4129Administrative Law Judge

4132Division of Administrative Hearings

4136The DeSoto Building

41391230 Apalachee Parkway

4142Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

4145(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

4149Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


4154Filed with the Clerk of the

4160Division of Administrative Hearings

4164this 7th day of October, 2008.


41711/ All references to Florida Statutes are to Florida Statutes

4181(2007), unless otherwise indicated.


4188Cynthia S. Tunnicliff, Esquire

4192Pennington, Moore, Wilkinson,

4195Bell & Dunbar, P.A.

4199215 South Monroe Street, Second Floor

4205Post Office Box 10095

4209Tallahassee, Florida 32302-2095

4212James C. Myers, Clerk of Agency Proceedings

4219Department of Transportation

4222Haydon Burns Building

4225605 Suwannee Street, Mail Station 58

4231Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

4234Stephanie Kopelousos, Secretary

4237Department of Transportation

4240Haydon Burns Building

4243605 Suwannee Street, Mail Station 57

4249Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

4252Alexis M. Yarbrough, General Counsel

4257Department of Transportation

4260Haydon Burns Building

4263605 Suwannee Street, Mail Stop 58

4269Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

4272Susan Schwartz, Esquire

4275Department of Transportation

4278Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

4284605 Suwannee Street

4287Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450


4296All Parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

430615 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

4317to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

4328will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/19/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/19/2008
Proceedings: Response to Petitioner`s Exceptions filed.
Date: 12/18/2008
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/18/2008
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 10/07/2008
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/07/2008
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/07/2008
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 23, 2008). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/26/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Final Order and, in the Alternative, Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/25/2008
Proceedings: Proposed Order of Respondent, Department of Transportation filed.
Date: 08/06/2008
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 07/23/2008
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/23/2008
Proceedings: Subpoena Ad Testificandum (J. Garner) filed.
Date: 07/22/2008
Proceedings: Subpoena Ad Testificandum (J. Garner) filed.
Date: 07/18/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 07/18/2008
Proceedings: Joint Stipulated Pre-hearing Report filed.
Date: 06/04/2008
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for July 23, 2008; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/29/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 05/29/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Department`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 05/29/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Certificate of Service of Answers to Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/28/2008
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 05/27/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Supplemental Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 05/27/2008
Proceedings: Subpoena ad Testificandum (2) filed.
Date: 05/23/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Date: 05/23/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 05/22/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 05/16/2008
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Discovery Production filed.
Date: 04/29/2008
Proceedings: Department`s Notice of Serving Discovery filed.
Date: 04/11/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 04/11/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Production of Documents to Respondent filed.
Date: 04/02/2008
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/02/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 17, 2008; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 04/01/2008
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 04/01/2008
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 08-1408RX and 08-1468).
Date: 03/31/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 03/26/2008
Proceedings: Motion to Consolidate (DOAH Case Nos. 08-1408, 08-1468) filed.
Date: 03/25/2008
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/24/2008
Proceedings: Order Denying Petition for Variance or Waiver filed.
Date: 03/24/2008
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/24/2008
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


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