Department Of Health, Board Of Clinical Social Work, Marriage And Family Therapy, And Mental Health Counseling vs.
Gail Patricia Brack, Ph.D., L.M.F.T., L.M.H.C.
Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, June 17, 2009.
Recommended Order on Wednesday, June 17, 2009.
29Petitioner, )
32vs. ) Case No. 09-1044PL
47Respondent. )
52Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this case
63on April 27, 2009, in Fort Myers, Florida, before Susan B.
74Harrell, a designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division
83of Administrative Hearings.
87For Petitioner: Patrick L. Butler, Esquire
93Department of Health
964052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65
102Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265
105For Respondent: (No appearance)
113The issues in this case are whether Respondent violated
122Subsections 491.009(1)(r) and 491.009(1)(u), Florida Statutes
128(2003), 1 and, if so, what discipline should be imposed.
140On May 11, 2006, Petitioner, Department of Health
148(Department), filed a four-count Administrative Complaint before
155the Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy,
165and Mental Health Counseling (Board), alleging that Respondent
173Gail Brack, Ph.D., L.M.F.T., L.M.H.C. (Dr. Brack), violated
181Subsections 491.009(1)(r) and 491.009(1)(u), Florida Statutes,
187by failing to maintain in confidence a communication made by a
198patient or client in the context of professional services and by
209failing to meet the minimum standards of performance in
218professional activities when measured against generally
224prevailing peer performance. Dr. Brack requested an
231administrative hearing by Election of Rights, which was executed
240on April 24, 2008.
244On February 26, 2009, the Department forwarded the case to
254the Division of Administrative Hearings for assignment to an
263Administrative Law Judge to conduct the final hearing.
271On April 17, 2009, the Department filed Petitioners Notice
280of Official Recognition, requesting that official recognition be
288taken of Sections 491.009 and 491.0147, Florida Statutes. The
297request was granted by Order Taking Official Recognition dated
306April 21, 2009.
309The final hearing was scheduled to commence at 9:00 a.m. on
320April 27, 2009, and notice was provided to the parties. At
3319:00 a.m. on the hearing date, Dr. Brack failed to appear. The
343commencement of the final hearing was delayed until 9:20 a.m. in
354order to give Dr. Brack an opportunity to appear. Neither
364Dr. Brack nor any representative for Dr. Brack appeared at the
375final hearing.
377At the final hearing, the Department called J.S. and
386Elizabeth A. Harvey, Ph.D., as its witnesses. Petitioners
394Exhibits 1 through 8 were admitted in evidence.
402On April 29, 2009, the Department filed Petitioners Post
411Hearing Motion for Official Recognition, requesting that
418official recognition be taken of Florida Administrative Code
426Rule 64B4-5.001. The request was granted by Order Granting Post
436Hearing Motion for Official Recognition dated April 30, 2009.
445The Transcript of the final hearing was filed on May 18,
4562009. The Department filed its Proposed Recommended Order on
465May 28, 2009. As of the date of this Recommended Order,
476Dr. Brack has failed to file any post-hearing submittal. The
486Departments Proposed Recommended Order has been considered in
494the preparation of this Recommended Order.
5031. At all times material to this proceeding, Dr. Brack
513was licensed as a marriage and family therapist, License
522No. MT 1690, and as a mental health counselor, License
532No. MH 5526.
5352. In 2000, Dr. Brack was hired as a marriage counselor
546for J.S. and his wife M.M.S. During this time, Dr. Brack also
558served as an individual counselor for M.M.S. At times during
568the marriage counseling, J.S. met with Dr. Brack without M.M.S.
578being present. J.S. discontinued the joint marriage counseling
586in 2001. Dr. Brack continued as an individual counselor for
596M.M.S. and M.S., the son of J.S. and M.M.S.
6053. Dr. Brack continued to counsel with M.S. until 2003.
615J.S. met with Dr. Brack, M.M.S., and M.S. on September 24, 2003,
627to discuss issues involving M.S. J.S. had to leave the session
638early to take M.S. to another appointment. J.S. and M.M.S. were
649splitting the cost of counseling for M.S. When J.S. left the
660meeting, M.M.S. was still in session with Dr. Brack. J.S.
670thought that M.M.S. would pay Dr. Brack, and he would reimburse
681M.M.S. for his share. M.M.S. did not pay Dr. Brack on
692September 24, 2003.
6954. On October 1, 2003, Dr. Brack sent an e-mail to J.S.,
707requesting that he pay for the session on September 24, 2003.
718The e-mail contained many inappropriate remarks such as
726discussing her fee arrangement with another counselor and
734discussing a broken water pipe in her office and the problems
745she was having with the insurance companies about the
754responsibility for the damages. Dr. Brack made inappropriate
762statements such as, I realize that you are not working right
773now, but I know that you do have a sizeable savings account, so
786I would appreciate your bringing me this payment. She also
796bemoaned her having to pay for the water damage while the
807insurance companies argued and stated: Needless to say, it is
817not a good time for me to carry you, as well. Dr. Bracks
830diatribe was unnecessary and unprofessional. The proper course
838of conduct under the circumstances simply would be to send J.S.
849a statement for the counseling session.
8555. J.S. and M.M.S. were unable to settle their differences
865and were divorced some time prior to March 2004. M.M.S. was
876awarded primary custody of M.S. An issue arose concerning
885whether M.M.S. should be allowed to take M.S. and move out of
897Florida. Litigation ensued on that issue.
9036. Dr. Brack wrote a letter to M.M.S.s attorney, John
913Lonergan, dated March 11, 2004. In the letter, Dr. Brack
923revealed information concerning J.S. that had been communicated
931to her during the marriage counseling sessions. Such
939communications include statements made by J.S. to Dr. Brack
948during the counseling sessions, disclosure of mental health
956diagnoses for J.S., disclosure of mental health treatment for
965J.S., and disclosure of suicidal ideations by J.S.
9737. In the March 11, 2004, letter, Dr. Brack wrote that
984J.S. had been trying a myriad of psychotropic medications in
994extremely high doses and combinations; when, in fact, J.S. had
1004been on only one medication in a low dosage for about six
10178. Dr. Brack was aware that J.S. was protecting his
1027privacy relating to his psychiatric treatments when she wrote
1036the March 11, 2004, letter. She stated in the letter that she
1048had requested J.S. to sign a release form to allow her access to
1061his psychiatric records, but J.S. had steadfastly refused to
1070sign a release.
10739. J.S. was not copied with the letter by Dr. Brack; he
1085received a copy of the letter from an attorney a couple of weeks
1098after the letter had been written.
110410. An attorney representing M.M.S. scheduled Dr. Bracks
1112deposition for May 13, 2004. When J.S. learned that Dr. Brack
1123was going to be deposed, he wrote a letter dated May 12, 2004,
1136to Dr. Brack and advised her that he was asserting his
1147psychotherapist-patient privilege as well as for M.S. and was
1156directing her not to disclose any information during the
1165deposition relating to the scope of their professional
1173relationship. Additionally, he advised Dr. Brack that he felt
1182that she had violated his trust and confidence in writing the
1193March 11, 2004, letter to Mr. Lonergan.
120011. Dr. Brack appeared for her deposition as scheduled on
1210May 13, 2004. At the time of the deposition, Dr. Brack knew
1222that J.S. was asserting psychotherapist-patient confidentiality
1228for himself and for M.S. During the deposition, Dr. Brack
1238acknowledged that she had a psychotherapist-patient relationship
1245with J.S.
124712. At the deposition, Dr. Brack indicated that she was
1257not sure which statutes governed her professional licensure.
1265During the deposition, Dr. Brack stated that she was not sure
1276she was asserting the psychotherapist-patient privilege, but
1283then asserted a partial privilege. An attorney at the
1292deposition conducted a voir dire of Dr. Brack regarding the
1302nature and extent of the privilege. Dr. Brack stated that she
1313was acting under a statutory wavier when there is a clear and
1325immediate probability of physical harm to the patient or client.
1335She stated, however, that she believed that there was an
1345immediate potential and then that there was a probability of
1355physical harm. Dr. Brack was unable to articulate at the
1365deposition her basis for making such a determination and could
1375not tell for how long the probability existed.
138313. Dr. Brack indicated in the deposition that she had
1393advised M.M.S. and J.S. about the probability of physical harm
1403to M.S. by J.S., but that she had not informed law enforcement
1415or the Department of Children and Family Services. The proper
1425course of action for a similarly-situated professional when
1433there is an immediate probability of physical harm would be to
1444call the abuse hotline, report the danger to the Department of
1455Children and Family Services or advise a person in a position of
1467authority who could do something to prevent such action from
1477occurring. It was not proper to report potential harm to J.S.,
1488who was the person whom she felt would inflict the harm.
149914. Near the end of the deposition, Dr. Brack asserted the
1510psychotherapist-patient privilege.
151215. At no time did J.S. sign a release allowing Dr. Brack
1524to reveal any communications between J.S. and Dr. Brack that
1534occurred during the marriage counseling sessions except a
1542partial waiver to release records to Dr. Robert Silver, a court-
1553appointed evaluator. At no time did J.S. give Dr. Brack
1563permission to disclose communications made during the marriage
1571counseling sessions to anyone other than to Dr. Silver.
158316. The Division of Administrative Hearings has
1590jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of this
1601proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57, Fla. Stat. (2008).
160917. The Department has the burden to establish the
1618allegations in the Administrative Complaint by clear and
1626convincing evidence. Department of Banking and Finance v.
1634Osborne Stern and Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996).
164418. The Department has alleged that Dr. Brack violated
1653Subsections 491.009(1)(r) and 491.009(1)(u), Florida Statutes,
1659which provide:
1661(1) The following acts constitute grounds
1667for denial of a license or disciplinary
1674action, as specified in s. 456.072(2):
1680* * *
1683(r) Failing to meet the minimum standards
1690of performance in professional activities
1695when measured against generally prevailing
1700peer performance, including the undertaking
1705of activities for which the licensee,
1711registered intern, or certificateholder is
1716not qualified by training or experience.
1722* * *
1725(u) Failure of the licensee, registered
1731intern, or certificateholder to maintain in
1737confidence a communication made by a patient
1744or client in the context of such services,
1752except as provided in s. 491.0147.
175819. Section 491.047, Florida Statutes, provides:
1764Any communication between any person
1769licensed or certified under this chapter and
1776her or his patient or client shall be
1784confidential. This secrecy may be waived
1790under the following conditions:
1794(1) When the person licensed or certified
1801under this chapter is a party defendant to a
1810civil, criminal, or disciplinary action
1815arising from a complaint filed by the
1822patient or client, in which case the waiver
1830shall be limited to that action.
1836(2) When the patient or client agrees to
1844the waiver, in writing, or, when more than
1852one person in a family is receiving therapy,
1860when each family member agrees to the
1867waiver, in writing.
1870(3) When there is a clear and immediate
1878probability of physical harm to the patient
1885or client, to other individuals, or to
1892society and the person licensed or certified
1899under this chapter communicates the
1904information only to the potential victim,
1910appropriate family member, or law
1915enforcement or other appropriate
192020. In Count One of the Administrative Complaint, the
1929Department alleges that Dr. Brack violated Section
1936491.009(1)(u) by failing to maintain in confidence
1943communications made by JS as a patient or client in the context
1955of such services, in a letter dated March 11, 2004, to the
1967attorney representing MMS, in the absence of any exception as
1977provided by in Section 491.0147, Florida Statutes (2003). The
1986Department has established by clear and convincing evidence that
1995Dr. Brack violated Subsection 491.009(1)(u), Florida Statutes.
2002In a letter dated March 11, 2004, she revealed information about
2013J.S. to the attorney representing M.M.S. The information was
2022gained through her psychotherapist relationship with J.S. during
2030the marriage counseling and during counseling sessions
2037concerning M.S. The evidence did not establish that, at the
2047time information was revealed, there was a clear and immediate
2057probability of physical harm to M.S. or to M.M.S.
206621. In Count Two of the Administrative Complaint, the
2075Department alleges that Dr. Brack violated Section
2082491.009(1)(u) by failing to maintain in confidence
2089communications made by JS and his son MS as patients or clients
2101in the context of such services, during a May 13, 2004,
2112deposition by the attorney representing MMS, in the absence of
2122any exception as provided in Section 491.0147, Florida Statutes
2131(2003). During the deposition of Dr. Brack on May 13, 2004,
2142Dr. Brack revealed that there was a psychotherapist-patient
2150relationship with J.S. No evidence was presented to establish
2159that, at the time the disclosure was made, there was a clear
2171immediate probability of physical harm to M.S. The Department
2180established by clear and convincing evidence that Dr. Brack
2189violated Subsection 491.009(1)(u), Florida Statutes.
219422. In Count Three of the Administrative Complaint, the
2203Department alleges that Dr. Brack violated Section
2210491.009(1)(r), Florida Statutes (2003), [by] failing to meet the
2219minimum standards of performance in professional activities by
2227demonstrating during a deposition that she did not know when and
2238how to assert or waive therapist-client privilege to protect the
2248confidentiality of her patients or clients. As a minimum, a
2258psychotherapist should know when and how to assert the
2267psychotherapist-patient privilege. In her May 13, 2004,
2274deposition, it was clear that Dr. Brack did not fully understand
2285the psychotherapist-patient privilege and when it should be
2293invoked. The Department has established by clear and convincing
2302evidence that Dr. Brack violated Subsection 491.009(1)(r),
2309Florida Statutes.
231123. In Count Four of the Administrative Complaint, the
2320Department alleges that Dr. Brack violated Section
2327491.009(1)(r), Florida Statutes (2003), [by] failing to meet the
2336minimum standards of performance in professional activities by
2344failing to maintain boundaries with regard to the information
2353she provided to JS and about JS. The Department has
2363established by clear and convincing evidence that Dr. Brack
2372violated Subsection 491.009(1)(r), Florida Statutes. She
2378crossed the boundaries of professional propriety by disclosing
2386her financial woes to J.S. and by remarking that J.S. had a
2398sizeable savings account from which he could make his payment.
2408Such comments were inappropriate.
241224. The disciplinary guidelines for the Board are found in
2422Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B4-5.001, which provides a
2430range of penalties for violations of Subsections 491.009(1)(r)
2438and 491.009(1)(u), Florida Statutes. The penalty for a
2446violation of Subsection 491.009(1)(r), Florida Statutes, ranges
2453from a minimum of a $250 administrative fine and reprimand to a
2465maximum of a $1,000 administrative fine and probation. The
2475penalty for a violation of Subsection 491.009(1)(u), Florida
2483Statutes, ranges from a minimum of a $1,000 administrative fine
2494and reprimand to a $1,000 administrative fine and probation.
2505Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of
2515Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding
2526that Dr. Brack violated Subsection 491.009(1)(u), Florida
2533Statutes, as alleged in Counts One and Two of the Administrative
2544Complaint and Subsection 491.009(1)(r), Florida Statutes, as
2551alleged in Counts Three and Four of the Administrative
2560Complaint; issuing a reprimand for all four violations; imposing
2569an administrative fine of $1,000 for the violation in Count One;
2581imposing an administrative fine of $1,000 for the violation in
2592Count Two; imposing an administrative fine of $500 for the
2602violation in Count Three; imposing an administrative fine of
2611$500 for the violation in Count Four; and requiring Dr. Brack to
2623complete 40 hours of continuing education in courses on the
2633laws, rules, and ethics applicable to marriage and family
2642therapy and mental health counseling in a manner to be
2652determined by the Board.
2656DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of June, 2009, in
2666Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.
2674Administrative Law Judge
2677Division of Administrative Hearings
2681The DeSoto Building
26841230 Apalachee Parkway
2687Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060
2690(850) 488-9675
2692Fax Filing (850) 921-6847
2697Filed with the Clerk of the
2703Division of Administrative Hearings
2707this 17th day of June, 2009.
27141/ Unless otherwise indicated, all references to the Florida
2723Statutes are to the 2003 version.
2732Patrick L. Butler, Esquire
2736Department of Health
27394052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65
2745Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265
2748Gail Patricia Brack, Ph.D.
27522618 Tamiami Trail North, PMB 702
2758Naples, Florida 34103
2761Josefina M. Tamayo, General Counsel
2766Department of Health
27694052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-02
2775Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701
2778Susan Foster, Executive Director
2782Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and
2789Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling
2795Department of Health
27984052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-08
2804Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701
2813All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within
282315 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions
2834to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that
2845will issue the Final Order in this case.

- Date
- Proceedings
- Date: 06/17/2009
- Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
- Date: 05/18/2009
- Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
- Date: 04/27/2009
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
- Date: 04/13/2009
- Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 27, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Myers, FL; amended as to copies furnished).
- Date: 04/02/2009
- Proceedings: Letter to Ms. Brack from P. Butler regarding Notice of Hearing and Order of Pre-hearing Instructions filed.
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 02/26/2009
- Date Assignment:
- 02/26/2009
- Last Docket Entry:
- 08/25/2009
- Location:
- Fort Myers, Florida
- District:
- Middle
- Agency:
- Suffix:
- PL
Gail Patricia Brack, Ph.D.
Address of Record -
Patrick L. Butler, Esquire
Address of Record