09-001551 Sg Outdoor vs. Department Of Transportation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, November 19, 2009.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent must compensate Petitioner for the original sign; Petitioner must remove the new sign.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 09-1551




26Respondent. )



31Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was conducted in this

41case on September 9, 2009, in Clearwater, Florida, before

50Administrative Law Judge R. Bruce McKibben of the Division of

60Administrative Hearings.


63For Petitioner: Vincent Stona, pro se

69SG Outdoor

7136181 East Lake Road, Suite 185

77Palm Harbor, Florida 34685

81For Respondent: Susan Schwartz, Esquire

86Department of Transportation

89Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

95605 Suwannee Street

98Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450


105There are two separate issues in this case: (1) Whether

115Petitioner breached its contract with Respondent by not making

124payments for a sign lease, thereby resulting in the sign permit

135becoming invalid; and (2) Whether Petitioner constructed a

143roadside sign illegally, i.e., without a permit.


152On July 9, 2004, Respondent, Department of Transportation

160("DOT" or the "Department"), issued a Notice of Violation to

172Petitioner, SG Outdoor, alleging that Petitioner did not have

181the permission of the owner of the sign site to have its sign in

195place. On August 10, 2004, DOT issued a letter to Petitioner

206revoking DOT Sign Permit No. AU557. On October 6, 2005, DOT

217issued a Notice of Violation, Illegally Erected Sign relating to

227Sign Permit No. AU557a; and a Notice of Violation, Illegally

237Erected Sign relating to Sign Permit No. AU557a#2. Petitioner

246filed a document which was accepted by DOT as a request for

258formal administrative hearing on October 26, 2005. The request

267was transferred to the Division of Administrative Hearings

275("DOAH) on March 24, 2009, and assigned to the undersigned.

286At the final hearing held in this matter, Petitioner called

296two witnesses: Vincent A. Stona and Gary Barbosa. Petitioner's

305Exhibits 1 through 28 were admitted into evidence. Respondent

314called one witness: Lynn Holschuh, an outdoor advertising

322administrator with DOT. Holschuh was also re-called briefly for

331rebuttal. Respondent's Exhibits 5 through 14 were admitted into


341At the close of the evidentiary portion of the final

351hearing, the parties requested, and were allowed, ten days from

361the filing of the hearing transcript within which to file their

372respective proposed recommended orders. A one-volume hearing

379Transcript was filed on October 14, 2009. Both parties timely

389filed Proposed Recommended Orders containing proposed Findings

396of Fact and Conclusions of Law. The parties' proposals have

406been carefully considered during the preparation of this

414Recommended Order.


4191. Petitioner, SG Outdoor, is a company engaged in the

429business of outdoor advertising in Florida.

4352. Respondent is the State of Florida ("State") agency

446responsible for monitoring compliance with State and Federal

454laws relating to outdoor advertising. According to those laws,

463signs within 660 feet of primary or interstate roadways visible

473from those roadways are subject to advertising regulations.

481There is currently a 1,500-foot spacing requirement (up from

4911,000 feet in 1984) between signs. Further, signs must be

502located on land zoned for commercial and industrial use.

5113. Petitioner owns two signs which are at issue in this

522proceeding. One of the signs is a single facing sign of wood

534construction with a seven-foot height above ground level. The

543sign is assigned Tag No. AU557. The sign is situated just off

555Interstate 4, .871 miles east of State Road 33 in Polk County,

567Florida. This sign will be referred to herein as the "Original

578Sign." The Original Sign was built in 1971 and was located, at

590all times relevant hereto, on land owned by Mrs. Ona Grimes

601until that land was purchased by the State in October 2002.

6124. Petitioner also constructed another sign at

619approximately the same location. This sign, referred to herein

628as the "New Sign," has a double-faced, single-metal pole and is

639considerably higher in height than the Original Sign. Both the

649Original Sign and the New Sign are located on property which DOT

661contends is zoned as "Pasture, with residence." However, Polk

670County did away with its zoning ordinance in March 2000 and

681replaced it with Land Use Districts. The current Land Use

691District designation for the site is Business Park Center

700(within the Green Swamp Area of Critical State Concern). There

710was no competent testimony at final hearing as to whether that

721designation constitutes commercial or industrial zoning for

728purposes of roadside signs.

7325. The Original Sign was purchased by Petitioner in 1991

742and was located on the Grimes property. Petitioner entered into

752a Ground Lease with Grimes that had a term of 30 years at a

766payment of $1,500 per year.

7726. In 2002, DOT entered into negotiations with Grimes to

782purchase the property. When DOT purchases property on which a

792roadside sign already exists, DOT may take the sign by way of

804condemnation through eminent domain (sometimes referred to by

812DOT as a "Take"). In such cases, the State must reasonably

824compensate the sign owner for the taking of its sign. In the

836alternative, the State may assume the sign lease and become a

847lessor to the sign owner. In that case, the sign owner must

859make its lease payments directly to the State.

8677. On May 22, 2002, DOT sent a letter to Petitioner

878explaining that DOT was in the process of acquiring the right of

890way on which the Original Sign was located. DOT offered to

901purchase (or Take) the sign from Petitioner for $17,300. While

912that offer to Petitioner was pending, DOT went forward with the

923purchase of the Grimes property. The purchase agreement for the

933property was signed by Grimes on July 11, 2002. Four days

944later, a letter from DOT to Petitioner was issued which said:

955Subsequent to receiving agreement and signed

961ODA [out door advertising] disclaimer from

967the property owner, an offer has been made

975to SG Outdoor, Inc. for the purchase of the

984ODA structure. Negotiations are ongoing.

989However, the purchase of Grimes property did not occur


9998. Meanwhile, in August 2002, Grimes entered into an

1008illegal lease with Lamar Advertising, giving Lamar the same

1017rights it had already contracted away to Petitioner. Petitioner

1026was unaware of the lease with Lamar at that time. Such a lease

1039would have been in violation of the already-existing lease

1048between Grimes and Petitioner. At almost the same time, a DOT

1059memorandum indicated that DOT was still "involved in ongoing

1068negotiations" with Petitioner concerning the sign.

10749. The Grimes property purchase (by DOT) finally closed on

1084October 1, 2002, at which time DOT became the owner of the

1096Grimes property. Because of this fact, Petitioner was supposed

1105to make its annual lease payments to the State of Florida

1116("State") as the new owner. Stated differently, the State

1127became Petitioner's new lessor.

113110. On October 14, 2002, Lamar Advertising filed a Sign

1141Permit Application with the Polk County Building Division. The

1150application was for approval of its sign on the Grimes property.

1161The application included a copy of Lamar's lease with Grimes;

1171the lease had a 10-year period and a payment of $4,000 per year. 1

118611. On July 8, 2003 (ten months after DOT purchased the

1197property), Petitioner filed a permit application with Polk

1205County for the New Sign. Petitioner did not, at that time, have

1217permission from DOT to erect a new sign, but believed it could

1229obtain that permission after the fact. Petitioner then went

1238forward with the construction of the New Sign.

124612. Meanwhile, Petitioner sent Grimes a check in October

12552003, for its lease payment for the period June 1, 2003, through

1267May 30, 2004. By that time, the State already owned the Grimes

1279property. A member of the Grimes family sent Petitioner's check

1289back to Petitioner in January 2004, explaining that all payments

1299should be made directly to the State. There is no evidence in

1311the record as to whether Petitioner attempted to make a lease

1322payment to the Department at that time or at any other time.

133413. In November 2003, DOT issued a certified letter to

1344Petitioner addressing Sign Permit No. AU557 that said:

1352On October 2, 2002, the above referenced

1359parcel was purchased by the Florida

1365Department of Transportation. Although the

1370Department will honor an existing lease, it

1377will not engage in any new lease agreements

1385nor grant permission for the referenced sign

1392to remain. Since any potential oral

1398agreement with the previous owner has

1404expired, the Department requests that the

1410[Original] sign be removed.

141414. Clearly DOT was mistaken. Petitioner had a written,

1423not oral, lease with the prior owner. In response, Petitioner

1433sent DOT a copy of its Ground Lease with Grimes. At that time,

1446Petitioner also asked for a meeting with DOT's acquisition

1455director to continue negotiating a fair price for the Original


146615. Several months later (on July 9, 2004), DOT issued its

1477Notice of Violation regarding the Original Sign. The notice

1486said "that the outdoor advertising sign referenced above has

1495been acquired by the Department" (rather than saying the

1504Department had purchased the land). The notice directed

1512Petitioner to immediately remove the sign from the premises.

152116. The notice was partially in error; DOT had actually

1531acquired the land, not the sign. Petitioner was in breach of

1542its lease with the State by failing to make lease payments as

1554required by the lease which DOT had assumed. However, it is

1565unclear as to whether, upon notice of receipt of the written

1576lease, DOT had ever advised Petitioner to send its lease

1586payments directly to the Department. The Notice of

1594Administrative Hearing Rights attached to the DOT Notice of

1603Violation indicates a deadline of 30 days from receipt of the

1614Notice for filing such a request, i.e., on or about August 10,


162717. Petitioner responded to the Notice with another letter

1636(dated July 14, 2009) explaining again that it had a valid lease

1648with Grimes for the sign location. Petitioner's letter asked

1657DOT to abate its violation notice and reinstate Petitioner's

1666permit. It also stated that "[i]f the State decides not to

1677acknowledge the Judicial process [the ongoing probate dispute

1685with the Grimes family concerning the lease with Lamar] and

1695still proceeds with the Notice of Violation, then upon receiving

1705your next correspondence, we will exercise our privilege to

1714request an administrative hearing." Petitioner contends that

1721the quoted statement constituted its request for an

1729administrative hearing. However, the plain reading of the

1737statement indicates that it is a statement of future intent

1747based upon future actions by DOT.

175318. DOT then issued a letter dated August 10, 2004, to

1764Petitioner explaining that the permit for the Original Sign had

1774been revoked. The letter directed Petitioner to remove the

1783sign. The letter stated that if Petitioner does not do so, then

1795DOT would have the right to remove the sign. (As of the date of

1809the final hearing in this matter, the sign was still in place.)

1821The August 10 letter, in response to Petitioner's July 14

1831letter, appears to be the "next correspondence" Petitioner had

1840requested. The exercise of its right to an administrative

1849hearing would, therefore, be due on or about September 11, 2004.

186019. On September 8, 2004, Petitioner sent a letter to

1870Holschuh declining DOT's offer to purchase the Original Sign for

1880$17,000. That offer had been made in May 2002. 2 This letter

1893suggests a counter-offer of $82,500 as the purchase price. The

1904letter did not invoke Petitioner's right to an administrative

1913hearing. Holschuh responded that she was not involved in

1922acquisitions, and Petitioner should contact the district office

1930(with whom Petitioner had previously negotiated).

193620. Instead of heeding Holschuh's directions, Petitioner

1943then sent her another letter asking her to send the

1953correspondence on to someone in the acquisition division. The

1962new letter also repeats the counter-offer of $82,500. This

1972letter did not invoke Petitioner's right to a formal hearing,


198321. About one year later, on October 6, 2005, DOT issued

1994another Notice of Violation, this one addressing Sign Permit

2003No. AU557a (which Holschuh at final hearing said referred to the

2014Original Sign, although there was no "a" nomenclature on the

2024July 9, 2004, Notice of Violation). Also, on October 6, 2005,

2035DOT issued a Notice of Violation addressing Sign Permit

2044No. AU557a#2, which Holschuh said referred to Petitioner's New

2053Sign, even though no permit for the New Sign had ever been

2065issued by DOT. The New Sign by this time had been completed and

2078was being used for outdoor advertising. Petitioner understands

2086the need for a permit to construct a new outdoor sign on the

2099State road right-of-ways, but opined that it believed it could

2109do so after the fact.

211422. Petitioner has only obtained approval from Polk County

2123for erecting the sign, an event necessary for construction

2132purposes, but irrelevant to DOT requirements.

213823. In the letter to DOT from Petitioner dated October 26,

21492005 (and presumably accepted by DOT as Petitioner's request for

2159a formal hearing), reference is made to Sign Permit

2168No. AU557a#2, i.e., the New Sign. However, the letter addresses

2178the Original Sign and its perceived value by Petitioner. It is

2189patently unclear as to which sign is actually being addressed,

2199but facts surrounding both signs were presented at final hearing

2209and both have been addressed herein.

221524. Nonetheless, Petitioner's October 26, 2005, letter was

2223submitted within 30 days of the latest Notice of Violation and

2234was presumably intended to invoke Petitioner's right to a formal

2244administrative hearing. This letter was then forwarded to DOAH

2253by DOT in March 2009, for the purpose of conducting the hearing.

2265(No evidence was presented as to why the DOT's cover letter and

2277Petitioner's request for hearing were not submitted to DOAH

2286until three-and-a-half years after the letter was written.)


229725. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to and the

2307subject matter of this proceeding pursuant to Section 120.569

2316and Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. 3

232226. Proceedings under the jurisdiction of DOAH are de novo

2332in nature. § 120.57(1)(k), Fla. Stat.

233827. As the party seeking to revoke Petitioner's permit,

2347the Department bears the burden of proof, by a preponderance of

2358the evidence, that the allegation in the charging document is

2368correct. See LaPointe Outdoor Advertising v Florida Department

2376of Transportation , 382 So. 2d 1347 (Fla. 1980); Florida

2385Department of Transportation v. J.W.C. Company , 396 So. 2d 778,

2395788 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981).

240028. The control and regulation of roadside signs in the

2410State falls within the purview of DOT as set forth in Chapter

2422479, Florida Statutes. DOT's specific duties in this regard are

2432set forth at Section 479.02, Florida Statutes, and in Florida

2442Administrative Code Rule 14-10.

244629. Florida Administrative Rule 14-10.0042 states in

2453pertinent part:

2455(1) If the Department intends to deny an

2463application for a license or permit, deny

2470reinstatement of a permit cancelled or not

2477renewed in error, or intends to revoke a

2485license or permit, the Department shall

2491provide, by certified mail, return receipt

2497requested, or by personal delivery with

2503receipt, notice of the facts which warrant

2510such action. The written notice shall


2517(a) The particular facts or bases for the

2525Department's action;

2527(b) The statute or rule relied upon;

2534(c) A statement that the applicant or

2541permittee has the right to an administrative

2548hearing pursuant to Section 120.57,F.S.;

2554(d) A statement that the Department's

2560action shall become conclusive and final

2566agency action and that the permit or license

2574will be denied or revoked if no request for

2583a hearing is filed within 30 calendar days

2591of receipt of the notice of the Department's

2599intended action.

2601In the present action, DOT met the requisite requirements

2610concerning notice about revocation of the Original Sign in its

2620July 9, 2004, Notice of Violation. However, when Petitioner

2629responded with correspondence indicating errors on the part of

2638DOT and requesting further consideration, DOT seems to have

2647abandoned its initial Notice of Violation.

265330. Thereafter, on October 6, 2005, the Department

2661reissued a Notice of Violation for the Original Sign and also

2672issued one for the New Sign. Each of the notices was properly

2684served on Petitioner. In response, Petitioner requested and was

2693granted a formal administrative hearing.

269831. Section 479.07, Florida Statutes, reads in pertinent


2707(1) Except as provided in ss.

2713479.105(1)(e) and 479.16, a person may not

2720erect, operate, use, or maintain, or cause

2727to be erected, operated, used or maintained,

2734any sign on the State Highway System outside

2742an incorporated area or on any such portion

2750of the interstate or federal-aid primary

2756highway system without first obtaining a

2762permit for the sign from the department and

2770paying the annual fee as provided in this

2778section. For the purposes of this section,

"2785on any portion of the State Highway System,

2793interstate or federal-aid primary system"

2798shall mean a sign located within the

2805controlled area which is visible from any

2812portion of the main-traveled way of such


2820* * *

2823(7) A permittee shall at all times

2830maintain the permission of the owner or

2837other person in lawful control of the sign

2845site to have and maintain a sign at such


2855Once DOT had purchased the Grimes land, DOT became the de facto

2867and de jure landlord for purposes of the existing sign lease

2878with Petitioner. Petitioner should have, at that time, began

2887making lease payments to the Department. However, the extremely

2896confusing dialogue between DOT and Petitioner makes it

2904impossible to determine whether Petitioner was ever sufficiently

2912notified of this fact. Only upon receipt of the October 6,

29232005, Notice of Violation does Petitioner get any idea that its

2934failure to make the payments is considered by the Department to

2945be a breach of the lease. No cure period was granted to

2957Petitioner as required by Section 479.05, Florida Statutes.

2965Thus, DOT cannot meet its burden of proving non-compliance by

2975Petitioner concerning the lease on the Original Sign.

298332. Section 479.24, Florida Statutes, states in part:

2991Just compensation shall be paid by the

2998department upon the department's removal of

3004a lawful nonconforming sign along any

3010portion of the interstate or federal-aid

3016primary highway systems. This section does

3022not apply to a sign which is illegal at the

3032time of its removal. A sign will lose its

3041nonconforming status and become illegal at

3047such time as it fails to be permitted or

3056maintained in accordance with all applicable

3062laws, rules, ordinances, or regulations

3067other than the provision which makes it


3075The Department should, therefore, pay just compensation to

3083Petitioner for the Original Sign, minus any lease payments due

3093and owing.

309533. The New Sign was admittedly constructed without State

3104approval and its revocation is warranted under the facts stated

3114herein. Petitioner admits its failure to apply for and receive

3124a permit for the New Sign.


3131Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3141Law, it is

3144RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by Respondent,

3153Department of Transportation, reversing the revocation of Sign

3161Permit No. AU557 and providing Petitioner, SG Outdoor, just

3170compensation for that sign. Further, the final order should

3179deem the newly constructed sign on the same site to be

3190unauthorized and order its removal.

3195DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of November, 2009, in

3205Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.


3212Administrative Law Judge

3215Division of Administrative Hearings

3219The DeSoto Building

32221230 Apalachee Parkway

3225Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

3228(850) 488-9675

3230Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


3235Filed with the Clerk of the

3241Division of Administrative Hearings

3245this 19th day of November, 2009.


32521/ This fact is not material to Petitioner's dispute with DOT,

3263except that it is a clear indication of some ongoing

3273misunderstanding concerning the subject property.

32782/ The offer was actually for $17,300.

32863/ Unless otherwise stated herein, all references to the Florida

3296Statutes shall be to the 2009 version.


3306Stephanie C. Kopelousos, Secretary

3310Department of Transportation

3313Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 57

3319605 Suwannee Street

3322Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

3325Alexis M. Yarbrough, General Counsel

3330Department of Transportation

3333Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

3339605 Suwannee Street

3342Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

3345Deanna Hurt, Clerk of Agency Proceedings

3351Department of Transportation

3354Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

3360605 Suwannee Street

3363Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

3366Susan Schwartz, Esquire

3369Department of Transportation

3372Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

3378605 Suwannee Street

3381Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

3384Vincent Stona

3386SG Outdoor

338836181 East Lake Road, Suite 185

3394Palm Harbor, Florida 34685


3404All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

341415 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3425to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3436will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 02/18/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/18/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 11/19/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/19/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 9, 2009). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/19/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/26/2009
Proceedings: (Petitioner`s) Finding of Facts filed.
Date: 10/26/2009
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order Order of Respondent, Department of Transportation filed.
Date: 10/14/2009
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 09/09/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/31/2009
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 07/14/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for September 9, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Date: 07/06/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 06/12/2009
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 12, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL; amended as to date of hearing).
Date: 04/02/2009
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/02/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 23, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Date: 04/01/2009
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/24/2009
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/24/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Violation Illegally Erected Sign filed.
Date: 03/24/2009
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/24/2009
Proceedings: Agency referral

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Clearwater, Florida


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