09-004644 Department Of Health vs. Scott Womble, D/B/A Womble's Septic Tank Service, Inc.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, November 10, 2009.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner demonstrated that Respondent failed to obtain a permit for two septic system repairs as alleged in Counts I and II of the Administrative Complaint. Count III was not proven by clear and convincing evidence.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 09-4644





33Respondent. )



38On October 15, 2009, a duly-noticed hearing was held in

48Tallahassee, Florida, before Lisa Shearer Nelson, an

55Administrative Law Judge assigned by the Division of

63Administrative Hearings.


66For Petitioner: Jennifer A. Tschetter, Esquire

72Department of Health

754052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-02

81Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703

84For Respondent: Scott Womble, pro se

902970 Lake Bradford Road South

95Tallahassee, Florida 32310


102The issues to be resolved are whether Respondent performed repairs to septic tank systems without obtaining the required

120permits in three different instances, in violation of Florida

129Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.022, and if so, what penalty

138should be imposed for the violations proven.


147On July 16, 2009, the Department of Health (Department or

157DOH) filed a three-count Administrative Complaint alleging that

165Respondent failed to obtain the necessary permits before

173performing repairs to three septic tank systems, in violation of

183Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.022. Respondent disputed

190the allegations in the Administrative Complaint and requested a

199hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. On

207August 25, 2009, the case was referred to the Division of

218Administrative Hearings for assignment of an administrative law


227The case was assigned to the undersigned and on

236September 10, 2009, noticed for hearing to be conducted on

246October 15, 2009. The case proceeded as scheduled. The

255Petitioner filed a Pre-Hearing Statement on October 13, 2009,

264which represented that the parties stipulated to the truth of

274certain facts included, where relevant, in the findings of fact

284stated below. At the commencement of hearing, Respondent

292confirmed that he stipulated to those facts.

299At hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of Kathy

307Davis and Alex Mahon, and Petitioner's Exhibits 1-12 were

316admitted into evidence. Respondent testified on his own behalf

325and Respondent's Exhibits 1-3 were admitted. Although the

333proceedings were recorded, no transcript was ordered. The

341parties were given until Monday, October 26, 2009, to file

351proposed recommended orders. The Department's submission was

358filed October 27 and Respondent's was filed October 28, 2009.

368Both have been carefully considered in the preparation of this

378Recommended Order. All references to Florida Statutes are to the

3882008 codification, unless otherwise indicated. 1/


3971. The Department, an agency of the State of Florida, has

408responsibility for the regulation of septic tank contractors

416pursuant to Chapters 381, 386 and 489, part III, Florida


4272. The Respondent, Scott Womble, is a resident of the State

438of Florida and has been authorized by the Department to provide

449septic tank contracting services.

4535168 Pimlico Drive

4563. In 2003, Respondent replaced the drainfield on the real

466property located at 5168 Pimlico Drive, Tallahassee, Florida.

4744. A permit for the repair of the drainfield was issued in

4862003, which listed Respondent as the agent for the permit


4975. In 2006, Respondent pumped out the septic tank at the

508Pimlico Drive location. Pumping out the septic tank does not

518require a permit.

5216. In 2006, Respondent also installed new "old style"

530chambers and end caps. Chambers are used to repair the

540drainfield. Repair of the drainfield requires a permit.

5487. A review of the records for the Leon County Health

559Department REHOST database revealed that no permits had been

568applied for or obtained for any work in 2006, 2007 or 2008 at the

582Pimlico address.

5841351 Cochise Trail

5878. On or about December 19, 2008, Alex Mahon and Kathy

598Davis from the Leon County Health Department, Environmental

606Health Division, went to real property located at 1351 Cochise

616Trail in Tallahassee. Mahon and Davis went to the property in

627response to a phone call received from Respondent requesting the

637verification of a site evaluation. Site evaluations are required

646to be completed as part of the application process for a permit

658for septic tank installation.

6629. When Mahon and Davis arrived at the property, no one

673from Respondent's company was present. However, upon their

681arrival they observed that the septic tank and drainfield had

691been installed.

69310. A permit application had been submitted for the work at

7041351 Cochise Trail. However, the application was incomplete and

713the permitting fee had not been included with the application.

723Accordingly, no permit had been issued for the work that was

734already completed at the time Mahon and Davis visited the site.

74511. Later that day, Respondent provided the missing

753documentation required for the issuance of the permit, and paid

763the permitting fee. At that time, a permit for the work was


7762207 Bannerman

77812. In January 2009, Kathy Davis from the Leon County

788Health Department received a call that work was being performed

798at 2207 Bannerman Road, which was the location for the La

809Hacienda Restaurant. She visited the site to see what work was

820being performed.

82213. At the time of Ms. Davis' visit, there was no work

834being performed at the site. There was, however, equipment

843present at the location and excavation of the drainfield had been

854performed. Used drainfield chambers had been dug up and were

864present on the site as well.

87014. No permit had been obtained for drainfield repair.

879Ms. Davis could not say whether any drainfield had been

889installed. She could only state with certainty that the area

899containing the drainfield had been excavated.

90515. Ms. Davis was aware that Respondent had been pumping

915out the septic tank on the property, which did not require a



93116. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

938jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this

948action in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida

957Statutes (2009).

95917. The Department has disciplinary jurisdiction over

966septic tank contractors pursuant to the provisions of Chapters

975381, 386 and 489, part III, Florida Statutes.

98318. As the entity seeking to impose discipline, the

992Department bears the burden of proving the allegations in the

1002Administrative Complaint by clear and convincing evidence.

1009Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Securities and

1018Investor Protection v. Osborne Stern Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla.

10291996); Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987).

103919. Section 381.0065, Florida Statutes, provides the

1046Department the following regulatory authority:


1059HEALTH.--The department shall:

1062(a) Adopt rules to administer ss. 381.0065 -

1070381.0067, including definitions that are

1075consistent with the definitions in this

1081section, . . . application and permit

1088requirements for persons who maintain an

1094onsite sewage treatment and disposal system,

1100requirements for maintenance and service

1105agreements for aerobic treatment units and

1111performance-based treatment systems, and

1115recommended standards, including disclosure

1119requirements, for voluntary system

1123inspections to be performed by individuals

1129who are authorized by law to perform such

1137inspections and who shall inform a person

1144having ownership, control, or use of an

1151onsite sewage treatment and disposal system

1157of the inspection standards and of that

1164person's authority to request an inspection

1170based on all or part of the standards.

1178* * *

1181(h) Conduct enforcement activities,

1185including imposing fines, issuing citations,

1190suspensions, revocations, injunctions, and

1194emergency orders for violations of this

1200section, part I of chapter 386, or part III

1209of chapter 489 or for a violation of any rule

1219adopted under this section, part I of chapter

1227386, or part III of chapter 489.

1234* * *


1242A person may not construct, repair, modify,

1249abandon, or operate an onsite sewage

1255treatment and disposal system without first

1261obtaining a permit approved by the

1267department. . . . A repair permit is valid

1276for 90 days from the date of issuance. . . .

1287A person may not contract to construct,

1294modify, alter, repair, service, abandon, or

1300maintain any portion of an onsite sewage

1307treatment and disposal system without being

1313registered under part III of chapter 489. A

1321property owner who personally performs

1326construction, maintenance, or repairs to a

1332system serving his or her own owner-occupied

1339single-family residence is exempt from

1344registration requirements for performing such

1349construction, maintenance, or repairs on that

1355residence, but is subject to all permitting

1362requirements. . . .

1366* * *



1376(a) Department personnel who have reason to

1383believe noncompliance exists, may at any

1389reasonable time, enter the premises permitted

1395under ss. 381.0065-381.0066, or the business

1401premises of any septic tank contractor or

1408master septic tank contractor registered

1413under part III of chapter 489, or any

1421premises that the department has reason to

1428believe is being operated or maintained not

1435in compliance, to determine compliance with

1441the provisions of this section, part I of

1449chapter 386, or part III of chapter 489 or

1458rules or standards adopted under ss.

1464381.0065-381.0067, part I of chapter 386, or

1471part III of chapter 489. . . .

1479(b)1. The department may issue citations

1485that may contain an order of correction or an

1494order to pay a fine, or both, for violations

1503of ss. 381.0065-381.0067, part I of chapter

1510386, or part III of chapter 489 or the rules

1520adopted by the department, when a violation

1527of these sections or rules is enforceable by

1535an administrative or civil remedy, or when a

1543violation of these sections or rules is a

1551misdemeanor of the second degree. A citation

1558issued under ss. 381.0065-381.0067, part I of

1565chapter 386, or part III of chapter 489

1573constitutes a notice of proposed agency


15802. A citation must be in writing and must

1589describe the particular nature of the

1595violation, including specific reference to

1600the provisions of law or rule allegedly


16083. The fines imposed by a citation issued by

1617the department may not exceed $500 for each

1625violation. Each day the violation exists

1631constitutes a separate violation for which a

1638citation may be issued.

16424. The department shall inform the

1648recipient, by written notice pursuant to ss.

1655120.569 and 120.57, of the right to an

1663administrative hearing to contest the

1668citation within 21 days after the date the

1676citation is received. The citation must

1682contain a conspicuous statement that if the

1689recipient fails to pay the fine within the

1697time allowed, or fails to appear to contest

1705the citation after having requested a

1711hearing, the recipient has waived the

1717recipient's right to contest the citation and

1724must pay an amount up to the maximum fine.

17335. The department may reduce or waive the

1741fine imposed by the citation. In determining

1748whether to reduce or waive the fine, the

1756department must consider the gravity of the

1763violation, the person's attempts at

1768correcting the violation, and the person's

1774history of previous violations including

1779violations for which enforcement actions were

1785taken under ss. 381.0065-381.0067, part I of

1792chapter 386, part III of chapter 489, or

1800other provisions of law or rule.

1806* * *

18098. This section provides an alternative

1815means of enforcing ss. 381.0065-381.0067,

1820part I of chapter 386, and part III of

1829chapter 489. This section does not prohibit

1836the department from enforcing ss. 381.0065-

1842381.0067, part I of chapter 386, or part III

1851of chapter 489, or its rules, by any other

1860means. However, the department must elect to

1867use only a single method of enforcement for

1875each violation.

187720. The Department has adopted rules that govern

1885the construction and permitting of septic tank systems.

1893Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.003(1) provides:

1899(1) System Construction Permit -- No portion

1906of an onsite sewage treatment and disposal

1913system shall be installed, repaired, altered,

1919modified, abandoned or replaced until an

"1925Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System

1931Construction Permit" has been issued on Form

1938DH 4016. . . . Servicing or replacing with

1947like kind mechanical or electrical parts of

1954an approved onsite sewage treatment and

1960disposal system; pumping of septage from a

1967system; or making minor structural

1972corrections to a tank, or distribution box,

1979does not constitute repair.

198321. The Department has proven by clear and convincing

1992evidence the violation alleged in Count I of the Administrative

2002Complaint. The competent, persuasive evidence at hearing

2009indicates that Respondent had installed new "old style" chambers

2018and end caps, which are used for the repair of a drainfield.

2030The invoice provided to the Department indicates that these

2039services were billed to and paid by the homeowner. Respondent's

2049arguments that the problems were caused by excessive water use

2059and a difficult homeowner do not address whether a permit was

2070required or obtained. Regardless of the reason for the system's

2080failure, or how difficult the homeowner may have been, the work

2091perform required a permit.

209522. The Department has also proven by clear and convincing

2105evidence that Respondent committed the violation alleged in Count

2114II. The fact that Respondent had applied for a permit does not

2126excuse performance of the work prior to obtaining the permit. In

2137this case, the persuasive competent evidence indicates that the

2146application originally submitted was not complete and did not

2155include the permit fee, and that no permit had issued at the time

2168the work was performed. Respondent's position that the

2176Department took too long to issue the permit has no merit. The

2188Department was under no obligation to issue the permit until the

2199application was complete and the permit fee paid.

220723. However, the allegations in Count III were not proven

2217by clear and convincing evidence. No one who testified actually

2227saw Respondent or his employees repairing the drainfield or

2236excavating the drainfield site. Those activities that can be

2245attributed to Respondent, i.e. , pumping out the septic system and

2255perhaps excavation at the site, are not activities that require a

2266permit. Petitioner points to the pictures that show used

2275chambers that were present on the jobsite as evidence that

2285Respondent was repairing the drainfield without a permit. The

2294Department's witnesses acknowledged that they did not know

2302whether any drainfield was installed. They only knew that

2311excavation of the drainfield had taken place. Count III of the

2322Administrative Complaint should be dismissed.

232724. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.022 provides

2334disciplinary guidelines for violations of the type at issue in

2344this case. It provides in pertinent part:

2351(1) It shall be the responsibility of

2358persons registered under this rule to see

2365that work for which they have contracted and

2373which has been performed by them or under

2381their supervision is carried out in

2387conformance with the requirements of all

2393applicable Florida Statutes and Chapter 64E-

23996, F.A.C. The following actions by a person

2407included under this rule shall be deemed

2414unethical and subject to penalties as set

2421forth in this section. The penalties listed

2428shall be used as guidelines in disciplinary

2435cases, absent aggravating or mitigating

2440circumstances and subject to other provisions

2446of this section.

2449* * *

2452(b) Permit violations.

24551. Contractor initiates work to install,

2461modify, or repair a system when no permit has

2470been issued by the department. A permit is

2478issued after construction is started but

2484prior to completion of the contracted work.

2491No inspections are missed. First violation,

2497letter or warning or fine up to $500; repeat

2506violations, $500 fine, or revocation.

25112. Contracted work is completed without a

2518permit having been issued, or no permit

2525application is received until after

2530contracted work was completed, resulting in

2536missed inspection or inspections. First

2541violation, letter of warning or fine up to

2549$1000; repeat violation, revocation.

255325. The Department has recommended that with respect to

2562Count I, Respondent receive a fine of $1,000; for Count II, a

2575fine of $500; and for Count III, a fine of $500 and a ninety-day


259026. Inasmuch as the evidence presented does not support a

2600finding that Respondent committed the violation alleged in Count

2609III, the proposed penalty for that count will not be considered.

2620However, with respect to Counts I and II, the proposed penalty is

2632at the high end allowed under Rule 64E-6.022. The Department did

2643not present any evidence of disciplinary history for Respondent,

2652and Rule 64E-6.022(3) specifies that "a repeat violation is any

2662violation on which disciplinary action is being taken where the

2672same licensee had previously had disciplinary action taken

2680against him or received a letter of warning in a prior case."

2692Accord , Parrot Heads, Inc. v. Department of Business and

2701Professional Regulation , 741 So. 2d 1231 (Fla. 5th DCA

27101999)(where no finding of a previous violation, penalty cannot be

2720imposed for "second offense."). Therefore, it would be

2729appropriate to impose a letter of warning for one of these

2740offenses, and a fine for the other. Any further violations by

2751Respondent would result in more severe penalties.


2759Upon consideration of the facts found and conclusions of law

2769reached, it is


2773That the Department of Health enter a Final Order finding

2783Respondent guilty of Count I and issuing a letter of warning;

2794finding Respondent guilty of Count II and imposing a $750 fine;

2805and dismissing the charges in Count III.

2812DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of November, 2009, in

2822Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2830Administrative Law Judge

2833Division of Administrative Hearings

2837The DeSoto Building

28401230 Apalachee Parkway

2843Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2846(850) 488-9675

2848Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


2853Filed with the Clerk of the

2859Division of Administrative Hearings

2863this 10th day of November, 2009.


28701/ The alleged violations took place sometime in late 2006,

2880December 2008 and January 2009. While there were some amendments

2890to Section 381.0065, Florida Statutes, during the 2008 session,

2899they are not relevant to the allegations charged.


2909Jennifer A. Tschetter, Esquire

2913Department of Health

29164052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2922Tallahassee, Florida 32399

2925Scott Womble

2927Scott Womble, d/b/a Womble's Septic

2932Tank Service, Inc.

29352970 Lake Bradford Road South

2940Tallahassee, Florida 32310

2943R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

2948Department of Health

29514052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2957Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

2960Josefina M. Tamayo, General Counsel

2965Department of Health

29684052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2974Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

2977Dr. Ana M. Viamonte Ros, Secretary

2983State Surgeon General

2986Department of Health

29894052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00

2995Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701


3004All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

301415 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions to

3026this recommended order should be filed with the agency that will

3037issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/16/2009
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order filed.
Date: 12/12/2009
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/10/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/10/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/10/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 15, 2009). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/29/2009
Proceedings: (Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order) filed.
Date: 10/28/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Nelson from S. Womble regarding request for extension to file Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/27/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/15/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/13/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner's Pre-Hearing Statement filed.
Date: 10/12/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Date: 09/10/2009
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 09/10/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for October 15, 2009; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 09/04/2009
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 08/25/2009
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 08/25/2009
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 08/25/2009
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 08/25/2009
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


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