11-005793PL Department Of Health, Board Of Dentistry vs. Joseph Gaeta, D.D.S.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, June 12, 2012.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent failed to maintain adequate dental records regarding his treatment of a patient by failing to record type and dosage of anesthetic drug used. Dental care rendered was not shown to fall below minimum standards of performance.






17Petitioner, )

19) Case No. 11 - 5793PL

25vs. )




33Respondent. )



39This case came before Administrative Law Judge John G.

48Van Laningham for final hearing by video teleconference on

57February 28 - 29, 2012, at sites in Tallahassee and Miami,



70For Petitioner: Geoffrey F. Rice, Esquire

76Way ne Mitchell, Esquire

80Department of Health

834052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

91Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

96For Respondent: Max R. Price, Esquire

102Law Offices of Max R. Price, P.A.

1096701 Sunset Drive, Suite 104

114Miami, Florida 33143 - 4529


123The issues in this case are whether Respondent, a dentist,

133failed to maintain adequate records regarding his treatment of

142patient R.S. and/or provided R.S. dental care that fell below

152minimum stan dards of performance, as Petitioner alleges. If

161Respondent committed any of these offenses, it will be necessary

171to determine an appropriate penalty.


178On March 20, 2009, Petitioner Department of Health issued a

188two - count Amended A dministrative Complaint ("Complaint") against

199Respondent Joseph Gaeta, D.D.S. In April 2009, Dr. Gaeta timely

209requested a formal hearing, and on November 10, 2011, the

219Department referred the matter to the Division of Administrative

228Hearings. The undersi gned scheduled a multiday hearing to begin

238on February 28, 2012.

242Both parties were represented by counsel at the hearing,

251which went forward as planned. The Department's witnesses were

260Dr. Gaeta and Dr. Victor Spiro. Received in evidence during the

271De partment's case were Petitioner's Exhibits 1 - 6, 8 1 , 9(b), 9(d),

284and 9(e). Dr. Gaeta called Dr. Robert Fish as a witness and

296testified on his own behalf. Respondent's Exhibits 1, 4 - 7, and

30810 were admitted.

311The final hearing transcript, comprising four v olumes, was

320filed on March 16, 2012. Motions to enlarge the time for filing

332proposed recommended orders were granted, resulting in a

340deadline of April 9, 2012. Each party timely filed a Proposed

351Recommended Order, and these have been considered.

358Unless otherwise indicated, citations to the Florida

365Statutes refer to the 2005 Florida Statutes.



3761. At all times relevant to this case, Respondent Joseph

386Gaeta, D.D.S., was licensed to practice dentistry in the state

396of Florida.

3982. Petitioner Department of Health (the "Department") has

407regulatory jurisdiction over licensed dentists such as

414Dr. Gaeta. In particular, the Department is authorized to file

424and prosecute an administrative complaint against a dentist, as

433it has done in this instance, when a panel of the Board of

446Dentistry has found that probable cause exists to suspect that

456the dentist has committed a disciplinable offense.

4633. Here, the Department alleges that Dr. Gaeta committed

472two such offenses. In Count I of the Complaint, the Department

483charged Dr. Gaeta with the offense defined in section

492466.028(1)(m), alleging that he failed to keep written dental

501records justifying the course of treatment of a patient named

511R.S., whom Dr. Gaeta saw six times ov er a five - month period from

526November 15, 2002, through April 11, 2006. In Count II,

536Dr. Gaeta was charged with incompetence or negligence ÏÏ again

546vis - à - vis R.S. ÏÏ allegedly by failing to meet the minimum

560standards of performance in diagnosis and treatm ent when

569measured against generally prevailing peer performance , an

576offense under section 466.028(1)(x).

580The Material Historical Facts

5844. The events giving rise to this case began on

594November 15, 2005, when R.S., a retired septuagenarian who spent

604win ters in Florida but considered Michigan ÏÏ where he resided the

616rest of the year ÏÏ to be his home, arrived at Dr. Gaeta's office

630with an acute problem, namely a loose tooth. The tooth ÏÏ #24, an

643incisor located in the lower jaw, center - left ÏÏ had recently been

656knocked loose when R.S. bit into a cashew. Dr. Gaeta's office

667had scheduled R.S. for an immediate visit when he had called for

679an appointment, advising that they would "work [him] in."

6885. Upon being seen, R.S. informed Dr. Gaeta that he would

699be leaving in a couple of days for a cruise, and that,

711consequently, he wanted the bare minimum amount of dental

720treatment. Dr. Gaeta performed a comprehensive examination of

728R.S.'s mouth and took X - rays, including periapical X - rays of

741front tooth #9 (upper jaw, cen ter - left) and tooth #24 . The

755examination revealed multiple problems besides the loose tooth,

763including lingual and buccal decay, bone loss, periodontal

771disease, and a loose amalgam filling in tooth #29 (lower right

782bicuspid), which filling popped out whe n probed. These issues

792were recorded in R.S.'s dental record.

7986. Dr. Gaeta prepared a treatment plan in accordance with

808R.S.'s desire to have as little dental work done as possible.

819Dr. Gaeta proposed to extract tooth #24, which was noted to have

831class III mobility (meaning it was quite loose as a result of

843bone loss caused by periodontal disease), and, in place of the

854absent tooth, substitute an artificial tooth known as a pontic,

864which would be supported by a five - unit bridge using the

876adjacent teeth ( ##22 - 23 and ##25 - 26) as abutment teeth. He

890proposed to place a crown on tooth #9 due to lingual decay, and

903another on tooth #29, from which the amalgam filling had fallen

914out. This treatment plan was documented in R.S.'s chart.

9237. Dr. Gaeta informed R.S . of his diagnoses, explained the

934treatment options, and obtained verbal consent to proceed with

943the prescribed course of treatment (described above). Dr. Gaeta

952noted in R.S.'s dental record that he "gave pt [patient] tx

963[treatment] plan," but did not oth erwise memorialize the

972substance of their discussion, nor did he obtain written consent

982to treatment from R.S.

9868. After agreeing on a course of treatment, R.S. paid in

997advance for the procedures he had orally authorized Dr. Gaeta to

1008perform. Thereafte r, an anesthetic drug known by its brand

1018name, Septocaine ® , was injected to numb R.S.'s mouth, and

1028Dr. Gaeta pulled tooth #24. He also "prepped" tooth #9, tooth

1039#24, and the abutment teeth (##22 - 23 and ##25 - 26) and seated

1053temporary crowns on them. F inally, Dr. Gaeta installed a

1063temporary bridge, which would remain in R.S.'s mouth until the

1073arrival and placement of a custom - made fixture from a dental

1085laboratory. All of this dental work (including the use of the

1096anesthetic), which was performed on Nov ember 15, 2005, was noted

1107in R.S.'s chart.

11109. The evidence is in conflict as to whether Dr. Gaeta

1121gave R.S. "post - operative" instructions following the provision

1130of any dental treatments, including but not limited to the

1140procedures performed on November 1 5, 2005. Dr. Gaeta testified

1150that he did provide such instructions, as necessary, but did not

1161note having done so in R.S.'s chart (which is undisputed)

1171because in his opinion the recordkeeping laws do not require

1181dentists to document the occurrence or sub stance of such routine

1192dentist - patient communications (a legal point with which the

1202Department disagrees). R.S. testified (via deposition) that

1209Dr. Gaeta never provided any instructions. Neither witness is

1218more believable than the other on this issue. As a result, the

1230undersigned is unable to determine without hesitancy that

1238Dr. Gaeta failed to provide post - operative instructions, as the

1249Department alleged. The evidence offered in support of this

1258allegation, in sum, is legally insufficient because it is not

1268clear and convincing.

127110. R.S. next saw Dr. Gaeta on January 3, 2006. This

1282appointment was for the purpose of making final impressions for

1292the crowns, but R.S. presented with a new problem, which was

1303that tooth #9 was painful. A panoramic X - ra y was taken and the

1318fact noted in R.S.'s record. Based on that X - ray plus the

1331previous pariapical X - ray of tooth #9, which radiographs showed

1342significant decay and a large filling in the tooth, together

1352with the patient's complaint that the tooth was sens itive (a

1363symptom noted in the chart), Dr. Gaeta determined that tooth #9

1374needed root canal therapy and documented his conclusion in the


138511. Dr. Gaeta performed a root canal on tooth #9. The

1396Department has alleged that Dr. Gaeta failed to measure t he root

1408canal length using either an X - ray or, alternatively, an

1419instrument called an apex locator. Dr. Gaeta testified credibly

1428that he used an apex locator to determine that the canal length

1440was 15 millimeters. This measurement is noted in R.S.'s recor d,

1451and Dr. Gaeta's testimony regarding the use of an apex locator

1462is credited. The Department further alleged that Dr. Gaeta

1471failed to take a post - operative X - ray to determine whether the

1485root canal had been completely filled. The record, however,

1494includ es such an X - ray. Finally, the Department alleged that

1506Dr. Gaeta failed to use a rubber dam when performing the root

1518canal procedure on tooth #9. But based on Dr. Gaeta's credible

1529testimony, the undersigned finds that Dr. Gaeta did, in fact,

1539use a rubber dam. Dr. Gaeta did not note in R.S.'s record the

1552use of an apex locator or rubber dam; he denies having an

1564obligation to document the use of common dental implements in a

1575patient's chart.

157712. Dr. Gaeta gave R.S. Septocaine ® to produce local

1587anesthesia d uring the root canal procedure. He did not note

1598this fact, or the strength and dosage of the anesthetic drug

1609administered, in R.S.'s chart. Dr. Gaeta maintains that there

1618is no legal requirement to record such information in the

1628patient's dental record.

163113. R.S. saw Dr. Gaeta four more times, on February 7,

1642March 27, March 31, and April 11, 2006. Over the course of

1654these visits, excluding the final one in April, Dr. Gaeta placed

1665permanent crowns on tooth #9 and tooth #29 and completed the

1676dental work required to install the permanent bridge spanning

1685tooth #22 and tooth #26. The details of these visits are

1696largely irrelevant, except as set forth below.

170314. During the visit on April 11, 2006, Dr. Gaeta learned

1714that R.S.'s tooth #29, which had been crow ned earlier that year,

1726had broken near the gum line. The Department did not allege

1737that Dr. Gaeta's treatment of tooth #29 caused the tooth to

1748fracture, but rather charged that Dr. Gaeta: (a) placed the

1758crown without first determining whether the tooth w as strong

1768enough to support it; and (b) failed to determine, in April

17792006, why the tooth had broken. The Department failed to prove

1790these allegations by clear and convincing evidence, as explained


180015. Regarding the first of these allegations, it must be

1810observed, initially, that Dr. Gaeta is charged with failing to

1820determine whether tooth #29 could support a crown, not with

1830making an improper determination as measured against the

1838standard of care. Consequently, unless the evidence shows

1846clearly a nd convincingly that Dr. Gaeta placed the crown despite

1857having not made up his mind one way or the other about the

1870strength of tooth #29, Dr. Gaeta must be found not guilty.

1881Indeed, strange as it sounds, Dr. Gaeta would be not guilty even

1893if the evidence showed that he determined tooth #29 was not

1904strong enough to support a crown and proceeded to place one

1915anyway, for the charge, again, is failing to make a

1925determination, not making a mistaken determination.

193116. That said, it is undisputed that the only reasonable

1941alternative to placing a crown on tooth #29 was extraction.

1951Contrary to the Department's allegation, the evidence suggests

1959that Dr. Gaeta did, in fact, determine that tooth #29 might be

1971saved with a crown ÏÏ a course of treatment that would spar e R.S.

1985the loss of yet another tooth. Without more than is present in

1997the instant record, the mere fact that tooth #29 later broke is

2009insufficient to prove, clearly and convincingly, that Dr.

2017Gaeta's judgment fell below the standard of care, much less tha t

2029he gave little or no thought to the question of whether the

2041tooth could support a crown, as charged.

204817. To be sure, the Department's expert witness,

2056Dr. Spiro, testified that, in his opinion, tooth #29 should have

2067been pulled because, he "be lieve[s]," the "crown to root ratio"

2078was too high. Putting aside that Dr. Gaeta was not actually

2089charged with violating the standard of care by crowning a tooth

2100that could not support a crown, Dr. Spiro did not give an

2112opinion ÏÏ based on generally prevaili ng peer performance ÏÏ as to

2124what an acceptable crown - to - root ratio would be, nor did he (or

2139anyone else) testify about what the crown - to - root ratio of

2152R.S.'s tooth #29 actually was, making it impossible for the

2162undersigned to determine independently whether the latter ratio

2170was too high relative to the standard of care. Thus,

2180Dr. Spiro's belief that Dr. Gaeta violated the standard of care

2191in placing a crown on tooth #29 was an unpersuasive "net

2202opinion" that was, moreover, plainly personal in nature as

2211opposed to being evidently grounded on an objective standard

2220deduced from knowledge of the prevailing practices of dentists

2229as a group. For these reasons, Dr. Spiro's testimony in this

2240regard is not accepted as clear and convincing evidence in

2250support of the allegation that Dr. Gaeta failed to determine

2260whether tooth #29 could support a crown.

226718. As for the allegation that Dr. Gaeta failed to

2277determine why tooth #29 broke, the evidence shows otherwise. It

2287is noted in R.S.'s chart that during the v isit on April 11,

23002006, Dr. Gaeta explained to R.S. that he (R.S.) was "placing

2311extreme force" on tooth #29, which was the patient's "only

2321posterior tooth on [the] lower right" jaw. Even assuming for

2331argument's sake, therefore, that the standard of care r equired

2341Dr. Gaeta to make a determination as to why the tooth had

2353broken, the evidence fails to prove that he did not do so.

2365Further, the Department neither alleged nor proved that

2373Dr. Gaeta erred, or otherwise violated the standard of care, in

2384dete rmining that tooth #29 had broken apart because, being

2394R.S.'s only lower right rear tooth, it was exposed to extreme

2405force when R.S. chewed his food. This particular allegation, in

2415sum, was not proved by clear and convincing evidence.

2424The Charges

242619. T he charges against Dr. Gaeta are set forth in the

2438Complaint under two counts. In Count I, the Department accused

2448Dr. Gaeta of failing to keep adequate dental records, an offense

2459disciplinable pursuant to section 466.028(1)(m). The Department

2466alleged that , in the course of treating R.S., Dr. Gaeta violated

2477the recordkeeping requirements in 13 separate instances, which

2485are identified in paragraph 27, subparagraphs a) through m) of

2495the Complaint. In Count II, the Department charged Dr. Gaeta

2505with dental mal practice, which is punishable under section

2514466.028(1)(x). Fifteen separate instances of alleged negligence

2521in the treatment of R.S. are set forth in paragraph 31,

2532subparagraphs a) through o).

253620. The allegations in paragraphs 27 and 31 are largely

2546paral lel to one another, so that, when aligned side - by - side,

2560they can be examined in logical pairs. Generally speaking, the

2570Department's theory in relation to each allegation - pair can be

2581expressed as follows: Where the circumstances required that the

2590dental a ct "X" be done for R.S. to meet the minimum standards of

2604performance as measured against generally prevailing peer

2611performance, Dr. Gaeta failed to do X, thereby violating the

2621standard of care. Dr. Gaeta also failed to record doing X in

2633the patient's reco rd, thereby violating the recordkeeping


264221. The parallel propositions comprising each allegation -

2650pair are mutually exclusive. For example, if Dr. Gaeta did not,

2661in fact, do X, then he might be found to have violated the

2674standard of care, if the Department were successful in proving,

2684additionally, that, under the circumstances, X was required to

2693be done to meet the minimum standards of performance. If

2703Dr. Gaeta did not do X, however, he obviously could not be

2715disciplined for not recordin g in R.S.'s chart that he actually

2726performed X. 2 (If a dentist were to write in the patient's chart

2739that he performed X when in fact he had not performed X, he

2752would be making a false record; that would be a recordkeeping

2763violation, but it is not the sort of misconduct with which the

2775Department has charged Dr. Gaeta.)

278022. On the other hand, if Dr. Gaeta in fact did X and

2793failed to note in R.S.'s chart having done X, then ÏÏ if the law

2807required Dr. Gaeta to document the performance of X ÏÏ he w ould be

2821guilty of a recordkeeping violation. But if Dr. Gaeta performed

2831X, then (with one exception) he could not simultaneously be

2841found guilty, here, of a standard - of - care violation, even if he

2855performed X negligently. This is because nearly all of the

2865standard - of - care allegations against Dr. Gaeta involve

2875omissions , i.e., alleged failures to act, which means that the

2885Department's burden was to prove that Dr. Gaeta did not do X

2897when the circumstances required that X be performed. Such a

2907violation of th e standard of care (namely, not doing X when X

2920should have been done) is quite different from performing X

2930negligently; the latter would be a disciplinable offense, but

2939(with one exception) it is not the type of wrongdoing with which

2951the Department has cha rged Dr. Gaeta.

295823. The specific charges against Dr. Gaeta are reproduced

2967in the table below, which places the corresponding allegation -

2977pairs side - by - side in separate rows. The standard - of - care

2992violations set forth in Count II are located in column A, while

3004the recordkeeping violations charged in Count I are listed in

3014column B. For ease of presentation, the undersigned has

3023reordered the allegations to some extent. Further, in several

3032instances a subparagraph has been divided into two parts. For

3042examp le, paragraph 31 k) of the Complaint is shown in the table

3055as paragraphs 31 k.1) and 31 k.2). An empty cell ÏÏ e.g., column

3068B, row 10 (hereafter, "B10") ÏÏ denotes the absence of a

3080corresponding allegation. Text which has been stricken through,

3088as in B12, re flects allegations that the Department either

3098withdrew at hearing or conceded in its Proposed Recommended

3107Order. These allegations were not proved and will not be

3117discussed further in this Recommended Order.

312324. The Department charges Dr. Gaeta as follow s:

3132A B

3134Count II, ¶ 31: Alleged Count I, ¶ 27: Alleged

3144Standard - of - Care Violations Recordkeeping Violations

31521 a) [F]ail[ing] to provide a a.1) [F]ailing to record an

3163comprehensive diagnosis with overall comprehensive written

3169adequate radiographs, study diagnosis, with periodontal

3175models or impressions, depth probe and tooth charting,

3183periodontal depth probe failing to document a written

3191chartin g, tooth charting and comprehensive treatment

3198a comprehensive treatment plan . . . .

3206plan prior to initiating root

3211canal treatment and

3214crown/bridge placement . . .


32202 k.1) [F]ail[ing] to provide i. 1) [F]ailing to record an

3231adequate diagnosis, including adequate diagnosis, symptoms,

3237symptoms, with an and accompanying treatment plan

3244accompanying treatment plan for Patient R.S. prior to

3252for Patient R.S. prior to initiating root canal treatment

3261initiating root canal of tooth number 9 . . . .

3272treatment of tooth number

32769 . . . .

32813 k.2) Respondent failed to i.2) Respondent failed to

3290record adequate exam results record adequate exam results

3298and/or perform a complet e and/or perform a complete

3307diagnosis in support of his diagnosis in support of his root

3318root canal treatment for canal treatment for Patient R.S.

3327Patient R.S.

33294 c) [F]ail]ing] to fully a.2) [F]ailing to document

3338determine th rough diagnostic whether teeth numbers 22 and 26

3348exam results whether teeth were appropriate abutm ent teeth

3357numbers 22 and 26 were for a five - unit bridge and why

3370appropriate abutment teeth an anterior lower five - unit

3379for a five - unit bridge and bridge was needed[.]

3389why an anterior lower five -

3395unit bridge was needed[.]

33995 e) [F]ail[ing] to formulate c) [F]ailing to document

3408and/or present treatment presenting treatment options

3414options with explanation of with explanation of

3421risks/benefits to, and risks/benefits to, or obtaining

3428fail[ing] to obtain informed informed consent from, Patient

3436consent from, Patient R.S. R.S. prior to initiating any of

3446pr ior to initiating any of the treatments provided[.]

3455the treatments provided[.]

34586 f) [F]ail[ing] to fully d) [F]ailing to notate where

3468determine through diagnostic the amalgam filling was located

3476exam results where the on tooth number 29 and why it

3487amalgam filling was located came loose as observed during

3496on tooth number 29 and why it the initial November 15, 2005,

3508came loose as observed during visit and failing to provide a

3519the initial November 15, wr itten diagnosis to justify

35282005, visit and fail[ing] to seating of a crown on the tooth

3540provide adequate diagnosis to in lieu of restoring the filling

3550justify sea ting of a crown on . . . .

3561the tooth in lieu of

3566restoring the filling . . . .

35737 g) [F]ail[ing] to provide e) [F]ailing to record in the

3584post - op instructions or treatment notes that post - op

3595discussions for Patient R.S. instructions or discussions for

3603following procedures Patient R.S. were provided

3609performed November 15, 2005, appropriately following

3615January 3, 2006, and/or for procedures performed November

3623any other treatment visits 15, 2005, January 3, 2006,

3632notated[.] and/or for an y other treatment

3639visits notated[.]

36418 l) [F]ailing to take a j) [F]ailing to record a

3652diagnostic working length diagnostic working length

3658radiograph, and/or use of an radiograph, and/or use of an

3668apex locator, and/or take a apex locator, and/or tak[e] a

3678post - op fill radiograph post - op fill radiograph during

3689during the root canal the root canal treatment

3697treatment provided on or provided on or about January 3,

3707about January 3, 2006[.] 2006[.]

37129 m) [F]ail[ing] to use a k) [F]ailing to record that a

3724rubber dam was used during rubber dam was used in the

3735the Janu ary 3, 2006, root January 3, 2006, root canal

3746canal procedure, and/or procedure, and if it was not,

3755indicate why it was not why it was not employed[.]


376610 b) [F]ail[ing] to either

3771fully diagnose and/or

3774properly treat the

3777periodontal condition [that

3780was] noted in Patient R.S.'s

3785mouth during the initial exam

3790November 15, 2005, before

3794embarking upon complex

3797restorative treatments

3799including root canal and

3803crown and bridge


38071 1 n.1) [S]eat[ing] a crown on

3814tooth number 29 in early

38192006, which broke off with

3824the tooth at the gum line[,]

3831without first determining if

3835tooth number 29 was strong

3840enough to support a

3844crown . . . .

384912 n.2) [F]ail[ing] to diagnose m.1) [F]ailing to record in

3859and determine why the crown treatment notes for Patient

3868seated a few months earlier R.S.'s April 6, 2006, visit, why

3879at tooth number 29 broke off the crown seated a few months

3891with the tooth[.] earlier at tooth number 29 broke

3900off with the tooth at the gum

3907line . . . .

391213 l) [F]ailing to record the

3918types and amounts of anesthetic

3923used during the January 3, 2006,

3929root canal procedure[. ]

393314 i) [F]ail[ing] to take a g) [F]ailing to take and/or

3944diagnostic (preferably interpret in the treatment notes

3951periapical) radiograph of a diagnostic (preferably

3957Patient R.S.'s tooth number 9 periapical) radiograph of

3965prior to initiating root Patient R.S.'s tooth number 9

3974canal treatment of the tooth prior to initiating root canal

3984. . . . treatment of the too th . . . .

399715 j) [F]ail[ing] to perform h) [F]ailing to record the

4007any thermal, pulp, or bite results of any thermal, pulp, or

4018percussion tests performed on bite percussion test s performed

4027Patient R.S. prior to on Patient R.S. prior to

4036initiating root canal initiating root canal treatment

4043treatment on tooth number on tooth number 9[.]


405216 d) [F]ail[ing] to fully b) [F]ailing to clarify why an

4063determine through diagnostic extraction of tooth number 24

4071exam results why an was required and why a five - unit

4083extraction of tooth number 24 bridge was being fabricated

4092was required and why a five - instead of a three - unit bridge

4106unit bridge was being or some other restorative option

4115fabricat ed instead of a in the treatment notes [dated]

4125three - unit bridge or some November 15, 2005, which

4135other restorative option [on] indicate that Respondent

4142November 15, 2005, during extra cted tooth number 24 and

4152which Respondent extracted then prepared for a five unit

4161tooth number 24 and then bridge from tooth sites 22 - 26 to

4174prepared for a five - unit replace the extracted tooth[.]

4184bridge from tooth sites 22 - 26

4191to replace the extracted


419617 h) [F]ail[ing] to inform f) [F]ailing to note informing

4206Patient R.S. that temporary Patient R.S. that temporary or

4215or permanent parathesia is a permanent parathesia is a known

4225known risk of extractions risk of extractions when the

4234when the patient present ed on patient presented on December 9,

4245December 9, 2005, complaining 2005, complaining on numbness in

4254on numbness in the lingual the lingual area p roximate to

4265area proximate to the the extraction/bridge prep site.

4273extraction/bridge prep site. Respondent further failed to re -

4282Respondent further failed to check the parathesia and note

4291re - check the parathesia and progress at subsequent

4300note progress at subsequent appointments, and/or fail[ed] to

4308appointments, and/or failed advise Patient R.S. of possible

4316to advise Patient R.S. of referral to an oral surgeon if

4327po ssible referral to an oral needed[.]

4334surgeon if needed[.]

433718 o) [F]ail[ing] to provide m.2) [F]ailing to record

4346adequate diagnostic results diagnostic results to justify a

4354to justify a proposed plan to proposed plan to seat crowns at

4366seat crowns at tooth numbers tooth numbers 27 and 28, along

437727 and 28, along with placing with placing implants at tooth

4388implants at tooth numbers 29 numbers 29 and 30.

4397and 30, after the crown

4402seated on tooth number 29

4407broke off with the tooth at

4413the gum line.

4416The Expert Testimony

441925. The Department presented the testimony of Victor

4427Spiro, D.D.S., on issues relating to the standard of care.

4437Dr. Spiro was shown to have formulated his opinions without the

4448benefit of some potentially relevant information available to

4456the Department, e.g., the deposition of R.S., which he had not

4467read, and some of the X - rays Dr Gaeta had taken. In addition,

4481he misunderstood certain facts, such as the length of the

4491dentist - patient relationship between Dr. Gaeta and R.S., which

4501was about six months, not many years as Dr. Spiro believed.

4512These considerations were mar ginally damaging to Dr. Spiro's

4521credibility, but not as devastating as Dr. Gaeta has argued.

453126. The real problems with Dr. Spiro's testimony go to the

4542heart of what an expert opinion must contain to be credited as

4554evidence of a standard - of - care violation . To be convincing, the

4568opinion needs to establish clearly the existence of a standard

4578of care in the profession and explain how such standard applies

4589to the facts of the case. 3 As the statute plainly specifies, the

4602standard of care must be a minimum sta ndard of performance, not

4614the optimal standard or best practice. 4 The standard, moreover,

4624must be based on "generally prevailing peer performance", that

4633is, be "recognized as necessary and customarily followed in the

4643community." 5 It is therefore not suff icient for the standard - of -

4657care expert (who likely has a keen interest in seeing his views

"4669recognized as being 'correct' and 'justifiable'") merely to

4678declare his personal opinions or practices and invite the fact -

4689finder, either implicitly or explicitly, to extrapolate ÏÏ from

4698one practitioner's ideas about how the profession should

4706perform ÏÏ a generally applicable, minimum standard for all

4715practitioners. 6 Instead, to be credited, an expert's opinion on

4725the standard of care must result from a process of de ductive

4737reasoning, based demonstrably upon an informed understanding 7 of

4746what the dental community, as a whole, generally does in a given

4758situation. 8

476027. Here, Dr. Spiro did not convincingly articulate

4768minimum standards of performance against which th e undersigned,

4777as fact - finder, can independently measure Dr. Gaeta's conduct.

4787In addition, Dr. Spiro did not establish that his criticisms of

4798Dr. Gaeta were based on a comparison of Dr. Gaeta's conduct to

4810that which generally prevails in the relevant peer group.

4819Indeed, the undersigned is not persuaded, much less convinced,

4828that Dr. Spiro is familiar with the generally prevailing peer

4838practices, if any, relevant to the charges in this case. In

4849sum, a thorough review of Dr. Spiro's testimony leaves the

4859u ndersigned with the distinct impression that Dr. Gaeta failed

4869to measure up to Dr. Spiro's standards of performance. This is

4880not a factually sufficient basis for the imposition of


489028. Because the Department failed to meet its burden of

4900proof with regard to establishing the applicable minimum

4908standards of care, it is unnecessary to make findings based on

4919the testimony of Dr. Fish, whose opinions Dr. Gaeta offered to

4930rebut those of Dr. Spiro.

4935Ultimate Factual Determinations

493829. The evidence p resented with regard to A1, A2, and A3

4950does not clearly and convincingly demonstrate that Dr. Gaeta

"4959failed" to provide a "comprehensive diagnosis" inasmuch as the

4968existence of a standard of care defining and requiring such a

4979diagnosis was not proved and, in any event, Dr. Gaeta did

4990diagnose and treat multiple problems in R.S.'s mouth. The

4999evidence does not prove that Dr. Gaeta improperly diagnosed any

5009of the conditions he treated. The evidence fails to establish

5019convincingly any minimum standards of perf ormance requiring the

5028diagnostic tests that Dr. Gaeta allegedly failed to perform.

5037There is, on the other hand, evidence that Dr. Gaeta performed

5048diagnostic work on R.S., including periodontal depth probing.

5056The evidence fails to establish convincingly t he existence of a

5067standard of care requiring (or defining) the provision of a

"5077comprehensive treatment plan." There is, however, evidence

5084that Dr. Gaeta developed a treatment plan for R.S., consistent

5094with the patient's desires, which was implemented. Dr . Gaeta is

5105not guilty of the charges reproduced in A1, A2, and A3 of the

5118table above.

512030. The evidence fails to prove clearly and convincingly

5129that Dr. Gaeta failed to record or include in R.S.'s chart any

5141of the diagnoses he made, the results of examinat ions performed,

5152or the X - rays taken. A dispute exists between the parties

5164regarding whether the Department possessed all of the records

5173comprising R.S.'s chart. The evidence suggests, as Dr. Gaeta

5182maintains, that some materials might be missing. Given t he many

5193years that elapsed between the time Dr. Gaeta treated R.S. and

5204the commencement of this proceeding, during which period Dr.

5213Gaeta sold the dental practice in which R.S. had been seen and,

5225as a result, surrendered exclusive control over R.S.'s chart , it

5235is easy to accept that a few documents or X - rays have gotten

5249lost or been misplaced. Dr. Gaeta was not charged, however,

5259with failing to preserve dental records he had made, but rather

5270with failing to enter certain required information upon R.S.'s

5279ch art. 9 Therefore, he is not subject to discipline in this case

5292for losing materials originally contained in R.S.'s chart. 10 In

5302sum, Dr. Gaeta is not guilty of the charges set forth in B1, B2,

5316and B3 in the table above.

532231. Contrary to the allegations in A 4, the evidence shows

5333that Dr. Gaeta did, in fact, make a determination based on

5344diagnostic examination results, including X - rays, that a five -

5355unit bridge spanning tooth #22 and tooth #26 was appropriate.

5365The evidence thus fails to prove clearly and convi ncingly that

5376Dr. Gaeta gave little or no thought to the propriety of a five -

5390unit bridge. He is not guilty of violating the standard of care

5402as alleged in A4, even if his determination were wrong (which

5413the evidence does not clearly establish either).

542032. Dr. Gaeta documented in R.S.'s chart the plan to

5430install a five - unit bridge as a means of replacing tooth #24

5443with a false tooth. In doing so Dr. Gaeta clearly manifested

5454his determination that the abutment teeth were appropriate.

5462Although he did not wr ite a detailed explanation of why a five -

5476unit bridge was needed, Dr. Gaeta did prepare a dental record

5487that justifies this course of treatment; thus he is not guilty

5498of the recordkeeping violation alleged in B4.

550533. With regard to A5, the evidence is insu fficient to

5516prove clearly and convincingly that Dr. Gaeta failed to present

5526treatment options, explain risks and benefits, and obtain

5534informed consent before treating R.S., for there is credible

5543evidence suggesting that he did those things. For that reaso n

5554alone, Dr. Gaeta is not guilty of this alleged standard - of - care

5568violation. Further, the failure to obtain informed consent is a

5578disciplinable offense under section 466.028(1)(o) and thus is

5586not punishable under section 466.028(1)(x), which defines the

5594s eparate offense (dental malpractice) that Dr. Gaeta has been

5604accused of committing. 11 For this additional and independent

5613reason, Dr. Gaeta cannot be found guilty of the standard - of - care

5627violation alleged in A5.

563134. As just mentioned, providing dental ser vices without

5640first obtaining the patient's informed consent is an offense

5649punishable under section 466.028(1)(o). Dr. Gaeta was not

5657charged pursuant to that statute. Moreover, presenting

5664treatment options, explaining risks and benefits, and obtaining

5672in formed consent do not justify the course of treatment; doing

5683them does not transform an improper diagnosis into a correct

5693one, nor does failing to do them deprive dentally necessary

5703treatment of justification. Dr. Gaeta is not guilty of the

5713recordkeeping violation as charged in B5.

571935. Contrary to the allegations in A6, the evidence shows

5729that Dr. Gaeta provided a diagnosis for tooth #29 which

5739supported his determination that the tooth might be saved with a

5750crown. The evidence is undisputed that replacin g the filling

5760was not a reasonable option; the only alternative treatment was

5770extraction. The evidence fails to establish that Dr. Gaeta was

5780required, in meeting minimum standards of performance, to

5788determine why the amalgam filling came loose from tooth #29.

5798The evidence fails to prove that Dr. Gaeta was unaware of the

5810location of the filling in tooth #29; to the contrary, there is

5822credible evidence that he dislodged the loose filling while

5831probing it. Dr. Gaeta is not guilty of the standard - of - care -

5846vio lation alleged in A6.

585136. The notes and materials in R.S.'s chart justify

5860Dr. Gaeta's treatment of tooth #29. No more than that is

5871legally required. Dr. Gaeta is not guilty of the recordkeeping

5881violation alleged in B6.

588537. There is credible evidenc e that Dr. Gaeta provided

5895post - operative instructions to R.S. In light of such evidence,

5906the allegation that he failed to do so, as charged in A7, is not

5920established by clear and convincing proof. Dr. Gaeta is

5929therefore not guilty of this alleged standar d - of - care violation.

594238. While the failure to give post - operative instructions

5952might in some circumstances be shown to fall below minimum

5962standards of performance, the failure to record in the patient's

5972chart the giving of such instructions does not make an

5982appropriate course of treatment unjustified, any more than

5990giving ÏÏ and noting in the record the giving of ÏÏ post - operative

6004instructions would justify an inappropriate course of treatment.

6012The purpose of section 466.028(1)(m) is not to ensure that every

6023dentist - patient communication is noted, every tool or instrument

6033used listed, all actions taken, however routine, described in

6042detail; nor is it to obligate the dentist to defend in writing

6054his every diagnosis, treatment decision, exercise of

6061professional judgment, and therapeutic act against potential

6068criticism, as a sort of preemptive rebuttal to a possible future

6079malpractice claim. Rather, the statute is designed, more

6087modestly, to ensure that patient records contain information

6095showing that every cours e of treatment has a rational basis in

6107dentally relevant facts. Dr. Gaeta was not legally required to

6117document his discussions with R.S. regarding post - operative

6126instructions, and therefore he is not guilty of the

6135recordkeeping violation as alleged in B7.

614139. The evidence shows that Dr. Gaeta used an apex locator

6152to measure the canal length of R.S.'s tooth #9. Consequently,

6162the allegation in A8 that he failed to do so is not established

6175by clear and convincing evidence. Dr. Gaeta is not guilty of

6186this c harge.

618940. R.S.'s record contains X - rays and reflects the fact

6200that Dr. Gaeta determined the canal length of tooth #9. The

6211minimum statutory requirements were satisfied with respect to

6219these particulars. Dr. Gaeta is not guilty of the recordkeeping

6229viol ation alleged in B8.

623441. There is credible evidence, which the Department

6242failed sufficiently to overcome, showing that Dr. Gaeta used a

6252rubber dam when he performed a root canal on R.S. Thus, the

6264evidence is not clear and convincing that he failed to us e this

6277common dental implement, as alleged in A9. Dr. Gaeta is not

6288guilty of this alleged standard - of - care violation.

629842. Section 466.028(1)(m) does not demand that a patient's

6307record reveal that the dentist used common dental tools in the

6318customary fash ion. If the statute were held to require that

6329level of detail, the dentist would need to note, e.g., the

6340routine use of scalers and currettes, periodontal probes, latex

6349gloves, drills, etc. ÏÏ an absurd result. Therefore, although Dr.

6359Gaeta did not documen t the use of a rubber dam, he was not

6373legally required to do so. Dr. Gaeta is not guilty of the

6385recordkeeping charge found in 9B.

639043. The evidence shows that Dr. Gaeta diagnosed R.S.'s

6399periodontal condition. The evidence does not clearly and

6407convincingl y establish any minimum standards of performance that

6416Dr. Gaeta failed to meet, under the facts of this case, in

6428addressing the periodontal condition. As a result, Dr. Gaeta is

6438not guilty of the standard - of - care violation alleged in A10.

645144. The evidence shows that Dr. Gaeta made a determination

6461regarding tooth #29's ability to support a crown. He is

6471therefore not guilty of the standard - of - care violation charged

6483in A11.

648545. The evidence shows that Dr. Gaeta made a determination

6495concerning the cause of t ooth #29's collapse. He is therefore

6506not guilty of the standard - of - care violation charged in A12.

651946. It is undisputed that Dr. Gaeta did not record in

6530R.S.'s chart the type and amount of anesthetic used during the

6541root canal procedure. Dr. Gaeta conten ds that producing local

6551anesthesia with Septocaine ® is not "treatment" and therefore need

6561not be noted in the dental record. This argument is rejected;

6572the use of medicine to control pain and anxiety is surely a form

6585of "treatment" as that term is commonl y used and understood.

6596Consequently, section 466.028(1)(m) requires that the patient

6603record contain justification for the use of anesthetic agents,

6612which means that the drugs and dosages administered must be

6622documented. 12 Dr. Gaeta is guilty of the record keeping violation

6633charged in B13. He has, moreover, been found guilty of, and

6644been disciplined for, recordkeeping violations on two previous

6652occasions. 13

665447. Credible evidence, which the Department failed rebut

6662with clear and convincing evidence, shows that Dr. Gaeta took X -

6674rays of R.S.'s tooth #9 before initiating root canal therapy.

6684The X - rays and other information in R.S.'s chart justified that

6696course of treatment. The allegations in B14 are not supported

6706by clear and convincing evidence, and thus D r. Gaeta is not

6718guilty of this alleged recordkeeping violation.

672448. The evidence does not demonstrate clearly and

6732convincingly that Dr. Gaeta performed any thermal, pulp, or bite

6742percussion tests before initiating root canal therapy.

6749Therefore, he cann ot be punished for failing to record in R.S.'s

6761chart the results of such tests, as charged in B15. Dr. Gaeta

6773is not guilty of this alleged recordkeeping violation.


678449. The Division of Administrative Hearings has personal

6792and subject ma tter jurisdiction in this proceeding pursuant to

6802sections 120.569, and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

680850. A proceeding, such as this one, to suspend, revoke, or

6819impose other discipline upon a license is penal in nature.

6829State ex rel. Vining v. Fla. Real Es tate Comm'n , 281 So. 2d 487,

6843491 (Fla. 1973). Accordingly, to impose discipline, the

6851Department must prove the charges against Dr. Gaeta by clear and

6862convincing evidence. Dep't of Banking & Fin., Div. of Sec. &

6873Investor Prot. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932, 933 - 34

6887(Fla. 1996)(citing Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292, 294 - 95

6899(Fla. 1987)); Nair v. Dep't of Bus. & Prof'l Reg., Bd. of

6911Medicine , 654 So. 2d 205, 207 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995).

692151. Regarding the standard of proof, in Slomowitz v.

6930Walker , 42 9 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983), the court

6943developed a "workable definition of clear and convincing

6951evidence" and found that of necessity such a definition would

6961need to contain "both qualitative and quantitative standards."

6969The court held that:

6973cle ar and convincing evidence requires that

6980the evidence must be found to be credible;

6988the facts to which the witnesses testify

6995must be distinctly remembered; the testimony

7001must be precise and explicit and the

7008witnesses must be lacking in confusion as to

7016the facts in issue. The evidence must be of

7025such weight that it produces in the mind of

7034the trier of fact a firm belief or

7042conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

7048truth of the allegations sought to be


7056Id. The Florida Supreme Court later adopte d the Slomowitz

7066court's description of clear and convincing evidence. See In re

7076Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994). The First District

7087Court of Appeal also has followed the Slomowitz test, adding the

7098interpretive comment that "[a]lthough this standar d of proof may

7108be met where the evidence is in conflict, . . . it seems to

7122preclude evidence that is ambiguous." Westinghouse Elec. Corp.

7130v. Shuler Bros., Inc. , 590 So. 2d 986, 988 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991),

7143rev . denied , 599 So. 2d 1279 (Fla. 1992)(citation omi tted).

715452. Disciplinary statutes and rules "must be construed

7162strictly, in favor of the one against whom the penalty would be

7174imposed." Munch v. Dep't of Prof'l Reg., Div. of Real Estate ,

7185592 So. 2d 1136, 1143 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992); see Camejo v. Dep't

7198of Bus. & Prof'l Reg. , 812 So. 2d 583, 583 - 84 (Fla. 3d DCA

72132002); McClung v. Crim. Just. Stds. & Training Comm'n , 458 So.

72242d 887, 888 (Fla. 5th DCA 1984)("[W]here a statute provides for

7236revocation of a license the grounds must be strictly construed

7246because th e statute is penal in nature. No conduct is to be

7259regarded as included within a penal statute that is not

7269reasonably proscribed by it; if there are any ambiguities

7278included, they must be construed in favor of the licensee.");

7289see also , e.g. , Griffis v. Fi sh & Wildlife Conserv. Comm'n , 57

7301So. 3d 929 (Fla. 1st DCA 2011)(statu t es imposing a penalty must

7314never be extended by construction).

731953. Due process prohibits an agency from taking

7327disciplinary action against a licensee based on matters not

7336specifically alleged in the charging instrument. See §

7344120.60(5), Fla. Stat. (" No revocation, suspension, annulment, or

7353withdrawal of any license is lawful unless, prior to the entry

7364of a final order, the agency has served, by personal service or

7376certified mail, an a dministrative complaint which affords

7384reasonable notice to the licensee of facts or conduct which

7394warrant the intended action . . . ."); see also Trevisani v.

7407Dep't of Health , 908 So. 2d 1108, 1109 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005)("A

7420physician may not be disciplined fo r an offense not charged in

7432the complaint."); Marcelin v. Dep't of Bus. & Prof'l Reg. , 753

7444So. 2d 745, 746 - 747 (Fla. 3d DCA 2000); Delk v. Dep't of Prof'l

7459Reg. , 595 So. 2d 966, 967 (Fla. 5th DCA 1992)("[T]he conduct

7471proved must legally fall within the stat ute or rule claimed [in

7483the administrative complaint] to have been violated.").

749154. In Count I of the Complaint, the Department charged

7501Dr. Gaeta under section 466.028(1)(m), which provides in

7509pertinent part as follows:

7513(1) The following acts constitute grounds

7519for denial of a license or disciplinary

7526action . . . :

7531* * *

7534(m) Failing to keep written dental records

7541and medical history records justifying the

7547course of treatment of the patient

7553including, but not limited to, patient

7559histories, exam ination results, test

7564results, and X rays, if taken.

757055. In connection with this charge, the Department alleged

7579further that Dr. Gaeta had not complied with rule 64B5 - 17.002,

7591which provides, in relevant part, as follows:

759864B5 - 17.002 Written Dental Recor ds; Minimum

7606Content; Retention.

7608(1) For the purpose of implementing the

7615provisions of subsection 466.028(1)(m),

7619F.S., a dentist shall maintain written

7625records on each patient which written

7631records shall contain, at a minimum, the

7638following information abo ut the patient:

7644(a) Appropriate medical history;

7648(b) Results of clinical examination and

7654tests conducted, including the

7658identification, or lack thereof, of any oral

7665pathology or diseases;

7668(c) Any radiographs used for the diagnosis

7675or treatment of the pa tient;

7681(d) Treatment plan proposed by the dentist;


7689(e) Treatment rendered to the patient.

769556. The Department reads the statutory phrase, "justifying

7703the course of treatment," to mean, in effect, "proving that the

7714course of treatment met the standa rd of care." 14 Under the

7726Department's interpretation of section 466.028(1)(m) , the

7732dentist must keep a detailed diary of all his interactions with

7743the patient, writing a narrative that includes, among other

7752things, a record of dentist - patient communication s; an

7762explication of the dentist's analysis of (and rationale for)

7771each treatment choice; an explanation of why alternative

7779treatments were rejected; a nd a list of instruments used.

7789Patient records of the sort the Department envisions would be a

7800treasure trove of tempting targets for criticism, nit - picking,

7810and second - guessing. It is therefore understandable that

7819Department prosecutors ÏÏ not to mention civil trial lawyers ÏÏ

7829would appreciate having access to records containing such

7837information. The Departme nt frankly acknowledges, however, that

7845its position depends on an expansive interpretation of section

7854466.028(1)(m) , under which obligations not expressly stated in

7862the statute would be imposed on the profession.

787057. Therein lies the problem with the D epartment's

7879position. The law requires that disciplinary statutes be

7887strictly construed, not liberally expanded. Considering that

7894even dentists who have been accused of committing malpractice do

7904not have the burden to prove that they met the standard of care,

7917it would be anomalous if the recordkeeping statute required all

7927dentists routinely to create patient records sufficient in

7935themselves to demonstrate the exercise of reasonable care under

7944the circumstances. 15 Accordingly, unless and until the

7952legislat ure enacts a statute clearly imposing such a

7961recordkeeping burden, the minimum obligation under section

7968466.028(1)(m) , narrowly construed, is to document information

7975sufficient to show that the course of treatment had a rational

7986basis in dentally relevant facts. 16

799258. As found above, the undersigned has determined that,

8001with one exception, Dr. Gaeta created a patient record for R.S.

8012that conforms to the requirements of section 466.028(1)(m).

8020Dr. Gaeta's failure to record the use of an anesthetic agent in

8032connection with the root canal procedure constitutes the sole

8041recordkeeping violation proved in this case. Although the

8049Department proved just one recordkeeping deficiency, Dr. Gaeta's

8057disciplinary history shows that he is a recidivist with regard

8067to section 466.028(1)(m) ÏÏ a fact that will affect the penalty

8078recommendation which follows.

808159. In Count II of the Complaint, the Department charged

8091Dr. Gaeta under section 466.028(1)(x), which provides in

8099pertinent part as follows :

8104(1) The following act s constitute grounds

8111for denial of a license or disciplinary

8118action . . . :

8123* * *

8126(x) Being guilty of incompetence or

8132negligence by failing to meet the minimum

8139standards of performance in diagnosis and

8145treatment when measured against generally

8150p revailing peer performance, including, but

8156not limited to, the undertaking of diagnosis

8163and treatment for which the dentist is not

8171qualified by training or experience or being

8178guilty of dental malpractice.

818260. As found above, the Department did not suc ceed in

8193proving by clear and convincing evidence that Dr. Gaeta failed

8203to meet the minimum standards of performance in treating R.S.,

8213as charged in the Complaint.

821861. The Board of Dentistry imposes penalties upon

8226licensees in accordance with the discipl inary guidelines

8234prescribed in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B5 - 13.005. The

8244range of penalties for a third offense involving section

8253466.028(1)(m), which is set forth in rule 64B5 - 13.005(1)(m), is

8264from probation with conditions and a $2,500 fine to r evocation

8276and a $10,000 fine.

828162. Rule 64B5 - 13.005(2) provides that, in applying the

8291penalty guidelines, the following aggravating and mitigating

8298circumstances are to be taken into account:

8305(a) The danger to the public;

8311(b) The number of specific off enses, other

8319than the offense for which the licensee is

8327being punished;

8329(c) Prior discipline that has been imposed

8336on the licensee;

8339(d) The length of time the licensee has


8348(e) The actual damage, physical or

8354otherwise, caused by the violation and the

8361reversibility of the damage;

8365(f) The deterrent effect of the penalty


8373(g) The effect of the penalty upon the


8382(h) Efforts by the licensee towards


8389(i) The actual knowledge of the licensee

8396pertaining to the violat ion;

8401(j) Attempts by the licensee to correct or

8409stop the violation or refusal by the

8416licensee to correct or stop the violation;


8424(k) Any other relevant mitigating or

8430aggravating factor under the circumstances .

843663. Subparagraphs (a), (b), (d), (e) s et forth relevant

8446mitigating factors in this case, while subparagraphs (c), (f),

8455(h), and (i) are aggravating factors. On balance, the

8464undersigned does not find compelling reasons to deviate from the

8474guidelines and therefore recommends that the Board of D entistry

8484impose a penalty that falls within the recommended range.


8494Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

8504Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Dentistry enter a final

8516order finding Dr. Gaeta guilty of the recordkeepin g violation

8526alleged in paragraph 27 l) of the Complaint (failure to record

8537types and amounts of anesthetic agents used); finding Dr. Gaeta

8547not guilty of the remaining violations; and imposing the

8556following penalties: suspension from practice for three mon ths,

8565followed by probation for 18 months with conditions reasonably

8574related to the goal of improving Dr. Gaeta's recordkeeping

8583skills; and a fine in the amount of $2,500.

8593DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of June, 2012, in

8603Tallahassee, Leon County, Flo rida.




8614Administrative Law Judge

8617Division of Administrative Hearings

8621The DeSoto Building

86241230 Apalachee Parkway

8627Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

8632(850) 488 - 9675

8636Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

8642www.doah.st ate.fl.us

8644Filed with the Clerk of the

8650Division of Administrative Hearings

8654this 12th day of June, 2012.


86611 / Petit ioner's Exhibit 8 is the deposition of patient R.S.,

8673which was offered and received in lieu of his appearance and

8684testimony at hearing.

86872 / With one exception, the Department did not allege that Dr.

8699Gaeta violated the recordkeeping requirements by failing to

8707document that he did not perform a particular dental act.

87173 / See , e.g. , Brooks v. Serrano , 209 So. 2d 279, 280 (Fla. 4th

8731DCA 1968)

87334 / See § 466.028(1)(x), Fla. Stat.

87405 / Brooks , 209 So. 2d at 280.

87486 / See Robinson v. Fla. Bd. of Dentistry, Dep't of Prof'l Reg. ,

8761447 So. 2d 930, 932 (Fla. 3d DCA 1984)("One professional's

8772opinion, without more, on a particular treatment is neither

8781substantial evidence of incompetence nor a measure of 'generally

8790prevailing peer performance.'").

87947 / The expert should not be permitted to testify on direct

8806examination that his opinions regarding the standard of care

8815were based on consultations with colleagues or other experts

8824about the case, for that would improperly bolster the testifying

8834expert's credibility while prov iding a conduit for inadmissible

8843hearsay. See Linn v. Fossum , 946 So. 2d 1032, 1039 (Fla. 2006).

8855An informed understanding of prevailing professional standards

8862may be predicated, however, on the expert's own experiences in

8872comparable situations; the expe riences of other professionals as

8881made known to him before the incident giving rise to the

8892lawsuit; and professional principles, practices, and theories

8899learned in school, or from technical literature, "shop talk,"

8908seminars, etc. Id. at 1040 n.5 (citing a s distinguishable, and

8919with apparent approval, Jefferis v. Marzano , 696 P.2d 1087 (Or.


89308 / Cf. B.B.A. v. Dep't of Health & Rehab. Servs. , 581 So. 2d

8944955, 958 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991)(Zehmer, J., dissenting)(dissenting

8952judge cogently explains that unl ess an expert's views are stated

8963as being a reflection of the "generally accepted practice in the

8974medical profession," his testimony regarding the standard of

8982care "is effectively nothing more than his own personal opinion

8992that may or may not be recognized generally").

90019 / Because Dr. Gaeta was not charged with failing to retain

9013patient records, which is a different shortcoming from that

9022charged here, namely failing to put sufficient information in a

9032patient's record, the Department's reliance on section

90394 66.018(4) ÏÏ dealing with record retention ÏÏ is misplaced.

904910 / See Trevisani v. Dep't of Health , 908 So. 2d 1108, 1109

9062(Fla. 1st DCA 2005)(doctor could not be disciplined for failing

9072to retain possession of patient records because administrative

9080complaint al leged only that doctor had failed to create or

9091complete the records).

909411 / Cf. Barr v. Dep't of Health , 954 So. 2d 668 (Fla. 1st DCA

91092007)(recordkeeping violations are not punishable as dental

9116malpractice because there is a "significant difference" betwe en

9125the two, and treating recordkeeping deficiencies as standard - of -

9136care violations would render "useless" the statute defining

9144inadequate recordkeeping as a disciplinable offense).

915012 / Reinforcing this conclusion is rule 64B5 - 14.006, which

9161requires dentis ts to report adverse incidents arising from the

9171use of anesthesia to the Board of Dentistry. Such reports must

9182include, among other information, a "[l]ist of drugs and dosage

9192administered." Fla. Admin. Code R. 64B5 - 14.006(c).

920013 / See Dep't of Health v. Gaeta , Case No. 2003 - 05087 (Fla. Bd.

9215of Dentistry Aug. 25, 2009); Dep't of Health v. Gaeta , Case No.

92271999 - 61008 (Fla. Bd. of Dentistry Feb. 12, 2002).

923714 / The Department does not articulate its position in these

9248terms. It writes, instead, that "the det ail [in the patient

9259record] should be enough to protect the patient from harm

9269. . . ." Pet.'s Prop. Rec. Order at 33. The undersigned

9281interprets the Department's argument as an assertion that the

9290patient record must be sufficiently detailed to show that the

9300dentist protected the patient from harm, i.e., exercised

9308reasonable care under the circumstances in accordance with the

9317minimum standards of performance. Elsewhere in its Proposed

9325Recommended Order the Department makes clearer its notion that

9334the pat ient record must suffice per se to prove that the dentist

9347met the standard of care. E.g. , id. at 26 ("Because [the crown -

9361to - root ratio] was not documented, [the administrative law

9371judge] must conclude that the standard of care was not met and

9383find that th e Respondent did not meet the required minimum

9394standard of care."); id. at 26 - 27 ("Petitioner is justified in

9408assuming this lack of documentation[, i.e., the absence of a

9418note in the patient record explaining why a crown was placed on

9430tooth #29,] means the diagnosis was not done to support the

9442treatment provided. This fails to meet the minimal standard in

9452diagnosis and treatment."); id. at 29 ("The Respondent testified

9463at trial that he used an apex locator, but he did not document

9476this fact in writing. Th erefore, [the administrative law judge]

9486must find that he did not do so.").

949515 / It is not an exaggeration to observe that the Department's

9507interpretation of the recordkeeping statute, if adopted, would

9515have a burden - shifting effect bearing on the standard of care.

9527This is because the Department tacitly maintains that unless the

9537patient record contains within its four corners evidence

9545sufficient to show that the course of treatment met the minimum

9556standards of performance, then the dentist is guilty ÏÏ at le ast

9568of a recordkeeping violation and probably of a standard - of - care

9581violation as well.

958416 / Of course, satisfying this minimum recordkeeping requirement

9593does not necessarily produce proof that the minimum standards of

9603performance were met; conversely, the failure to satisfy the

9612minimum recordkeeping requirement, without more, is not proof

9620that the minimum standards of performance were not satisfied.

9629At bottom if a dentist is later charged with a standard - of - care

9644violation, the patient record (whether in or out of compliance

9654with section 466.028(1)(m) ) is not the only evidence available

9664to the Department on the question of whether the standards of

9675performance were met. The Department can use other evidence to

9685prove such a charge, just as the dentist can use other evidence

9697in his defense.


9703Geoffrey F. Rice, Esquire

9707Wayne Mitchell, Esquire

9710Department of Health

97134052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

9721Tallahassee, Flor ida 32399 - 3265

9727Max R. Price, Esquire

9731Law Offices of Max R. Price, P.A.

97386701 Sunset Drive, Suite 104

9743Miami, Florida 33143 - 4529

9748Sue Foster, Executive Director

9752Board of Dentistry

9755Department of Health

97584052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 08

9766Tallahassee, Flor ida 32399 - 3258

9772Jennifer A. Tschetter, General Counsel

9777Department of Health

97804052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

9786Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


9797All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

980715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

9818to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

9829will issue the Final Order in this case

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/06/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 09/05/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/09/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Exceptions to Recommended Order Filed on June 12, 2012, by the Honorable John G. Van Laningham filed.
Date: 06/12/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/12/2012
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding exhibits, which were not admitted into evidence, to the agency.
Date: 06/12/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held February 28-29, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/12/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 05/22/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Withdrawal of "Petitioner's Motion to Enforce Payment of Expert Witness Fee, Pursuant to Rule 1.390(c), FLA. R. CIV. PRO." filed.
Date: 05/21/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Enforce Payment of Expert Witness Fee, Pursuant to Rule 1.390(c), FLA. R. CIV. PRO filed.
Date: 04/10/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Exhibit "A' of Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/09/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/09/2012
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/09/2012
Proceedings: Second Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 04/06/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Extend Time for Filing Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/30/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 03/29/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Extend Time for Filing of Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/22/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Receipt of Final Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 03/19/2012
Proceedings: Order Regarding Proposed Recommended Order.
Date: 03/16/2012
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings Volume I-IV (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 02/28/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/28/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibit No. 5 (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 02/27/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Directed Verdict on Allegations Deemed Moot by State's Expert Witness filed.
Date: 02/27/2012
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Laningham from M. Price enclosing Respondent's supplemental proposed hearing exhibits filed.
Date: 02/27/2012
Proceedings: Deposition of Victor Spiro, D.D.S. filed.
Date: 02/27/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Deposition Transcript of Victor Spiro, D.D.S..
Date: 02/24/2012
Proceedings: Order on Respondent`s Motions in Limine.
Date: 02/24/2012
Proceedings: Order on Motion to Deem Matters Admitted.
Date: 02/24/2012
Proceedings: Attachments to Amended Notice of Filing Respondent's Answer to Petitioner's First Request for Admissions with Petitioner's First Request for Admissions and Motion for Order Deeming Admissions Numbered 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 22 Admitted filed.
Date: 02/24/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Date: 02/24/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Co-Counsel (Wayne Mitchell) filed.
Date: 02/24/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 02/24/2012
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Filing Respondent's Answer to Petitioner's First Request for Admissions with Petitioner's First Request for Admissions and Motion for Order Deeming Admissions Numbered 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 22 Admitted filed.
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits with Transmittal Letter and Coversheet filed.
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing of Proposed Trial Exhibits filed.
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Laningham from M. Price enclosing Respondent's proposed hearing exhibits filed.
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Deposition Transcript of Victor Spiro, D.D.S filed.
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion in Limine to Prevent or Disqualify Petitioner's Expert's Opinions Based on Misconception of Law filed.
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion in Limine to Limit Testimony of Department's Expert filed.
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Amended Unilateral Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Answer to Petitioner's First Request for Admissions with Petitioner's First Request for Admissions and Motion for Order Deeming Admissions Numbered 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 22 Admitted filed.
Date: 02/22/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Transcript with Exhibits of Deposition in Lieu of Live Testimony of R.S. (Patient) filed.
Date: 02/22/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Unilateral Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 02/20/2012
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Unilateral Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 02/20/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Better Answer to Petitioner's Interrogatory Number 8 filed.
Date: 02/10/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Objections to Respondent's Boecher Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 02/10/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Objections to Respondent's Boecher Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 02/10/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Answers to Respondent's Boecher Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 02/10/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum Exhibit A filed.
Date: 02/10/2012
Proceedings: Order on Motion to Compel.
Date: 01/31/2012
Proceedings: Cross-notice of Taking Deposition in Lieu of Live Testimony (Patient R.S.) filed.
Date: 01/27/2012
Proceedings: Order on Objection to Notice of Deposition.
Date: 01/27/2012
Proceedings: Motion to Compel More Complete Response to Petitioner's Four Discovery Requests filed.
Date: 01/26/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to "Respondent's Objection to 'Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum' of Party" /Motion to Compel Expedited Compliance with Discovery Request (Subpoena Duces Tecum) filed.
Date: 01/26/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Victor E. Spiro, DDS) filed.
Date: 01/26/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Robert Fish, DDS) filed.
Date: 01/24/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Objection to Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Party filed.
Date: 01/12/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of J. Gaeta) filed.
Date: 01/10/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition in Lieu of Live Testimony (of Patient R.S.) filed.
Date: 01/04/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of Boecher Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 01/04/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of J. Gaeta) filed.
Date: 01/03/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Request for Production & Petitioner's Answers to Respondent's Standard Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 12/29/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Answers to Petitioner's First Request to Produce filed.
Date: 12/29/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Answers to Petitioner's Expert Interrogatories filed.
Date: 12/29/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Answers to Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 12/29/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Answers to Petitioner's First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 12/01/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Standard Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 12/01/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Request for Production filed.
Date: 12/01/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Discovery filed.
Date: 11/30/2011
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 11/30/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 28, February 29 and March 7, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/29/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Serving Expert Interrogatories filed.
Date: 11/29/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner's First Request for Production, First Request for Interrogatories and First Request for Admissions to Respondent filed.
Date: 11/22/2011
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 11/14/2011
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 11/10/2011
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 11/10/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Geoffrey Rice) filed.
Date: 11/10/2011
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 11/10/2011
Proceedings: Amended Administrative Complaint filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):

Related Florida Rule(s) (1):