20-000091 Paul Still vs. Suwannee River Water Management District And Bradford County, Florida,
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, November 19, 2020.

View Dockets  
Summary: Bradford County was entitled to an exemption for road repair to repair storm damaged S.W. 101st Avenue.

1For Respondent Bradford County, Florida :

7William Edward Sexton , County Attorney

12Bradford County, Florida

15945 North Temple Avenue

19Post Office Drawer B

23Starke , Florida 32 091


34The issue to be determined is whether Bradford County meets the criteria

46listed in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62 - 330.051(4) (e) for a road repair



65On December 10, 2019, the Suwannee River Water Management District

75(“District”) entered a notice in Environmental Resource Permit (ERP):

84Exemption, ERP - 007 - 233697 - 2 (“Exemption”), by which it determined that

98activities related to the repair of S outhwest 101st Avenue in Bradford

110County, Florida (“ 101st Avenue ” or the “road” ) met the criteria to be an

126exempt activity pursuant to r ule 62 - 330.051(4)(e) .

136On or about December 23, 2019, Paul Still (“Petitioner” or “Dr. Still”) filed

149a Petition Requesting an Administrative Hearing Review (“Petition”)

157challenging the Exemption , which was refer r ed to DOAH and assigned as

170DOAH Case No. 20 - 0091.

176On January 13, 2020, the District filed a Motion to Amend Case Caption

189to Include Exemption Applicant, Bradford County, Florida, as a Party , and

200Bradford County, Florida (“County”) was , thereafter , added as a Respondent.

210The final hearing was initially set to be heard on March 23, 2020, in Live

225Oak, Florid a. Upon motion, the hearing was continued and rescheduled for

237June 17 and 18, 2020 , in Live Oak. A telephonic status conference was held

251on May 19, 2020, to discuss both the hearing date and the means by which

266the hearing would be conducted. On May 21, 202 0, the parties jointly

279requested that the hearing be rescheduled for September 10 and 11, 2020 , at

292the District offices in Live Oak, and it was so scheduled. On July 21, 2020, in

308light of the continuing Covid - 19 outbreak, and due to a scheduled travel -

323limiting medical procedure involving the undersigned, the hearing was

332rescheduled to be held on September 10 and 11, 2020 , by Zoom conference.

345On September 4, 2020, the parties filed their Joint Pre - hearing

357Stipulation (“JPS”) . The J PS contained nine stipulations of fact , each of

370which are adopted and incorporated herein . The JPS also identified disputed

382issues of fact and law remaining for disposition .

391On September 4, 2020, the County also filed a Motion in Limine objecting

404to consideration of whether the work performed by the County qualified for

416an exemption under rule 62 - 330.051(4)(b) for the maintenance and operation

428of culverted roadway crossings . Dr. Still filed a response which included a

441copy of the County’s July 2, 2019 , Request for Verification of an Exemption ,

454and based thereon, the motion was denied, subject to a determination that

466the area at issue is a “wholly artificial, non - navigable drainage conveyance.”

479T he final hearing was convened on September 10, 2020 , as scheduled.

491At the com mencement of the final hearing, the issue of whether an

504exemption for “[c] onstruction, alteration, or maintenance, and operation, of

514culverted roadway crossing [ ]” pursuant to rule 62 - 330.051(4)(b) was

526sought by the County or granted by the District was taken up again. It was

541determined from the stipulated Exemption application that , on December 3,

5512019, the Exemption request was modified to eliminate the request for

562verification of the culverted roadway crossing, and the Count y was

573proceeding solely on its application for the road repair exemption in rule

58562 - 330.051(4)(e). That substituted application was the basis for the District’ s

598notice of the Exemption. The O rder denying the Motion in Limine was

611reconsidered in light o f the additional evidence and granted on the record.

624Therefore, the hearing proceeded solely on the issue of whether the C ounty

637met t he standards for a road repair exemption under rule 62 - 330.051(4)(e).

651The Exemption was approved under the authority of chapter 403 , Florida

662Statutes . Therefore, the modified burden of proof established in

672section 120.569(2)(p) , Florida Statutes , is applicable . Thus, upon the County

683and the District entering the complete application files and supporting

693documentation and t he District’s notice of the Exemption into evidence , the

705prima facie case of entitlement for the Exemption was met. Therefore , the

717burden of ultimate persuasion is on Petitioner to prove his case in opposition

730to the Exemption by a preponderance of the com petent and substantial

742evidence and , thereby , prove that the County failed to provide reasonable

753assurance that the standards for issuance of the Exemption were met.

764At the final hearing , by agreement of the parties, the witnesses were

776presented as joint witnesses, with all parties having the opportunity to elicit

788direct testimony and cross - examination of each witness. The following

799witnesses were presented: Patrick Welch, R.P.S., who was accepted as an

810expert in land surveying; Chad Ris char, P.W.S., who was accepted as an

823expert in wetland science ; Jorge Morales, P.E., who was accepted as an

835expert in civil engineering; Mary Diaz, P.E., who was accepted as an expert

848in agricultural and biological engineering, environmental resource permi tting

857(“ERP”), and rule - based exemptions to ERP; Leroy Marshall , II, P.E., who

870was accepted as an expert in civil engineering, ERP, and rule - based

883exemptions to ERP ; and Christina Carr, P.W.S., who was accepted as an

895expert in environmental science, ERP, rule - based exemptions to ERP , and

907soil and water science . Dr. Still testified on his own behalf. District Exhibits 1

922through 3 , County Exhibits 3 through 6 , and Petitioner’s Exhibits 1 through

9343, 5 through 8, and 10 through 12 were received in evidence.

946A two - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed on October 7 , 2020 .

962The parties requested 20 days from the filing of the Transcript to file their

976post - hearing submittals. On October 22, 2020, the County moved for an

989extension of time to file proposed recommended orders (“PRO”). The motion

1000was granted, and the date for filing was extended to November 3, 2020. On October 2 8 , 2020, the District moved for an extension of time t o file PROs .

1031The motion was granted, and the date for filing was extended to November 9 ,

10452020. Dr. Still and the District filed their PROs by 5:00 p.m. on November 9,

10602020 . The County ’s PRO was received by DOAH through the e - filing system

1076at 5:09 p.m. on N ovember 9, 2020, and it was , therefore , entered on the

1091docket as being filed on November 10, 2020 , in accordance with Florida

1103Administrative Code Rule 28 - 106.104(3) . Nonetheless, each of the PROs has

1116been considered in the preparation of this Recommended O rder .

1127On September 3, 2020, the County filed a Motion for Attorney’s Fees and

1140Costs P ursuant to S ection 120.5 95, Florida Statutes, Against Petitioner, Paul

1153Still. Mr. Still filed a response on October 6, 2020. The motion is addressed at

1168the conclus ion of this Recommended Order.

1175The law in effect at the time the District takes final agency action on the

1190application being operative, references to statutes are to their current

1200versions , unless otherwise noted . Lavernia v. Dep’t of Prof’l Reg. , 616 So. 2d

121453 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993).


1225Based upon the demeanor and credibility of the witnesses , the

1235stipulations of the parties, and the evidentiary record of this proceeding, the

1247following Findings of Fact are made:

1253The Parties

12551 . Dr. Still resides at 14167 S outhwest 101st Ave nue, Starke, F lorida.

1270That property abuts work that was performed pursuant to the Exemption.

12812 . The District is a water management district created by section

1293373.069(1) , Florida Statutes . It has the responsibility to conserve, protect,

1304manage, and control the water resources within its geographic boundaries.

1314See § 373.069(2)(a), Fla. Stat. The District, in concert with the Department of

1327Environmental Protection, is authorized to administe r and enforce c hapter

1338373, and rules promulgated thereunder in c hapter 62 - 330 , regarding

1350activities in surface waters of the state. The District is the permitting

1362authority in this proceeding and issued the Exemption to the C o unty .

13763. The County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida . The County

1391is responsible for keeping county roads and structures within its boundary in

1403good repair and for establishing the width and grade of such roads and

1416structures . §§ 334.03(8) and 336.02(1)(a), Fla. Stat.

14244. 101st Avenue , a dirt road, was constructed decades ago and runs in a

1438general north/south direction for several miles. It was in existence , publicly

1449used, and under C ounty maintenanc e long before January 1, 2002 . Dr. Still

1464acknowledged that when he purchased his property in 19 96 , the road was

1477publicly used and was being maintained by the County.

14865 . The centerline of 101st Avenue has existed in its current position as

1500long as Mr. Welch , the Bradford County surveyor, has been familiar with the

1513proper ty, since at least 1996. The County owns and is allowed to use a 60 - foot

1531right - of - way (“ROW”) extending 30 feet to either side of the centerline. The

1547driving surface of 101st Avenue has consistently been from 20 to 22 feet in

1561width, with drainage structures extending further into the ROW.

15706 . The evidence was convincing that 101st Avenue was regularly

1581maintained or repaired by the County for more than s even years prior to the

1596Exemption . The evidence was equally convincing that , during that period , the

1608width of the road that actually has been maintained or repaired is substantially -- if not identically -- the same as the width of 101st Avenue

1634after the r oad repairs under the Exemption were completed.

16447 . 101st Avenue was , prior to the exempt road repair work, “very wet”

1658during rainy periods, and cars and trucks would routinely get stuck in the

1671mud . Mr. Welch testified credibly that 101st Avenue was “a mess ” even

1685before the events that led to the work covered by the Exemption.

16978 . It is reasonable to conclude that the driving surface of 101st Avenue

1711may have shifted by a matter of feet in either direction over the years prior to

1727the exempt road repairs , which would have generally been the result of

1739persons driving off of the driving surface to escape impassable areas, and of

1752the imprecision inherent in grading a dirt road with a large motor grader.

1765The evidence established that the County has maintain ed 101st Avenue at a

1778location as close to the established centerline as possible, and has not

1790intentionally moved or realigned 101st Avenue from its historic location.

18009 . Mr. Welch was very familiar with 101st Avenue, having used it

1813numerous times, including during the period leading up to the events that precipitated the road repair work at issue. He testified to two surveys he performed of the area, first in 1996, and aga in in the vicinity of the Still

1854property in May 2017. He testified that 101st Avenue was under C ounty

1867ownership and maintenance prior to h is first survey in 1996.

187810 . Photographic evidence offered by Dr. Still showed 101st Avenue to be

1891significantly degra ded near his property for several years leading up to 201 7 .

1906Turbidity of the waters passing alongside and under 101st Avenue was “ a

1919long ongoing issue with this road , ” dating back to at least 2015 .

193311 . 101st Avenue “was in pretty poor shape” in January 2017. Cars would

1947routinely go around wet areas on the driving surface and possibly onto

1959Dr. Still’s property. That gave the appearance of a change in the eastern

1972ROW. Over a period of years prior to the Exemption work, the ROW may

1986have crept eastward as the road was grade d , ditches were maintained , and

1999residential traffic diverted around impassable areas . The shift could have

2010been as much as 10 to 15 feet , but the evidence establishing such was n either

2026pr ecise n or compelling . However, even if the ROW shifted over time, the

2041movement was not the result of intentional operation and maintenance by

2052C ounty staff , but was a gradual, unintentional movement over time. Such a

2065gradual shift is common with dirt and limerock roads. Furthermore, the

2076alignment of the travel surface was stable, and was always within the 60 - foot

2091ROW, although the stormwater structures may have gone beyond the ROW.

21021 2 . In August 201 7 , a series of storm events caused 101st Avenue to be

2119flooded . Dr. Still testified that the existing road and ditches and most of the

2134areas adjacent to his property were “destroyed” by continu ed public use after

2147the August 2017 rain event. He believed there was no way to ascertain the

2161alignment of 101st Avenue.

21651 3 . Around September 10 , 201 7 , Hurricane Irma impacted the County,

2178causing substantial flooding and damaging numerous dirt and limerock roads

2188in th e County , including 101st Avenue . 101st Avenue was partially damaged

2201from flooded conditions , and rendered completely impassable at places along

2211its path , which led motorists to drive off of the established roadway onto

2224adjacent properties to get through. The diversion of traffic off of the road

2237surface wa s due to the personal decisions of the public using the road, and

2252was not the result of any direction, operation , or maintenance by County


22651 4 A fter Hurricane Irma , G overnor Scott issued emergency orders that

2278allowed local governments to undertake necessary repairs to roadways. The

2288County issued similar emergency orders. 1

22941 5 . In November 2017, Mr. Welch performed a survey to establish the

2308alignment of the road. 101st Avenue was partially repaired consistent with

2319the survey and pursuant to the emerg ency orders , with the work beginning in

2333December 2017.

23351 6 . As the work to repair 101st Avenue was proceeding, Dr. Still asserted

2350that the ROW encroached onto his property. He and Mr. Welch walked the

2363property line , noted that the ROW appeared to extend across a fence installed

2376on the west side of 101st Avenue, and staked t he disputed area. Though the

2391County believed it was working within its ROW, it decided, more as a matter of convenience to avoid the time and expense of litigation , to purchase the

2418dis puted area. Thereafter, on January 5, 2018, the County purchased 1.78

2430acres of property from Dr. Still, which was incorporated into the County


24432 The purchase of the property , and establishment of the undisputed

2454ROW, was completed well before the Decemb er 23, 2019, filing of the


24681 7 . The travel surface of the road remained within the prescriptive and

2482historical ROW. The “footprint” of 101st Avenue was the same before and

2494after the road repair work. Dr. Still admitted that the road had not

2507“physically moved.” However, he believes th at the County’s use of the

25191 Since the Exemption work was largely (and lawfully) performed under the emergency orders, the

2534County’s Exemption application was filed after the repair work had begun on 101st Avenue, and is

2550considered an after - the - fact application. The application for the Exemption was originally filed pursuant to

2568r ules 62 - 330.051 ( 4) (b) and (e). The County thereafter withdrew its request for an exemption pursuant to

2589rule 62 - 330.051 (4) (b), and limited its Exemption to r ule 62 - 330.051(4)(e), which establishes the standards

2609at issue in this proceeding. The District’s December 10, 2019, proposed agency action granted the

2624Exemption for resurfacing the entirety of the length of 101st Avenue.

26352 The evidence was not sufficient to establish that the ROW actually encroached onto Dr. Still’s property. It

2653is equally plausible that the fence enc roached into the 101st Avenue ROW. Nonetheless, the issue was -- or

2672should have been -- resolved when the County agreed to pay Dr. Still to extinguish any plausible claim to

2691the property in dispute.

26951.78 acres of purchased property for the ROW con stitutes a realignment of

2708101st Avenue.

27101 8 . From an engineering perspective, as long as a road surface is within

2725an established ROW, and there has been no intentional change in its

2737direction or trajectory, the road is not “realigned.” The evidence established

2748that 101st Avenue remained within its established ROW, and there was no

2760intentional change in its direction or trajectory from the repair work.

277119 . The work performed under the exemption involved grading 101st

2782Avenue along its entire length, and applying asphalt millings and a sealant

2794to stabilize the travel surface. The asphalt millings placed on the 101st

2806Avenue travel surface were applied on top of the “as - is” existing limerock .

2821The millings provided structure and stability to the travel lanes, and

2832eliminated erosion and the large muddy bogs that were a feature of the road

2846during the rainy season and after storms. There was no persuasive evidence

2858that the millings materially raised the height of the road travel surface.

28702 0 . Mr. Risc har testified that 101st Avenue, after th e road repair work, is

2887now in good condition and intact. The asphalt millings are not “loose” but are

2901bound together. The work stabilized the roadbed, provided structural

2910integrity, and improved water quality as compared to a simple graded road.

2922His testim ony is accepted.

292721 . Dr. Still produced several photographs depicting a small pile of dirt

2940near a roadside ditch near the drainage culvert under 101st Avenue. The pile

2953pre - dated the Exemption work. Ms. Diaz testified that the mounds ha d been

2968“taken care of ,” and they do not appear in any post - Exemption photographs.

2983There was no evidence of any excavated material having been deposited at or near the Still property from the exempt road repair work.

30062 2 . As part of the Exemption work, drainage structures were i ncorporated

3020to receive and convey stormwater from the road surface. Rule 62 -

3032330.051(4)(e)5. requires that work performed under a road repair exemption

3042incorporate “[r] oadside swales or other effective means of stormwater

3052treatment .”

30542 3 . The evidence was not sufficient to demonstrate that the stormwater

3067structures incorporated along 101st Avenue met the stringent criteria for

3077“swales” as set forth in the Applicant’s Handbook, Volume II, §§ 5.5.1 and

30905.5.2 . However, the testimony was convin cing that the drainage work

3102incorporated into the road repairs was an “ other effective means of

3114stormwater treatment. ” Dr. Still’s testimony as a “citizen scientist” was not

3126sufficient to overcome the expert testimony offered by the County and the

3138District .

31402 4 . During the initial phases of the work, when the County was acting

3155under the post - Irma emergency orders, the County had not installed silt

3168fences. Dr. Still complained to the C ounty, and silt fences and turbidity

3181curtains were installed. Dr. Still ad mitted that the y “ functioned fairly well.”

3195The silt fences and turbidity curtains were installed prior to the

3206December 23, 2019, filing of the Petition.

32132 5 . The t urbidity curtains and silt screens met best management practices

3227(“BMPs”) . BMPs are generally construction - related practices, and are not

3239designed for the “operation” of a facility after conditions have stabilized.

3250Compliance with BMPs is intended to demonstrate compliance with water quality standards. Ms. Carr directed the County to remove the turbidity

3271control curtains prior to her last inspection since the area had stabilized.

32832 6 . While photographic evidence depicted differences in the appearance of

3295water in the roadside ditches from that flowing und er the road from forested

3309areas to the west, the photographs were not sufficient to establish violations

3321of state water quality standards for turbidity. A turbidity violation is, by

3333definition, a reading of 2 9 Nephelometric Turbidity Units ( NTUs ) over

3346back ground as measured by a meter. Fla. Admin. Code R. 62 - 302.530 (69).

3361Ms. Carr testified credibly that one cannot gauge water quality from a picture, and that the photographs she took on her December 20, 2018 , site

3386visit did not depict the conditions “in rea l life.” District employees who visited

3400the area , including Ms. Carr , saw nothing that raised water quality concerns.

3412The appearance of the water in photographs is not sufficient to demonstrate

3424that the County failed to control turbidity, sedimentation, and erosion during

3435and after construction to prevent violations of state water quality standards

3446due to construction - related activities.

34522 7 . Dr. Still was critical of the District inspectors for failing to take

3467turbidity samples using calibrated meters. Ho wever, he did not take such

3479samples himself, and was not able to offer proof of any violation of water

3493quality standards due to the exempt road repairs.

35012 8 . Rule 62 - 330.050(9)(b)5., read in conjunction with rule 62 -

3515330.051(4)(e)8., provides that the “const ruction, alteration, and operation” of

3525exempt road repair work shall not “[c]ause or contribute to a violation of state water quality standards,” and that “[t]urbidity, sedimentation, and erosion

3549shall be controlled during and after construction to prevent violations of state

3561water quality standards.” The rules establish that the standards and

3571conditions apply to the exempt work being performed , and not to conditions

3583in the area that may have existed prior to the exempt work.

359529 . The issue of turbidity, though discussed at length during the hearing,

3608was resolved conclusively when Dr. Still admitted that turbidity was not

3619made worse by the road repairs. Furthermore, a preponderance of the

3630evidence established that the structure and stability provided to the travel

3641lanes improved the turbidity and sedimentation that pre - dated the road

3653repair , and reduced erosion of the road , not only by the repair of the road

3668itself, but by eliminating the need to drive off of the road surface to avoi d and

3685bypass impassable areas.

36883 0 . The Exemption work included the replacement of a culvert under

3701101st Avenue. At some time between January 8, 2018 , and January 19, 2018,

3714a n existing 30 - inch culvert was removed and replaced with two 24 - inch

3730culverts. Dr. Still complained that the 24 - inch culverts were resulting in

3743flooding of his property. Therefore, on or about December 17, 2019, prior to

3756the December 23, 2019, filing of the Petition, the 24 - inch culverts were

3770removed, and a 30 - inch culvert was instal led to match the size and capacity

3786of the previously existing culvert , and return the area to its pre - existing

3800condition .

38023 1 . There was no evidence that the current 30 - inch culvert has resulted in

3819any flooding. Since the 30 - inch culvert reestablished the pre - Exemption

3832condition, a strong inference is drawn that the exempt work will not “ cause

3846adverse water quantity or flooding impacts to receiving water and adjacent lands . ” Rather, the evidence establishes that water quantity impacts, if any,

3870were in existence prior to the exempt road repairs.


38803 2 . The work was not related to the alteration or maintenance of a

3895“ culverted roadway crossing ,” despite the culvert work. Thus, the previous

3907inclusion of rule 62 - 330.051(4)(b) as a basis for the County’s Ex emption

3921request was withdrawn. The District accepted that withdrawal, and its notice of Exemption did not include any reference to the culvert. As indicated in the

3946Preliminary Statement and the amended disposition of the Motion in Limine, the road repair E xemption does not explicitly address culvert replacement.

3968Therefore, any allegation that the replacement of the culvert was a violation of District permitting standards must be taken up with the District as an

3993exercise of its enforcement discretion, and is not an issue in this proceeding.

40063 3 . Dr. Still produced photographs that were described as depicting

4018“ s ediment” that was deposited along a “canal” on his property between 101st

4032Avenue and a cleared utility easement. To the extent the photographs

4043depicted sediment as described, which was not visually apparent, the y were

4055not sufficient to prove when any such sediment was deposited, or whether the

4068sedi ment was related to the road repairs performed under the Exemption.

40803 Again, simplistically, work performed under the road re pair exemption is not designed to

4095make pre - existing water quality and water quantity issues better, it just cannot make th ose

4112conditions worse.

41143 4 . Mr. Rischar testified convincingly that there was no scientific data to

4128support a determination that there are water quality issues, including

4138turbidity, at the roadway.

41423 5 . Dr. Stil l produced photographs of the post - Exemption condition of

4157101st Avenue with several comparatively tiny depressions that, if never

4167maintained, would presumably develop into potholes. Despite the nascent

4176depressions, the road appeared to be vastly improved f rom its condition prior

4189to the repairs, as evidenced by Dr. Still’s pre - Irma photographs. Mr. Rischar

4203testified credibly that any roadway, from the least developed dirt road to the most highly developed interstate highway can, and does, develop holes in th e

4229travel surface over time. For that reason, governmental bodies, including the

4240County, maintain roads, including 101st Avenue. The photographs provide no

4250support for a finding that the exempt road repairs have resulted in any

4263violation of a standard in ei ther rule 62 - 330.051(4)(e)8. or rule 62 -


427936 . The evidence established that 101st Avenue was regularly maintained

4290and repaired by the County for more than seven years prior to the

4303Exemption , and that the road repairs did not realign , expand the number of

4316traffic lanes , or alter the width of the existing road .

432737 . The evidence established that the work performed under the

4338Exemption did not realign 101st Avenue. The repairs to 101st Avenue

4349included work reasonably necessary to repair a nd stabilize the road using

4361generally accepted roadway design standards .

436738 . The evidence demonstrates that no excavated material related to the

4379work under the Exemption was placed at or near Dr. Still’s property or, for that matter, anywhere along 101st A venue.

44003 9 . The evidence established that the repairs to 101st Avenue did not

4414a dversely impound or obstruct existing water flow, cause adverse impacts to

4426existing surface water storage and conveyance capabilities, or otherwise

4435cause adverse water quantity or flooding impacts to receiving water s and

4447adjacent lands .

445040 . The evidence was not sufficient to establish that the road repair work

4464ca use d or contribute d to a violation of state water quality standards.

4478Ultimate Findings of Fact

448241 . The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes

4493that 101st Avenue was in existence long before January 1, 2002 , has been

4506publicly used since that time, and has been regularly maintained and

4517repaired by the County for more than seven years prior to the Exemption .

4531Evidence to the contrary was not persuasive.

453842 . The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes

4549that d uring its relevant period of existence, the width of 101st Avenue that

4563actually has been maintained or repaired is substantially -- if not identically -

4576- the same as the width of 101st Avenue after the road repairs under the

4591Exemption were completed. T he work performed under the Exemption did

4602not realign or expan d the number of traffic lanes of 101st Avenue. The

4616repairs to 101st Avenue included work reasonably necessary to repair and

4627stabilize the road using generally accepted roadway design standards.

4636Evidence to the contrary was not persuasive.

46434 3 . The greater w eight of the competent substantial evidence establishes

4656that no excavated material related to the work under the Exemption was

4668placed at or near Dr. Still’s property or, for that matter, anywhere along

4681101st Avenue. Evidence to the contrary was not persuas ive.

46914 4 . The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes

4703that the repairs to 101st Avenue did not adversely impound or obstruct

4715existing water flow, cause adverse impacts to existing surface water storage and conveyance capabilities, o r otherwise cause adverse water quantity or

4737flooding impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands. Evidence to the

4748contrary was not persuasive.

47524 5 . The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes

4764that the road repair work incorporated effective means of stormwater

4774treatment , and did not cause or contribute to a violation of state water

4787quality standards. Evidence to the contrary was not persuasive.

47964 6 . The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes

4808tha t t urbidity, sedimentation, and erosion were controlled during and after

4820construction , and continue to be controlled, to prevent violations of state

4831water quality standards . Erosion and sediment control BMPs were installed

4842and maintained in accordance with applicable guidelines and specifications.

4851Evidence to the contrary was not persuasive.



48644 7 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

4876parties to and the subject matter of this proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57, F la. Stat.


489348 . Section 120.52(13) defines a “party , ” in pertinent part, as a person

4907“ whose substantial interests will be affected by proposed agency action, and

4919who makes an appearance as a party.” Section 120.569(1) provides, in

4930pertinent part, that “[t]he provisions of this section apply in all proceedings

4942in which the substantial interests of a party are determined by an agency.”

495549 . Standing under chapter 120 is guided by the two - pronged test

4969established in the sem inal case of Agrico Chemical Corporation v.

4980Department of Environmental Regulation , 406 So. 2d 478 (Fla. 2d DCA 1981).

4992In that case, the court held that:

4999We believe that before one can be considered to

5008have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proc eeding, he must show 1) that he will suffer an

5028injury in fact which is of sufficient immediacy to

5037entitle him to a section 120.57 hearing and 2) that

5047his substantial injury is of a type or nature which the proceeding is designed to protect. The first

5065aspec t of the test deals with the degree of injury.

5076The second deals with the nature of the injury.

5085Id. at 482; see also St. Johns Riverkeeper, Inc. v. St. Johns River Water Mgmt.

5100Dist. , 54 So. 3d 1051 (Fla. 5th DCA 2011); Palm Beach Cty. Envtl. Coal. v.

5115Fla. Dep ’ t of Envtl. Prot. , 14 So. 3d 1076 (Fla. 4th DCA 2009); Mid -

5132Chattahoochee River Users v. Fla. Dep ’ t of Envtl. Prot. , 948 So. 2d 794, 797

5148(Fla. 1st DCA 2006).

515250 . Dr. Still alleged standing based on the im pact that the road repair had

5168on his property . The allegations of turbid runoff and sediment entering onto

5181his property, as well as flooding of his property , meet the second prong of the

5196Agrico test . T his proceeding is designed to protect adjacent property owners

5209from potential pollution, water quali ty and quantity violations, and other

5220adverse impacts caused by the road repairs , impacts that are the subject of

5233chapter 403 and rule 62 - 330.051 adopted thereunder.

524251 . The question for determination as to the first prong of the Agrico test

5257is whether Dr. Still alleged injuries in fact of sufficient immediacy as to

5270entitle him to a section 120.57 hearing. “[T] he injury - in - fact standard is met

5287by a showing that the petitioner has sustained actual or immediate

5298threatened injury at the time the petition was f iled, and ‘[t]he injury or

5312threat of injury must be both real and immediate, not conjectural or

5324hypothetical.’” S. Broward Hosp. Dist. v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. , 141 So.

53373d 678, 683 (Fla. 1st DCA 2014)(citing Vill. Park Mobile Home Ass ’ n v. Dep ’ t

5355of Bu s. Reg. , 506 So. 2d 426, 433 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987)).

536852 . Dr. Still all eged , inter alia, that the activities caused turbid runoff and

5383sediment to enter onto his property, as well as flooding of his property , which

5397is sufficient to meet the standard of an “inj ury in fact which is of sufficient

5413immediacy to entitle [him] to a section 120.57 hearing.”

542253 . Bradford County has standing as the applicant for the Exemption .

5435Ft. Myers Real Estate Holdings, LLC v. Dep ’ t of Bus. & Prof ’ l Reg. , 53 So. 3d

54551158, 1162 (Fla. 1st DCA 2011); Maverick Media Group v. Dep’t of Transp. ,

5468791 So . 2d 491, 492 (Fla. 1st DCA 2001) .

5479Nature of the Proceeding

548354 . This is a de novo proceeding, intended to formulate final agency action

5497and not to review action taken earlier and preliminarily . § 120.57(1)(k),

5509Fla. Stat; Young v. Dep’t of Cmty. Aff. , 625 So. 2d 831, 833 (Fla. 1993);

5524Hamilton Cty. Bd. of Cty. Comm ’ rs v. Dep ’ t of Envtl. Reg. , 587 So. 2d 1378,

55431387 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991) ; McDonald v. Dep’t of Banking & Fin. , 346 So. 2d

5558569, 584 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

5564B urden and Standard of Proof

557055 . Section 120.569(2)(p) provides that:

5576For any proceeding arising under chapter 373,

5583chapter 378, or chapter 403, if a nonapplicant

5591petitions as a third party to challenge an agency's

5600issuance of a license, permit, or conceptual approval, the order of presentation in the proceeding is for the permit applicant to present a prima facie case demonstrating entitlement to the

5630license, permit, or conceptual approval, followed by

5637the agency. This demonstration may be made by

5645entering into evidence the application and relevant material submitted to the agency in support of the application, and the agency ’ s staff report or notice

5671of intent to approve the permit, license, or conceptual ap proval. Subsequent to the presentation of the applicant ’ s prima facie case and

5695any direct evidence submitted by the agency, the

5703petitioner initiating the action challenging the

5709issuance of the permit, license, or conceptual approval has the burden of ultim ate persuasion

5724and has the burden of going forward to prove the case in opposition to the license, permit, or

5742conceptual approval through the presentation of

5748competent and substantial evidence.

575256 . The Exemption required notice to the District pursuant t o rule

576562 - 330.051(4)(e)7. and section 4.2.1 of the Applicant’s Handbook , Volume I.

5777Review by the District and a notice of agency action w ere required pursuant

5791to sections 5.2 and 5.4 of the Applicant’s Handbook , Volume I . The Exemption

5805m eets the definition of a license in section 120.52(10) because it is an

5819authorization required by law. The Exemption verification was issued

5828pursuant to rules promulgated under chapter 403. Therefore, the Exemption

5838is subject to the abbreviated presentatio n and burden - shifting described in

5851section 120.569(2)(p). Spinrad v. Guerrero and Dep’t of Envtl. Prot. , Case

5862No. 13 - 2254, RO ¶ 116 ( Fla. DOAH July 25, 2014; Fla. DEP Sept. 8, 2014);

5880Pirtle v. Voss and Dep’t of Envtl. Prot. , Case No. 13 - 0515, RO ¶ 30 ( Fla.

5898DOAH Sept. 27, 2013, Fla. DEP Dec. 26, 2013).

590757 . The County and the District made the prima facie case of entitlement

5921to the Exemption by entering into evidence the application file and

5932supporting documentation and the District’s notice of Exemption . In addition,

5943they presented the testimony of expert witnesses in support of the road repair


595758 . With the County having made its prima facie case for the E xemption ,

5972the burden of ultimate persuasion was on Dr. Still to prove his case in

5986opposi tion to the E xemption b y a preponderance of the competent and

6000substantial evidence, and thereby prove that the County failed to provide reasonable assurance that the standards for issuance of the E xemption were


602459 . The standard of proof is by a prepon derance of the evidence.

6038§ 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat.

604260 . “ Surmise, conjecture or speculation have been held not to be

6055substantial evidence . ” Dep ’ t of High . Saf . & Motor Veh . v. Trimble , 821 So. 2d

60761084, 1087 (Fla. 1st DCA 2002) ( citing Fla. Rate Conf . v. Fla. R.R. & Pub.

6093Utils. Comm ’ n , 108 So. 2d 601, 607 (Fla. 1959)).

6104Reasonable Assurance

610661 . Approval of the Exemption i s dependent upon there being reasonable

6119assurance that the activities authorized will meet applicable standards.

612862 . Reasonable assurance means “a substantial likelihood that the project

6139will be successfully implemented.” Metro. Dade Cty . v. Coscan Fla., Inc. ,

6151609 So. 2d 644, 648 (Fla. 3d DCA 1992). Reasonable assurance does not

6164require absolute guarantees that the app licable conditions for issuance of a

6176permit have been satisfied. Furthermore, speculation or subjective beliefs are

6186not sufficient to carry the burden of presenting contrary evidence or proving a

6199lack of reasonable assurance necessary to demonstrate that a permit should

6210not be issued. FINR II, Inc. v. CF Indus . , Inc. , Case No. 11 - 6495 ( Fla. DOAH

6229Apr. 30, 2012; Fla. DEP June 8, 2012).

6237Sta ndards

623963 . Rule 62 - 330.051 provides that:

6247(4) Bridges, Driveways, and Roadways –

6253(e) Repair, stabilization, paving, or repaving of

6260existing roads, and the repair or replacement of

6268vehicular bridges that are part of the road, where:

62771. They were in existence on or before January 1,

62872002, and have:

6290a. Been publicly - used and under county or

6299municipal ownership and maintenan ce thereafter,

6305including when they have been presumed to be

6313dedicated in accordance with section 95.361, F.S.;

6320b. Subsequently become county or municipally -

6327owned and maintained; or

6331c. Subsequently become perpetually maintained

6336by the county or municipali ty through such means

6345as being accepted by the county or municipality as

6354part of a Municipal Service Taxing Unit or

6362Municipal Service Benefit Unit; and

63672. The work does not realign the road or expand the

6378number of traffic lanes of the existing road, but

6387m ay include safety shoulders, clearing vegetation,

6394and other work reasonably necessary to repair, stabilize, pave, or repave the road, provided that the work is constructed using generally accepted

6416roadway design standards;

6419* * *

64228. All work is conducted in compliance with

6430subsection 62 - 330.050(9), F.A.C.

6435[ 4 ]

643864 . Rule 62 - 330.050(9)(b) provides , in pertinent part, that:

6449(9) The following apply when specified in an exemption in rule 62 - 330.051, F.A.C.:

6464(b) Construction, alteration, and operation shall


64711. Adversely impound or obstruct existing water

6478flow, cause adverse impacts to existing surface water storage and conveyance capabilities, or otherwise cause adverse water quantity or flooding

6498impacts to receiving water and adjacent lands;

6505* * *

65085. Cause or contribute to a violation of state

6517water quality standards. Turbidity, sedimentation,

6522and erosion shall be controlled during and after

6530construction to prevent violations of state water

6537quality standards, … due to construction - related

6545activities . Erosion and sediment control best

65524 As stipulated by the parties, rule 62 - 330.051(4)(e) 3., 4., and 6. are not at issue. In addition,

6572although a notice of intent to use the Exemption was not provided to the District 30 days

6589before performing the work, that requirement was resolved through a variance that was

6602granted, published, and became final. Thus, rule 62 - 330.051(4) (e)7. i s not at issue.

6618management practices shall be installed and

6624maintained in accordance with the guidelines and specifications described in the State of Florida

6638Erosion and Sediment Control Designer and

6644Reviewer Manual (Florida Department of Transportation and Florida Department of Environmental Protection, June 2007), , and the

6660Florida Stormwater Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspector’s Manual (Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Nonpoint Source Management Section, Tallah assee, Florida, July

66812008), … ; nor

66846. Allow excavated or dredged material to be

6692placed in a location other than a self - contained

6702upland disposal site, except as expressly allowed in an exemption in rule 62 - 330.051, F.A.C.

6718[ 5 ]

672165 . Section 95.361(2) , Florid a Statutes, provides, in pertinent part, that:

6733In those instances where a road has been constructed by a nongovernmental entity, or where

6748the road was not constructed by the entity

6756currently maintaining or repairing it, or where it cannot be determined who constructed the road,

6771and when such road has been regularly maintained or repaired for the immediate past 7 years by a

6789county , … such road shall be deemed to be

6798dedicated to the public to the extent of the width

6808that actually has been maintained or repair ed for

6817the prescribed period, whether or not the road has

6826been formally established as a public highway. …

6834The dedication shall vest all rights, title, easement,

6842and appurtenances in and to the road in:

6850(a) The county, if it is a county road; ... whether or

6862not there is a record of conveyance, dedication, or

6871appropriation to the public use.

68765 Rule 62 - 330.050(9)(a) and (c) are not applicable. R ule 62 - 330.050(9)(b)2. through 4. are not

6895applicable, which was not disputed.

6900Entitlement t o t he Exemption

690666 . The use of the disjunctive “or” after rule 62 - 330.051(4)(e)1.b. means

6920that, in order to meet the Exemption criteria, the road must have been in

6934existence before January 1, 2002, and then meet one of the criteria in rule

694862 - 330.051(4)(e)1.a, 1.b ., or 1.c. The road does not have to meet all of the

6965three “ownership” criteria in rule 62 - 330.051(4)(e)1.a, 1.b., and 1.c. See Fl a.

6979Pulp and Paper Ass ’ n Env tl. Affairs, Inc. v. Dep’t of Envtl. Prot. , 223 So. 3d

6997417, 420 (Fla. 1st DCA 2017)(“... the points of entry listed in section

7010120.56(2)(a) are separated by the disjunctive conjunction ‘ or, ’ which indicates

7022that they are mutually exclusive alternatives. ”) ; see also Ellenwood v. Bd. of

7035Arch. and Int . Design , 835 So. 2d 1269, 1270 (Fla. 2003); Osceola Cty. Sch.

7050Bd. v. Arace , 884 So. 2d 1003, 1005 (Fla. 1 st DCA 2004); Dep’t of Bus. Reg. v.

7068Salvation Ltd., Inc., 452 So. 2d 65, 67 (Fla. 1 st DCA 1984).

708167 . The evidence establishes that 101st Avenue was in existence before

7093January 1, 2002, and has been publicly used since that time. The evidence

7106establishes that 101st Avenue has been regularly maintained and repaired by

7117the County for more than seven years prior to the Exemption. Thus, the road

7131repairs meet the standards established in section 9 5.361 and rule 62 -


714568 . The evidence establishes that the work performed under the

7156Exemption did not realign 101st Avenue or expand the number of traffic

7168lanes of 101st Avenue. Furthermore, the repairs to 101st Avenue included

7179work reasona bly necessary to repair and stabilize the road using generally

7191accepted roadway design standards. Thus, the road repairs meet the

7201standards established in rule 62 - 330.051(4)(e) 2 .

721069 . The evidence establishes that the work performed under the

7221Exemption inco rporated effective means of stormwater treatment . Thus, the

7232road repairs meet the standards established in rule 62 - 330.051(4)(e) 5 .

724570 . The evidence establishes that the repairs to 101st Avenue did not

7258adversely impound or obstruct existing water flow, caus e adverse impacts to

7270existing surface water storage and conveyance capabilities, or otherwise

7279cause adverse water quantity or flooding impacts to receiving waters and

7290adjacent lands. Thus, the road repairs meet the standards established in rule

730262 - 330.051( 4)(e) 8 . and rule 62 - 330.050(9)(b)1.

731371 . The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes

7324that the road repair work did not cause or contribute to a violation of state water quality standards , and that turbidity, sedimentation, and erosi on were

7350controlled during and after construction, and continue to be controlled, to

7361prevent violations of state water quality standards. Erosion and sediment

7371control BMP s were installed and maintained in accordance with applicable

7382guidelines and specificat ions. Any issues with turbidity are not the result of

7395the repairs to 101st Avenue, but are issues endemic to dirt and limerock roads that long pre - dated the repairs . The evidence establishes that the

7422repairs reduced turbidity, sedimentation, and erosion from previous levels.

7431Thus, the road repairs meet the standards established in rule 62 -

7443330.051(4)(e)8. and rule 62 - 330.050(9)(b) 5 .

745172 . The evidence establishes that no excavated material related to the

7463work under the Exemption was placed at or near Dr. St ill’s property or, for

7478that matter, anywhere along 101st Avenue. Thus, the road repairs meet the standards established in rule 62 - 330.051(4)(e)8. and rule 62 - 330.050(9)(b) 6 .

750473 . As established in the F indings of F act, reasonable assurance was

7518provided that the County complied with all applicable standards for the

7529Exemption established by rule 62 - 330.051(4)(e) and rule 62 - 330.050(9)(b) ,

7541and that the C ounty is entitled to use the Exemption .


755874 . The County has moved for an award of attorneys’ fees, e xpenses , and

7573c osts pursuant to section 120.5 95 .

758175 . Section 120.5 95 (1) provides that:


7602S ECTION 120.57(1). —

7606* * *

7609(c) In proceedings pursuant to s. 120.57(1), and

7617upon motion, the administrative law judge shall

7624determine whether any party participated in the proceeding for an improper purpose as defined by this subsection. In making such determination, the

7646administrative law judge shall consider whether

7652the nonp revailing adverse party has participated in

7660two or more other such proceedings involving the same prevailing party and the same project as an adverse party and in which such two or more

7686proceedings the nonprevailing adverse party did

7692not establish either t he factual or legal merits of its

7703position, and shall consider whether the factual or legal position asserted in the instant proceeding

7718would have been cognizable in the previous

7725proceedings. In such event, it shall be rebuttably presumed that the nonpreva iling adverse party

7740participated in the pending proceeding for an improper purpose.

7749* * *

7752(e) For the purpose of this subsection:

77591. “Improper purpose” means participation in a

7766proceeding pursuant to s. 120.57(1) primarily to

7773harass or to cause unnece ssary delay or for

7782frivolous purpose or to needlessly increase the cost

7790of litigation, licensing, or securing the approval of

7798an activity.

7800* * *

78033. “Nonprevailing adverse party” means a party

7810that has failed to have substantially changed the

7818outcome of the proposed or final agency action

7826which is the subject of a proceeding.

783376 . An objective test is used to determine whether a party challenged the

7847agency action for an “improper purpose.” See Friends of Nassau C ty , Inc. v.

7861Nassau C ty , 752 So. 2d 42, 51 (Fla. 1st DCA 2000). As established in Procacci

7877Commercial Realty, Inc. v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services ,

7887690 So. 2d 603 (Fla. 1st DCA 1997):

7895The use of an objective standard creates a

7903requirement to make reasonable inquiry regarding pertinent facts and applicable law. In the absence of “direct evidence of the party ’ s and counsel ’ s state

7930of mind, we must examine the circumstantial evidence at hand and ask, objectively, whether an ordinary person standing in the party ’ s or counsel ’ s

7957sho es would have prosecuted the claim.”

7964Id. at 608 n. 9 .

797077 . Whether a party has participated in a proceeding for an improper

7983purpose is a question of fact, and even absent direct evidence of intent, “[i] n

7998determining a party ’ s intent, the finder of fact is entitled to rely upon

8013permissible inferences from all the facts and circumstances of the case and

8025the proceedings before him. ” Burke v. Harbor Estates Associates, Inc. , 591 So.

80382d 1034, 1037 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991). In that regard, a reviewing judge may

8052look not only at direct evidence of intent, but may also “examine the

8065circumstantial evidence at hand and ask, objectively, whether an ordinary person standing in the party’s or counsel’s shoes would have prosecuted the

8087claim.” Friends of Nassau C ty , Inc. v. Na ssau Cty ., 752 So. 2d 42, 51 (Fla. 1st

8106DCA 2000).

810878 . There was no evidence to suggest that Dr. Still has participated in two

8123or more other proceedings involving the County and the repair of 101st Avenue. Thus, the presumption of an improper purpose is not applicable.

814679 . The second criteri on by which to measure “improper purpose” is

8159whether the action was taken primarily to harass or to cause unnecessary delay , for frivolous purpose , or to needlessly increase the cost of securing the


81858 0 . 101st Avenue had been, in Dr. Still’s words, “wiped out” after the

8200August 2017 rains, a condition worsened as a result of Hurricane Irma. The

8213publicly - used road clearly had to be repaired.

82228 1 . It became clear at the hearing that Dr. Still’s primary conc erns were

8238related to concerns with turbidity and water quality, which Dr. Still admitted

8250pre - dated the road repairs performed under the Exemption, and were not

8263worsened due to the exempt road repairs. (Tr. Vol. 2, 346:6 - 14 ; 355:23 - 356:3 ).

82808 2 . Dr. Still ad mitted that 101st Avenue had not been altered in its course

8297due to the exempt road repairs. (Tr. Vol. 2, 339:17 - 24). He did dispute

8312whether the ROW had shifted from its original course in the years before the

8326exempt road repair work.

83308 3 . Though he disputed ownership of the 101st Avenue ROW , Dr. Still

8344admitted that he had no evidence that the County does not own the ROW.

8358(Tr. Vol. 2, 352:25 - 353:10). He further admitted that he did not review section

837395.361. (Tr. Vol. 2, 338:4 - 16).

83808 4 . Dr . Still’s dis pute as to the extent of the ROW seemingly should have

8398been , and in fact was, r esolved by his agreement to sell 1.78 acres of land to

8415the C ounty for the purpose of eliminating possible encroachment onto his

8427property. That sale was commenced and completed as the work under the declared emergency was ongoing . There was no persuasive evidence to

8450establish that the disputed 1.78 acres was actually outside of what was understood by the Count y to be the historic ROW, but its purchase

8475definitively resolved the issue without the time and expense of litigation. It is

8488difficult to craft an argument that the volitional sale of property to facilitate

8501road repairs in an undisputed ROW , particularly w hen the travel surface of

8514the road is unchanged, should then become a basis for denial of authorization

8527to perform those road repairs.

85328 5 . Dr. Still appeared to have a concern with the initial replacement of an

8548existing 30 - inch culvert with two 24 - inch cu lverts under 101st Avenue. Those

856424 - inch culverts appear in most of the photographs depicting the conditions

8577in the area. However, when those culverts were then replaced (prior to the

8590filing of the Petition) with one 30 - inch culvert, matching the size of t he

8606preexisting culvert, any issues that existing water flow from the upgradient

8617side of 101st Avenue was adversely impounded or obstructed, that the road repairs caused adverse impacts to existing surface water storage and

8639conveyance capabilities, or that the road repairs caused adverse water

8649quantity or flooding impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands were eliminated. There was no evidence offered that the flow of water through the

8673new 30 - inch culvert was changed at all as a result of the completed road

8689repairs . (Tr. Vol. 2, 308:18 - 21) . Dr . Still provided no calculations of water flow

8707or velocity to suggest that the road repairs will result in adverse water

8720quantity or flooding impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands.

873086 . The only conclusion that can be objectively drawn, given the facts of

8744this case, is that the action challenging the Exemption was taken primarily

8756to harass the County and the District, for frivolous purpose, or to needlessly

8769increase the cost of securing the Exemption.


8778Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law , it is

8791R ECOMMENDED that the Suwannee River Water Management District enter a

8802final order :

8805a . A pproving the December 10, 2019 , Environmental Resource Permit

8816(ERP): Exemption, ERP - 007 - 233697 - 2, determining that activities related to

8830the repair of S outhwest 101st Avenue in Bradford County, Florida , met the

8843criteria to be an exempt activity pursuant to r ule 62 - 330.051(4)(e) ; and

8857b . T aking such action pursuant to section 120.595(1) as it deems


8871c . The undersigned retains jurisdiction to determine the award of costs

8883and attorneys ’ fees pursuant to section 120.595(1)(d) , if the final order makes

8896such an award and the case is remanded by the Suwannee River Water

8909Management District to DOAH for that purpose.

8916D ONE A ND E NTERED this 19th day of November , 20 20 , in Tallahassee,

8931Leon County, Florida.


8939Administrative Law Judge

8942Division of Administrative Hearings

8946The DeSoto Building

89491230 Apalachee Parkway

8952Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

8957(850) 488 - 9675

8961Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


8968Filed with the Clerk of the

8974Division of Administrative Hearings

8978this 19th day of November , 2020 .


8990George T. Reeves, Esquire Davis, Schnitker, Reeves

8997and Browning, P.A.

9000Post Office Drawer 652

9004Madison, Florida 32341


9008Paul Edward Still

901114167 Southwest 101st Avenue

9015Starke, Florida 32091


9019Frederick T. Reeves, Esquire

9023Frederick T. Reeves, P.A.

90275709 Tidalwave Drive

9030New Port Richey, Florida 34562


9036William Edward Sexton, County Attorney

9041Bradford County, Florida

9044945 North Temple Avenue

9048Post Office Drawer B

9052Starke, Florida 32091

9055(eSer ved)

9057Hugh L. Thomas, Executive Director

9062Suwannee River Water

9065Management District

90679225 County Road 49

9071Live Oak, Florida 32060



9088All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/24/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 02/10/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/19/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/19/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/19/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 10 and 11, 2020). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/19/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/10/2020
Proceedings: Respondent, Bradford County, Florida's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/09/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Suwannee River Water Management District's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/09/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner Paul Still's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/28/2020
Proceedings: Second Order Granting Motion to Extend Deadline.
Date: 10/28/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Suwannee River Water Management District's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 10/23/2020
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 10/22/2020
Proceedings: Respondent, Bradford County, Florida's Motion for an Extension of Time in which to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 10/13/2020
Proceedings: Order Establishing Schedule.
Date: 10/13/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Suwannee River Water Management District's Motion for Clarification as to Date Proposed Recommended Orders are Due filed.
Date: 10/07/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 10/07/2020
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/06/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner, Paul Still's Response to Respondent, Bradford County, Florida's Motion for Attorneys Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 09/11/2020
Proceedings: Suwannee River Management District's Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 09/10/2020
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/09/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 09/09/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Suwannee River Water Management District's Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 09/09/2020
Proceedings: Order on Motion in Limine.
Date: 09/09/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Exhibits filed.
Date: 09/09/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 09/08/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner, Paul Still's Response to Respondent, Bradford County, Florida's Motion in Limine to Exclude Certain Evidence and Argument by Petitioner and Consideration of Certain Issues at the Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 09/08/2020
Proceedings: Respondent, Bradford County, Florida's Motion in Limine to Exclude Certain Evidence and Argument by Petitioner and Consideration of Certain Issues at the Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 09/04/2020
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 09/04/2020
Proceedings: Suwannee River Water Management District's Unopposed Motion for Official Recognition (Exhibit 2 Pgs. 477-697) filed.
Date: 09/04/2020
Proceedings: Suwannee River Water Management District's Unopposed Motion for Official Recognition (Exhibit 2 Pgs. 766-857) filed.
Date: 09/04/2020
Proceedings: Suwannee River Water Management District's Unopposed Motion for Official Recognition (Exhibit 2 Pgs. 698-765) filed.
Date: 09/04/2020
Proceedings: Suwannee River Water Management District's Unopposed Motion for Official Recognition (Exhibit 2 Pgs. 337-476) filed.
Date: 09/04/2020
Proceedings: Suwannee River Water Management District's Unopposed Motion for Official Recognition (Exhibit 2 Pgs. 260-336) filed.
Date: 09/04/2020
Proceedings: Suwannee River Water Management District's Unopposed Motion for Official Recognition (Exhibit 1 Pgs. 139-259) filed.
Date: 09/04/2020
Proceedings: Suwannee River Water Management District's Unopposed Motion for Official Recognition (Exhibit 1 Pgs. 084-138) filed.
Date: 09/04/2020
Proceedings: Suwannee River Water Management District's Unopposed Motion for Official Recognition (Exhibit 1 Pgs. 001-083) filed.
Date: 09/04/2020
Proceedings: Suwannee River Water Management District's Unopposed Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 09/03/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner, Paul Still's Second Notice of Providing Exhibit Documents filed.
Date: 09/03/2020
Proceedings: Respondent, Bradford County, Florida's Motion for Attorneys Fees and Costs Pursuant to Section 120.595, Florida Statutes, against Petitioner, Paul Still filed.
Date: 08/27/2020
Proceedings: Respondent, Bradford County, Florida's Witness and Exhibit Disclosure filed.
Date: 08/27/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner, Paul Still's Notice of Providing Exhibit Documents filed.
Date: 08/27/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Suwannee River Water Management District's Witness List and Disclosure of Exhibits filed.
Date: 08/26/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner, Paul Still's Notice of Witnesses filed.
Date: 08/13/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner, Paul Still's Notice of Testimonial Expert Witnesses filed.
Date: 07/22/2020
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for September 10 and 11, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Live Oak; amended as to Type of Hearing).
Date: 07/21/2020
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
Date: 07/21/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for July 21, 2020; 11:00 a.m.).
Date: 07/16/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner Paul Still's First Motion to Compel Discovery from Respondent Bradford County Related to Items 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7 of Petitioner's Second Request for Documents filed.
Date: 05/21/2020
Proceedings: Order Rescheduling Hearing (hearing set for September 10 and 11, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Live Oak).
Date: 05/21/2020
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order Granting Continuance Dated May 20, 2020 filed.
Date: 05/20/2020
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by May 26, 2020).
Date: 05/19/2020
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
Date: 05/18/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for May 19, 2020; 11:00 a.m.).
Date: 05/08/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Second Interrogatories to Respondent, Bradford County, Florida, Numbered 1 Through 4 filed.
Date: 05/08/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Second Request for Production to Respondent filed.
Date: 03/27/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Suwannee River Water Management District's Notice of Service of Objections to Petitioner's Second Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 03/16/2020
Proceedings: Paul Still's Response to Suwannee River Water Management District's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 03/16/2020
Proceedings: Paul Still's Notice Response to Suwannee River Water Management Districts Interrogatories filed.
Date: 02/28/2020
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing (hearing set for June 17 and 18, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Live Oak).
Date: 02/26/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Second Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 02/26/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Suwannee River Water Management District's List of Testimonial Expert Witnesses filed.
Date: 02/19/2020
Proceedings: Motion to Continue Final Hearing filed.
Date: 02/18/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Suwannee River Water Management District's Notice of Service of Answers and Objections to Petitioner's First Interrogatories to Respondent Numbered 1 through 15 filed.
Date: 02/18/2020
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 23, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Live Oak; amended as to Venue).
Date: 02/17/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Suwannee River Water Management District's Amended Response to Petitioner's First Request for Production to Respondent filed.
Date: 02/17/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Suwannee River Water Management District's Response to Petitioner's First Request for Production to Respondent filed.
Date: 02/17/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Objection to Respondent Suwanee River Water Management District's Motion to Amend Notice of Hearing to Reflect New Location for Hearing filed.
Date: 02/17/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Suwannee River Water Management District's Motion to Amend Notice of Hearing to Reflect New Location for Hearing filed.
Date: 01/17/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Interrogatories to Respondent, Bradford County, Florida, Numbered 1 Through 11 filed.
Date: 01/16/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Interrogatories to Respondent Numbered 1 Through 15 filed.
Date: 01/15/2020
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/15/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 23, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Live Oak).
Date: 01/15/2020
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/15/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (William Sexton) filed.
Date: 01/15/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Request for Production to Respondent filed.
Date: 01/13/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's First Request for Production to Petitioner filed.
Date: 01/13/2020
Proceedings: Respondent, Suwannee River Water Management District's Notice of Service of First Interrogatories on Petitioner, Paul Still filed.
Date: 01/13/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Suwannee River Water Management District's Motion to Amend Case Caption to Include Exemption Applicant, Bradford County, Florida, as a Party filed.
Date: 01/10/2020
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Appearance (Frederick Reeves) filed.
Date: 01/10/2020
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 01/10/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Frederick Reeves) filed.
Date: 01/09/2020
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 01/09/2020
Proceedings: Petition Requesting an Administrative Hearing Review of the Suwannee River Water Management District's Determination that Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Exemption, ERP-007-233697-2, SW 101st Avenue, Bradford County, is an Exempt Activity filed.
Date: 01/09/2020
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Live Oak, Florida


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