91-004389 Pablo Sanchez vs. Department Of Transportation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, January 29, 1992.

View Dockets  
Summary: Owner's property cannot give access more than minimum distance from intersection and thereby cannot be permitted for highway connection.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) CASE NO. 91-4389




26Respondent. )



31A hearing was held in this case in Miami, Florida on December 11, 1991,

45before Arnold H. Pollock, a Hearing Officer with the Division of Administrative



59For the Petitioner: Juan Carlos Perez, Esquire

664770 Biscayne Blvd., #600

70Miami, Florida 33137


74Michael A. Bienstock, Esquire

7825 SE 3rd Avenue, Suite 1240

84Miami, Florida 33134

87For the Respondent: Vernon L. Whittier, Jr., Esquire

95Department of Transportation

98605 Suwannee Street

101Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450


108The issue for consideration in this case is whether Petitioner, Pablo

119Sanchez, should be issued a driveway permit, (Application No. 001-91) for a site

132at 700 E 8th Avenue, State Road 953, LeJune Road, in Dade County, Florida.


148By letter dated March 19, 1991, Gus Pego, P.E., the Department's District

160Maintenance Engineer in the Department District headquartered in Miami, notified

170the Petitioner herein, Pablo Sanchez, that his application No. 001-91, for a

182driveway permit for the property located at 700 East 8th Avenue, in Dade County,

196Florida had been denied. Thereafter, by Petition filed with the Department on

208April 15, 1991, Petitioner's counsel, on behalf of the Petitioner, requested a

220formal hearing and by letter dated July 17, 1991, the matter was forwarded to

234the Division of Administrative Hearings for appointment of a Hearing Officer.

245On September 18, 1991, after neither party responded to the Initial Order

257entered herein, the undersigned issued a Notice of Hearing setting the matter

269for hearing in Miami on December 11, 1991, at which time the case was heard as


286At the hearing, Petitioner testified in his own behalf and presented the

298testimony of his son, Joel Sanchez. Petitioner also introduced Petitioner's

308Exhibits 1 through 9. Respondent presented the testimony of Debora Moran

319Rivera, assistant traffic operations engineer for the Department in the Miami

330District and formerly District Permit Engineer at the time the instant

341application was acted on, and introduced Respondent's Exhibits A though C. At

353the request of Respondent and without objection by the Petitioner, the

364undersigned officially recognized the provisions of Rules 14-96 and 14-97,


375A transcript of the hearing was provided. Respondent submitted Proposed

385Findings of Fact which have been accepted and are incorporated into this

397Recommended Order.


4021. At all times pertinent to the matters in issue herein, the Respondent,

415Department of Transportation, was the state agency responsible for the

425monitoring and control of vehicular access to and traffic control on the state

438highways of this state.

4422. Petitioner, Pablo Sanchez, owns the property in issue. This property

453is a 24 x 40 foot house located on a 70 x 103.62 foot lot located at the corner

472of East 8th Avenue ( LeJeune Road) and East 7th Street in Hialeah, Florida.

486LeJeune Road, depending upon the location, both has and does not have a

499restrictive median. At this location it does not.

5073. Mr. Sanchez currently and historically, over the 3 years he has lived

520in the property in question, enters and exits the property, which has no formal

534driveway, from LeJeune Road. By the same token, guests who visit him enter and

548exit the property the same way. During this 3 year period there have been no

563accidents or traffic problems as a result of this use even though traffic on

577LeJeune Road, a main thoroughfare, is heavy. There is no obstruction on or near

591the property to hinder visibility of either an individual exiting the property

603onto LeJeune Road or a driver on LeJeune Road observing anyone coming off the

617property. In Mr. Sanchez' opinion, a permitted driveway practically would change

628nothing from the current situation.

6334. The area in which the property is located is rapidly changing from

646residential to commercial. Mr. Sanchez is trying to have the zoning of his

659property changed from residential to office use. His efforts in this regard are

672with the City of Hialeah. If his application for zoning change is approved, it

686is his intention to use the house as an office for his insurance business which

701is currently conducted at a different location at 24th Street and LeJeune Road.

714The current office is located on a corner lot from which Mr. Sanchez has access

729onto LeJeune Road and it is his contention there have been no traffic problems

743at that location either. No evidence to rebut this contention was forthcoming.

7555. There are currently commercial businesses in operation on both sides of

767LeJeune Road between the area now being used as a business by Petitioner and

781the area for which he submitted his application. The majority of these enter

794onto LeJeune Road. Mr. Sanchez contends that the use of the property in issue

808as an insurance office would not generate as much traffic as either the

821neighboring bank or service station in the area, and if he were to receive the

836driveway permit for this property, he claims, the amount of traffic onto LeJeune

849Road from it would not be increased by any significant amount. He submitted his

863application and paid the $1,000.00 fee.

8706. Most of Mr. Sanchez' time is spent at his business building because his

884parents live at that location and when he is not working, he spends a great deal

900of time with them. His experience has been that he can easily go from his home

916to his office on LeJeune Road at any time without difficulty, and he goes up and

932back each day expending 6 or 7 minutes for each trip.

9437. Petitioner introduced photographs of several businesses purported to be

953in the area which, he claims, have commercial entrances onto LeJeune Road.

965Respondent entered no evidence to contradict the identity or location of the

977sites reflected in the photos and they are, therefore, accepted as offered. One

990of them is a bank which, he contends, has been in operation for approximately 10

1005years. Another is a service station which has been in operation for "a

1018considerable amount of time." This facility was there before Petitioner arrived

1029in the area. Another business depicted, Marina Insurance, opened approximately

1039two years ago. The facility used to be a residence and Mr. Sanchez does not

1054know when or if a driveway permit was issued for that property. Another service

1068station in the area was opened "many years ago" and a store for wedding gowns

1083was opened "seven or eight years ago." The photographs fail to show any

1096traffic, however, either in front of, exiting, or entering the properties. Mr.

1108Sanchez claims they are active businesses and have been contributing to traffic

1120on LeJeune Road for many years. In the absence of evidence to contradict that

1134assertion, it is accepted.

11388. Mr. Sanchez' contentions were supported by his son, Joel, who is in

1151business with his father and who used to live in the house in question with his

1167father, his mother, his wife and his two children. With four adults living

1180there, three cars were frequently in use, and all usually entered and exited the

1194property from LeJeune Road. On occasion, they would come in or exit from 7th

1208Street, but between 80 and 85% of the time the LeJeune Road access was utilized,

1223primarily because the property faces on LeJeune Road.

12319. Visitors to the property usually park to the right of the front door,

1245and so far there has been no problem getting on or off of LeJeune Road. The

1261younger Sanchez confirms his father's testimony that entrance onto or exit from

1273LeJeune Road from either the current residence or the current business property

1285has not been a problem over the years, and he sees no traffic hazard.

129910. According to Joel Sanchez, LeJeune Road is no longer a residential

1311street. He confirms his father's statement that new businesses are constantly

1322going in and all seem to have been able to get driveway access onto LeJeune

1337Road. The older businesses have had access to LeJeune for a long time and there

1352appears to have been no problem with traffic.

136011. The property in issue here became a problem only when the Sanchezes

1373tried to rezone it. Notwithstanding the fact that at the residence they already

1386use an access onto LeJeune Road, according to the city zoning officials, if the

1400property were to be converted into a business use property, a formal access onto

1414LeJeune, to accommodate 8 parking spaces on the property, would be necessary.

1426The only way 8 parking spaces could be placed onto the existing property would

1440be to place the entrance and exit onto LeJeune Road.

145012. From a practical standpoint, the only change would be the actual

1462paving of access ramps out to the highway instead of driving onto and off the

1477property across the lawn as is the current practice. The number of the

1490customers the business would bring to the new site would not be heavy, no more

1505than 6 or 7 per day. This would be a maximum, Petitioner claims, because the

1520nature of the insurance business he is conducting is changing to that which

1533would reduce to an even lesser amount the traffic required. Most of the

1546business customers are now renewals who deal with the company by mail, and the

1560only traffic would be new business. In that regard, they are changing more to

1574commercial lines of insurance, dealing with businesses, which does not have a

1586large office visit rate.

159013. Neither of the Sanchez men have any training in traffic management or

1603safety, but both sincerely feel their proposal will not increase traffic or pose

1616a risk to traffic safety in the area.

162414. Debora Moran Rivera, a traffic engineer with the Department's Miami

1635District is familiar with the instant permit application and, in fact, reviewed

1647it when it was submitted. When first received by the District, the application

1660was sent to the field for comments. It was determined that a 25 foot radius

1675exit was required. Photographs were received along with the comments and based

1687on the review by both the field office and the District office, it was

1701determined that the application here was not consistent with the rules of the

1714Department governing permits of this nature. As a result, on February 26, 1991,

1727a Notice of Intent to Deny the application was sent to Mr. Sanchez in which the

1743reason for denial was the availability of access to the State Highway from

1756another public road, (East 7th Street).

176215. Sometime thereafter, Ms. Rivera was contacted by Joel Sanchez who

1773asked for a formal denial which could be appealed and thereafter, a formal

1786denial letter dated March 19, 1991 was sent. This letter indicated the

1798Department rules limited access to a point at least 115 feet from the nearest

1812connection, East 7th Street.

181616. The denial decision was based on information provided by the field

1828operations office to whom the application was sent for verification. The

1839decision to grant or deny is a joint one made by several individuals whose

1853identity is dependant upon where the property in question is located. Mr. Pego,

1866Ms. Rivera's supervisor and Ms. Rivera were the individuals who made this

1878decision based upon the input from the staff in the field. In this case, the

1893field information consisted of a statement based upon his visit to the site and

1907two photographs. Based on this information along with that provided by the

1919applicant, the decision to deny was made. Admittedly no traffic study of the

1932area in question was made by either party. Further, in evaluating the

1944application, however, Ms. Rivera did not look at any other driveway permits for

1957property in the immediate area. She thinks she went out to visit the site

1971before the official denial letter was sent out on March 19, 1991 but she does

1986not recall what the business characteristics of the area were like. While she

1999is generally familiar with the area, she does not recall the specifics. Based

2012on the evidence presented, nothing was put before the undersigned to demonstrate

2024the insufficiency or impropriety of the Department's evaluation and decision

2034making process and it is accepted that the process was sufficient and adequate.

204717. There is some indication from the testimony of Petitioner that he had

2060called the District office to request a Spanish speaking representative come out

2072to the property. In response, the District sent out a Mr. Montez. According to

2086Mr. Sanchez, Montez initially told him that the application would probably not

2098be approved because the property fronted on LeJeune Road. However, Sanchez

2109claims Montez later changed his mind and indicated the application would

2120probably be granted because of the small nature of the business. The evidence

2133on this point is unclear as to whether the visit by Mr. Montez is the site visit

2150described by Ms. Rivera. No evidence was presented to clarify this, but in any

2164case, there is no showing that Montez had any authority to commit the Department

2178to a position. His opinions, therefore, are irrelevant.


218918. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

2199parties and the subject matter of these proceedings pursuant to Section

2210120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

221319. Respondent has denied Petitioner a permit to connect his property to

2225LeJeune Road, a State Highway, on the basis that his application does not

2238conform to the criteria outlined in Rules 14- 96 and 14.97, F.A.C.

225020. Rule 14-96.003(1), F.A.C. provides in part:

2257Every owner of property which abuts a State

2265Highway where limited access rights have not

2272been acquired has a right to have reasonable

2280access, but may not have the right to a

2289particular means of access to the State

2296Highway. All new connections or alterations

2302to existing connections ... providing ingress

2308to or egress from residential, commercial,

2314industrial, agricultural, or any other public

2320or private land use shall require a connection


232921. Rule 14-96.004(1), F.A.C.m defines a "Category II- Minor Connection"


2340... a connection to the State Highway System

2348for medium volume traffic generation expected

2354to have an average daily traffic (ADT) of

23621,500 or less but not included in Category I.

237222. A Category I connection relates only to residential property.

238223. Rule 14-96.007(2)(a), F.A.C., relating to review of applications,


2392Upon timely receipt of all required

2398information, ..., the location and design of

2405the connection shall be examined for

2411consistency with current Department location,

2416quantity, spacing classification, and

2420Department design standards. The review shall

2426also include an analysis of the site's

2433existing and projected traffic on the

2439operation and safety of the state highway.

244624. Rule 14-97.003(1)(i)4, F.A.C. provides that corner clearance at

2455intersections with a restrictive median which allows right in/out access shall

2466be no less than 115 from the intersection. On roads without a restrictive

2479median, full access is allowed no less than 125 feet from the intersection.

2492Right in/out access shall be no less than 100 feet from the intersection.

250525. Here, Petitioner seeks a permit for a 25 foot radius driveway

2517connection onto LeJeune Road, on which his property is located at the

2529intersection of East 7th Street. Petitioner has the burden to establish his

2541entitlement (conformity with rules) to that access by a preponderance of the

2553evidence. Department of Transportation v. J.W.C. Co., Inc., 396 So.2d 778 (Fla.

25651DCA 1981).

256726. Respondent has denied the permit on the basis that the access cannot

2580be located less than 115 (100) feet from the closest existing connection, East

25937th Street, and in addition, on the basis that Petitioner has an acceptable

2606access to LeJeune Road through his access to East 7th Street which enters

2619LeJeune Road at his property.

262427. The above-cited rule clearly defined the distance criteria for access

2635onto a State Highway. It is 115 feet from an intersection on roads where there

2650is a restrictive median, and 100 feet where there is not. Under either

2663criteria, Petitioner's property does not qualify since his frontage on LeJeune

2674Road is only 70 feet total and that means Petitioner's property line furthest

2687from the intersection is closer than the minimum distance required.

269728. It is unfortunate for Petitioner that the Hialeah zoning officials

2708will not change his property's zoning to permit a commercial use unless he can

2722provide 8 parking spaces on the property. It is even more unfortunate that the

2736only configuration that will permit the required 8 spaces necessitates a

2747connection on LeJeune Road.

275129. The evidence presented at the hearing clearly demonstrates, however,

2761that regardless of the other connections which exist onto LeJeune Road from

2773other properties, permitted or not, this particular application does not meet

2784the Department's criteria for approval.

278930. Notwithstanding his counsel's impassioned argument that Petitioner is

2798being denied the highest and best use of his property as a result of the

2813Department's denial of his application; notwithstanding the lack of evidence

2823that approval of the connection would create additional safety hazards;

2833notwithstanding the non-existence of a traffic study demonstrating adverse

2842impact on traffic conditions in the area; notwithstanding the unsupported

2852allegations by counsel of selective enforcement by the Department resulting in

2863an unfair competitive edge to others; and notwithstanding counsel's unproven

2873allegations of discrimination, there is still an unrefuted showing that

2883Petitioner's application fails to conform to the standards and criteria set

2894forth in the Department's rule.


2900Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is,


2914RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered in this case denying Petitioner's

2926application for a connection from his property located at 700 East 8th Avenue,

2939Hialeah, onto East 8th Avenue, ( Lejeune Road).

2947RECOMMENDED in Tallahassee, Florida this 29th day of January, 1992.



2961Hearing Officer

2963Division of Administrative Hearings

2967The DeSoto Building

29701230 Apalachee Parkway

2973Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

2976(904) 488-9675

2978Filed with the Clerk of the

2984Division of Administrative Hearings

2988this 29th day of January, 1992.


2996Juan Carlos Perez, Esquire

30004770 Biscayne Blvd.

3003Miami, Florida 33137

3006Michael A. Bienstock, Esquire

301025 SE 3rd Avenue, Suite 1240

3016Miami, Florida 33134

3019Vernon L. Whittier, Jr., Esquire

3024Department of Transportation

3027605 Suwannee Street

3030Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

3033Ben G. Watts


3037Department of Transportation

3040605 Suwannee Street

3043Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

3046Thornton J. Williams

3049General Counsel

3051Department of Transportation

3054605 Suwannee Street

3057Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450


3066All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this Recommended

3078Order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

3092written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

3104written exceptions. You should consult with the agency which will issue the

3116Final Order in this case concerning its rules on the deadline for filing

3129exceptions to this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order

3140should b e filed with the agency which will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/27/1992
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 02/26/1992
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/26/1992
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/29/1992
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 12/11/91.
Date: 01/27/1992
Proceedings: (Respondent) Proposed Findings of Fact Conclusions of Law and Recommendation filed.
Date: 01/10/1992
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 09/18/1991
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for December 11, 1991: 1:00pm: Miami)
Date: 07/17/1991
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 07/12/1991
Proceedings: Agency referral letter; Agency action letter; Petition for Administrative Hearing; Notice of Change of Address (from J. Perez) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida

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