91-006036 City Of Sunrise vs. Indian Trace Community Development District And South Florida Water Management District
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, December 13, 1991.

View Dockets  
Summary: Economic considerations of water use permit are not addressable under Ch. 373 criteria unless directly related to water resource preservation.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) CASE NO. 91-6036






37Respondents. )



42A hearing was held in this case, by telephone conference call, on November

5527, 1991, before Arnold H. Pollock, a Hearing Officer with the Division of

68Administrative Hearings.


71For the Petitioner: Phillip Gildan, Esquire

77Elaine James, Esquire

80Nason, Gildan, Yeager,

83Gerson & White, P.A.

87Suite 1200

891645 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.

94West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

99For the Respondent: Donald J. Buettenmuller, Esquire

106ITCDD John Cole, Esquire

110Bill Duke, Esquire

113Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart, P.A.

118777 S. Flagler Drive, Suite 500E

124West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

129For SFWMD : Cecile I. Ross, Esquire

136Beth Ross, Esquire

139South Florida Water Management District

144Post Office Box 24680

1483301 Gun Club Road

152West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 - 4680

159This matter came before the undersigned on the parties' request for a pre-

172hearing conference to, inter-alia, resolve several motions filed by the parties

183at differing times up to the

189date of hearing. Included among the motions filed are:

198(a) The City's motion for a stay of the

207proceedings until resolution of an allied

213matter currently before the Circuit Court.

219(b) SFWMD's motion to dismiss the City's

226Petition for lack of standing.

231(c) ITCDD's motion to dismiss the City's

238Petition for lack of standing.

243(d) The City's motion to strike SFWMD's

250motion to dismiss because of lack of


258(e) The City's motion to strike SFWMD's

265Answer to its Petition for untimeliness.

271(f) SFWMD's alternative motion for

276clarification of City's Petition, and

281(g) ITCDD's motion to compel discovery and

288City's companion request for Protective Order.

294At the telephone conference hearing referenced above, held on November 27,

3051991, attended by all the aforementioned counsel and the undersigned, and

316recorded and transcribed, each counsel had unlimited opportunity to speak in

327support of his client's position on all the issues delineated in the list of

341motions considered.

343Having read the motions submitted in advance of the hearing, and the

355memoranda in support of and in opposition thereto, and having heard and

367considered the oral arguments propounded by counsel at the hearing, it is


3811. ITCDD currently receives 100% of its treated potable water from the

393City of Sunrise and delivers 100% of its wastewater to the City for treatment

407and disposal under the terms of a contract or contracts in existence for over 10

422years, having been entered into on October 29, 1980.

4312. To provide this product and service over the years, the City has

444expended substantial sums to provide the facilities, infrastructure, and staff

454to serve ITCDD and its other customers, and has significant bond financial

466obligations as a result thereof to which the revenues from the sale of product

480and service, including that to ITCDD, are pledged.

4883. ITCDD has applied to the SFWMD for a water use permit to withdraw water

503from four proposed wells to be completed into the Floridan aquifer in Broward

516County. This is not the same aquifer utilized by the City's wells. The

529proposed wells will have an annual allocation of 1233.70 MGY, (3.38 MGD), and a

543maximum daily allocation of 5.754 million gallons. ITCDD also proposes to

554construct a reverse osmosis water treatment plant rated at 4.00 MGD, and an

567additional 2.00 million gallon ground level concrete storage tank to supplement

578the existing 1.5 million gallon storage tank. The two interconnects ITCDD

589currently has with the City can transmit a combined flow in excess of 2.90 MGD.

6044. On August 28, 1991, the SFWMD staff issued a staff report covering the

618instant application in which it recommends approval of ITCDD's withdrawal of

629water in the amounts sought over a 5 year period to expire on September 12,

6441996, subject to 27 limiting conditions.

6505. Petitioner, City, has filed its Petition in opposition to the staff

662report contending that the proposed permit will allow ITCDD to directly

673duplicate the facilities and staffing of the City's facility; will allow it to

686directly compete with the City's utility service; will support ITCDD's intent to

698disregard its legal and public policy responsibilities not to construct

708duplicate and competing facilities; and will enable ITCDD to sever its customer

720relationship with the City thereby depriving the City's remaining customers of

731necessary revenues to meet the financial obligations incurred for the benefit of

743ITCDD and the expenses to be incurred to maintain the thereafter dormant

755facilities. The City claims this will result in the remaining City customers

767paying twice for the same capacity with a resulting significant increase in

779rates and charges paid by current and future City customers.

7896. Section, Management of Water Use Permit Information Manual,

799Volume III, June, 1985, requires conflicting service claims between applicants

809to be resolved by the parties without intercession by the water management

821district. In February, 1991, the SFWMD staff informed ITCDD of the rule

833requirement and indicated it could not recommend allocation for the area if the

846conflict were not resolved. At some point in time, the issues involved were

859made the subject of a Circuit Court action between the parties which is

872currently in litigation.

8757. In its Petition for a hearing under Section 120.57(1), Florida

886Statutes, the City disputes the allegation by ITCDD that it has a bulk user

900agreement with the City; it disputes that the ITCDD has legal control over the

914ability to supply potable water to the service area; it disputes the allegations

927in certain paragraphs on pages 5 and 6 of the staff report dealing with the

942City's ability to provide water from the Biscayne aquifer from which it draws,

955and other matters of a non-resource nature; and it disputes the ultimate

967conclusion by the staff that ITCDD's use as recommended would be a reasonable

980and beneficial use of the resource that would not impact adjacent existing legal

993uses and is in the public interest.

10008. In paragraph F 2) - 6), City outlines certain "ultimate facts" on which

1014it relies to support its opposition to ITCDD's application. These include:

1025(a) City has a considerable investment in

1032capital facilities and considerable operations

1037and maintenance expense relative to its

1043service to ITCDD, and removal of ITCDD from

1051the City's service territory will have a

1058substantial negative impact on its remaining


1065(b) ITCDD's duplication of facilities will

1071have a material negative impact on raters and

1079charges to current and future customers to

1086approximately double the current rate.

1091(c) ITCDD is prohibited from constructing

1097competing or duplicative facilities by law.

1103(d) ITCDD is not a party to the 1980

1112agreement between the City and IT Municipal

1119Taxing District and has no rights under that


1128(e) Even if it had, that contract does not

1137permit ITCDD to construct facilities which

1143compete with the City.

11479. While in its Petition the City indicates it disputes certain water

1159resource conclusions drawn by the SFWMD staff in its report, its discussion

1171clearly aims toward economic and contractual considerations rather than water

1181resource considerations. The Section 120.57(1) hearing provides for evaluation

1190of the application under the statutory and regulatory conditions for issuance of

1202a water use permit under Section 373.223, Florida Statutes, and Rule 40E-2.301,

1214F.A.C. The statute, at subsection (1), requires an applicant to establish that

1226the proposed use of water:

1231(a) Is a reasonable-beneficial use as defined

1238in s. 373.019(4);

1241(b) Will not interfere with any presently

1248existing use of water; and

1253(c) Is consistent with the public interest.

126010. In addition, at Section 373.219(1), Florida Statutes, the statute


1271The governing board or the department may

1278require such permits for consumptive use of

1285water and may impose such reasonable

1291conditions as are necessary to assure that

1298such use is consistent with the overall

1305objectives of the district or department and

1312is not harmful to the water resources of the


132211. From the above it is clear that a permit sought under Chapter 373,

1336Part II, Florida Statutes, is related to water resource considerations, and any

1348criteria for evaluation must, perforce, be evaluated within the parameters of

1359such considerations. Economic considerations, though perfectly valid for

1367evaluation in another forum, are not addressable under Chapter 373 unless

1378directly related to the preservation of water resources.

138612. Petitioner has indicated its disagreement with certain conclusions

1395drawn by the SFWMD staff in its report, as they relate to water resource

1409preservation. This dispute, however, is not amplified or supported with any

1420evidentiary argument or citation. Any argument put forth by Petitioner relates

1431solely to economic concerns of the legal status of the parties which are not, as

1446urged by Petitioner, pertinent here.

145113. Standing is, of course, pertinent, and to be a party to an

1464administrative challenge to the issuance of a permit, the claimant must be one

1477whose "substantial interest will be affected by proposed agency action." To

1488show its "substantial interest", the City must show, (1) that because of the

1501proposed agency action, it will suffer an injury in fact, and (2) that this

1515injury in fact is of a type or nature which the proceeding is designed to

1530protect. Agrico Chemical Company v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 406

1540So.2d 478, 482 (Fla. 2DCA 1981), pet.rev.den., 415 So.2d 1359. It is the second

1554part of this test, the zone of interest, where Petitioner falls short.

156614. Going one step further, the courts have held that allegations of

1578economic harm are insufficient to establish the requisite "substantial interest"

1588to confer standing. Shared Services, Inc. v. Department of Health and

1599Rehabilitative Services, 426 So.2d 56, 58 (Fla. 1DCA 1983). As was pointed out

1612previously, Chapter 373 is a water resource allocation statute, and economic

1623concerns of the nature involved here are clearly not within the zone of interest

1637intended to be protected by this chapter.

164415. Taken together, the pleadings indicate clearly that the City of

1655Sunrise does not have the requisite standing to challenge the SFWMD's intended

1667action approving ITCDD's application in this Section 120.57(1) hearing

1676notwithstanding it may have legitimate standing to do so elsewhere in another

1688forum. That being determined, resolution of the other motions at hand is moot.

1701It is, therefore:

1704RECOMMENDED THAT an Order be entered by the South Florida Water Management

1716District dismissing without prejudice the City of Sunrise's Petition in

1726opposition to ITCDD's application No. 910130- 13.

1733DONE and ENTERED in Tallahassee, Florida this 13th day of December, 1991.



1749Hearing Officer

1751Division of Administrative Hearings

1755The DeSoto Building

17581230 Apalachee Parkway

1761Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

1764(904) 488-9675

1766Filed with the Clerk of the

1772Division of Administrative Hearings

1776this 13th day of December, 1991.


1784Phillip Gildan, Esquire

1787Elaine James, Esquire

1790Suite 1200

17921645 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.

1797West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

1802Donald J. Buettenmuller, Esquire

1806John Cole, Esquire

1809Bill Duke, Esquire

1812777 South Flagler Drive, Suite 500E

1818West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

1823Cecile I. Ross, Esquire

1827Beth Ross, Esquire


1831P.O. Box 24680

18343301 Gun Club Road

1838West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680

1843Tilford C. Creel

1846Executive Director


1849P.O. Box 24680

18523301 Gun Club Road

1856West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680


1867All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this Recommended

1879Order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

1893written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

1905written exceptions. You should consult with the agency which will issue the

1917Final Order in this case concerning its rules on the deadline for filing

1930exceptions to this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order

1941should b e filed with the agency which will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 01/16/1992
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/16/1992
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/13/1991
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 11/27/91.
Date: 12/05/1991
Proceedings: Transcript (prehearing conference) filed.
Date: 12/02/1991
Proceedings: Indian Trace Community Development District's Request for Oral Argument filed.
Date: 11/26/1991
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance filed.
Date: 11/26/1991
Proceedings: City of Sunrise`s Response to Motion of Indian Trace Community Development District to Compel Production of Documents, Answers to Interrogatories, etc.; Proposed Agenda for Prehearing Conference of 11-27-91 (Amended as of 11-25-91) filed.
Date: 11/26/1991
Proceedings: Response of Indian Trace to City of Sunrise`s Memorandum of Law in Support of City`s Motion for a Stay of Proceedings; Motion of Indian Trace Community Development District to Compel Production of Documents, Answers t o Interrogatories, ETC.
Date: 11/25/1991
Proceedings: City of Sunrise's Request for Oral Argument filed.
Date: 11/25/1991
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion For Protective Order; Memorandum in Support of City of Sunrise`s Motion to Stay Administrative Hearing Process Pending Resolution of the Issues by Circuit Court of Broward County filed.
Date: 11/18/1991
Proceedings: Affidavit of John McKune w/Exhibit 1-3 filed.
Date: 11/18/1991
Proceedings: (Respondent) Memorandum in Support of Indian Trace Community Development District's Request for Dismissal and in Support of South Florida Water Management District's Motion to Dismiss The City of Sunrise's Petition 1-11 filed.
Date: 11/18/1991
Proceedings: Indian Trace community Development District's Motion For Preliminary Hearing at Pre-Hearing Conference to Determine City of Sunrise's Standing; Indian Trace Community Development District's Request for Oral Argument filed.
Date: 11/18/1991
Proceedings: Proposed Agenda For Prehearing Conference of 11/27/91 filed. (From Donald J. Beuttenmuller, Jr.)
Date: 11/15/1991
Proceedings: Subpoena Duces Tecum w/Exhibit-A & Affidavit of Service (3) filed. (From Donald J. Beuttenmuller, Jr.)
Date: 11/06/1991
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed. (From Donald J. Beuttenmuller)
Date: 11/04/1991
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum w/Exhibit-A filed. (From Donald J. Beuttenmuller, Jr.)
Date: 11/01/1991
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response of City of Sunrise to South Florida Water Management District's Motion to Dismiss, ETC., ET AL filed.
Date: 11/01/1991
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Supplement to City of Sunrise's Motion For Stay of Proceeding filed.
Date: 10/30/1991
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Service of Indian Trace Community Development District's First Set of Interrogatories to City of Sunrise filed.
Date: 10/28/1991
Proceedings: Applicant/Respondent Indian Trace Community Development District's First Request to Produce filed.
Date: 10/23/1991
Proceedings: Order Setting Pre-Hearing Telephone Conference and Tentatively Setting Final Hearing sent out. (hearing set for Feb. 11, 1992; 10:30am; WPB).
Date: 10/14/1991
Proceedings: Proposed Prehearing Stipulation; Supplemental Response to Indian Trace Response to City of Sunrise`s Motions; Supplemental Response of City of Sunrise to South Florida Water Management District`s Response to Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 10/14/1991
Proceedings: (Respondent) Supplemental Response of City of Sunrise to Initial Order and Request for Hearing Date; Supplemental Response of City of Sunrise to Order Expediting Prehearing Conference filed.
Date: 10/11/1991
Proceedings: CC (Petitioner) Motion to Strike Respondent South Florida Water Management District's, Answer and Motion to Dismiss, ETC., ET AL filed.
Date: 10/11/1991
Proceedings: CC (Petitioner) Response to and Motion to Strike Indian Trace Community Development District's Motion For Early and Expedited Pre-Hearing Conference; CC Motion to Stray Hearing Process Pending Resolution of Dependent Issues Currently Before the Circuit Co
Date: 10/11/1991
Proceedings: Respondents, South Florida Water Management District, Response to City of Sunrise "Motion to Strike Respondent South Florida Water Management Districts, Answer and Motion to Dismiss, ETC., ET AL w/Exhibit A filed.
Date: 10/10/1991
Proceedings: Response of Indian Trace to City of Sunrise`s Motions; Supplemental Response of Indian Trace Community Development District to Initial Order and Request for Hearing Date filed.
Date: 10/08/1991
Proceedings: Statement of Non-Availability of City of Sunrise filed.
Date: 10/07/1991
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion to Stray Hearing Proceeding Pending Resolution of Dependent Issues Currently Before the Circuit Court of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit; Motion to Strike Respondent South Florida Water Management District`s A nswer and Motion to Dism
Date: 10/07/1991
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to and Motion to Strike Indian Trace Community Development District`s Motion For Early and Expanded Prehearing Conference filed.
Date: 10/07/1991
Proceedings: (joint) Response of Parties, Indian Trace Community Development District, South Florida Water Management District, and City of Sunrise to Preliminary Order of Hearing Officer filed.
Date: 10/04/1991
Proceedings: (Respondent) Request for Oral Argument filed.
Date: 10/01/1991
Proceedings: Order Granting Early and Expedited Prehearing Conference sent out.
Date: 10/01/1991
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion to Dismiss, Or in the Alternative, Motion to Strike and Limit the Issues and Motion For Clarification of Allegations Set Forth in City of Sunrises Petition filed.
Date: 10/01/1991
Proceedings: Respondent South Florida Water Management District's Answer to Petition From City of Sunrise For Formal hearing Pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes filed.
Date: 09/27/1991
Proceedings: Answer of Applicant to The Petition (Exhibit 1-10); Motion for Early and Expedited Prehearing Conference filed.
Date: 09/26/1991
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 09/23/1991
Proceedings: Staff Report; Supportive Documents filed.
Date: 09/23/1991
Proceedings: Agency referral letter; SFWMD Stff Response To City Of Sunrise's Request To Stay Further Consideration Of Application; Statement Of Compliance With Rule 40E-1.521 Florida Administrative Code; Statement Of Applicant, Indian Trace Community Development Dist

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida

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