93-005859 Robin A. C. And Mary E. Fearn vs. Division Of State Employees Insurance
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, April 1, 1994.

View Dockets  
Summary: Spouse Preferred Patient Care insurance plan permitted to add as dependent over-age child who became handicapped after parents initial enrollment in state insurance program.





16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) CASE NO. 93-5859





35Respondent. )



40Upon due notice, this cause came on for formal hearing on January 7, 1994

54in Gainesville, Florida, before Ella Jane P. Davis, a duly assigned hearing

66officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


74For Petitioners: Robin A. C. Fearn

803241 Northwest 41st Avenue

84Gainesville, Florida 32605

87For Respondent: Augustus D. Aikens, Jr., Chief

94Benefit Programs and Legal Services

99Division of State Employees' Insurance

1042002 Old St. Augustine Road, B-12

110Tallahassee, Florida 32301-4876


117Whether or not Petitioners are entitled to add an above-the-age-limits

127child, who became handicapped after their initial enrollment in the state

138insurance program, as an eligible dependent.


146Petitioners, husband and wife, were represented at formal hearing by the

157husband, Robin A.C. Fearn, who was accepted, upon examination, as qualified

168representative for Mary E. Fearn, who did not appear.

177Petitioners had nine exhibits admitted in evidence and Robin A.C. Fearn

188testified in their behalf.

192Respondent presented the oral testimony of Verla Lawson, State Enrollment

202Administrator, and had three exhibits admitted.

208The parties' Joint Prehearing Stipulation was received in evidence as

218Hearing Officer Exhibit A.

222Appropriate provisions for official recognition of applicable rules and

231statutes were made on the record.

237No transcript was filed, but all timely filed proposed findings of fact

249have been ruled upon in the appendix to this recommended order, pursuant to

262Section 120.59(2) F.S.


2681. Petitioners are Robin A.C. Fearn, SSN 269-36-8341, an employee at the

280Marion County Correctional Institution since May 23, 1986, and his wife, Mary

292Fearn, SSN 273-36-8629, an employee of the University of Florida since September

3045, 1978.

3062. Effective June 1, 1986, Petitioners were enrolled in the Spouse Program

318under the State of Florida's Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan.

329Participants in the Spouse Program are entitled to family coverage for

340themselves and any eligible dependents.

3453. Petitioners are the parents of a son, Lee A. Fearn, SSN 264-39-0713 who

359was born on February 27, 1961. At the time of Petitioners' initial enrollment

372in the health plan on June 1, 1986, Lee was 25 years of age and had exceeded the

390maximum dependent age limit of 23 years of age provided under the plan. Lee has

405not, at any time, been covered as a dependent under the State of Florida

419Employees' Group Health Insurance Plan.

4244. Shortly after his 29th birthday, Lee Fearn was rendered disabled from

436injuries received in an automobile accident in March 1990. Since that accident,

448Lee has been dependent on Petitioners for support. The Federal Social Security

460Administration has accepted him as dependent on his parents, and Respondent does

472not dispute that Lee is "incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of

484such mental or physical handicap and chiefly dependent upon the employee" as

496that term is used in Rules 60P-1.003(4)(c) and (d) F.A.C. [formerly Rule 22K-

5091.103(4)(c) and (d) F.A.C.]

5135. Petitioners attempted to secure health insurance coverage for Lee

523during the open enrollment periods in 1991 and 1992 by listing Lee as an

537eligible dependent in the space provided for adding dependents on the bottom

549half of their annual open enrollment form.

5566. As a part of its insurance program, the Respondent permits State

568employees to enroll in the State of Florida Employees' Group Health Self

580Insurance Plan (Plan) within 31 days of employment or during an annual open

593enrollment period as described in its Rules 60P-2.002 and 60P-2.003 F.A.C.

6047. The annual open enrollment form is titled, "Annual Benefit Selection

615Form." All state employees are asked to complete and return this form during

628each annual open enrollment period. It provides, in pertinent parts, as

639follows: "You must make a decision on each benefit. . . . Add only those

654dependents not currently covered by your health insurance. Eligible dependents

664are those outlined in Rule 22K-1 F.A.C." (Emphasis supplied)

6738. Employees wishing to make changes in their current health insurance are

685permitted to do so during the open enrollment period by indicating those changes

698on the Annual Benefit Selection Form. No health examination or declarations,

709even of a preexisting condition, are required during this annual open enrollment


7229. Employees are given five options regarding their health insurance on

733the Annual Benefits Election Form:

738a. Make no changes;

742b. Cancel

744c. Enroll

746d. Change from HMO Plan to State Self-Insured

754Plan or vice versa; and

759e. Change from individual coverage to family

766coverage or vice versa.

77010. Petitioners separately completed their Annual Benefits Selection Forms

779during the 1992 open enrollment period by indicating they did not wish to make

793any changes in their health insurance coverage, that is, family PPC coverage.

80511. At the bottom of the Annual Benefits Selection Form, Petitioners added

817Lee as a dependent and authorized payroll deductions and stated "I understand my

830enrollment or coverage changes will be effective January 1, 1993 . . ."

843(Emphasis supplied)

84512. Petitioners claim they submitted a similar form in 1991 and never

857received notice from Respondent of the acceptance or denial of their 1991 open

870enrollment request to add Lee as their dependent.

87813. Petitioners did receive back a denial in the form of two memos via the

893University of Florida personnel department, which employs Mrs. Fearn, for their

9041992 open enrollment request.

90814. Verla Lawson, Department of Management Services, [formerly Department

917of General Services] Division of State Employees Insurance, State Enrollment

927Administrator, testified as to how the open enrollment plan and applicable rules

939have been administered. She has been employed with the agency since 1986, but

952her involvement with the pertinent issues appears to have begun only with her

965assuming her present position in 1991.

97115. Ms. Lawson testified that to accomplish Petitioners' goal of adding

982Lee to their coverage as a dependent they "should have" checked the box for "I

997wish to change" at the top of the form, filled out the dependent information at

1012the bottom of the form and then made out another form for PPC coverage. From

1027this portion of Ms. Lawson's testimony, it is inferred that the annual open

1040enrollment form a/k/a the Annual Benefits Selection Form also constitutes the

"1051Health Care Option Selection Form" referenced in Rule 60P-2.002 F.A.C.

106116. Ms. Lawson also testified that even if Petitioners had made out both

1074forms required, the agency would have denied coverage of Lee.

108417. According to Ms. Lawson, employee participation in the Plan is

1095considered continuous unless an employee elects to discontinue participation or

1105to change to an HMO. She stated that although employees are asked to return

1119open enrollment Annual Benefit Selection Forms each year for administrative

1129purposes, they are not required to re-enroll in the Plan during each open

1142enrollment period. If an employee indicates no changes on an Annual Benefit

1154Selection Form, that form is not transmitted by an employee's local personnel

1166office to the Department of Management Services in Tallahassee. Ms. Lawson

1177conjectured that is what happened to Petitioners' 1991 attempts to add Lee to

1190their coverage. However, Ms. Lawson consistently referred to the Annual Benefit

1201Selection Form as "the enrollment form" for the Plan, and Mr. Fearn testified

1214credibly that he was advised by his supervisor that his coverage would be

1227terminated if he did not turn in his form timely. The language on the form

1242reflects the same compulsory instruction. (See FOF 7). It is accepted,

1253pursuant to Mr. Fearn's testimony and within the parameters of Section

1264120.58(1)(a) F.S.. that Mrs. Fearn was told that submission of the annual open

1277enrollment form was necessary to prevent termination of her coverage.

128718. Also, according to Ms. Lawson, the agency interprets its rules to

1299permit employees to add additional eligible dependents within 31 days of the

1311acquisition of that dependent or during the open enrollment period, and the Plan

1324has been administered to permit above-the-age-limit handicapped children to be

1334added only during the employee's or retiree's initial enrollment in the Plan.

1346The agency interprets Rules 60P-2.001 and 60P-2.002 F.A.C. and Section

1356110.123(2)(b) F.S. to mean that only employees, retirees or spouses of deceased

1368employees may apply for "enrollment" in the Plan, that eligible dependents

1379merely "participate" in the Plan under an existing family coverage when added as

1392dependents, and that consequently, dependents do not independently "enroll" in

1402the Plan. The agency therefore decided that Petitioners' 1992 attempts to add

1414Lee Fearn to his parents' existing family coverage as a dependent did not

1427constitute an "enrollment" which by its own terms created the opportunity to

1439enroll an above-the-age-limits handicapped child. Because under this

1447interpretation Lee Fearn was not an eligible dependent, the agency felt he could

1460not have been added to Petitioners' coverage.

146719. Ms. Lawson was not familiar with any case with facts similar to this


148220. According to Ms. Lawson, if Petitioners had been first employed in

14941992 and enrolled in the Plan within 31 days of that first employment, their

1508handicapped over-age son could have been covered, and if they had been employed

1521in 1986 but waited until 1992 to enroll for the first time in the Plan, their

1537handicapped over-age son could have been enrolled at that time. Ms. Lawson

1549specifically stated she could not say how the agency would proceed if the

1562Petitioners herein dropped their coverage for one year and then tried to enroll

1575both parent employees and the over-age handicapped child during a new employee

158731 day grace period or an annual open enrollment. Ms. Lawson was not clear on

1602what the agency might do if one or both of Lee's parents accepted employment

1616elsewhere and later returned to government service and applied for the Plan,

1628except that state retirement rules possibly would govern the length of a

1640permissible break in service. Ms. Lawson was not asked, and therefore the

1652record is barren of any explanation of how, the agency would interpret its rules

1666if one parent were employed without covering Lee and the other were later

1679employed and wished to cover him as an over-age dependent handicapped child

1691within the second parent's first 31 days of initial employment. However, the

1703agency maintained that there is no provision in the Plan allowing an employee

1716who is already enrolled in the Plan to add a handicapped over-age child and that

1731its rules have never been interpreted to permit the adding of such a dependent

1745at annual open enrollment.

174921. Rule 60P-1.003(4)(c) F.A.C., as interpreted by the agency, applies to

1760a handicapped dependent child already in the Plan who then turns nineteen.

177222. Rule 60P-1.003(4)(d) F.A.C., as interpreted by the agency, applies

1782only to a handicapped dependent child not in the Plan at the time of the parent-

1798employee(s) initial enrollment.

180123. The word "enroll" as used in Rule 60P-1.003(13) F.A.C. is interpreted

1813by the agency to mean "change or transfer plans" under the program, if an

1827employee is already enrolled in any state insurance program at all (PPC Plan or

1841HMO). The agency interprets the same word to mean "enroll" if the employee has

1855never before been enrolled in any state insurance program.

186424. Under the provisions of Section 110.123(5), F.S. the Secretary of the

1876Department of Management Services is given the responsibility for administering

1886the state group insurance program. Inherent in that responsibility, but subject

1897to prior legislative approval, is the authority to determine benefits and the

1909contributions required therefor. Such determinations, whether for a contracted

1918plan or a self-insurance plan, do not constitute "rules" within the meaning of

1931Section 120.52(16) or "orders" within the meaning of Sections 120.52(11) F.S.

1942The purpose of this exception to the Administrative Procedure Act is to afford

1955the Department flexibility to make benefit changes or clarifications consistent

1965with legislative approval. Respondent modified its January 1, 1993 edition of

1976the Benefit Document to reinforce its interpretation that above-age-limits

1985handicapped children could only be added during an initial enrollment, but this

1997information was not provided to employee consumers until after the instant case

2009was already in progress.

201325. There was no actuarial or expert insurance evidence to show that the

2026legislature by its statutes or the agency by its rules had made a conscious and

2041reasonable decision to treat the over-age handicapped children of longtime

2051employees differently than the over-age handicapped children of brand-new

2060employees or employees who have had a significant interruption in government

2071service or that there is any reason or purpose for such a distinction.


208726. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

2097parties and subject matter of this cause, pursuant to Section 120.57(1), F.S.

210927. The pertinent statutes and rules provide as follows:

2118627.6615 F.S. Handicapped children; continuation

2123of coverage under group policy.

2128A group health insurance policy or health care

2136services plan contract, delivered or issued for

2143delivery in this state, which provides that coverage

2151of a dependent child of an employee or other member

2161of the covered group will terminate upon attainment

2169of the limiting age for dependent children specified

2177in the policy or contract shall also provide in

2186substance that attainment of such limiting age will

2194not operate to terminate the coverage of such child

2203while the child is and continues to be both:

2212(1) Incapable of self-sustaining employment by

2218reason of mental retardation or physical handicap; and

2226(2) Chiefly dependent upon the employee or member

2234for support and maintenance.

2238If a claim is denied under a policy or contract

2248for the stated reason that the child has attained

2257the limiting age for dependent children specified

2264in the policy or contract, the burden is on the

2274policyholder to establish that the child is and

2282has continued to be handicapped as defined by

2290subsections (1) and (2).

2294110.123(2) F.S.

2296(b) "Enrollee" means all state officers and

2303employees, retired state officers and employees,

2309and surviving spouses of deceased state officers

2316and employees enrolled in an insurance plan offered

2324by the state group insurance program.

2330(h) "State group health insurance plan" means

2337the state self-insured health insurance plan

2343offered to state officers and employees, retired

2350state officers and employees, and surviving spouses

2357of deceased state officers and employees pursuant

2364to this section.

2367(i) "State group insurance program" or "programs"

2374means the package of insurance plans offered to state

2383officers and employees, retired state officers and

2390employees, and surviving spouses of deceased state

2397officers and employees pursuant to this section,

2404including the state group health insurance plan,

2411health maintenance organization plans, and other

2417plans required or authorized by this section.

2424. . .


2433AND DUTIES. The Secretary of Administration shall be

2441responsible for the administration of the state group

2449insurance program. The Department of Administration

2455shall initiate and supervise the program as established

2463by this section and shall promulgate such rules as are

2473necessary to perform its responsibilities. To

2479implement this program, the department shall, with

2486prior legislative approval:

2489(a) Determine the benefits to be provided and the

2498contributions to be required for the state group

2506insurance program. Such determinations, whether for

2512a contracted plan or a self-insurance plan pursuant

2520to paragraph (c), do not constitute rules within the

2529meaning of s. 120.52(16) or orders within the meaning

2538of s. 120.52(11).

2541. . .

2544Rule 60P-2.001 Eligibility

2547(1) Employees and retirees are eligible to

2554participate in the Health Plan with individual

2561coverage or with family coverage if there are

2569eligible dependents to be covered, in accordance

2576with the provisions of this Chapter.

2582(2) Eligible dependents may only participate

2588under a family coverage.

2592Rule 60P-2.002 Enrollment

2595(1) An employee may apply for enrollment in

2603the Health Plan with or without chiropractic

2610coverage by completing and submitting the Health

2617Care Option Selection form and a New Enrollee form

2626to his or her personnel office during the first

2635thirty-one (31) calendar days of State employment

2642or, if a state officer, the first thirty-one (31)

2651calendar days after such officer begins a new term

2660of office.

2662(2) An employee may only apply for enrollment in

2671the Health Plan with or without chiropractic coverage

2679after the first thirty-one (31) calendar days of

2687employment by completing and submitting the Health

2694Care Option Selection form and a New Enrollee form

2703to his or her personnel office during the open

2712enrollment period.

2714Rule 60P-2.003 Changes in Coverage

2719(3) An employee or retiree may begin family

2727coverage prior to acquiring any eligible

2733dependents. Since such coverage is effective

2739the first day of any given month, employees who

2748will acquire eligible dependents during the month

2755and are desirous of having immediate coverage of

2763such dependents must make application in time for

2771a complete month's premium to be deducted prior to

2780the first day of the month during which the dependent

2790will be acquired. Otherwise, coverage cannot be

2797effective on the actual date the dependent is acquired.

2806Rule 60P-1.003 Definitions

2809 (4) "Eligible Children" shall mean the employee'

2817or retiree's own children, legally adopted children

2824or children placed in the employee's or retiree's

2832home for the purpose of adoption in accordance with

2841Chapter 63, Florida Statutes, stepchildren for whom

2848the employee or retiree is financially responsible,

2855or any other children for whom the employee or retiree

2865has established legal guardianship in accordance with

2872Chapter 744, Florida Statutes. Such children are

2879eligible for coverage as follows:

2884(a) From their date of birth to the end of the

2895month in which their nineteenth (19th) birthday occurs;

2903 (b) From their nineteenth (19th) birthday to th

2912end of the month in which their twenty-third (23rd)

2921birthday occurs, if they are enrolled in and regularly

2930attending on a full-time basis any school, college or

2939university which provides training or educational

2945activities, and which is certified or licensed by

2953a state or foreign country.

2958(c) Such children who are mentally or physically

2966handicapped shall be eligible to continue coverage

2973after attainment of the above age limits and while

2982the employee's or retiree's family coverage is in

2990effect provided such children are incapable of self-

2998sustaining employment by reason of such mental or

3006physical handicap and chiefly dependent upon the

3013employee, retiree or surviving spouse for support

3020and maintenance.

3022(d) Such children who are over the above age

3031limits at the time of the employee's or retiree's

3040enrollment in the Program, and who are mentally or

3049physically handicapped, shall be eligible for coverage

3056if they are incapable of self-sustaining employment

3063by reason of such mental or physical handicap and

3072chiefly dependent upon the employee or retiree for

3080support and maintenance.

3083(13) "Open enrollment period" shall mean a period

3091designated by the Department of Management Services

3098each calendar year during which time employees may

3106enroll in the Health Plan; or, if residing in a

3116qualified HMO's service area, employees may enroll

3123in such HMO; or during which time employees, retirees

3132or surviving spouses may transfer from their present

3140plan to any other plan available for the area in

3150which they reside without application of waiting

3157periods or exclusions based on health status as

3165conditions of enrollment or transfer.

317028. The Respondent agency's position was that Section 627.6615 F.S. and

3181Rule 60P-1.003(4)(c) F.A.C. [formerly Rule 22K-1.103(4) F.A.C.] provide

"3189continuation" coverage to handicapped children already in the Plan beyond the

3200Plan's usual limiting age of nineteen, if the child in question continues to be

3214both: (1) incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of mental

3224retardation or physical handicap; and (2) chiefly dependent upon the employee or

3236member for support and maintenance. Rule 60P-1.003(4)(d) F.A.C. [formerly Rule

324622K-1.103(4)(d) F.A.C.] allows only new employees the opportunity to insure

3256their handicapped dependents even if those dependents are above the limiting age

3268at the time of their parent's initial enrollment. Respondent argued that no

3280other provision for enrolling over-age handicapped children is provided under

3290the Plan. In Respondent's view, once a dependent child turns nineteen, that

3302child would not become a covered dependent again simply by subsequently becoming

3314handicapped. Lee Fearn was a child who was over nineteen and not dependent on

3328the date of his parents' initial enrollment, so he was never in the Plan. He

3343became handicapped after he was already ineligible by age. Respondent urged

3354that because Petitioners' son was neither an "eligible child" who was entitled

3366to continuing coverage on the date of his disability in March 1990 nor a

3380handicapped child at the parents' initial enrollment date of June 1, 1986, he

3393could not be added later and is not now covered.

340329. More simply, the Respondent contended that while there is open

3414enrollment for employees, there is no open enrollment for their over-age

3425handicapped children except during the 31 day period immediately following an

3436employee-parent's initial employment enrollment. The agency's interpretation

3443engrafts the word "initial" into Rule 60P-1.003(4)(d).

345030. While conceding that neither the statutes, rules, nor informal benefit

3461documents put Petitioners on notice of this agency interpretation by specifying

3472that "initial" enrollments are different than "annual" enrollments, Respondent

3481contended that the Plan has always been administered as such, that participation

3493in the Plan is continuous unless the employee elects to discontinue

3504participation or change to an HMO plan, and that although employees are asked to

3518return open enrollment Annual Benefit Selection Forms for administrative

3527purposes, they are not required to "re-enroll" in the Plan during each open

3540enrollment period. Respondent maintained that Petitioners did not "enroll" on

3550October 30, 1992 or at any other time because of the definitions of "enrollee"

3564at Section 110.123(2)(b) F.S. and of "state group insurance plan" and "state

3576group insurance program" at Sections 110.123(2)(h) and (i), F.S., respectively.

3586Since eligible dependents do not apply for enrollment but participate by being

3598added to the Plan by an employee, Respondent claimed Lee Fearn cannot be added

3612to the Plan after the initial 31 days for his parents' enrollment.

362431. On the other hand, Petitioners suggested that a clear reading of the

3637rules shows that two different situations were intended to be covered by Rules

365060P-1.003(4)(c) and (d) F.A.C. Petitioners urged that subsection (c) applies to

3661dependent handicapped children who continue to be covered after age 19 and

3673subsection (d) applies to over-age handicapped children who are subsequently

3683enrolled. Petitioners asserted that any other interpretation renders (d)

3692superfluous and that Respondent's interpretation which inserts the word

"3701initial" before the word "enrollment" in subsection (d) is contrary to a clear

3714reading of the duly promulgated rule, as evidenced by the agency's adding the

3727word "initial" to its benefit document after this series of events.

373832. Petitioners' position is straightforward and comports with a fair

3748reading of the agency's duly promulgated rules. Although the agency's

3758interpretation of its rules is possible and is entitled to great weight, its

3771interpretation also is forced and creates disparate treatment of the handicapped

3782adult children of longtime employee parents. Such disparate treatment is both

3793unjust and has a chilling effect on the state retaining good employees. It is

3807therefore contrary to good public policy. If the agency wishes to have a rule

3821that prohibits the coverage of over-age handicapped children except by naming

3832them at the initial enrollment of the parent-employee, it can promulgate one.

3844If it seeks to reach that result purely by a statement of policy, as here, it

3860must show some clear prior legislative approval pursuant to Section 110.123(5)

3871F.S.. That prior approval has not been demonstrated in this record. This

3883record shows not capricious rules, but a capricious application of those rules.


3896Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is

3908RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered enrolling Lee Allen Fearn SSN

3920264-39-0713 as an eligible dependent of Robin A.C. Fearn and Mary E. Fearn in

3934the State Health Plan effective January 1, 1993 and that all eligible claims for

3948his medical expenses after January 1, 1993 be paid.

3957RECOMMENDED this 1st day of April, 1994, at Tallahassee, Florida.



3972Hearing Officer

3974Division of Administrative Hearings

3978The DeSoto Building

39811230 Apalachee Parkway

3984Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

3987(904) 488-9675

3989Filed with the Clerk of the

3995Division of Administrative Hearings

3999this 1st day of April, 1994.


4010The following constitute specific rulings, pursuant to S120.59(2), F.S.,

4019upon the parties' respective proposed findings of fact (PFOF).

4028Petitioners' PFOF:

4030Petitioners' proposed recommended order does not comply with the rules of

4041the Division of Administrative Hearings as to designating proposed findings of

4052fact and conclusions of law separately or numbering same. It appears to present

4065only conclusions of law or a final recommendation. It is rejected as proposed

4078findings of fact. As proposed conclusions of law and legal argument it has been

4092covered but not necessarily adopted in the recommended order's conclusions of


4104Respondent's PFOF:

41061-2 Accepted.

41083 Accepted in part and rejected in part as legal argument or mere

4121recitation of one person's testimony. Covered in FOF 17.

41304-5 Accepted.

41326-10 Rejected as legal argument or mere recitation of testimony,

4142covered in FOF 17-25.


4148Robin A.C. & Mary E. Fearn

41543241 NW 41st Avenue

4158Gainesville, FL 32605

4161Augustus D. Aikens, Jr., Esquire

4166DMS/Division of State Employees Insurance

41712002 Old St. Augustine Road B-12

4177Tallahassee, FL 32301-4876

4180William H. Lindner, Secretary

4184Department of Management Services

4188Knight Building Suite 307

4192Koger Executive Center

41952737 Centerview Drive

4198Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950

4201Sylvan Strickland

4203General Counsel

4205Department of Management Services

4209Knight Building Suite 309

4213Koger Executive Center

42162737 Centerview Drive

4219Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950


4228All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this Recommended

4240Order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

4254written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

4266written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the final

4278order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing exceptions

4291to this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order should be

4303filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 04/05/1994
Proceedings: Letter to Parties of Record from EPD sent out (Re: exhibits, final Order)
Date: 04/01/1994
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/01/1994
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held January 7, 1994.
Date: 01/27/1994
Proceedings: (proposed) Order filed. (From Robin Fearn)
Date: 01/26/1994
Proceedings: (Respondent) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/07/1994
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 01/06/1994
Proceedings: (joint) Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 11/01/1993
Proceedings: Order of Prehearing Instructions sent out.
Date: 11/01/1993
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 1/7/94; 10:30am; Gnsville)
Date: 10/21/1993
Proceedings: (Respondent) Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/15/1993
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 10/12/1993
Proceedings: Order Accepting Petition and Assignment To The Division Of Administrative Hearings; Agency Action Letter; Petition To Initiate Formal Proceedings for Final Agency Action filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Gainesville, Florida
Department of Management Services

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (4):

Related Florida Rule(s) (4):