95-000290BID Jack Richer And J. D. Raymond, Trustees, And Winewood Park Limited vs. Department Of Health And Rehabilitative Services
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, May 5, 1995.

View Dockets  
Summary: Intervenor's Bid was not responsive, lacked standing to challenge award of lease by HRS to Winewood.




14as Trustees, and WINEWOOD PARK )

20LIMITED, a Florida Limited )

25Partnership, )


28Petitioners, )


31vs. ) CASE NO. 95-0290BID






50Respondent, )

52and )




60Intervenor. )



65The final hearing in this case was held before Larry J. Sartin, Hearing

78Officer, on February 27, 1995, March 1 and 14-15, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida.


92For Petitioners: J. Michael Huey, Esquire

98William E. Williams, Esquire

102Rex D. Ware, Esquire

106Huey, Guilday & Tucker, P.A.

111Post Office Box 1794

115Tallahassee, Florida 32302


119Benjamin K. Phipps, Esquire

123George Hamm, Esquire


130Post Office Box 1351

134Tallahassee, Florida 32302

137For Respondent: William A. Frieder

142Assistant General Counsel

145Department of Health and

149Rehabilitative Services

151Building E, Suite 200

1551323 Winewood Boulevard

158Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

161For Intervenor: O. C. Allen, pro se

168O. C. Allen/Walton Properties

172Post Office Box 10572

176Tallahassee, Florida 32302


183The issue in this case is whether Intervenor's bid for Lease No. 590:2572

196was response to the requirements of Respondent's Invitation to Bid.


208On or about November 11, 1994, Respondent, the Department of Health and

220Rehabilitative Services, issued an "Invitation to Bid for Existing Facilities,

230Lease Nos. 590:2572 and 590:2573." Petitioners, Jack Richer and J. D. Raymond,

242as Trustees, and Winewood Park Limited, a Florida Limited Partnership, submitted

253a bid in response to the Invitation to Bid on both leases. Intervenor, O. C.

268Allen/Walton Properties submitted a bid in response to the Invitation to Bid on

281Lease No. 590-2572.

284Petitioners and Intervenor were notified by certified letters in December

294of 1994 that Respondent was rejecting all bids.

302On or about January 3, 1995, Petitioners filed a Notice of Intent to

315Protest the Department's decision. On or about January 12, 1995, Petitioners

326filed a Formal Notice of Protest challenging Respondent's decision. On January

33724, 1995, the protest was filed with the Division of Administrative Hearings by

350Notice of Referral and Notice to Bidders from Respondent. Respondent requested

361assignment of the protest to a Hearing Officer.

369The protest was designated case number 95-290BID and was initially assigned

380to Hearing Officer Ella Jane P. Davis. Prior to the final hearing, the matter

394was assigned to the undersigned.

399The final hearing was originally scheduled to commence February 20, 1995 by

411Notice of Hearing entered February 1, 1995. The hearing was continued until

423February 27, 1995, by an Order entered February 20, 1995.

433A Motion for Leave to File Amended Formal Protest was filed on February 22,

4471995. The Motion was granted.

452Prior to the filing of this matter by Respondent with the Division of

465Administrative Hearings, Intervenor filed a Petition for Leave to Intervene. A

476second copy of the Petition for Leave to Intervene was filed on January 24,

4901995. Intervention was granted by an Order entered February 9, 1995.

501At the final hearing Petitioners presented the testimony of James P.

512Hughes, H. James Towey, Gregory L. Coler, Carl Graham, Lowell L. Clary, Wayne

525Clotfelter, Linda Meml, Randall C. Baker and Mary Goodman. Petitioners

535exhibits 1-9, 12-13, 16-18 and 20 were offered and accepted into evidence.

547Official recognition of Section 216.044, Florida Statutes, and Chapters

55660H-1 and 60H-2, Florida Administrative Code, was taken at the request of


569Intervenor presented the testimony of Mary Goodman, Carl Graham, Randall C.

580Baker, Bill Baldwin and Bob Ryals. Intervenor also presented the deposition

591testimony of William Sabella. Mr. Sabella's deposition was taken and filed

602after the adjournment of the final hearing by agreement of the parties.

614Intervenor offered nine exhibits. Intervenor's exhibits 1, 6, 7 and 8 were

626accepted into evidence. Intervenor's exhibits 2, 3 and 5 were rejected. A

638ruling on Intervenor's exhibits 4 and 9 was withheld. Intervenor's exhibits 4

650and 9 are accepted into evidence for impeachment purposes only.

660Respondent called no witnesses. Respondent offered three exhibits which

669were accepted into evidence. Respondent's exhibit 2 is the deposition testimony

680of Jeffrey Poole.

683On April 10, 1995, Respondent filed a Motion to Dismiss Intervenor, to

695Bifurcate Issues, and for Expedited Order on Issue of Standing. Argument on the

708motion was heard by telephone. Respondent informed the undersigned that

718Petitioners and Respondent might be able to resolve their dispute if Intervenor

730were dismissed from this proceeding for lack of standing. After hearing

741argument on the issue, the parties were informed that dismissal of Intervenor,

753if appropriate, would require the issuance of a Recommended Order. The parties

765were also informed that, based upon the evidence presented in this matter, it

778appeared that Intervenor had not submitted a responsive bid. Respondent was

789informed that, despite the comments of the undersigned, it was possible that

801Intervenor would be found to have filed a responsive bid when the Recommended

814Order was actually written because of the more thorough review involved in

826writing this Recommended Order.

830On April 25, 1995, Respondent filed a Joint Stipulation and Request for

842Recommended Order. Respondent reported that Petitioners and Respondent have

851amicably resolved their dispute and were desirous of entering into lease

862agreements attached to the Stipulation. Respondent suggested that the only

872issue which remained to be resolved in this proceeding was whether Intervenor's

884bid submission was responsive and, therefore, whether Intervenor has standing.

894Respondent, therefore, requested that a Recommended Order be entered disposing

904of the issue of the responsiveness of Intervenor's bid submission.

914On April 28, 1995, Intervenor filed Intervenor's Notice of Intent to

925Respond to Joint Stipulation and Request for Recommended Order.

934On May 2, 1995, an Amended Joint Stipulation and Request for Recommended

946Order was filed. The only change in the Amended Joint Stipulation was to

959indicate the date of service of the pleading.

967On May 3, 1995, Intervenor filed Intervenor's Request for Recommended Order

978apparently in response to the Joint Stipulation and Request for Recommended


990Respondent filed a Motion to Strike Intervenor's Response to Joint


1001To the extent that Intervenor and Respondent have requested that a

1012Recommended Order be entered, their requests are granted. To the extent that

1024any other relief has been requested by Intervenor or Respondent, their requests

1036are denied. The Motion to Strike Intervenor's Response to Joint Stipulation is

1048also denied.

1050The transcript of the final hearing was filed on April 6 and 10, 1995.

1064During the motion hearing conducted April 10, 1995, it was agreed that the

1077parties would file proposed orders on or before April 20, 1995. An extension

1090until April 25, 1995 to file proposed orders was subsequently requested and


1103The parties have all filed proposed orders containing proposed findings of

1114fact. A ruling on each proposed finding of fact has been made either directly

1128or indirectly in this Recommended Order or the proposed finding of fact has been

1142accepted or rejected in the Appendix which is attached hereto.


1155A. The Parties.

11581. Petitioners, Jack Richer and J. D. Raymond, as Trustees, and Winewood

1170Park Limited, a Florida Limited Partnership (hereinafter referred to as

"1180Winewood"), are the owners of office buildings known as Winewood Office Park.

11932. Respondent, the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative

1202Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Department"), is an agency of the

1215State of Florida.

12183. Intervenor, O. C. Allen/Walton Properties, is a name used by O. C.

1231Allen, an individual, to submit a bid to the invitation to bid which is the

1246subject of this dispute.

1250B. The Department's Invitation to Bid.

12564. The Department's headquarters are located in Tallahassee, Florida.

12655. The Department is the primary tenant of office buildings in Winewood

1277Office Park. The Department occupies the offices pursuant to Lease No.

1288590:1634. Winewood is the lessor under the leases.

12966. The Department's current lease will expire on June 30, 1995.

13077. On or about November 11, 1994, the Department issued "Invitation to Bid

1320for Existing Facilities, Lease Nos. 590:2572 and 590:2573," (hereinafter

1329referred to as the "ITB"). See Petitioners' exhibit 2.

13398. Through the ITB, the Department sought two leases for a total of

1352292,054 net leasable square feet of office space.

13619. The Department sought 126,865 net leasable square feet of office space

1374for the offices of the Department's Administration and Secretary under proposed

1385Lease No. 590:2572 (hereinafter referred to as the "Administration Lease").

139610. The Department also sought 165,189 net leasable square feet of office

1409space for the offices of the Department's Health and Programs under proposed

1421Lease No. 590:2573 (hereinafter referred to as the "Programs Lease").

143211. Potential bidders were invited to submit proposals on either or both

1444of the proposed leases.

1448C. Responses to the ITB.

145312. Winewood submitted a bid in response to the ITB for the Administration

1466and the Programs Leases. Petitioner's exhibit 2. Winewood offered office space

1477in Winewood Office Park for both proposed leases.

148513. Mr. Allen submitted a bid in response to the ITB for the

1498Administration Lease. Respondent's exhibit 3. Mr. Allen offered space in a

1509building currently occupied by Kmart, located at 1700 North Monroe Street,

1520Tallahassee, Florida. Mr. Allen proposed renovating the property if awarded the

1531Administration Lease.

1533D. The Department's Review and Rejection of the Bid


154314. Bid submissions were received and opened on December 13, 1994.

155415. Initially, the Petitioners' and Mr. Allen's bid submission were

1564reviewed for responsiveness by Carl Graham, Assistant Staff Director, Central

1574Support Services of the Department, and Ken McLane, General Services Specialist

1585of the Department.

158816. Mr. Graham was designated by the Department to determine responsive of

1600bids submitted in response to the ITB. The designation of Mr. Graham to decide

1614whether bid submittals were responsive was reasonable.

162117. Winewood's bid submission was determined to be responsive to the

1632requirements of the ITB. Winewood's proposed rental rate was also determined to

1644be within the maximum rental rate or "zone rate" of $16.75 per square foot

1658established by the Department of Management Services for Leon County, Florida,

1669for privately owned rental space.

167418. Mr. Allen's bid submission was determined to be nonresponsive. The

1685specific reasons for determining that Mr. Allen's bid submission nonresponsive

1695are discussed, infra.

169819. After initially determining that Mr. Allen's bid submission was

1708nonresponsive, Mr. Graham met with the Department of Management Services to

1719discuss his conclusions.

172220. Winewood's bid submission was then provided to the Department's

1732evaluation committee as contemplated by the ITB. The evaluation committee

1742reviewed Winewood's submission pursuant to the terms of the ITB and scored it.

175521. Mr. Allen's bid submission was not provided to the evaluation

1766committee for review because it was nonresponsive.

177322. The evaluation committee concluded that Winewood's bid submission was

1783the lowest and best responsive bid to the ITB. The evidence failed to prove

1797that this conclusion was fraudulent, arbitrary, illegal or dishonest.

180623. The Department reserved the right in a paragraph of the ITB entitled

"1819Rejection of Bids" to reject bid submissions under the following circumstances:

18301. The department reserves the right to

1837reject any and all bids when such rejection

1845is in the interest of the State of Florida.

1854Such rejection shall not be arbitrary, but

1861be based on strong justification which shall

1868be communicated to each rejected bidder by

1875certified mail. [Emphasis in original].

1880Petitioners' exhibit 2, page 11 of the ITB. See also Rule 60H-1.015(5)(a),

1892Florida Administrative Code.

189524. Secretary Towey concluded that it would not be in the best interest of

1909the State to award any bids pursuant to the ITB.

191925. On December 21, 1994 and December 22, 1994, the Department advised Mr.

1932Allen and Winewood, respectively, by letter of Secretary Towey's decision and

1943that all bids submitted in response to the ITB were rejected.

1954E. The Department's Determination of Nonresponsiveness of

1961Mr. Allen's Bid Submission.

196526. The Department provided the following with regard to whether a bid

1977submission was responsive to the ITB:


19861. Bids received are first evaluated to

1993determine technical responsiveness; this

1997includes submittal on bid submittal form,

2003inclusion of required information, data,

2008attachments, signatures, etc. Nonresponsive

2012bids will be withdrawn from further consideration.

2019Nonresponsive bidders will be informed immediately

2025by certified mail. [Emphasis in original].

2031Petitioners' exhibit 2, page 7 of the ITB.

203927. In a paragraph in the ITB entitled "Preparation and Submission of

2051Bids," it was provided that " . . . [a]ll documentation requested is to be

2065prepared and submitted with the bid submittal." Petitioners' exhibit 2, page 5

2077of the ITB.

208028. The ITB also provided that not all irregularities in a bid submission

2093would result in rejection for nonresponsiveness:

20994. The department reserves the right to waive

2107any minor informalities or technicality and seek

2114clarification of bids received, when such is in

2122the best interest of the state, but not limited

2131to the correction of simple mistakes or typo-

2139graphical errors. Such corrections will be

2145initiated (and [sic] dated on the original bid

2153submittal by the bidder.

2157Petitioners' exhibit 2, pages 11-12 of the ITB.

216529. On page 13 of the ITB, a list of documentation to be submitted with

2180all bid submittals was listed. At the top of the list, it is provided that

"2195[i]n order for a bid proposal to be accepted, the items 1 through 6 must be

2211included in the bid proposal. Items 7 through 11 must be included, if

2224applicable." Petitioners' exhibit 2, page 13 of the ITB>

223330. The Department, through Mr. Graham, determined that Mr. Allen's bid

2244submission was nonresponsive for the following reasons:

2251a. Mr. Allen's proposed rate of rental was in excess of ten percent of the

2266maximum zone rate for Tallahassee;

2271b. Mr. Allen failed to submit a "floor plan";

2280c. Mr. Allen failed to submit a certification of a registered structural

2292engineer concerning live load capacity;

2297d. Mr. Allen failed to submit a written statement by the existing tenant

2310of the proposed property acknowledging the lessor's bid and the tenant's consent

2322to vacate the proposed premises by the proposed occupancy date or earlier;

2334e. Mr. Allen failed to submit a certificate concerning debarment; and

2345f. Mr. Allen failed to submit satisfactory evidence that he controls the

2357proposed lease property.

2360F. Mr. Allen's Proposed Rental Rate Exceeded the Acceptable

2369Zone Rate.

237131. The maximum rental rates, or zone rates, for agency leases of

2383privately owned office space are established twice annually in accordance with

2394Rule 60H-1.030, Florida Administrative Code.

239932. For the relevant period of time and type lease involved in this

2412matter, the maximum rental rate was $16.75 per square foot.

242233. Mr. Allen's bid submittal proposed a rental rate of $22.00 per square

2435foot. Mr. Allen's proposed rental rate is more than ten percent in excess of

2449the maximum rental rate established by the Department of Management Services for

2461Leon County, Florida.

246434. While the ITB specifies that bidders are required to be familiar with

2477all relevant laws that affect the subject leases, the ITB does not specify that

2491rental rates must be consistent with the maximum rental rate established for

2503Leon County in order to be considered responsive.

251135. The fact that Mr. Allen's bid submittal rental rate is excessive may

2524have been grounds to ultimately reject Mr. Allen's bid, but it does not

2537establish that his bid submittal was nonresponsive.

2544G. Mr. Allen Failed to Submit a Floor Plan Consistent with

2555the Requirements of the ITB

256036. Among the documents listed on page 13 of the ITB which were required

2574to be submitted was a Bid Submittal Form. Petitioners' exhibit 2, page 13 of

2588the ITB. The Bid Submittal Form to be completed and submitted by bidders was

2602attached to the ITB. Petitioners' exhibit 2.

260937. On page 1 of the Bid Submittal Form, paragraph 1, the net square

2623footage sought is provided. In this regard, bidders were informed that net

2635square footage would be determined as follows:

2642Measured in accordance with the Standard Method

2649of Space Measurement (Attachment A). NOTE:

2655Restrooms and mechanical rooms are not included

2662in calculating net rentable square footage.

2668Petitioners' exhibit 2, page 1 of the Bid Submittal Form.

267838. The ITB informed bidders that the Department was required to be

2690provided information necessary for the Department, not an engineer or architect,

2701to measure the net rentable square footage (as that term is defined in the ITB).

2716In this regard, bidders were informed of the following "Standard Method of Space


2731All usable (rentable) office space, lease or

2738state-owned, shall be computed by:

2743Measuring to the inside finish of permanent

2750outer building wall to the office side of

2758corridors and/or other permanent partitions,

2763and to the center of partitions that separate

2771the premises from adjoining usable areas. This

2778usable (rentable) area shall EXCLUDE: bathroom,

2784stairs, elevator shafts, flues, pipe shafts,

2790vertical ducts, air-conditioning rooms, fan rooms,

2796janitor closets, elect closets -- and such other

2804rooms not actually available to the tenant for

2812his furnishings and personnel -- and their

2819enclosing walls.

2821Petitioners' exhibit 2, Attachment A to the Bid Submittal Form, page 26.

283339. The Bid Submittal Form required that bidders provide a calculation of

2845the net rentable square footage available using measurements from a scaled floor

2857plan showing the present configurations with measurements:

28649. As part of the bid submittal, bidders are

2873to provide:

2875* * *

2878b) A scaled (1/16" or 1/8" or 1/4" = 1'0")

2889floor plan showing present configurations with

2895measurements. The final floor plan will be as

2903described in the bid specifications. [Emphasis

2909in original].

2911c) Calculation of the net rentable square

2918footage available using measurements from the

2924floor plan. Refer to Attachment A, Standard

2931Method of Space Measurement.

2935* * *

2938Petitioners' exhibit 2, page 3 of the Bid Submittal Form.

294840. Bidders were also informed that they were required to submit the


2961* * *

2964_____4. Floor Plan showing present layout

2970with dimensions. See paragraph 10B

2975of Bid Submittal Form.

2979Petitioners' exhibit 2, page 13 of the ITB.

298741. An example of a floor plan, which was described as the "typical floor

3001plan", illustrating the application Standard Method of Space Measurement was

3011attached to Attachment A of the Bid Submittal Form. The example of a typical

3025floor plan provided shows the various features described in the Standard Method

3037of Space Measurement which were required to be taken into account in measuring

3050net rentable square footage. Nowhere in Mr. Allen's bid submission is there a

3063drawing which follows this example or even provides the information necessary to

3075compile such a drawing.

307942. Mr. Allen did not submit a scaled floor plan showing the present

3092layout with dimensions of the office space he proposed.

310143. Mr. Allen submitted two "site plans" showing "existing conditions" and

"3112proposed conditions". A site plan is a drawing showing the location of

3125buildings, parking, roads, landscaping, and other features of a parcel of


313744. Mr. Allen's site plans met the requirement found on page 13 of the Bid

3152Submittal Form that a "Site Layout with all parking spaces and utilization of

3165spaces shown" be submitted.

316945. The site plans are drawn to a 1 inch equals 50 feet scale.

3183Respondent's exhibit 3. The site plans submitted by Mr. Allen do not delineate

3196the location of "pipe shafts, vertical ducts, air-conditioning rooms, fan rooms,

3207janitor closets, elect closets -- and such other rooms not actually available

3219to the tenant for his furnishings and personnel -- and their enclosing walls."

3232Nor do the site plans delineate the location of columns, entries, exists or rest


324746. With regard to the building, the site plans submitted by Mr. Allen

3260show only its "footprint". The footprint of the building is the building's

3273exterior walls only.

327647. The site plans submitted by Mr. Allen are not floor plans. More

3289importantly, the site plans are insufficient for the Department to determine,

3300consistent with the Standard Method of Space Measurement, whether the amount of

3312space Mr. Allen offered was consistent with the amount of space sought by the


332748. While gross square footage may be calculated from the site plans

3339submitted by Mr. Allen, net square footage as defined in the ITB, which is what

3354the Department was looking for, cannot be determined.

336249. Mr. Allen also submitted a document entitled "Fleet 4.0 Data

3373Submittal." This document was submitted as part of a Life Cycle Cost Analysis

3386required to be provided by bidders. See Petitioners' exhibit 2, page 13 of the

3400Bid Submittal Form. Attached to the document is a drawing of the building

3413footprint. The scale of the drawing is one inch equals fifty feet. The

3426document is not a floor plan. It suffers from the same deficiencies as the site

3441plans submitted by Mr. Allen.

344650. Mr. Allen failed to provide sufficient information as required by the

3458ITB so that the Department could calculate net rentable square footage, not as

3471defined generally by an architect, but as specifically defined in the ITB.

3483H. Mr. Allen Failed to Submit a Certification from a

3493Florida Registered Structural Engineer.

349751. Another document required to be submitted with bid submissions listed

3508on page 4 of the Bid Submittal Form was the following:

3519d) Bids offering multi-story buildings must

3525meet the Building Code minimum of 50 pounds per

3534square foot live load and be certified of a

3543registered State of Florida structural engineer.

3549[Emphasis in original].

3552Petitioners' exhibit 2, page 4 of the Bid Submittal Form.

356252. Mr. Allen's proposal offered a multi-story building.

357053. Mr. Allen did not include a certificate of a registered State of

3583Florida structural engineer that the building will meet the Building Code

3594minimum of 50 pounds per square foot live load.

3603I. Mr. Allen Failed to Submit Written Documentation from an

3613Existing Tenant.

361554. The Bid Submittal Form required the following with regard to existing


3628EXISTING TENANTS: If the offered space or any

3636portion thereof (including parking areas) is at

3643present occupied or will be covered by an active

3652lease(s) at the stated availability date, written

3659documentation by the tenant indicating acknow-

3665ledgment of the lessor's bid and ability to vacate

3674premises by the proposed date or earlier to allow

3683lessor's renovation work to be completed must be

3691included the bid submittal.

3695BIDDER RESPONSE: (Check where appropriate)

3700____ Existing tenant

3703acknowledgment included

3705as a part of this bid


3712____ Not applicable.

3715Petitioners' exhibit 2, page 5 of the Bid Submittal Form.

372555. On Mr. Allen's bid submission the space next to "Not applicable" was


373956. The property offered by Mr. Allen, however, is currently occupied by

3751existing tenants. Photographs submitted by Mr. Allen as part of his bid

3763submission show the existence of the present tenant, Kmart.

377257. Mr. Allen did not, however, provide any written documentation from

3783Kmart acknowledging the ability to vacate the premises by the proposed date or

3796earlier to allow lessor's renovation work to be completed.

3805J. Mr. Allen Failed to Submit Certification Regarding

3813Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary

3818Exclusion Contracts/Subcontracts.

382058. The ITB, page 5, required that Attachment "N", a Certification

3831Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion

3838Contracts/Subcontracts, be filed with all bid submissions.

384559. Paragraph 23 of the Bid Submittal Form also specified all bidders

"3857must execute the enclosed (Attachment N)".

386460. Mr. Allen did not submit Attachment "N" with his bid submission. Mr.

3877Allen did not attempt to submit Attachment N until after the final hearing in

3891this case had commenced.

3895K. Mr. Allen Failed to Submit Proof of Control of the

3906Property Submitted for Lease.

391061. The ITB, page 3, provided the following concerning control of the

3922property proposed by a bidder:

39271. Control of Property - This pertains to both

3936the structure(s) and proposed parking areas. To

3943submit a responsive bid, a prospective lessor must

3951provide evidence of one of the following qualifi-

3959cations with the bid:

3963a) Be the owner of record of the facility and

3973parking areas and submit a copy of deed(s).

3981b) Be the lessee of space being proposed and

3990present with bid, a copy of lease with documentation

3999of authorization to sublease the facility and parking

4007areas through the term of the base lease and all

4017renewal option periods.

4020c) Submit documentation of an option to purchase

4028the facility and/or parking areas.

4033d) Submit documentation of an option to lease the

4042facility with authorization to in-turn, sublease.

4048Any lease must encompass the entire time period of

4057the basic lease and any renewal option periods as

4066required by the state.

4070e) Submit notarized documentation of the detailed

4077trust agreement.

4079f) Submit documentation of proper zoning (optional).

4086* * *

4089Petitioners' exhibit 2, page 3 of the ITB.

409762. Mr. Allen failed to submit documentation sufficient to prove that any

4109of the situations identified in finding of fact 61 apply to Mr. Allen.

412263. What Mr. Allen submitted with his bid submission concerning his

4133involvement with the bid property was a letter dated December 12, 1994, from

4146Jeffrey M. Poole, Real Estate Department, Kmart Corporation, to Mr. Allen. The

4158letter provides, in pertinent part, the following:

4165Further to our negotiations and agreements reached

4172on the option to sublease our facility per the

4181above referenced, this is to grant you our firm's

4190authority to bid same on that State of Florida

4199Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services

4205Invitation to Bid on December 13, 1994.

4212We are in total agreement that written consummation

4220of those terms which grant you control of our lease-

4230hold are contingent upon time frames, formalizing

4237our understandings, and your enjoying success in

4244your bid proposals of tomorrow. Thank you.

4251Respondent's exhibit 3.

425464. The letter submitted by Mr. Allen is not proof that he is the "owner

4269of record" of the property, that he is a "lessee of space", that he has, or had

4286at the time of his bid submission, an "option to lease the facility" or a trust


430365. The statement in the letter submitted by Mr. Allen to the effect that

4317Kmart and Mr. Allen have had "negotiations and agreements reached on the option

4330to sublease" does not indicate that an option to sublease has actually been

4343entered into.

434566. The statement in the letter that Kmart was granting Mr. Allen

"4357authority to bid" the property is nothing more than an authorization for Mr.

4370Allen to act as an agent for Kmart.

437867. Finally, the second paragraph of the letter submitted by Mr. Allen

4390indicates that consummation of an agreement of Kmart and Mr. Allen should be

4403consummated in writing in the future, but even that agreement is contingent upon

4416reaching further agreement and Mr. Allen "enjoying success in [his] bid

4427proposals . . . ."

443268. Nothing in Mr. Allen's letter from Kmart complies with the

4443requirements of page 3 of the ITB concerning what was required to be submitted

4457to show control of the property proposed by Mr. Allen.

4467L. Mr. Allen's Bid Submission is Nonresponsive.

447469. Based upon the foregoing, Mr. Allen's bid submission failed to provide

4486information and documents specifically required by the ITB to be submitted by

4498all bidders. The information and documents not provided were all required to be

4511provided at the time of bid submittal.

451870. Mr. Allen did not file a challenge to any of the requirements of the

4533ITB. Therefore, it is too late for Mr. Allen to question whether requirements

4546of the ITB which he failed to comply with are reasonable or otherwise must be

4561complied with.

456371. Mr. Allen's bid submittal was nonresponsive for failing to provide the

4575information and documents discussed, supra, in sections G, H, I, J and K of the

4590Recommended Order.

459272. The failure of Mr. Allen to provide the information and documents was

4605not a minor irregularity which the ITB allowed the Department to waive. The

4618failure of Mr. Allen to include any one of the documents discussed, supra, in

4632sections G, H, I, J and K of the Recommended Order is sufficient to conclude

4647that Mr. Allen's bid submission was nonresponsive.

4654M. Procedural Issues.

465773. The December 21 and 22, 1994, certified letters from the Department

4669informing the parties of the rejection of all bids did not include notice that

"4683Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in section 125.53(5),

4695Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120,

4706Florida Statutes."

470874. The only agency decision announced in the Department's certified

4718letters subject to proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, was the

4729decision to reject all bids.

473475. On or about January 3, 1995, Winewood filed a Notice of Intent to

4748Protest the Department's decision to reject all bids. On or about January 12,

47611995, Winewood filed a Formal Notice of Protest challenging Respondent's


477276. On January 24, 1995, Winewood's protest was filed with the Division of

4785Administrative Hearings by Notice of Referral and Notice to Bidders from the


479877. On January 17, 1995, Mr. Allen filed a petition for leave to

4811intervene. A second copy of the petition was filed on January 24, 1995.

482478. Mr. Allen was granted leave to intervene. The Order granting

4835intervention specifically provided that Intervenor "takes the case as it finds

4846it, subject to the issues as framed in Winewood's Petition, except that each

4859party's standing is always at issue and subject to proof at formal hearing."

487279. Although Mr. Allen was not notified of his right to challenge the

4885Department's decision in the certified letter provided to him, Mr. Allen at no

4898time prior to the conclusion of the final hearing raised the issue. More

4911importantly, Mr. Allen was able to participate fully in the challenge to the

4924Department's announced decision in this proceeding as if he had filed a separate


493880. The ITB specifically provides that nonresponsive bidders will be

"4948informed immediately by certified mail" of the determination that a bid

4959submission was nonresponsiveness.

496281. The Department has not provided notice of nonresponsiveness to Mr.

4973Allen by certified mail.

497782. Mr. Allen first learned that his bid submittal was nonresponsive

4988during discovery prior to the final hearing of this case. Mr. Allen was

5001informed, however, early in the proceeding by both Hearing Officers assigned to

5013this matter that the question of whether he has standing to participate in this

5027proceeding was an issue, and that the question of his standing depended upon his

5041ability to prove that he had submitted a responsive bid.

505183. Mr. Allen was further put on notice of the issue by pleadings filed by

5066the Department and through discovery in preparation for the final hearing of

5078this case.

508084. Mr. Allen was given sufficient opportunity to address the issue of

5092whether his bid submission was responsive and to make preparations to present

5104evidence on the issue. At no time did Mr. Allen suggest that he was either not

5120aware of his burden of proof or not able to adequately prepare to meet that


513685. Subsequent to the conclusion of the final hearing of this matter, the

5149Department and Winewood filed an Amended Joint Stipulation and Request for

5160Recommended Order. Pursuant to this pleading, the Department reported that

5170Winewood and the Department have amicably resolved their dispute and are

5181desirous of entering into lease agreements attached to the Stipulation. The

5192Department suggested that the only issue which remains to be resolved in this

5205proceeding is whether Mr. Allen's bid was responsive and, therefore, whether Mr.

5217Allen has standing.

522086. The impact of the Stipulation filed by the Department and Winewood is

5233to withdraw the Department's rejection of all bids and to award both leases to



5251A. Jurisdiction.

525387. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction of the

5263parties to and the subject matter of this proceeding. Sections 120.53(5) and

5275120.57(1), Florida Statutes (1993).

5279B. Burden of Proof.

528388. The burden of proof absent a statutory directive to the contrary is on

5297the party asserting the affirmative of the issue of the proceeding. Antel v.

5310Department of Professional Regulation, 522 So.2d 1056 (Fla. 5th DCA 1988);

5321Department of Transportation v. J.W.C. Co. Inc., 396 So.2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA

53341981); and Balino v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 348 So.2d

5346249 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

535189. In this proceeding it was initially Winewood and Mr. Allen that were

5364asserting the affirmative. With the resolution of the dispute between the

5375Department and Winewood, the only issue left to be resolve is whether Mr. Allen

5389submitted a responsive bid. Mr. Allen had the burden of proving that he did

5403submit a responsive bid. If successful, Mr. Allen could then attempt to prove

5416that the Department's decision to award the leases to Winewood was fraudulent,

5428arbitrary, illegal or dishonest.

5432C. Mr. Allen Failed to Prove that his Bid Submittal

5442was Responsive.

544490. The evidence overwhelmingly established that Mr. Allen's bid

5453submission did not include all of the documentation and information specifically

5464required to be submitted by the ITB. It is for this reason that the Department

5479concluded that Mr. Allen's bid submission was nonresponsive.

548791. The determination that Mr. Allen's bid submission did not include all

5499of the documentation and information required, however, does not end this

5510inquiry. Not all irregularities in bid submissions or deviations from the terms

5522of an invitation to bid are considered material enough to require rejection of a

5536bid submittalopabest Foods, Inc. v. Department of General Services, 493

5546So.2d 50 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986). See also Rule 60A-1.002(13), Florida

5557Administrative Code. A deviation from the requirements of an invitation to bid

"5569is only material if it gives the bidder a substantial advantage over the other

5583bidders and thereby restricts or stifles competitionopabest Foods at 52.

559392. Rule 60A-1.001(30), Florida Administrative Code, defines the terms

"5602minor irregularity" as:

5605A variation from the invitation to bid/request

5612for proposal terms and conditions which does

5619not affect the price of the bid/proposal, or

5627give the bidder or offer or an advantage or

5636benefit not enjoyed by other bidders or offer

5644or, does not adversely impact the interest of

5652the agency.

565493. Additionally, pursuant to the ITB, the Department reserved the right

5665to waive any "minor informalities or technicality".

567394. The Department concluded that Mr. Allen's deviations from the ITB were

5685not minor irregularities, informalities or technicalities and concluded that Mr.

5695Allen's bid submission should be rejected as nonresponsive.

570395. The weight of the evidence in this case overwhelming proved that Mr.

5716Allen's bid submission was nonresponsive to the ITB. The weight of the evidence

5729also failed to prove that the Department's decision that Mr. Allen's bid

5741submission was nonresponsive was fraudulent, arbitrary, illegal or dishonest.

5750See Overstreet Paving Company v. Department of Transportation, 608 So.2d 851

5761(Fla.. 2d DCA 1992), citing Department of Transportation v. Groves-Watkins

5771Construction Co., 530 So.2d 912 (Fla. 1988).

5778D. Standing.

578096. Winewood and Mr. Allen were required to prove that they have standing

5793to participate in this proceeding. In order for Winewood and Mr. Allen to prove

5807standing, they were required to prove that the Department's proposed decision

5818would substantially impact them.

582297. The evidence in this case proved that Winewood had standing to

5834challenge the Department's initial decision to reject all bids. The evidence

5845proved that Winewood's bid submission was responsive and determined to be the

5857lowest and best bid. The only reason advanced by the Department for not

5870awarding the leases to Winewood was the decision to reject all bids. Winewood

5883was, therefore, substantially affected and subject to injury by the Department's


589598. The evidence failed to prove that Mr. Allen's bid submission was

5907responsive to the ITB. Therefore, the decision to reject all bids had no impact

5921on Mr. Allen. Mr. Allen, therefore, lacked standing to challenge the

5932Department's initial decision to reject all bids. See Preston Carroll Company

5943v. Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, 400 So.2d 524 (Fla. 3d DCA 1981).

595599. The Department has now withdrawn its decision to reject all bids and

5968decided that Winewood should be awarded the leases to be awarded pursuant to the

5982ITB. Mr. Allen also failed to prove that he has standing to challenge that

5996decision because he failed to submit a responsive bid.

6005100. One final point concerning standing should be addressed. The effect

6016of the Department's decision to withdraw its rejection of all bids and its

6029decision that Mr. Allen's bid was nonresponsive. Had the Department initially

6040decided to accept the Winewood bid submissions rather than rejecting all bids,

6052the Department presumably would have notified Mr. Allen of that determination.

6063101. The decision to reject Mr. Allen's bid for nonresponsiveness does

6074substantially affect Mr. Allen. Mr. Allen, therefore, does have standing to

6085challenge the Department's decision to reject his bid for nonresponsiveness. He

6096was given a fair and adequate opportunity to challenge the Department's decision

6108and he failed to prove, as concluded supra, that the Department's decision was

6121fraudulent, arbitrary, illegal or dishonest.

6126E. Adequacy of the Department's Notice of Rejection of All


6137102. While the Department failed to provide notice of the impact of its

6150decision to reject all bids in the certified letter sent to Mr. Allen, the

6164evidence failed to prove that Mr. Allen was in anyway prejudiced or denied the

6178right to a fair hearing on the decision announced in the letter.

6190E. The Department's Failure to Provide Written

6197Notice of Its Conclusion that Mr. Allen's Bid was


6207103. When the decision to reject all bids was made by the Department, it

6221was not necessary to provide notice to Mr. Allen that it had determined that his

6236bid submission was nonresponsive. Mr. Allen was required, regardless of the

6247Department's decision, to prove his standing, which included the filing of a

6259responsive bid, in order to challenge the decision to reject all bids.

6271104. Therefore, the failure to notify Mr. Allen that his bid submission

6283was nonresponsive was of no consequence. Mr. Allen, whether notified of the

6295Department's decision or not, was required to prove that his response was in

6308fact responsiveness.

6310105. Additionally, even if it could be concluded that it was error not to

6324have notified Mr. Allen of the conclusion that his bid was nonresponsive, the

6337evidence proved that Mr. Allen had actual notice in sufficient time prior to the

6351final hearing for him to adequately prepare to address the issue.

6362106. Although the Department's proposed agency action changed after the

6372hearing to a decision to award the leases to Winewood, the issue of whether Mr.

6387Allen's bid submission was responsiveness did not change.

6395107. If there were any validity to Mr. Allen's argument that he should be

6409provided with notice by certified mail that his bid submission was

6420nonresponsive, the Department would be required to provide such notice, Mr.

6431Allen could then challenge that decision and a second hearing addressing the

6443same issue addressed in this hearing would be conducted. A second hearing would

6456only serve to cause prejudice to all the parties, including Mr. Allen, by

6469requiring the relitigation of an issue already fairly and adequately addressed.


6481Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

6494RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Department of Health and

6507Rehabilitative Services finding that the O.C. Allen/Walton Properties bid

6516submission was nonresponsive and dismissing O.C. Allen/Walton Properties from

6525this proceeding.

6527DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of May, 1995, in Tallahassee Florida.


6540LARRY J. SARTIN, Hearing Officer

6545Division of Administrative Hearings

6549The DeSoto Building

65521230 Apalachee Parkway

6555Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

6558(904) 488-9675

6560Filed with the Clerk of the

6566Division of Administrative Hearings

6570this 5th day of May, 1995.


6577The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted

6589below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the

6601paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if

6613any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason

6626for their rejection have also been noted.

6633Winewood's Proposed Findings of Fact

66381 Accepted in 1 and 5.

66442 Accepted in 7-11.

66483 Hereby accepted.

66514 Accepted in 14 and hereby accepted.

66585 Accepted in 12-13.

66626 Accepted in 26 and hereby accepted.

66697 Accepted in 27.

66738 Accepted in 28.

66779 Accepted in 15.

668110 Accepted in 17.

668511 Accepted in 20 and 22.

669112 Accepted in 18 and 21.

669713 Accepted in 38, 71-72 and hereby accepted.

670514 Accepted in 39 and 41.

671115 Accepted in 42-43, 45, 47-48 and 50.

671916 Accepted in 51-53.

672317 Accepted in 54 and 56-57.

672918 Accepted in 58-60.

673319 Accepted in 61-68.

673720 The decision in this matter must be based upon information provided

6749in the bid submissions. Evidence concerning whether Mr. Allen will provide

6760interior walls in compliance with the requirements of the ITB was not included

6773as part of his bid submission. Therefore, that evidence cannot be taken into

6786account in determining whether his bid submission was responsive with regard to

6798the walls he was proposing. The evidence concerning this matter is, however,

6810relevant and has been considered in concluding that Mr. Allen's response was

6822nonresponsive with regard to the floor plan. Had Mr. Allen provided a floor

6835plan as required by the ITB, the Department would have been aware that Mr. Allen

6850was proposing a building that would not comply with the requirement that all

6863interior walls be ceiling to floor.

686921 Accepted in 31-33. The last sentence is not relevant. See 34-35.

688122 Accepted in 70.

688523 Accepted in 85.

6889Mr. Allen's Proposed Findings of Fact

68951 Accepted in 7-10, 23, 26 and hereby accepted.

69042 Accepted in 5 and 12-13. The third sentence is not supported by the

6918weight of the evidence. For the location of the proposed property, see 3.

69313 Accepted in 25. The third and fourth sentences are not relevant.

69434 Accepted in 24-25 and 73.

69495 See 83.

69526 Accepted in 81. But see 82-84. The last sentence is not relevant.

6965The Department's procurement manual does not override the provisions of the ITB.

6977If Mr. Allen believed that the ITB was inconsistent with the Department's

6989procurement manual, he should have challenged the provisions of the ITB.

70007 Not supported by the weight of the evidence.

70098-9 Not relevant.

701210 Speculative and not relevant. See 85.

701911 See 85-86.

702212 Argument and not supported by the weight of the evidence.

703313 Accepted in 14 and 26. The Department's procurement manual is not


704614 See 83. Also see 82 and 84.

705415 See 15-16 and 18. The last two sentences are not relevant.

706616-21 Not relevant.

706922 Hereby accepted. The second sentence is not relevant. The last

7080sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence.

709023 Hereby accepted.

709324 See 81. But see 82-84. The last two sentences are not relevant.

710625 See 30.

710926a Accepted in 34-35 to the extent relevant. Whether Mr. Allen

7120submitted the lowest bid is not relevant and is not supported by the weight of

7135the evidence.

713726b See 58. The second sentence is not relevant. The third sentence

7149is not relevant because Mr. Allen was required to challenge the provisions of

7162the ITB prior to submission of bids and not at the formal hearing. The next to

7178last sentence misinterprets the requirements of the ITB--Attachment N was

7188required to be executed and filed with the bid submissions. The last sentence

7201is not relevant--Mr. Allen was required to file the form with his bid


721526c Not relevant.

7218Paragraph between 26c and 26d: Not supported by the weight of the


723126d The first sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence.

7244The second sentence is not relevant and not supported by the weight of the

7258evidence. The third sentence through the end of the proposed findings is not


727226e Not relevant.

727526f Not relevant and not supported by the weight of the evidence.

728726g See 41, 43, 45 and 49. The first sentence is not supported by the

7302weight of the evidence--the requirement of the ITB at issue is not whether the

7316building is really in existence or whether it can be "physically verified". The

7330second sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. The fourth

7343sentence is not relevant. The sixth trough eighth sentences are not supported

7355by the weight of the evidence. Mr. Baldwin's calculation was not of "net

7368rentable square footage" AS DEFINED IN THE ITB or based only on what Mr. Allen

7383submitted. The eleventh sentence is not relevant. The last sentence takes Ms.

7395Goodman's testimony out of context.

740026h See 43, 45 and 49. The first sentence is not supported by the

7414weight of the evidence. The third and fourth sentences are not relevant. The

7427fifth sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence.

743826i See 43, 5-46 and 49. The first sentence is a summary of some of

7453the testimony. The second sentence is not supported by the weight of the

7466evidence. The fourth sentence is not relevant. The last sentence is not

7478supported by the weight of the evidence to the extent that it suggests that a

"7493third floor plan" was submitted by Mr. Allen. The sixth sentence is hereby

7506accepted. The eighth sentence and the last sentence are not supported by the

7519weight of the evidence. The ninth, tenth and eleventh sentences are not


753226j The first sentence is hereby accepted. The second sentence is not

7544relevant. The third sentence is not relevant. The fourth sentence is not

7556supported by the weight of the evidence.

756327 Not supported by the weight of the evidence and not relevant.

7575The Department's Proposed Findings of Fact

75811 Accepted in 7 and 9-10

75872-3 Accepted in 12-13.

75914 Accepted in 25.

75955 Accepted in 20.

75996 Accepted in 18.

76037-10 Hereby accepted.

760611 Accepted in 24.

761012 Accepted in 19.

761413 See 33. But see 34-35.

762014 Accepted in 31.

762415 Hereby accepted. But see 34-35.

763016 See 23 and hereby accepted.

763617 Accepted in 26.

764018 Accepted in 72.

764419 See 36-41 and hereby accepted.

765020 Accepted in 27.

765421 Accepted in 36.

765822 Accepted in 51 and 53.

766423 Accepted in 54.

766824 Accepted in 57.

767225 Accepted in 59.

767626 Accepted in 60.

768027 Accepted in 38.

768428 Accepted in 39.

768829 Accepted in 71-72.

769230 Accepted in 42.

769631 Accepted in 71-72.

770032 Accepted in 48 and 50.

770633 Accepted in 70.

771034 Accepted in 61.

771435 Accepted in 62-68.

771836 See 73.

772137 Accepted in 39, and 43-47.

772738 Accepted in 47 and 50.

773339 Accepted in 27.


7739J. Michael Huey, Esquire

7743William E. Williams, Esquire

7747Rex D. Ware, Esquire

7751Post Office Box 1794

7755Tallahassee, Florida 32302

7758Benjamin K. Phipps, Esquire

7762George Hamm, Esquire

7765Post Office Box 1351

7769Tallahassee, Florida 32302

7772William A. Frieder

7775Assistant General Counsel

7778Department of Health and

7782Rehabilitative Services

7784Building E, Suite 200

77881323 Winewood Boulevard

7791Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

7794O.C. Allen

7796Post Office Box 10572

7800Tallahassee, Florida 32302

7803Robert L. Powell, Agency Clerk

7808Department of Health and

7812Rehabilitative Services

78141323 Winewood Boulevard

7817Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

7820Kim Tucker, General Counsel

7824Department of Health and

7828Rehabilitative Services

78301323 Winewood Boulevard

7833Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700


7842All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this Recommended

7854Order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

7868written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

7880written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the final

7892order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing exceptions

7905to this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order should be

7917filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/01/1995
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 05/30/1995
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/30/1995
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/05/1995
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 02/27/95 & 03/01 & 14-15/95.
Date: 05/03/1995
Proceedings: Intervenor's Request for Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/02/1995
Proceedings: Amended Joint Stipulation and Request for Recommended Order; Motion to Strike Intervenor's Response to Joint Stipulation filed.
Date: 04/28/1995
Proceedings: Intervenor's Notice of Intent to Respond to Joint Stipulation And Request for Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/25/1995
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/25/1995
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; Joint Stipulation and Request for Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/25/1995
Proceedings: (Intervenor) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/21/1995
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders sent out. (motion granted)
Date: 04/20/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioners) Amended Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 04/19/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioners) Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 04/10/1995
Proceedings: HRS Manual filed.
Date: 04/10/1995
Proceedings: Transcripts of evidentiary hearing volumes 6,7 & 8 filed.
Date: 04/10/1995
Proceedings: Motion to dismiss Intervenor, to Bifurcate issues, and for expedited order on issue of standing filed.
Date: 04/10/1995
Proceedings: Re-Notice of Hearing on Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss Intervenor, to Bifurcate issues, and for expedited order on issue of standing filed.
Date: 04/06/1995
Proceedings: Transcripts (Vol I, II, III, IV and V; additional volumes to be filed at a later date) filed.
Date: 04/05/1995
Proceedings: Order Concerning Proposed Recommended Orders sent out.
Date: 03/29/1995
Proceedings: Order Granting Request for Continuance sent out. (hearing date to be rescheduled at a later date; parties to file status report by 4/17/95)
Date: 03/29/1995
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion for Official Recognition sent out. (motion granted)
Date: 03/29/1995
Proceedings: Order Concerning Motion Hearing of February 23, 1995 sent out. (ruling on motions)
Date: 03/29/1995
Proceedings: (Intervenor) Notice of Serving Respondent the Certification RegardingDebarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Contracts/Subcontracts; Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary E xclusion Contracts/Subco
Date: 03/15/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Request for continuance filed.
Date: 03/14/1995
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/13/1995
Proceedings: Petitioners' Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 03/06/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Continuation of Final Hearing sent out. (hearing rescheduled for 3/13/95; 9:00am; Talla)
Date: 03/06/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioners) Notice of Availability of Witness Mary V. Goodman filed.
Date: 03/03/1995
Proceedings: March 1, 1995 Excerpt of Transcript filed.
Date: 03/01/1995
Proceedings: Excerpt of Transcript Testimony of Secretary H. James Towey filed.
Date: 02/27/1995
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held, continued to 3/13/95; 9:00am; Talla)
Date: 02/27/1995
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Unilateral Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 02/27/1995
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness And Exhibit List filed.
Date: 02/24/1995
Proceedings: (4) Subpoena Duces Tecum (from M. Huey); (5) Subpoena Ad Testificandum (from M. Huey); Affidavit of Service filed.
Date: 02/24/1995
Proceedings: Joint Prehearing Submission And Respondent's Unilateral Prehearing Submission filed.
Date: 02/24/1995
Proceedings: (William R. Cotterell) Motion to Quash Subpoena; Subpoena Ad Testificandum; CC: to W. Williams from M. Glazer filed.
Date: 02/23/1995
Proceedings: Intervenor's Notice of Motion Hearing; Intervenor's Corrected Notice of Motion Hearing filed.
Date: 02/23/1995
Proceedings: Second Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 2/27/95; 9:00am;Talla)
Date: 02/22/1995
Proceedings: Petitioners' motion to compel filed.
Date: 02/22/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioners) Amended Formal Protest And Request for Formal Administrative Hearing; Motion for Leave to File Amended Formal Protest filed.
Date: 02/22/1995
Proceedings: Intervenor's motion to compel deposition filed.
Date: 02/22/1995
Proceedings: Emergency Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 02/21/1995
Proceedings: Petitioner's Objections to Respondent's Notice to Produce; Petitioner's Objections And Response to Respondent's Second Interrogatories to Petitioners filed.
Date: 02/21/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 02/20/1995
Proceedings: Order Granting, In Part, Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance Granting Respondent`s Motion to Compel, Denying Intervenor`s Motion for Protective Order And Concerning Intervenor`s Motion to Modify Pre-Hearing Order And Petitioners Corrected Motion to Strike
Date: 02/20/1995
Proceedings: Respondent's Second Motion to Compel Discovery And Demand for Sanctions; Respondent's Objections to Request to Produce; Respondent's Second Interrogatories to Petitioners; Respondent's Notice to Produce to Petitioners; Objection to Notice of
Date: 02/17/1995
Proceedings: Petitioners' Second Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 02/17/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioners) Notice of Continuation of Taking Deposition; Re-Notice of Taking Deposition; Respondent`s Objections to Interrogatories Propounded by Intervenor and Objection to Modification of Prehearing Order;(Respondent) Notice of Filing Court Reporter`
Date: 02/16/1995
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion to Compel Discovery from Intervenor; Respondent`s Objections to Interrogatories Propounded By Intervenor and Objection to Modification of Prehearing Order filed.
Date: 02/16/1995
Proceedings: Petitioners' Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 02/15/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Appearance as Co-Counsel filed.
Date: 02/15/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Motion Hearing; Respondent's Motion to Compel Discovery from Intervenor filed.
Date: 02/15/1995
Proceedings: Intervenor`s Motion to Modify Pre-Hearing Order; Intervenor`s Request for Production; Intervenor`s Notice of Serving Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 02/15/1995
Proceedings: Petitioners' Corrected Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 02/14/1995
Proceedings: Petitioners' Request to Produce; Petitioners' Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 02/14/1995
Proceedings: (HRS) Objection to Notice to Produce; to O. C. Allen from William A. Frieder re: Object to hand delivered request for HRS documents which define "Zone Rate"; to William A. Frieder re: Demanding copies of documents, rules, procedure or laws
Date: 02/13/1995
Proceedings: Intervenor's Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 02/09/1995
Proceedings: Order sent out. (petition to intervene of O.C. Walton is granted)
Date: 02/08/1995
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/08/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 02/08/1995
Proceedings: Intervenor`s Response to Objection to Petition for Leave to Intervene and Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 02/07/1995
Proceedings: Petitioners' Motion to Compel filed.
Date: 02/03/1995
Proceedings: (Benjamin K. Phipps) Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 02/02/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 02/01/1995
Proceedings: Scheduling Order sent out. (bid protest scheduled on 2/20/95; 9:00am)
Date: 02/01/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 2/20/95; 9:30am;
Date: 02/01/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing On Petition to Intervene sent out. (telephonic hearing set for 2/8/95; 10:00am)
Date: 02/01/1995
Proceedings: Prehearing Order sent out.
Date: 01/30/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Objection to Petition for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 01/27/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioners) Notice of Serving Answers to Respondent's First Interrogatories filed.
Date: 01/25/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Service of Interrogatories to Respondent Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services filed.
Date: 01/24/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Referral and Notice to Bidders; Formal Notice of Protest (+Exhibit A-E); Notice of Filing Addendum to Exhibit "A" of Formal Notice of Protest; Revised Exhibit A; (Allen/Walton Properties) Petition for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 01/23/1995
Proceedings: (DHRS) Notice of Appearance; Respondent's Request for Truncated Discovery Schedule filed.
Date: 01/17/1995
Proceedings: (Allen/Walton Properties) Petition for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 01/13/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Addendum to Exhibit "A" of Formal Notice of Protest;Revised Exhibit A filed.
Date: 01/12/1995
Proceedings: Formal Notice of Protest (+ Exhibits A-E) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida

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