95-002422 Agency For Health Care Administration vs. Convalescent Services, Inc., D/B/A Conway Lakes Nursing Center
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, November 30, 1995.

View Dockets  
Summary: Enter a Final Order finding Respondent not guilty of the allegations in the Administrative Complaint and reinstating a superior rating by November 1, 1994.






16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) CASE NOS. 95

24) 95-3022




37Respondent. )



42A formal hearing was conducted in this proceeding before Daniel Manry, a

54duly designated Hearing Officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings, on

65July 25 and September 7, 1995, in Orlando, Florida.


75For Petitioner: Linda L. Parkinson, Esquire

81Division of Health Quality Assurance

86Agency For Health Care Administration

91400 West Robinson Street, Suite 309

97Orlando, Florida 32801

100For Respondent: Michael J. Cherniga, Esquire

106Greenberg, Traurig, Hoffman, Lipoff,

110Rosen & Quentel, P.A.

114101 East College Avenue

118Post Office Drawer 1838

122Tallahassee, Florida 32302


129The issues for determination in this proceeding are whether uncorrected

139Class III deficiencies existed on January 30, 1995, when Petitioner conducted a

151follow-up survey of Respondent's nursing home; and, if so, whether Petitioner

162should impose a fine and change the rating of Respondent's license from superior

175to conditional.


179Petitioner filed an Administrative Complaint against Respondent on March

18830, 1995. The Administrative Complaint alleges that deficiencies in minimum

198licensure standards existed during an annual survey conducted on October 6,

2091994, and during a follow-up survey conducted on January 30, 1995. The

221Administrative Complaint seeks to impose an administrative fine of $1,400 for

233the alleged violations. Respondent timely requested a formal hearing.

242By letter dated February 23, 1995, Petitioner advised Respondent that

252Petitioner was changing Respondent's license rating from superior to

261conditional. Respondent timely requested a formal hearing for the proposed

271rating change to its license.

276The separate matters were consolidated on July 18, 1995. They were heard

288during a two-day formal hearing conducted on July 25 and September 7, 1995.

301At the formal hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of six witnesses

312and submitted four exhibits for admission in evidence. Respondent presented the

323testimony of six witnesses and submitted 21 exhibits for admission in evidence.

335The identity of the witnesses and exhibits, and the rulings regarding each, are

348set forth in the transcripts of the formal hearing filed on August 24 and

362September 25, 1995.

365Petitioner timely filed its proposed recommended order ("PRO") on October

3775, 1995. Respondent timely filed its PRO on October 10, 1995. Proposed

389findings of fact in Petitioner's PRO are addressed in the Appendix to this

402Recommended Order. Proposed findings of fact in Respondent's PRO are accepted in

414this Recommended Order.


4201. Petitioner is the governmental agency responsible for inspecting

429nursing homes and enforcing licensure requirements for nursing homes in

439accordance with Chapter 400, Florida Statutes, 1/ and Florida Administrative

449Code Rule 59A-4.128 (amended, July, 1987). 2/ Petitioner also rates nursing

460home licenses as either superior, standard, or conditional. 3/

4692. Respondent is licensed to operate a nursing home. Respondent operates a

481120-bed nursing home as Conway Lakes Nursing Center ("Conway Lakes").

4933. Respondent's license was due to expire on October 31, 1994.

504Respondent's license was renewed. However, on November 4, 1994, its license

515rating was change from superior to conditional.

5221. The Initial Survey

5264. On October 3-6, 1994, Petitioner conducted an inspection survey

536at Conway Lakes (the "initial survey"). The initial survey was conducted by

549seven team members. The team members spent 140 hours at Conway Lakes and

562complied with applicable procedures, protocols, and guidelines in Appendix P of

573HCFA's Transmittal No. 250 ("Transmittal 250").

581ansmittal 250 prescribes a minimum sample size based upon resident

591census and case mix. Case mix is divided into four categories: light care;

604heavy care; non-interviewable light care; and non-interviewable heavy care.

6136. Sample selection is made by consensus of the survey team members after

626they have completed an orientation tour. The orientation tour is the principle

638method of identifying residents who will be included in the sample.

6497. After completing the orientation tour, the survey team correctly

659selected a sample of 23 residents from a total population of 111. The team

673members reviewed resident records to assure that residents in the sample

684satisfied applicable requirements for case mix.

6908. Team members prepared a resident roster on the appropriate HCFA form.

702Team members identified residents by number on the form and recorded

713observations for each numbered resident on the form.

7219. Team members assessed environmental quality, resident records, resident

730rights, dietary services, medication, and quality of care. The quality of care

742assessment is particularly complex and intensive. It involves comprehensive

751review of medical records, care plans, and assessments; as well as interviews

763and observations.

76510. The quality of care assessment includes a dining room observation and

777review. The dining room observation and review must comply with applicable

788protocols for quality of care assessment. The team members complied with

799protocols prescribed for the dining room observation and review. 4/

80911. Petitioner issued a survey report alleging seven deficiencies. The

819survey report classified each deficiency as a "Class III" deficiency within the

831meaning of Section 400.23(9)(c). 5/ The report stated that each deficiency was

843a violation of corresponding sections of Rule 59A-4.106 and 42 Code of Federal

856Regulations 483 ("CFR"). 6/

8622. The Follow-up Survey

86612. After the initial survey, Respondent submitted a plan of correction

877for its deficiencies. Petitioner conducted a follow-up survey on January 30,

8881995. The follow-up survey was conducted by two team members (the "surveyors")

901to determine whether Respondent had corrected the deficiencies noted in the

912survey report.

91413. With two exceptions, Petitioner found that Conway Lakes met all

925requirements to continue a superior rating for Respondent's license. The two

936exceptions were for uncorrected deficiencies Petitioner found in Respondent's

945accommodation of needs for individual residents and in the environment at Conway


9582.01 Accommodation Of Needs

96214. One deficiency was for Respondent's alleged failure to assure that

973residents receive reasonable accommodation of individual needs and preferences

982within the meaning of 42 CFR 493.15(e) ("accommodation of needs"). The

995surveyors found deficiencies in accommodation of needs during dining room

1005service and during in-room dining service. The surveyors also found a

1016deficiency pertaining to a sign posted over one resident's bed stating, "Cannot

1028feed self, she must be fed."

103415. The surveyors concluded that staff did not accommodate the individual

1045needs of some residents in the dining room who needed assistance with their

1058food. The surveyors claimed that staff was "dashing" from one resident to

1070another offering only bits of food at a time.

107916. The surveyors observed three residents in the dining room with their

1091plate guards in an allegedly incorrect position. One of the residents was

1103observed trying to scoop her food. The food was observed spilling over the edge

1117of the plate.

112017. Another resident required assistance to spear a piece of bacon. One

1132of the surveyors observed that a staff member was verbally cuing the resident

1145regarding the location of the bacon. The resident was able to spear that piece

1159of bacon. However, the surveyor observed that the staff member did not return

1172for four or five minutes.

117718. A staff member encouraged another resident to eat but did not return

1190to provide further assistance. The surveyor claimed that the resident left the

1202dining room after consuming only 10 percent of her food.

121219. A surveyor noted that two residents were served a pitcher of water but

1226received no assistance in pouring the water into their glasses. One of the

1239residents attempted to pick up the pitcher but had to set it down because the

1254resident's hand started shaking.

125820. One surveyor observed two residents in their rooms without any

1269assistance from staff. The surveyor classified both of these residents as

1280cognitively impaired and as requiring assistance with their meals.

128921. One surveyor observed two residents in their rooms with their food

1301trays uncovered. No staff was observed assisting the residents for a period of

1314five minutes.

131622. One surveyor observed a sign over a resident's bed stating that the

1329resident needed assistance in feeding. The surveyor did not observe the

1340resident receiving any assistance.

13442.02 Environment

134623. The second deficiency was for Respondent's alleged failure to provide

1357a safe, clean, comfortable, and homelike environment in which residents are

1368allowed to use personal belongings in accordance with 42 CFR 483.15(h)(1)

1379("environment"). 7/ The surveyors found deficiencies in the environment after

1391noting urine odors, two soiled intravenous ("IV") stands, and a soiled suction

1405apparatus in a resident's room.

141024. The surveyors found a stale urine odor at the entry of Conway Lakes

1424and at the ends of the hall closest to the lobby area on both the east and west

1442wings of the facility. One observer found pervasive urine odors in Room 227 on

1456the west wing as well as in the hall in front of Room 227.

147025. One surveyor found that the bases for two IV stands used to hang tube

1485feeding formulas were soiled with formula at the base of the stands. She also

1499found a soiled and uncovered suction apparatus in a room.

150926. The cleaning tag on the apparatus indicated that the apparatus was

1521last cleaned on January 21, 1995. The surveyor asked the staff nurse if the

1535apparatus was last cleaned on January 21, 1995. The staff nurse confirmed that

1548the apparatus was last cleaned on January 21, 1995.

155727. The bottle on the suction apparatus was one-third full of mucous. The

1570surveyor concluded that the mucous had been in the bottle since January 21,


15843. Procedural Deficiencies In Follow-Up Survey

159028. A follow-up survey is conducted to re-evaluate the areas cited as

1602deficient during the initial survey in order to determine if the deficiencies

1614have been corrected. To assure consistency, the follow-up survey generally

1624should follow protocols prescribed in Transmittal 250 for the initial survey.

1635ansmittal 250 requires the sample size for the follow-up survey to

1646be 60 percent of the sample size selected for the initial survey. In selecting

1660the sample for the follow-up survey, the survey team should focus on residents

1673who are most likely to have those conditions, needs, or problems cited in the

1687initial survey. If possible, the survey team members should include some

1698residents identified as receiving substandard care during the initial survey.

170830. Surveyors did not select residents who were most likely to have

1720problems cited in the initial survey. The surveyors made no effort to include

1733in the follow-up survey sample residents who were included in the initial survey


174731. Surveyors did not review resident records to assure that residents in

1759the follow-up survey satisfied case mix requirements in Transmittal 250. The

1770surveyors did not review resident records, such as medical records, care plans,

1782and dining room records to distinguish between residents who required light care

1794or heavy care or to determine which residents were non- interviewable.

180532. The surveyors did not prepare a resident roster on the appropriate

1817HCFA form, or otherwise. The surveyors randomly observed residents on an ad hoc


183133. The follow-up survey was conducted by two team members who devoted

1843four hours each to the follow-up survey. They did not have time to conduct a

1858thorough survey. The surveyors did not comply with protocols prescribed in

1869Transmittal 250.

187134. The two surveyors who observed the dining room service during the

1883follow-up survey did not observe the dining room service during the initial

1895survey. The surveyors in the follow- up survey had no baseline from which they

1909could assess any improvement or deterioration in dining room service after the

1921initial survey.

192335. The surveyors did not observe the entire dining process. Their

1934observations were cursory, at best. Neither surveyor spent more than 15 minutes

1946in the dining room.

195036. One surveyor did a loop through the dining room, paused in the back to

1965write some notes, and then returned to the front of the dining room. She stood

1980there for a few minutes and left at 12:40 p.m. The dining room process

1994continued until 1:40 p.m.

199837. The other surveyor entered the dining room at 12:30 p.m., left at

201112:35 p.m., reentered at 12:40 p.m., and left for the final time at about 12:50


202738. The objective of the dining observation review is to:

2037. . . observe the quality of life and the quality

2048of care associated with the dining experience

2055for residents included in the Standard Survey

2062sample who are triggered for a Dining Observation

2070review. This observation allows for integrating

2076information gained from an in-depth review of

2083residents' nutritional status and information on

2089meals and snacks from the Individual Resident's

2096Rights Interview, with your direct observation of

2103these residents dining.

2106A resident in the sample should be observed while

2115dining if at least one of the following is present:

2125Dining complaint during an interview;

2130Nutritional (protein/calorie) deficiencies;

2133Weight loss of more than 5 percent;

2140Therapeutic or mechanically altered diet;

2145Complaint of hunger or not being fed; or

2153Presence of a pressure sore.

2158Transmittal 250.

216039. The surveyors did not consult resident records to measure such

2171outcomes as weight gain or loss for residents. Nor did the surveyors integrate

2184information gained from an in-depth review of residents' nutritional status with

2195direct observations.

21974. Accommodation Of Needs

220140. There is no deficiency in Respondent's accommodation of needs of

2212individual residents. Respondent accommodates the needs of individual residents

2221in dining room service, in-room service, and in posting signs over residents'

2233beds. Even if the alleged deficiencies exist, they are not Class III

2245deficiencies that are related to the health, safety, or security of residents.

22574.01 Dining Room Service

226141. Respondent provides residents in the dining room with reasonable and

2272appropriate accommodation of needs. Respondent utilizes a restorative dining

2281process in an attempt to restore the maximum self sufficiency possible for each


22954.01(a) The Restorative Dining Process

230042. The restorative dining process requires Respondent to assess the

2310individual needs and conditions of each resident. Respondent then develops a

2321plan to return the resident to independent eating and self sufficiency to the

2334fullest extent possible for each resident.

234043. Respondent maintains written policies and procedures for its

2349restorative dining process. The policies and procedures provide guidelines for

2359implementing the restorative dining process.

236444. Respondent uses outcome measurements to assure that the health and

2375nutritional needs of each resident are met in the restorative dining process.

2387The staff monitors food intake for every meal and assesses weight gain or loss


24024.01(b) Dashing About

240545. The dining room at Conway Lakes is designed and operated to achieve

2418the goals of the restorative dining process. The dining room has a restaurant-

2431like atmosphere with individual dining tables and decor, chandeliers, and


244246. Residents are seated in standard dining room tables and chairs.

2453Wheelchair bound residents are transferred to these chairs when appropriate.

246347. The staff serves each resident individually. A staff member brings

2474each resident's meal out of the kitchen on a tray with the resident's menu card.

2489The plates are then placed on the table.

249748. Staff members verbally cue residents as needed in order to encourage

2509independence and self help. Verbal cuing is a valid and appropriate means of

2522encouraging self help and independence.

252749. Staff members provide full time assistance to those residents who need

2539it. Volunteers also assist with residents who need full time assistance.

255050. The "dashing" about of staff in the dining room is not a deficiency in

2565the accommodation of needs of residents using the dining room. Staff members

2577are busy in the dining room serving food, cuing residents, assisting others, and

2590monitoring all residents in the dining room.

259751. Even if "dashing" about is a deficiency, it is not a Class III

2611deficiency. There is no deficiency in the health or nutritional needs of

2623residents or in their safety or security.

26304.01(c) Plateguards

263252. Respondent provided reasonable and appropriate accommodation of needs

2641in positioning resident plateguards. Staff members did not position resident

2651plateguards incorrectly.

265353. There is no standard position for a plateguard. The correct position

2665for a plateguard is determined by an assessment of the individual needs and

2678abilities of each resident.

268254. The assessment of the individual needs of each resident is conducted

2694by staff members in nursing, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.

2704Respondent maintains written plateguard instructions in the dining room. The

2714surveyors did not review resident records to determine the proper position for

2726plateguards based on the individual needs of the residents observed.

273655. Some residents scoop a plate from right to left or from left to right.

2751Others scoop from front to back or vice versa. One of the residents observed by

2766the surveyors did not require a plate guard because that resident receives a

2779sandwich at every meal and does not scoop food.

278856. Plateguards may be incorrectly positioned by residents rather than

2798staff. Residents commonly reposition plateguards during the course of a meal.

280957. Staff members constantly monitor plateguard positions during meals

2818and make adjustments appropriate for the individual resident. Appropriate

2827adjustments were made in every case observed by the surveyors. Surveyors were

2839not in the dining room long enough to know that staff members corrected any

2853plateguards that were in fact improperly positioned.

286058. The surveyors noted that plateguards were placed on plastic plates

2871rather than china plates. Some china plates had recently been broken. Staff

2883members were using plastic plates while new china plates were on order.

289559. The china plates were replaced within a short period after the follow-

2908up survey. However, the surveyors did not inquire about the order for new

2921plates or the expected delivery date.

29274.01(d) The Bacon

293060. Staff members at Conway Lakes provided the resident who attempted to

2942spear a piece of bacon with appropriate accommodation of needs. The bacon was

2955included as decoration and tenderizer for meatloaf. It was not a substantive

2967part of the meal.

297161. That resident is very particular about her bacon. She demands that

2983her bacon be brown and crispy when she typically receives bacon during her


299762. The resident ate 80 percent of the meal observed by the surveyor. She

3011normally eats only 70-75 percent of her meals.

301963. The surveyor was not present in the dining room long enough to

3032determine the total amount of bacon or other food consumed by the resident. Nor

3046did the surveyor consult the resident's records for outcome measurements to

3057determine if the resident's nutritional needs were suffering.

306564. Even if the incident was a deficiency, it was not a Class III

3079deficiency. It was not a deficiency in the health or nutritional needs of the

3093resident or in her safety, or security.

31004.01(e) The Resident Who Ate Only 10 Percent Of Her Meal

311165. The resident who left the dining room after eating only 10 percent of

3125her meal was very ill. She suffered from chronic gastro intestinal ("GI")

3139bleeding. Staff members encouraged the resident to go to the dining room to

3152increase the resident's social contact.

315766. The resident was served a tuna sandwich. A tuna sandwich was not part

3171of the regular menu. Staff members decided that the resident should be given

3184anything she felt like eating in order to maintain an accurate percentage of

3197food intake. The resident ate the entire sandwich that she was served.

320967. The surveyor did not inquire into the medical status of the resident.

3222Nor was the observer present in the dining room long enough to determine the

3236total amount of the meal consumed by that resident.

32454.01(f) The Two Residents Who Were Served Water

325368. Respondent provided the two residents who were served water with

3264reasonable and appropriate accommodation of their needs. Staff members provided

3274the two residents with adequate assistance in getting their water. The surveyor

3286was not in the dining room long enough to determine whether the residents

3299received assistance.

330169. The resident whose hand shook when attempting to pour water from the

3314pitcher suffers from Parkinson's disease. It is not unusual for that resident

3326to try to help himself by picking up his own water pitcher.

33384.02 In-Room Dining Service

334270. Respondent provided reasonable and appropriate accommodation of the

3351needs of four residents observed eating in their rooms. The residents either

3363did not need assistance or received adequate assistance.

33714.02(a) One Unattended Resident On The West Wing

337971. One of the residents housed in the west wing of Conway Lakes is

3393cognitively impaired and needs assistance with her meals. Appropriate

3402assistance was provided by the resident's adult granddaughter. The

3411granddaughter routinely assists the resident with her meal.

341972. Staff members were aware that the granddaughter was providing

3429appropriate assistance to the resident. The granddaughter fed the resident in

344020 minutes, beginning at 12:10 p.m.

344673. The resident did not complete her meal. That was consistent with the

3459resident's normal routine.

346274. Even if the incident was a deficiency, it was not a Class III

3476deficiency. It does not relate to the health, safety, or security of the


349075. The resident does not experience any weight loss problem. She eats

3502appropriate portions from her food tray. The observer did not consult the

3514resident's records to assess the resident's accommodation of needs on the basis

3526of outcome measurements.

35294.02(b) The Other Unattended Resident On The West Wing

353876. The other west wing resident is not cognitively impaired. She is

3550alert and oriented.

355377. The resident is capable of independent eating. She does not require

3565assistance with meals except for set up.

357278. Set up includes cutting meat and pouring liquids. The resident

3583received adequate assistance appropriate to her individual needs.

359179. This resident is hearing impaired. She can not be interviewed orally.

360380. The resident did not respond to the observer's verbal inquiries

3614because she is hearing impaired. The observer did not consult the resident's

3626medical records and erroneously classified the resident as "non-interviewable."

36354.02(c) The Two Residents On The East Wing

364381. Both residents on the east wing of Conway Lakes who were allegedly

3656unattended received reasonable and appropriate accommodation of their needs.

3665Both residents require only set up assistance with their meals. Otherwise, each

3677resident is able to eat independently.

368382. One of the residents refuses to eat in front of other people. She is

3698embarrassed about her eating. She would not eat as long as she was being


371383. Both residents received assistance appropriate to their individual

3722needs. Both residents ate appropriate portions of their noon meals.

373284. Even if the incidents were deficiencies, they are not Class III

3744deficiencies. Neither resident suffers from any weight loss or nutritional


375585. The surveyors did not review resident records to assess the residents'

3767accommodation of needs based on outcome measurements. Nor did the surveyors

3778consult resident records to determine the level of assistance required by each

3790resident or to distinguish between residents who were hearing impaired and those

3802who were cognitively impaired.

38064.02(d) The Posted Sign

381086. A sign was posted over one resident's bed stating that the resident

3823can not feed herself and must be fed. The sign was posted by members of the

3839resident's family.

384187. Respondent provides this resident with reasonable and appropriate

3850accommodation of needs. Even if the incident were a deficiency, it is not a

3864Class III deficiency. The resident eats appropriate portions at each meal and

3876does not suffer any weight loss problems.

38834.03 Environment

388588. Respondent provides a safe and clean environment at Conway Lakes.

3896Respondent is not deficient in the environment it maintains at Conway Lakes.

3908Even if the problems observed by the surveyors are deficiencies in the

3920environment, they are not Class III deficiencies that relate to the health,

3932safety, or security of residents.

39374.03(a) The Urine Odors

394189. Respondent has implemented reasonable measures to maintain an odor

3951free environment at Conway Lakes. Respondent adequately assessed the cause of

3962the urine odors at Conway Lakes and is making all reasonable efforts to deal

3976with the source of the problems. The problems are adequately noted and

3988discussed in the care plans of the individual residents who cause urine odors at

4002the facility.

400490. The surveyors failed to review records and care plans of individual

4016residents to understand the cause of the urine odors at Conway Lakes. The

4029surveyors also failed to familiarize themselves with the specific care needs of

4041the individual residents in order to evaluate the impact of the residents' needs

4054on their environment.

405791. One resident in the east wing is incontinent. Her room is located

4070very close to the front entry of Conway Lakes.

407992. The resident attempts to wash her own under garments. She then stuffs

4092the still-soiled garments into air conditioning vents, underneath her pillow,

4102under the mattress, on the closet shelves, and in between clean clothes.

411493. The odors generated by this resident are not confined to her room.

4127They permeate through the door and can be detected in other parts of the


414294. Respondent has implemented reasonable measures to maintain an odor

4152free environment for this resident. Nursing and housekeeping staff pay close

4163attention to this resident. They are constantly alert to find misplaced and

4175soiled garments.

417795. Respondent has replaced the carpet in this resident's room with tile.

4189Respondent provides this resident with three changes of clothes at each shift;

4201making it easier for staff members to track soiled clothes. Staff members mop

4214this resident's room once each shift. Staff members give this resident one to

4227two showers a day.

423196. The problems with this resident are well documented in her resident

4243records, including her individual care plan. The surveyors did not review those


425697. Another resident in Room 227 is very alert and oriented. However, he

4269purposefully urinates on the floor, his books, and his furniture.

427998. The odor permeates other areas of the facility. It is not limited to

4293his room.

429599. Respondent has provided behavior modification treatment to this

4304resident. Respondent had the resident evaluated for alternative

4312placement by the state agency responsible for determining an appropriate

4322placement in a long term care facility as a means of preventing inappropriate

4335Medicaid expenditures.

4337100. The agency determined that this resident should remain in a nursing

4349home because of physician orders and concern over a mental health diagnosis.

4361Respondent has made every reasonable effort to address this problem.

43714.03(b) The Soiled IV Stands

4376101. One of the IV stands was soiled because the resident for which it was

4391used was being discharged. Staff members were teaching the resident's husband

4402how to administer tube feeding utilizing the IV stand.

4411102. During the training, formula spilled on the base of the IV stand.

4424The spilled formula was cleaned up as soon as practicable.

4434103. The other soiled IV stand also involved ordinary splatter after use.

4446The splatter was cleaned up upon discovery by the unit manager.

44574.03(c) The Suction Apparatus

4461104. The suction apparatus was also being used to train the husband of the

4475resident who was discharged on the day of the follow-up survey. The suction

4488apparatus had just been used in training. The mucous was not present in the

4502bottle for nine days.

4506105. The tag on the apparatus showing January 21, 1995, as the last date

4520of cleaning showed the date that the entire machine was last cleaned. Each

4533machine is thoroughly cleaned before going back into central supply. It is then

4546given a new tag and stored in central supply until it is needed by another



4565106. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

4575subject matter of this proceeding and the parties thereto. The parties were

4587duly noticed for the formal hearing.

4593107. Petitioner has the burden of proof in this proceeding. Petitioner

4604must show by a preponderance of evidence that uncorrected Class III deficiencies

4616existed on January 30, 1995, when Petitioner conducted its follow-up survey of

4628Conway Lakes; and that Respondent's license rating should be changed from

4639superior to conditional. Young v. State, Department of Community Affairs, 567

4650So.2d 2 (Fla. 3d DCA 1990); Florida Department of Transportation v. J.W.C.

4662Company, Inc., 396 So.2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981); Balino v. Department of Health

4676and Rehabilitative Services, 348 So.2d 349 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

4686108. Petitioner failed to satisfy its burden of proof. Respondent

4696corrected all of the deficiencies found in the initial survey. No uncorrected

4708Class III deficiencies existed at the time of the follow-up survey.

4719109. The deficiencies observed by the surveyors during the follow-up

4729survey, if any, were not Class III deficiencies. They did not have an indirect

4743or potential relationship to the health, safety, or security of the residents.

4755110. Petitioner claims that Rule 59A-4.1288 requires both Class III and

4766Level B deficiencies to be corrected at the time of the follow-up survey in

4780order to obtain a superior rating. However, Rule 59A-4.1288 applies to surveys

4792conducted after March 1, 1995, for the first time. It does not apply to follow-

4807up surveys conducted on Conway Lakes on January 30, 1995.

4817111. Even if Rule 59A-4.1288 did apply to this proceeding, it would not

4830change the findings and conclusions in this Recommended Order. Petitioner

4840failed to show by a preponderance of the evidence that an uncorrected Level B

4854deficiency existed at the time of the follow-up survey.

4863112. The surveyors failed to follow applicable procedures for the follow-

4874up survey. The observations and findings from such a survey are unreliable.

4886The testimony supporting their observations and findings was not credible and

4897was unpersuasive.


4900Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

4913RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a Final Order finding Respondent not

4923guilty of allegations contained in the Administrative Complaint and reinstating

4933Respondent's superior rating effective November 1, 1994.

4940RECOMMENDED this 30th day of November, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida.



4954Hearing Officer

4956Division of Administrative Hearings

4960The DeSoto Building

49631230 Apalachee Parkway

4966Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

4969(904) 488-9675

4971Filed with the Clerk of the

4977Division of Administrative Hearings

4981this 30th day of November 1995.


49881/ All chapter and section references are to Florida Statutes (1993) unless

5000otherwise stated.

50022/ Unless otherwise stated, all references to rules are to rules promulgated in

5015the Florida Administrative Code, last amended in July, 1987. The current

5026version of Rule 59A-4.128 is applicable to nursing homes surveyed on or after

5039March 1, 1995.

50423/ Petitioner rates a nursing license as conditional pursuant to Rule 59A-

50544.128(4) if the nursing home fails to satisfy the requirements prescribed in

5066Rule 59A-4.128(5) for a standard rating. Petitioner rates a nursing home

5077license as superior pursuant to Rule 59A-4.128(6) if the nursing home exceeds

5089the requirements in Rule 59A-4.128(5) for a standard rating.

50984/ Paras. 38a.-m., 39, and 40a.-d. in Respondent's proposed findings of fact

5110question the credibility of the observations made by the survey team during the

5123initial survey. However, any defects in the initial survey are irrelevant and

5135immaterial because the issue for determination in this proceeding is whether any

5147of the deficiencies noted by the survey team during the initial survey were

5160uncorrected at the time of the follow-up survey.

51685/ Sec. 400.23(9)(c) defines Class III deficiencies as those:

5177. . . which . . . have an indirect or potential relationship to the health,

5193safety, or security of the . . . residents. . . .

52056/ In designating deficiencies in accommodation of needs as a Class III

5217deficiencies, Petitioner erroneously cited Rule 59A- 4.106(3)(r), (x), and (cc)

5227which requires Respondent to maintain written policies and procedures in the

5238respective areas of nursing services, resident's rights, and incident reporting.

52487/ In designating the deficiencies in environment as a Class III deficiencies,

5260Petitioner erroneously cited Rule 59A- 4.106(3)(k) which requires Respondent to

5270maintain written policies and procedures for housekeeping. Petitioner also

5279classified the deficiencies as "Level B" deficiencies under the federal

5289classification system.


5300Petitioner's Proposed Findings Of Fact.

53051.-5. Accepted in substance

53096.-7. Rejected as irrelevant and immaterial (relates to the

5318initial survey)

53208. Accepted as to the observations, but the proposed

5329finding that Respondent failed to accommodate the needs

5337of the residents is rejected in as not supported by

5347credible and persuasive evidence

53519. Accepted in substance

5355Respondents' Proposed Findings Of Fact.

5360Respondent's proposed findings of fact are accepted in this Recommended



5373Douglas Cook, Director

5376Agency For Health Care Administration

53812727 Mahan Drive

5384Tallahassee, Florida 32308

5387Jerome Hoffman, Esquire

5390General Counsel

5392Agency For Health Care Administration

53972727 Mahan Drive

5400Tallahassee, Florida 32308

5403Linda L. Parkinson, Esquire

5407Division of Health Quality Assurance

5412Agency For Health Care Administration

5417400 West Robinson Street, Suite 309

5423Orlando, Florida 32801

5426Michael J. Cherniga, Esquire

5430Greenberg, Traurig, Hoffman, Lipoff,

5434Rosen & Quentel, P.A.

5438101 East College Avenue

5442Post Office Drawer 1838

5446Tallahassee, Florida 32302


5455All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this Recommended

5467Order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

5481written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

5493written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the final

5505order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing exceptions

5518to this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order should be

5530filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.








5564DOAH Case No. 95-2422

5568Petitioner, 95-3022

5570AHCA No. 7-95-598-NH

5573vs. 7-95-612-NH








5590This cause came on before me for the purpose of issuing a final agency

5604order. The Hearing Officer assigned by the Division of Administrative Hearings

5615(DOAH) in the above-styled case submitted a Recommended Order to the Agency for

5628Health Care Administration (AHCA). The Recommended Order entered November

563730,1995, by Hearing Officer Daniel Manry is incorporated by reference.



5654Counsel excepts to the hearing officer's conclusion stated as a finding of

5666fact that the violations charged by the agency do not constitute Class III

5679deficiencies. The administrative complaint charges two violations: one,

5687failure to reasonably accommodate the individual needs of impaired residents

5697with eating meals, and two, failure to provide a clean, comfortable, and

5709homelike environment in that persistent urine odors were present at the entrance

5721of the facility and at the ends of the halls in both wings.

5734Class Ill deficiencies are defined as . . those which the agency

5746determines to have an indirect or potential relationship to the health, safety,

5758or security of the nursing home facility residents . . .", Section 400.23(9),

5771Florida Statutes (emphasis added). The record supports the conclusion that

5781persistent foul odors adversely affect the health, including mental health, of

5792nursing home residents. The classification of violations is a policy function

5803which is the responsibility of the agency. Killearn vs. Department of Community

5815Affairs, 623 So2d 771, 776 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993)(findings infused with policy

5827considerations). The charged violations are properly classified as Class III

5837deficiencies. The exception is granted.

5842Counsel excepts to the conclusion that Conway Lakes is not guilty of

5854failure to reasonably accommodate the individual needs of impaired residents

5864with eating meals. Conflicting evidence was presented regarding this violation.

5874It is the function of the hearing officer to resolve such conflicts; therefore,

5887the exception is denied. Heifetz vs. Department of Business Regulation, 475

5898So2d 1277, 1281(Fla. 1st DCA 1985).

5904Counsel excepts to the hearing officer's conclusion that the persistent and

5915pervasive urine odors do not constitute a violation because of Conway Lakes'

5927effort to control the odors. The exception is granted. See the conclusions of

5940law herein for discussion.


5947The agency hereby adopts and incorporates by reference the findings of fact

5959set forth in the Recommended Order except where inconsistent with the rulings on

5972the exceptions. The findings and conclusions of this Final Order are made after

5985a review of the complete record. Conway Lakes, a nursing home, challenges the

5998agency's intent to impose fines for two Class III violations. Also at issue is

6012whether Conway Lakes should lose its superior rating based on the violations.

6024Count one of the administrative complaint charges failure to reasonably

6034accommodate the individual needs of impaired residents with eating meals; count

6045two charges failure to provide a clean, comfortable, and homelike environment in

6057that persistent urine odors were present at the entrance of the facility and at

6071the ends of the halls in both wings. As to count one, the hearing officer

6086weighed conflicting evidence and concluded that Conway Lakes did provide

6096reasonable assistance to residents with eating meals. As to count two, Conway

6108Lakes did not challenge the existence of the urine odors, but offered the

6121defense that two difficult residents caused the odors and that facility staff

6133made reasonable efforts to control the odor. The hearing officer accepted the

"6145reasonable efforts" defense. The hearing officer recommends that Conway Lakes

6155be found not guilty of both counts, and that Conway Lakes be rated as a superior



6175The agency hereby adopts and incorporates by reference the conclusions of

6186law set forth in the Recommended Order except where inconsistent with this Final

6199Order. The issue of overriding importance in this case is whether a nursing

6212home with pervasive and persistent urine odor should be given the State's

6224highest quality rating, "superior". 1/ Conway Lakes' license is not at stake

6237here, but the credibility of the State's quality rating is. This is an

6250important consumer issue. Based on uncontroverted expert opinion evidence, I

6260conclude that a well-run nursing home should not have lingering offensive odors.

6272As noted by the expert, every nursing home will experience odor problems from

6285time to time, but the key to a quality, homelike environment is the response

6299time to the cause of an offensive odor. 2/, 3/

6309At hearing, Conway Lakes did not challenge the existence of persistent

6320urine odors, but offered in defense the problems it encountered with two

6332difficult residents. See paragraphs 89 through 100 of the Recommended Order.

6343Keeping in mind that the paramount question to be decided here is Conway Lakes'

6357quality rating, the dispositive factual issue is the existence of persistent,

6368pervasive urine odors, not the cause of such odors nor reasonable efforts to

6381control the odors. 4/ Thus, a violation of the requirement that the facility

6394maintain a clean, homelike environment has been established. The violation is a

6406Class III deficiency in that it poses an indirect or potential threat to the

6420health, including mental health, of the facility's residents. See Section

6430400.23(9)(c), Florida Statutes. As such, Conway Lakes is not entitled to a

6442superior rating. The findings regarding the difficult residents and Conway

6452Lake's efforts to control the odor are relevant in mitigation and I conclude

6465that no fine should be imposed.

6471Based upon the foregoing, it is

6477ADJUDGED, that Convalescent Services, Incorporated, doing business as

6485Conway Lakes Nursing Center be rated as conditional and that no fine be imposed.

6499DONE and ORDERED this 13th day of February, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida,




6520Douglas M. Cook, Director


65251/ Nursing homes are evaluated periodically by the agency and given a quality

6538rating of superior, standard, or conditional. Section 400.23(8), Florida


65482/ See the testimony of Carol Wittig, transcript of proceedings of July 25,

65611995, pages 42 and 43.

65663/ It is noted that my conclusion and the supporting expert opinion are

6579consistent with the findings and conclusions of the respected consumer journal,

6590Consumer Reports. See Consumer Reports, Nursing Homes When A Loved One Needs

6602Care, August 1995, page 518, High-quality [nursing] homes have no lingering

6613stench. Yet at 90 percent of the homes we visited, strong urine odors or the

6628thick scent of air freshener used to mask them greet visitors at the front door

6643Accidents happen in every nursing home, but how fast they are cleaned up is a

6658key to quality care.", page 523.

66644/ The hearing officer sustained Conway Lakes' objection to testimony that the

6676facility had a long- standing problem with urine odor. See transcript of

6688proceedings of September 7,1995, page 40. With the benefit of hindsight,

6700evidence of a history of such problems would have been relevant in rebuttal.









6813Linda Parkinson, Esquire

6816Senior Attorney, Agency for

6820Health Care Administration

6823400 West Robinson Street

6827Suite 5-309

6829Orlando, Florida 32801-1976

6832Michael J. Cherniga, Esquire



6845101 East College Avenue

6849Post Office Drawer 1838

6853Tallahassee, Florida 32302

6856Daniel Manry

6858Hearing Officer

6860The DeSoto Building

68631230 Apalachee Parkway

6866Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550


6872I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been

6886furnished to the above named addresses by U.S. Mail this 16th day of February,



6902R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

6907State of Florida, Agency for

6912Health Care Administration

69152727 Mahan Drive

6918Fort Knox 3, Suite 3431

6923Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/20/1996
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 02/13/1996
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/30/1995
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/30/1995
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 07/25/95 & 09/07/95.
Date: 10/11/1995
Proceedings: Order Granting Enlargement of Time sent out.
Date: 10/10/1995
Proceedings: Convalescent Services, Inc. d/b/a Conway Lakes Nursing Center's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law; Cover Letter filed.
Date: 10/05/1995
Proceedings: (Michael J. Cherniga) Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law filed.
Date: 10/05/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Proposed Recommended Order (for Hearing Officer signature) filed.
Date: 10/02/1995
Proceedings: Letter to Linda Parkinson from Michael J. Cherniga (cc: Hearing Officer) Re: Time frame for Proposed orders filed.
Date: 09/25/1995
Proceedings: Transcripts (Continuation of Hearing Volumes I, II, tagged) filed.
Date: 09/07/1995
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/30/1995
Proceedings: Letter to Hearing Officer from Michael J. Cherniga Re: Inadvertently omitted the fact that Conway Lake`s still intends to call Ms. Quarantello filed.
Date: 08/28/1995
Proceedings: Letter to DSM from Michael Cherniga (RE: enclosing Exhibit Notebook Index, tagged) filed.
Date: 08/24/1995
Proceedings: Letter to Hearing Officer from Michael J. Cherniga Re: Status on Conway Lakes` filed.
Date: 08/24/1995
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 07/31/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 9/7/95; 9:30am; Orlando)
Date: 07/25/1995
Proceedings: CASE STATUS DOCKETED: Hearing Partially Held, continued to date not certain.
Date: 07/18/1995
Proceedings: Order Granting Consolidation sent out. (Consolidated cases are: 95-2422 & 95-3022)
Date: 07/17/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion to Consolidate (with DOAH Case No/s. 95-2422, 95-3022) filed.
Date: 06/08/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 7/25/95; 9:30am; Orlando)
Date: 05/30/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/16/1995
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 05/09/1995
Proceedings: Notice; Petition for Formal Administrative Proceedings; Administrative Complaint; Payment Form filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (2):

Related Florida Rule(s) (3):