96-004663RP The Environmental Trust vs. Department Of Environmental Protection
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Monday, September 8, 1997.

View Dockets  
Summary: Proposed Rules invalid for having improper retroactive effect. Since statutory mandate expired 12/31/96, rules are otherwise moot.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) CASE NO. 96-4663RP





29Respondent. )




38Petitioner, )


41vs. ) CASE NO. 96-4664RP





54Respondent. )




62Pe titioner, )


66vs. ) CASE NO. 96-4665RP





79Respondent. )





90Petitioner, )


93vs. ) CASE NO. 96-4666RP





106Respondent. )



113LLC, )


116Petitioner, )


119vs. ) CASE NO. 96-4836RP





132Respondent. )




140Petitioner, )


143vs. ) CASE NO. 96-4929RP





156Respondent. )



161This matter comes before the undersigned on Petitioners’

169Motion for Final Order. The Administrative Law Judge has entered

179two orders in this case, on November 7, 1996 and December 16,

1911996, finding, in essence, that as a matter of law, the

202retroactive application of the review criteria contained in the

211proposed rules is improper and that there is no practical

221circumstance for the proposed rules to have prospective effect,

230since the program to which they relate and the statutory

240authority under which they are proposed expired on December 31,

2501996. Accordingly, based upon the reasoning asserted in those

259two orders, upon the allegations in the subject motion and in

270consideration of the points advanced in the response to the

280motion and in the Motion for Redetermination and responses to

290that motion, already ruled upon in this proceeding, it is obvious

301that the proposed rules at issue in this proceeding have, for all

313practical purposes, been declared invalid. Moreover, they are

321now moot.

323The Petitioners also seek a determination that the

331Respondent may no longer rely upon the unpromulgated agency

340statements or policies which were previously determined to be

349unpromulgated rules in the Final Order entered in Case No. 95-

3604606, et seq ., because the proposed rules at issue in this

372proceeding, which represent the agency’s attempt at a

380codification of those unpromulgated policy statements, have now

388been declared invalid. While the undersigned is certainly aware

397of the ramifications of the Petitioners’ arguments that the

406agency may no longer rely upon the unpromulgated statements,

415especially in view of the fact that the existing rule apparently

426treats the same subject matter, the undersigned has no authority

436to actually render such an advisory opinion or declaratory

445statement, for the reasons asserted in the Department’s response

454to the motion. Rather, such a determination is for another

464proceeding at another time. However, the parties’ attention is

473invited to Sections 120.56(4)(d) and 120.56(4)(e), Florida

480Statutes, which became effective October 1, 1996, which address

489the manner in which an agency shall be permitted to continue to

501rely upon an unpromulgated statement as a basis for agency

511action. It would seem that the scope of this statutory authority

522concerning the agency’s reliance upon unpromulgated statements

529might be bounded by the extent of the authority of the existing

541rule on the subject matter, referenced in the undersigned’s

550earlier order.

552Be that as it may, the issues pertaining to the validity of

564the proposed rules themselves are all that are pending before the

575undersigned in this proceeding. Those issues have now been

584decided, save for the related question of the Petitioners’

593entitlement to attorney’s fees for this proceeding. Accordingly,

601having considered the motion and responses thereto, the previous

610orders and related arguments of the parties, it is, therefore

620ORDERED that the proposed amendments to Rule 62-773, Florida

629Administrative Code, are hereby declared to be invalid.

637Jurisdiction is reserved for a determination of the Petitioners’

646entitlement to, and amount of, attorney’s fees and costs. The

656parties shall, within seven days of the date hereof, provide the

667undersigned with suggested hearing dates concerning the matter of

676attorney’s fees and costs.

680DONE AND ORDERED this 12th day of February, 1997, in

690Tallahassee, Florida.



696Administrative Law Judge

699Divisi on of Administrative Hearings

704The DeSoto Building

7071230 Apalachee Parkway

710Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

713(904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

717Fax Filing (904) 921-6847

721Filed with the Clerk of the

727Division of Administrative Hearings

731this 12t h day of February, 1997.


740Virginia B. Wetherell, Secretary

744Department of Environmental Protection

7483900 Commonwealth Boulevard

751Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

754Perry Odom, General Counsel

758Department of Environmental Protection

7623900 Commonwealth Boulevard

765Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

768Rebecca Grace, Esquire

771Department of Environmental Protection

7753900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS 35

780Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

783Matt Mathews, Esquire

786Robert C. Downie, II, Esquire


795Post Office box 10036

799Tallahassee, Florida 32301

802E. Gary Early, Esquire


811Post Office Box 10555

815Tallahassee, Florida 32302-2555

818Thomas K. Maurer, Esquire


825111 North Orange Avenue, Suite 1800

831Orlando, Florida 32801

834Donna E. Blanton, Esquire

838Robert M. Rhodes, Esquire


846215 South Monroe Street, Suite 601

852Tallahassee, Florida 32301

855Carter B. McCain, Esquire


863Post Office Box 1531

867Tampa, Florida 33601

870Ralph A. DeMeo, Esquire

874Michael P. Petrovich, Esquire

878A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled

890to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes .

900Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate

910procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by filing one copy of

920a notice of appeal with the Clerk of the Division of

931Administrative Hearings and a second copy, accompanied by filing

940fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal, First

951District, or with the District Court of Appeal in the Appellate

962District where the party resides. The notice of appeal must be

973filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed.





997Petitioner, )


1000vs. ) Case No. 96-4663RP





1013Respondent. )




1022Petitioner, )


1025vs. ) Case No. 96-4664RP





1038Respondent. )




1046Petitioner, )


1049vs. ) Case No. 96-4665RP





1062Respondent. )





1073Petitioner, )


1076vs. ) Case No. 96-4666RP





1089Respondent. )





1099Petitioner, )


1102vs. ) Case No. 96-4836RP





1115Respondent. )




1123Petitioner, )


1126vs. ) Case No. 96-4929RP





1139Respondent. )



1144Pursuant to notice this cause came on for formal hearing

1154before P. Michael Ruff, duly designated Administrative Law Judge,

1163on March 11, 1997, in Tallahassee, Florida. The appearances were

1173as follows:


1176For Petitioner Southeast Solutions, Inc.:

1181Matt Mathews, Esquire

1184Matt Mathews, P.A.

1187418 East Virginia Street

1191Post Office Box 10036

1195Tallahassee, Florida 32301

1198For Respondent The Environmental Trust:

1203E. Gary Early, Esquire

1207Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson, P.A.

1212Post Office Box 10555

1216Tallahassee, Florida 32302-2555

1219For Petitioner Environmental Corporation of America, Inc.:

1226Donna E. Blanton, Esquire

1230Steel, Hector and Davis, LLP

1235215 South Monroe Street, Suite 601

1241Tallahassee, Florida 32301

1244For Petitioner Sirrom Resource Funding, LLP.:

1250Thomas K. Maurer, Esquire

1254Foley and Lardner

1257111 North Orange Avenue, Suite 1800

1263Orlando, Florida 32801

1266For Respondent Department of Environmental Protection:

1272Rebecca Grace, Esquire

1275Douglas Building, MailStation 35

12793900 Commonwealth Boulevard

1282Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000


1289The issues to be resolved in this proceeding concern whether

1299the Petitioners are entitled to an award of attorneys' fees and

1310costs for the underlying rule challenge proceeding and for

1319seeking recovery of such attorneys' fees and costs. The amount

1329of attorney's fees and costs to be awarded if entitlement is

1340proved must also be determined.


1347This is an attorneys’ fee proceeding in which the

1356Petitioners are requesting attorneys’ fees and costs related to

1365their successful challenge of a proposed rule of the Florida

1375Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). A Final Order was

1384entered in that proceeding on February 12, 1997, declaring the

1394proposed rule invalid. A hearing was conducted in this

1403proceeding on March 11, 1997, on the issue of entitlement to

1414attorneys’ fees and costs which embodied the issue of whether the

1425actions of the agency in proposing the rule amendments were

1435substantially justified and whether special circumstances existed

1442which would make an award of attorneys’ fees and costs unjust.

1453The hearing thereafter scheduled for March 17, 1997, to

1462determine the amount of attorneys’ fees and costs if such an

1473award were made, was cancelled because the parties stipulated to

1483hourly rates, fees and costs and no factual issues then remained

1494for adjudication. (See stipulation filed March 13 and 14, 1997,

1504Motion filed March 17, 1997, and Order issued March 17, 1997.)

1515Upon presentation of testimony and argument in the March 11, 1997

1526hearing, that proceeding was concluded a transcript thereof was

1535requested and filed and in due course the parties timely filed

1546proposed final orders, which have been considered in the

1555rendition of this final order.


15631. The Department published in the Florida Administrative

1571Weekly a Notice of Rule Development for Rule 62-773, Florida

1581Administrative Code, on March 22, 1996. The Department

1589thereafter published a Notice of Workshop concerning the Rule in

1599the June 7, 1996 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly

1609(FAW). It thereafter published a Notice of Proposed Rule-Making

1618pursuant to Section 120.54(1), Florida Statutes (1995), in the

1627FAW September 27, 1996, issue. The publication of that Notice

1637began the point of entry time or "window" in which persons or

1649parties aggrieved by the proposed rules could challenge them by

1659filing petitions in opposition.

16632. The Petitioners herein filed Petitions for Hearing

1671challenging the proposed rule pursuant to Section 120.56(2),

1679Florida Statutes, between October 1 and October 18, 1997. On

1689November 7, 1996, pursuant to a Motion for Partial Summary Final

1700Order, the undersigned entered an order declaring a portion of

1710the proposed rule to be an invalid exercise of delegated

1720legislative authority. On February 12, 1997, the final order was

1730entered declaring the proposed amendments to 62-773, Florida

1738Administrative Code, invalid and moot.

17433. Pursuant to the Petitioner's request for attorney's

1751fees and costs, a hearing was held March 11, 1997, concerning

1762whether the Petitioners are entitled to attorneys’ fees and costs

1772pursuant to Section 120.595(2) Florida Statutes, which took

1780effect October 1, 1996. The Department has requested dismissal

1789of that fee request, arguing that Section 120.595(2) is a

1799substantive provision and cannot be retroactively applied in a

1808case in which all the rule-making notices were filed prior to the

1820effective date of that new attorneys’ fee provision. The

1829Department's position is that the operative facts were

1837established, rights were vested, and the cause of action

1846concerning the rules accrued upon the date that the proposed

1856rules were noticed September 27, 1996. The Department also

1865presented factual evidence to show that its actions in proposing

1875the rule amendments were substantially justified and/or that

1883special circumstances existed which would make the award of

1892attorneys’ fees and costs unjust.

18974. The filing of the Department's Notice of Proposed Rule

1907(NPR) differs significantly from most cases such as auto accident

1917cases or contract cases in which accrual of a cause of action is

1930based upon a clearly defined, unchangeable event (the time and

1940date an auto accident occurred, for example, or the date of

1951execution of a contract). In the case of a challenge to a

1963proposed rule, the agency's unilateral and discretionary

1970authority to modify withdraw or otherwise dispense with the

1979necessity of the filing of an action is not restricted until rule

1991adoption. Section 120.54(3)(d)2, Florida Statutes (Supp. 1996),

1998states: "after the notice required by paragraph (a) and prior to

2009adoption, the agency may withdraw the rule in whole or in part."

2021Until adoption, the rule-making process remains transitory and

2029proceeds solely at the discretion of the agency to keep, modify

2040or withdraw the proposed rule. The rights of the parties did not

2052become fixed until a petition was filed with the Division of

2063Administrative Hearings. Only at that time did the Department

2072lose its unfettered, discretionary authority to cure the

2080illegality of its proposed rule or withdraw it. Section

2089120.569(2)(a), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1996). (Upon filing of a

2098Petition with the Division of Administrative Hearings, "the

2106agency shall take no further action with respect to the formal

2117proceeding, except as a party litigant, . . . .")

21285. As applied to this case, the Department had complete

2138discretion to withdraw the proposed rule. Given the Department's

2147unilateral authority to cure the illegality of its proposed rules

2157without the necessity of any party having to file a challenge,

2168the Petitioners’ cause of action accrued no earlier than the date

2179the Petitioners filed their Petitions. All Petitioners filed

2187their petitions on or after October 1, 1996. Therefore, this

2197cause of action must have accrued after October 1, 1996, and must

2209be a "proceeding" for which attorneys’ fees will lie pursuant to

2220Section 120.595(2), Florida Statutes (1996). The twenty-one (21)

2228day point of entry window in which the Petitioners could

2238challenge a proposed rule began on September 28 and extended

2248forward beyond October 1. Therefore, there could be no

2257proceeding to which the attorneys’ fees statute referenced could

2266apply until the petitions were filed and the time for filing

2277those petitions extended into the time period after which the new

2288statute concerning attorneys’ fees took effect. If the

2296Petitioners had never filed petitions challenging the proposed

2304rules, the proposed rules would have automatically taken effect

2313by operation of law and no dispute, controversy, or "cause of

2324action" would ever have arisen.

2329Substantial Justification

23316. By Final Order dated February 12, 1997, the proposed

2341amendments to Rule 62-773, Florida Administrative Code, which

2349were published in the September 27, 1996, Florida Administrative

2358Weekly (NPR), were declared invalid. The Final Order found as a

2369matter of law that the retroactive application of the review

2379criteria contained in the proposed rule is illegal and beyond the

2390Department's delegated legislative authority.

23947. Under Section 120.595(2), Florida Statutes (Supp.

24011996), the Petitioners are entitled to an award of reasonable

2411attorneys’ fees and costs unless the Department can demonstrate

2420that its actions on the proposed rule-making were substantially

2429justified, or that special circumstances exist. No credible

2437evidence was presented to show the existence of special


24478. The Department has admitted that all the activities of

2457the parties regulated by the proposed rule (ie. clean up-work and

2468preparation and filing of reimbursement applications) occurred

2475prior to the time the proposed rule could have been adopted, and

2487therefore the proposed rule cannot have any prospective effect on

2497the actions of regulated parties. Mr. Williams, for the

2506Department, testified that, if prospective, the proposed rule

"2514would have no effect."

25189. However, the process for the Department's review of

2527reimbursement applications would have been controlled by the

2535proposed rule if it had been adopted. The Department's witnesses

2545testified that it processes applications using the standards

2553contained in the invalidated proposed rule, regardless of whether

2562it adopted the proposed rule. This raises the question as to

2573whether there is any rational reason for seeking to adopt it.

258410. The Department's "action" which must be substantially

2592justified is its attempt to adopt the proposed rule. Given that

2603the proposed rule cannot have any effect at all unless it is

2615applied retroactively, the Department must provide substantial

2622justification for proceeding with a retroactive rule. The

2630Department did not identify any statutory provision that

2638authorized adoption of retroactive rules.

264311. John Ruddell, Director of the Division of Waste

2652Management, testified that there were two justifications for

2660adopting the proposed rule. First, the Department intended to

2669clarify the intent of the statute, and second, it recognized

2679that, as non-rule policy, the proposed rule needed to be adopted

2690as a rule. Charles Williams, Administrator of the Reimbursement

2699Section testified that the Department had committed to the

2708Administrative Law Judge in a prior administrative proceeding

2716that it would expeditiously proceed with this rule-making in

2725order to establish a defense to the application of unadopted

2735rules pursuant to Section 120.535, Florida Statutes (1995). The

2744basis for rule-making identified by Mr. Williams is consistent

2753with that expressed by the Department at the rule development

2763workshop held on July 8, 1996. The transcript for the rule

2774development hearing was filed at the March 11, 1997 attorneys’

2784fee hearing in this case. No other purpose was expressed at the

2796workshop. The Final Order in that case, in which the non-rule

2807policies were found to be rules, was admitted into evidence in

2818this case without objection. Going forward with the rule-making

2827to defend a law suit after the relevant program implemented by

2838the proposed rule was terminated by statute (effective

2846December 31, 1996) does not establish a legal basis for the

2857retroactive application of a substantive rule.

286312. The Department's witness testimony explaining these

2870justifications contains no justification for a "clarifying" rule

2878that will not inform anyone about future actions. There is no

2889one to benefit from a clarification. The reimbursement

2897applicants who have already performed work and submitted

2905applications cannot go back in time and conform their activities

2915to those "clarified" interpretations of the statute.

292213. The Department's witnesses contradicted each other on

2930whether the proposed rule was needed. Mr. Ruddell testified that

2940the proposed rule formalized non-rule policy that needed to be

2950adopted as a rule. Mr. Williams testified, on the other hand,

2961that there was no need to adopt the proposed rule. He felt that

2974the proposed rule merely "clarified" the existing statute and

2983that the standards were apparent from that existing statute. His

2993testimony was in conflict with the Administrative Law Judge's

3002finding in the prior proceeding that the standards constituted

3011unadopted rules in and of themselves. His testimony is further

3021called into question by his testimony that he considers all of

3032the rules in Chapter 62-773, Florida Administrative Code, to be

3042nothing more than a "clarification" of Chapter 376, Florida

3051Statutes. Even more confusing is that both witnesses testified

3060that the Department's reimbursement application review process

3067would not be any different before or after adoption of the

3078proposed rule.

308014. Given that the only possible effect the proposed rule

3090could have had, if it were adopted, is during the reimbursement

3101application review process (even though the evidence presented

3109was that the review process would be unaffected), the only

3119practical effect would be to substantially alter the burden on a

3130reimbursement applicant who challenges a department reimbursement

3137decision. Adoption of the proposed rule would elevate the basis

3147for the Department's decision on a reimbursement application from

3156incipient policy analyzed on a case-by-case basis to that of a

3167duly adopted rule.

317015. Not only would such an after-the-fact change in

3179standards impermissibly violate vested rights but it would be

3188inconsistent with the existing rule on the same subject which

3198expressly requires reimbursement applications to be reviewed in

3206accordance with the laws, rules and guidelines in effect at the

3217time the work was done. Rule 62-773.100(5), Florida

3225Administrative Code.

322716. Based upon the evidence produced at hearing, the

3236Department failed to do an analysis of the practical and legal

3247consequences of its actions. There was evidence that guidance

3256was sought from the Office of General Counsel. However, neither

3266witness could comment on the scope of the inquiry. Given the

3277complete lack of credible legal authority that would allow the

3287expressly retroactive application of substantive standards, the

3294levels of inquiry could not have been complete. In addition,

3304despite the fact that the Department's proposed rule defines

3313financial and economic terms, the Department's staff economist

3321was not consulted. Finally, the Department appears to have

3330ignored the extensive public comments filed during the rule

3339development process prior to publication of the NPR. It was not

3350reasonable for the Department to fail to realize the futility of

3361a prospective proposed rule, when the statutory program was

3370imminently expiring and the obvious illegality of a retroactive

3379proposed rule.

338117. Inconsistent and illogical testimony by Department

3388witnesses regarding the Department's other reasons for going

3396forward with this rule-making demonstrate a lack of consideration

3405of whether there was any practical reason whatever to adopt the

3416rule and whether there was any identifiable statutory authority

3425to adopt a retroactively effective rule. Consequently, the

3433evidence presented by the Department does not demonstrate a sound

3443basis in a law or fact for adopting the proposed rule. In fact,

3456the most credible interpretation of the Department's conduct and

3465the evidence presented is that it affirmatively sought to

3474retroactively impose elevated legal standards on regulated

3481parties. Even if this is not the intended result, it is the

3493indisputable effect of adopting the proposed rule. The

3501Department should have known that it would be impermissible to

3511retroactively convert policy into rule, thereby changing the

3519legal standards applicable to any challenge to the Department's

3528actions on the reimbursement applications.

3533Scope of the Proceeding

353718. The Petitioners, in addition to the invalidation of

3546the proposed rule, sought an order prohibiting the Department

3555from relying on a non-rule policy if the proposed rule was

3566invalidated, the policy being what was putatively codified in the

3576proposed rule. That request by the Petitioners, they maintain

3585was a logical outgrowth of the invalidation of the proposed

3595rules. Therefore, they maintain that the briefing and argument

3604on that issue is beneficial to the proper resolution of this

3615proceeding and that the time spent developing arguments

3623concerning why the Department could not rely on the non-rule

3633policy, if the proposed rule was invalidated, should be included

3643in this proceeding for purposes of calculating attorneys’ fees

3652and costs.

365419. After invalidation of the proposed rule, the

3662Petitioners sought attorneys’ fees by motion or petition.

3670Substantial work was performed to demonstrate entitlement to

3678their fees and costs, to document the fees and costs, to

3689negotiate stipulations with the Department, to prepare for and

3698attend hearing on the substantial justification issue, and to

3707prepare proposed final orders. The reasonable costs and

3715attorneys’ fees expended by the Petitioners directly related to

3724this proposed rule, from the filing of the Petitions through the

3735issuance of the Final Order, are part of this proceeding for

3746purposes of awarding attorneys’ fees and costs. It is found that

3757the Petitioners have submitted sufficient records of costs and

3766fees which I have reviewed for the part of this proceeding not

3778covered by the stipulations.

378220. The Petitioners also seek attorneys’ fees associated

3790with their participation in the rule-making process prior to the

3800Department's submission of the Notice of Proposed Rule Making to

3810the Department of State on September 18, 1997, which was

3820published in the September 27, 1996, issue of the FAW.

383021. The time spent on the rule-making issues before the

3840filing of the Notice of Proposed Rule Making and the amounts of

3852money relating thereto, attributable to such proposed attorneys’

3860fees, are depicted on pages 12, 13, and 14 of the Department's

3872Proposed Final Order. The attorneys’ fees the Petitioners seek

3881for time spent in arguing the question of the Department's legal

3892authority to rely upon the agency’s statements upon which the

3902proposed rule is based after the rule was invalidated, and the

3913amounts related thereto, are depicted on pages 14, 15, and 16 of

3925the Department's Proposed Final Order. These figures are adopted

3934herein as the correct times and amounts for purposes of those

3945proposed categories of attorneys’ fees.

3950Single $15,000 Fee Cap

395522. The Department argues that the $15,000 limitation

3964contained in Section 120.595(2), Florida Statutes (1996), is an

3973amount to be divided among all Petitioners to the proposed rules

3984challenge. Five law firms representing six Petitioners

3991challenged the proposed rules. All Petitioners, except for

3999Reservoir Capital Corporation (hereinafter Reservoir), applied

4005for attorneys’ fees and costs; however, Reservoir's attorneys

4013have participated in all of the telephone hearings and conferred

4023with other attorneys in the case. Well over 400 hours have been

4035billed by the attorneys in the aggregate; some of which time was

4047billed for conferring and sending draft copies of documents to

4057each other.

405923. The petitions filed herein were filed separately.

4067Each party made independent factual allegations and alleged

4075separate reasons to demonstrate how the substantial interests

4083have been affected. Each proceeding was assigned a separate case

4093number by the Division of Administrative Hearings. The cases

4102were thereafter consolidated for hearing.


4110Applicability of Section 120.595(2),

4114Florida Statutes (Supp. 1996).

411824. Section 120.595(2), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1996),

4125states that:

4127[I]f the court or administrative law judge

4134declares a proposed rule or portion of a

4142proposed rule invalid pursuant to Section

4148120.56(2), a judgment or order shall be

4155rendered against the agency for reasonable

4161costs and reasonable attorney's fees, unless

4167the agency demonstrates that its actions were

4174substantially justified or special

4178circumstances exist which would make the

4184award unjust.

418625. Although the NPR was published prior to October 1,

41961996, the effective date of Section 120.595, Florida Statutes

4205(Supp. 1996), the Department at that point of publication still

4215had complete unilateral authority to withdraw or modify the

4224proposed rule in whole or in part. If no challenges had been

4236filed, the rule would have proceeded to adoption by operation of

4247law. See Section 120.54(3)(d)2, Florida Statutes (Supp. 1996).

4255The freedom by the agency to unilaterally terminate the rule

4265proposal by withdrawal of the rule (or to modify it) and the

4277Petitioners’ inchoate right (at that point)to obtain a

4285declaration that the proposed rule was invalid shows that the

4295vesting or accrual of the parties' rights had not yet become

4306fixed at the point of publication of the NPR. See Williams

4317College v. Bourne , 677 So. 2d 1118 (Fla. 5th DCA 1996); Young v.

4330Altenhouse , 472 So. 2d 1152 (Fla. 1985).

4337Because the parties' rights relating to the proposed rule

4346challenge were not legally fixed upon publication of the NPR

4356since the agency was free to unilaterally withdraw, change, or

4366modify the proposed rule at that point, neither were the parties'

4377rights fixed regarding the issue of entitlement to and recovery

4387of attorneys’ fees and costs. The agency acted at its peril by

4399publishing the rules so close to the effective date of the

4410subject attorneys’ fee statute that the twenty-one (21) day

4419period for challenge to the proposed rules extended beyond that

4429statute’s effective date. The agency by its publication of the

4439proposed rule so close to the effective date of the statutory

4450change regarding attorneys’ fees, by its own hand set the time

4461period to extend beyond October 1, 1996 for the fixing or vesting

4473of the parties' rights by twenty-one (21) days from September 27,

44841996. The subject attorney's fee statute clearly contemplates

4492that attorney's fees be awarded if substantially justified as a

4502result of a “ proceeding ” in which proposed rules are challenged.

4514Clearly parties are afforded a twenty-one (21) day time period in

4525which to initiate such a proceeding.

4531Such statutes which impair vested rights, create new

4539obligations or impose new penalties have been held to be

4549substantive and not remedial and as such cannot be

4558retrospectively applied. See State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance

4566Company v. LaForet , 658 So. 2nd 55 (Fla. 1995); L. Ross, Inc. v.

4579R. W. Roberts Construction Company , 466 So. 2d 1096 (Fla. 5 th DCA

45921985). Thus, since the substantive statute enacting the

4600attorney's fee provision at issue cannot have retroactive

4608application, in order for it to apply, the crucial facts giving

4619rise to vested substantive rights in the Petitioners must have

4629occurred or become fixed or vested after the effective date of

4640that statute for it to operate. The court in the Ross case,

4652supra, held that the crucial date for the fixing of the key facts

4665or vested rights by which it may be determined whether a

4676statutory obligation is being unconstitutionally retroactively

4682applied is the date the particular cause of action accrued.

4692Speaking through Judge Cowart, the court stated:

4699The crucial date is the date of the accrual of the

4710particular cause of action. . . .because that is the

4720date on which the essential facts occurred and were

4729sealed beyond change by the surety and after that event

4739the legislature cannot, ex post facto constitutionally

4746enhance the obligation or penalty that results from

4754those facts. The increased obligation for attorney's

4761fees resulting from the statutory amendment. . . .

4770cannot be constitutionally applied as to causes of

4778action in favor of subcontractors against sureties that

4786were in existence on. . . . the effective date of the

4798statutory amendment.

480026. Applying the court's reasoning to the case at hand, it

4811is apparent that the essential facts giving rise to the accrual

4822of the "cause of action" in this matter occurred after the

4833effective date of the subject attorney's fee statute. That is,

4843until the subject twenty-one (21) day window for filing petitions

4853in opposition to the proposed rules elapsed or petitions were

4863timely filed, whichever occurred first, the essential facts

4871giving rise to the cause of action were not "sealed beyond

4882change." The Department had complete unilateral authority to

4890withdraw the proposed rule in whole or in part anytime prior to

4902adoption or prior to the filing of the rule challenge petitions.

4913Thus, the earliest possible accrual of the parties' vested rights

4923was at the time the rule challenge petitions were filed within

4934the twenty-one (21) day point of entry period which, due to the

4946time the agency chose to notice the proposed rules occurred on

4957both sides of the statutory effective date of October 1, 1996.

4968Thus, the parties’ vested rights can be concluded to have accrued

4979only after October 1, 1996, because all the petitions were timely

4990filed after that date. Because the parties' rights did not

5000become legally fixed until after the effective date of the

5010attorney's fee provision, that provision is applicable in this

5019proceeding and does not implicate any retroactive application of

5028substantive law.

503027. Mere publication of the purely ambulatory NPR cannot fix

5040the parties rights’ in this rule challenge. Given the agencys’

5050freedom to withdraw or amend the rule, publication of the NPR

5061does not provide the challengers with vested rights and cannot be

5072used to create vested rights for the Department to proceed under

5083the pre-October 1, 1996 law.

508828. Accordingly, neither the parties' rights relating to the

5097payment and recovery of attorney's fees, nor the underlying cause

5107of action accrued prior to October 1, 1996. Therefore the

5117operative attorney's fee provision, Section 120.595(2), Florida

5124Statutes (Supp. 1996), is applicable to determine the award and

5134amount of attorney's fees in this proceeding.

5141Substantial Justification

514329. Because the proposed rule which is the subject of this

5154proceeding has been declared invalid, reasonable attorneys’ fees

5162and costs must be awarded to the Petitioners "unless the

5172Department demonstrates that its actions were substantially

5179justified or special circumstances exist which would make the

5188award unjust." Section 120.595(2), Florida Statutes (Supp.

51951996). This section also describes the substantially justified

5203standard as requiring a showing that the Department had a

5213reasonable basis in law and fact at the time of its action.

522530. The Equal Access to Justice Act, Section 57.111, Florida

5235Statutes (Supp. 1996), (EAJA), contains language nearly identical

5243to Section 120.595(2) Florida Statutes (Supp. 1996), regarding

5251the “substantially justified” standard. Accordingly, EAJA cases

5258can be consulted for guidance. In order to demonstrate

5267substantial justification for its actions, the Department in this

5276proceeding had to present evidence that it had a "solid though

5287not necessarily correct basis in law and fact for the position it

5299took." The Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services v.

5308S.G. , 613 So. 2d 1380 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993).

531731. Applicable law states that all reimbursable clean-up

5325work had to be completed prior to August 1, 1996, and all

5337reimbursement applications had to be submitted to the Department

5346on or before December 31, 1996. Section 376.3071(12), Florida

5355Statutes (Supp. 1996). Consequently, any activities by the

5363parties regulated under the proposed rule could not be affected

5373by its adoption. Furthermore, without specific authorization in

5381the statutes, the Department is not authorized to adopt a rule

5392with retroactive effect. Jordan v. Department of Professional

5400Regulation , 522 So. 2d 450-453 (Fla. 1st DCA 1988). ("An

5411administrative rule is operative from its effective date, and,

5420like a statute, is presumed to operate prospectively in the

5430absence of express language to the contrary.") (Citations

5439omitted) The Department itself has specifically recognized the

5447illegality of retroactively applying its rules. Port Everglades

5455Authority v. DER, et al , DOAH Case No. 86-0039, DER Case No. 86-

54680002 (October 8, 1987). ("To apply the mitigation memo to this

5480application would be contrary to the general rule that

5489administrative regulations will not be applied

5495retroactively. . . . In reviewing the mitigation proposal, the

5505hearing officer should use the policy which was in effect at the

5517time the application was complete.") The Department failed to

5527demonstrate any express or implied authority for adopting a rule

5537with retroactive affect.

554032. The facts revealed by the Department's witness indicate

5549its position that the proposed rule is not actually required.

5559However, the Department continued to vigorously proceed with the

5568rule-making process, apparently solely to justify its prior

5576application of unwritten, unadopted rules to reimbursement

5583applications. Its attempted explanation that this non-rule

5590policy must be adopted as a rule might be believable if there was

5603any possibility for it to be prospectively applied. In this

5613case, the only possible application of the proposed rule would be

5624to retroactively create higher standards for applicants

5631challenging the Department's determinations on reimbursement


563833. Even if the Department was unable to recognize the

5648practical effect of its actions, it should have considered the

5658comments received during the rule development process, which

5666clearly and without deviation spelled out the impermissible

5674nature of adopting the proposed rule. Based on the testimony and

5685documentary evidence, the Department has not demonstrated

5692substantial justification for proceeding with the adoption of the

5701proposed rule because the proposed rule would have absolutely no

5711prospective effect and the only retroactive effect would be to

5721impermissibly apply new review criteria and elevate the

5729Petitioner's burden of proof in a proceeding challenging the

5738Department's reimbursement application review decisions. None of

5745the grounds which the Department raised at the hearing would be

5756relied upon by reasonable persons, particularly where the

5764invalidity of the rule had been clearly explained by public

5774comments during the rule development process. The Department has

5783failed to demonstrate that its actions in this case, in issuing a

5795proposed rule explicitly calling for a retroactive application of

5804substantive application review standards, were substantially

5810justified or that special circumstances existed that would make

5819the award unjust.

5822Time Spent in Rule Making and

5828in Discussing Reliance on Unpromulgated Agency Policy

583534. The Petitioners have asserted that attorneys’ fees and

5844costs should be awarded for the time they spent in the “free-

5856form,” pre-proceeding, rule-making process. First, the

5863Petitioners did not challenge the manner in which the agency

5873conducted its rule-making process. No allegation was made that

5882proper notices or other requirements of Section 120.54 were not

5892met. It would be an "impermissible extension of the statutory

5902language" to award attorney's fees for time spent in rule-making.

5912Certain Lands v. City of Alachua , 518 So. 2d 386 (Fla. 1st DCA

59251987) (Court would not award fees or costs for years worth of

5937pre-foreclosure work even though fees could be awarded for the

5947foreclosure proceeding itself).

595035. Second, neither the statutory provision for th e award

5960of fees and costs nor the rule challenge provision requires

5970proposed rule challengers to participate in a rule-making process

5979in order to receive attorney's fees and costs, nor does the

5990statute indicate that the award of fees and costs should include

6001time spent participating in rule-making. Section 120.54, Florida

6009Statutes, governing rule-making also does not require challengers

6017to participate in the rule-making process. As noted above,

6026statutory awards of attorney's fees must be strictly construed

6035Pena , at 960. There is simply no language in Chapter 120, Florida

6047Statutes, indicating that prevailing Petitioners in a proposed

6055rule challenge may receive cost or attorneys’ fees expended while

6065participating in the separate rule-making process.

607136. Th ird, the rule-making process in Section 120.54,

6080Florida Statutes, was established to encourage public

6087participation. If successful rule challenger Petitioners,

6093pursuant to Section 120.595(2), are allowed to re-coup attorney's

6102fees and costs expended in attending multiple workshops held at

6112multiple locations across the state, agencies would be reluctant

6121to voluntarily hold more than one workshop for fear of having to

6133pay those travel and attorney expenses. Additionally, by

6141awarding fees and costs incurred while participating in rule-

6150making as a result of a successful rule challenge, the

6160rule-making process will be transformed from open discussion to

6169pre-litigation negotiation. Such award would have a chilling

6177effect on the entire rule-making process.

618337. The Petitioners have also requested a determination

6191that the Respondent may no longer rely upon the unpromulgated

6201agency statements or policies as referenced in the Final Order

6211herein at page three. Thus, for litigating and arguing that

6221issue, they maintain that attorneys’ fees and costs are due them

6232for that argument in the underlying proceeding. The Final Order

6242issued in this case, however, indicates that "the undersigned has

6252no authority to actually render such an advisory opinion or

6262declaratory statement . . ." and "the issues pertaining to the

6273validity of the proposed rules themselves are all that are

6283pending before the undersigned in this proceeding." Id . Not

6293only was an order not issued providing the relief requested by

6304the Petitioners concerning the agency’s continued reliance on the

6313unpromulgated policy, but the final order stated that the instant

6323case was the wrong proceeding in which to seek that relief. The

6335Petitioners did not prevail on that issue and could not have

6346prevailed on it in this proceeding since there was no

6356jurisdiction to grant that which they sought. Therefore, no

6365award of fees and costs expended pursuing that aspect of the

6376claims can be made.

6380$15,000 per Rule Challenge “Cap” Issue

638738. The Department maintains that any award of attorney's

6396fees should be capped at $15,000 for the entire proceeding.

6407Section 120.595(2), Florida Statutes, governs the award of

6415attorney's fees for a proposed rule challenge. "If the Court or

6426Administrative Law Judge declares a proposed rule or a portion of

6437a proposed rule invalid pursuant to Section 120.56(2), a judgment

6447or order shall be rendered against the agency for reasonable

6457costs and reasonable attorney's fees. . . ." Section 120.595(2).

6467This section also limits the amount by stating that "no award of

6479attorney's fees as provided by this subsection shall exceed

6488$15,000." This is identical to the language limiting attorney's

6498fees in challenges to existing rules.

650439. The case law regarding statutory fee caps is limited.

6514The only reported case in which a statutory fee has been

6525construed appears to be Schommer v Bentley , 500 So. 2d 118 (Fla.

65371986). In the Schommer case, the Florida Supreme Court construed

6547the statutory fee limitation for court appointed attorneys

6555contained in Section 925.036, Florida Statutes. That section

6563provides that:

6565(1). The compensation for representation shall not

6572exceed the following:

6575(a). For misdemeanors and juveniles represented at

6582the trial level: $1,000.

6587(b). For non-capitol, non-life felonies represented at

6594the trial level: $2,500.00.

6599(c). For life felonies represented at the trial level:


6610(d). For capitol cases represented at the trial level:


6621(e). For representation on appeal: $2,000.00 .

6629In Schommer , two attorneys from the same firm participated in the

6640representation of a criminal defendant. The court found that if

6650multiple counsel was necessary for the effective representation

6658of the criminal defendant, compensation was allowable under the

6667statute up to the statutory limit for each attorney. The

6677situation presented in this case is analogous to that in

6687Schommer . Each of the parties was, due to the Department’s

6698attempt to promulgate a rule that was clearly and facially

6708illegal, required to retain counsel in order to effectively

6717represent and protect its interests against the Department’s

6725illegal action. As the attorney’s fees provisions of Chapter

6734120, Florida Statutes, are intended to provide some measure of

6744financial relief in situations in which agencies have acted

6753outside of their authority, the $15,000.00 attorney’s fee cap

6763must apply to each party requiring representation.

677040. The language of the statute and the legislative history

6780support the fact that the $15,000 cap is to apply to each party

6794forced to bring a proceeding before the Division of

6803Administrative Hearings. Section 120.595(2), Florida Statutes,

6809provides that when an agency prevails in a rules challenge

6819proceeding, the agency is entitled to recover its costs and fees

6830from any party that participated for an improper purpose.

6839Therefore, the agency would be entitled to recovery from multiple

6849parties so long as no recovery exceeded $15,000 and the total

6861amount recovered did not exceed the actual amount expended by the

6872agency. Similarly, the attorney’s fee provision with regard to

6881an agency acting without substantial justification must be read

6890in the same light so as to avoid dilution of the financial

6902ability of a party to bring an action challenging an agency’s

6913illegal rule-making.

691541. The wording of the statute itself indicates the

6924requirement that each party is entitled to an award of attorney’s

6935fees up to $15,000. The provision begins by stating the general

6947requirement that “a judgment or order” must be rendered against

6957the agency for both “reasonable costs” and “reasonable attorneys’

6966fees.” Thus, the judgment or order issued by the court or

6977administrative law judge must be for all reasonable costs and

6987attorney’s fees. The later provision in the same statute only

6997limits each “award” of attorney’s fees to $15,000. Accordingly,

7007each party to the proceeding where a proposed rule is declared

7018invalid is entitled to an award of attorney’s fees that does not

7030exceed $15,000. The judgment or order of the court or the

7042administrative law judge, which must be rendered for all

7051reasonable costs and attorney’s fees is not similarly limited.

706042. A review of the Final Bill Analysis and Economic Impact

7071Statement for Chapter 96-159, Laws of Florida, is also supportive

7081of the fact that the $15,000 cap is to apply to each party forced

7096to bring an action to protect its substantial interest. The bill

7107analysis prepared by the House of Representatives Committee on

7116Streamlining Governmental Regulations, dated June 14, 1996,

7123provides that:

7125For challenges to proposed and existing agency rules,

7133the Governor’s Commission recommended that if a

7140proposed rule, existing rule, or portion of a rule is

7150declared valid, the administrative law judge shall

7157award reasonable costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees

7164to the petitioner , unless the agency demonstrates that

7172its actions were substantially justified or that

7179special circumstances exist that would make the award

7187unjust (emphasis supplied).

7190An award of attorney’s fees under these provisions

7198shall not exc eed $15,000. These provisions are

7207included in subsections (2) and (3) of Section 120.595,

7216Florida Statutes.

7218It is clear from the legislative history that, although an award

7229is to be made against an agency, it is correspondingly to be made

7242to a petitioner.

724543. At least one commentator has noted that the purpose of

7256the attorneys’ fees amendments in Chapter 120 “reflect the

7265desired link between formal adoption of rules and agency

7274accountability to the Legislature and to the public.” M. J.

7284Edenfield, “Attorneys Fees and Costs,” Florida Bar Journal ,

7293Volume LXXI, No. 3, March 1997. Ms. Edenfield concluded by

7303stating that:

7305Although attorneys fees and costs are by no

7313means automatically awarded to prevailing

7318parties in APA proceedings, the changes

7324brought about by the 1996 Legislature for

7331award of fees and costs make for a more level

7341playing field between the private sector and

7348state agencies.

7350If the award of fees in multi-party litigation is diluted and

7361restricted in cases where an agency is found to have acted

7372without substantial justification, the Legislature’s intent to

7379level the playing field and allow for effective participation by

7389the private sector will have been thwarted.

7396For the foregoing reasons, it is concluded that the fee

7406limitation contained in Section 120.595(2), Florida Statutes

7413(1996 Supp), applies to each proceeding filed by each petitioner

7423with the Division of Administrative Hearings challenging the

7431Department’s proposed rule amendment. Therefore, the parties to

7439these consolidated proceedings are each entitled to an award of

7449their attorneys’ fees and costs up to the statutory $15,000


7461In consideration of the foregoing, it is concluded that the

7471Department shall reimburse each Petitioner for their reasonable

7479attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in the underlying rule

7488challenge proceeding, and in demonstrating entitlement to

7495attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in seeking recovery of

7504attorneys’ fees and costs for the time period beginning with the

7515preparation and filing of the Petitioners’ petitions, through the

7524issuance of this Final Order. It is, therefore,

7532ORDERED that the Department shall pay attorneys’ fees and

7541costs to the Petitioners in this proceeding as follows (excludes

7551time spent in rule-making and on policy issue):

75591. Reservoir Capital Corporation: no attorneys’ fees and no


75692. Environmental Corporation of America, Inc.: $15,000 for

7578attorneys’ fees and $464.93 in costs;

75843. The Environmental Trust: $8,844 for attorneys’ fees and

7594$81.40 in costs;

75974. Sirrom Resource Funding, L. P., and Sirrom Environmental

7606Funding LLC jointly: $12,789 in attorneys’ fees and

7615$250.00 in costs; and

76195. Southeast Solutions, Inc.,: $14,220.00 for attorneys’

7628fees and $212.00 in costs.

7633DONE AND ORDERED this 8th day of September, 1997, at

7643Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



7651Administrative Law Judge

7654Division of Administrative Hearings

7658The DeSoto Building

76611230 Apalachee Parkway

7664Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

7667(904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

7671Fax FILING (904) 921-6847

7675Filed with the Clerk of the

7681Division of Administrative Hearings

7685this 8th day of September, 1997.


7693Rebecca Grace, Esquire

7696Department of Environmental Protection

77003900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MailStation 35

7705Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

7708Matt Mathews, Esquire

7711Robert C. Downie, II, Esquire


7720Post Office Box 10036

7724Tallahassee, Florida 32301

7727E. Gary Early, Esquire


7736Post Office Box 10555

7740Tallahassee, Florida 32302-2555

7743Thomas K. Maurer, Esquire


7750111 North Orange Avenue

7754Suite 1800

7756Orlando, Florida 32801

7759Donna E. Blanton, Esquire

7763Robert M. Rhodes, Esquire


7771215 South Monroe Street

7775Suite 601

7777Tallahassee, Florida 32301

7780Carter B. McCain, Esquire


7788Post Office Box 1531

7792Tampa, Florida 33601

7795Ralph A. DeMeo, Esquire

7799Michael P. Petrovich, Esquire

7803Post Office Box 6526

7807Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6526

7810Bradford C. Vassey, Esquire

7814Environmental Corporation of America, Inc.

7819205 Hoover Street, Suite 101

7824Tampa, Florida 33609

7827Carroll Webb, Executive Director

7831Administrative Procedures Committee

7834120 Holland Building

7837Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300

7840Liz Cloud, Chief

7843Bureau of Administrative Code

7847The Elliott Building

7850Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250


7859This Final Order is subject to judicial review pursuant to

7869Section 120.68, Florida Statutes.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/29/1999
Proceedings: First DCA Opinion issued 08/11/98 (Afffirned in Part and Reversed in Part) filed.
Date: 06/03/1998
Proceedings: Opinion
Date: 06/03/1998
Proceedings: Opinion
Date: 02/26/1998
Proceedings: Index, Record, Certificate of Record sent out.
Date: 02/24/1998
Proceedings: Payment in the amount of $82.00 for indexing filed.
Date: 12/15/1997
Proceedings: Invoice in the amount of $82.00 sent out for indexing .
Date: 12/15/1997
Proceedings: Amended Index sent out.
Date: 12/12/1997
Proceedings: Index sent out.
Date: 10/14/1997
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from DCA filed. DCA Case No. 1-97-3909.
Date: 10/03/1997
Proceedings: Certificate of Notice of Administrative Appeal sent out.
Date: 10/03/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Administrative Appeal (DEP) filed.
Date: 10/03/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal filed.
Date: 09/08/1997
Proceedings: CASE CLOSED. Final Order sent out.
Date: 06/04/1997
Proceedings: Index, Record, Certificate of Record sent out.
Date: 05/23/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion to Strike as Immaterial the Environmental Trust`s Notice of Filing & Notice of Supplemental Authority filed.
Date: 05/19/1997
Proceedings: (From E. Early) Notice of Supplemental Authority; Notice of Filing; Notice of Administrative Appeal filed.
Date: 04/23/1997
Proceedings: Affidavit of Attorney E. Gary Early filed.
Date: 04/23/1997
Proceedings: Affidavit of Attorney Matt Mathews filed.
Date: 04/21/1997
Proceedings: Affidavit of Attorney Thomas K. Maurer filed.
Date: 04/17/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Proposed Final Order Regarding Attorneys Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 04/17/1997
Proceedings: (Southeast Solutions) Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 04/14/1997
Proceedings: Invoice for Indexing sent out.
Date: 04/14/1997
Proceedings: Index sent out. (Record Index to the District Court of Appeal)
Date: 04/07/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Filing; (1 Volume) DOAH Court Reporter Final Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 03/18/1997
Proceedings: Order (PRO`s due 10 days after transcript is filed) sent out.
Date: 03/14/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Stipulation Regarding Attorney`s Fees With Environmental Corporation of America, Inc.; Stipulation Regarding Attorney`s Fees with the Environmental Trust filed.
Date: 03/14/1997
Proceedings: Joint Motion of Parties to Cancel Hearing Scheduled for March 17, 1997 filed.
Date: 03/13/1997
Proceedings: Affidavit of Attorney Matt Mathews filed.
Date: 03/13/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Stipulation Regarding Attorney`s Fees with Southeast Solutions, Inc. filed.
Date: 03/13/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Stipulation Regarding Attorney`s Fees with Sirrom filed.
Date: 03/13/1997
Proceedings: (Matt Mathews) Notice of Substitution of Counsel filed.
Date: 03/12/1997
Proceedings: Second Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 3/17/97; 4:00pm; Talla)
Date: 03/11/1997
Proceedings: Case Status: (Hearing Continued to 3/17/97; 4:00pm; Tallahassee)
Date: 03/11/1997
Proceedings: Affidavit of Attorney E. Gary Early filed.
Date: 03/10/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Petitioner, DEP`s emergency motion to stay pending appeal) filed.
Date: 03/10/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Emergency Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/07/1997
Proceedings: Affidavit of Attorney Thomas K. Maurer filed.
Date: 03/04/1997
Proceedings: Joint Response to Motion for Stay and Sever filed.
Date: 03/03/1997
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from DCA filed. DCA Case No. 1-97-770.
Date: 02/26/1997
Proceedings: Motion to Stay or Sever (Department) filed.
Date: 02/25/1997
Proceedings: Certificate of Notice of Administrative Appeal sent out.
Date: 02/21/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Administrative Appeal (DEP) filed.
Date: 02/20/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 3/11/97; 9:30am; Tallahassee)
Date: 02/19/1997
Proceedings: Letter to PMR from M. Petrovich Re: Dates for hearing filed.
Date: 02/17/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Suggested Hearing Dates filed.
Date: 02/14/1997
Proceedings: Letter to PMR from E. Gary Early (RE: dates for hearing concerning attorneys' fees) (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/12/1997
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 02/12/1997
Proceedings: CASE CLOSED. Final Order sent out. (facts stipulated)
Date: 01/27/1997
Proceedings: (From D. Blanton) Notice of Filing Updated Affidavit; Affidavit of Attorneys' Fees; (6) Invoices filed.
Date: 01/14/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion Providing Hearing Dates filed.
Date: 01/13/1997
Proceedings: (From T. Maurer) Notice of Filing Supporting Information for Attorney's Fee Affidavit filed.
Date: 01/03/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner the Environmental Trust's Notice of Accounting of Attorney's Fees filed.
Date: 01/03/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Response to Petitioner`s` Motion for Final Order filed.
Date: 01/03/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Filing; Department of Environmental Protection`s Motion to Strike Petitioner`s` Supplemental Request for Oral Argument filed.
Date: 12/20/1996
Proceedings: (Southeast Solutions, Inc.) Memorandum of Law in Support of Petitioner`s` Motion for Final Order filed.
Date: 12/20/1996
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Final Order filed.
Date: 12/19/1996
Proceedings: Affidavit of Attorney Thomas K. Maurer filed.
Date: 12/19/1996
Proceedings: Affidavit of Attorney E. Gary Early filed.
Date: 12/16/1996
Proceedings: Order sent out. (motion for redetermination & hearing is denied)
Date: 12/13/1996
Proceedings: (Donna Blanton) Notice of Appearance of Counsel (filed via facsimile)filed.
Date: 12/10/1996
Proceedings: (Southeast Solutions) Request for Status Conference (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/22/1996
Proceedings: (Respondent) Response to Southeast Solutions` Request for the ALJ to Direct the Department to Stop Relying on Unadopted Statement filed.
Date: 11/22/1996
Proceedings: Petitioner the Environmental Trust`s Response to Respondent`s Motion for Redetermination and Hearing filed.
Date: 11/20/1996
Proceedings: (From R. Downie) Motion for Attorneys` Fees and Costs; Response to Respondent`s Motion for Redetermination filed.
Date: 11/19/1996
Proceedings: Petitioner Environmental Corporation of America`s Response to Respondent`s Motion for Redetermination and Hearing filed.
Date: 11/18/1996
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to Partial Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 11/18/1996
Proceedings: (Respondent) Response to Show Just Cause, Motion for Redetermination and Hearing filed.
Date: 11/15/1996
Proceedings: (From T. Maurer) Response to Order and Motion for Award of Attorneys Fees filed.
Date: 11/15/1996
Proceedings: Petitioner Environmental Corporation of America`s Response to Order and Petition for Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 11/13/1996
Proceedings: (Southeast Solutions) Response to Partial Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 11/07/1996
Proceedings: Order sent out. (parties to show cause in 10 days issues requiring further adjudication at the hearing presently scheduled for 12/18/96)
Date: 11/04/1996
Proceedings: Order sent out. (SE Solutions Motion to File Amended Petition is Granted)
Date: 11/04/1996
Proceedings: (From D. Blanton) Notice of Appearance of Counsel filed.
Date: 11/01/1996
Proceedings: (Respondent) Response to Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 10/25/1996
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Partial Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 10/24/1996
Proceedings: Order sent out. (Cases Consolidated: 96-4663RP, 96-4664RP, 96-4665RP, 96-4666RP, 96-4836RP & 96-4929RP; Hearing set for 12/18/96; 10:00am;Tallahassee)
Date: 10/23/1996
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion to Consolidate (Cases to be consolidated: 96-4836RP, 96-4663, 96-4664RP, 96-4665RP, 96-4666RP) (for case no. 96-4836RP)filed.
Date: 10/18/1996
Proceedings: Order sent out. (Consolidated cases are: 96-4663RP, 96-4664RP, 96-4665RP, 96-4666RP & 96-4836RP; Hearing set for 12/18/96; 10:00am; Tallahassee)
Date: 10/18/1996
Proceedings: (Southeast Solutions) Amended Petition for Administrative Determination of the Invalidity of Proposed Rules Pursuant to Section 120.56, Florida Statutes (1996) and for Order Prohibiting Application of Agency Statement/Unadopted Rule filed.
Date: 10/18/1996
Proceedings: (Southeast Solutions) Motion for Leave to File Amended Petition for Administrative Determination of the Invalidity of Proposed Rules Pursuant to Section 120.56, Florida Statutes (1996) and for Order Prohibiting Application of Agency Statement/Unadopted
Date: 10/17/1996
Proceedings: Order sent out. (final hearing on merits set for 12/18/96; 10:00am; Tallahassee)
Date: 10/16/1996
Proceedings: (Petitioner`s) Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 10/15/1996
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation sent out. (Consolidated cases are: 96-4663RP,96-4664RP, 96-4665RP & 96-4666RP)
Date: 10/14/1996
Proceedings: (SE Solutions, Inc.) Motion to Consolidate and Notice of Related Cases (Cases to be consolidated: 96-4663RP, 96-4665RP, 96-4664RP, 96-4666RP) filed.
Date: 10/11/1996
Proceedings: (From R. Grace) Notice of Appearance of Counsel for Department of Environmental Protection filed.
Date: 10/09/1996
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 10/24/96; 9:30am; Tallahassee)
Date: 10/07/1996
Proceedings: Order of Assignment sent out.
Date: 10/03/1996
Proceedings: Letter to Liz Cloud & Carroll Webb from M. Lockard w/cc: Agency General Counsel sent out.
Date: 10/01/1996
Proceedings: Petition Seeking An Administrative Determination of the Invalidity of Proposed Amendments to Rule 62-773, F.A.C. filed.
Date: 10/01/1996
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Related Cases filed. (for 95-4606 & 96-4663RP)
Date: 04/07/1996
Proceedings: Notice of Filing; (1 Volume) DOAH Court Reporter Final Hearing Transcript filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Department of Environmental Protection

Related DOAH Cases(s) (7):

Related Florida Statute(s) (7):

Related Florida Rule(s) (1):