97-000431 Visher Corporation vs. Department Of Transportation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, July 24, 1997.

View Dockets  
Summary: Median modification in the form of a directional opening does not deny reasonable access to Petitioner's business and is reasonable necessity for safe and efficient highway.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 97-0431




26Respondent, )



31An administrative hearing was conducted on May 9, 1997, in

41Lakeland, Florida, by Daniel Manry, Administrative Law Judge,

49Division of Administrative Hearings.


54For Petitioner: Glen Anderson, Esquire

591128 First Street South

63Post Office Box 9159

67Winter Haven, F lorida 33883-9159

72For Respondent: Francine Ffolkes, Esquire

77Department of Transportation

80Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

86605 Suwannee Street

89Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0458


96The issue in this case is whether a directional opening

106Respondent constructed in the median of State Road 540 ("SR 540")

119at 2nd Street, Southeast, ("Second Street") in Polk County,

130Florida complies with the requirements of Chapters 334 and 335,

140Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rules 14-96 and

14997. 1/


153In June, 1996, Respondent modified a median opening in front

163of Petitioner's business by converting it from a full opening to

174a directional opening. On July 10, 1996, Petitioner filed a

184petition for administrative hearing. Respondent referred the

191matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings to conduct the


202At the hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of two

211witnesses, and submitted one composite exhibit for admission in

220evidence. Respondent presented the testimony of two witnesses

228and submitted five exhibits for admission in evidence.

236The identity of the witnesses and exhibits, and the rulings

246regarding each, are set forth in the transcript of the hearing

257filed on May 28, 1997. Petitioner timely filed its proposed

267recommended order ("PRO") on June 10, 1997. Respondent timely

278filed its PRO on June 25, 1997.


2881. Petitioner is a Florida corporation wholly owned by Mr.

298Mr. Vivian DeSousa and Mrs. Sherry DeSousa, his wife. Petitioner

308is engaged in the business of operating a restaurant known as

319Schoop's Hamburgers ("Schoop's").

3242. Schoop's is located in Winter Haven, Florida at the

334intersection of SR 540 and Second Street. SR 540 is an east-

346west, four lane, divided arterial roadway that is known locally

356as "Cypress Gardens Boulevard." Second Street is a north-south,

365two lane, residential city street. SR 540 is part of the State

377Highway System, while Second Street is owned by the City of

388Winter Haven.

3903. Schoop's faces south toward the westbound lanes of SR

400540 in the northwest corner of the intersection of SR 540 and

412Second Street. The east side of Schoop's abuts the southbound

422lane of Second Street.

4264. Second Street intersects SR 540 approximately 300 feet

435west of the intersection of SR 540 and 1st Street, Southeast.

446("First Street"). First Street is a four lane divided highway.

4585. The southern end of Second Street forms a "T"

468intersection with SR 540. Second Street does not continue south

478of SR 540.

4816. The property to the south of SR 540 (the "Outback

492property") houses several businesses that face north toward the

502eastbound lanes of SR 540 on the opposite side of SR 540 from

515Schoop's. The businesses include a Boston Market, an Outback

524Steak House (the "Outback"), a Days Inn Motel, and a Red Lobster

537Restaurant. The Outback is newly constructed.

5437. The Outback and Days Inn are in the middle of the

555Outback property more or less at the intersection of Second

565Street and SR 540. The Red Lobster is east of the intersection,

577and the Boston Market is at the western end of the Outback

589property where SR 540 intersects First Street.

5968. The median that separates the westbound and eastbound

605lanes of SR 540 includes an opening at the intersection of Second

617Street and SR 540. The median opening is immediately east of

628both Schoop's and the Outback. Petitioner does not have an

638access connection permit for the median opening.

6459. Petitioner has a direct d riveway connection to Second

655Street. Prior to modification, the median opening allowed easier

664access to and from Schoop's.

66910. Prior to modification, the median opening was a full

679opening. It allowed eastbound traffic on SR 540 to turn left

690across the westbound lanes of SR 540 onto the northbound lane of

702Second Street without the protection of a left turn storage lane

713eastbound on SR 540. It also allowed southbound traffic on

723Second Street to turn left across the westbound lanes of SR 540

735onto the eastbound lanes of SR 540.

74211. The full median opening median opening allowed

750westbound traffic on SR 540 to turn left across the eastbound

761lanes of SR 540 into the Outback property without the protection

772of a left turn storage lane westbound on SR affic leaving

783the Outback property could also cross the eastbound lanes of SR

794540 and turn left into the westbound lanes of SR 540.

80512. Respondent modified the median opening in June, 1996.

814The modification changed the median opening from a full opening

824to a directional opening. The directional opening allows

832westbound traffic on SR 540 to turn left into the Outback

843property, or to make a "U" turn, from a left turn storage lane

856westbound on SR 540. The directional opening prevents all other

866turns at the intersection of SR 540 and Second Street.

87613. The directional opening prevents southbound traffic on

884Second Street from crossing the westbound lanes of SR 540 to turn

896left onto the eastbound lanes of SR 540. It prevents traffic

907leaving the Outback property from crossing the eastbound lanes of

917SR 540 to turn left onto the westbound lanes of SR 540. It also

931prevents eastbound traffic on SR 540 from making "U" turns on the

943westbound lanes of SR 540.

94814. The turns prevented by the directional opening at

957Second Street have been diverted to a full median opening at 3rd

969Street, Southeast ("Third Street") where left turn storage lanes

980exist in both the eastbound and westbound lanes of SR 540.

991Eastbound traffic from Schoop's can turn left onto SR 540 by

1002first turning left onto Second Street and proceeding one block to

1013Third Street. Westbound traffic from the Outback property can

1022turn left onto SR 540 by first turning right onto SR 540 and

1035making a "U" turn at Third Street.

104215. The directional opening was reasonably necessary to

1050eliminate traffic hazards caused by queuing at the intersection

1059of First Street and SR 540. Queuing occurs when vehicles are

1070backed up, one behind the other, by traffic control devices at


108216. Respondent conducted a traffic operations and safety

1090evaluation to determine whether it was safe and efficient to

1100maintain a full median opening at the intersection of SR 540 and

1112Second Street. The evaluation included field reviews and a

1121review of police accident reports. The City of Winter Haven

1131provided substantial input into the evaluation because the City

1140has jurisdiction over the side streets impacted by the median


115117. The evaluation found that queuing of westbound vehicles

1160on SR 540 created a traffic problem several times each day.

1171Queuing of westbound traffic on SR 540 extended far enough

1181eastward to block the intersection at Second Street during 12 of

1192the 57 signal cycles in the noon peak hour and during 29 of the

120656 signal cycles in the p.m. peak hour.

121418. Queuing could not be reduced by modifying the traffic

1224signal at First Street to add "green time" for westbound traffic

1235on SR 540 and reduce "green time" for north-south traffic on

1246First Street. Re-timing the traffic signal would result in

1255increased delay for north-south traffic to unacceptable levels.

1263The signal at the intersection at First Street and SR 540 was

1275operating near capacity.

127819. Queuing of westbound traffic on SR 540 created a

1288traffic hazard for both westbound and eastbound traffic. Queuing

1297did not always occur simultaneously in both westbound lanes of SR

1308540. Vehicles could be queued in either the curb lane or the

1320median lane while vehicles in the other lane continued in motion.

133120. The traffic hazard was greatest when queuing oc curred

1341in the median westbound lane of SR 540. Queued vehicles in the

1353median lane tended to leave a "courtesy gap" that allowed

1363eastbound vehicles on SR 540 to make a left turn across both

1375westbound lanes or to make a "U" turn into the westbound curb

1387lane of SR 540. Vehicles entering the "courtesy gap" did not

1398have the sight distance needed to see westbound vehicles in

1408motion in the curb lane of SR 540 and complete the turn safely.

142121. Queuing of westbound traffic on SR 540 created

1430additional traffic hazards for eastbound traffic. Left turns and

"1439U" turns from the eastbound median lane of SR 540 frequently

1450stopped traffic in that lane. The result was to increase queuing

1461for eastbound traffic or to increase lane changes by eastbound

1471vehicles not using the median opening.

147722. Respondent was unable to construct a directional

1485opening at the intersection of SR 540 and Second Street that

1496included a left turn storage lane for eastbound traffic on SR

1507540. The distance between Second Street and First Street is not

1518sufficient to accommodate a left turn storage lane. Any left

1528turn storage lane Respondent could have included in the

1537directional opening would not have been long enough to accomplish

1547its purpose.

154923. The additional traffic created by the addition of the

1559Outback to the Outback property exacerbated the traffic hazards

1568caused by the full median opening at Second Street. Those

1578hazards are substantially reduced by diverting left turns and "U"

1588turns to Third Street.


159524. The Divisio n of Administrative Hearings has

1603jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter. Section

1612120.57(1). The parties were duly noticed for the hearing.

162125. The burden of proof is on Petitioner. Petitioner must

1631show by a preponderance of evidence that the directional opening

1641Respondent constructed at the intersection of SR 540 and Second

1651Street violates applicable law. Florida Department of

1658Transportation vs. J.W.C. Company, Inc. , 396 So.2d 778 (Fla. 1st

1668DCA 1981); Balino vs. Department of Health and Rehabilitative

1677Services , 348 So.2d 349 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

168526. Petitioner must show that Respondent's action injured

1693Petitioner, and that the injury is the type the statute is

1704designed to protect. Ameristeel Corporation vs. Clark , 691 So.

17132d 473 (Fla. 1997); Agrico Chemical Company vs. Department of

1723Environmental Regulation , 406 So. 2d 478 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1981),

1733review denied sub nom ; Freeport Sulphur Company v. Agrico

1742Chemical Company , 415 So. 2d 1359 (Fla. 1982); Fairbanks, Inc.

1752vs. State , 635 So. 2d 58 (Fla. 1st DCA 1994). The directional

1764opening constructed by Respondent injured Petitioner by diverting

1772traffic from Petitioner's place of business. The issue is

1781whether that is the type of injury the statute is designed to


179427. Section 335.182(2)(a) provides that every owner of

1802property that abuts a road on the State Highway System has a

1814right to reasonable access. The right of access is defined in

1825Section 334.03(21) as the right of ingress from abutting land to

1836the state highway and the right of egress from the state highway

1848to abutting land. Section 334.044(14) authorizes Respondent to

1856establish, control, and prohibit such points of ingress and


186628. The median modification constructed by Respondent does

1874not affect Petitioner's right of access. The modification

1882affects traffic flowaffic flow is not part of Petitioner's

1891right of access. Sections 334.03(21), 334.044(13), and

1898335.181(2)(a); Rule 14-96.003(5); Department of Transportation

1904vs. Gefen , 636 So. 2d 1345 (Fla. 1994); Department of

1914Transportation vs. Capital Plaza, Inc. , 397 So. 2d 682 (Fla.

19241981); Hack Corporation vs. Department of Transportation , DOAH

1932Case No. 92-4202, Final Order (July 27, 1993), aff'd 637 So. 2d

194414 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1994). See also , Racetrac Petroleum, Inc. vs.

1955Department of Transportation , 17 F.A.L.R. 2239 (DOAH April 27,

19641995) (holding in a rule challenge case that median openings are

1975not connections).

197729. Petitioner could successfully challenge the median

1984modification constructed by Respondent if Petitioner held an

1992access connection permit and the median modification eliminated

2000one or more turning movements described in the permit. However,

2010Petitioner does not hold an access connection permit for the

2020median opening modified by Respondent.

202530. Respondent has the statutory authority and

2032responsibility to plan and implement safe and efficient highways.

2041Section 334.044; Department of Transportation vs. Lopez-Torres ,

2048526 So. 2d 674, 675 (Fla. 1988). However, Respondent's statutory

2058authority is not absolute and is limited to the lawful exercise

2069of its discretion. Lopez-Torres , 526 So. 2d at 676.

207831. The technical engineering judgment that Respondent

2085necessarily exercises in designing safe transportation facilities

2092is a function intended by the legislature to repose in

2102Respondent. Courts are generally predisposed to leave such

2110decisions to Respondent. State, Department of Transportation vs.

2118Myers , 237 So. 2d 257, 261 (Fla. 1st DCA 1970).

212832. Respondent has the statutory authority to undertake the

2137median modification that is the subject of this proceeding.

2146Respondent exercised its discretion in a lawful manner based on

2156technical engineering judgment.


2160Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2170Law, it is

2173RECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a Final Order denying

2181Petitioner's challenge to the median modification.

2187DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of July, 1997, in

2197Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2204Administrative Law Judge

2207Division of Administrative Hearings

2211The DeSoto Building

22141230 Apalachee Parkway

2217Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -3060

2221(904) 488 -9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

2226Fax Filing (850) 921-6847

2230Filed with the Clerk of the

2236Division of Administrative Hearings

2240this 24th day of July, 1997.


22471/ All chapter and section references are to Florida Statutes

2257(1995) unless otherwise stated.

22612/ Unless otherwise stated, all references to rules are to rules

2272promulgated in the Florida Administrative Code in effect on the

2282date of this Recommended Order.


2289Ben G. Watts, Secretary

2293Department of Transportation

2296Haydon Burns Building

2299605 Suwannee Street

2302Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

2305Pamela Leslie, General Counsel

2309Department of Transportation

2312562 Haydon Burns Building

2316605 Suwannee Street

2319Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

2322Francine Ffolkes, Esquire

2325Department of Transportation

2328Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 50

2334605 Suwannee Street

2337Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4458

2340Glen Anderson, Esquire

23431128 First Street South

2347Post Office Box 9159

2351Winter Haven, Florida 33883-9159


2361All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

2372days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to

2383this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will

2394issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/11/1997
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/11/1997
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/11/1997
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 07/24/1997
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 05/09/97.
Date: 06/25/1997
Proceedings: Respondent Department of Transportation`s Proposed Recommended Order; Disk filed.
Date: 06/10/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/28/1997
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 05/09/1997
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/07/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Amended Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/06/1997
Proceedings: (Joint) Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 02/18/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 5/9/97; 9:00am; Lakeland)
Date: 02/18/1997
Proceedings: Prehearing Order sent out.
Date: 02/10/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/05/1997
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 01/29/1997
Proceedings: Agency referral letter; Petition Pursuant To FS 120.57(1); Order To Show Cause; Response To Order To Show Cause; Agency Action letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lakeland, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (2):

Related Florida Statute(s) (5):

Related Florida Rule(s) (1):