97-002474 St. Petersburg Junior College vs. Jeffrey D. Brooks
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, April 24, 1998.

View Dockets  
Summary: Dismissal of instructor sought for violation of college sexual harassment policy. Based on facts, suspension recommended.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 97-2474




28Respondent. )



33Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was conducted in this

43case on January 7, 1998, in St. Petersburg, Florida, before

53Lawrence P. Stevenson, a duly designated Administrative Law Judge

62of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


69For Petitioner: Maria N. Sorolis, Esquire

75Shannon B ream, Esquire

79Allen, Norton and Blue

83Hyde Park Plaza, Suite 350

88324 South Hyde Park Avenue

93Tampa, Florida 33606

96For Respondent: Mark Herdman, Esquire

101Herdman and Sakellarides

1042595 Tampa Road, Suite J

109Tampa, Florida 34684


116The issue presented for decision in this case is whether

126Petitioner, St. Petersburg Junior College, should dismiss

133Respondent from his employment and terminate his continuing



144By a Pet ition and Notice to Respondent of Hearing Rights

155(the “Petition”) filed with the Board of Trustees of St.

165Petersburg Junior College (the “Board”) on May 8, 1997, pursuant

175to Rule 6A-14.0411(4), Florida Administrative Code, Petitioner

182petitioned the Board for the dismissal of Respondent from all

192employment at St. Petersburg Junior College (the “College”),

200effective as of the expiration of Respondent’s term of employment

210for the 1996-97 college year.

215By letter to the Board dated May 13, 1997, Respondent

225requested a formal administrative hearing regarding the proposed

233termination of his employment, and requested that the Petition be

243forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings for

251assignment of an Administrative Law Judge to hear the case. By

262letter dated May 20, 1997, Petitioner forwarded the Petition to

272the Division of Administrative Hearings for assignment of an

281Administrative Law Judge and the conduct of a formal

290administrative hearing in this matter, pursuant to Section

298120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

301The case was originally assigned to Judge J. Lawrence

310Johnston and scheduled for hearing on August 13, 1997. Upon

320joint motion by the parties, the hearing was continued and

330rescheduled for January 7, 1998. Due to scheduling conflicts,

339the case was reassigned to the undersigned prior to the final


351At the final hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of

360Carl M. Kuttler, Jr., President of St. Petersburg Junior College;

370Myrtle H. Williams, Associate Provost of the Gibbs Campus of St.

381Petersburg Junior College; Charles L. Roberts, Provost of the

390Gibbs Campus; George M. Greenlee, an instructor at St. Petersburg

400Junior College; and Kimberly Zemola, a former student at St.

410Petersburg Junior College. Respondent testified in his own

418behalf, and also presented the testimony of Ernest Hensley, Mel

428Stone, and George Leonard, instructors at St. Petersburg Junior

437College; and Ray S. Wilson, a retired instructor at

446St. Petersburg Junior College.

450Petitioner’s Exhibits 1-6 were admitted into evi dence.

458Respondent’s Composite Exhibit 1 was admitted into evidence.

466A transcript of the final hearing was filed at the Division

477of Administrative Hearings on February 3, 1998, and the parties

487filed proposed recommended orders on March 5, 1998.


498Based on the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the

508final hearing, and the entire record in this proceeding, the

518following findings of fact are made:

5241. Respondent is an instructor in computer programming and

533networking at the College.

5372. Respondent has been an instructor at the College since

5471983. Since the 1986-87 academic year, Respondent has worked

556under a continuing contract of employment. A continuing contract

565is tantamount to a tenured position, entitling the instructor to

575maintain his position from year-to-year unless terminated by

583mutual consent, by the instructor’s resignation, or by the

592suspension or removal of the instructor for cause pursuant to the

603statutes and rules of the State Board of Education.

6123. Respondent has recei ved at least above-average

620evaluations of his job performance both from the institution and

630from his students during his tenure at the College. Respondent

640has not been subject to disciplinary proceedings of any kind

650prior to or since the incidents giving rise to this proceeding.

6614. Kimberly Zemola, a married woman in her late twenties,

671was a student in Respondent’s classes during Session II and

681Session III of the 1994-95 academic year.

6885. In January 1995, while she was a student in Respondent’s

699class, Ms. Zemola wrote an anonymous note to Respondent

708suggesting that they commence a relationship and that Respondent

717should indicate his interest by wearing a certain sweater to

727class on a certain day.

7326. Respondent wore the sweater as suggested in the note.

742Respondent testified that his purpose in doing so was not to

753initiate a relationship, but to identify the author of the note,

764discover her problem, and direct her into obtaining assistance.

7737. Respondent and Ms. Zemola met. Their testimony was

782consistent in describing that they were both involved in troubled

792marriages, spent a great deal of time discussing their problems

802with each other, and, over a period of weeks, became close

813friends and confidants. During the period of January through May

8231995, the relationship was not sexual, though there was some

833holding of hands and kissing during their meetings.

8418. During the summer session of 1995, while Ms. Zemola was

852a student in Respondent's class, Respondent and Ms. Zemola

861engaged in consensual sex. Both Respondent and Ms. Zemola

870testified that this occurred on only one occasion, in June 1995.

8819. Respondent and Ms. Zemola continued their relationship

889until December 1995, at which point Ms. Zemola ended it.

89910. Ms. Zemola testified that in January 1996, after she

909ended the relationship with Respondent, she was diagnosed as

918clinically depressed. She testified that she believed Respondent

926took advantage of her depressed condition in pursuing a

935relationship with her.

93811. Respondent testified th at Ms. Zemola mentioned suicidal

947thoughts on one occasion in late 1995, and that she revealed to

959him that she had been addicted to drugs and was a victim of child

973abuse. Nonetheless, Respondent testified that he had no

981knowledge Ms. Zemola was fighting depression during the period of

991their relationship.

99312. In January 1996, John Zemola, the husband of Kimberly

1003Zemola, phoned Myrtle Williams, Associate Provost of the Gibbs

1012Campus, to complain that Respondent had an affair with his wife.

1023Ms. Williams testified that Mr. Zemola was very agitated, so she

1034invited him to her office to discuss the matter.

104313. Mr. Zemola met in person with Ms. Williams, and a

1054little later in the day had a second meeting with both

1065Ms. Williams and Charles Roberts, the Provost of the Gibbs

1075Campus. Ms. Williams and Dr. Roberts testified that Mr. Zemola

1085was very agitated and upset, expressing a great deal of anger

1096toward Respondent. Mr. Zemola repeatedly demanded to know what

1105the College was going to do about the situation.

111414. Shortly after his meeting with Mr. Zemola, Dr. Roberts

1124called Respondent and asked him to come over to his office. Dr.

1136Roberts testified that his main concern in calling Respondent was

1146to warn him of Mr. Zemola’s angry and agitated state.

1156Dr. Roberts also alerted campus security of the situation.

116515. At this meeting with Dr. Roberts, Respondent openly and

1175voluntarily acknowledged his relationship with Ms. Zemola,

1182including the romantic aspects thereof. The only discrepancy was

1191that Respondent recalled the sexual encounter as having occurred

1200after Ms. Zemola was a student in his class, whereas Ms. Zemola

1212recalled that it occurred when she was a student in Respondent’s


122416. Ms. Williams and Dr. Roberts investigated the matter

1233further, attempting to set up a meeting with Ms. Zemola herself.

1244It took them roughly ten days to two weeks to set up this

1257meeting, which finally occurred in Dr. Roberts’ office. Present

1266at the meeting were Dr. Roberts, Ms. Williams, and the Zemolas.

127717. At this meeting, Ms. Zemola acknowledged the

1285relationship with Respondent, and acknowledged that it was she

1294who initiated it. Both of the Zemolas were adamant that

1304Respondent should not be permitted to continue teaching at the


1315\\ 18. Mr. Zemola in particular seemed intent on seeing

1325Respondent punished. Ms. Williams testified that Mr. Zemola

1333telephoned her “all the time talking about what are we going to

1345do about Mr. Brooks.”

134919. Mr. Zemola’s threatening demeanor led Ms. Williams to

1358move Ms. Zemola’s classes to a different campus, so that

1368Respondent and Ms. Zemola would not be in each other’s presence.

1379Ms. Williams testified that this precaution was taken, not

1388because of Respondent or Ms. Zemola, but because of John Zemola.

139920. No evidence was presented that Respondent ever

1407attempted to contact Ms. Zemola after she ended the relationship.

141721. In January 1996, Ms. Williams began attempting to get

1427Ms. Zemola to sign an affidavit stating the facts of the

1438situation. Ms. Zemola initially declined to do so, her stated

1448reason being that she feared Respondent’s influence in the local

1458market could jeopardize her academic future.

146422. No evidence was presented that Respondent ever took any

1474action to adversely affect Ms. Zemola’s academic standing or

1483career, either within or outside of the College setting.

149223. In a memorandum to Respondent, dated February 8, 1996,

1502Dr. Roberts recounted the details of the charges leveled by the

1513Zemolas, as well as Respondent’s admissions regarding his

1521relationship with Ms. Zemola. The memorandum recited portions of

1530the College’s “Sexual Harassment Policy and Definitions” (the

1538“Policy”). Under the Policy, “sexual harassment” is defined as:

1547An employee’s or a student’s unwelcome sexual

1554advances, requests for sexual favors, and

1560other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual

1568nature, sexually related jokes, display of

1574pornographic material in the workplace or an

1581academic or student setting (An academic or

1588student setting includes all settings on

1594campus, off-campus clinical programs, off-

1599campus courses, and off-campus college-

1604sponsored events), when

16071. submission to such conduct is made

1614explicitly or implicitly a term or condition

1621of an individual’s employment or an

1627individual’s treatment as a student;

16322. submission or rejection of such conduct

1639by an individual is used as the basis for

1648employment decisions or the treatment of a

1655student affecting such individual; or

16603. such conduct has the purpose or effect of

1669unreasonably interfering with an individual’s

1674work or a student’s academic performance or

1681creating a sexually intimidating, hostile or

1687offensive working or academic environment.

169224. The definition quoted above does not apply to the

1702conduct alleged against Respondent, though a later section of the

1712Policy, labeled “Instructor-Student Relationships,” appears to

1719broaden the definition, as indicated in the relevant portion

1728quoted below:

1730This rule applies to instructor-student


1736In the instructor-student context, the term

1742sexual harassment has a broader impact. The

1749fundamental element of such behavior is the

1756inappropriate personal attention, including

1760romantic and sexual relationships with a

1766student by an instructor or staff member who

1774is in a position to determine a student’s

1782grade or otherwise affects the student’s

1788academic advancement. Because the

1792instructor-student relationship is one of

1797professional and client, the above

1802inappropriate behavior is unacceptable in a

1808college; it is a form of unprofessional

1815behavior which seriously undermines the

1820atmosphere of trust essential to the academic


182825. Both President Kuttler and Dr. Roberts testified that,

1837in their opinion, the language quoted in the preceding paragraph

1847broadened the definition of “sexual harassment” as applied to the

1857instructor-student relationship, such that any form of romantic

1865or sexual relationship between an instructor and a student

1874constitutes sexual harassment, at least when the instructor is in

1884a position to determine the student’s grade or otherwise affect

1894the student’s academic advancement.

189826. The Policy also forbids retaliation against any person

1907who has filed a complaint or complained about sexual harassment.

1917No evidence was presented indicating that Respondent took any

1926retaliatory action against Ms. Zemola.

193127. The Policy states that discipline for violation of its

1941provisions “will depend on the nature of the incident,” but that

1953the range of such discipline is from admonishment to dismissal.

196328. The February 8, 1996, memorandum goes on to state that,

1974because of the seriousness of the alleged violations and because

1984a violation of the Policy could lead to a recommendation of

1995suspension or dismissal, Dr. Roberts was scheduling a meeting on

2005February 13 with Ms. Williams, Martha Adkins, who was the

2015Assistant Director of Business Technologies, and Nevis

2022Herrington, Vice President of Human Resources, for the purpose of

2032permitting Respondent to tell his side of the story in full.

204329. Ms. Williams was the only witness who testified as to

2054the February 13 meeting, but her recollection was unclear as to

2065the details of this meeting as distinguished from others

2074involving Dr. Roberts, Respondent, and her. She recalled

2082generally that Respondent was made aware of the Policy and

2092potential penalties for violation thereof.

209730. Some delay ensued in the disciplinary process, because

2106Dr. Roberts and Ms. Williams were waiting for the affidavit from

2117Ms. Zemola, which was not forthcoming as spring turned into

2127summer of 1996. At length, Dr. Roberts issued a memorandum to

2138Respondent, dated August 13, 1996, and titled “Reprimand.”

214631. In the memorandum of reprimand, Dr. Roberts found that

2156the facts to which Respondent had already admitted, characterized

2165by Dr. Roberts as “a romantic relationship, including sexual

2174relations, following the time that the student was a student in

2185your class,” were sufficient to warrant a written admonishment.

219532. The memorandum stated that there were certain

2203mitigating factors that caused Dr. Roberts not to recommend

2212suspension or dismissal: that the student’s initiating the

2220contact led to the relationship; that, according to Respondent,

2229no romantic relationship or sexual relationship occurred while

2237Ms. Zemola was Respondent’s student; and that Ms. Zemola had thus

2248far refused or failed to provide her version of the facts in


226133. However, Dr. Roberts’ memorandum went on to state:

2270On the other hand, if the student had

2278confirmed in an Affidavit what she originally

2285advised us took place, I do not believe that

2294I would have any choice but to consider

2302recommending dismissal since such conduct

2307would be a gross and direct violation of the

2316College’s Sexual Harassment Policy. Such

2321conduct would not only be in violation of the

2330College’s Sexual Harassment Rule and

2335Procedure but it would be unprofessional,

2341immoral and constitute misconduct in office.

2347Should confirming or additional information

2352come forward to support the verbal statements

2359we were given by the student and her husband,

2368further consideration of an additional

2373discipline including up to dismissal will be

2380necessary . (Emphasis added.)

238434. The August 13, 1996, memorandum placed dispositive

2392emphasis on the timing of the romantic and/or sexual relationship

2402between Respondent and Ms. Zemola. As of August 13, Dr. Roberts

2413accepted Respondent’s version of the facts, i.e., that the

2422romantic and sexual aspects of the relationship occurred after

2431Ms. Zemola was a student in Respondent’s class. Dr. Roberts

2441found that this version, while contrary to the spirit of the

2452Policy, and constituting misconduct in office and immorality,

2460merited only a written admonishment. Dr. Roberts testified that

2469“the power relationship is there whether the student is a student

2480in that individual’s class or not,” somewhat contradicting the

2490distinction he drew in his memorandum regarding the timing of the

2501affair and its impact on the proposed discipline.

250935. Dr. Roberts testified that the admonishment was based

2518on his judgment that Respondent’s relationship with the student

2527violated the Policy “in terms of creating a threatening or

2537offensive or intimidating environment.” He testified that

2544Ms. Zemola had clearly complained that she felt intimidated and

2554reluctant to take classes.

255836. Dr. Roberts’ conclusion in this regard was based on

2568Ms. Zemola’s subjective apprehensions. No evidence was produced,

2576at any point in these proceedings, that Respondent engaged in any

2587behavior that could have caused Ms. Zemola to feel “intimidated”

2597or “reluctant to take classes.”

260237. Ms. Zemola testified that she heard students at other

2612campuses discussing the incident, and that an instructor in one

2622of her classes talked about the case in front of the class. She

2635believed that Respondent was the source of these persons’

2644knowledge of the situation.

264838. Ms. Zemola offered nothing more than her suspicions in

2658this regard, and Respondent resolutely and credibly denied having

2667discussed the affair with students or fellow instructors.

267539. In fact, the weight of the credible evidence leads to

2686the finding that John Zemola was the likely source of any campus

2698gossip regarding the incident. On at least one occasion,

2707Mr. Zemola disrupted a College class by writing accusations

2716against Respondent on the blackboard.

272140. Dr. Roberts’ August 13 reprimand memorandum left open

2730the possibility that further disciplinary measures might be

2738taken, should Ms. Zemola come forward with a sworn affidavit

2748confirming her version of the timing of the romantic and sexual

2759aspects, i.e., that they occurred while she was a student in

2770Respondent’s class.

277241. In a sworn af fidavit dated October 24, 1996, Ms. Zemola

2784attested that, while she was a student in Respondent’s classes

2794during Session II, 1994-95, they had an affair which consisted of

2805“a great amount of time talking, and some time kissing, hugging,

2816and holding hands.” She attested that during Session III, 1994-

282695, while she was still a student in Respondent’s class,

2836Respondent told her that “if our affair did not go any further,

2848then it had to end.” She attested that at this time she was

2861constantly fighting suicidal thoughts, and believed that if she

2870lost Respondent, the only person she could talk to, she might no

2882longer be able to fight those thoughts. Therefore, during

2891Session III, 1994-95, she engaged in a single sexual encounter

2901with Respondent.

290342. By memorandum dated December 11, 1996, Dr. Roberts

2912informed Respondent that the affidavit has been filed and offered

2922Respondent an opportunity to meet with Dr. Roberts and two other

2933officials “to respond to the allegations and share your side of

2944the story.” There is no record evidence that this meeting ever

2955took place.

295743. On May 8, 1997, the College filed the Petition. The

2968essential allegation was framed as follows:

2974a. The faculty member entertained romantic

2980and sexual relations with a student while

2987that student was in the faculty member’s

2994class. This relationship continued after the

3000student was no longer in the faculty member’s

3008class for a period of several months while

3016the student continued her course of education

3023at the College. Such conduct therefore

3029occurred during a time when the faculty

3036member could influence and affect the

3042student’s academic advancement.

304544. In addition to the allegations regarding Respondent’s

3053romantic and/or sexual relationship with Ms. Zemola, the Petition


3063b. The faculty member thereafter encouraged

3069students of his to pressure the woman with

3077whom he had had the romantic relationship to

3085refrain from stating charges against him in

3092order that it not jeopardize the faculty

3099member’s career.

3101Petitioner offered no evidence to support this allegation, and it

3111is thus assumed that it has been dismissed.

311945. The remaining factual allegations contained in the

3127Petition are for the most part conclusions alleged to arise from

3138Respondent’s conduct:

3140c. Said conduct seriously undermines the

3146atmosphere of trust essential to the

3152student/instructor relationship, and further

3156is inconsistent with the standards of public

3163conscience and good morals, and was

3169sufficiently notorious so as to disgrace the

3176faculty member’s profession and impair the

3182faculty member’s service to the community and

3189to students.

3191d. The faculty member’s conduct had serious

3198adverse consequences upon the student, the

3204student’s relationship with her husband, as

3210well as adverse impact on other students,

3217faculty, staff, and upon members of the

3224community, impairing his effectiveness.

3228e. The effect of the faculty member’s

3235aforesaid conduct was the creation of an

3242intimidating, hostile and/or offensive

3246educational environment for the student and


325346. No evidence was pres ented of any “adverse consequences”

3263to other students, faculty, staff, or members of the community,

3273caused by Respondent’s actions.

327747. None of the College administrators who testified could

3286recall receiving any complaints regarding Respondent.

3292Dr. Roberts recalled an inquiry from the campus newspaper, but

3302testified that no article ever ran in that or any other newspaper

3314regarding this situation.

331748. Ms. Zemola testified that she heard some gossip around

3327the campus, though none of it mentioned the parties by name.

3338Such talk naturally affected Ms. Zemola, but could not be said to

3350have had any other adverse impact.

335649. Ms. Zemola’s relationship with her husband was plainly

3365affected by this incident. However, testimony from both

3373Respondent and Ms. Zemola indicated that neither of their

3382marriages was happy at the outset of their relationship. In

3392fact, their testimony indicated that mutual unhappiness in their

3401marriages was one of the main reasons they were drawn together in

3413the first place.

341650. No evidence was presented to demonstrate that

3424Ms. Zemola’s grades or academic advancement were in any way

3434compromised by her affair with Respondent.

344051. Ms. Zemola received grades of “A” in both classes she

3451took from Respondent. Both Ms. Zemola and Respondent testified

3460that these grades were earned by Ms. Zemola based entirely on her

3472work in those classes.

347652. Respondent has continued to work as an instructor at

3486the College since the affair and subsequent disciplinary

3494proceedings. His work has been performed competently and

3502completely without incident.

350553. The episodes of disruption and/or diminished

3512effectiveness cited by the College’s administrators were in fact

3521caused by John Zemola, not by Respondent. When asked for

3531evidence that Respondent’s effectiveness as a teacher has been

3540diminished as a result of the relationship, President Kuttler

3549related an incident in which John Zemola disrupted a class to

3560inform the students about Respondent’s situation, and another

3568incident in which John Zemola harassed Respondent at his home,

3578telling Respondent’s neighbors about the incident.

358454. President Kuttler concluded that Respondent’s

3590effectiveness was diminished by the fact that it became known on

3601the campus that there was a teacher/student sexual relationship.

3610However, all the credible record evidence indicates no one

3619involved in the incident or the subsequent disciplinary

3627proceedings other than John Zemola ever publicly disclosed the

3636relationship. Respondent cannot fairly be blamed for the actions

3645of Mr. Zemola in publicizing the incident.

365255. Several of Respondent’s colleagues testified to attest

3660to Respondent’s outstanding ability in the classroom. All

3668opined, based on their experience as instructors at the College

3678and their knowledge of Respondent’s character and abilities, that

3687Respondent could continue to perform as an effective instructor

3696at the College.

369956. No evidence was presented to demonstrate that

3707Respondent’s actions created “an intimidating, hostile and/or

3714offensive educational environment for the student and others.”

372257. Respondent acknowledged the impropriety of his actions,

3730and the impact they have had on his personal life, but testified

3742that it has had no impact on his professional life.


375558. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3762jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this cause,

3772pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

377859. Petitioner contends that its Petition is brought

3786pursuant to Rule 6A-14.011(4), Florida Administrative Code, which

3794states, in pertinent part:

3798Any employee who is under continuing contract

3805may be dismissed or may be returned to annual

3814contract status for another three (3) years

3821at the discretion of the board when a

3829recommendation to that effect is submitted in

3836writing to the board on or before April 1 of

3846any college year giving good and sufficient

3853reasons therefor by the president and

3859provided the president’s recommendation is

3864approved by a majority of the board.

387160. Petitioner’s contention is incorre ct, for two reasons.

3880First, the quoted provision requires that the President’s

3888petition be submitted in writing to the Board “on or before April

39001” of the college year. The Petition in this case was filed on

3913May 8, 1997, seeking Respondent’s dismissal at the conclusion of

3923the 1996/97 academic year.

392761. Second, the Policy itself, under the heading

3935“Discipline/Procedure,” states in relevant part:

3941Remedial or disciplinary action will depend

3947on the nature of the incident, but such

3955discipline shall range from admonishment to


3962* * *

3965Administrative staff and faculty members may

3971be subject to disciplinary action as provided

3978in the Rules of the Department of Education,

3986State Board of Community Colleges Rule 6A-


399462. Rule 6A-14.011(6), Florida Administrative Code, the

4001rule actually referenced in the College’s Policy, states in

4010relevant part:

4012Any employee classified under the provisions

4018of Rule 6A-14.002(1)(a), (b), FAC., may be

4025suspended or dismissed by the board upon

4032recommendation of the president at any time

4039during the college year, provided that no

4046such employee may be dismissed during the

4053college year without opportunity to be heard

4060at a public hearing after at least fourteen

4068(14) days notice of the charges against the

4076employee and of the time and place of

4084hearing; and provided further that the

4090charges must be based on immorality,

4096misconduct in office, incompetency, gross

4101insubordination, willful neglect of duty,

4106drunkeness or conviction of any crime

4112involving moral turpitude . (Emphasis added.)

411863. It is concluded, therefore, that Petitioner has the

4127burden of establishing by a preponderance of the evidence that

4137the actions of Respondent warrant his dismissal from the College

4147or lesser discipline for immorality, misconduct in office,

4155incompetency, gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty,

4162drunkeness, or conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude.

4171As a practical matter, the standards for immorality and

4180misconduct in office are the only applicable bases for decision

4190under the facts set forth above.

419664. Chapter 6A-14, Florida Administrative Code, does not

4204further define the terms “immorality” or “misconduct in office.”

4213Those terms are used in Section 231.06(4), Florida Statutes,

4222which sets forth grounds for discipline of school teachers under

4232continuing contract, and those terms are further defined in Rule

42426B-4.009, Florida Administrative Code, which is the Department of

4251Education rule implementing Section 231.06(4), Florida Statutes.

4258The relevant portions of Rule 6B-4.009, Florida Administrative

4266Code, read as follows:

4270(2) Immorality is defined as conduct that is

4278inconsistent with the standards of public

4284conscience and good morals. It is conduct

4291sufficiently notorious to bring the

4296individual concerned or the education

4301profession into public disgrace or disrespect

4307and impair the individual’s service in the


4315(3) Misconduct in office is defined as a

4323violation of the Code of Ethics of the

4331Education Profession as adopted in

4336Rule 6B-1.001, FAC., and the Principles of

4343Professional Conduct for the Education

4348Profession in Florida as adopted in

4354Rule 6B-1.006, FAC., which is so serious as

4362to impair the individual’s effectiveness in

4368the school system.

437165. The following provisions of the referenced Principles

4379of Professional Conduct, Rule 6B-1.006, Florida Administrative

4386Code, may be applicable:

4390(3) Obligation to the student requires that

4397the individual:

4399(a) Shall make reasonable effort to protect

4406the student from conditions harmful to

4412learning and/or to the student’s mental

4418and/or physical health and/or safety.

4423* * *

4426(e) Shall not intentionally expose a student

4433to unnecessary embarrassment or


4438* * *

4441(g) Shall not harass or discriminate against

4448any student on the basis of race, color,

4456religion, sex, age, national or ethnic

4462origin, political beliefs, marital status,

4467handicapping condition, sexual orientation,

4471or social and family background and shall

4478make reasonable effort to assure that each

4485student is protected from harassment or


4492* * *

4495(h) Shall not exploit a relationship with a

4503student for personal gain or advantage.

450966. In Texton v. Hancock , 359 So. 2d 895 (Fla. 1st DCA

45211978), the court applied the standards of Section 231.06, Florida

4531Statutes, to the case of a tenured college instructor accused of

4542“immorality, misconduct in office, and willful neglect of duty.”

4551It is thus concluded that the standards found in Section 231.06,

4562Florida Statutes, and Rule 6B-4.009, Florida Administrative Code,

4570are properly applicable to this case, with the following caveat

4580set forth by the Texton court:

4586Obviously acts performed by a tenured school

4593teacher in a given situation may justify

4600discharge, whereas in another situation they

4606may not. Ms. Texton’s conduct must be judged

4614in the context of her more liberal, open,

4622robust college surroundings. She is not

4628teaching children of tender years in an

4635elementary school . Her acts have little or

4643no connection whatsoever with morality,

4648misconduct in office or willful neglect

4654particularly when considering that the

4659complainants were junior college students,

4664many of them older and working full-time,

4671attending classes part-time or at night.

4677Texton , 359 So. 2d at 897 (emphasis added).

468567. The Petition alleges that Respondent’s conduct violated

4693one or more of the following:

4699a. The terms of paragraph 7 of his contract

4708[“This contract shall at all times be subject

4716to any and all laws, Florida State Board of

4725Education Regulations, and Board policies and

4731regulations now existing or hereafter

4736lawfully enacted or promulgated.”];

4740b. The provisions of Section 228.2001,

4746Florida Statutes [Discrimination against

4750students and employees in state system of

4757public education];

4759c. The provisions of State Board of

4766Education Rule 6A-19.002, Florida

4770Administrative Code [dealing with

4774discrimination based on race, sex, national

4780origin, marital status, or handicap in

4786educational institutions];

4788d. The provisions of Title IX and applicable

4796federal regulations; and

4799e. The provisions of the Policy, as

4806described above.

480868. In its proof at hearing and in its proposed recommended

4819order, Petitioner focused its efforts on demonstrating that

4827Respondent violated the Policy, and thus could be dismissed

4836pursuant to paragraph 7 of his contract. No proof was offered

4847nor argument made that Respondent violated the various state and

4857federal statutes and rules regarding discrimination that were

4865cited in the Petition, and thus no conclusions are reached as to

4877violations of those provisions.

488169. Under the College’s Policy, “ sexual harassment” is

4890defined as:

4892An employee’s or a student’s unwelcome sexual

4899advances, requests for sexual favors, and

4905other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual

4913nature, sexually related jokes, display of

4919pornographic material in the workplace or an

4926academic or student setting... when

49311. submission to such conduct is made

4938explicitly or implicitly a term or condition

4945of an individual’s employment or an

4951individual’s treatment as a student;

49562. submission or rejection of such conduct

4963by an individual is used as the basis for

4972employment decisions or the treatment of a

4979student affecting that individual; or

49843. such conduct has the purpose or effect of

4993unreasonably interfering with an individual’s

4998work or a student’s academic performance or

5005creating a sexually intimidating, hostile or

5011offensive working or academic environment.

501670. The definition is thus two-pronged: there must be an

5026unwelcome sexual advance or other offensive behavior of a sexual

5036nature; and there must be either an element of coercion,

5046interference, or the creation of a sexually intimidating, hostile

5055or offensive environment.

505871. Applying the definition to this case, Respondent’s

5066behavior did not meet either prong. The romantic and sexual

5076behavior that occurred was not unwelcome, and there was no

5086element of coercion, no interference with the student’s academic

5095performance, and no creation of a sexually intimidating, hostile

5104or offensive environment. Had the Petitioner been required to

5113demonstrate that Respondent was in violation of the definition of

5123“sexual harassment” set forth in its Policy, Petitioner would

5132have failed to carry the burden of proof.

514072. However, the Policy goes on to state that the term

5151“sexual harassment” has a “broader impact” in the instructor-

5160student context:

5162The fundamental element of such behavior is

5169the inappropriate personal attention,

5173including romantic and sexual relationships

5178with a student by an instructor or staff

5186member who is in a position to determine a

5195student’s grade or otherwise affects the

5201student’s academic advancement. Because the

5206instructor-student relationship is one of

5211professional and client, the above

5216inappropriate behavior is unacceptable in a

5222college; it is a form of unprofessional

5229behavior which seriously undermines the

5234atmosphere of trust essential to the academic

5241setting. (Emphasis added)

524473. Thus, neither of the essential elements found in the

5254definition of “sexual harassment” applies when the term is

5263applied in the instructor-student context. Sexual advances or

5271other conduct of a sexual nature need not be unwelcome ; any

5282romantic or sexual relationship is presumed to be inappropriate.

5291Also, there need not be any element of coercion, because the

5302College has determined that the i nstructor-student relationship

5310is so fraught with the potential for such coercion that a

5321prophylactic rule is appropriate.

532574. It is unquestioned that Respondent violated the blanket

5334prohibition on romantic and sexual relations with students set

5343forth in the Policy. Respondent was an instructor, and was in a

5355position to determine the student’s grade or to otherwise affect

5365the student’s academic advancement.

536975. Petitioner has demonstrated, by a preponderance of the

5378evidence, that Respondent violated the “Instructor-Student

5384Relationships” portion of the Policy. Such violation does not

5393constitute “immorality” in the context of the “liberal, open,

5402robust college surroundings” in which it occurred. However, it

5411is concluded that such a direct, knowing violation of an express

5422College policy does constitute “misconduct in office.”

542976. In particular, it is concluded that Respondent violated

5438the Principles of Professional Conduct requiring that an

5446individual “shall not intentionally expose a student to

5454unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement” and “shall not

5461exploit a relationship with a student for personal gain or

5471advantage.” While the undersigned found as fact that most of the

5482“embarrassment” to Ms. Zemola was caused by her husband’s

5491publicizing of the affair, it cannot be overlooked that

5500Respondent’s behavior was the ultimate cause of Mr. Zemola’s


551077. The undersigned concludes, however, that dismissal of

5518Respondent is not the proper discipline, taking into account the

5528nature of the violation, the mitigating factors involved, the

5537lack of any demonstrated adverse impact on the student in

5547particular or the College generally, and Respondent’s otherwise

5555spotless record as an instructor at the College for a period of

556715 years.

556978. The undersigned questions the fairness of associating

5577the stigma of “sexual harassment” with the actions taken by

5587Respondent in this case. The College’s authority to prohibit

5596romantic liaisons between faculty and students has not been

5605questioned in this proceeding, but such a prohibition is properly

5615the subject of a separate rule. “Sexual harassment,” both in

5626common usage and as expressly defined in the Policy, carries a

5637connotation of unwelcome, overbearing and/or crude sexual

5644behavior that was simply not present in this case.

565379. The nature of this violation was not “sexual

5662harassment” as stated in the College’s own definition.

5670Respondent’s actions were not unwelcome. Respondent did not

5678condition the student’s grade or academic advancement on her

5687submission to his overtures. Respondent did nothing to interfere

5696with the student’s academic performance. Respondent did nothing

5704to create a sexually intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic

5713environment for the student. Respondent’s sole violation was to

5722transgress the blanket, prophylactic prohibition on all romantic

5730relationships with students.

573380. Seen in this light, the disciplinary actions of the

5743College against Respondent were irrational. Dr. Roberts’

5750memoranda and testimony indicated that, had the affair taken

5759place after Ms. Zemola was a student in Respondent’s class, the

5770only punishment would have been a written admonishment. However,

5779because the affair occurred while Ms. Zemola was taking

5788Respondent’s class, the proper punishment was deemed to be


579881. Dr. Roberts’ distinction would have been rational had

5807there been any indication that Respondent committed “sexual

5815harassment” as defined in the Policy, i.e., Respondent was

5824conditioning Ms. Zemola’s grade in his class on her compliance

5834with his romantic advances. However, there was no evidence that

5844this was the case. Both Ms. Zemola and Respondent testified that

5855her grades in Respondent’s classes were in no way contingent on

5866the outcome of their personal relationship.

587282. Dr. Roberts’ distinction was irrational because the

5880only violation proven against Respondent was of the blanket

5889prohibition on romantic relationships. The penalty should have

5897been the same regardless of the timing of the relationship, given

5908the complete lack of evidence that Respondent actually used his

5918position to improperly influence the student’s grade or affect

5927her academic advancement. As Dr. Roberts himself testified, the

5936Policy’s concern is with abuse of the power relationship between

5946instructor and student, and that power relationship is present

5955whether or not the student is in that instructor’s class. It is

5967concluded that written admonishment or suspension would have been

5976the proper penalty in either case, given the circumstances of the

5987case and Respondent’s otherwise exemplary record at the College.

599683. Respondent’s violation should in no way be minimized.

6005The College’s Policy serves a salutary purpose. However, the

6014Policy also calls for a range of penalties to be administered

6025depending on the nature of the incident. The nature of this case

6037simply does not warrant imposition of the severest penalty

6046available. Rule 6A-14.0411(6), Florida Administrative Code,

6052permits suspension of an instructor for cause, and it is

6062concluded that a suspension would be a just and sufficient

6072penalty for the violation proven in this case.


6081Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law,

6091it is recommended that the Board enter a final order finding that

6103Respondent violated the “Instructor-Student Relationships”

6108portion of the College’s Sexual Harassment Policy, and suspending

6117Respondent from his position at the College for a period not to

6129exceed one Session.

6132DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of April, 1998, in

6142Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



6150Administrative Law Judge

6153Division of Administrative Hearings

6157The DeSoto Building

61601230 Apalachee Parkway

6163Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

6166(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

6170Fax Filing (850) 921-6847

6174Filed with the Clerk of the

6180Division of Administrative Hearings

6184this 24th day of April, 1998.


6192Maria N. Sorolis, Esquire

6196Shannon Bream, Esquire

6199Allen, Norton and Blue

6203Hyde Park Plaza, Suite 350

6208324 South Hyde Park Avenue

6213Tampa, Florida 33606

6216Mark Herdman, Esquire

6219Herdman and Sakellarides

62222595 Tampa Road, Suite J

6227Tampa, Florida 34684

6230C harles L. Roberts, Provost

6235St. Petersburg Junior College

6239St. Petersburg/Gibbs Campus

6242Office of the Provost

6246St. Petersburg, Florida 33733

6250District Board of Trustees

6254St. Petersburg Junior College

6258Post Office Box 13489

6262St. Petersburg, Florida 33733

6266Carl M. Kuttler, Jr., President

6271St. Petersburg Junior College

6275Post Office Box 13489

6279St. Petersburg, Florida 33733


6289All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

6300days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions to

6311this recommended order should be filed with the agency that will

6322issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/20/1998
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 07/15/1998
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/15/1998
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/24/1998
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 01/07/98.
Date: 03/05/1998
Proceedings: Respondent`s Post-Hearing Brief, Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law filed.
Date: 02/03/1998
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 01/07/1998
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 12/31/1997
Proceedings: Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 08/13/1997
Proceedings: Order Continuing Final Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 1/7/98; 9:00am; St. Petersburg)
Date: 08/11/1997
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Johnston from M. Sorolis Re: Continuance of hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/30/1997
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/23/1997
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Final Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 8/13/97; 9:00am; St. Petersburg)
Date: 07/21/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Deposition filed.
Date: 07/21/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Serving Answers to Interrogatories; Petitioner`s First Interrogatories to Respondent; Response to Petitioner`s First Request for Production filed.
Date: 06/27/1997
Proceedings: Letter to JLJ from M. Sorolis Re: Dates unavailable for hearing filed.
Date: 06/26/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 9/11/97; 9:00am; St. Petersburg)
Date: 06/26/1997
Proceedings: Prehearing Order sent out.
Date: 06/24/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Interrogatories to Respondent; Disk filed.
Date: 06/23/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Production filed.
Date: 06/16/1997
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/30/1997
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 05/22/1997
Proceedings: Agency Referral Letter; President`s Petition And Notice To Respondent of Hearing Rights; Agency Action Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
St. Petersburg, Florida

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