97-003273 Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, And Mobile Homes vs. Palisades Owners Association
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, March 27, 1998.

View Dockets  
Summary: Condominium Association failed to include required information in annual proposed budgets and financial reports, consequently it must pay a civil penalty.








31Petitioner, )


34vs. ) C ase No. 97-3273




47Respondent. )



52Notice was provided and on February 4, 1998, a formal

62hearing was held in this case. The hearing location was the Bay

74County Courthouse, Panama City, Florida. Authority for

81conducting the hearing is set forth in Sections 120.569(1) and

91120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The hearing was conducted by

99Charles C. Adams, Administrative Law Judge.


106F or Petitioner: Theresa M. Bender, Esquire

113Department of Business

116and Professional Regulation

1191940 North Monroe Street

123Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007

126For Respondent: William Underwood, Secretary

131Palisades Owners Association, Inc.

135Qualified Representative

1376901 North Lagoon Drive, No. 48

143Panama City Beach, Florida 32408


151Should Petitioner discipline Respondent f or failure to make

160certain disclosures and to maintain certain accounting practices

168for the benefit of unit owners at Palisades Condominiums, Phase

178I, called for in Chapter 718, Florida Statutes, and Rule 61B-22,

189Florida Administrative Code.


194On June 11, 1997, Petitioner served Respondent with a Notice

204to Show Cause. Through this notice, Petitioner accused

212Respondent of violations of Chapter 718, Florida Statutes, and

221Rule 61B-22, Florida Administrative Code. On June 21, 1997,

230Respondent through its President, Winfred Browning, disputed the

238factual allegations in the Notice to Show Cause. On July 14,

2491997, Petitioner forwarded the case to the Division of

258Administrative Hearings for conduct of a formal hearing. See

267Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

271The hearing was originally noticed to be held on

280October 27, 1997. The hearing was continued to allow the parties

291to engage in a settlement conference. The case was re-noticed

301and heard on February 4, 1998.

307At the commencemen t of the hearing inquiry was made

317concerning the opportunity for Respondent to be represented by a

327person other than an attorney. It was determined that William

337Underwood, Secretary, Palisades Owners Association, Inc., could

344serve as the personal representative for Respondent. See Rules

35360Q-2.008 and 60Q-2.009, Florida Administrative Code.

359Petitioner presented Manuel Rafael DeAguero as its witness.

367Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 9 were admitted. Respondent

375presented Winfred O. Browning as its witness. Respondent's

383Exhibits 1 through 3 were admitted. Administrative Law Judge

392Exhibit 1 was also admitted.

397Petitioner requested official recognition of Chapter 718,

404Florida Statutes; Rules 61B-22.003 and 61B-22.006, Florida

411Administrative Code; and former Rule 7D-23.004, Florida

418Administrative Code. Official recognition was given to those


427A transcript of the hearing was filed on February 26, 1998.

438Petitioner filed a proposed recommended order on March 9, 1998.

448Respondent did not avail itself of the opportunity to submit a

459proposed recommended order. Petitioner's proposed recommended

465order has been considered in preparing the Recommended Order.


4771. Palisades Condominium, Phase I, is a forty-four (44)

486unit condominium located at 6901 North Lagoon Drive, Panama City

496Beach, Florida.

4982. The condominium is subject to Petitioner's regulatory

506authority set forth in Chapter 718, Florida Statutes, and related

516rules within the Florida Administrative Code. Among Petitioner's

524regulatory opportunities, directed to the condominium, is the

532establishment of requirements for annual financial reports and

540annual budgets.

5423. Respondent is charged with the responsibility for

550operating and managing the Palisades Condominium, Phase I, to

559include compliance with Chapter 718, Florida Statutes, and

567related rules in the Florida Administrative Code, that address

576annual financial reports and annual budgets.

5824. This case arose on the basis of an investigation

592performed by the Petitioner in accordance with Section 718.501,

601Florida Statutes, pursuant to complaints received by the

609Petitioner concerning activities by Respondent in conducting the

617affairs of the Palisades Condominium, Phase I. This

625investigation led to the disciplinary action taken pursuant to

634the Notice to Show Cause in Case No. 96-0510-CC-16440.

6435. The investigation opened on May 10, 1996, and was

653concluded by the investigator on August 5, 1996.

6616. To resolve the issues framed by the Notice to Show

672Cause, Petitioner examined documents maintained by the Respondent

680that relate to annual financial reports and annual budgets of

690common expenses in the years in question.

6977. Pursuant to the by-laws of the Respondent, the fiscal

707year for the organization is the calendar year.

7158. The documents maintained by Respondent depicting the

723annual financial reports in the years 1993, 1994, and 1995 fail

734to disclose the beginning balance for each reserve account, fail

744to reflect the amount of money added to each reserve account,

755fail to describe the amount removed from each reserve account,

765and fail to describe the ending balance in each reserve account

776for the years in question. Moreover, during the years 1993,

7861994, and 1995, the documents maintained by the Respondent, in

796reference to financial reporting, fail to describe the manner in

806which reserve items were estimated, the dates the estimates were

816last made, the association's policy for allocating reserve fund

825interest and whether reserves had been waived during those years.

8359. In the years 1 992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996,

846Respondent's proposed annual budgets failed to set forth each

855reserve account as a separate item, failed to show the estimated

866life of the reserves, failed to disclose the estimated

875replacement cost of the reserves, and failed to estimate the

885remaining useful life for the reserves. Additionally, the

893proposed annual budgets in the years in question did not separate

904the current balance in each reserve account as of the date the

916proposed budget was prepared. Finally, during the years 1994,

9251995, and 1996, the annual budgets prepared by Respondent did not

936disclose the beginning and ending dates of the period covered by

947the budgets.

94910. Although unit owners of the Palisades Condominium,

957Phase I, voted in September, 1996, to waive the requirement for

968reserves, the proposed annual budget for 1996 does not reflect

978that decision.


98311. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

990jurisdiction of the subject matter and the parties to this case

1001in accordance with Sections 120.569(1) and 120.57(1), Florida


101012. Section 718.501, Florida Statutes, creates the

1017opportunity for Petitioner to impose a civil penalty against

1026Respondent for violations of that chapter or any rule promulgated

1036pursuant to that chapter. Given this authority, Petitioner

1044brought a Notice to Show Cause against Respondent. To prove the

1055accusations in that complaint, the Petitioner must do so by clear

1066and convincing evidence. See Department of Banking & Finance vs.

1076Osborne, Stern & Son, Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996).

108713. Rule 61B-22.006(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code,

1093states in pertinent part:

1097(3) Disclosure requirements. The financial

1102statements required by Sections 718.111(14)

1107and 718.301(4), Florida Statutes, shall

1112contain the following disclosures

1116within the financial statements, notes, or

1122supplementary information:

1124(a) The following reserve disclosures shall

1130be made regardless of whether reserves have

1137been waived for the fiscal period covered by

1145the financial statements:

11481. The beginning balance in each reserve

1155accounts as of the beginning of the fiscal

1163period covered by the financial states;

11692. The amount of assessments and other

1176additions to each reserve account including

1182authorized transfers from other receive


11883. The amount expended or removed from each

1196reserve account, including authorized

1200transfers to other reserve accounts;

12054. The ending balance in each reserve

1212account as of the end of the fiscal period

1221covered by the financial states;

12265. The manner by which reserve items were

1234estimated, the date the estimates were last

1241made, the association's policies for

1246allocating reserve fund interest, and whether

1252reserves have been waived during the period

1259covered by the financial statements; and

12656. If the developer has established

1271converter reserves pursuant to Section

1276718.618(1), Florida Statutes, each converter

1281reserve accounts shall have identified and

1287include the disclosures required by this


129414. Rule 61B-22.006(c), Florida Administrative Code, states

1301in pertinent part:

1304Financial reports required by Section

1309718.111(13), Florida Statutes. The financial

1314report required by Section 718.111(13),

1319Florida Statutes, shall meet the following


1326* * *

1329(c) The report shall contain the reserve

1336disclosures required by Rule 61B-

134122.006(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code,


134615. In the years 1993, 1994, and 1995, Respondent's annual

1356financial reports failed to comply with the aforementioned rules

1365by not disclosing the beginning balance in each reserve account,

1375the amount of additions to each reserve account, the amount

1385removed from each reserve account, the ending balance in each

1395reserve account as of the end of the fiscal period covered by the

1408financial statements, the manner by which the reserve items were

1418estimated, the date the estimates were last made, the

1427association's policies for allocating reserve fund interest, and

1435whether reserves had been waived during the period covered by the

1446financial statements in violation of Rules 61B-22.006(3)(a) and

1454(6)(c), Florida Administrative Code.

145816. Section 718.112(2)(f), Florida Statutes, creates the

1465requirement that Respondent's annual budget include a reserve

1473account for capital expenditures and deferred maintenance. Those

1481accounts specifically include, but are not limited to, roof

1490replacement, building painting, and pavement resurfacing.

149617. In association with the proposed annual budget former

1505Rule 7D-23.004(2)(b), Florida Administrative Code, states in

1512pertinent part:

1514In the proposed annual budget, each reserve

1521account shall be stated as a separate item,

1529and the budget shall show the estimated life,

1537estimated replacement cost, and the estimated

1543remaining useful life for each item for which

1551reserves are maintained. Additionally, each

1556budget shall separate the current balance in

1563each reserve account as of the date the

1571proposed budget is prepared.

157518. In 1994, Rule 7D-23.004(2)(b), Florida Administrative

1582Code, was replaced by Rule 61B-22.003(1)(e), Florida

1589Administrative Code, which states in pertinent part:

1596(1) Required elements for estimated

1601operating budgets. The budget for each

1607association shall:

1609* * *

1612(e) Include a schedule stating each reserve

1619account for capital expenditures and deferred

1625maintenance as a separate line item with the

1633following minimum disclosures:

16361. The total estimated useful life of the


16452. The estimated remaining useful life of

1652the asset:

16543. The estimated replacement cost or

1660deferred maintenance expense of the asset;

16664. The estimated fund balance as of the

1674beginning of the period for which the budget

1682will be in effect; and

16875. The developer's total funding obligation

1693when all units are sold, for each converter

1701reserve accounts established pursuant to

1706Section 718.618, Florida Statutes, if


171219. For the years 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996,

1722Respondent, through the proposed annual budgets it prepared,

1730failed to state each reserve account as a separate item, failed

1741to disclose the estimated life of the items, failed to estimate

1752the remaining useful life of the items, failed to estimate the

1763replacement cost of the items, and failed to separate the current

1774balance in each reserve account as of the date the proposed

1785budget was prepared in violation of Rule 7D-23.004(2)(b), Florida

1794Administrative Code, and Rule 61B-22.003(1)(e), Florida

1800Administrative Code, respectively. Respondent also violated

1806Section 718.112(2)(f), Florida Statutes, by not identifying the

1814reserve accounts within the budgets as described in the statute.

182420. Rule 61B-22.003(1)(b), Flor ida Administrative Code, in

1832pertinent part states :

1836(1) Required elements for estimated

1841operating budges. The budget for each

1847association shall:

1849* * *

1852(b) Disclose the beginning and ending dates

1859of the period covered by the budget; . . . .

1870That rule has application to the annual budget years 1994, 1995,

1881and 1996. The proposed budgets prepared by Respondent in those

1891years failed to disclose the beginning and ending of the period

1902covered by the budgets in violation of Rule 61B-22.003(1)(b),

1911Florida Administrative Code.

191421. The manner in which Respondent waived reserves in

1923September 1996 does not excuse the shortcomings in the details of

1934the proposed budget it prepared for 1996, which did not include

1945reference to the waiver of reserves, leading to the conclusion

1955that the waiver occurred at a time beyond the preparation of the

1967proposed 1996 budget.

197022. The history of agency penalties for violations of a

1980type similar to those found here, has been considered.

1989Nonetheless, Respondent's awareness of the problems in its

1997financial reports and annual budgets only occurred at the point

2007in time where they were commented on by the investigator in the

2019spring and summer of 1996. While the Respondent is not

2029absolutely excused from the violations, given the expectation

2037that Respondent should know and abide by the law, the continuing

2048nature of the violations in a setting where Respondent did not

2059appear to be aware of those violations, before 1996, mitigates

2069against the seriousness of Respondent's continuing improper



2078Upon consideration of the facts found and the conclusions of

2088law reached, its is,


2093That a Final Order be entered which imposes a civil penalty

2104in the amount of $500.00. That amount shall be remitted by

2115certified check payable to the Division of Florida Land Sales,

2125Condominiums, and Mobile Home Trust Fund, at 1940 North Monroe

2135Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007, to be delivered by

2143United States Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, within

2151thirty (30) days of the entry of the Final Order.

2161DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of March, 1998, in

2171Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2179Administrative Law Judge

2182Division of Administrative Hearings

2186The DeSoto Building

21891230 Apalachee Parkway

2192Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2195(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

2199Fax Filing (850) 921-6847

2203Filed with the Clerk of the

2209Division of Administrative Hearings

2213this 27th day of March, 1998.


2221Theresa M. Bender, Esquire

2225Department of Business and

2229Professional Regulation

22311940 North Monroe Street

2235Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007

2238William Underwood

2240Palisades Owners Association, Inc.

22446901 North Lagoon Drive, No. 48

2250Panama City Beach, Florida 32408

2255Linda Goodgame, Esquire

2258Department of Business and

2262Professional Regulation

22641940 North Monroe Street

2268Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007

2271Robert H. Ellzey, Jr., Director

2276Department of Business and

2280Professional Regulation

22821940 North Monroe Street

2286Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007


2295All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

230515 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions to

2317this recommended order should be filed with the agency that will

2328issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 09/09/1998
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT (Agency appeal is dismiss by the First DCA) filed.
Date: 07/15/1998
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal filed. (First DCA Case No. 98-2571)
Date: 05/26/1998
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 05/22/1998
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/22/1998
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/27/1998
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 02/04/98.
Date: 03/09/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/26/1998
Proceedings: (I Volume) Transcript filed.
Date: 02/04/1998
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 12/03/1997
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing and Order sent out. (hearing set for 2/4/98; 9:00am; Panama City)
Date: 11/26/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Case Status Report filed.
Date: 11/18/1997
Proceedings: State of Florida, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes` Motion to Determine Respondent`s Qualified Representative filed.
Date: 10/21/1997
Proceedings: Order of Continuance sent out. (hearing cancelled; parties to respond by 11/14/97)
Date: 10/17/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 08/19/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 10/27/97; 9:00am; Panama City)
Date: 08/12/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/25/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 07/25/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories; Notice of Service of Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories; Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents; Notice of Service of Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 07/24/1997
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 07/14/1997
Proceedings: Agency Referral Letter; Request For Formal Hearing, Letter Form; Notice To Show Cause filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Panama City, Florida

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