97-004114 Board Of Pharmacy vs. Tom B. Atkinson
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, April 17, 1998.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner's alcoholic dependence must be treated before he can practice pharmacy with reasonable skill and safety.






17Petitioner , )


20vs. ) Case No. 97-4114




31Respondent. )



36A formal hearing in this matter was conducted on January 23,

471998, and February 13, 1998, in Jacksonville, Florida, before

56Suzanne F. Hood, Administrative Law Judge with the Division of

66Administrative Hearings.


69For Petitioner : Craig A. McCarthy, Esquire

76Agency for Health Care Administration

81Post Office Box 14229

85Tallahassee, Florida 32317-4229

88For Respondent : William M. Furlow, Esquire

95Katz, Kutter, Haigler, Alderman,

99Bryant, & Yon, P.A.

103106 East College Avenue, Suite 1200

109Tallahassee, Florida 32301


116The issues are whether Respondent has violated Sections

124465.016(1)(d) and 465.016(1)(m), Florida Statutes (1995), and if

132so, what penalty should be imposed.


140Petitioner Department of Health (Petitioner) filed an

147Administrative Complaint against Respondent Tom B. Atkinson

154(Respondent) on June 18, 1997. Said complaint alleged that

163Respondent's license to practice pharmacy should be disciplined

171pursuant to Section 465.016(1)(d) and 465.016(1)(m), Florida

178Statutes (1995). Respondent requested a formal hearing to

186contest every material allegation set forth in the complaint.

195Petitioner referred this matter to the Division of

203Administrative Hearings on September 4, 1997. A Notice of

212Hearing scheduled the case for formal hearing on November 24,


223On November 18, 1997, Petitioner filed a Motion for

232Abeyance. After hearing oral argument, the undersigned entered

240an Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing.

247The formal hearing commenced on January 23, 1998. During

256the hearing, the undersigned granted Petitioner's ore tenus

264motion to continue the case due to the unavailability of

274witnesses. The hearing reconvened and concluded on February 13,


284Petitioner presented the testimony of three witnesses and

292offered 11 exhibits for admission into evidence. The undersigned

301ruled that Exhibit numbers P1 and P7 through P12 were admissible.

312Exhibit number P6 was not offered as evidence.

320The undersigned reserved ruling on the admissibility of

328exhibit numbers P2 through P5. These exhibits are hereby deemed


339Respondent testified on his own behalf and presented the

348testimony of two witnesses. He offered no exhibits for admission

358into evidence.

360A transcript of the proceeding was filed on March 10, 1998.

371Respondent filed a Proposed Recommended Order on March 20, 1998.

381Petitioner filed Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

391on March 23, 1998.


3981. Respondent has been a licensed pharmacist in the state

408of Florida at all times material to this case. His license

419number is PS 0010807.

4232. Respondent graduated from pharmacy school at the

431University of Georgia in 1963. After graduation, Respondent

439worked as a pharmacist in South Georgia for a couple of years.

4513. From 1967 until 1985, Respondent owned a pharmacy in

461Atlanta, Georgia.

4634. While Respondent owned his own pharmacy in Atlanta,

472Georgia, he took anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing drugs for

480a back injury. Respondent took these drugs without a

489prescription over a ten-year period.

4945. Respondent admits that he sold a bottle of prescription

504cough syrup to an individual who did not have a prescription in

516July of 1967. Respondent was arrested but not convicted for

526selling the cough syrup.

5306. In February 1981, Respondent sold one hundred tablets of

540Preludin, a controlled substance, to an individual without a

549prescription. As a result, Respondent was arrested and pled nolo

559contendere in a criminal case.

5647. The Georgia State Board of Pharmacy suspended

572Respondent's license to practice pharmacy for three years

580beginning March 6, 1981. His Georgia license was reinstated on

590probationary status in May 1983.

5958. Respondent became involved in a scheme known as

"604pharmoney" in which clinical and hospital drugs were diverted

613under false pretenses and returned to wholesale marketing

621channels. In October 1985, Respondent pled guilty and was

630convicted of mail fraud in the United States District Court for

641the Northern District of Georgia. He subsequently served nine

650months in a federal prison.

6559. As a result of the federal conviction, the Florida Board

666of Pharmacy disciplined Respondent's license to practice pharmacy

674in September 1987. The Florida Board of Pharmacy placed

683Respondent on five years' probation. The probation was to

692commence when Respondent began practicing pharmacy in Florida.

70010. Respondent moved to Florida in 1988. Since that time,

710Respondent has procured employment through the services of a

719temporary employment agency. He has worked in pharmacies located

728in stores owned by Pic-N-Save, Drug Emporium, Wallgreen's, and

737Winn Dixie.

73911. In 1993, Respondent stole a Valium for his own use from

751a Wallgreen's pharmacy. Respondent did not have a prescription

760for Valium.

76212. Between 1991 and 1993, Respondent obtained prescription

770sleeping pills for his personal use from the stores where he was

782working. Respondent did not have a prescription to purchase and

792use the pills.

79513. In 1994, Respondent was falling asleep at work and

805while driving. He was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep

814apnea in October 1995. Respondent began using a machine at night

825to help him breathe. About a year later, Respondent fell asleep

836at work again.

83914. In August 1995, Respondent was working in a Winn Dixie

850pharmacy. He used a screw driver to open the narcotics cabinet

861because he did not have key. He did not follow company policy

873and refer the customer to another dispensing pharmacy rather than

883compromise the narcotics cabinet.

88715. After he became a pharmacist, Respondent began drinking

896heavily and routinely in his pharmacy around closing time.

905Respondent never received a ticket for driving under the

914influence (DUI). However, he admits that he occasionally would

923have qualified for a DUI if he had been stopped by a policeman on

937his drive home from work.

94216. Respondent admits that he drank heavily on other

951occasions. First, he drank more than he should have during a two

963or three-month period in 1987 after his release from prison.

973Second, he became intoxicated when he was terminated from Pic-N-

983Save in 1991.

98617. Respondent made a deliberate decision to stop drinking

995alcohol when he was 40 years old. He stopped drinking for about

1007one year. Respondent stopped drinking because he believed that

1016his alcohol consumption was contributing to errors in his

1025judgment and causing him legal problems.

103118. Respondent continues to drink alcohol, usually two

1039drinks twice a week. He denies that he has a alcohol-related

1050problem or that he is alcohol-dependent. His testimony is not


106119. In 1996, Respondent's employer believed that Respondent

1069had a drug or alcohol problem. The employer requested Respondent

1079to contact the Physicians Recovery Network (PRN). PRN referred

1088Respondent to Dr. Raymond Pomm, Medical Director of River Region

1098Human Services.

110020. Dr. Pomm evaluated Respondent on December 13, 1996.

1109Dr. Pomm's report and testimony are based in part on Respondent's

1120self-reported history including, but not limited to, his drug and

1130alcohol usage, criminal activities, and family background.

113721. Dr. Pomm correctly diagnosed Respondent as alcohol-

1145dependent in sustained partial remission. Dr. Pomm found that

1154Respondent exhibited strong evidence of poly-substance abuse

1161which needs to be ruled out. Dr. Pomm's diagnostic impression

1171notes Respondent's history of mood disorder, not otherwise

1179specified (NOS.)

118122. Dr. Pomm recommended that Respondent undergo treatment

1189for his alcohol dependence as an inpatient and/or through a half-

1200way house community treatment program. In such a program,

1209therapists could observe, rule out and treat the possibility that

1219Respondent has a personality disorder, NOS, with narcissistic and

1228antisocial features.

123023. At the hearing, Dr. Pomm correctly testified that

1239Respondent was not able to practice pharmacy with reasonable

1248skill at the time of the December 1996 evaluation. According to

1259Dr. Pomm, Respondent's potential for improving without

1266appropriate treatment is not very high.

127224. Dr. Roger Goetz testified as an expert on impairment in

1283health care professionals. He is an expert in reviewing and

1293assessing medical records, including psychological evaluations,

1299of health care workers to determine their ability to practice.

130925. Dr. Goetz reviewed Respondent's medical records. These

1317records included, but were not limited to, Dr. Pomm's

1326psychological summary and a multidisciplinary assessment prepared

1333by the Rush Behavioral Health Center in Chicago, Illinois.

134226. Dr. Goetz provided credible testimony that Respondent

1350has an impairment which prevents him from being able to practice

1361pharmacy with reasonable skill and safety. Dr. Goetz was

1370particularly concerned with the possibility that Respondent's

1377impairment stemmed from narcissistic and antisocial personality

1384disorders rather than alcohol dependence or other substance


139327. In February 1997, Respondent was evaluated over a

1402period of days at the Rush Behavioral Health Center in Chicago,

1413Illinois. The center has one of the premier psychiatric

1422evaluation systems in the United States.

142828. Respondent provided the evaluators at the Rush

1436Behavioral Health Center with extensive background information

1443regarding his drug and alcohol usage, criminal activity, social

1452and job-related problems, and family background. Additionally,

1459the evaluators considered the following: (a) background

1466information provided by PRN; (b) a psychiatric summary dated

1475December 13, 1996, prepared by Dr. Pomm; (c) psychological

1484summaries and medical records furnished by other doctors;

1492(d) clinical summaries submitted by members of the Rush

1501Behavioral Health assessment team; (e) computer-generated results

1508of an M.M.P.I., Millon and Quickview Social History based on

1518information furnished by Respondent; and (f) telephonic

1525conferences conducted by Rev. Malin of Rush Behavioral Health

1534with individuals familiar with Respondent.

153929. The Rush Behavioral Health assessment team made the

1548following diagnosis regarding Respondent's mental and physical


1556Axis I : Probable Alcohol Dependence in

1563sustained partial remission. Other substance

1568abuse. Breathing-related sleep disorder.

1572Possible substance-induced sleep disorder.

1576Occupational problem.

1578Axis II : Antisocial personality disorder.

1584Narcissistic personality disorder.

1587Axis III : Obesity.

1591Hypertension. Benign Prostatic Hypertrohpy.

1595Axis IV : Problems with the primary support

1603group. Problems related to the social

1609environment. Occupational problems.

1612Problems related to interaction with the

1618legal systems. Other psycho-social and

1623environmental problems.

1625To the extent that the Rush Behavioral Health assessment is

1635consistent with the testimony of Dr. Pomm and Dr. Goetz, it

1646provides competent evidence of Respondent's inability to practice

1654pharmacy with reasonable skill and safety. 1

166130. Dr. John Schulte is a licensed clinical psychologist.

1670From April 1997 through November 1997, Dr. Schulte treated

1679Respondent for anxiety and "situational" depression. Dr. Schulte

1687saw no indication that Respondent had an psychopathological

1695impairment in Respondent. Dr. Schulte's testimony is contrary to

1704more persuasive evidence.

170731. Respondent's pattern of behavior over the years

1715indicates that it would be dangerous for him to work in a

1727pharmacy dispensing drugs to himself or the public at the present

1738time. This behavior includes his personal use of prescription

1747drugs without a prescription, his impulsive behavior in using a

1757screwdriver to open the narcotics cabinet, his inability to

1766maintain a job, and his criminal activities referenced above.

177532. Respondent has an impairment due to his alcohol

1784dependence which requires treatment. Until he receives that

1792treatment, the experts cannot rule out the possibility that

1801Respondent has narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders.

1808Without appropriate treatment, Respondent cannot practice

1814pharmacy with reasonable skill and safety.

182033. Respondent attended an inpatient treatment center in

1828Atlanta, Georgia. He checked out after one week against medical

1838advice. Respondent has never received any other treatment for

1847alcoholism, substance abuse, or psychological problems.

185334. In March 1997, Respondent signed an form authorizing

1862PRN to release information relative to his alcohol/chemical

1870dependence or his psychiatric/psychological condition. The

1876authorization permitted PRN to disclose this information to

1884Petitioner for the purpose of administrative action.

189135. Petitioner issued its Administrative Complaint against

1898Respondent in June of 1997. Respondent attempted to revoke his

1908consent for PRN to release information to Petitioner in November



192236. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1929jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this

1939proceedings. Sections 120.569(1) and 120.57(1), Florida


194637. Petitioner must prove by clear and convincing evidence

1955that Respondent's license to practice pharmacy should be

1963disciplined pursuant to Sections 465.016(1)(d) and 465.016(1)(m),

1970Florida Statutes. Petitioner has met its burden on both counts.

198038. Sections 465.016(1)(d) and 465.016(1)(m), Florida

1986Statutes, set forth the following as grounds for disciplinary


1996(d ) Being unfit or incompetent to practice

2004pharmacy by reason of:

20081. Habitual intoxication.

20112. The misuse or abuse of any medicinal drug

2020appearing in schedule set forth in chapter


20283. Any abnormal physical or mental condition

2035which threatens the safety of persons to whom

2043he might sell or dispense prescription,

2049drugs, or medical supplies or for whom he

2057might manufacture, prepare, or package, or

2063supervise the manufacturing, preparation, or

2068packaging of, prescriptions, drugs, or

2073medical supplies.

2075* * *

2078(m ) Being unable to practice pharmacy with

2086reasonable skill and safety by reason of

2093illness, use of drugs, narcotics, chemicals,

2099or any other type of material or as a result

2109of any mental or physical condition. A

2116pharmacist affected under this paragraph

2121shall at reasonable intervals be afforded an

2128opportunity to demonstrate that he can resume

2135the competent practice of pharmacy with

2141reasonable skill and safety to his customers.

214839. Respondent has an impairment related to his alcohol

2157dependence which requires treatment before he can safely practice

2166pharmacy. He has used prescription drugs without a prescription

2175to medicate himself. Most importantly, Respondent has refused

2183treatment which could rule out the possibility that he has

2193narcissistic and/or antisocial personality disorders.

219840. Respondent exhibits behaviors that make it dangerous

2206for him to practice pharmacy. Clear and convincing evidence

2215indicates that he is unable to practice pharmacy with reasonable

2225skill and safety.

222841. Rule 64B16-30.001, Florida Administrative Code,

2234indicates that revocation of Respondent's license is appropriate

2242in this case.


2246Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2256Law, it is recommended that Petitioner enter a Final Order

2266revoking Respondent license to practice pharmacy.

2272RECOMMENDED this 17th day of April, 1998, in Tallahassee,

2281Leon County, Florida.



2288Administrative Law Judge

2291Division of Administrative Hearings

2295The DeSoto Building

22981230 Apalachee Parkway

2301Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2304(850) 488- 9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

2309Fax Filing (850) 921-6847

2313Filed with the Clerk of the

2319Division of Administrative Hearings

2323this 17th day of April , 1998.


23301 / It is otherwise ignored as hearsay and not available for fact

2343finding. Section 120.57(1)(c), Florida Statutes.


2350Craig A. McCarthy, Esquire

2354Agency for Health

2357Care Administration

2359Post Office Box 14229

2363Tallahassee, Florida 32319-4229

2366William M. Furlow, Esquire

2370Post Office Box 1877

2374Tallahassee, Florida 32302

2377John Taylor, Executive Director

2381Department of Health

2384Board of Pharmacy

23871940 North Monroe Street

2391Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

2394Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk

2399Department of Health

24021317 Winewood Boulevard

2405Building 6

2407Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

2410Pete Peterson, General Counsel

2414Department of Health

2417Building 6, Room 102-E

24211317 Winewood Boulevard

2424Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

2427Dr. James Howell, Secretary

2431Department of Health

2434Building 6, Room 306

24381317 Winewood Boulevard

2441Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700


2450All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

2461days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to

2472this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will

2483issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/17/1999
Proceedings: Final Order rec`d
Date: 06/17/1998
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/17/1998
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/17/1998
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 01/23/98 and 02/13/98.
Date: 03/23/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/20/1998
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/10/1998
Proceedings: (2 Volumes) Transcript filed.
Date: 02/13/1998
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 01/27/1998
Proceedings: Order Continuing Hearing sent out. (hearing to reconvene on 2/13/98; 9:00am; Jacksonville)
Date: 01/23/1998
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held, continued to 2/13/98; 9:00am; Jacksonville.
Date: 01/16/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Order of Prehearing Instructions filed.
Date: 12/03/1997
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 1/23/98; 10:00am; Jacksonville)
Date: 11/18/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion for Abeyance filed.
Date: 11/18/1997
Proceedings: (From C. McCarthy) Notice of Substitution of Counsel filed.
Date: 11/17/1997
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Prehearing Order filed.
Date: 10/10/1997
Proceedings: (From W. Furlow) Notice of Appearance filed.
Date: 09/24/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 11/24/97; 10:00am; Jacksonville)
Date: 09/24/1997
Proceedings: Order of Prehearing Instructions sent out.
Date: 09/18/1997
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 09/08/1997
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 09/04/1997
Proceedings: Agency Referral letter; Administrative Complaint; Request For Formal Proceedings filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida

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