97-004600 Phyllis Peterman vs. Department Of Health
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, March 30, 1999.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to present sufficient evidence to show her entitlement to a variance.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 97-4600




26Respondent. )



31Upon due notice, William R. Cave, an Administrative Law

40Judge for the Division of Administrative Hearings, held a formal

50hearing in this matter on February 9, 1999, in Bartow, Florida.


62For Petitioner: Robert J. Antonello, Esquire

68Antonello, Fegers and Cea

72Post Office Box 7692

76Winter Haven, Florida 33883-7692

80For Respondent: Roland Reis, Esquire

85Department of Health

881290 Golfview Avenue, 4th Floor

93Bartow, Florida 33830-0293


100Should Petitioner's application for variance from the

107standards for onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems be



119On June 27, 1997, Petitioner made application for a permit

129for construction of an onsite sewage treatment and disposal

138system (OSTDS) with the Department of Health (Department) which

147was denied by letter dated July 16, 1997. The denial letter gave

159Petitioner the option of filing an application for variance from

169the standards for an onsite sewage treatment and disposal system

179or requesting a hearing on the denial of her application for the

191permit. Petitioner chose the option of filing an application for

201a variance. By letter dated August 7, 1997, the Department

211denied Petitioner's application for a variance. By letter dated

220August 25, 1997, Petitioner requested a formal hearing under

229Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, on the Department's denial of her

239application for variance.

242By a Notice dated October 9, 1997, the Department referred

252this matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings (Division)

261for the assignment of an Administrative Law Judge and for the

272conduct of a hearing.

276The matter was scheduled for hearing, but before the matter

286could be heard, the parties filed a joint Stipulation for

296Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice and the Division's file was

305closed by Order Closing File issued on March 2, 1998. On a

317Motion to Reopen File dated November 25, 1998, an Order Reopening

328File was issued on December 18, 1998, and the matter scheduled

339for hearing on February 9, 1999.

345At the hearing, Petitioner testified on her own behalf but

355did not present any other witness. Petitioner's Composite

363Exhibit 1 was received as evidence. The Department presented the

373testimony of Mark Shaller. The Department's Exhibits 1-6 were

382received as evidence.

385There was no transcript of this proceeding filed with the

395Division. The parties were granted an extension of time within

405which to file their proposed recommended orders with the

414understanding that the time constraint imposed under

421Rule 28-106.216(1), Florida Administrative Code, was waived in

429accordance with Rule 28-106.216(2), Florida Administrative Code.

436The parties timely filed their Proposed Recommended Orders under

445the extended time frame.


452Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence

460adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact

470are made:

4721. The Department, through its local health units, is the

482agency in the State of Florida responsible for permitting or

492granting variances from permitting standards set forth in

500Chapter 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code, for Onsite Sewage

508Treatment and Disposal Systems (OSTDS).

5132. Sometime around 1970, Petitioner purchased a mobile home

522park (Park) in Winter Haven, Florida. The Park presently

531contains 68 spaces for mobile homes, all of which are occupied.

5423. The Park is situated due south of Lake Shipp. There are

554two canals running approximately east and west through the

563interior of the Park. Another canal borders the Park on the

574north side.

5764. Included with the purchase of the Park was a Sewage

587Treatment System (STS) which is permitted and regulated by the

597Department of Environmental Protection and is presently operating

605at its maximum capacity serving the 68 mobile homes located in

616the Park.

6185. Sometime around 1980, Petitioner purchased a parcel of

627land (Property) immediately north of, and across a canal (this is

638the canal that borders the north side of the Park) from, the

650Park. The Property borders a basin to Lake Shipp. The Property

661is zoned for mobile home usage and such is the purpose for which

674Petitioner purchased the Property.

6786. Petitioner has designed the Property such that it will

688accommodate three mobile home lots (Lots numbered 69, 70, and 71)

699which Petitioner intends to operate as part of the Park.

7097. Initially, Petitioner requested approval of the

716Department of Environmental Protection to connect the new lots to

726the existing STS. However, since the existing STS was already at

737capacity, the Department of Environmental Protection denied

744Petitioner's request to connect the additional three lots to that

754system. However, the Department of Environmental protection

761advised Petitioner that it would have no objection to the

771installation of septic tanks approved by the Department of Health

781to serve the additional lots.

7868. Subsequently, Petitioner proceeded to obtain the

793necessary approvals from the local governing authorities and a

802permit from the Department for the installation of septic tanks

812on the Property.

8159. Petitioner was successful in obtaining the necessary

823approvals from the local governing authorities but was not

832successful in obtaining a permit for the installation of septic

842tanks on the Property from the Department. By letter dated

852July 16, 1997, the Polk County Health Department denied

861Petitioner's Application for Onsite Sewage Treatment Disposal

868System Permit for the following reason: "Domestic sewage flow

877exceeds 10,000 gallons per day."

88310. The denial letter also advised Petitioner that she

892could request a variance through the Variance Review Board or

902request an administrative hearing pursuant to

908Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, on the Department's denial of her

918application for a permit to install septic tanks on the Property.

929Petitioner elected to file an application for a variance from

939Section 381.0065(3)(b), Florida Statutes, with the Variance

946Review Board.

94811. By letter dated August 7, 1997, the Department denied

958Petitioner's application for variance for the following reasons:

966The Variance Review and Advisory Committee

972for the Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal

979Program has recommended disapproval of your

985application for variance in the case of the

993above reference property. The granting of

999variances from established standards is for

1005relieving hardships where it can be clearly

1012shown that the public's health will not be

1020impaired and where pollution of groundwater

1026or surface water will not result, where no

1034reasonable alternative exists, and where the

1040hardship was not intentionally caused by the

1047action of the applicant.

1051The advisory committee's recommendation was

1056based on the failure of the information

1063provided to satisfy the committee that the

1070hardship was not caused intentionally by the

1077action of the applicant, no reasonable

1083alternative exists for the treatment of the

1090sewage, or the discharge from the system will

1098not adversely affect the health of the


1106I concur with the advisory committee's

1112recommendation and hereby deny your variance


111912. Subsequently, Petitioner requested and was granted a

1127formal hearing pursuant to Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, on the

1137denial of Petitioner's application for a variance.

114413. The Petitioner intends to locate the OSTDS on the


115514. The tank and drain field for the OSTDS will be located

1167approximately 125 feet from the basin.

117315. The City of Winter Haven's Sewage System is not

1183available to the Property.

118716. The Park's existing STS does not have adequate capacity

1197to accept the sewage that will be generated by the Property.

120817. There is no publicly-owned or investor-owned sewage

1216system capable of being connected to the plumbing of the


122718. Petitioner testified that the estimated cost of

1235increasing the capacity of the Park's Sewage System to

1244accommodate service to the three additional lots was $30,000.00 -

1255$40,000.00. However, Petitioner presented no evidence as to how

1265the estimate was determined.

126919. The projected daily domestic sewage flow from the

1278Property is less than 1,500 gallons per acre per day.

128920. The Property contains 1.78 acres and there will be less

1300than four lots per acre.

130521. In a letter dated October 17, 1997, from W. R. Cover, a

1318professional engineer with Cover Engineering, Inc., Mr. Cover

1326expresses the following opinion:

1330The location of these proposed mobile homes

1337is such that a septic system will not cause

1346adverse effects or impacts on the environment

1353or public health. The unit will be located

1361so as not to significantly degrade

1367groundwater or surface waters. There is no

1374reasonable alternative for the treatment of

1380the sewage in view of the fact that it would

1390be an additional financial burden to attempt

1397to connect these units to the existing sewage

1405treatment plant

1407Mr. Cover did not testify at the hearing. However, the letter

1418was received as evidence without objection from the Department.

142722. Petitioner has failed to present sufficient evidence to

1436show that: (a) no reasonable alternative exists for the

1445treatment of the sewage, and (b) the discharge from the Onsite

1456Sewage Treatment and Disposal System will not adversely affect

1465the health of the applicant or the public or significantly

1475degrade groundwater or surface waters.


148323. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1490jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

1500proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

150724. Sections 381.0065(1)(3)(b)(d) and (4)(g)1.2., Florida

1513Statutes provide as follows:

1517(1) LEGISLATIVE INTENT.- It is the intent of

1525the Legislature that where a publicly owned

1532or investor-owned sewerage system is not

1538available, the department shall issue permits

1544for the construction, installation,

1548modification, abandonment, or repair of

1553onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems

1559under conditions as described in this section

1566and rules adopted under this section. It is

1574further the intent of the Legislature that

1581the installation and use of onsite sewage

1588treatment and disposal systems not adversely

1594affect the public health or significantly

1600degrade the groundwater or surface waters.

1606* * *


1617HEALTH.- The department shall:

1621* * *

1624(b) Perform application reviews and site

1630evaluations, issue permits, and conduct

1635inspections and complaint investigations

1639associated with the construction,

1643installation, maintenance, modification,

1646abandonment, or repair of an onsite sewage

1653treatment and disposal system for a residence

1660or establishment with an estimated domestic

1666sewage flow of 10,000 gallons or less per

1675day , or an estimated commercial sewage flow

1682of 5,000 gallons or less per day, which is

1692not currently regulated under chapter 403.

1698* * *

1701(d) Grant variances in hardship cases under

1708the conditions prescribed in this section and

1715rules adopted under this section.

1720* * *


1728* * *

1731(g)1. The department may grant variances in

1738hardship cases which may be less restrictive

1745than the provisions specified in this

1751section. . . . A variance may not be granted

1761under this section until the department is

1768satisfied that:

1770a. The hardship was not caused

1776intentionally by the action of the applicant;

1783b. No reasonable alternative, taking in

1789consideration factors such as costs, exists

1795for the treatment of the sewage; and

1802c. The discharge from the onsite sewage

1809treatment and disposal system will not

1815adversely affect the health of the applicant

1822or the public or significantly degrade the

1829groundwater or surface waters. . . .

18362. The department shall appoint and staff

1843a variance review and advisory committee,

1849which shall meet monthly to recommend agency

1856action on variance requests. . . . The

1864committee shall consider the criteria in

1870subparagraph 1. in its recommended agency

1876action on variance requests and shall also

1883strive to allow property owners the full use

1891of their land where possible. (Emphasis


189825. Rule 64E-6.002(21), Florida Administrative Code,

1904provides as follows:

1907For the purposes of this Chapter, the

1914following words and phrases shall have the

1921meaning indicated:

1923* * *

1926(21) Establishment. A multi-family housing,

1931apartment, condominium or townhouse complex,

1936a mobile home park or recreational vehicle

1943park, a non-residential commercial or

1948institutional development or places of

1953business or assembly. An establishment

1958includes all buildings or structures and the

1965land appertaining thereto and shall an owners

1972association or other legal entity which is

1979responsible for maintenance and operation of

1985the development's sewage treatment and

1990disposal facilities. (Emphasis furnished).

199426. In reviewing Petitioner's application for a permit to

2003install septic tanks on the Property, the Department considered

2012the Park and the Property as one mobile home park and thereby one

2025establishment and determined that the estimated domestic sewage

2033flow from that establishment exceeded the allowable domestic

2041sewage flow of 10,000 gallons or less per day authorized by

2053Section 381.0065(3)(b), Florida Statutes. Having made that

2060determination, the Department then took the position that it was

2070not authorized to issue the permit unless Petitioner requested

2079and was granted a variance for the combined domestic sewage flow

2090from the mobile home park to exceed the 10,000 gallons or less

2103per day and denied the permit application.

211027. The Department offered Petitioner the opportunity to

2118either challenge its denial of the application by requesting an

2128administrative hearing pursuant to

2132Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, or to request a variance from

2142the 10,000 gallons or less per day requirement from the Variance

2154Review Board under Section 381.0065(4)(g)1.2., Florida Statutes.

2161Petitioner elected to request a variance from the Variance Review

2171Board and did not challenge the Department's position that the

2181Property and the Park constituted a mobile home park and thereby

2192was one establishment and that the combined flow of domestic

2202sewage from that establishment exceeded the maximum flow of

2211domestic sewage authorized by Section 381.0065(3)(b), Florida


221928. The burden of proof is on the party asserting the

2230affirmative of an issue before an administrative tribunal.

2238Florida Department of Transportation v. J.W.C. Company, Inc. ,

2246396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 2d DCA 1981). To meet this burden, the

2259Petitioner must establish facts to show her entitlement to a

2269variance from the requirements of Section 381.0065(3)(b), Florida

2277Statutes, by a preponderance of evidence. Section 120.57(1)(h),

2285Florida Statutes.

228729. Although the Department did not object to Mr. Cover's

2297letter being received into evidence, the fact remains that Mr.

2307Cover's letter and his opinion are hearsay evidence and without

2317more cannot form the basis for a finding of fact.

2327Section 120.57(1)(c), Florida Statutes. There was no other

2335evidence presented to show that the requirements of

2343Section 381.0065(4)(g)1.b.c., Florida Statutes had been met.

2350Therefore, assuming arguendo that Petitioner has shown that

2358denying her the variance would create a hardship and that the

2369hardship was not caused intentionally by Petitioner's action, she

2378has failed to meet the requirements of Section

2386381.0065(4)(g)1.b.c., Florida Statutes.


2390Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2400Law, it is recommended that the Department of Health enter a

2411final order denying Petitioner's application for variance from

2419the requirements of Section 381.0065, Florida Statutes and

2427Chapter 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code.

2432DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of March, 1999, in

2442Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.


2449Administrative Law Judge

2452Division of Administrative Hearings

2456The DeSoto Building

24591230 Apalachee Parkway

2462Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2465(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

2469Fax Filing (850) 921-6947


2474Filed with the Clerk of the

2480Division of Administrative Hearings

2484this 30th day of March, 1999.


2492Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk

2497Department of Health

25002020 Capital Circle, Southeast

2504Bin A02

2506Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703

2509Dr. Robert G. Brooks, Secretary

2514Department of Health

25172020 Capital Circle, Southeast

2521Bin A00

2523Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

2526Pete Peterson, General Counsel

2530Department of Health

25332020 Capital Circle, Southeast

2537Bin A02

2539Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

2542Robert J. Antonello, Esquire

2546Antonello, Fegers and Cea

2550Post Office Box 7692

2554Winter Haven, Florida 33883-7692

2558Roland Reis, Esquire

2561Department of Health

25641290 Golfview Avenue, 4th Floor

2569Bartow, Florida 33830-0293


2578All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

2589days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to

2600this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will

2611issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 05/26/1999
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 05/19/1999
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/19/1999
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/01/1999
Proceedings: Letter to Parties of Record from C. Wentworth sent out. (RE: enclosing page 10 of recommended order)
Date: 03/30/1999
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 2/9/99.
Date: 02/23/1999
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Statement of the Issue, Statement of Facts, Statement of Law, Conclusions and Recommended Order rec`d
Date: 02/18/1999
Proceedings: Agency`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/09/1999
Proceedings: (Corrected Case Status) Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 02/09/1999
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/09/1999
Proceedings: Stipulation of Documents into Evidence (Exhibit A attached) rec`d
Date: 01/14/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 2/9/99; 9:00am; Bartow)
Date: 01/07/1999
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order for Available Trial Dates (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/22/1998
Proceedings: Order sent out. (parties shall file status report by 1/15/99)
Date: 12/22/1998
Proceedings: Order (Parties to respond by 01/15/99) sent out.
Date: 12/18/1998
Proceedings: Order Reopening File sent out.
Date: 11/30/1998
Proceedings: Motion to Reopen File filed.
Date: 03/02/1998
Proceedings: Order Closing File sent out. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/27/1998
Proceedings: (Joint) Stipulation of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice filed.
Date: 01/27/1998
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 4/3/98; 9:00aml; Winter Haven)
Date: 01/22/1998
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Cave from R. Rafool (re: notice of available hearing date) filed.
Date: 01/14/1998
Proceedings: Order of Continuance and Status Report sent out. (hearing cancelled; parties to file status report by 2/6/98)
Date: 11/20/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 1/23/98; 12:00pm; Winter Haven)
Date: 11/03/1997
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/14/1997
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 10/09/1997
Proceedings: Notice; Request for Formal Administrative Hearing, letter form; Agency Action Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Bartow, Florida

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