98-003419RU Paul David Johnson vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, May 18, 1999.

View Dockets  
Summary: Challenge to an Agency statement as an unpromulgated rule dismissed as being moot after Agency adopted statement as rule during pendency of proceeding.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 98-3419RU





30Respondent. )



37On July 24, 1998, Petitioner filed a petition (Petition)

46challenging, pursuant to Section 120.56, Florida Statutes, "the

54Agency for Health Care Administration's (ACHA or the Agency) rule

64as evidenced by or embodied in its four (4) page printed policy

76entitled 'Direct Reimbursement/Payment to Recipients'", which was

83attached to the petition and referred to therein (as it will be

95in this Order) as the "Rule." The Rule, as Petitioner indicated

106in his Petition, "limits reimbursement for out-of-pocket

113expenditures to only those bills incurred following an erroneous

122denial of benefits" and, in addition, "limits the amount of

132reimbursement to the Medicaid payment level- regardless of how

141much a recipient was forced to pay out-of-pocket." In his

151Petition, Petitioner challenges the Rule on the following


160A. The Agency has materially failed to

167follow the applicable rulemaking procedures

172required by the Administrative Procedures

177Act. The "policy" meets the statutory

183definition of a "rule" and it was not

191promulgated. Section 120.52(15), Fla. Stat.

196It is the Agency's statement of general

203applicability implementing, interpreting or

207prescribing law or policy. The rule was not

215adopted under section 120.54, Florida

220Statutes, requiring that rules be properly


227B. The rule is arbitrary and capricious and

235denies petitioner reimbursement to which he

241is entitled. The rule violates section

247120.52(8)(e), Florida Statutes.

250C. The rule contravenes section

255409.901(14),(15),(18), Florida Statutes in

261that it violates federal law.

266During a telephone conference call held on August 3, 1998,

276both parties indicated that they would be available for hearing

286on October 8, 1998, and that they would have no objection to the

299hearing being held more than 30 days from the date of the

311undersigned's assignment to the instant case if the undersigned

320determined that good cause existed to extend the hearing date

330beyond this 30-day period. Based upon the information provided

339by the parties during the telephone conference call, the

348undersigned determined that there was good cause for such an

358extension and, accordingly, on August 5, 1998, he issued a notice

369advising the parties that the final hearing in this case would be

381held on October 8, 1998.

386On September 11, 1998, Respondent filed a Motion for Summary

396Final Order Dismissing the Petition (Respondent's First Motion),

404in which it asserted that the issue raised by Petitioner in his

416Petition is now moot inasmuch as Respondent "has commenced

425rulemaking by proposing a rule" addressing the agency policy set

435forth in the Rule. On September 15, 1998, the undersigned issued

446an Order directing Petitioner to file a written response to

456Respondent's First Motion. On September 25, 1998, Petitioner

464filed such a written response opposing Respondent's First Motion.

473On October 2, 1998, the undersigned issued an Order denying

483Respondent's First Motion. In his Order, the undersigned gave

492the following explanation for his ruling:

498It appears from a review of "Respondent's

505Exhibit 3," which was referenced in, and

512appended to, Respondent's [First] Motion,

517that, although Respondent has taken steps

523which may one day lead to the adoption of a

533rule codifying the agency statement which is

540the subject of Petitioner's rule challenge

546petition, Respondent, at present, is merely

552in the "rule development" stage of rulemaking

559and thus has not yet even published notice,

567pursuant to Section 120.54(3)(a), Florida

572Statutes, of its intention to adopt such a 1

581rule. Under such circumstances,

585Respondent's request that Petitioner's

589petition be dismissed on the ground of

596mootness is premature.

599On October 1, 1998, Petitioner filed a motion requesting

608that the final hearing in this case, scheduled for October 8,

6191998, be continued. In his motion, Petitioner announced that he

629intended to file a motion for summary final order and requested

640permission to do so on or before October 23, 1998. On October 2,

6531998, the undersigned issued an Order continuing the final

662hearing and giving Petitioner until October 23, 1998, to file his

673motion for summary final order. The Order provided, in pertinent

683part, as follows:

6861. Good cause having been shown,

692Petitioner's Motion for Continuance is


6982. Petitioner's request that he be given

705until October 23, 1998, to file a motion for

714summary final order in this case is granted.

7223. Petitioner's motion for summary final

728order shall comply with the requirements of

735Rule 28-106.204, Florida Administrative Code.

740In addition, the motion shall contain a

747statement of those undisputed material facts

753upon which he believes the undersigned should

760base his decision in the instant case.

7674. Respondent shall file a response to

774Petitioner's motion for summary final order

780within 14 days of being served with the

788motion. In its response, in addition to

795presenting any legal argument it wishes to in

803support of its position on the motion,

810Respondent shall identify with specificity:

815(1) any fact contained in Petitioner's

821statement of undisputed material facts that

827it disputes; and (2) any fact not contained

835in Petitioner's statement of undisputed

840material facts on which it believes the

847decision in the instant case should be based.

855On October 22, 1998, Petitioner filed a Motion for Summary

865Final Order Declaring Rule Invalid and Statement of Undisputed

874Material Facts (Petitioner's Motion), 2 in which he stated the


885Petitioner PAUL DAVID JOHNSON, pursuant to 3

892Fla. Admin. Code R. 60Q-2.030, moves for

899Summary Final Order declaring that

904Respondent's Rule (attached as Exhibit "A" to

911the Petition to Determine Invalidity of

917Respondent's Rule) entitled "Direct

921Reimbursement/Payment of Recipients" is

925invalid. There are no material facts in

932dispute and only legal issues remain to be

940interpreted. A full statement of uncontested 4

947facts and citations to the record is as


9561. Paul David Johnson resides at 1109

963Fleming Street, Key West, Florida 33040.

9692. He applied for Supplemental Security

975Income (SSI) and Medicaid on February 29,


9833. This application was denied on July 19,


9924. Following an administrative hearing, by

998decision dated March 13, 1998, petitioner was

1005found eligible for SSI and Medicaid.

10115. The decision found that he was disabled

1019as of January 26, 1996.

10246. By notice dated July 6, 1998, Petitioner

1032was advised that Medicaid was approved

1038effective July 1, 1998.

10427. Prior to August 4, 1998, when his

1050Medicaid card was issued, he was forced to

1058pay the market rate for medically necessary

1065prescription medications. The pharmacy would

1070not extend credit or accept less than full

1078payment. He had no health insurance to pay

1086for the prescriptions.

10898. Florida's Medicaid program covers

1094medically necessary prescription medications.

1098Section 409.906(19), Fla. Stat.

11029. The Agency for Health Care Administration

1109(AHCA) is the agency affected by this


111710. Exhibit A to the Petition (referred to

1125as "the Rule" or "the Policy") embodies the

1134Agency's policy regarding direct

1138reimbursement to Medicaid recipients.

114211. Under the Rule, Petitioner's

1147out-of-pocket expenses for medically

1151necessary medications are not fully


115712. The rule states, "Any bills that were

1165paid before the applicant/recipient received

1170an erroneous decision are not eligible for

1177reimbursement." It is AHCA's policy not to

1184reimburse for bills paid prior to an

1191erroneous denial of benefits.

119513. Further, the Rule provides that AHCA

1202will reimburse Medicaid covered services

1207provided on or after an erroneous denial of

1215benefits only at the Medicaid rate.

122114. Petitioner submitted medical bills

1226totaling $1,080.92 for reimbursement and was

1233reimbursed only $665.75.

123615. AHCA determines reimbursement for

1241Medicaid covered services on behalf of

1247Medicaid recipients and promulgates rules

1252regarding reimbursement.

125416. The Rule is the Agency's statement of

1262general applicability implementing,

1265interpreting or prescribing law or policy.

127117. Nevertheless, AHCA did not promulgate

1277its Rule under section 120.54, Florida


1284As a matter of law:

1289a. Petitioner has been substantially

1294affected by the challenged rule and therefore

1301has standing to bring this action.

1307b. The challenged rule is an invalid

1314exercise of legislatively delegated authority

1319pursuant to section 120.52(8), Florida

1324Statutes because the rule conflicts with 42

1331U.S.C. Sections 1396(a)(10)(B) and (34), 42

1337U.S.C. Section 1396o(b)(3), 42 C.F.R. Section

1343431.426 and the cases of Kurnik v. Dept. of

1352Health & Rehab. Serv. , 661 So. 2d 914 (Fla.

13611st DCA 1995), Greenstein v. Bane , 833 F.

1369Supp. 1054 (S.D.N.Y 1993) and Blanchard v.

1376Forrest , 71 F.3d 1163 (5th Cir. 1996), cert .

1385denied 135 L.Ed. 2nd 1062 (1996).

1391WHEREFORE, petitioner requests that the

1396[Administrative Law Judge] enter a Final

1402Summary Order declaring that the Rule is an

1410invalid exercise of delegated legislative


1416On November 2, 1998, Respondent filed a Second Motion to

1426Dismiss the Petition and Response to Petitioner's Motion for

1435Summary Final Order (Respondent's Second Motion), in which it

1444stated the following: 5

1448Respondent, State of Florida, Agency for

1454Health Care Administration (AHCA) moves again

1460to dismiss this case as moot and responds to

1469Petitioner's motion for summary judgment

1474final order. In support of its motion,

1481Respondent says as follows:

14851. On October 2, 1998, the Administrative

1492Law Judge ruled that:

"1496... Respondent, at present is merely in the

1504'rule development' stage of rulemaking and

1510thus has not yet even published notice,

1517pursuant to Section 120.54(3)(a), Florida

1522Statutes, of its intention to adopt such a

1530rule. Under such circumstances, Respondent's

1535request that Petitioner's petition be

1540dismissed on the ground of mootness is


15482. Attached is AHCA's notice of proposed


15563. AHCA is the state agency authorized to

1564administer the Medicaid program. Section

1569409.902, Fla. Stat. Petitioner has finally

1575conceded this point.

15784. AHCA's proposed rule addresses the

1584allegations in the petition that a rule is

1592needed to allow AHCA to reimburse Medicaid

1599recipients, like Mr. Johnson. Section

1604120.56(4)(e), Fla. Stat.

16075. Petitioner sought an administrative

1612determination that AHCA's policy statement on

1618direct reimbursement of Medicaid recipients

1623violated Section 120.54(1)(a), Fla. Stat.

1628Section 120.54(4)(a), Fla. Stat.

16326. AHCA can make direct reimbursement to

1639Medicaid recipients, like Mr. Johnson, who

1645paid for covered services after the Social

1652Security Administration's erroneous

1655determination for ineligibility was reversed.

166042 CFR Section 447.25(b).

16647. Payment is made at the level of AHCA's

1673fee schedule or the upper limits as specified

1681in the State plan for the services in

1689question, which was in effect at the time the

1698service was provided, even though Mr. Johnson

1705may have paid more than that amount. 42 CFR

1714Section 447.25(d).

17168. Petitioner's September 25, 1998 response

1722to the motion to dismiss conceded that [the]

1730AHCA policy statement is being adopted by the

1738proper statutory rulemaking procedures. See

1743Sections 120.54(1)(a) and 120.56(4)(e), Fla.


17499. On September 29, 1998, Petitioner's own

1756counsel participated in the hearing on the


176410. AHCA believes that the relevant and

1771material facts viewed in a light most

1778favorable to Petitioner now justify a

1784dismissal of the petition in this case.

179111. AHCA's proposed rule makes moot the issue

1799raised by the Petitioner. See State v.

1806Hazellief , 148 So. 2d 28 (2nd DCA 1962),

1814where the question of the extent to which

1822additional grounds for relief may be

1828considered and reviewed became moot because

1834the court found that the trial court did not

1843err. See St. Pierre v. United States , 319

1851U.S. 41, 63 S.Ct. 910, 87 L.Ed. 1199 (1943)

1860where the court dismissed a moot petition.

186712. The amount reimbursed for services to

1874Petitioner, [a] Medicaid recipient, must be

1880the same as those paid on behalf of other

1889medically needy recipients to the extent of

1896actual funds expended. See 42 U.S.C. Section

19031396(a)(10)(B) and 42 CFR Section 440.20.

190913. Petitioner has been reimbursed on his

1916claims for medical assistance under the

1922Medicaid program.

192414. The sole basis of Petitioner's standing

1931to bring his challenge to the policy in this

1940case was his request for reimbursement of

1947medical expenses under the Medicaid program.

1953See petition paragraphs 17-21. Minnehoma

1958Auto Ass'n, Inc. v. Bill Seidle's Nissan,

1965Inc. , 560 So. 2d 385 (3rd DCA 1990), where a

1975party was dismissed with the understanding it

1982could file its action appropriately. Compare

1988State ex rel. Sheven v. Morgan , 289 So. 2d

1997782 (2nd DCA 1974), where a party maintained


200615. If Petitioner is substantially affected

2012by a change in the proposed rule, then he can

2022seek a determination of the validity of such

2030change. Section 120.56(2)(a), Fla. Stat.

2035See Dep't of Business and Professional

2041Regulation v. Calder Race Course, Inc. , 23

2048Fla. L. Weekly D1795, 1998 WL 422515 (1st DCA


2058Therefore, AHCA respectfully requests that

2063the petition be dismissed and this case


2071On November 3, 1998, the undersigned issued an Order directing

2081Petitioner, by November 10, 1998, to file a written response to

2092Respondent's Second Motion "identify[ing] those assertions in the

2100Motion, factual or otherwise, with which he disagrees and

2109explain[ing] the basis of his disagreement."

2115Petitioner filed such a response on November 10, 1998. In

2125his response, Petitioner stated, among other things, the


2134AHCA's Second Motion to Dismiss and Response

2141to Petitioner's Motion for Summary Final

2147Order, primarily reiterates the arguments

2152made in its first Motion for Summary Final

2160Order. (The first motion) The only new

2167development is that Respondent has now

2173published notice of a proposed rule. This

2180proposed rule incorporates the same

2185reimbursement policies which petitioner

2189challenges. Publication of the proposed rule

2195abates petitioner's procedural claim that

2200AHCA's policies have not been properly 6

2207promulgated as a rule. However, such

2213publication does not affect the continued

2219viability of petitioner's other claims

2224challenging the substance of these

2229policies. . . .

2233This case raises both procedural and

2239substantive challenges to AHCA's unpublished

2244rule. Section 120.56(4)(f), Fla. Stat.

2249specifically authorizes this consolidation of

2254substantive and procedural claims into the

2260same action. Certainly, such consolidation

2265is more efficient than dual litigation.

2271Nevertheless, AHCA argues that it may moot

2278substantive, as well as procedural,

2283challenges simply by publishing a virtually

2289identical proposed rule. If AHCA's

2294interpretation is correct, the prudent

2299petitioner would file separate cases raising

2305his procedural and substantive claims or

2311simply forgo raising procedural claims


2317Either alternative frustrates the public

2322policy of the Administrative Procedures Act.

2328In one case, dual litigation impedes judicial

2335economy. In the second case, the Agency's

2342failure to duly promulgate rules is never

2349brought to judicial scrutiny. Indeed, if

2355AHCA can prevent litigation of substantive

2361claims merely by publishing a rule identical

2368in substance to the challenged rule, its

2375initial reliance on an unpromulgated policy

2381is rewarded. AHCA cites no authority which

2388compels such ludicrous results. Petitioner

2393substantive claims remain viable. . . .

2400Oral argument on Petitioner's Motion and Respondent's Second

2408Motion was heard on November 16, 1998. On November 17, 1999, the

2420undersigned issued an Order, which provided, in pertinent part,

2429as follows:

2431In the instant case, Petitioner is

2437challenging a policy statement made by

2443Respondent that he claims constitutes a

"2449rule," within the meaning of Section 7

2456120.52(15), Florida Statutes, but has not

2462yet been adopted by Respondent in accordance

2469with the rulemaking provisions of Chapter

2475120, Florida Statutes. He initiated his

2481challenge by filing a petition directly with

2488Division of Administrative Hearings

2492(Division) pursuant to Section 120.56,

2497Florida Statutes.

2499Any person substantially affected by an

2505unpromulgated rule may challenge that rule

2511pursuant to Section 120.56, Florida Statutes.

2517Such a challenge must be brought pursuant to

2525subsection (4) of Section 120.56, Florida

2531Statutes. See Section 120.56(4)(f), Florida

2536Statutes ("All proceedings to determine a

2543violation of s. 120.54(1)(a) shall be brought

2550pursuant to this subsection.").

2555It is apparent from a reading of subsection

2563(4) of Section 120.56, Florida Statutes, that

2570the only issue to be decided by the

2578administrative law judge in a proceeding

2584brought under this subsection is "whether all

2591or part of [the agency] statement [in

2598question] violates s. 120.54(1)(a)," Florida

2603Statutes, which provides as follows:

"2608(a) Rulemaking is not a matter of agency

2616discretion. Each agency statement defined as

2622a rule by s. 120.52 shall be adopted by the

2632rulemaking procedure provided by this section

2638as soon as feasible and practicable.

26441. Rulemaking shall be presumed feasible

2650unless the agency proves that:

2655a. The agency has not had sufficient time to

2664acquire the knowledge and experience

2669reasonably necessary to address a statement

2675by rulemaking;

2677b. Related matters are not sufficiently

2683resolved to enable the agency to address a

2691statement by rulemaking; or

2695c. The agency is currently using the

2702rulemaking procedure expeditiously and in

2707good faith to adopt rules which address the


27162. Rulemaking shall be presumed practicable

2722to the extent necessary to provide fair

2729notice to affected persons of relevant agency

2736procedures and applicable principles,

2740criteria, or standards for agency decisions

2746unless the agency proves that:

2751a. Detail or precision in the establishment

2758of principles, criteria, or standards for

2764agency decisions is not reasonable under the

2771circumstances; or

2773b. The particular questions addressed are of

2780such a narrow scope that more specific

2787resolution of the matter is impractical

2793outside of an adjudication to determine the

2800substantial interests of a party based on

2807individual circumstances."

2809If the administrative law judge rules in

2816favor of the challenger on this issue, the

2824agency must "immediately discontinue all

2829reliance upon the statement or any

2835substantially similar statement as a basis

2841for agency action." Section 120.56(4)(d),

2846Florida Statutes. Furthermore, upon the

2851entry of an order finding in favor of the

2860challenger, the administrative law judge must

"2866award reasonable costs and reasonable

2871attorney's fees to the [challenger], unless

2877the agency demonstrates that the statement is

2884required by the Federal Government to

2890implement or retain a delegated or approved

2897program or to meet a condition to receipt of

2906federal funds."

2908The agency can avoid an adverse ruling in a

2917Section 120.56(4) proceeding (and the

2922aforementioned consequences of such a ruling)

2928if, prior to the entry of a final order in

2938the case, it publishes, pursuant to Section

2945120.54(3), Florida Statutes, a proposed rule

"2951which address[es] the statement" and acts

"2957expeditiously and in good faith" to adopt

2964the rule in accordance with the rulemaking

2971requirements of Chapter 120, Florida 8

2977Statutes. Sections 120.54(1)(a)1.c and

2981120.56(4)(e), Florida Statutes; Savona v.

2986Agency for Health Care Administration , 23

2992Fla. L. Weekly D2246a (Fla. 1st DCA September

300028, 1998). The taking of these steps by the

3009agency, however, does not leave those

3015substantially affected by the agency's policy

3021statement without a means to challenge the

3028substance of the agency policy on the ground

3036that it is a "invalid exercise of delegated

3044legislative authority," within the meaning of

3050Section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes, which

3055provides as follows:

"3058As used in this act [Chapter 120, Florida


3067(8) 'Invalid exercise of delegated

3072legislative authority' means action which

3077goes beyond the powers, functions, and duties

3084delegated by the Legislature. A proposed or

3091existing rule is an invalid exercise of

3098delegated legislative authority if any one of

3105the following applies:

3108(a) The agency has materially failed to

3115follow the applicable rulemaking procedures

3120or requirements set forth in this chapter;

3127(b) The agency has exceeded its grant of

3135rulemaking authority, citation to which is

3141required by s. 120.54(3)(a)1.;

3145(c) The rule enlarges, modifies, or

3151contravenes the specific provisions of law

3157implemented, citation to which is required by

3164s. 120.54(3)(a)1.;

3166(d) The rule is vague, fails to establish

3174adequate standards for agency decisions, or

3180vests unbridled discretion in the agency;

3186(e) The rule is arbitrary or capricious;

3193(f) The rule is not supported by competent

3201substantial evidence; or

3204(g) The rule imposes regulatory costs on the

3212regulated person, county, or city which could

3219be reduced by the adoption of less costly

3227alternatives that substantially accomplish

3231the statutory objectives.

3234A grant of rulemaking authority is necessary

3241but not sufficient to allow an agency to

3249adopt a rule; a specific law to be

3257implemented is also required. An agency may

3264adopt only rules that implement, interpret,

3270or make specific the particular powers and

3277duties granted by the enabling statute. No

3284agency shall have authority to adopt a rule

3292only because it is reasonably related to the

3300purpose of the enabling legislation and is

3307not arbitrary and capricious, nor shall an

3314agency have the authority to implement

3320statutory provisions setting forth general

3325legislative intent or policy. Statutory

3330language granting rulemaking authority or

3335generally describing the powers and functions

3341of an agency shall be construed to extend no

3350further than the particular powers and duties

3357conferred by the same statute."

3362Such a challenge may be made pursuant to

3370subsection (2) of Section 120,56, Florida

3377Statutes, by filing a petition with the

3384Division "within 21 days after the date of

3392publication of the notice [of the proposed

3399rule] required by s. 120.54(3)(a), within 10

3406days after the final public hearing is held

3414on the proposed rule as provided by s.

3422120.54(3)(c), within 20 days after the

3428preparation of a statement of estimated

3434regulatory costs required pursuant to s.

3440120.541, if applicable, or within 20 days

3447after the date of publication of the notice

3455required by s. 120.54(3)(d)," Florida

3460Statutes. In addition, if, prior to the

3467adoption of the proposed rule, the agency

3474seeks to rely on the policy statement in a

3483Section 120.57(1) proceeding, the statement

3488is "subject to [at the request of the

3496aggrieved party] de novo review by [the]

3503administrative law judge" conducting the

3508proceeding pursuant to Section 120.57(1)(e),

3513Florida Statutes, which provides as follows:




3531(e)1. Any agency action that determines the

3538substantial interests of a party and that is

3546based on an unadopted rule is subject to de

3555novo review by an administrative law judge.

35622. The agency action shall not be presumed

3570valid or invalid. The agency must demonstrate

3577that the unadopted rule:

3581a. Is within the powers, functions, and

3588duties delegated by the Legislature or, if

3595the agency is operating pursuant to authority

3602derived from the State Constitution, is

3608within that authority;

3611b. Does not enlarge, modify, or contravene

3618the specific provisions of law implemented;

3624c. Is not vague, establishes adequate

3630standards for agency decisions, or does not

3637vest unbridled discretion in the agency;

3643d. Is not arbitrary or capricious;

3649e. Is not being applied to the substantially

3657affected party without due notice;

3662f. Is supported by competent and substantial

3669evidence; and

3671g. Does not impose excessive regulatory

3677costs on the regulated person, county, or


36853. The recommended and final orders in any

3693proceeding shall be governed by the

3699provisions of paragraphs (i) and (j), except

3706that the administrative law judge's

3711determination regarding the unadopted rule

3716shall not be rejected by the agency unless

3724the agency first determines from a review of

3732the complete record, and states with

3738particularity in the order, that such

3744determination is clearly erroneous or does

3750not comply with essential requirements of

3756law. In any proceeding for review under s.

3764120.68, if the court finds that the agency's

3772rejection of the determination regarding the

3778unadopted rule does not comport with the

3785provisions of this subparagraph, the agency

3791action shall be set aside and the court shall

3800award to the prevailing party the reasonable

3807costs and a reasonable attorney's fee for the

3815initial proceeding and the proceeding for


3822In the instant case, both parties agree that

3830Respondent has published a proposed rule

3836which "address[es]" the Rule. It does not

3843appear, however, that the rulemaking process

3849has concluded, and it therefore remains to be

3857seen whether Respondent will act

"3862expeditiously and in good faith" to adopt

3869the proposed rule.

3872In view of the foregoing, it is hereby


38811. Respondent's request that the

3886undersigned enter a summary final order of

3893dismissal on the ground of mootness is


39012. The more appropriate course of

3907action is to hold the matter in abeyance

3915pending the outcome of the rulemaking


39223. No later than 60 days from the date

3931of this Order, Respondent shall advise the

3938undersigned in writing of the status of the

3946rulemaking process.

39484. If it appears that Respondent is not

3956acting "expeditiously and in good faith" to

3963adopt the policy statement which is the

3970subject of the instant Section 120.56(4)

3976proceeding, or if Respondent fails to timely

3983file the written advisement required by the

3990preceding paragraph, the abeyance ordered

3995herein will be vacated.

39995. Petitioner's request that the

4004undersigned "enter a Final Summary Order

4010declaring that the Rule is an invalid

4017exercise of delegated legislative authority"

4022is denied. Petitioner's "claims challenging

4027the substance of the [Rule]" raise issues

4034that are beyond the scope of this Section

4042120.56(4) proceeding. These claims are

4047properly raised in a Section 120.56(2)

4053proceeding or a Section 120.57(1) proceeding.

4059While subsection (4)(f) of Section 120.56,

4065Florida Statutes, would authorize (but not

4071require) the consolidation of the instant

4077Section 120.56(4) proceeding with any Section

4083120.56 proceeding or Section 120.57(1)

4088proceeding in which these "substantive"

4093claims were made, Petitioner has not

4099identified, nor is the undersigned aware of,

4106any such Section 120.56 proceeding or Section

4113120.57(1) proceeding that is presently

4118pending before the Division. Accordingly,

4123Petitioner's suggestion that subsection

4127(4)(f) of Section 120.56, Florida Statutes,

4133gives the undersigned the authority to hear

4140and decide his "substantive" claims is

4146without merit. Cf , Wetherington v. State

4152Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company , 661

4158So. 2d 1276 (Fla. 2d DCA 1995)("[A] court may

4168only order consolidation of actions that are

4175'pending before the court.' Only one of the

4183cases ordered to be consolidated was 'pending

4190before the court,' that being the case filed

4199in the circuit court of the Thirteenth

4206Judicial Circuit in Hillsborough County. The

4212second case was pending in the circuit court

4220of the Eighth Judicial Circuit in Gilchrist

4227County. More importantly, the trial court

4233was without authority to exercise any

4239jurisdiction over the case pending in the

4246Eighth Judicial Circuit. . . . The chief

4254justice of the supreme court may assign a

4262judge to temporary duty in any court for

4270which the judge is qualified. Article V,

4277Sec. 2(b), Fla. Const. No order of

4284temporary assignment was entered in this

4290case. Therefore, the trial court acted in

4297excess of its jurisdiction by ordering that a

4305case pending outside the confines of its

4312territorial jurisdiction be consolidated with

4317a case over which it did have jurisdiction.

4325As such, the order granting the motion to

4333consolidate is a nullity.").

4338On January 15, 1999, Respondent filed a response to the

4348undersigned's November 17, 1998, Order, in which it stated the


43591. AHCA held a public hearing in this matter

4368on December 7, 1998, at which public input

4376was gathered on this proposed rule.

43822. Due to the input from the public and the

4392intervening holidays, AHCA has not published

4398a rule as of the date of this response.

44073. AHCA is working diligently, expeditiously

4413and in good faith to consider and act on the

4423public comment received regarding the policy

4429statement, which is the subject of this case.

4437THEREFORE, AHCA would request that this

4443action be held in abeyance for an additional

445190 days to complete the rule promulgation


4459On January 27, 1999, the undersigned issued an Order

4468granting Respondent's request and directing the parties to advise

4477the undersigned in writing, no later than April 15, 1999, "of the

4489status of the rulemaking process and whether further proceedings

4498in this case are necessary." On April 12, 1999, and again on

4510April 22, 1999, Respondent filed such written advisements. In

4519its April 22, 1999, written advisement, Respondent informed the

4528undersigned that "AHCA ha[d] filed for final adoption FAC Rule

453859G-5.110, Claims Payment." In response to his receipt of this

4548written advisement, the undersigned, on April 27, 1999, issued an

4558Order directing the parties to advise him in writing, no later

4569than 21 days from the date of the Order, "what action they

4581believe[d] the undersigned should take now that Rule 59G-5.110,

4590Florida Administrative Code, has been filed with the Department

4599of State for final adoption."

4604Respondent, on April 29, 1999, filed motion requesting that

4613the undersigned "dismiss this case as moot." On May 4, 1999,

4624Petitioner filed the following response to Respondent's Motion to

4633Dismiss (and to the undersigned's April 27, 1999, Order):

4642Pursuant to section 120.54(3)(e)6, Fla.

4647Stat., newly filed rule 59G-5.110 will become

4654effective on May 10, 1999. As of the that

4663date, abatement is no longer appropriate.

4669As previously urged, this case should not

4676then be dismissed as moot. Rather, this

4683tribunal should proceed to adjudicate the

4689issues raised in the original petition

4695challenging the Agency's policy of limiting

4701reimbursement of out-of-pocket medical

4705expenses to the Medicaid payment rate.

4711(Petition, Par. 11) The newly filed Rule

471859G-110 likewise provides, "All payments

4723shall be made at the Medicaid established

4730payment rate in effect at the time the

4738services were rendered."

4741If this case is dismissed the Agency will

4749successfully evade judicial scrutiny of this

4755policy. It will, in effect, be rewarded for

4763its initial failure to duly promulgate a


4771The undersigned agrees with Respondent that, inasmuch as

4779there is no dispute that the agency "policy" that Petitioner

4789seeks to challenge in the instant case pursuant to Section

4799120.56(4), Florida Statutes (which authorizes a challenge to an

4808agency statement on the ground that it "constitutes a rule under

4819s. 120.52," but "has not [been] adopted . . . by the rulemaking

4832procedures provided by s. 120.54," Florida Statutes), is

4840contained in a rule (Rule 59G-5.110, Florida Administrative Code)

4849that Respondent has adopted during the pendency of this

4858proceeding, Petitioner's challenge is now moot. See Savona v.

4867Agency for Health Care Administration , 717 So. 2d 1129 (Fla. 1st

4878DCA 1998); Lund v. Department of Health , 708 So. 2d 645 (Fla. 1st

4891DCA 1998); Martin Memorial Medical Center, Inc., v. Agency for

4901Health Care Administration , 1995 WL 1052596 (Fla. DOAH

49091995)(Final Order).

4911Accordingly, Petitioner's challenge is hereby DISMISSED. 9

4918DONE AND ORDERED this 18th day of May, 1999, in

4928Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4936Administrative Law Judge

4939Division of Administrative Hearings

4943The DeSoto Building

49461230 Apalachee Parkway

4949Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

4952(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

4956Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


4961Filed with the Clerk of the

4967Division of Administrative Hearings

4971this 18th day of May, 1999.


49781/ Pursuant to Section 120.56(4)(e), Florida Statutes:

4985Prior to entry of a final order that all or

4995part of an agency statement violates s.

5002120.54(1)(a), if an agency publishes,

5007pursuant to s. 120.54(3)(a), proposed rules

5013which address the statement and proceeds

5019expeditiously and in good faith to adopt

5026rules which address the statement, the agency

5033shall be permitted to rely upon the statement

5041or a substantially similar statement as a

5048basis for agency action if the statement

5055meets the requirements of s. 120.57(1)(e).

5061If an agency fails to adopt rules which

5069address the statement within 180 days after

5076publishing proposed rules, for purposes of

5082this subsection, a presumption is created

5088that the agency is not acting expeditiously

5095and in good faith to adopt rules. If the

5104agency's proposed rules are challenged

5109pursuant to subsection (2), the 180-day

5115period for adoption of rules is tolled until

5123a final order is entered in that proceeding.

51312/ The motion was accompanied by a memorandum of law.

51413/ Chapter 60Q-2, Florida Administrative Code, was repealed,

5149effective October 7, 1998. Rule 28-106.204(4), Florida

5156Administrative Code, now governs the filing of motions for

5165summary final orders in cases where the administrative law judge

5175has final order authority.

51794/ In reciting the contents of this pleading, the undersigned

5189has omitted the "citations to the record" included in the


52005/ In reciting the contents of this pleading, the undersigned

5210has omitted references made therein to attachments to the


52206/ In a footnote, Petitioner added the following:

5228AHCA argues that the rule publication moots

5235the procedural challenge. In fact,

5240technically this claim would be abated but

5247not mooted. The procedural claim would be

5254mooted only by adoption of a rule. Mere

5262publication of a proposed rule only abates

5269the challenge while the agency "proceeds

5275expeditiously and in good faith to adopt

5282rules." Section 120.56(4)(e), Fla. Stat.

52877/ Section 120.52(15), Florida Statutes, provides as follows:

"5295Rule" means each agency statement of general

5302applicability that implements, interprets, or

5307prescribes law or policy or describes the

5314procedure or practice requirements of an

5320agency and includes any form which imposes

5327any requirement or solicits any information

5333not specifically required by statute or by an

5341existing rule. The term also includes the

5348amendment or repeal of a rule. The term does

5357not include:

5359(a) Internal management memoranda which do

5365not affect either the private interests of

5372any person or any plan or procedure important

5380to the public and which have no application

5388outside the agency issuing the memorandum.

5394(b) Legal memoranda or opinions issued to an

5402agency by the Attorney General or agency

5409legal opinions prior to their use in

5416connection with an agency action.

5421(c) The preparation or modification of:

54271. Agency budgets.

54302. Statements, memoranda, or instructions to

5436state agencies issued by the Comptroller as

5443chief fiscal officer of the state and

5450relating or pertaining to claims for payment

5457submitted by state agencies to the


54643. Contractual provisions reached as a

5470result of collective bargaining.

54744. Memoranda issued by the Executive Office

5481of the Governor relating to information

5487resources management.

54898/ If an agency fails to adopt rules which address the statement

5501within 180 days after publishing proposed rules, for purposes of

5511this subsection [subsection (4) of Section 120.56, Florida

5519Statutes], a presumption is created that the agency is not acting

5530expeditiously and in good faith to adopt rules. If the agency's

5541proposed rules are challenged pursuant to subsection (2) [of

5550Section 120.56, Florida Statutes], the 180-day period for

5558adoption of rules is tolled until a final order is entered in

5570that proceeding." Section 120.56(4)(e), Florida Statutes.

55769/ If Petitioner wishes to pursue the "substantive" claims

5585concerning the challenged "policy," he must seek to do so

5595pursuant to Section 120.56(3), Florida Statutes (which deals with

"5604challeng[es to] existing rules").


5611Paulette Ettachild, Esquire

5614Legal Services of the Florida Keys

5620600 White Street

5623Key West, Florida 33040

5627Anne Swerlick, Esquire

5630Florida Legal Services, Inc.

56342121 Delta Boulevard

5637Tallahassee, Florida 32303

5640Miriam Harmatz, Esquire

5643Florida Legal Services, Inc.

56473000 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 450

5652Miami, Florida 33137

5655Moses Williams, Esquire

5658Paul J. Martin, Esquire

5662Office of the General Counsel

5667Agency for Health Care Administration

5672Building Three, Suite 3431

56762727 Mahan Drive

5679Tallahassee, Florida 32308

5682Carroll Webb, Executive Director

5686and General Counsel

5689Joint Administrative Procedures Committee

5693Holland Building, Room 120

5697Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300

5700Liz Cloud, Chief

5703Bureau of Administrative Code

5707The Elliott Building

5710Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250


5719A party who is adversely affected by this final order is entitled

5731to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes.

5740Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate

5750Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by filing one copy of a

5761notice of appeal with the Agency Clerk of the Division of

5772Administrative Hearings and a second copy, accompanied by filing

5781fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal, First

5792District, or with the district court of appeal in the appellate

5803district where the party resides. The notice of appeal must be

5814filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/18/1999
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 05/18/1999
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held , 2013). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/18/1999
Proceedings: Final Order of Dismissal sent out. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/04/1999
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to AHCA`s Third Motion to Dismiss and to April 27th Order filed.
Date: 04/29/1999
Proceedings: AHCA`s Third Motion to Dismiss the Petition filed.
Date: 04/27/1999
Proceedings: Order sent out. (parties shall file status report within 21 days from the date of this order)
Date: 04/22/1999
Proceedings: AHCA`s Second Response to DOAH Order Issued January 27, 1999 filed.
Date: 04/12/1999
Proceedings: AHCA`s Response to DOAH Order Issued January 27, 1999 filed.
Date: 01/27/1999
Proceedings: Order sent out. (parties to advise by 4/15/99 as to need for further hearing)
Date: 01/15/1999
Proceedings: AHCA`s Response to DOAH Order Issued November 17, 1998 filed.
Date: 11/17/1998
Proceedings: Order sent out. (case abated; requests for summary final order are denied; respondent to provide status of rulemaking process within 60 days)
Date: 11/10/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to AHCA`s Second Motion to Dismiss the Petition and Response to Petitioner`s Motion for Summary Final Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/03/1998
Proceedings: Order sent out. (petitioner to file response to second motion to dismiss petition within 7 days)
Date: 11/02/1998
Proceedings: AHCA`s Second Motion to Dismiss the Petition and Response to Petitioner`s Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 10/22/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Summary Final Order Declaring Rule Incalid and Statement of Undisputed Material Facts filed.
Date: 10/22/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Final Order Declaring Rule Invalid filed.
Date: 10/22/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Oral Argument on Petitioner`s Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 10/05/1998
Proceedings: AHCA`s Motion to Expedite the Resolution of This Case and Response to Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 10/02/1998
Proceedings: Order sent out. (hearing cancelled; petitioner to file motion for summary final order by 10/23/98)
Date: 10/01/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Withdrawal of Request for Oral Argument filed.
Date: 10/01/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 09/25/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response in Opposition to Respondent`s Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 09/16/1998
Proceedings: AHCA`s Response to the September 15, 1998 Order filed.
Date: 09/15/1998
Proceedings: Order sent out. (petitioner to respond within 10 days to the motion for summary final order)
Date: 09/11/1998
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Service of Answer to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 09/11/1998
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion for Summary Final Order Dismissing tne Petition; AHCA`s Response to First Request for Production of Documents; AHCA`s Answer to First request for Admissions; AHCA`s Answer to Petition filed.
Date: 08/25/1998
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request for Admissions to Petitioner filed.
Date: 08/05/1998
Proceedings: Order sent out. (petitioner`s motion to establish expedited discovery schedule is denied)
Date: 08/05/1998
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 10/8/98; 9:15am; Tallahassee)
Date: 08/05/1998
Proceedings: Order Requiring Prehearing Stipulation sent out.
Date: 08/04/1998
Proceedings: (M. Williams) Notice of Appearance filed.
Date: 07/31/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion to Establish Expedited Discovery Schedule (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/30/1998
Proceedings: Order of Assignment sent out.
Date: 07/29/1998
Proceedings: Letter to Liz Cloud & Carroll Webb from M. Lockard w/cc: Agency General Counsel sent out.
Date: 07/24/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 07/24/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents; Release and Authorization filed.
Date: 07/24/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories; Notice of Service of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 07/24/1998
Proceedings: Petition to Determine Invalidity of Respondent`s Rule as Evidenced by or Embodied in the Printed Policy Entitled "Direct Reimbursement/Payment to Recipients" filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Agency for Health Care Administration

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (10):

Related Florida Rule(s) (2):