98-005654 Griffin`s Carpet Mart, Inc. vs. Department Of Revenue
 Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, November 14, 2000.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to present sufficient evidence to show that the Department`s assessment was incorrect.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 98-5654




28Respondent. )



33Upon due notice, William R. Cave, an Administrative Law

42Judge for the Division of Administrative Hearings, held a formal

52hearing in this matter on January 18, 2000, Tallahassee, Florida.


63For Petitioner: James F. McCollum, Esquire

69Law Offices of James F. McCollum, P.A.

76129 South Commerce Avenue

80Sebring, Florida 33870-3698

83For Respondent: John Mika, Esquire

88Nicholas Bykosky, Esquire

91Office of the Attorney General

96Department of Legal Affairs

100The Capitol, Tax Section

104Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050


111Is the purchase or use of tangible personal property by a

122contractor who purchases material and supplies for use in

131performing non-public works contracts taxable under Chapter 212,

139Florida Statutes, and Rule 12A-1.051, Florida Administrative



149On October 26, 1998, the Department of Revenue (Department)

158issued its Notice of Decision to Petitioner Griffin's Carpet

167Mart, Inc. concerning the Department's Sales and Use Tax Audit

177Assessment of Petitioner's business covering the period from

185November 1, 1992 through October 31, 1997, which also included an

196assessment for Local Government Infrastructure Surtax. Among

203other things, the Notice of Decision advised Petitioner of its

213appeal rights. By letter dated December 18, 1998, and received

223by the Department's Agency Clerk on December 23, 1998, the

233Petitioner requested a formal hearing under Chapter 120, Florida

242Statutes. By letter dated December 29, 1998, the Department

251referred this matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings

260(Division) for the assignment of an Administrative Law Judge and

270for the conduct of a formal hearing.

277At the hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of John

286T. Griffin. The deposition of John T. Griffin taken August 20,

2971999, was received in addition to his live testimony at the

308hearing. The depositions of Garth Winsor taken September 27,

3171999, Robert Flores taken September 27, 1999, Randy Reimer taken

327September 27, 1999, Elizabeth Bosco Turner taken June 25, 1999,

337and Rose Chancey taken July 16, 1999, were received in lieu of

349their live testimony at the hearing. The deposition of John T.

360Griffin is received subject to the objections to his testimony

370made by Griffin's counsel, which are sustained. The depositions

379of Rose Chancey and Elizabeth Bosco Turner are received subject

389to the objections to their testimony made by the Department's

399counsel, which are sustained. The Department presented the

407testimonies of Richard B. Turnbull and Jonathan E. Swift. The

417Department's Composite Exhibits numbered 1 and 2 and the

426Department's Exhibit numbered 3 were received in evidence.

434Sections 120.80(14), 212.02, 212.031, 212.05, 212.054, 212.06,

441212.18 and 213.06, Florida Statutes, and Rules 12A-1.006, 12A-

4501.016, 12A-1.051, 12A-1.070, 12A-1.091, and 12A-15, Florida

457Administrative Code, were officially recognized.

462Petitioner's Unopposed Motion to Allow Late Filing of Brief,

471which was treated as a Motion to Extend the Time for Filing

483Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, was granted

493with the understanding that any time constraint imposed under

502Rule 28-106.216(1), Florida Administrative Code was waived in

510accordance with Rule 28-106.216(2), Florida Administrative Code.

517The parties filed their Proposed Recommended Orders under the

526extended time frame.


532Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence

540adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact

550are made.

5521. Petitioner is a Florida Corporation having its principal

561place of business located at 560 Highway 27 North, Sebring,

571Florida 33820, and is subject to the taxes imposed under Chapter

582212, Florida Statutes.

5852. The Department is the agency authorized to administer

594the tax laws of the State of Florida, pursuant to Section 213.05,

606Florida Statutes.

6083. The Department is authorized to prescribe the records to

618be kept by all persons subject to taxes under Chapter 212,

629Florida Statutes. Such persons have a duty to keep and preserve

640their records, and the records shall be open to examination by

651the Department or its authorized agents at all reasonable hours

661pursuant to Section 212.12(6), Florida Statutes.

6674. The Department is authorized to conduct audits of

676taxpayers and to request information to ascertain their tax

685liability, if any, pursuant to Section 213.34, Florida Statutes.

6945. The Department conducted an audit of Petitioner to

703determine if Petitioner was properly collecting and remitting

711sales and use tax to the Department.

7186. The audit covers the period from November 1, 1992,

728through October 31, 1997.

7327. Petitioner is a retail carpet store, selling carpet and

742other flooring material, both installed and non-installed, in

750Sebring, Florida, and the surrounding areas. An invoice is

759prepared for each sales transaction.

7648. Petitioner rents the building in which its business is

774conducted and where Petitioner’s inventory and supplies are

782stored. Petitioner pays rent monthly. During the audit period,

791tax was neither paid nor collected on the rent payments.

8019. Petitioner purchases carpet samples from out-of-state

808vendors for use in its business. During the audit period, sales

819tax was not paid on all purchases.

82610. Petitioner collected tax on the price of the carpet or

837other flooring materials, as reflected on the invoice, where the

847customer was a taxpaying entity and collected tax on the total

858price on the invoice when the invoice specified installation.

86711. Petitioner did not collect tax on the price of the

878carpet or other flooring material, as reflected on the invoice,

888for tax-exempt entities, whether the invoice reflected the carpet

897or other flooring material as installed or non-installed.

90512. On May 18, 1998, a Notice of Intent to Make Audit

917Changes was presented to Petitioner. Additional sales and use

926tax and infrastructure surtax were determined to be due for the

937following taxable events: (a) rental expenses; (b) taxable

945purchases of samples; and, (c) sales to tax-exempt entities where

955the sale of carpet or other flooring materials included

964installation to real property.

96813. On May 18, 1998, Petitioner paid the additional tax

978assessed for taxable rental expenses and taxable purchases of

987samples and has been given credit for such payment.

99614. Petitioner protests the tax assessed on the cost price

1006of carpeting used where the customer was a tax-exempt entity and

1017the sales price included installation.

102215. On July 16, 1998, the Department sent to Petitioner its

1033Notice of Proposed Assessment showing that Petitioner owed

1041additional sales and use tax and infrastructure surtax in the

1051amount of $13,569.15 and $2,188.01, respectively. Added to the

1062tax owed by Petitioner were penalties in the amount of $6,730.78

1074and $1,085.02, respectively, and interest through July 16, 1998,

1084in the amount of $4,627.66 and $736.95, respectively. The total

1095assessment was $24,927.59 and $4,009.98, respectively. Credits

1104in the amount of $8,233.87 and $1,372.30 respectively, have been

1116applied against the taxes assessed and reflect the payments made

1126by Petitioner on May 18, 1998.

113216. The amount of taxable rental expenses reported on the

1142audit work paper Schedule B010 is consistent with Petitioner’s

1151monthly reports.

115317. The amount of taxable sample expenses reported on the

1163audit work paper Schedule B020 is consistent with Petitioner’s

1172monthly reports.

117418 The amount of exempt sales reported on the audit work

1185paper Schedule B030 is consistent with Petitioner’s monthly


119419. Petitioner timely filed a written protest of the

1203Department’s proposed assessment.

120620. On October 25, 1998, the Department issued its Notice

1216of Decision as to the protest of Petitioner. The proposed

1226assessment was sustained by the Department.

123221. All invoices in the Department’s Composite Exhibit

1240numbered 2, with the exception of invoices numbered 68, 197, 262,

1251432, 481, 482, 497, and 498, which are related to transactions

1262that do not involve real property, are records of contracts

1272between Petitioner and the tax-exempt entity to furnish and

1281install wall-to-wall carpet or other flooring materials on real

1290property. There is no retained title provision in any of these


130222. With the exception of invoices numbered 68, 197, 262,

1312432, 481, 482, 497, and 498, the invoices contained in the

1323Department’s Composite Exhibit numbered 2 reflect an improvement

1331being made to real property.

133623. Each of the invoices in the Department’s Composite

1345Exhibit numbered 2 corresponds to a specific entry in Schedule

1355B030 of the audit work papers and which is included under Tab 7a,

1368pages 19 through 32, of the Department’s Composite Exhibit

1377numbered 1.

137924. When Petitioner installed, or subcontracted the

1386installation of carpet, the carpet was affixed to the floor by

1397glue, nails, or other means and became the finished floor.

140725. Although tack strips, glue, nails, seaming tape, and

1416other items were not listed on the invoice, these items are

1427commonly used in the industry to complete performance of

1436contracts such as those involved in this proceeding.

144426. In providing for the installation of carpet or other

1454flooring materials involved in this proceeding, Petitioner

1461engaged subcontractors and paid the subcontractor by the square

1470yard. The square yard price included all materials and labor.

1480With some exceptions, such as metal strips, materials used in the

1491installation of the carpet or other flooring materials were not

1501reflected on the invoices.

150527. Since there was no itemization of parts and labor, the

1516invoices contained in the Department’s Composite Exhibit numbered

15242, with the exception of invoices numbered 68, 197, 262, 432,

1535481, 482, 497, and 498, are lump-sum contracts.

154328. During his testimony at the hearing, John T. Griffin

1553described Petitioner’s invoices as lump-sum contracts.

155929. Petitioner argued that the Department had failed to

1568provide the proper information and training concerning the

1576Department’s position on the imposition of the tax. However,

1585based on the testimony of the Department’s witnesses concerning

1594this matter it appears that sufficient information and sufficient

1603training concerning the Department’s position on the imposition

1611of the tax was readily available to Petitioner or its employees.

162230. The noncompliance by Petitioner with the applicable

1630sales and use tax rules was not due to willful negligence,

1641willful neglect, or fraud.

164531. It is the recommendation of the Department’s employees

1654that the penalty assessed in this matter be waived.

166332. As of January 18, 2000, the total sales and use tax,

1675penalty, and interest was $17,658.80. The local governmental

1684infrastructure total surtax, penalty, and interest was $2,786.58.

1693These totals do not reflect a downward adjustment for the taxes,

1704penalty, and interest assessed against invoices numbered 68, 197,

1713262, 432, 481, 482, 497, and 498. For these invoices, the

1724adjustment for taxes assessed, penalty, and interest shall be

1733calculated from the date of each specific invoice and Petitioner

1743given credit for any taxes, penalty, or interest charged against

1753it for invoices numbered 68, 197, 262, 432, 481, 482, 497, and


176633. The interest that has been assessed for the taxes that

1777were not paid on the rent of the building or the carpet samples

1790is appropriate. Petitioner does not disagree with this interest.


180234. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1809jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

1819proceeding pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

182635. In an administrative proceeding, such as this one, the

1836Department’s burden is limited to a showing that an assessment

1846has been made against the taxpayer and the factual and legal

1857grounds upon which the Department made the assessment. Section

1866120.80(14)(b)2, Florida Statutes. The Department has met its

1874burden in this regard. The Department having met its burden, the

1885burden of going forward shifts to Petitioner to demonstrate by a

1896preponderance of the evidence that the assessment is incorrect.

190536. Rule 12A-1-051(1),(2)(a)-(f),(3),(16), and (40),

1913Florida Administrative Code, provides in part as follows:

1921(1) This rule shall govern the taxability of

1929purchases or use of tangible personal

1935property by contractors who purchase or

1941manufacture materials and supplies for use in

1948the performance of non public works

1954contracts. . . . The method by which

1962contractors or subcontractors arrive at the

1968total contract price charged for repair,

1974alteration, improvement, and construction of

1979real property or for a combination of work on

1988both real and personal property must be

1995determined for the purpose of ascertaining

2001whether the receipts from sales made to or by

2010them are taxable.

2013(2) Such contractors may include, among

2019others, building, electrical, plumbing,

2023heating, painting, decorating, ventilating,

2027paper hanging, sheet metal, bridge, road,

2033landscape or roofing contractors and they may

2040use one of the following methods in arriving

2048at the total contract price:

2053(a) Contracts in which the contractor or

2060subcontractor agrees to furnish materials and

2066supplies and necessary services for a lump


2074(b) Contracts in which the contractor or

2081subcontractor agrees to furnish the materials

2087and supplies and necessary services on a cost

2095plus or fixed fee basis;

2100(c) Contracts in which the contractor or

2107subcontractor agrees to furnish materials and

2113supplies and necessary services with an upset

2120or guaranteed price which may not be

2127exceeded; and

2129(d) Contracts in which the contractor or

2136subcontractor repairs, alters, improves or

2141constructs real property and wherein he

2147agrees to sell specifically described and

2153itemized materials and supplies at an agreed

2160price or at the regular retail price and to

2169complete the work either for an additional

2176agreed price or on the basis of time


2185(e) When a contractor or subcontractor uses

2192materials and supplies in fulfilling either a

2199lump sum , cost plus, fixed fee, guaranteed

2206price or any kind of contract except one

2214falling in class (d) above, he becomes the

2222ultimate consumer thereof. The person or

2228dealer who sells such materials and supplies

2235to such contractor or subcontractor is making

2242sales at retail and is required to collect

2250the tax from him based upon the receipts from

2259such sales.

2261(f) In cases falling in class (d) above, the

2270contractor or subcontractor is deemed to be

2277selling tangible personal property at an

2283agreed retail price and shall collect tax

2290from his purchaser based upon the amount of

2298the receipts from such sales, excluding

2304installation charges if separately stated. A

2310dealer selling to such contractor or

2316subcontractor must obtain a resale

2321certificate in lieu of tax.

2326(3) If a contractor’s or subcontractor’s

2332business is only that of contracts in classes

2340(2(a),(b), or (c), he should not give a

2349resale certificate and should pay tax on any

2357of the materials and supplies purchased. If

2364his business is also that of taking class

2372(2)(d) contracts or of selling construction

2378materials or other tangible personal property

2384at retail, he shall furnish his dealers with

2392a resale certificate on all purchases for

2399resale. If a buyer gives a resale

2406certificate and thereafter consumes some of

2412the materials and supplies purchased in the

2419performance of contracts in classes

24242)(a),(b),or (c), he must include in his

2433return to the Department of Revenue tax upon

2441the cost price of the materials and supplies

2449so used in addition to tax on retail sales

2458under class (2)(d) contracts. If a

2464contractor or subcontractor purchases

2468materials and supplies without a resale

2474certificate and subsequently sells some of

2480them at retail or uses them in fulfilling

2488class (d) contracts, he must collect the tax

2496thereon and report and pay same to the

2504Department of Revenue. In such cases the

2511contractor or subcontractor may take the tax

2518paid by him to his dealers as a credit on his

2529report to the Department. All contractors

2535and subcontractors must maintain records in

2541accordance with the requirements of

2546s. 213.35, F.S., as created by section 6,

2554Chapter 88-119, Laws of Florida, of all

2561materials used in the performance of

2567contracts for the improvement of realty,

2573adequate to show that the appropriate tax has

2581been accrued and remitted by them or paid to

2590their vendors, as the case may be.

2597* * *

2600(16) Materials purchased for use in the

2607performance of lump sum, cost plus, fixed fee

2615or guaranteed price contracts for the

2621improvement of real property are taxable to

2628all contractors, including but not limited to

2635the following contractors. . .

2640Block and brick masons

2644Burglar and fire alarm system

2649Carpets (See subsection (40) of this rule)

2656Cement workers



2660Elevator and escalator



2665* * *

2668(40) A contractor or subcontractor is

2674construed to be improving real property and

2681owes the tax on all materials and supplies

2689that he uses in fulfilling the contract when

2697he furnishes and installs wall-to-wall

2702carpeting pursuant to a lump sum , cost plus,

2710fixed fee, or guaranteed price contract when :

2718(a) There is no retained title provision in

2726the agreement; and

2729(b) The carpeting is affixed to the floor by

2738nails, glue or in some other manner and

2746becomes the finished floor . (Emphasis


275337. Rule 12A-15.001(1) provides as follows:

2759(1) For the purpose of administering the

2766Discretionary Sales Surtax (referred to as

2772the Surtax, or Tax), all rules relating to

2780Sales and Use Tax (Chapter 12A-1, Florida

2787Administrative Code) shall apply to the

2793Surtax, except in those situations where

2799rules relating to the Surtax have been issued

2807to clarify specific statutory provisions.

281238. Petitioner has failed to meet its burden to show that

2823the Department’s assessment was incorrect.


2829Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2839Law, it is recommended that the Department enter a final order

2850upholding its assessments dated October 25, 1998, of sales and

2860use tax, the local infrastructure surtax, plus applicable

2868interest against Griffin Carpet Mart, Inc., with credit being

2877provided for any payments made and for the assessments related to

2888invoices numbered 68, 197, 262, 432, 481, 482, 497, and 498. It

2900is further recommended after considering all the circumstances

2908surrounding this case, that all penalties be waived.

2916DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of April, 2000, in

2926Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2934Administrative Law Judge

2937Division of Administrative Hearings

2941The DeSoto Building

29441230 Apalachee Parkway

2947Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2950(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

2954Fax Filing (850) 921-6947


2959Filed with the Clerk of the

2965Division of Administrative Hearings

2969this 7th day of April, 2000.


2977James F. McCollum, Esquire

2981Law Offices of James F. McCollum, P.A.

2988129 South Commerce Avenue

2992Sebring, Florida 33870-3698

2995John Mika, Esquire

2998Nicholas Bykosky, Esquire

3001Office of the Attorney General

3006Department of Legal Affairs

3010The Capitol, Tax Section

3014Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

3017Larry Fuchs, Executive Director

3021Department of Revenue

3024104 Carlton Building

3027Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

3030Linda Lettera, General Counsel

3034Department of Revenue

3037204 Carlton Building

3040Post Office Box 6668

3044Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668


3053All parties have the right to submit exceptions within 15 days

3064from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this

3075Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will issue

3086the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/13/2001
Proceedings: Mandate filed.
Date: 06/13/2001
Proceedings: Opinion filed.
Date: 05/25/2001
Proceedings: Opinion
Date: 05/25/2001
Proceedings: Mandate
Date: 11/22/2000
Proceedings: Amended Record on Appeal (Respondent) filed.
Date: 11/14/2000
Proceedings: Order Reaffirming Recommended Order issued. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/14/2000
Proceedings: Letter to J. Zingale from Judge Cave In re: Order Reaffirming Recommended order filed.
Date: 11/06/2000
Proceedings: (Respondent) Order Remanding Case to the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 11/06/2000
Proceedings: Letter to Attorney General from J. McCollum In re: stipulation of facts and exhibits filed.
Date: 11/03/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for November 13, 2000; 10:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/03/2000
Proceedings: Order Re-Opening File (ONE FILE) CASE REOPENED.
Date: 11/02/2000
Proceedings: Motion to Reopen File to Correct Record and Request that an Evidentiary Hearing be Scheduled (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 10/24/2000
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT (joint motion to relinquish jurisdiction is granted, jurisdiction is relinquished to the lower tribunal for 30 days) filed.
Date: 10/24/2000
Proceedings: First DCA Case NO. 1D00-1745 filed.
Date: 07/20/2000
Proceedings: Ltr. to Judge W. Cave from J. Mika In re: stipulation of fact. (filed via facsimile)
Date: 05/12/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Agency Appeal filed.
Date: 05/12/2000
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 05/10/2000
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 04/07/2000
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/07/2000
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 01/18/2000.
Date: 02/28/2000
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/28/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner`s Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/25/2000
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order sent out.
Date: 02/24/2000
Proceedings: (J. McCollum) Unopposed Motion to Allow Late Filing of Brief (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/22/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order by Florida Department of Revenue; Proposed Recommended Order (for Judge Signature) filed.
Date: 02/21/2000
Proceedings: (J. McCollum) Unopposed Motion to Allow Date Filing of Brief (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/02/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Filing; DOAH Court Reporter Final Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 02/01/2000
Proceedings: Objection to Testimony of Witnesses (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/28/2000
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Clarification; Notice of Filing Objections to Deposition of Elizabeth Turner; Notice of Filing Objections to Deposition of Rose Chancy filed.
Date: 01/18/2000
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 01/12/2000
Proceedings: (Respondent) Request to Take Judicial Notice (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/12/2000
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Filing; Deposition of Randy Reimer (Judge original and copy of Deposition) filed.
Date: 01/12/2000
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Filing; Deposition of Garth Winsor (Judge has original & copy of Deposition) filed.
Date: 10/13/1999
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for January 18, 2000; 10:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, Florida)
Date: 10/08/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for January 11, 2000; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, Florida)
Date: 10/06/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Modification to Joint Status Report (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/01/1999
Proceedings: Joint Status Report (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/13/1999
Proceedings: (4) Subpoena ad Testificandum (J. McCollum) filed.
Date: 09/08/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Taking Deposition (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/02/1999
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Placing Case in Abeyance sent out. (Parties to advise status by October 1, 1999.)
Date: 08/27/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to Notice to Produce (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/27/1999
Proceedings: Department`s Notice of Filing the Transcript of the Deposition of John T. Griffin filed.
Date: 08/27/1999
Proceedings: Deposition of John T. Griffin (Judge has original and copy of Deposition) filed.
Date: 08/27/1999
Proceedings: Respondent`s Second Request for Production of Documents (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/26/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice to Produce (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/25/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Emergency Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/18/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Amended Notice of Taking Deposition (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/18/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Supplemental Response to First Request for Production of Documents (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/16/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 08/13/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/12/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Waiver (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/06/1999
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/02/1999
Proceedings: Order Denying the Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Comply With Discovery sent out.
Date: 07/01/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Filing; Letter dated 4/17/98 from L.H. Fuchs to Honorable J. Spratt as an attachment to Petitioner`s Response to Motion to Dismiss for failure to Comply with Discovery (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/29/1999
Proceedings: (J. McCollum) Response to Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Comply With Discovery (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/25/1999
Proceedings: Order Granting Unopposed Motion to Allow Late Filing of Memorandum sent out.
Date: 06/24/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Unopposed Motion to Allow Late Filing of Memorandum (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/10/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Comply With Discovery (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/10/1999
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (as to date only) sent out. (hearing set for 9:00am; Tallahassee; 9/7/99)
Date: 05/24/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) (2) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 05/21/1999
Proceedings: Amended Order of Abeyance and Re-scheduling Hearing (As to the Location) sent out. (hearing set for 8/23/99; 1:00pm; Tallahassee)
Date: 05/18/1999
Proceedings: Deposition of: John T. Griffin ; Notice of Filing; Notice of Filing Exhibits; Exhibits filed.
Date: 05/12/1999
Proceedings: Order of Abeyance and Rescheduling Hearing sent out. (5/18/99 hearing reset for 8/23/99; 1:00pm; Tallahassee)
Date: 05/11/1999
Proceedings: Agreed Motion to Continue Final Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/03/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Taking Deposition (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/26/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Canceling Deposition (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/23/1999
Proceedings: Second Amended Notice of Hearing (As to Place Only) sent out. (hearing will be held at the DeSoto Building in Tallahassee)
Date: 04/23/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Intent to Introduce Into Evidence Public Records Containing Data Summaries (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/22/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Taking Deposition (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/23/1999
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (As to Place Only) sent out. (hearing set for 5/18/99; 9:00am; Tallahassee)
Date: 01/20/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 5/18/99; 9:00am; Tallahassee)
Date: 01/19/1999
Proceedings: Department of Revenue`s Response to Petition rec`d
Date: 01/13/1999
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/06/1999
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 12/30/1998
Proceedings: Agency Referral Letter; Request for Hearing (letter form); Agency Action Letter; Supportive Documents filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida

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