99-002047GM Barbara And William Dubin And Greater Pine Island Civic Association, Inc. vs. Lee County
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, December 27, 1999.

View Dockets  
Summary: Small-scale comprehensive plan amendment was found to be in compliance with statutory and rule requirements.







23Petitioners, )


26vs. ) Case No. 99-2047GM




36Respondent, )


39and )




46Intervenor. )



51Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative Hearings,

59by its duly-designated Administrative Law Judge, Lawrence P.

67Stevenson, held a formal hearing in the above-styled case in Fort

78Myers, Florida, on August 17 and 18, 1999.


87For Petitioners: Thomas W. Reese, Esquire

932951 61st Avenue, South

97St. Petersburg, Florida 33712

101For Respondent: Thomas L. Wright, Esquire

107Timothy Jones, Esquire

110Assistant County Attorneys

113Lee County, Florida

1162115 Second Street

119Post Office Box 398

123Fort Myers, Florida 33902

127For Intervenor: Pete Doragh, Esquire

132Annis, Mitchell, Cockey,

135Edwards & Roehn, P.A.

139Post Office Box 60259

143Fort Myers, Florida 33906-6259


151At issue in this proceeding is whether PAM 98-01, a small

162scale amendment to the future land-use map (" FLUM") of the Lee

175County Comprehensive Plan (the "Lee County Plan" or the "Plan"),

186changing the future land-use designation of approximately 9.9

194acres of land on Pine Island from Rural to Outlying Suburban,

205complies with the requirements of the Local Government

213Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act,

220Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes.


228On May 3, 1999, Petitioners filed with the Division of

238Administrative Hearings a pro se petition for a formal

247administrative hearing, pursuant to Section 163.3187(3), Florida

254Statutes. The petition alleged that PAM 98-01, adopted by the

264Board of County Commissioners of Lee County (the "Board") on

275April 13, 1999, was not in compliance with Chapter 163, Part II,

287Florida Statutes. On May 7, 1999, the case was assigned to the


300Also on May 7, 1999, Gregory Eagle filed a motion to

311intervene on the side of Respondent. The motion was granted by

322an order entered June 1, 1999.

328On May 17, 1999, Intervenor filed a Motion to Dismiss the

339petition, citing several deficiencies in that pleading and

347requesting that the petition be dismissed without prejudice to

356Petitioners filing an amended petition curing the alleged

364defects. On June 9, 1999, Petitioners (now represented by

373counsel) filed a Motion for Leave to Amend, attaching an amended

384petition that appeared on its face to cure the defects cited in

396Intervenor’s motion to dismiss. On June 15, 1999, an order was

407entered granting Petitioners’ Motion to Amend and Deeming

415Intervenor’s Motion to Dismiss Mooted Thereby.

421On June 7, 1999, the undersigned issued a Notice of Hearing

432that set the final hearing in this matter for September 15

443and 16, 1999. In so doing, the undersigned overlooked the

453requirement of Section 163.3187(3)(a), Florida Statutes, that

460hearings on small scale amendments be held not less than 30 days

472nor more than 60 days following the filing of a petition and the

485assignment of an Administrative Law Judge. This oversight was

494noted by Intervenor’s Motion to Set Expedited Hearing, filed

503June 23, 1999. On June 25, 1999, the undersigned issued an Order

515Rescheduling the Hearing for July 6-9, 1999.

522On June 28, 1999, Petitioners filed a response to the Motion

533for Expedited Hearing, asserting that Intervenor had waived his

542right to an expedited hearing by his delay in requesting same.

553Petitioners requested that the hearing not be held before

562July 28, 1999, due to witness unavailability. A telephonic

571hearing was held on June 29, 1999. By order issued on that date,

584the undersigned concluded that the statute does not provide for

594involuntary waiver and that its requirement concerning the

602scheduling of hearings is mandatory. The undersigned also noted

611that, given the circumstances, Petitioners would be granted a

620measure of flexibility in presenting their case, with the

629cooperation of Respondent and Intervenor.

634On July 2, 1999, Intervenor, by letter notified the

643undersigned that he waived the 60 day hearing requirement of

653Section 163.3187(3)(a), Florida Statutes. On July 6, 1999, a

662telephonic hearing was held during which the parties agreed to

672hearing dates of August 17-19, 1999.

678On July 9, 1999, Intervenor filed a Motion for Summary Final

689Order, contending that Petitioner Pine Island Civic Association

697(the "Civic Association") lacked standing to maintain its

706petition. The Civic Association filed its response in opposition

715to the motion on July 19, 1999. On July 23, 1999, an order was

729entered denying the motion, because it appeared that the extent

739of "business activities" engaged in by the Civic Association was

749a matter of factual dispute and thus not a proper subject for

761summary adjudication.

763On August 9, 1999, Petitioners filed a motion to amend their

774first amended petition to include additional rule citations and

783Lee County Plan objectives and policies. At the outset of the

794final hearing, Respondent and Intervenor stated they had no

803objection to the motion, which was granted ore tenus .

813At hearing, Petitioners presented the testimony of Barbara

821K. Dubin, a resident and landowner on Pine Island; Betsie Newton

832Hiatt, a senior environmental planner with Lee County and an

842expert in environmental planning; Matt Noble, a planner with Lee

852County and an expert in land-use planning and comprehensive land-

862use planning; William M. Spikowski, a city planner and expert in

873land-use planning, comprehensive land-use planning, and the use

881and interpretation of the Lee County Plan; and public comment

891from Pine Island residents Paul Holloway, Anna Stober, Edith

900Schulte, and Tanya Player. Petitioners’ Exhibits 1 through 5 and

9108 through 11 were received into evidence.

917Intervenor presented the testimony of Rae Ann Boylan,

925president of Boylan Environmental Consultants and an expert in

934environmental land-use planning; James Banks, a professional

941engineer and an expert in transportation engineering,

948transportation planning, and land-use planning as it relates to

957transportation issues; and Greg Stuart, a planner and expert in

967comprehensive land-use planning, land-use planning, and the use

975and interpretation of the Lee County Plan. Intervenor’s

983Exhibits 3, 4, 8 through 17, 19, 21, 22, 24 through 27, 30, and

99731 were received into evidence. Respondent called no witnesses

1006and offered no exhibits, but adopted the testimony and exhibits

1016presented by Intervenor.

1019The Transcript of hearing was filed September 17, 1999.

1028Petitioners filed a Proposed Recommended Order on October 18,

10371999, and Intervenor filed a Proposed Recommended Order on

1046October 19, 1999. On November 4, 1999, Respondent filed a notice

1057that it adopted the proposed recommended order of Intervenor.


1069Based on the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the

1079final hearing, and the entire record of this proceeding, the

1089following findings of fact are made:


10961. Petitioners, Barbara Dubin and William Dubin, are

1104residents and property owners on Pine Island in the portion of

1115Lee County affected by PAM 98-01. Ms. Dubin testified that she

1126and her husband timely participated in the adoption process and

1136made their objections before the Lee County Local Planning Agency

1146(the " LPA") and the Board. No evidence was offered to contest

1158Ms. Dubin’s testimony on this point. Therefore, the Dubins are

1168each "affected persons" as that term is used in Sections

1178163.3184(1)(a) and 163.3187(3)(a), Florida Statutes, and have

1185standing to file a petition challenging the adoption of

1194PAM 98-01.

11962. Ms. Dubin is a member of the Civic Association and

1207knowledgeable regarding its activities. She testified that the

1215Civic Association has been incorporated as a not-for-profit

1223corporation in the State of Florida for at least the past ten

1235years. The purpose of the Civic Association is the preservation

1245and protection of the environment and quality of life of Pine

1256Island. The Civic Association has between 130 and 160 members,

1266all of whom reside on Pine Island.

12733. Ms. Dubin testified that the Civic Association owns land

1283and a building on Pine Island, at the intersection of Pine Island

1295Road and Stringfellow Road, near the 9.9-acre parcel that is the

1306subject of PAM 98-01. The Civic Association uses this building

1316for its meetings, conducted monthly for ten months of the year

1327with a break during the summer months.

13344. The Civic Association collects member dues within Lee

1343County, and has a bank account in Lee County. It conducts

1354educational activities, monthly meetings, publishes a monthly

1361newsletter containing educational information concerning Pine

1367Island land-use and quality of life issues, and participates in

1377governmental meetings concerning Pine Island.

13825. Through members who spoke on its behalf, the Civic

1392Association participated in the adoption process and objected to

1401PAM 98-01 at the LPA hearing and the Board meeting at which the

1414amendment was adopted. The Civic Association is an "affected

1423person" as that term is used in Sections 163.3184(1)(a) and

1433163.3187(3)(a), Florida Statutes, and has standing to file a

1442petition challenging PAM 98-01.

14466. Respondent, Lee County, is the local government whose

1455land-use plan amendment is at issue in this proceeding.

14647. Intervenor, Gregory Eagle, is the owner of the real

1474property that is the subject of PAM 98-01, and has standing to

1486participate as a party in this proceeding.

1493Pine Island

14958. The Greater Pine Island Area is located in Lee County

1506west of the City of Cape Coral, south of the open waters of

1519Charlotte Harbor, east of Captiva Island, North Captiva Island

1528and Cayo Costa Island, and north of Sanibel Island. The Greater

1539Pine Island Area consists of Pine Island, Little Pine Island, and

1550the historic community of Matlacha, which is located on the Pine

1561Island Road Causeway across the Matlacha Pass Aquatic Preserve

1570between Little Pine Island and the Lee County mainland.

15799. The waters surrounding the Greater Pine Island Area are

1589the waters of the Matlacha Pass Aquatic Preserve to the east, San

1601Carlos Bay to the south, the Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve

1612to the west, and Charlotte Harbor to the north.

162110. Pine Island is a long, narrow, roughly rectangular

1630island, with the long sides running north and south. The island

1641is roughly 16 miles long and two miles wide.

165011. Existing communities and residential development on

1657Pine Island are essentially confined to five parts of the island.

1668At the far north end of the island is the fishing community of

1681Bokeelia, where the Dubins live. A golf course sits just south

1692of Bokeelia. A residential development called Pineland is

1700situated on the island’s northwest coast, between Bokeelia and

1709Pine Island Road. At the center of the island, at the junction

1721of Pine Island Road and Stringfellow Road, is the Pine Island

1732Center, which is the main urban area of the island. A

1743residential development called Flamingo Bay is situated between

1751the Pine Island Center and the south end of the island. At the

1764south end of the island is the small fishing village of St. James


177812. Matlacha is a small historic village that grew up

1788around the Pine Island Causeway, which was built in the early

1799decades of this century to connect Pine Island to the mainland.

1810Lee County has designated parts of Matlacha as an historic


182113. Lee County statistics indicate a total of 26,393 acres

1832on Pine Island, 13,693 acres of which are reserved for

1843conservation uses. The existing land-uses of the remaining

1851approximately 12,700 acres are as follows: 6,032 acres are

1862vacant or undeveloped; 3,273 acres are used for active and

1873passive agricultural activities; 2,084 acres are used for

1882residential activities, including 822 acres classified as rural;

1890138 acres are used for commercial activities; 24 acres are used

1901for industrial activities; and 1,148 acres are allocated for

1911public uses.

191314. The current permanent population of Pine Island is

192210,511 persons, and the seasonal population is 15,900 persons.

1933There are currently 5,954 dwelling units on Pine Island.

194315. In 1990, the population of Pine Island was 7,300

1954persons, and the number of dwelling units was 5,520. The Lee

1966County Plan recognizes and gives priority to property rights

1975previously granted for about 6,800 additional dwelling units in

1985Policy 14.2.2, set forth infra in the discussion of

1994Transportation Need Projections.

1997Lee County Plan

200016. In 1984, Lee County adopted its first official FLUM as

2011an integral part of the Lee County Plan. On that initial FLUM,

2023Intervenor’s property was divided into two land-use categories:

2031Urban Community and Rural. The maximum standard density for the

2041Urban Community designation established by the 1984 Plan was six

2051dwelling units per acre (du/ac). Maximum density for the Rural

2061designation was 1 du/ac.

206517. In 1985, the Florida Legislature passed the Local

2074Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation

2081Act, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes. In 1987, the Civic

2092Association hired a professional planner to study the Greater

2101Pine Island Area and prepare recommendations that Lee County

2110could incorporate in its 1989 revision of the Lee County Plan,

2121pursuant to the 1985 legislation.

212618. In 1988, the Civic Association issued the resulting

2135study, which provided a description of the population,

2143generalized land-use and zoning patterns, historic and

2150archaeological resources, the area’s transportation network, and

2157the availability of public services such as potable water and

2167sewer facilities as of 1987. The "development suitability" of

2176Intervenor’s property was discussed in relation to the listed

2185items as well as hurricane evacuation and the condition of Pine

2196Island and Stringfellow Roads.

220019. The study made extensive recommendations to amend the

2209Lee County Plan, and was used by the Civic Association as the

2221basis for initiating amendment PAM/T 88-07 to the Lee County


223220. Lee County staff analyzed and evaluated the

2240recommendations of the study, and incorporated many of them into

2250the 1988/89 update of the Lee County Plan, including what is now

2262Goal 14 relating to Greater Pine Island. As to the property at

2274issue in this proceeding, staff recommended that the land-use

2283category be changed to all Rural. The FLUM was indeed amended to

2295include all of the subject property in the Rural category.

230521. William Spikowski, who was the Lee County planner in

2315charge of preparing the 1988/89 update to the Lee County Plan,

2326testified that the intent was to limit most industrial and

2336commercial development on the island to the Pine Island Center,

2346which was given the Urban Community designation allowing the

2355greatest number of mixed and nonresidential uses.

236222. Mr. Spikowski testified that the lines around this area

2372were tightly drawn to clearly separate urban from rural uses,

2382with some exceptions where the intensities "stepped down" to

2391recognize existing development.

2394PAM 98-01

239623. Since about 1992, Intervenor has owned 58 acres of

2406vacant land approximately 3/4 of a mile south of the intersection

2417of Pine Island Road and Stringfellow Road. The 9.9-acre property

2427that is the subject of PAM 98-01 is a portion of this 58-acre

2440parcel, and is currently zoned CC and CG, both commercial zoning


245224. The 58-acre parcel has been considered for a change in

2463land-use classification three times since 1989, when it was

2472excluded from the adjacent urban center of Pine Island and given

2483a Rural designation. This parcel was the only commercially-zoned

2492property adjacent to the urban center that was excluded from the

2503urban center in 1989. Prior to 1989, as noted above, the subject

2515parcel was designated as Urban Community in the Lee County Plan.

2526The change of the parcel from Urban Community to Rural in 1989

2538was not challenged at the time it was adopted.

254725. On two prior occasions, the Board has considered but

2557not approved proposals that would have returned the full 58-acre

2567parcel to an urban land-use designation; on another occasion, the

2577Board rejected a proposal that would have effectively locked the

2587parcel out of any urban use designation.

259426. Greg Stuart, an expert in land-use planning who sits on

2605the LPA, testified that the county’s concern with the earlier

2615proposals was a reluctance to change the entire 58-acre parcel to

2626an urban land-use and thus increase population capacity on the

2636island. PAM 98-01 was in part an attempt to satisfy this concern

2648by proposing a change for a smaller portion of the tract, and to

2661the least intense urban use available.

266727. Matt Noble, Lee County’s principal planner, also

2675testified that he believed the smaller area and less intense

2685classification were factors in the Board’s decision to approve

2694PAM 98-01. He added that another factor in the Board's approval

2705of PAM 98-01 was that this property "appears to have been singled

2717out" in the 1988 amendment cycle, in that it was the only

2729commercially-zoned property adjacent to the Pine Island Center

2737not to have been included in the Pine Island Center.

274728. Immediately south of the 58 acre parcel is a vacant

2758Rural designated parcel with AG-2 and RM-2 zoning. South of this

2769vacant parcel are three parcels (two Rural designated, one

2778Wetlands designated) owned by the Greater Pine Island Water

2787Association. The Water Association has constructed a reverse

2795osmosis ("RO") plant on one of the Rural parcels.

280629. Immediately south of the RO plant site is the Island

2817Acres Subdivision, with a Rural designation. On June 5, 1995,

2827the Board approved a rezoning of this property to RPD, which

2838permits the development of 31 single-family residential dwellings

2846on lots ranging from just over one acre to just over 1/2 acre,

2859the excavation of a 12.23-acre lake, and an 8.55-acre wetland

2869preserve area. As of the submission of the Staff Report on

2880April 13, 1999, the internal roads of Island Acres Subdivision

2890had been constructed but no dwellings had yet been built.

290030. Immediately east of Intervenor’s 58-acre parcel are

2908vacant lands designated Rural and Wetlands. To the west is

2918Stringfellow Road, and on the west side of Stringfellow Road is a

2930134-acre vacant parcel designated Rural. Additional vacant land

2938designated Rural is on the west side of Stringfellow Road.

294831. To the north of and abutting Intervenor’s 58-acre

2957parcel is a developed property with a Huntington Bank building.

2967This property is zoned CC and CG, and is split between Urban

2979Community and Rural land-use designations. To the north of the

2989Huntington Bank parcel is a Winn-Dixie Shopping Center,

2997zoned C-1A and located within the Urban Community of Pine Island


300932. In summary, while Intervenor’s parcel is the only

3018commercially-zoned property adjacent to the Pine Island Center

3026that does not also have an Urban land-use designation, it is also

3038the case that the only urban or commercial development in the

3049vicinity is to the north of Intervenor’s property, with the

3059exception of the RO plant.

306433. Mr. Noble testified that Intervenor’s parcel is served

3073by public services at least to the same extent as the nearby

3085properties included in the Pine Island Center designation.

3093Mr. Noble agreed that the Staff Report’s notation that there is

3104no sewer service available to Intervenor’s property was not a

3114unique characteristic of this property; in fact, there is no

3124central sewer service on Pine Island that property owners at

3134large may tap into.

313834. As noted above, there are over 600 acres of land in the

3151Greater Pine Island Area with commercial zoning. This acreage

3160includes vacant land in the Pine Island Center with a current

3171land-use designation of Urban Community, which indicates "a

3179mixture of relatively intense commercial and residential uses,"

"3187distinctly urban" but developed at "slightly lower intensities."

319535. PAM 98-01 would change the land-use designation of

3204Intervenor’s vacant 9.9-acre parcel from Rural to Outlying

3212Suburban, increasing the permissible residential density from 1

3220du/ac to 3 du/ac, an increase of 20 dwelling units, assuming the

3232entire parcel is developed residentially.

323736. Intervenor’s application proposed 25,000 square feet of

3246commercial development on three acres of the parcel, and 21

3256dwelling units on the remaining acreage. The Staff Report

3265pointed out, however, that Lee County cannot condition the

3274requested change in land-use designations to limit development

3282potential to this proposed scenario. Therefore, the Staff Report

3291applied the most intensive scenario of retail commercial uses

3300that could occur on the property.

330637. At the hearing, Mr. Noble, Lee County’s lead planner on

3317this application, testified that while the staff’s conclusions

3325were based on commercial uses, the residential aspects of the

3335project were also evaluated in the section of the Staff Report

3346dealing with population accommodation.

335038. The Staff Report concluded as follows:

3357The subject property has had quite a

3364long history concerning it’s [sic] future

3370land-use designation. The property’s owners

3375have consistently been requesting an increase

3381in density and intensity, while the citizens

3388of Pine Island, just as consistently, have

3395been opposed. This request is the smallest

3402in area to date, with the least intensive

3410increase in density and intensity. The owner

3417argues that, under the current designation,

3423the property is not developable. This

3429contention would appear to be invalid, given

3436the development of the Island Acres

3442subdivision, immediately to the south of the

3449RO plant.

3451Pine Island is a unique place with

3458considerable constraints to development as an

3464urban area. With no increase in land-use

3471designation, the level of service on Pine

3478Island Road and Stringfellow Road will

3484operate below the adopted standard before the

3491year 2020. The thresholds established by

3497Policy 14.2.2 will be exceeded by the year


3506Limited access and it’s [sic] location

3512in regards to hurricane vulnerability make it

3519difficult to entertain or justify increases

3525in density and/or intensity. There are ample

3532areas currently designated on the island to

3539accommodate the proposed development

3543scenario. The full range of urban services,

3550such as sanitary sewer and mass transit, are

3558not and will not be available to this site.

3567This would be the first land-use

3573amendment on Pine Island since the 1988 Pine

3581Island Land-use Study was incorporated into

3587the Lee Plan. Even though a considerable

3594amount of time has passed since the study’s

3602completion, few changes in the condition of

3609the island have occurred.

3613Staff concludes that there are viable

3619uses allowed on this property. Staff can see

3627no compelling reason to support this proposed

3634land-use amendment. While the impact of ten

3641acres changing from a Rural designation to

3648the Outlying Suburban category, when looked

3654at on a county wide basis, is minimal, the

3663unique circumstances on Pine Island do not

3670support this change.

367339. The LPA voted against adoption of PAM 98-01 by a vote

3685of 4-1, with two members (including Mr. Stuart, who worked on the

3697project for Intervenor) abstaining. The LPA adopted the findings

3706of fact set forth in the Staff Report, and added its concern with

3719maintaining the current line of separation between urban and

3728suburban uses. One LPA member did comment that "if there is

3739another shopping center site on Pine Island, it’s probably this

3749property," and in the "long run" there may be a need for another

3762shopping center on Pine Island.

376740. The Board voted 3-2 to adopt PAM 98-01, finding that

"3778the request would result in minimal impacts to such services as

3789transportation, public safety, schools, and population


379641. The petition filed by Petitioners, as amended, raised

3805the following issues of fact and law:

3812a. Data and Analysis: that PAM 98-01 is

3820unsupported by data and analysis for

3826increased residential and commercial

3830designation on Pine Island and thus is not in

3839compliance with Section 163.3177(8) &

3844(10)(e), Florida Statutes, and Rules 9J-

38505.005(2), 9J-5.006(2)(b) & (c), and 9J-

38565.006(5)(a) & (g), Florida Administrative


3862b. Coastal Hazard: that PAM 98-01 is not

3870in compliance with Section 163.3178(2),

3875Florida Statutes, and Rules 9J-5.006(2), 9J-

38815.012(3), and 9J-5.012(3)(b)6., Florida

3885Administrative Code, because it directs

3890population to the known or predictable

3896coastal high hazard area.

3900c. Land-use Suitability: that PAM 98-01 is

3907unsupported by data and analysis supporting

3913the suitability of land for increased

3919residential density or intensity of

3924commercial development and thus is not in

3931compliance with Section 163.3177(6)(a),

3935Florida Statutes, and Rules 9J-5.006(2), 9J-

39415.006(2)(b), and 9J-5.006(5)(a) & (g),

3946Florida Administrative Code.

3949d. Internally Inconsistent: that PAM 98-01

3955is internally inconsistent with the following

3961Lee County Plan goals, objectives, and


3968(1) Policy 5.1.2 prohibiting

3972residential development where physical

3976constraints or hazards exist, or requiring

3982the density and design to be adjusted

3989accordingly. Constraints or hazards include

3994flood, storm, or hurricane hazards, and

4000environmental limitations.

4002(2) Goal 14 requiring that the

4008management of growth on Pine Island maintain

4015the island’s unique natural resources and

4021character, and insure that island residents

4027and visitors have a reasonable opportunity to

4034evacuate when a hurricane strike is imminent.

4041(3) Objective 14.1 requiring that Pine

4047Island have no unnecessary loss of native

4054upland vegetation or habitat.

4058(4) Policy 14.2.2, set out in full

4065above, concerning future development

4069regulations to limit future development

4074approvals when traffic reaches certain


4080(5) Objective 14.3 requiring that

4085county regulations, policies and

4089discretionary actions to recognize "certain

4094unique characteristics" of Greater Pine

4099Island justifies different treatment of

4104existing and future residential areas than in

4111mainland Lee County.

4114(6) Goal 75 protecting human life and

4121developed property from natural disasters.

4126(7) Objective 75.1 and Policies 75.1.2

4132and 75.1.4 concerning densities in coastal

4138high hazard areas.

4141(8) Objective 77.2 and Policies 77.2.3

4147and 77.2.6 concerning protection of natural

4153plant communities.

4155(9) Policy 77.4.4 restricting the use

4161of protected plant and wildlife species

4167habitat to that which is compatible with the

4175requirements of endangered and threatened

4180species and species of special concern.

4186(10) Policy 77.8.1 concerning the

4191protection of gopher tortoise burrows.

4196(11) Goal 79 and Objectives 79.1 and

420379.2 concerning evacuation times and shelter


4210e. Inconsistent with State Plan: that

4216PAM 98-01 is inconsistent with Section

4222187.201(7)(b)23, Florida Statutes, which

4226concerns protecting life and property from

4232natural disasters such as hurricanes, and

4238Section 187.201(10)(a), Florida Statutes,

4242which concerns protecting natural habitats

4247and ecological systems.


425142. In 1989, Lee County’s Department of Community

4259Development prepared the Pine Island Commercial Study, in

4267response to a general directive by the Board to develop a means

4279of identifying future commercial sites throughout Lee County, and

4288in direct response to issues emerging from the review of two

4299specific commercial zoning cases on Pine Island. The Commercial

4308Study was initiated to research, analyze, and quantify commercial

4317zoning needs for Pine Island, and then identify suitable

4326locations for potential future development.

433143. The Commercial Study concluded that in 1989 there were

4341over 600 acres of commercially-zoned property on Pine Island, and

4351that this acreage was "far in excess of any possible need, even

4363at build-out, of Pine Island." The study went on to say:

4374However, it is recognized that not all

4381the lands currently zoned commercially are in

4388advantageous locations, nor are they in

4394appropriate land-use categories. In fact,

4399properties in locations with strong market

4405demand and good transportation access and

4411suitable lot sizes are relatively limited.

441744. The Commercial Study also concluded that much of the

4427land already zoned for commercial use was zoned C-1 and C-1A,

"4438carryover" categories from older Lee County ordinances based on

"4447pyramid" zoning, i.e., they also allowed residential uses. The

4456study found that the most desirable solution to this problem

4466would be to rezone these properties to non-commercial categories,

4475but recognized the prohibitive cost of such a "relatively massive

4485undertaking." It recommended the more practical option of

4493modifying zoning regulations to make it clear that retail

4502commercial uses can only be located within "designated commercial

4511nodes," regardless of their zoning categories.

451745. The Commercial Study also concluded that additional

4525retail uses would be needed on Pine Island as the population

4536grows, although current uses were adequate to meet existing needs

"4546until the year 2000," and that commercial development should be

4556concentrated in the Pine Island Center, with possible convenience

4565store sites at St. James City and Bokeelia.

457346. Approximately 236 acres were identified in the

4581Commercial Study as appropriate commercial areas. The Commercial

4589Study stated that this was more than four times the amount needed

4601for 1990 retail and general commercial uses. Mr. Spikowski

4610testified that it is typical for more property to be zoned

4621commercial than is actually needed, because land owners are

4630attempting to maximize the value of their property. He testified

4640that a "slight surplus," in the range of 15 to 25 percent, is

4653appropriate to avoid giving a few land owners a monopoly on

4664future development. The property at issue in this proceeding was

4674not included in the 236 acres deemed appropriate for commercial


468547. Despite several efforts from 1990 through 1993, no

4694amendment establishing these commercial nodes was ever adopted by

4703the Board. Ultimately, the Civic Association itself withdrew its

4712support for the commercial nodes plan, stating that the plan as

4723proposed would promote commercial strip development and

4730commercial sprawl.

473248. In 1993, the Board adopted Policy 14.4.3, which would

4742have required Lee County staff to update the Commercial Study in

47531995. However, no such update was ever undertaken, and in 1998

4764the Board amended the Lee County Plan to delete Policy 14.4.3.

4775The staff report recommending deletion of the policy noted that

4785current demand for commercial sites had been minimal and did not

4796warrant a full scale update of the Commercial Study, and

4806concluded that the 1989 Commercial Study was "still a current

4816document" not in need of an update.

482349. The Lee County Plan incorporates a "planning community"

4832concept through an overlay, commonly referred to as the " FLUM

48422020 Overlay," that establishes certain acreage allocations for

4850uses that can occur within 20 discrete planning areas before the

4861year 2020. Pine Island is one of these planning areas.

487150. The FLUM 2020 Overlay is intended to allocate

4880development throughout the county and prevent excessive

4887development in particular land-use categories beyond the

4894projected need. The FLUM 2020 Overlay allocates development on

4903Pine Island through the year 2020 as follows:

4911Category Allocation (in acres)

4915a. Intensive Development

4918(for Residential Development) 5

4922b. Urban Commercial

4925(for Residential Development) 526

4929c. Suburban

4931(for Residential Development) 636

4935d. Outlying Suburban

4938(for Residential Development) 466

4942e. Rural

4944(for Residential Development) 1,129

4949f. Outer Island

4952(for Residential Development) 37

4956g. Wetlands

4958(for Residential Development) 88

4962h. Commercial 165

4965i. Industrial 64

4968j. Public 1,722

4972k. Active Agriculture 2,313

4977l. Passive Agriculture 960

4981m. Conservation 13,693

4985n. Vacant 4,586

4989Total 26,390

499251. Below this list of allocations is a table called "Non

5003Regulatory Allocations," which shows a total of 26,393 acres,

5013slightly different from the total derived above. The "Non

5022Regulatory Allocations" table lists 13,738 acres as conservation

5031lands, leaving 12,700 acres. An additional 4,586 acres are

5042designated "Vacant" in the "Non Regulatory Allocations," but

5050their land-use designation is not identified.

505652. The FLUM 2020 Overlay provides for 165 acres of

5066commercial development on Pine Island by the year 2020.

5075Mr. Spikowski testified that Lee County’s database indicated that

5084as of 1997 there were 138 acres developed commercially on Pine

5095Island, leaving a need of 27 acres of vacant land for commercial

5107development before the year 2020.

511253. Mr. Noble, the principal planner for Lee County,

5121testified that his conclusion, reflected in the Staff Report, was

5131that there is no need for additional commercial or urban lands on

5143Pine Island, and that approval of PAM 98-01 would cause

5153unnecessary commercial development on Pine Island. He testified

5161that these conclusions were largely based on the findings of the

51721989 Commercial Study of Pine Island.

517854. Mr. Noble also testified that, despite his conclusion

5187as to the lack of need for commercial development, the FLUM 2020

5199Overlay allocates sufficient acreage to accommodate the property

5207involved in PAM 98-01 without requiring an amendment to the


521855. Mr. Noble testified that no effort was made to update

5229the findings of the 1989 study, because none was needed. He

5240testified that there has been very little rezoning or development

5250activity on Pine Island since 1989 aside from some clearing for

5261agricultural uses, and therefore the 1989 study represents the

5270best available data.

527356. Mr. Spikowski agreed with this assessment, testifying

5281that while the 1989 study is somewhat out of date, it still

5293provides good information on how much commercial development is

5302needed to serve the community. Mr. Spikowski testified that the

5312study still provides more information than exists for other parts

5322of Lee County regarding the relationship between commercial

5330development and commercial zoning.

533457. Mr. Noble admitted that the county’s capabilities in

5343collecting and categorizing data have improved since 1989, but

5352did not agree that revising the study would result in improved

5363information, because the county’s zoning information is so

5371inaccurate that one could not rely on the existing land-use data

5382base to update the study. Thus, despite the fact that the

5393county’s data base is now linked to the property appraiser’s

5403records on a parcel by parcel basis, an accurate revision of the

5415study would require verification of each parcel, and the lack of

5426activity on Pine Island indicated to Mr. Noble that such an

5437expenditure of resources was not needed to assess this


544758. Mr. Noble testified that the staff recommendation

5455against approval was not a statement that approval of PAM 98-01

5466would be illegal. Mr. Noble also agreed there was a difference

5477between opining that there is no need for more commercial and

5488urban classifications, and holding that more such classifications

5496are not allowed. He attended the meeting at which the Board

5507approved the amendment, and believed the Board understood staff’s

5516presentation and considered all relevant information in arriving

5524at its decision. Mr. Noble testified that the Lee County Plan is

5536currently in compliance with all applicable legal requirements,

5544and he did not think that PAM 98-01 would place the plan out of


555959. Mr. Stuart, Intervenor’s planner, testified that once

5567he began to understand that Lee County staff had concerns with

5578overcommercialization of Pine Island based on the 1989 study, he

5588took a hard look at that data. He testified that the 602 acres

5601of commercial property set out in the Commercial Study did not

5612appear correct "when you look at the map."

562060. Mr. Stuart testified that he performed a specific land-

5630use study using the Lee County Division of Planning geographic

5640information system resources.

564361. Mr. Stuart began by looking at the 1989 study, and

5654noted that no information was available to show how the county

5665derived the 602-acre figure. The only thing available in the

5675county’s files was a single sheet aggregating the numbers into a

5686total, without explanation of how the constituent numbers were

5695derived. Mr. Spikowski, who was Lee County’s head planner in

57051989, testified that the 602-acre figure was calculated "very

5714carefully," but offered no detail to illumine that conclusory

5723statement. Mr. Stuart testified that, though he suspected the

5732total was inflated, he assumed that it was reasonably accurate

5742for purposes of his analysis.

574762. Mr. Stuart considered the currently expected population

5755of Pine Island based upon currently available data, the county’s

5765planning conversion ratio of 2.09 persons per household on Pine

5775Island, the county’s conversion ratio adjusting Pine Island’s

5783population for seasonal residents, and then calculated the

5791projected need for commercial development expressed in acres,

5799using the same ratios that Lee County uses in planning for this


581263. Mr. Stuart also developed a computer table, with the

5822assistance of county staff, of all the commercially-zoned

5830property on Pine Island. He then adjusted the output to correct

5841data entry errors and approximated the commercial acreage

5849determined to be available in the 1989 Commercial Study.

585864. Mr. Stuart next examined the properties parcel by

5867parcel to delete those commercially-zoned properties that have

5875already been put to non-commercial use, that are wetlands

5884unlikely to be commercially developed, that are in use as public

5895facilities, and those that may not be developed because they are

5906designated with outdated zoning categories that are restricted

5914under the Lee County Land Development Code. This process derived

5924an estimate of the number of commercially-zoned acres on Pine

5934Island that are either in commercial use or are available for

5945commercial use.

594765. Mr. Stuart’s analysis concluded that there is actually

5956a deficit on Pine Island of 69 acres of commercially-zoned

5966property that may as a practical matter be put to commercial use,

5978when the projected demand for such property to serve the

5988projected population of Pine Island is taken into account.

599766. In summary, it is found that Petitioners failed to

6007demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that the increase

6017in residential density and commercial intensity contemplated by

6025PAM 98-01 is not suited to accommodate the population of Pine

6036Island. The most conservative estimate rendered by the data and

6046analysis indicates a need for an additional 27 acres of

6056commercial development. No amendment of the FLUM 2020 Overlay is

6066needed to effect this small-scale FLUM amendment. Mr. Stuart’s

6075analysis is credited to the extent it supports a finding of

6086substantial need.

608867. Petitioners offered no competent substantial evidence

6095regarding residential allocations and the lack of any need for

6105additional residential density, and thus failed to overcome the

6114presumption that the Board’s action in adopting PAM 98-01 was

6124correct on this point.


612968. Vehicular access from the mainland to Pine Island is

6139provided solely by way of Pine Island Road, a two-lane road that

6151proceeds over Matlacha Pass, through the Matlacha community, and

6160over Little Pine Island by a series of bridges and causeways.

6171North/south access on Pine Island is by way of Stringfellow Road,

6182a two-lane road that runs from the community of Bokeelia at the

6194north end of Pine Island to the community of St. James City at

6207the south end of Pine Island.

621369. William Spikowski, a planner who testified on behalf of

6223Petitioners, stated that widening the narrow, two-lane Pine

6231Island Road to accommodate more traffic would be at best a

6242difficult and expensive proposition. He testified that the

6250right-of-way through most of the Matlacha community is only about

626066 feet wide, and the buildings are often located directly

6270adjacent to the right-of-way. He testified that if the right-of-

6280way were widened to 90 feet to accommodate extra lanes, 75

6291buildings would have to be removed and several other businesses

6301would lose their parking lots. Mr. Spikowski concluded that Pine

6311Island Road is the biggest limitation on the island’s


632170. The Lee County Plan designates Pine Island Road as a

6332constrained roadway as it passes through Matlacha, due to the

6342narrow right-of-way and scenic, aesthetic, and environmental

6349considerations. Matt Noble, a Lee County planner, testified that

6358there were no improvements scheduled for Pine Island Road for the

6369next three years, and that the road is projected to operate at

6381Level of Service "F" in the year 2020 based on the applicant’s

6393analysis. Level of Service "F" is below the standard adopted by

6404the Lee County Plan.

640871. Mr. James Banks, a professional engineer expert in

6417transportation engineering and planning, testified that the

6424predictive methodology employed by county staff, i.e., assuming

6432no road improvements while loading the system with future traffic

6442demands, would result in a Level of Service "F" rating for nearly

6454every major roadway in Lee County for the year 2020. He

6465testified that this was an improper method for reviewing

6474development permits.

647672. Mr. Banks testified that the proper method is to look

6487at the roadway’s capacity at the time of the development

6497application to determine whether there is available capacity

6505today. If there is no capacity available, then the developer

6515must devise a way to mitigate the impact, alleviating any

6525degradation below the road’s adopted level of service. The

6534permitting system is "first come, first serve," meaning that if

6544the capacity is available today, then the permit is issued.

6554Mr. Banks testified that there is no data indicating that the

6565capacity of Pine Island Road will be exceeded by the year 2005.

657773. The sole hurricane evacuation route from the Greater

6586Pine Island Area is by way of Stringfellow Road to Pine Island

6598Road, then north on Burnt Store Road. Burnt Store Road is also

6610the evacuation route for the City of Cape Coral.

661974. Several Pine Island residents testified as to their

6628concerns that any increase in development on the island will

6638further compromise the ability to evacuate the island in the

6648event of a hurricane. There are no hurricane shelters on Pine

6659Island, and no public services on the island during hurricanes.

666975. The Lee County Staff Report for PAM 98-01 raised

6679similar concerns, concluding that the applicant is "seeking to

6688increase density thereby increasing the number of persons at

6697risk, impacting evacuation routes and shelter space."

670476. At the hearing, Matt Noble, Lee County’s principal

6713planner and the lead planner working on the Staff Report,

6723testified that the quoted statement in the Staff Report assumed

6733that the development on the 9.9-acre parcel would be residential.

6743He further testified that commercial development of the property

6752would have no effect on evacuation times, which are based on the

6764number of residents attempting to leave the island.

677277. Mr. Noble’s testimony on this point conflicts somewhat

6781with the Staff Report’s statement that the application was

6790reviewed using the most intensive scenario of retail commercial

6799uses occurring on the property. However, given that the proposed

6809plan amendment could not limit the development that could

6818ultimately be requested on the property, it was not arbitrary for

6829the county staff to consider both residential and commercial uses

6839as potential development scenarios.

684378. James Banks, Intervenor’s transportation planning

6849expert, testified that if residential demand on Pine Island

6858exceeds the capacity of commercial development to satisfy it,

6867there would be an increase in traffic on Pine Island Road as

6879residents leave the island to do their basic shopping.

6888Conversely, if enough commercial development occurs on the island

6897to consume the residential demands, the number of off-island

6906trips would be reduced.

691079. Mr. Noble agreed that there might be an increase in

6921trips off the island if there were insufficient commercial

6930development to serve the residents on Pine Island. He testified

6940that there is a planning principle supporting integrated and

6949coordinated land-use development, and part of that principle is

6958to capture as many trips as close to residential development as

6969possible to avoid urban sprawl.

697480. Mr. Noble testified that the Board considered this

6983principle in its deliberations, and that one Commissioner

6991expressly stated that having additional commercial capacity on

6999Pine Island might improve the transportation flow on Pine Island

7009Road by decreasing the number of trips off the island.

701981. Policy 14.2.2 of the Lee County Plan states as follows:

7030In order to recognize and give priority

7037to the property rights previously granted by

7044Lee County for about 6,800 additional

7051dwelling units, the county shall consider for

7058adoption development regulations which

7062address growth on Pine Island and which

7069implement measures to gradually limit future

7075development approvals. The effect of these

7081regulations would be to appropriately reduce

7087certain types of approvals at established

7093thresholds prior to the adopted level-of-

7099service standard being reached, as follows:

7105* When traffic on Pine Island Road

7112between Burnt Store Road and Stringfellow

7118Boulevard reaches 810 peak hour, annual

7124average two-way trips, the regulations shall

7130provide restrictions on further rezonings

7135which would increase traffic on Pine Island


7143* When traffic on Pine Island Road

7150between Burnt Store Road and Stringfellow

7156Boulevard reaches 910 peak hour, annual

7162average two-way trips, the regulations shall

7168provide restrictions on the further issuance

7174of residential development orders (pursuant

7179to the Development Standards Ordinance), or

7185other measures to maintain the adopted level

7192of service, until improvements can be made in

7200accordance with this plan.

720482. Lee County has not actually adopted regulations

7212restricting rezonings and/or development orders based upon the

7220810/910 peak hour traffic thresholds on Pine Island Road between

7230Burnt Store and Stringfellow Roads.

723583. Mr. Noble testified that the main reason for the

7245adoption of Policy 14.2.2 was the county’s concerns regarding

7254hurricane evacuation. He agreed that, even if the prescribed

7263regulations had been adopted, they would restrict rezonings and

7272development orders, not amendments to the comprehensive plan.

728084. Mr. Noble testified that the 810 and 910 vehicle limits

7291are not standard calculations derived by the Department of

7300Transportation, and cannot be mathematically derived from any

7308planning model. Mr. Spikowski testified that the 810 and 910

7318vehicle per hour thresholds were based on roughly 80 percent and

732990 percent, respectively, of the level of service proposed by

7339either the Civic Association or Lee County staff at the time of

7351the policy’s adoption. He further testified that the 810 trip

7361per hour threshold has already been reached.

736885. James Banks, Intervenor’s expert in transportation

7375planning, agreed with Mr. Noble that the 810 and 910 vehicle

7386limits were essentially arbitrary thresholds adopted by the

7394Board, and further testified that these thresholds are unrelated

7403to the actual capacity of the road.

741086. Mr. Banks testified that Lee County’s own Concurrency

7419Management Inventory and Projections indicate that the actual

7427capacity of Pine Island Road between Burnt Store and Stringfellow

7437Roads is 2,170 vehicles per hour at Level of Service "E", and

7450that the road is currently operating at Level of Service "A," the

7462highest designation. Mr. Banks testified that under any possible

7471development scenario involving the parcel at issue in this

7480proceeding, the impact would be no worse than Level of Service

"7491B" for this portion of Pine Island Road, still well below the

7503road's capacity.

750587. In summary, Petitioners failed to demonstrate by a

7514preponderance of the evidence that PAM 98-01 will compromise

7523evacuation of Pine Island in the event of a hurricane, or that

7535the development that might ultimately be allowed pursuant to the

7545Outlying Suburban designation will strain the operating capacity

7553of Pine Island Road in the critical areas described above. Even

7564assuming the additional traffic generated will push trips per

7573hour beyond the 810 threshold and toward the 910 trip per hour

7585threshold, Policy 14.2.2 by its terms places no restrictions on

7595development; rather, it provides that the Board will consider

7604adopting development regulations "to gradually limit future

7611development approvals."

7613Coastal High Hazard Area

761788. Closely related to the transportation and evacuation

7625concerns is the issue of development limitations on barrier

7634islands such as Pine Island.

763989. Goal 75 of the Lee County Plan and its implementing

7650objectives and policies addresses development in coastal high-

7658hazard areas. Objective 75.1 limits new development on barrier

7667islands to densities that meet required evacuation standards, and

7676states that allowable densities for undeveloped areas within the

7685coastal high hazard areas will be considered for reduction.

769490. Mr. Noble testified that other Outlying Suburban lands

7703and proposed residential development on Pine Island have been

7712found to comply with Objective 75.1, but that there have only

7723been a "couple" of such projects due to the sparse development

7734activity on the island.

773891. Policy 75.1.2 prohibits rezonings to allow higher

7746densities on barrier and coastal islands if the capacity of

7756critical evacuation routes would be exceeded. Mr. Spikowski

7764conceded that approval of three homes per acre on the seven acres

7776proposed for residential development by Intervenor would not

7784exceed the Lee County Plan’s stated evacuation times, but argued

7794that taking a narrow view of this project in a vacuum is "the

7807antithesis of planning," which calls for a view of the "big

7818picture" rather than the individual project.

782492. Policy 75.1.4 states that density reductions for

7832undeveloped areas within the coastal high-hazard areas will be

7841considered, but does not require such reductions.

784893. In 1993, the Florida Legislature amended Section

7856163.3178(2)(h), Florida Statutes, to require that coastal

7863elements of comprehensive plans designate "coastal high-hazard

7870areas," defined as Category One evacuation zones, i.e., areas

7879that must be evacuated for a Category One hurricane. Rule 9J-

78905.003(17), Florida Administrative Code, was subsequently amended

7897to reflect the statutory change.

790294. Petitioners contend that PAM 98-01 cannot be adopted at

7912this time because the Lee County plan amendments defining the

7922coastal high hazard area have not been finally adopted.

7931Petitioners contend that adoption of PAM 98-01 would violate Rule

79419J-5.002(8), Florida Administrative Code, which provides:

7947Effect of Rule Amendments. No amendment

7953to this chapter shall have the effect of

7961causing plans or plan amendments which were

7968adopted prior to the effective date of the

7976amendment to become not in compliance.

7982Minimum criteria contained in any amendment

7988to this chapter shall be addressed in the

7996first subsequent transmitted plan amendment

8001which is directly related to or requires the

8009application of those criteria.

801395. Petitioners contend that the quoted rule provision

8021operates to give effect only to such plan amendments dealing with

8032potential "coastal high-hazard areas" as were adopted prior to

8041the amendment of Rule 9J-5.003(17), Florida Administrative Code.

8049Petitioners argue that until the mandated definitions are finally

8058adopted, PAM 98-01 would render the Lee County Plan out of


807096. Petitioners' reading of the quoted rule is strained and

8080not persuasive. They are correct that the first sentence

8089operates to grandfather plan amendments adopted prior to a given

8099rule amendment. The language of the second sentence requires the

8109local government to address rule amendments "in the first

8118subsequent transmitted plan amendment." By its terms, the rule

8127would have the practical effect of prohibiting interim plan

8136amendments dealing with the subject matter of the rule

8145amendments, as urged by Petitioners, because such an interim plan

8155amendment would by definition not be the "first subsequent

8164transmitted amendment."

816697. However, the second sentence does not address the

8175situation presented here, of a small-scale plan amendment that is

8185not formally "transmitted" to the Department of Community Affairs

8194for review pursuant to Section 163.3184(3), Florida Statutes.

"8202Transmittal" of a plan amendment triggers an array of procedural

8212requirements that Section 163.3187(1)(c), Florida Statutes, is

8219specifically designed to avoid. Petitioners’ argument on this

8227point would effectively tie the small-scale plan amendment

8235process irrevocably to the more cumbersome "large-scale"

8242amendment process each time the Department of Community Affairs

8251chooses to amend Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, in

8260such a way as to require compliant local plan amendments. This

8271would defeat the Legislature’s purpose in disengaging small-scale

8279amendments from many of the formalities of the plan amendment


829098. In any event, no party to this proceeding seriously

8300contended that the property in question in fact lies outside of

8311the coastal high-hazard area. The Staff Report, while

8319acknowledging that the property is not yet "technically included"

8328in the coastal high-hazard area, expressly treated the property

8337as if it were, applying Goal 75 of the Lee County Plan in its

8351analysis of the project. The Intervenor did not contest this

8361treatment. These findings of fact accept that the subject

8370property lies within the coastal high-hazard area, and that the

8380property was treated by both Lee County staff and the Board as

8392lying within the coastal high-hazard area, rendering moot

8400Petitioners’ procedural arguments regarding the formal adoption

8407of the new statutory definition.

841299. In summary, Petitioners failed to establish by a

8421preponderance of the evidence that PAM 98-01 does not comply with

8432statutory, rule, or Lee County Plan provisions dealing with

8441development in coastal high-hazard areas.

8446Natural Resources

8448100. Intervenor’s 9.9 acre parcel, a pine flatwood

8456community dominated by slash pine in the canopy with an

8466understory of saw palmetto and other upland species, contains

8475protected plants and animals. Uniformly distributed over the

8483parcel are 551 beautiful pawpaws, as counted in the survey of the

8495property conducted by Boylan Environmental Consultants on behalf

8503of Intervenor. Petitioners did not dispute this count of the

8513beautiful pawpaws on the site.

8518101. The beautiful pawpaw has been designated an endangered

8527species by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the

8538Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission (now called the

8547Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission). Lee County

8555has designated the beautiful pawpaw as a protected species.

8564102. Beautiful pawpaws are small plants with deep tubers,

8573and are difficult to relocate. The beautiful pawpaws on the 9.9-

8584acre parcel are currently healthy and viable.

8591103. Intervenor’s 9.9-acre parcel also contains 10 active,

859921 inactive, and 22 abandoned gopher tortoise burrows, as counted

8609by Boylan Environmental Consultants and not disputed by

8617Petitioners. Gopher tortoises are listed as a species of special

8627concern by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission,

8636and are listed as a protected species by Lee County. Gopher

8647tortoise burrows are also appropriate habitat for indigo snakes

8656and gopher frogs, both of which are listed as protected species

8667by Lee County.

8670104. Betsie Newton Hiatt, a senior environmental planner

8678with Lee County and an expert in environmental planning,

8687testified that she made a "cursory inspection" of the subject

8697property and observed the beautiful pawpaws and gopher tortoise

8706burrows on the site. She did not actually count the plants or

8718burrows, but testified that she observed enough to consider the

8728counts made by Boylan Environmental Consultants to be accurate.

8737105. Ms. Hiatt testified that a management plan would be

8747necessary prior to development of the parcel, and that it would

8758be possible to submit a detailed management plan meeting all Lee

8769County Land Development Code requirements for property that has

8778beautiful pawpaws and gopher tortoise burrows and that lies

8787within an Outlying Suburban land-use category.

8793106. Ms. Hiatt testified that part of her duties is the

8804implementation of Policy 77.2.6 of the Lee County Plan, which

8814requires avoidance of needless destruction of upland vegetation

8822communities through consideration during the site plan review

8830process of alternative layouts of permitted uses. She testified

8839that this policy is implemented in the Lee County Land

8849Development Code through open space and indigenous preservation

8857requirements. She finally testified that it would be possible to

8867meet the open space requirement while developing the parcel at

8877issue in this proceeding.

8881107. Ms. Hiatt testified that the policy requires that

8890approximately one third of the beautiful pawpaws found on a site

8901be preserved in place, one third may be relocated in preservation

8912areas, and one third may be removed. She testified that the open

8924space requirement for commercial use of a 9.9-acre site would be

8935about three acres, and that about 380 beautiful pawpaws could

8945survive in this area. This would be about 69 percent of the 551

8958beautiful pawpaws found on the site, slightly more than the

8968requisite two-thirds that must be preserved.

8974108. Rae Ann Boylan, the expert in environmental land-use

8983planning whose company performed the species survey on the

8992property, testified that allowing the site to lay fallow would be

9003as bad for the beautiful pawpaws as development, because other

9013shrubs would eventually overgrow them without management of the


9023109. Ms. Boylan also testified that a management plan would

9033be required prior to development to accommodate the listed

9042species. She testified that Lee County requires a developer to

9052excavate the tortoises that can be found and place them out of

9064harm’s way. She further noted that Policy 77.8.1 of the Lee

9075County Plan provides for off-site mitigation, if unavoidable

9083conflicts make on-site protection of the tortoises infeasible.

9091110. Policy 5.1.2 of the Lee County Plan prohibits

9100residential development where physical constraints or hazards

9107exist, including hurricane hazards and environmental limitations.

9114Mr. Noble of Lee County testified that residential development

9123has been approved on Pine Island under this policy, and that the

9135decision whether this policy applies to a given project is made

9146at the time of development or site plan approval.

9155111. Mr. Spikowski agreed that Policy 5.1.2 is a limitation

9165on development, but argued that now is the time to evaluate the

9177matter. He testified that if there are physical constraints or

9187hazards that should stop approval of additional subdivisions on

9196Pine Island, the county should not wait for the development order

9207stage to draw the line. Mr. Spikowski explained that, as a

9218practical matter, the development order stage consists of

9226arguments about the details of the development, not whether it

9236will occur at all. Mr. Spikowski's testimony is credited as a

9247valid statement of planning philosophy, but not as stating a

9257legal barrier to the Board's decision in this matter.

9266112. In summary, Petitioners failed to demonstrate by a

9275preponderance of the evidence that PAM 98-01 by its terms will

9286have any adverse impacts on native upland vegetation, wildlife

9295habitat, natural plant communities, or protected plant and

9303wildlife habitat. Even after PAM 98-01 is enacted, the Lee

9313County Plan provisions protecting all these natural resources

9321will remain in place. Any subsequent development will be

9330required to comply with the provisions of the Lee County Plan and

9342the State Comprehensive Plan establishing protection of the


9351Data and Analysis

9354113. Section 163.3177(8), Florida Statutes, requires that

9361all elements of a comprehensive plan be based upon data

9371appropriate to the element involved.

9376114. Rule 9J-5.005(2)(a), Florida Administrative Code,

9382provides in relevant part:

9386All goals, objectives, policies,

9390standards, findings and conclusions within

9395the comprehensive plan and its support

9401documents, and within plan amendments and

9407their support documents, shall be based upon

9414relevant and appropriate data and the

9420analyses applicable to each element. To be

9427based on data means to react to it in an

9437appropriate way and to the extent necessary

9444indicated by the data available on that

9451particular subject at the time of the

9458adoption of the plan or plan amendment at


9467115. The local government is not required to engage in

9477original data collection, but the data used must be the best

9488available. Rule 9J-5.005(2)(b) and (c), Florida Administrative


9496116. Rule 9J-5.006(2)(c), Florida Administrative Code,

9502provides that the Future Land-use Element, including the FLUM and

9512amendments thereto, must include an analysis of the amount of

9522land needed in each category of land-use to accommodate the

9532projected population. This analysis must estimate the gross

9540acreage needed by land-use category and their densities and

9549intensities, and describe the methodology used to arrive at those


9560117. The preponderance of the evidence establishes that

9568there was sufficient data and analysis to permit the Board to

9579conclude that PAM 98-01 was justified. As found above, even the

9590most conservative estimate of Mr. Spikowski, the expert retained

9599to oppose the amendment, conceded that the data indicated there

9609remains a need for 27 acres of vacant land for commercial

9620development on Pine Island before the year 2020.

9628118. The Commercial Study relied upon by Petitioners also

9637concedes that much of the property currently zoned for commercial

9647uses is not in fact appropriate for such uses. The evidence

9658establishes that Lee County itself has historically recognized

9666this fact but has declined to expend the resources needed to

9677update the zoning on Pine Island, largely due to the overall

9688paucity of development activity on the island.

9695119. The evidence in this proceeding establishes that the

9704property at issue is the only commercially-zoned property

9712adjacent to the Pine Island Center that was not included in that

9724center during the 1989 Plan update process, presumably because it

9734was vacant property at the time. Despite all the testimony

9744regarding properties on Pine Island having inappropriate

9751commercial zonings, not one witness suggested that the property

9760at issue should not be zoned commercially.

9767120. At least one member of the LPA recognized the

9777appropriateness of this property for development "in the long

9786run," but the LPA voted against the amendment to preserve the

9797clear demarcation between urban and rural uses in the current


9808121. However, even Mr. Spikowski conceded that the clear

9817line between urban and rural uses was compromised at the outset

9828to allow for existing uses, and that the FLUM change contemplated

9839by PAM 98-01 would merely add another "blip" to a line on the map

9853that already contains breaks and changes between urban and rural


9864122. Mr. Spikowski’s argument that PAM 98-01 would create

9873urban sprawl is thus overstated. PAM 98-01 does not designate

9883uses in excess of demonstrated need. It does not appreciably

9893compromise the clear separation between rural and urban uses. It

9903does not discourage or inhibit infill development.

9910123. In fact, PAM 98-01 could just as plausibly be said to

9922constitute infill in the vicinity of the Pine Island Center; at

9933the very least, it does not leap over undeveloped lands that are

9945available and suitable for development. The subject property

9953lies between commercial uses to the north and a public facility

9964use, the RO plant, to the south.

9971124. PAM 98-01 does not fail to protect environmentally

9980sensitive habitat, because the beautiful pawpaws and the gopher

9989tortoise burrows on the site will be dealt with as provided in

10001the Lee County Plan during any subsequent development and site

10011planning of the property.

10015125. Mr. Spikowski’s ultimate opinion that PAM 98-01 is

"10024illegal" is based on his view, also expressed in the Staff

10035Report, that there is "no compelling reason" to adopt the

10045requested amendment. Mr. Spikowski testified that, because Pine

10053Island has an overallocation of commercial land, anyone wishing

10062to add to the total has "a really high burden to show that this

10076is so much better located than the existing land, or [that] other

10088land should be eliminated in favor of this land, and that burden

10100hasn’t been met." As explained in the conclusions of law below,

10111this is not the standard for judging the legality of a small

10123scale development amendment. Mr. Spikowski’s policy disagreement

10130with the Board’s action has been noted and fully considered, but

10141his judgment that PAM 98-01 is "illegal" cannot be credited.

10151126. In summary, Petitioners failed to demonstrate by a

10160preponderance of the evidence that PAM 98-01 is not supported by

10171relevant and appropriate data and analysis as required by Section

10181163.3177(8), Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J-5.005(2), Florida

10188Administrative Code.


10193127. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

10200jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this

10209proceeding. Sections 120.569, 120.57, and 163.3187(3), Florida


10217128. As recited in the findings of fact above, Petitioners

10227Barbara Dubin, William Dubin, the Civic Association, and

10235Intervenor Gregory Eagle have standing as "affected persons"

10243under Section 163.3184(1)(a), Florida Statutes, to participate in

10251this proceeding.

10253129. Proposed amendment PAM 98-01 is a "small scale

10262development amendment" as defined in Section 163.3187(1)(c),

10269Florida Statutes.

10271130. Section 163.3187(3), Florida Statutes, sets forth the

10279standard of proof in this proceeding:

10285In the proceeding, the local government’s

10291determination that the small scale

10296development amendment is in compliance is

10302presumed to be correct. The local

10308government’s determination shall be sustained

10313unless it is shown by a preponderance of the

10322evidence that the amendment is not in

10329compliance with the requirements of this act.

10336131. Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes, defines "in

10343compliance" to mean:

10346consistent with the requirements of ss.

10352163.3177, 163.3178, and 163.3191, with the

10358state comprehensive plan, with the

10363appropriate strategic regional policy plan,

10368and with chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative

10374Code, where such rule is not inconsistent

10381with chapter 163, part II and with the

10389principles for guiding development in

10394designated areas of critical state concern.

10400132. Section 163.3177(10)(a), Florida Statutes, sets forth

10407legislative intent as to the definition of "consistency" as that

10417term is applied in Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code.

10426The relevant portion of the statute reads as follows:

10435[F]or the purpose of determining whether

10441local comprehensive plans are consistent with

10447the state comprehensive plan and the

10453appropriate regional policy plan, a local

10459plan shall be consistent with such plans if

10467the local plan is "compatible with" and

"10474further" such plans. The term "compatible

10480with" means that the local plan is not in

10489conflict with the state comprehensive plan or

10496appropriate regional policy plan. The term

"10502furthers" means to take action in the

10509direction of realizing goals or policies of

10516the state or regional plan. For the purposes

10524of determining consistency of the local plan

10531with the state comprehensive plan or the

10538appropriate regional policy plan, the state

10544or regional plan shall be construed as a

10552whole and no specific goal and policy shall

10560be construed or applied in isolation from the

10568other goals and policies of the plans.

10575133. The State Comprehensive Plan expresses a similar

10583intent, at Section 187.101(3), Florida Statutes:

10589The goals and policies contained in the State

10597Comprehensive Plan shall be reasonably

10602applied where they are economically and

10608environmentally feasible, not contrary to the

10614public interest, and consistent with the

10620protection of private property rights. The

10626plan shall be construed and applied as a

10634whole, and no specific goal or policy shall

10642be construed or applied in isolation from the

10650other goals and policies in the plan.

10657134. The elements of a local government comprehensive plan

10666must be internally consistent. Section 163.3177(2), Florida

10673Statutes. A comprehensive plan may be amended only in a way that

10685preserves the internal consistency of the plan. Section

10693163.3187(2), Florida Statutes.

10696135. The Lee County Plan has previously been determined to

10706be in compliance with Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, and

10717internally consistent.

10719136. The Lee County Plan includes a future land-use element

10729("FLUE") setting forth policies related to proposed general

10739distribution, location and extent of the uses of land. The FLUE

10750must be based upon data, including the amount of land required to

10762accommodate anticipated growth, projected population, the

10768character of undeveloped land, and the availability of public

10777services. Section 163.3177(6)(a), Florida Statutes.

10782137. PAM 98-01 has not been shown to be inconsistent with

10793the FLUE of the adopted Lee County Plan. The subject parcel is

10805suitable for the Outlying Suburban designation. The facts

10813demonstrated that this property historically had an urban

10821designation, but was singled out for a rural designation during

10831the 1989 amendment cycle for the purpose of maintaining a clear

10842separation between the commercially developed properties to the

10850north and the rural properties to the south.

10858138. This "clear separation" was blurred at the outset by

10868various urban designations designed to accommodate existing

10875development. Additionally, an RO plant sits on property south of

10885the subject parcel, further blurring the clear separation. The

10894most conservative estimate based on Lee County statistics

10902indicates a need for an additional 27 acres of commercial

10912development on Pine Island, and even some opponents of the

10922amendment agree that this is a suitable site for such

10932development, if any such development is to occur.

10940139. The Lee County Plan has been found to be consistent

10951with the goal of the State Comprehensive Plan directing

10960development to areas able to accommodate growth in an

10969environmentally acceptable manner. Section 187.201(16)(a),

10974Florida Statutes.

10976140. PAM 98-01 has not been shown to be inconsistent with

10987this element of the State Comprehensive Plan. Petitioners failed

10996to demonstrate that any unacceptable environmental impacts will

11004result from the development contemplated by PAM 98-01.

11012141. The Lee County Plan includes a coastal management

11021element consistent with Section 163.3177(6)(g), Florida Statutes.

11028As required by Section 163.3178(2)(d), Florida Statutes, the Lee

11037County Plan also accounts for the capability to safely evacuate

11047the coastal population in the event of an impending natural

11057disaster. The Lee County Plan is also consistent with the State

11068Comprehensive Plan requirement that Lee County, in cooperation

11076with regional and state agencies, adopt plans and policies to

11086prepare for coastal evacuation and to protect property and human

11096life from the effects of natural disasters. Section

11104187.201(7)(b)22 and 23, Florida Statutes.

11109142. Policy 5.1.2 of the Lee County Plan provides that

11119where physical constraints or hazards exist, residential

11126development must be prohibited or density and design must be

11136adjusted to account for the constraints or hazards. Policy

1114575.1.2 prohibits rezonings to allow higher densities on barrier

11154and coastal islands if the capacity of critical evacuation routes

11164would be exceeded. Policy 75.1.4 provides that undeveloped lands

11173in coastal high-hazard areas will be considered for reduced

11182density categories to limit future population exposed to coastal


11192143. PAM 98-01 has not been shown to be inconsistent with

11203these coastal evacuation and development provisions of the Lee

11212County Plan. All the pertinent witnesses agreed that commercial

11221development has no effect on evacuation times. Petitioners

11229failed to demonstrate that the contemplated residential

11236development will cause evacuation route capacities to be

11244exceeded, even if this small-scale development proceeding is

11252likened to a rezoning and Policy 75.1.2 applies. Policy 75.1.4

11262would arguably apply to this undeveloped property, but does not

11272mandate the adoption of reduced density categories. No evidence

11281was presented that any subsequent development would be exempt

11290from the density and design adjustments mandated by Policy 5.1.2.

11300144. Policy 14.2.2 of the Lee County Plan, set out in full

11312above, establishes traffic thresholds for Pine Island Road

11320between Burnt Store and Stringfellow Roads. Petitioners offered

11328competent evidence showing that the first threshold of 810 peak

11338hour, annual average two-way trips, is already being exceeded on

11348the road in question. Intervenor presented evidence

11355distinguishing these thresholds from the actual capacity of the

11364road, but did not seriously question Petitioners conclusion that

11373the 810 trip threshold has been crossed.

11380145. From the fact that the 810 trip threshold has been

11391exceeded, Petitioner derives the conclusion that PAM 98-01 is in

11401violation of the policy. However, Policy 14.2.2 requires only

11410that Lee County "consider for adoption development regulations"

11418when the thresholds are reached. The evidence established that

11427the county has yet to consider any such regulations under the

11438policy, which in any event appears not to contemplate outright

11448prohibitions on development approvals. Thus, while PAM 98-01 may

11457push the county nearer the point where it must consider measures

11468to limit future development approvals on Pine Island, PAM 98-01

11478does not contravene Policy 14.2.2.

11483146. The Lee County Plan includes a conservation element

11492setting forth policies related to conservation, use and

11500protection of natural resources, pursuant to Section

11507163.3177(6)(d), Florida Statutes. The Lee County Plan is

11515consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan’s goal of protecting

11524unique natural habitats, and its policy of prohibiting the

11533destruction of endangered species and protecting their habitat.

11541Section 187.201(10)(a) and (b)3, Florida Statutes.

11547147. Objective 77.2 of the Lee County Plan provides that

11557the county will maintain an inventory of native plant communities

11567and protect remnant tracts of all important and representative

11576plant communities. Policy 77.2.6 provides that needless

11583destruction of upland vegetation communities will be avoided

11591through consideration during site plan review of alternate

11599layouts of permitted uses.

11603148. Objective 77.4 of the Lee County Plan states that the

11614county will continue to protect habitats of endangered and

11623threatened species and species of special concern. Policy 77.4.4

11632requires that new developments shall protect remnants of viable

11641habitats when listed vegetative and wildlife species inhabit a

11650tract slated for development, except where equivalent mitigation

11658is provided.

11660149. Policy 77.8.1 of the Lee County Plan states that the

11671county’s policy is to protect gopher tortoise burrows wherever

11680they are found. However, if unavoidable conflicts make on-site

11689protection infeasible, then off-site mitigation may be provided.

11697150. PAM 98-01 has not been shown to be inconsistent with

11708these natural resources and species protection provisions of the

11717Lee County Plan. PAM 98-01 by its terms does not permit any

11729development of the property. Intervenor will be required to

11738comply with all of these habitat and species protection

11747provisions during the development approval process.

11753151. Petitioners are obviously correct in their implied

11761argument that the best way to ensure the continued health of the

11773gopher tortoise population, if not the long term viability of the

11784beautiful pawpaws, is to permit no development on the subject

11794parcel. However, the Lee County Plan does not contain such

11804outright prohibitions on development, and is not required by

11813state law or the State Comprehensive Plan to do so.

11823152. All elements of a local government comprehensive plan

11832must be based upon data appropriate to the element. Section

11842163.3177(8), Florida Statutes.

11845153. As found above, PAM 98-01 is consistent with data

11855appropriate to the relevant elements.

11860154. In conclusion, Petitioners have failed to establish by

11869a preponderance of the evidence that PAM 98-01 is inconsistent

11879with, or renders the Lee County Plan inconsistent with, the

11889requirements of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, Rule 9J-

118995, Florida Administrative Code, or the State Comprehensive Plan,

11908Chapter 187, Florida Statutes. Petitioners have failed to

11916establish by a preponderance of the evidence that PAM 98-01

11926renders the Lee County Plan internally inconsistent.

11933155. Section 163.3187(3)(a), Florida Statutes, cloaks the

11940local government’s decision to approve a small scale development

11949amendment with a presumption of correctness. Petitioners well

11957articulated their concerns with the contemplated development, but

11965did not offer sufficient competent substantial evidence to

11973overcome that presumption by the required preponderance of the



11984Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

11994Law, it is

11997RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding small

12006scale development amendment PAM 98-01 to be in compliance.

12015DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of December, 1999, in

12025Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



12033Administrative Law Judge

12036Division of Administrative Hearings

12040The DeSoto Building

120431230 Apalachee Parkway

12046Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

12049(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

12053Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


12058Filed with the Clerk of the

12064Division of Administrative Hearings

12068this 27th day of December, 1999.


12076Thomas W. Reese, Esquire

120802951 61st Avenue, South

12084St. Petersburg, Florida 33712

12088Thomas L. Wright, Esquire

12092Timothy Jones, Esquire

12095Assistant County Attorneys

12098Lee County, Florida

121012115 Second Street

12104Post Office Box 398

12108Fort Myers, Florida 33902

12112Pete Doragh, Esquire

12115Annis, Mitchell, Cockey,

12118Edwards & Roehn, P.A.

12122Post Office Box 60259

12126Fort Myers, Florida 33906-6259

12130Cari L. Roth, General Counsel

12135Department of Community Affairs

121392555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Suite 315

12145Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100

12148Steven M. Seibert, Secretary

12152Department of Community Affairs

121562555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Suite 100

12162Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100


12171All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

12182days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to

12193this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will

12204issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/11/2000
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 02/04/2000
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/27/1999
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/27/1999
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held August 17 and 18, 1999.
Date: 11/04/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 10/28/1999
Proceedings: (Intervenors) Exhibits (1 Box, tagged) filed.
Date: 10/19/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Intervenor`s Proposed Recommended Order; Intervenor`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/18/1999
Proceedings: Petitioners Proposed Recommended Order; Petitioners` Motion to Extend Pro Limitation filed.
Date: 10/08/1999
Proceedings: (P. Doragh) Notice of Stipulation Regarding Filing Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/17/1999
Proceedings: (2 Volumes) Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 08/17/1999
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/16/1999
Proceedings: (T. Reese, M. Ciccarone, T. Wright) Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 08/11/1999
Proceedings: (P. Doragh) Notice of Appearance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/09/1999
Proceedings: Petitioners` Motion to Amend First Amended Petition for Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/23/1999
Proceedings: Order sent out. (motion for summary final order denied)
Date: 07/19/1999
Proceedings: Greater Pine Island Civic Association, Inc.`s Response to Eagles` Motion for Summary Final Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/09/1999
Proceedings: (M. Ciccarone, C. Edwards) Motion for Summary Final Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/07/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for August 17 through 19, 1999; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Myers, Florida)
Date: 07/06/1999
Proceedings: Order Continuing Hearing sent out. (Telephonic conference hearing set for 3:00pm; 7/6/99)
Date: 07/02/1999
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Stevenson from M. Ciccarone Re: Conference call (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/01/1999
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Stevenson from M. Ciccarone Re: Conference call (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/30/1999
Proceedings: Petitioners` Amended Motion to Schedule Hearing After July 21, 1999 (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/29/1999
Proceedings: Order sent out. (Petitioners` motion to schedule hearing after 7/21/99 is denied)
Date: 06/29/1999
Proceedings: Petitioners` Amended Motion to Schedule Hearing After July 21, 1999 (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/28/1999
Proceedings: Petitioners` Response to Motion to Set Expedited Hearing and Motion to Schedule Hearing After July 21, 1999 (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/25/1999
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for July 6 through 9, 1999; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Myers, Florida)
Date: 06/22/1999
Proceedings: (M. Ciccarone, C. Edwards) Motion to Set Expedited Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/15/1999
Proceedings: Order sent out. (motion for leave to amend is granted; Intervenor`s motion to dismiss is now moot)
Date: 06/10/1999
Proceedings: Petitioners Response to Intervenors Motion to Dismiss, and Petitioners` Motion for Leave to Amend Petition for Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/07/1999
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions sent out.
Date: 06/07/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for September 15 and 16, 1999; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Myers, Florida)
Date: 06/03/1999
Proceedings: (M. Ciccarone, C. Edwards) Motion to Set Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/01/1999
Proceedings: Order Granting Intervention sent out. (Gregory Eagle)
Date: 05/24/1999
Proceedings: (T. Reese) Notice of Appearance for Petitioners (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/17/1999
Proceedings: Ltr. to Judge Stevenson from W. & B. Dubin re: Reply to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/17/1999
Proceedings: (M. Ciccarone, T. Wright, C. Edwards) Response to Initial Order; (Gregory Eagle) Petition for Leave to Intervene; Motion to Dismiss (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/17/1999
Proceedings: (T. Wright) Notice of Appearance filed.
Date: 05/12/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Thomas L. Wright) (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/07/1999
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 05/03/1999
Proceedings: Request for an Administrative Hearing on A Lee County Small Scale Amendment Plan, Letter Form filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Fort Myers, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (8):

Related Florida Rule(s) (4):