99-004264RX Florida Power And Light Corporation vs. Public Service Commission
 Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, November 3, 1999.

View Dockets  
Summary: Where rule challenge was actually an attack on the erroneous application of the rule, dismissal of case appropriate.






16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) Case No. 99-4264RX




30Respondent. )



35This cause came before the undersigned on a Motion to

45Dismiss filed on October 27, 1999, by Respondent, Public Service

55Commission (PSC). By its motion, the PSC moves for the dismissal

66of a rule challenge by Petitioner, Florida Power & Light Company

77(FPL), which seeks a determination that Rule 25-22.036(3),

85Florida Administrative Code, is invalid on numerous statutory

93grounds. A response in opposition to the motion was filed by FPL

105on October 29, 1999. Oral argument on the motion is unnecessary.

116Having considered the motion and response, the motion is granted

126for the following reasons.

130For purposes of ruling on the motion, the relevant

139allegations in FPL's petition have been accepted as being true.

149They reflect that on December 15, 1998, as later clarified by

160Orders entered on April 20, May 21, July 1, and September 2,

1721999, the PSC initiated an "adjudicatory proceeding" for the

181purpose of investigating "planned, aggregate electric utility

188reserve margins in peninsular Florida"; that the proceeding "will

197be treated as a contested docket involving disputed issues of

207material fact and conducted pursuant to [S]ections 120.569 and

216120.57, Florida Statutes, and rule chapter 28-106, Florida

224Administrative Code"; and that FPL's substantial interests will

232be affected by that proceeding.

237In a preliminary ruling entered on July 1, 1999, a

247Commissioner serving as a Prehearing Officer cited as the source

257of authority for instituting the proceeding Rule 25-22.036(3),

265Florida Administrative Code, the rule under challenge. This

273ruling was confirmed by the full Commission by Order dated

283September 2, 1999. The challenged rule reads as follows:

292Orders and Notices. Upon its own motion, the

300Commission may issue an order or notice

307initiating a proceeding. Such order or

313notice shall be served upon all persons named

321therein. The Commission may also transmit

327notice of its action to other persons

334requesting such notice, and may publish such

341notice in appropriate newspapers of general

347circulation and the Florida Administrative


353FPL contends that in order to initiate a formal proceeding

363under Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, the PSC

372must rely on the Uniform Rules of Procedure as its source of

384authority, and specifically those found in Chapter 28-106,

392Florida Administrative Code. This is because pursuant to Section

401120.54(5)(a)1., Florida Statutes, effective July 1, 1998, the

409Uniform Rules of Procedure replaced the PSC's prior procedural

418rules by operation of law, unless an exception had been granted

429by the Administration Commission. Dep't of Corrections v.

437Saulter , 24 Fla. L. Weekly D1951 (Fla. 1st DCA, August 20, 1999)

449("[b]y July 1, 1998, all agencies had to follow the Uniform Rules

462of Procedure, rather than procedural rules specific to any

471particular agency, unless an exception had been granted by the

481Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Administration Commission").

490The PSC's request for an exception for the challenged rule was

501denied by the Administration Commission on June 25, 1998.

510Therefore, FPL contends that the challenged rule may only be used

521to initiate "agency investigations preliminary to agency action,"

529which are neither subject to the requirements of Sections 120.569

539or 120.57, Florida Statutes, nor to the Uniform Rules of

549Procedure, and which may not culminate in an adjudication of

559FPL's rights. Because the PSC has unlawfully used the rule to

570initiate a formal proceeding under Sections 120.569 and

578120.57(1), Florida Statutes, FPL asserts that the rule is invalid

588for numerous reasons.

591In its Motion to Dismiss, the PSC argues that the rule

602challenge should be dismissed on various grounds, only one of

612which is pertinent to this discussion. As to that ground, the

623PSC contends that FPL is merely complaining that the PSC is

634incorrectly applying the rule, and that this type of claim can be

646properly lodged during the course of the formal proceeding now

656pending before the PSC, or in an appeal from any final agency


669Although the petition challenges the validity of the rul e on

680the grounds it violates Section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes, in

689seven respects, the gravamen of FPL's complaint is that the PSC

700has used the rule in an erroneous way. More specifically, the

711petition alleges that "the PSC is illegally relying on [the rule]

722to initiate and conduct an adjudicatory proceeding intended to

731affect [FPL's] substantial interests pursuant to [S]ections

738120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes."

743Since at least 1984, the courts have held that "the remedy

754for an erroneous application of [a rule] is a proceeding pursuant

765to Section 120.57." Hasper v. Dep't of Admin. , 459 So. 2d 398,

777400 (Fla. 1st DCA 1984). See also Beverly Health and Rehab.

788Servs., Inc. v. Agency for Health Care Admin. , 708 So. 2d 606

800(Fla. 1st DCA 1998) (where the substance of a rule challenge is

812to attack the application of a rule, dismissal of the petition is


"825The fact that an agency may wrongfully or erroneously apply

835[a rule] in any given situation does not invalidate the [r]ule."

846Hasper at 400. Thus, accepting as true FPL's allegation that the

857PSC has erroneously used the rule in lieu of the Uniform Rules of

870Procedure, this does not invalidate the regulation. Even under

879FPL's narrow interpretation of the rule, the PSC can still use

890it, in a legitimate way, to initiate "agency investigations

899preliminary to agency action" under Section 120.57(5), Florida


908Without saying so specifically in its response to the

917motion, but perhaps in an effort to distinguish the Hasper case,

928FPL points out that in at least two orders entered in the pending

941PSC case, the PSC has construed the rule as legal authority to

953initiate a formal proceeding on its own motion whenever it

963executes its statutory duties.

967Whether the PSC will choose to rely upon the rule in this

979manner in any or all future cases is speculative at best. Such

991an interpretation is hardly surprising, however, since any other

1000would be a clear admission by the PSC that the rule had been

1013improperly applied. In any event, Hasper makes clear that FPL's

"1023remedy for an erroneous application of Rule [25-22.036(3)]" is a

1033proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida

1041Statutes, and if unsuccessful in that forum, an appeal to the

1052Supreme Court once final agency action has been taken. Id. at


1064For the reasons expressed above, the Motion to Dismiss

1073should be granted. This ruling renders moot a pending Corrected

1083Petition for Leave to Intervene filed by Florida Power

1092Corporation and a response in opposition to that petition filed

1102by the PSC. It is also unnecessary to decide whether the PSC

1114acted properly in this instance, or whether its interpretation of

1124Rule 25-22.036(3), Florida Administrative Code, is correct.

1131Finally, the final hearing on the merits of the case is hereby

1143cancelled. It is, therefore,

1147ORDERED that the Public Service Commission's Motion to

1155Dismiss the Petition for Administrative Determination of the

1163Invalidity of an Existing Rule filed by Florida Power & Light

1174Company is granted, and the petition is dismissed, with


1184DONE AND ORDERED this 3rd day of November, 1999, in

1194Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



1202Administrative Law Judge

1205Division of Administrative Hearings

1209The DeSoto Building

12121230 Apalachee Parkway

1215Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

1218(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

1222Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


1227Filed with Clerk of the

1232Division of Administrative Hearings

1236this 3rd day o f November, 1999.


1245Matthew M. Childs, Esquire

1249Donna E. Blanton, Esquire

1253Steel, Hector & Davis LLP

1258215 South Monroe Street, Suite 601

1264Tallahassee, Florida 32301

1267Mary Anne Helton, Esquire

1271Public Service Commission

12742540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

1278Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850

1281Blanca Bayo, Director of Records

1286Public Service Commission

12892540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

1293Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850

1296V. Carroll Webb, Executive Director

1301Joint Administrative Procedures Committee

1305Holland Building, Room 120

1309Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300

1312Liz Cloud, Chief

1315Bureau of Administrative Code

1319The Elliott Building

1322Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250


1331A party who is adversely affected by this final order is entitled

1343to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes.

1352Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate

1362Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by filing one copy of

1372the notice of appeal with the agency clerk of the Division of

1384Administrative Hearings and a second copy, accompanied by filing

1393fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal, First

1404District, or with the district court of appeal in the appellate

1415district where the party resides. The notice of appeal must be

1426filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed.

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Date: 08/15/2000
Proceedings: Record returned from the First District Court of Appeal filed.
Date: 07/19/2000
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT (motion to dismiss is Granted) filed.
Date: 02/02/2000
Proceedings: Index, Record, Certificate of Record sent out.
Date: 02/01/2000
Proceedings: Payment in the amount of $359.00 for indexing filed.
Date: 01/20/2000
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from DCA filed. DCA Case No. 1D99-4552
Date: 01/19/2000
Proceedings: Invoice in the amount of $359.00 for Indexing sent out.
Date: 01/19/2000
Proceedings: Index sent out.
Date: 12/03/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal (Florida Power and Light) filed.
Date: 11/03/1999
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 11/03/1999
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 11/03/1999
Proceedings: CASE CLOSED. Final Order sent out.
Date: 11/01/1999
Proceedings: Florida Power Corporation`s Response to Florida Public Service Commission`s Motion to Dismiss (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/29/1999
Proceedings: Replace Page one of the Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/29/1999
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 10/27/1999
Proceedings: Florida Power Corporation`s Notice of Filing Corrected Petition for Leave to Intervene, Florida Power Corporation`s Corrected Petition for Leave to Intervene (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/27/1999
Proceedings: Respondent Florida Public Service Commission`s Answer to Florida Power & Light Company`s Petition for Administrative Determination of the Invalidity of an Existing Rule filed.
Date: 10/27/1999
Proceedings: Respondent Florida Public Service Commission`s Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 10/27/1999
Proceedings: Respondent Florida Public Service Commission`s Response in Opposition to Florida Power Corporation`s Petition for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 10/20/1999
Proceedings: Florida Power Corporation`s Petition for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 10/14/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for November 4, 1999; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL)
Date: 10/14/1999
Proceedings: Order of Assignment sent out.
Date: 10/13/1999
Proceedings: Letter to Liz Cloud & Carroll Webb from M. Lockard w/cc: Agency General Counsel sent out.
Date: 10/13/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance filed. (from M. Helton)
Date: 10/07/1999
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Determination of the Invalidity of an Existing Rule (w/Exhibits 1-11) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Public Service Commission

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