99-004489 Magalis Aguilera vs. Department Of Health, Board Of Psychology
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, June 16, 2000.

View Dockets  
Summary: Graduate from a non-accredited psychology doctorate program is not eligible for a provisional license, but is eligible for licensure by examination if the program was comparable to accredited programs.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 99-4489





30Respondent. )



35Pursuant to stipulation of the parties, this matter was

44submitted to Administrative Law Judge Michael M. Parrish of the

54Division of Administrative Hearings for preparation of a

62Recommended Order on the basis of a stipulated record, without

72an evidentiary hearing.


76For Petitioner: Howard J. Hockman, Esquire

82Offices at Pinecrest, Suite 210

877695 Southwest 104th Street

91Miami, Florida 33156

94For Respondent: Donna Erlich, Esquire

99Office of the Attorney General

104Administrative Law Section

107The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

112Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050


119The issues in this case are whether the Petitioner's

128application for a provisional license as a psychologist and/or

137the Petitioner's application for licensure as a psychologist by

146examination should be granted or denied.


154The history of this case began when the Petitioner, Dr.

164Magalis Aguilera, filed applications for provisional licensure

171and for licensure by examination with the Board of Psychology on

182February 23, 1998, and March 19, 1998, respectively. On

191August 7, 1998, and August 12, 1998, respectively, the Board of

202Psychology issued and served notices of intention to deny the

212Petitioner's applications for provisional licensure and

218licensure by examination.

221On December 4, 1998, pursuant to the Petitioner's request,

230a hearing not involving issues of disputed material fact was

240held before the Board of Psychology. At the conclusion of the

251December 4 hearing, the Board of Psychology entered a Final

261Order denying both of the Petitioner's applications for

269licensure. The Petitioner appealed the Final Order. Her

277arguments on appeal included the assertion that she had been

287improperly denied an evidentiary hearing before the Division of

296Administrative Hearings. In an opinion issued on October 13,

3051999, 1/ the Third District Court of Appeal wrote:

314Magalis Aguilera, a graduate of a

320psychology doctoral program at a non-

326accredited school, appeals a final order

332denying her application to the Department of

339Health, Board of Psychology ("the board")

347for licensure by examination and provisional

353licensure pursuant to §§ 490.005, .0051,

359Florida Statutes (1997). At the outset of

366the non-evidentiary administrative hearing,

370the board specifically advised Aguilera, who

376appeared before the board pro se, that if

384any material issues of fact arose during the

392course of the proceedings, the hearing would

399have to be terminated and referred to a

407hearing officer at the Department [sic] of

414Administrative Hearings ("DOAH"). The issue

421at the hearing below was whether the

428doctoral degree received by Aguilera was

434comparable to a doctoral degree from an

441accredited school program. Because we

446conclude that this issue was a mixed

453question of fact and law, we hold that the

462board erred in not submitting this matter to

470a hearing officer at DOAH, as it had

478indicated that it would.

482We, therefore, reverse the final order

488under review and remand with instructions

494that this matter be submitted to a hearing

502officer at DOAH.

505Consistent with the foregoing opinion, on October 25, 1999,

514this matter was referred to the Division of Administrative

523Hearings. By means of a Notice of Hearing issued on November 9,

5351999, the case was scheduled for final hearing on February 8,


547Shortly before the scheduled hearing date, the parties both

556waived their right to an evidentiary hearing and agreed that

566this case would be submitted to the administrative law judge for

577preparation of a Recommended Order on the basis of a stipulated

588record. 2/ A deadline was established for the filing of

598proposed recommended orders, and on February 16, 2000, both

607parties timely filed proposed recommended orders containing

614proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. 3/ The

624parties' proposals have been carefully considered during the

632preparation of this Recommended Order.


6401. In 1987, the Petitioner earned a doctorate degree in

650Psychology, the Psy.D. degree, from the Caribbean Center for

659Advanced Studies in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The psychology

668program at the Caribbean Center for Advanced Studies was not

678accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA)

685during the time the Petitioner participated in that program. 4/

6952. At all times material to this case, the APA has been

707the only credentialing agency for psychology programs recognized

715by the United States Department of Education.

7223. The Petitioner filed applications for provisional

729licensure and for licensure by examination with the Board of

739Psychology on February 23, 1998, and on March 19, 1998,

749respectively. On August 7, 1998, and on August 12, 1998,

759respectively, the Board of Psychology issued and served notices

768of intention to deny the Petitioner's applications for

776provisional licensure and for licensure by examination.

7834. The Board notice issued on August 7, 1998, read as

794follows, in pertinent part:

798Notice is hereby provided that the Board

805of Psychology (Board) intends to DENY the

812application for provisional licensure.

816The Board reviewed and considered the

822application for licensure at the regularly

828scheduled Board meeting held on June 28,

8351998, in Key West, Florida, and has

842determined that it be DENIED. As grounds

849therefore, the Board states that the

855applicant failed to demonstrate that her

861degree was augmented in or obtained from a

869program comparable to a program accredited

875by the American Psychological Association


881Rule 64B19-11.0035 of the Florida

886Administrative Code requires an original,

891signed letter, on official letterhead sent

897directly to the Board from the director of

905an APA accredited doctoral psychology

910program that confirms the comparability of

916the applicant's program to an APA accredited

923program. The letter must enumerate the

929exact documents that were reviewed in

935determining comparability. While the letter

940submitted on behalf of the applicant

946indicates that academic records were

951reviewed, the exact documents are not

957disclosed. Additionally, according to the

962application transcripts, the applicant had

967insufficient coursework in the field of

973Psychology to have earned a degree

979comparable to a degree from an APA

986accredited program. The institution she

991attended awarded the applicant a minimum of

99818 transfer credits for courses taken in the

1006filed of Social Work.

1010WHEREFORE, the Board voted to deny the


10185. The Board notice issued on August 12, 1998, advised the

1029Petitioner of the Board's intention to deny her application for

1039licensure by examination for reasons identical to those quoted


10496. The Petitioner requested, and was granted, an informal

1058hearing before the Board of Psychology on both of her

1068applications. Following an informal hearing (which the

1075Petitioner attended without benefit of legal counsel), the Board

1084of Psychology issued a Final Order denying both of the

1094Petitioner's applications. That Final Order (which has since

1102been reversed) 5/ read as follows, in pertinent part:

1111THIS MATTER came before the Board of

1118Psychology (Board) for final action pursuant

1124to section 120.569, and subsection

1129120.57(2), Florida Statutes, at a duly-

1135noticed public meeting of the Board on

1142December 4, 1998, in Orlando, Florida, for

1149the purpose of a hearing not involving

1156disputed issues of material fact based on

1163the Board's Notice of Intention to Deny

1170Application for Licensure by Examination and

1176Notice of Intention to Deny Application for

1183Provisional Licensure, copies of which are

1189attached to and made a part of this Final

1198Order, as Exhibits A and B. Applicant

1205Magalis Aguilera participated in the hearing

1211before the Board.

1214After a complete review of this matter,

1221including the evidence presented by

1226Applicant, the Board made the following

1232findings of fact and conclusions of law:


12421. Applicant, Magalis Aguilera obtained

1247an advanced degree in psychology in 1987

1254from the Caribbean Center for Advanced

1260Studies. The program she attended was not

1267accredited by the American Psychological

1272Association (APA).

12742. Pursuant to section 490.004, Florida

1280Statutes, Dr. Aguilera applied for a

1286provisional license and for licensure by

1292examination by contending that the

1297educational program that she attended was

1303comparable to an APA-approved program.

13083. Applicant obtained a letter dated

1314September 1, 1998, from the Director of the

1322Psy.D Program at the Caribbean Center for

1329Advanced Studies, which asserted that the

1335Applicant's program was comparable to an APA

1342accredited program. The letter indicated

1347that certain documents were reviewed to

1353determine comparability including the

1357official transcript at the Registrar's


13634. Applicant's transcript reveals that

1368the program from which she graduated awarded

1375Applicant a minimum of 18 transfer credits

1382for courses taken in the field of Social


13915. The September 1, 1998, letter from the

1399Director of an accredited APA program is

1406inaccurate with regard to the Applicant

1412because APA-approved programs do not award a

1419significant amount of transfer credit for

1425courses taken outside of the field of



14366. To be licensed as a psychologist by

1444examination or to obtain a provisional

1450license, an applicant must submit proof

1456satisfactory to the Board that the applicant

1463has graduated with a doctoral-level

1468psychological education from an APA-

1473accredited program or from a program

1479comparable to such a program. §§490.003 and

1486490.005(1)(b), Fla. Stat.

14897. The transcript establishes that the

1495program Applicant attended was not

1500comparable and, therefore, Applicant did not

1506satisfy the criteria for licensure as a

1513psychologist in Florida.



1524based on the foregoing, the applications of

1531Magalis Aguilera for licensure by

1536examination and for provisional licensure

1541are DENIED.

15437. As mentioned in the text of the Final Order quoted

1554above, the Board of Psychology had before it, and considered, a

1565letter dated September 1, 1998, from the Director of an APA-

1576accredited program. That letter was not available to the Board

1586at the time it issued its earlier notices of intent to deny the

1599Petitioner's applications.

16018. The psychology program from which the Petitioner

1609received her doctoral degree allowed her to transfer at least

161918 hours of credits she had earned in a master's program in

1631Social Work at the University of Puerto Rico. This transfer of

1642credits has no bearing on the comparability of the psychology

1652program from which the Petitioner graduated to APA-accredited

1660psychology programs in existence at that time. The extent to

1670which a program does or does not accept transfer credits is not

1682listed as an accreditation criterion in the APA's Criteria for

1692Accreditation of Doctoral Training Programs and Internships in

1700Professional Psychology, nor is such a criterion described in

1709Rule 64B19-11.0035, Florida Administrative Code. The acceptance

1716of transfer credits is generally a matter of program discretion,

1726which can appropriately vary substantially between APA-

1733accredited programs. Further, the courses for which transfer

1741credits were granted to the Petitioner are all in a closely

1752related field and are comparable to courses that could be, and

1763often are, taught in APA-accredited programs. For example,

1771courses in alcoholism, dynamic social functioning, social work

1779with individual families and small groups, are all likely to

1789have comparable doctoral level psychology courses in many APA-

1798accredited programs. In this regard it is noted that at

1808subparagraph (f) on page 8 of the APA accreditation document

1818there is a provision reading:

1823Students, based on their needs and

1829individual interests, should have access to

1835appropriate instruction in related fields

1840such as anthropology, biology, genetics,

1845neuroscience, sociology, and other

1849behavioral and social sciences.

1853Such being the case, the acceptance of transfer credits from a

1864master's program in Social Work would appear to be consistent

1874with the APA's accreditation philosophy. 6/

18809. Although the Psy.D. program at the Caribbean Center for

1890Advanced Studies in San Juan, Puerto Rico, was not accredited by

1901the APA at the time the Petitioner received her doctoral degree,

1912it was comparable to APA-accredited programs in existence at

1921that time. The educational and training philosophy of the

1930program from which the Petitioner graduated accomplished the six

1939professional core competencies established by the APA within the

1948Practitioner Model. The academic program provided and

1955implemented a coherent curriculum plan with a course content in

1965the areas of curriculum specified by APA standards. Clinical

1974training at the program from which the Petitioner graduated

1983enabled students to perform professional duties related to the

1992core competencies consistent with the standards for professional

2000psychology programs. 7/


200610. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2013jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of this

2024proceeding. Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes; Aguilera v.

2031Board of Psychology , 743 So. 2d 1153 (Fla. 3d DCA 1999).

204211. Statutory provisions regulating the procedure to be

2050followed in cases involving applications for licenses include

2058Section 120.60(3), Florida Statutes, which reads as follows:

2066(3) Each applicant shall be given written

2073notice either personally or by mail that the

2081agency intends to grant or deny, or has

2089granted or denied, the application for

2095license. The notice must state with

2101particularity the grounds or basis for the

2108issuance or denial of the license, except

2115when issuance is a ministerial act. Unless

2122waived, a copy of the notice shall be

2130delivered or mailed to each party's attorney

2137of record and to each person who has

2145requested notice of agency action. Each

2151notice shall inform the recipient of the

2158basis for the agency decision, shall inform

2165the recipient of any administrative hearing

2171pursuant to ss. 120.569 and 120.57 or

2178judicial review pursuant to s. 120.68 which

2185may be available, shall indicate the

2191procedure which must be followed, and shall

2198state the applicable time limits. The

2204issuing agency shall certify the date the

2211notice was mailed or delivered, and the

2218notice and the certification shall be filed

2225with the agency clerk.

222912. With regard to provisional licensure to practice

2237psychology, Section 490.0051, Florida Statutes, reads as


2245490.0051 Provisional licensure;


2249(1) The department shall issue a

2255provisional psychology license to each

2260applicant who the board certifies has:

2266(a) Completed the application form and

2272remitted a nonrefundable application fee not

2278to exceed $250, as set by board rule.

2286(b) Earned a doctoral degree in

2292psychology as defined in s. 490.003(3).

2298(c) Met any additional requirements

2303established by board rule.

2307(2) A provisional licensee must work

2313under the supervision of a licensed

2319psychologist until the provisional licensee

2324is in receipt of a license or a letter from

2334the department stating that he or she is

2342licensed as a psychologist.

2346(3) A provisional license expires 24

2352months after the date it is issued and may

2361not be renewed or reissued.

236613. With regard to licensure by examination to practice

2375psychology, Section 490.005, Florida Statutes, provides, in

2382pertinent part:

2384490.005 Licensure by examination.

2388(1) Any person desiring to be licensed as

2396a psychologist shall apply to the department

2403to take the licensure examination. The

2409department shall license each applicant who

2415the board certifies has:

2419* * *

2422(b) Submitted proof satisfactory to the

2428board that the applicant has:

2433* * *

24364. Received and submitted to the board,

2443prior to August 31, 2001, certification of a

2451doctoral-level program that at the time the

2458applicant was enrolled and graduated

2463maintained a standard of education and

2469training comparable to the standard of

2475training of programs accredited by a

2481programmatic agency recognized and approved

2486by the United States Department of

2492Education. Such certification of

2496comparability shall be provided by the

2502program director of a doctoral-level

2507psychology program accredited by a

2512programmatic agency recognized and approved

2517by the United States Department of


252414. Statutory definitions which must be considered in

2532order to understand and apply the statutory provisions quoted

2541above are found at Section 490.003, Florida Statutes, which

2550includes the following:

2553490.003 Definitions. As used in this


2560(1) "Board" means the Board of


2567(2) "Department" means the Department of


2574(3)(a) Prior to July 1, 1999, "doctoral-

2581level psychological education" and "doctoral

2586degree in psychology" mean a Psy.D., an

2593Ed.D. in psychology, or a Ph.D. in

2600psychology from:

26021. An educational institution which, at

2608the time the applicant was enrolled and

2615graduated, had institutional accreditation

2619from an agency recognized and approved by

2626the United States Department of Education or

2633was recognized as a member in good standing

2641with the Association of Universities and

2647Colleges of Canada; and

26512. A psychology program within that

2657educational institution which, at the time

2663the applicant was enrolled and graduated,

2669had programmatic accreditation from an

2674accrediting agency recognized and approved

2679by the United States Department of Education

2686or was comparable to such programs.

2692(b) Effective July 1, 1999, "doctoral-

2698level psychological education" and "doctoral

2703degree in psychology" mean a Psy.D., an

2710Ed.D. in psychology, or a Ph.D. in

2717psychology from:

27191. An educational institution which, at

2725the time the applicant was enrolled and

2732graduated, had institutional accreditation

2736from an agency recognized and approved by

2743the United States Department of Education or

2750was recognized as a member in good standing

2758with the Association of Universities and

2764Colleges of Canada; and

27682. A psychology program within that

2774educational institution which, at the time

2780the applicant was enrolled and graduated,

2786had programmatic accreditation from an

2791agency recognized and approved by the United

2798States Department of Education.

280215. Rule provisions which bear on the issues in this case

2813include Rule 64B19-11.003, Florida Administrative Code, which


2821(1) To show eligibility for examination,

2827an applicant must prove possession of either

2834a Psy.D., a Ph.D. in psychology or an Ed.D.

2843in psychology. No other academic degrees

2849will be considered, and the applicant will

2856be denied outright, regardless of the

2862program from which the applicant graduated,

2868if proof of such degree is lacking.

2875(2) An applicant who meets the

2881requirements of (1) must also prove that the

2889degree was obtained from a psychology

2895program which, at the time when the

2902applicant was enrolled in it and at the time

2911when the applicant graduated from it, was


2919(a) approved and accredited by the

2925American Psychological Association; or

2929(b) comparable to a program approved and

2936accredited by the American Psychological

2941Association at the same time.

2946(3) Alternatively, an applicant who meets

2952the requirements of (1) may augment his or

2960her education by complying with Section

2966490.005(3), F.S., and, thereby, certify for

2972examination by submitting proof of such


2979(4) To prove comparability or

2984augmentation, an applicant must cause a

2990letter to be submitted directly to the Board

2998office from the director of a doctoral

3005program currently approved and accredited by

3011the American Psychological Association. The

3016letter must have the original signature of

3023the director and it must be written on the

3032letterhead of the doctoral program which is

3039approved and accredited by the American

3045Psychological Association. The letter must

3050state unequivocally that the program from

3056which the applicant received the Psy.D., the

3063Ph.D. in psychology or the Ed.D. in

3070psychology was comparable to a program

3076accredited and approved by the American

3082Psychological Association at the same time.

3088The letter shall enumerate the exact

3094documents that were reviewed in determining

3100comparability or augmentation.

3103Alternatively, the letter must state

3108unequivocally that the applicant's education

3113has been augmented to the standards of an

3121education currently received at a program

3127accredited and approved by the American

3133Psychological Association.

3135(5) For the purpose of this rule, an

3143applicant "was enrolled" if the applicant's

3149entry into the program took place within

3156seven (7) years prior to the applicant's

3163date of graduation.

316616. The following portions of Rule 64B19-11.0035, Florida

3174Administrative Code, also bear on the issues in this case:

3184(4) The following proof is satisfactory to

3191the Board for the purpose of showing that

3199the applicant's degree obtained outside of

3205the United States or Canada was equivalent

3212to a Ph.D. in psychology, a Psy.D., or an

3221Ed.D. in psychology and was obtained from a

3229program equivalent to a program accredited

3235by a programmatic accrediting agency

3240recognized and approved by the U.S.

3246Department of Education: an original, signed

3252letter on official letterhead confirming

3257same and sent directly to the Board from the

3266director of a doctoral psychology program

3272accredited by the accrediting agency

3277recognized and approved by the United States

3284Department of Education. The letter shall

3290enumerate the exact documents that were

3296reviewed in determining comparability or

3301augmentation. The Board shall also require

3307the validation of degree and internship

3313equivalence performed by a credentials'

3318evaluation service acceptable to the Board.

3324(5) For a section 490.005(1)(b)4.

3329applicant only, the Board will apply the

3336following criteria to determine whether an

3342applicant's doctoral program was a program

3348which maintained a standard of training

3354comparable or substantially equivalent to

3359the standard of training of programs

3365accredited by the accrediting agency

3370recognized and

3372approved by the United States Department of


3380* * *

3383(g) The doctoral program must require a

3390minimum of three academic years of full-time

3397graduate study, defined as at least 18

3404credit hours per year, at least two academic

3412years of which must be at a single

3420institution, and one year of which must be

3428in full-time residence at the institution

3434from which the doctoral degree is granted. .

3442. .

344417. With regard to the Petitioner's application for a

3453provisional license to practice psychology, it is first noted

3462that there has been a change in the applicable statutes since

3473the date of the Petitioner's application for a provisional

3482license. Prior to July 1, 1999, a provisional license could be

3493issued to a graduate with an appropriate degree from a

3503psychology program that was "comparable to" a psychology program

3512that had "programmatic accreditation from an accrediting agency

3520recognized and approved by the United States Department of

3529Education." After July 1, 1999, the issuance of provisional

3538licenses is authorized only to those who graduated from a

3548psychological program that was accredited at the time the

3557graduate participated in the program. Sections 490.0051(1)(b)

3564and 490.003(3), Florida Statutes. The psychology program from

3572which the Petitioner graduated was not accredited at the time

3582the Petitioner participated in the program. Accordingly, the

3590Petitioner is not eligible for a provisional license under the

3600current statutory provisions. The Petitioner argues that her

3608application for a provisional license should be decided on the

3618basis of the law in effect at the time of her application,

3630rather than on the basis of the current law. The argument fails

3642because it appears to be well-settled that "Florida follows the

3652general rule that a change in a licensure statute that occurs

3663during the pendency of an application for licensure is operative

3673as to the application, so that the law as changed, rather than

3685as it existed at the time the application was filed, determines

3696whether the license should be granted." Lavernia v. Department

3705of Professional Regulation, Board of Medicine , 616 So. 2d 53

3715(Fla. 1st DCA 1993); and Agency for Health Care Administration

3725v. Mount Sinai Medical Center of Greater Miami , 690 So. 2d 689

3737(Fla. 1st DCA 1997). Accordingly, the Petitioner's application

3745for a provisional license must be denied.

375218. Turning now to the Petitioner's application for

3760licensure by examination, it is first noted that Section

3769490.005(1)(b)4, Florida Statutes, allows for licensure by

3776examination of, among others, those who graduated from an

3785unaccredited psychology program that was "comparable to"

3792accredited psychology programs at the time the applicant

3800participated in the unaccredited program. The Respondent's

3807arguments in this case seem to be predicated on an

3817interpretation of Section 490.005(1)(b)4, Florida Statutes, that

3824treats the word "comparable" as meaning "the same as." Such an

3835interpretation is more narrow than the plain and ordinary

3844meaning of the word "comparable." And it is well-settled in

3854this state that, in the normal course of events, the words in a

3867statute should be given their plain and ordinary meaning. Harper

3877v. State , 217 So. 2d 591 (Fla. 4th DCA 1969). As noted as long

3891ago as Gaulden v. Kirk , 47 So. 2d 567 (Fla. 1950), at page 574:

3905Courts should always give words in the

3912statutes and constitutional provisions the

3917meaning accorded them in common usage unless

3924a different connotation is expressed in or

3931necessarily implied from the context of the

3938statute or constitutional provision in which

3944they appear.

394619. Courts often turn to the dictionary to ascertain the

3956meaning of words used in statutes. The American Heritage

3965Dictionary of the English Language (1973), at page 270, defines

3975the word "comparable" as: "1. Able to be compared; having

3985traits or qualities in common; similar or equivalent. 2. Worthy

3995of comparison." Further meaning is gleaned by consideration of

4004the definition at page 271 of the word "compare," which includes

4015the following: "To represent as similar, equal, or analogous."

4024From the dictionary definitions it is clear that, while things

4034that are "equal" are "comparable," things that fall short of

4044being "equal," but that are shown to be "similar," or

"4054equivalent," or "analogous," are also "comparable" to the thing

4063with which they are "similar," or "equivalent," or "analogous."

40728/ Thus, the inquiry in this case is not whether the psychology

4084program from which the Petitioner graduated was the same as,

4094equal to, or identical to, accredited psychology programs at

4103that time. The appropriate inquiry here is whether the

4112psychology program from which the Petitioner graduated was

4120similar to, equivalent to, or analogous to, accredited

4128psychology programs at that time.

413320. The greater weight of the evidence in this case is to

4145the effect that the psychology program from which the Petitioner

4155received her degree was at least similar to and equivalent to

4166APA-accredited programs at that time. Accordingly, the

4173Petitioner is eligible for licensure by examination and must be

4183allowed to take the examination.

418821. The Respondent argues that the Petitioner's

4195application for licensure should be denied for several

4203additional reasons. Those additional reasons do not warrant

4211further discussion here, because denial of licensure on any of

4221the additional reasons is barred by both Section 120.60(3),

4230Florida Statutes, (quoted in paragraph 11, above) and by

4239fundamental notions of due process and fair play. The statute

4249requires notice to the applicant which "must state with

4258particularity the grounds or basis for issuance or denial of the

4269license." Fundamental notions of due process and fair play

4278preclude an agency from requiring an applicant to litigate

4287issues which have not previously been identified as a basis for

4298the agency's denial.


4302Based on all of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the

4313Board issue a final order in this case denying the Petitioner's

4324application for a provisional license, and granting the

4332Petitioner's application to take the licensure examination.

4339DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of June, 2000, in

4349Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4357Administrative Law Judge

4360Division of Administrative Hearings

4364The DeSoto Building

43671230 Apalachee Parkway

4370Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

4373(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

4377Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


4382Filed with the Clerk of the

4388Division of Administrative Hearings

4392this 16th day of June, 2000.


43991/ Aguilera v. Board of Psychology , 743 So. 2d 1153 (Fla. 3d DCA


44132/ The contents of the stipulated record are itemized in the

4424parties' Stipulated Record Document List filed on January 31,


44343/ On February 16, 2000, the Petitioner also filed a separate

4445document titled Petitioner's Argument. That document has been

4453treated as part of the Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order.

44624/ The psychology program at the Caribbean Center for Advanced

4472Studies is presently accredited by the American Psychological


44815/ The text of the appellate court opinion reversing the Board's

4492Final Order is included in the Preliminary Statement in this

4502Recommended Order.

45046/ The findings of fact in this paragraph are derived in large

4516part from the evidence presented by Dr. Altieri, an expert

4526witness on behalf of the Petitioner. Dr. Bauer, an expert

4536witness on behalf of the Board, agrees that there is nothing in

4548the APA accreditation criteria that specifically addresses

4555transfer of credits. (Pages 66-67 of Bauer deposition.)

45637/ Again, the findings of fact in this paragraph are derived in

4575large part from the evidence presented by Dr. Altieri, an expert

4586witness on behalf of the Petitioner.

45928/ The Board's expert witness agrees with this interpretation of

4602the word "comparable." At page 21 of his testimony, he

4612acknowledges his "understanding that a program does not have to

4622be identical to an APA-accredited program, but that it must be

4633similar or of similar quality."


4640Donna Erlich, Esquire

4643Office of the Attorney General

4648Administrative Law Section

4651The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

4656Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

4659Howard J. Hockman, Esquire

4663Offices at Pinecrest, Suite 210

46687695 Southwest 104th Street

4672Miami, Florida 33156

4675Dr. Kaye Howerton, Executive Director

4680Board of Psychology

4683Department of Health

46861940 North Monroe Street

4690Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750

4693William Large, General Counsel

4697Department of Health

4700Bin A02

470220020 Capital Circle, Southeast

4706Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

4709Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk

4714Department of Health

4717Bin A02

47192020 Capital Circle, Southeast

4723Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703


4732All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

474215 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4753to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4764will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 07/06/2004
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 08/21/2000
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/16/2000
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/16/2000
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. The Recommended Order was based on a stipulated record, without an evidentiary hearing.
Date: 02/25/2000
Proceedings: Letter to MMP from H. Hochman Re: Inadvertently neglected to enclosed a two page opinion in the Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order and Argument (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/16/2000
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/16/2000
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommended Final Order; Petitioner`s Argument filed.
Date: 01/31/2000
Proceedings: (D. Erlich) Stipulated Record Document List w/exhibits filed.
Date: 01/26/2000
Proceedings: Order sent out. (deadline for filing parties proposed recommended orders will be 2/16/00)
Date: 01/25/2000
Proceedings: (H. Hochman, D. Elrlich) Stipulation for Waiver of Appearance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/13/2000
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Taking Deposition (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/13/2000
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Proceed Without Scheduled Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/07/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Resondent`s Answers to Petitioner`s Second Set of Interrogatories (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/05/2000
Proceedings: Order sent out. (motion in limine denied)
Date: 12/23/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner`s Second Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 12/13/1999
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Second Request for Production filed.
Date: 12/01/1999
Proceedings: Respondent`s Opposition to Petitioner`s Motion in Limine (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/01/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 12/01/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent`s Answers to Petitioner`s Interrogatories and First Request for Production (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/09/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for February 8, 2000; 8:45 a.m.; Miami, FL)
Date: 11/08/1999
Proceedings: (H. Hochman) Amended Notice of Service of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 11/03/1999
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Production; Notice of Service of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 11/02/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Filing; Petition for Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/02/1999
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/27/1999
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 10/25/1999
Proceedings: (3rd DCA) Opinion filed.
Date: 10/25/1999
Proceedings: Referral for Hearing; Final Order; Notice of Intention to Deny Application for Licensure by Examination; Notice of Intention to Deny Application for Provisional Licensure filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida

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