97-000693RP Florida Society Of Anesthesiologists And Robert A. Guskiewicz vs. Department Of Labor And Employment Security, Division Of Workers` Compensation
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, June 24, 1997.

View Dockets  
Summary: Rule 38F-7.020 is invalid pursuant to Section 120.52(8) (1996 Suppl.) challenge.







21Petitioners, )



25vs. ) Case No. 97-0693RP






45Respondent, )


48and )










82Intervenors. )



87This cause came on for consideration pursuant to the

96parties' stipulation as to standing and facts as more fully set

107forth in the Preliminary Statement.


113For Petitioner, Florida Society of Anesthesiologists and

120Robert A. Guskiewicz, M.D.:

124J. Michael Huey, Esquire

128William E. Williams, Esquire

132Huey, Guilday and Tucker, P.A.

137High Point Center, Suite 900

142106 East College Avenue

146Tallahassee, Florida 32302

149For Respondent, Department of Labor and Employment


157Michael G. Moore, Senior Attorney

162Department of Labor and Employment Security

168Hartman Building, Suite 307

1722012 Capital Circle, Southeast

176Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -2189

180For Intervenor, InPhynet Medical Management, Inc.:

186Eric B. Tilton, Esquire

190Gustafson, Tilton, Henning and Metzger,


196204 South Monroe Street, Suite 200

202Tallahassee, Florida 32301

205For Intervenor, Florida Physical Therapy Association:

211Bruce Culpepper, Esquire

214Aikerman, Senterfitt and Eidson, P.A.

219216 South Monroe Street, Suite 200

225Tallahassee, Florida 32302

228For Intervenor, Florida Association of Occupational and

235Environmental Medicine:

237Richard E. Johnson, President

241Lakeside Industrial Medical

2441400 East Bay Drive

248Largo, Florida 32461

251For Intervenor, Florida Society of Physical Medicine and


260Oscar B. De Paz, President

265Rehabilitation Medicine Associates, P.A.

2694881 Northwest 8th Avenue

273Gainesville, Florida 32605


280Whether the Department's proposed amendment of Rule 38F-

2887.020, Florida Administrative Code, constitutes an invalid

295exercise of its delegated legislative authority under Section

303120.52(8), Florida Statutes, [1996 Supp.], or whether the

311authority specified in the proposed rule is sufficient for the

321Department to adopt the proposed rule?


329On January 3, 1997, the Department published in the Florida

339Administrative Weekly, Vol. 23, No. 1, notice of its intent to

350adopt proposed amendments to Rule 38F -7.020.

357On February 10, 1997, Petitioners filed a Petition for

366Administrative Determination of Invalidity of a Proposed Rule.

374The final hearing was initially set for March 10, 1997.

384On February 17, 1997, Intervenor, InPhynet Medical

391Management, Inc., filed its Petition to Intervene. On February

40020, 1997, the parties filed a Joint Motion for Continuance of

411Final Hearing. By Order Granting Intervention and Rescheduling

419Hearing, dated February 27, 1997, Administrative Law Judge

427William A. Buzzett granted InPhynet's Petition to Intervene, and

436the final hearing was rescheduled for March 31, 1997.

445On March 4, 1997, the Florida Association of Occupational

454and Environmental Medicine and the Florida Society of Physical

463Medicine and Rehabilitation filed Petitions to Intervene. On

471March 13, 1997, the Florida Physical Therapy Association filed

480its Petition to Intervene. On March 21, 1997, Petitioners filed

490an unopposed Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing.

498By Order of Continuance to Date Certain entered by the

508undersigned on March 25, 1997, the final hearing was rescheduled

518for April 30 -May 1, 1997. By Order on Intervention, dated March

53028, 1997, the pending Petitions to Intervene were granted.

539On April 27, 1997, the parties filed a Joint Prehearing

549Stipulation agreeing to the standing of Petitioners and all

558Intervenors and to all of the facts necessary for a

568determination of this matter. The parties also stipulated that

577Petitioners have not waived any rights with regard to

586constitutional challenges to proposed Rule 38F -7.020.

593During a hearing by telephonic conference call on April 29,

6031997, the parties agreed to waive oral testimony, to rely upon

614the Joint Prehearing Stipulation, and to provide Proposed Final

623Orders containing legal argument in support of their respective

632positions on or before May 12, 1997. By Order dated May 5,

6441997, the hearing scheduled for April 30 -May 1, 1997, was

655cancelled; the parties were given until May 12, 1997 to file

666proposed final orders; and an aspirational date for the entry of

677a Final Order was established as June 11, 1997.

686Petitioners Florida Society of Anesthesiologists and Robert

693A. Guskiewicz, M.D.; Respondent Department of Labor and

701Employment Security; and Florida Physical Therapy Association

708timely filed proposed orders. InPhynet Medical Management, Inc.

716filed its proposed order on May 13, 1997. The remaining

726Intervenors have not filed any proposed orders. Pursuant to the

736parties' stipulation and the May 5, 1997 Order, the late -filed

747proposal has not been considered.


7551. The Florida Society of Anesthesiologists is a

763voluntary, nonprofit association comprised of individual

769members, each of whom is licensed in the State of Florida to

781practice medicine.

7832. Petitioner, Robert A. Guskiewicz, M.D., is a licensed

792medical doctor in the State of Florida specializing in


8023. Pursuant to Section 440.13(12), Florida Statutes, a

810three -member panel is charged with the responsibility of

819determining the schedules of maximum reimbursement for physician

827treatment of workers' compensation patients.

8324. In March 1996, the three -member panel convened and

842adopted a resource -based relative value scale ("RBRVS")

852reimbursement system, which, on or about January 3, 1997, the

862Department published notice of its intent to embody in proposed

872Rule 38F -7.020, in Vol. 23, No. 1 of the Florida Administrative

884Law Weekly. A copy is attached and incorporated herein by


8955. The proposed Rule lists Sections 440.13(7), 440.13(8),

903440.13(11), 440.13(12), 440.13(13), 440.13(14), and 440.591,

909Florida Statutes, as specific authority.

9146. The proposed Rule implements Sections 440.13(6),

921440.13(7), 440.13(8), 440.13(11), 440.13(12), 440.13(13), and

927440.13(14), Florida Statutes.

9307. There are no other facts necessary for determination of

940the matter.


9458. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

952jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this cause,

962pursuant to Section 120.56(2), Florida Statutes [Supp. 1996].

9709. All Petitioners and Intervenors have standing herein.

97810. Petitioners have not waived any rights with regard to

988any constitutional challenges to proposed Rule 38F -7.020.

99611. Synopsized, the Petition herein alleged, in pertinent

1004part: "Pursuant to Section 440.13(12), Florida Statutes, a

1012three member panel is charged with the responsibility of

1021determining the schedules of maximum reimbursement for physician

1029treatment of workers' compensation patients. The Department, by

1037statute, is responsible for publishing the proposed changes to

1046Rule 37F 7.020. . . . Anesthesiologists are currently reimbursed

1056under the provisions of the 1991 Florida Workers' Compensation

1065Health Care Provider Reimbursement Manual (1991 Manual) adopted

1073by reference in Rule 38F -7.020, Florida Administrative Code. . .

1084. In

1086March 1996, the three -member panel convened to adopt a new

1097reimbursement schedule and adopted a Florida specific RBRVS

1105system, with two conversion factors (surgical/nonsurgical) to be

1113applied to medical procedures. The panel did not reclassify the

1123anesthesiology codes from the present surgical designation

1130contained in the Department's existing Rules. . . . The

1140proposed Rule is intended to amend existing Rule 38F -7.020,

1150Florida Administrative Code. The proposed Rule replaces the

11581991 manual with the Florida Workers' Compensation Health Care

1167Provider Fee For Service Reimbursement Manual ('1997 Manual')."

117512. Subsequently, the clear terms of their stipulation, the

1184parties limited the facts for consideration and Petitioners

1192specifically waived any challenges pursuant to Sections

1199120.52(8)(a), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g), Florida Statutes.

1208Due to the parties' stipulation to limited facts and issues, it

1219is not necessary to address all the original legal allegations

1229of the Petition, including but not limited to the concept that

1240the proposed rule in any way modifies or adds to the

1251three -member panel 's ultimate product. Therefore, the

1259undersigned assumes, for purposes of this rule challenge, that

1268the proposed rule does not alter the panel's final 1997 product.

127913. Section 440.13(12), Florida Statutes [Supp. 1996], was

1287formerly codified as Section 440.13(4)(a), Florida Statutes.

1294Under the 1989 version of Section 440.13(4)(a), the Department

1303of Labor and Employment Security was granted specific authority

1312to adopt by rule the maximum reimbursement allowances as

1321determined by the three -member panel.

1327A three -member panel is created, consisting

1334of the Insurance Commissioner and two

1340members to be appointed by the Governor,

1347subject to confirmation by the Senate, one

1354member who, on account of previous vocation,

1361employment, or affiliation, shall be

1366classified as a representative of employers,

1372the other members who, on account of

1379previous vocation, employment, or

1383affiliation, shall be classified as a

1389representative of employees. The panel,

1394after reviewing recommendations from the

1399advisory committee, shall annually determine

1404schedules of maximum reimbursement

1408allowances for such medically necessary

1413remedial treatment, care, and attendance.

1418Reimbursement for all fees and other charges

1425for such treatment, care, any attendance,

1431including treatment, care, and attendance

1436provided by any hospital or other health

1443care provider, shall not exceed the amounts

1450provided by the schedules of maximum

1456reimbursement allowances as determined by

1461the panel and adopted by rule by the

1469department . (Emphasis Supplied)

147314. In 1990, the Legislature repealed the specific agency

1482rulemaking authority previously granted under this subsection by

1490deleting the words "and adopted by rule by the department." See

1501Chapter 90.201, Section 18, at 930, Laws of Florida.

151015. Also in 1990, the Legislature enacted Section 440.591,

1519Florida Statutes, which granted the agency the "authority to

1528adopt rules to govern the performance of any programs, duties,

1538or responsibilities with which it is charged under this

1547chapter." See, Chapter 90 -201, Section 46, at 992, Laws of


155916. Read in sari materia, the simultaneous 1990 amendments

1568would seem to cancel out each other and manifest the

1578Legislature's intent that the agency should continue to provide

1587by rule for administering the panel - determined maximum medical

1597allowances (a/k/a "fee schedules"), including publishing the fee

1606schedule in manual form.

161017. Moreover, Section 440.591, Florida Statutes, relied

1617upon by the promulgating agency for the proposed rule here

1627challenged, has not been amended since 1990 and is very broad.

1638In its expanse, Section 440.591 Florida Statutes, is like many

1648of the grants of statutory authority which were widely upheld

1658prior to the October 1, 1996, statutory amendments to Section

1668120.52, Florida Statutes, [Supp. 1996], which statutes permitted

1676agencies to promulgate almost any rule reasonably related to the

1686agency's statutory authority to monitor or to act. See, Charity

1696v. Florida State University , 680 So. 2d 463 (Flat 1st DCA 1996),

1708Cortes v. State Board of Regents, 655 So. 2d 132 (Flat 1st DCA

17211995), Department of Labor and Employment Security. Div. of

1730Workers' Compensation v. Bradley , 636 So. 2d 802 (Flat 1st DCA


174218. Indeed, Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, has been

1750amended in many other ways in 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1996, but

1762until the massive 1996 amendments to Chapter 120, Section

1771440.591 would have been sufficient to allow the agency to

1781promulgate its proposed rule.

178519. The 1996 legislative overhaul of Chapter 120 was

1794preceded by gubernatorial mandates to agencies to reduce their

1803rules by fifty per cent. See, Fla . Exec . Ord . 95 -74 (February

181827, 1995); Fla . Exec . Ord . 95 -256, Section 7 (July 12, 1995).

1833The 1996 Florida Legislature responded with the same goal. See,

1843Sections 120.54(1)(f) ("An agency may adopt rules authorized by

1853law and necessary to the proper implementation of a statute . .

1865. "); 120.56(2) (petitions challenging a proposed rule must

1874state the reason the proposed rule "is an invalid exercise of

1885delegated authority"); 120.52(8) (definition of "invalid

1892exercise of delegated authority" means action that exceeds "the

1901powers, functions, and duties delegated by the Legislature.");

1910and 120.536(2)and (3) (how agencies shall account to the

1919Legislature for unauthorized rules).

192320. Particularly, in 1996, the presumption and burden of

1932proof as to the validity of proposed rules was shifted by

1943legislative amendment. Section 120.56(2) provides, in pertinent



1956PROVISIONS . . . The petition shall state

1964with particularity the objections to the

1970proposed rule and the reasons that the

1977proposed rule is an invalid exercise of

1984delegated legislative authority. The agency

1989then has the burden to prove that the

1997proposed rule is not an invalid exercise of

2005delegated legislative authority as to the

2011objections raised.

2013* * *

2016(c) When any substantially affected person

2022seeks determination of the invalidity of a

2029proposed rule pursuant to this section, the

2036proposed rule is not presumed to be valid or


204621. Also, today, Section 120.52, Florida Statutes,

2053[Supp. 1996], provides:

2056(8) "Invalid exercise of delegated

2061legislative authority" means action which

2066goes beyond the powers, functions, and

2072duties delegated by the Legislature. A

2078proposed or existing rule is an invalid

2085exercise of delegated legislature authority

2090if any one of the following applies:

2097* * *

2100(b) The agency has exceeded its grant of

2108rulemaking authority, citation to which is

2114required by s. 120.54(3)(a)1.

2118* * *

2121A grant of rulemaking authority is necessary

2128but not sufficient to allow an agency to

2136adopt a rule; a specific law to be

2144implemented is also required. An agency may

2151adopt only rules that implement, interpret,

2157or make specific the particular powers and

2164duties granted by the enabling statute. No

2171agency shall have authority to adopt a rule

2179only because it is reasonably related to the

2187purpose of the enabling legislation and is

2194not arbitrary and capricious, nor shall an

2201agency have the authority to implement

2207statutory provisions setting forth general

2212legislative intent or policy. Statutory

2217language granting rulemaking authority or

2222generally describing the powers and

2227functions of an agency shall be construed to

2235extend no further than the particular powers

2242and duties conferred by the same statute.

224922. Clearly, the Legislature has amended Section 120.52(8)

2257Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 1996, to require more

2266than Section 440.581's general grant of rulemaking authority and

2275a rule reasonably related to the enabling legislation.

228323. Commentators have uniformly noted that the

2290Legislature, through the foregoing new language, has expressed

2298its intent to radically restrict the authority of agencies to

2308adopt rules without specific and detailed legislative authority.

2316See, e.q., F. Scott Boyd, Legislative Checks on Rulemakina Under

2326Florida's New APA, 24 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 309, 341 (1997) (these

2338four sentences "are potentially the most far -reaching of any in

2349the 1996 amendments"); Jim Rossi, The 1996 Revised Florida

2359Administrative Procedure Act: A Survey of Major Provisions

2367Affecting Florida Agencies, 24 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 283, 296

2377(1997) (revisions to the APA seriously limit agency rulemaking

2386authority through this "remarkable" language that is designed to

2395radically curtail agency rulemaking authority); DOAH

2401Administrative Law Judge Linda M. Rigot and Ralph A. DeMeo,

"2411Florida's 1995 Administrative Procedure Act," 71 Fla. B.J. 12,

242014 (March) 1997 (the kinds of rule agencies are permitted to

2431promulgate are more limited); Wade L. Hopping, Lawrence E.

2440Sellers, and Kent Wetherell, "Rulemaking Reforms and Nonrule

2448Policies: A (Catch -22) for State Agencies?," 71 Fla. B.J. 20, 26

2460(March 1997) ("reforms are intended to ensure that agency policy

2471choices, whether in rules or no rules policies, are specifically

2481authorized by the enabling legislation.") (emphasis in the

2490original); Patrick L. "Booter" Imhof and James Parker Rhea,

"2499Legislature Oversight", 71 Fla. B.J. 28, 30 (March 1997) ("The

2510legislature also attempted to improve legislative oversight by

2518enacting statutory restrictions on agency rulemaking.")

252524. Therefore, this instant determination of the validity,

2533vel non , of proposed Rule 38F -7.020, Florida Administrative

2542Code, must turn upon the statutory provisions other than Section

2552440.591 which were listed by the promulgating agency. These are

2562Sections 440.13(7), (8), (11), (12), (13), and (14).

257025. The current Section 440.13(12)(a) [Supp. 1996]

2577provides, in pertinent part, as follows:

2583A three -memb er panel is created, . . . The

2594panel shall determine statewide schedules of

2600maximum reimbursement allowance for

2604medically necessary treatment, care, and

2609attendance provided by physicians, . . .

2616Annually, the three -member panel shall adopt

2623schedules of maximum reimbursement

2627allowances for physicians. . . . An

2634individual physician, . . . shall be

2641reimbursed either the usual and customary

2647charge for treatment, care, and attendance,

2653the agreed -upon contact price, or the

2660maximum reimbursement allowance in the

2665appropriate schedule, whichever is less.

2670(Emphasis supplied)

267226. Petitioners correctly observe that neither in 1996 nor

26811997 has Chapter 440 specifically used language which permits

2690the agency to unilaterally promulgate a schedule of maximum

2699reimbursement allowances of its own or which permits the agency

2709to otherwise modify the panel -adopted schedule of maximum

2718reimbursement allowances via the agency rule adoption process

2726established in Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. 1 Instead, current

2735sub -section 440.1 3(12)(a), clearly reserves to the three member

2745panel the exclusive authority to "adopt" (in this statutory

2754context meaning to: convene, investigate, deliberate over,

2761determine, and create) the substantive content of schedules of

2770maximum reimbursement allowances, and provides that until the

2778panel annually adopts new schedules, specific old schedules

2786shall apply.

278827. However, the undersigned does not perceive that the

"2797legislative authority" which may not be exceeded pursuant to

2806Section 120.52(8)(b) [Supp. 1996] and which must be specifically

2815pointed out by the agency pursuant to Section 120.54(3)(a)1.,

2824[Supp. 1996] is somehow restricted to a single statutory sub-

2834section or paragraph, namely sub -section 440.13(12)(a).

2841Likewise, although varied arguments by several parties have been

2850based upon time -honored administrative practice definitions of

2858the terms "publish", "adopt", "application", and

"2864interpretation", none of those arguments is persuasive in light

2873of the hybrid nature of Section 440.13 which authorizes the

2883three -member panel to adopt (i.e., convene, investigate,

2891deliberate over, determine, and create) the substantive content

2899of a fee schedule, but, since the panel is not an agency,

2911further authorizes the agency to refer to, rely upon, and apply,

2922on a case -by -case basis, the substantive content developed by

2933the panel.

293528. In sub -section 440.13(12), and throughout Section

2943440.13 Florida Statutes, the Legislature has specifically

2950provided that reimbursement of health care providers under

2958Chapter 440 shall be, and is limited to, either the usual and

2970customary charge for treatment, care, and attendance, the

2978agreed upon contract price, or the maximum reimbursement

2986allowance in the appropriate schedule, whichever is less.

2994Provision is made in some statutory sub -sections for limiting

3004reimbursement to just the maximum reimbursement allowances

3011determined by the three member panel. To that end, the

3021Legislature has created a statutory scheme of considerable

3029detail which sets up a methodology or procedure whereby the

3039agency and all persons operating pursuant to Chapter 440 are

3049required to refer to, and rely upon, the substantive content of

3060the panel's fee schedules.

306429. Sub -sections 440.13( 7), (8), (11), (12), (13), and

3074(14), cited by the agency as authority for the proposed rule

3085challenged herein, impose requirements on fee -paying

3092employer/insurance carriers and fee -receiving health care

3099providers, related to billing for health care services for

3108workers' compensation patients. These sub -sections further

3115require the agency to monitor billing activities and enforce the

3125fee schedules so as to curb unnecessary medical procedures and

3135expenses. Also, the agency is charged with determining the

3144reasonableness of fees charged by applying the substantive

3152content of the panel's fee schedules. The agency also is

3162authorized to resolve disputes between employer/insurance

3168carriers and health care providers concerning fees charged and

3177paid, which dispute resolution process of necessity requires

3185reliance upon the substantive content of the panel's fee

3194schedules. To resolve such disputes, the agency is called upon

3204by specific statutory language to interpret and apply the

3213substantive content of the panel -ado pted maximum medical

3222allowances and to establish procedural rules for such dispute


323230. Clearly, the agency has been empowered and authorized

3241by the statutory scheme to apply the substantive content of the

3252panel's annual fee schedules to individual situations.

325931. Additionally, many of these sub -sections include

3267specific statutory language authorizing the agency to adopt

3275rules of a procedural nature for applying, on a case -by -case

3287basis, the substantive content of the panel's fee schedule.

3296Section 440.13(7) provides for utilization and reimbursement

3303disputes and contains a provision charging the Division of

3312Workers' Compensation with authority to "adopt rules to carry

3321out this subsection. . . . includ[ing] provisions for

3330consolidating petitions filed by a petitioner and expanding the

3339timetable for rendering a determination upon a consolidated

3347petition." Section 440.13(8), applies to the pattern or

3355practice of overutilization and empowers the Division to impose

3364certain delineated penalties for "overutilization or a violation

3372of this chapter or rules adopted by the division[.]" Section

3382440.13(11) (a) and (c), empower the Division to investigate

3391health care providers to ensure compliance with Chapter 440 and

3401with Division rules, and empowers the Division to monitor and

3411audit carriers to ensure compliance with the section and with

3421Division rules. Section 440.13(13), authorizes the Division to

3429remove from the list of authorized physicians or facilities any

3439physician or facility found to have engaged in certain

3448enumerated conduct, including overutilization or violating

3454Chapter 440 or a Division rule. Section 440.13(14) addresses the

3464payment of medical fees and prohibits fees charged in excess of

3475the applicable panel -adopted maximum reimbursement all owances.

348332. Indeed, assuming arquendo, but not ruling, that sub-

3492section 440.13(12) is insufficient by itself to authorize the

3501agency to interpret and apply the panel's schedules, then sub-

3511section 440.13(7) clearly provides that the Division must be

3520guided by the standards and policies set forth in Chapter 440,

3531including all applicable reimbursement schedules, in rendering

3538its determination of the respective rights of physicians,

3546employers, and insurance carriers. Sub -paragraph 440.13(7)(a)

3553provides for the agency to resolve issues between

3561employer/insurance carriers and physicians for payment of

3568charges on behalf of injured employees. Sub -paragraph (c)

3577requires that the "division must be guided by standards and

3587policies set forth in this chapter, including all applicable

3596reimbursement schedules, in rendering its determination."

3602Sub -paragraph (e) provides that the agency "shall adopt rules to

3613carry out this subsection."

361733. The Legislature has, throughout Section 440.13,

3624authorized the three -member pan el to "adopt" the substantive

3634content of a fee schedule and has authorized the agency to refer

3646to and rely upon that panel -adopted fee schedule's substantive

3656content in fulfilling the other duties devolved upon the agency

3666by statute.

366834. Therefore, although the parties herein have made

3676contrary arguments based upon time -honored Chapter 120 and

3685administrative practice concepts of the terms, "publish" and

"3693adopt", Chapter 440's hybrid scheme does not lend itself to any

3704of them in this instance, and they are discounted. As President

3715Dwight David Eisenhower stated in a campaign speech for his

3725second term in office, "No platform justifies an abrogation of

3735common sense." The legislative language is clear that the

3744three member panel is authorized to "adopt" the substantive

3753measurement (the fee schedules), and the agency is authorized to

3763procedurally apply that panel's substantive measurement.

376935. Since the parties have limited the facts and

3778Petitioners have specifically waived their challenge under

3785Section 120.52(8)(c), based on the proposed rule's allegedly

3793enlarging, modifying, or contravening specific provisions of the

3801law implemented, there remains no dispute over what ultimate

3810product the 1997 three member panel has adopted. Therefore, it

3820naturally follows that the agency's proposed rule correctly

3828refers to the discreet and intact fee schedules adopted by the

38391997 panel as authorized by law, and the proposed rule then does

3851no more than give notice to the public that 1997 annual maximum

3863reimbursement allowances have been adopted by the three -member

3872panel, which the statute authorizes the panel to do; that the

3883agency has printed the same panel -adopted 1997 annual maximum

3893reimbursement allowances in a manual entitled, "Florida Workers'

3901Compensation Health Care Provider Fee For Service Reimbursement

3909Manual"; and that, having been adopted by the panel and printed

3920by the agency, the substantive content of the panel -adopted

3930maximum reimbursement allowances will henceforth be referred to,

3938relied upon, and applied by the agency on a case -by -case basis,

3951as the agency is charged to do by statute.

396036. Proposed Rule 38F -7.020, implementing sub -sections

3968440.13(6), (7), (8), (11), (12), (13) and (14), Florida

3977Statutes, is authorized by sub -sections 440.13(8), (9), (11),

3986(12), (13), and (14), and constitutes a valid exercise of the

3997agency's delegated legislative authority.


4002Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law,

4012it is hereby ORDERED:

4016Proposed Rule 38F-7.020, Florida Administrative Code, as

4023published, is valid.

4026DONE AND ORDERED this 24th day of June, 1997, at

4036Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida



4045Administrative Law Judge

4048Division of Administrative Hearings

4052The DeSoto Building

40551230 Apalachee Parkway

4058Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

4061(904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

4065Fax Filing (904) 921-6847

4069Filed with the Clerk of the

4075Division of Administrative Hearings

4079this 24th day of June, 1997.


40861/ This final order assumes, on the basis of the parties'

4097stipulation (see Finding of Fact 7 and Conclusions of Law 12 and

410935) that, notwithstanding the several titles of documents and

4118words of art contained in the proposed rule, there is no longer

4130any issue about whether the agency has enlarged or modified the

4141panel -determined maximum medical allowances ("RBRVS").


4151J. Michael Huey, Esquire

4155William B. Williams, Esquire

4159Huey, Guilday and Tucker, P.A.

4164Highpoint Center, Suite 900

4168106 East College Avenue

4172Tallahassee, Florida 32302

4175Michael G. Moore, Esquire

4179Department of Labor and

4183Employment Security

4185Suite 307

41872012 Capital Circle, Southeast

4191Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -0250

4195Eric B. Tilton, Esquire

4199204 South Monroe Street, Suite 200

4205Tallahassee, Florida 32301

4208Bruce Culpepper, Esquire

4211Akerman, Senterfitt and Eidson, P.A.

4216216 South Monroe Street, Suite 200

4222Tallahassee, Florida 32302 -2555

4226Oscar B. DePaz, President

4230Rehabilitation Medicine Associates, P.A.

42344881 Northwest 8th Avenue

4238Gainesville, Florida 32605

4241Richard E. Johnson, President

4245Lakeside Industrial Medical

42481400 East Bay Drive

4252Largo, Florida 32641

4255Douglas L. Jamerson, Secretary

4259Department of Labor and

4263Employment Security

4265303 Hartman Building

42682012 Capital Circle, Southeast

4272Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -2152

4276Edward A. Dion, General Counsel

4281Department of Labor and

4285Employment Security

4287307 Hartman Building

42902012 Capital Circle, Southeast

4294Tallahassee, Florida 32399

4297Liz Cloud, Chief

4300Bureau of Administrative Code

4304The Elliott Building

4307Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -0250

4311Carroll Webb, Executive Director

4315Administrative Procedure Committee

4318120 Holland Building

4321Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -1300


4330A party who is adversely affected by this final order is

4341entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida

4350Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

4359of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

4367filing one copy of the notice of appeal with the Agency Clerk of

4380the Division of Administrative Hearings and a second copy,

4389accompanied by filing fees prescribed by law, with the District

4399Court of Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of

4410Appeal in the Appellate District where the party resides. The

4420notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of

4432the order to be reviewed.


4439Florida Administrative Weekly

4442Volume 23, Number 1, January 3, 1997

4449SPECIFIC AUTHORITY: 440.13(7), 440.13(8), 440.13(11)

4454440.1 3( 1 2), 440.1 3( 1 3), 440.1 3(1 4), 440.591 FS.

4467LAW IMPLEMENTED: 440.13(6), 440.13(7), 440.13(8),





4497TIME AND DATE: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Thursday, January 30,

4508PLACE: Room 302, Hartman Building, 2012 Capital Circle,

4516S.E., Tallahassee, Florida


4526PROPOSED RULE IS Donna Reynolds, Registered Nurse

4533Consultant, Division of Workers' Compensation.

4538Rehabilitation and Medical Services Unit, 2728 Centerview

4545Drive, Suite 331, Forrest Building. Tallahassee, FL 32399,

4553telephone number (904)488 -3431, ext. 180


456738F -7.020 Florida Workers' Compensation Health Care

4574Provider Reimbursement Manual.

4577(1) The 1997 Florida Workers' Compensation Health

4584Care Provider Fee For Service Reimbursement Manual for

4592physician and non-physician services, with replacement pages

4599237, 238 through 240b(dated 12-6-95), and 258.1 through 258.3

4608(1995 ), is adopted by reference as part of this rule. The

4620manual contains reimbursement policies and maximum

4626reimbursement for physician services, non -physician services,

4633pharmaceutical and medical supplies. The manual contains basic

4641instructions and information for all providers and insurance

4649carriers in the preparation and reimbursement of claims for

4658medical services. The manual is distributed by the

4666Rehabilitation and Medical Services Unit of the Division of

4675Workers' Compensation.

4677(2) The 1996 Phvsicians' Current Procedural Temminologv

4684(CPT -4). 4th Edition. copyright 1995. Division has

4692incorporated procedure codes consistent with the

4698American Medical Association's Current Procedural Terminology

4704(1990 and 1992 CPT), the 1990 Reimbursement Guide for Physicians

4714published by Bluc Cross and Bluc Shield

4721Florida, Incorporated , and the 1995 Current Dental

4728Terminologv (CDT -2). 2nd Edition. copyright 1994 . American

4737Dental Association's Current Dental Terminology (1990

4743CDT 1) and the Health Care Financing Administration's

4751Common Procedural Coding Svstem (HCPCS), Level 11, 1995

4759Edition. These publications are adopted by reference as part of

4769this rule. When a procedure is performed, which is not listed in

4781the 1997 Florida Workers' Compensation Health care Provider

4789Fee for Service Reimbursement Mmanual, the provider must

4797use a the appropriate code and descriptor contained in either

4807the CPT -4. CDT -2 or HCPCS most current copy of the appropriate

4820aforementioned publication (CPTs, 1990 Reimbursement Guide for

4827Physicians, or CDT). In such instances, insurance carriers must

4836rely on their on data to determine the appropriate

4845reimbursement .

4847(3) All medical services provided must be "medically

4855necessary" as that term is defined in Section 440.13, Florida

4865Statutes. Medical services which are of an experimental,

4873investigative or research nature must be approved by the

4882Division of Workers' Compensation prior to authorization by the


4892Specific Authority 440.13 ( 7 ) (4)(b ), 440.13(8), 440.13(11),

4902440.13(12), 440.13(13), 440.13(14) , 440.591 FS. Law Implemented

4909440.13 (6), 440.13(7), 440.13(8), 440.13(11) 440.13

4915(12), 440.13(13), 440.13(14) FS. History-New 10-1-82, Amended 3-

492316-83, 11-6-83, 5-21-85, Formerly 38F-7.20, Amended 4-1-88, 7-

493120-88, 6-1-91, 4-29-92, 2-18-96.


4944Coordinator, Rehabilitation and Medical Services Unit.


4957THE PROPOSED RULE: Jimmy R. Glisson, Director,

4964Division of Workers' Compensation



4981PUBLISHED IN F.A.: December 27, 1996.


4991Facilities and Federal Programs for the Aging


5004Hospice 58A-2


5010Purpose 58A-2.001

5012Definitions 58A-2.002

5014License Required 58A-2.003

5017Licensure Procedure 58A-2.004

5020Administration of the Hospice 58A-2.005

5025Administrative Officer 58A-2.006

5028Administrative Policies and

5031Practices 58A-2.007

5033Coordinated Care Program 58A-2.009

5037Quality Assurance/Utilization Review (QA/UR)

5041Committee and Plan 58A-2.010

5045Program Reporting 58A-2.012

5048Ratio of Inpatient to

5052Home-Care Services 58A-2.013

5055Medical Direction 58A-2.014

5058Nursing Services 58A-2.0141

5061Pastoral/Spiritual Counseling

5063Services 58A-2.015

5065Counseling and Social Services 58A-2.016

5070Volunteer Services 58A-2.017

5073Bereavement Services 58A-2.018

5076Nutritional Services 58A-2.019

5079Advance Directives 58A-2.0232

5082Residential Units 58A-2.0236

5085Physical Plant Requirements

5088(Inpatient Unit) 58A-2.024

5091PURPOSE AND EFFECT: Hospice Chapter 58A-2 is being revised in

5101order to: 1) clarify requirements regarding hospice licensure,

5109administration, staffing, reporting and provision of

5115Section II - Proposed Rules

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/24/1997
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 06/24/1997
Proceedings: -CASE CLOSED. Final Order sent out. (facts stipulated)
Date: 05/13/1997
Proceedings: (Inphynet) Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 05/12/1997
Proceedings: (Fl Physical Therapy) Proposed Recommended Order; Petitioner`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 05/05/1997
Proceedings: Order sent out. (hearing cancelled; proposed final orders due by 5/12/97)
Date: 04/28/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Conference Call Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/25/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Stipulation as to Standing of Intervenor Inphynet; Stipulation As to the Standing of Intervenor Inphynet Medical Management, Inc. (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/25/1997
Proceedings: Joint Prehearing Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/24/1997
Proceedings: (From J. Huey) Addendum to Joint Prehearing Stipulation; Joint Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 03/28/1997
Proceedings: Order on Intervention sent out. (respective pending Petitions to Intervene granted)
Date: 03/25/1997
Proceedings: Order of Prehearing Instructions sent out.
Date: 03/25/1997
Proceedings: Order of Continuance to Date Certain sent out. (hearing rescheduled for 4/30/97; 9:30am; Tallahassee)
Date: 03/21/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion for a Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Date: 03/20/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Dismissal (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/18/1997
Proceedings: (From J. Huey) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum; Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 03/13/1997
Proceedings: (FAOEM) Petition to Intervene; (FSPMR) Petition to Intervene (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/13/1997
Proceedings: (Florida Physical Therapy Association, Inc.) Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 03/12/1997
Proceedings: (Florida Neurological Society) Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 03/07/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 03/03/1997
Proceedings: (William Williams) Subpoena Duces Tecum; Affidavit filed.
Date: 02/28/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Hearing filed.
Date: 02/27/1997
Proceedings: Order Granting Intervention and Rescheduling Hearing sent out. (by: Inphynet Medical Mgmt., Inc.; Hearing reset for 3/31/97; 9:00am; Tallahassee)
Date: 02/27/1997
Proceedings: Motion to Invalidate Subpoena Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 02/25/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 02/25/1997
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Serving Documents to Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/24/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of serving Answers to Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories and Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/20/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 02/20/1997
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Establish Discovery Schedule filed.
Date: 02/19/1997
Proceedings: Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories and Request for Production Directed to Petitioners Florida Society of Anesthesiologists and Robert A. Guskiewicz, M.D. filed.
Date: 02/17/1997
Proceedings: (InPhyNet Medical Management, Inc.) Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 02/14/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 3/10/97; 9:00am; Tallahassee)
Date: 02/14/1997
Proceedings: Order of Prehearing Instructions sent out.
Date: 02/12/1997
Proceedings: Letter to Liz Cloud & Carroll Webb from M. Lockard w/cc: Agency General Counsel sent out.
Date: 02/12/1997
Proceedings: Order of Assignment sent out.
Date: 02/10/1997
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Determination of Invalidity of a Proposed Rule filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Department of Financial Services

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (7):

Related Florida Rule(s) (16):