00-003867 Marjorie R. Ross vs. Deland Housing Authority
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, October 17, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to show that her discharge was pretextual or that she was treated differently from the white employees.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 00 - 3867




29Respondent. )



34Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was conducted in this

44proceeding on August 21, 2003, in Deland, Florida, before

53Stephen F. Dean, Administrative Law Judge, Division of

61Administrative Hearings.


64For Petitioner: Marjorie R. Ross, pro se

71416 West New Hamp shire

76Deland, Florida 32720

79For Respondent: Wayne L. Helsby, Esquire


901477 West Fairbanks Avenue, Suite 100

96Winter Park, Florida 32789


104Whether Petitioner was discriminated against based upon



114Petitioner filed a charge of discrimination because of race

123with the Florida Commission on Human Relations (FCHR) on

132February 6, 1997. When the FCHR did not resolve her claim,

143Petitioner re quested a hearing before Division of Administrative

152Hearings (DOAH), and the FCHR forwarded to the case to DOAH on

164September 19, 2000. After various requests for extensions of

173time the case was initially set for hearing on March 28, 2001.

185On March 26, 20 01, Petitioner requested a continuance. After a

196status report, the case was placed in abeyance on June 1, 2001.

208Thereafter Respondent moved to dismiss, and the motion was

217denied. On March 14, 2003, an order was issued to show cause,

229and a Petition to se t the case for hearing was received. The

242formal hearing was noticed for May 28, 2003. However, a motion

253to continue was filed on May 22, 2003, which was granted. The

265matter was reset for August 21, 2003.

272At hearing Petitioner testified on her own beh alf.

281Respondent introduced the testimony of Linda McDonnell.

288Respondent tendered a folder containing 42 pages of documents,

297which was received. Respondent introduced Exhibits numbered 1,

3052, 3, 3A, 4, 5, 6, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 7, 11, and 12. In addition,

321Re spondent received permission to file as a late - filed exhibit,

333a job description of the position of Public Housing Manager,

343which was filed on August 27, 2003.

350Respondent filed a Proposed Recommended Order which was

358read and considered. All citatio ns are to Florida Statutes

368(2002), unless otherwise indicated.


3751. Respondent, Deland Housing Authority (the Authority),

382provides subsidized housing to low - income families in Deland,

392Florida. Linda McDonnell has been the Executive Dire ctor of the

403Authority since approximately 1990.

4072. Petitioner, Marjorie R. Ross, a black female, was

416employed by the Authority as a Project Management Aide,

425beginning on or about June 14, 1993.

4323. At the time of Petitioner's hire, Greg Norton, the

442Public Housing Manager, was her immediate supervisor.

4494. Petitioner's job duties included, among others,

456maintaining residents' records and files, computing and

463inputting utility charges, preparing and issuing monthly rent

471statements to residents, and preparing 14 - day notices (late rent


4835. Petitioner's performance evaluation, for the period

490August 21 to December 21, 1993, rated her overall performance as

"501needs improvement." In comments attached to the evaluation, it

510was noted that P etitioner "tried to do too many things at once,"

523causing decreases in her productivity. The comments also stated

532Petitioner "needs to make an effort to straighten her office

542each day" and that her "greatest shortfall as an employee is the

554manner in which she relates to the other employees."

5636. From the date of this evaluation, tension existed

572between Petitioner and McDonnell. For example, McDonnell

579cautioned Petitioner about speaking to persons outside the

587organization without permission.

5907. On Se ptember 26, 1994, McDonnell approached Petitioner

599to introduce a visiting HUD representative to Petitioner.

607Petitioner did not speak with the representative, despite

615McDonnell's repeated requests, because of McDonnell's previous

622instructions not to speak without permission. Petitioner

629received a written reprimand for her conduct.

6368. On July 25, 1995, McDonnell gave Petitioner a memo that

647documented Petitioner's habit of promising to create certain

655projects and failing to complete them.

6619. At the en d of July 1995, Norton resigned from the

673Authority. On July 31, 1995, McDonnell conducted a staff

682meeting relating to Norton's resignation. During the meeting,

690McDonnell instructed Petitioner to only write receipts for rent

699checks, but to refrain from en tering the receipts into the

710computer. Despite this instruction, Petitioner subsequently

716removed rent receipts from McDonnell's secretary's desk and

724entered them into the computer. As a result, Petitioner

733received a reprimand and was given a day off with out pay.

74510. Petitioner received another written reprimand on

752September 27, 1995, for failing to follow established Authority

761policy regarding reporting absences. Authority policy required

768employees to complete an absentee report upon returning to wor k

779from an unscheduled absence. Petitioner failed to complete an

788absentee report upon returning from an unscheduled absence on

797September 25, 1995, and was not given pay for the absence.

80811. Petitioner applied for the position vacated by Norton

817as Publi c Housing Manager. The Authority hired Connie

826Grobstein, a white female, in September 1995.

83312. The stated reason for hiring Grobstein was her

842experience in grant writing; McDonnell stated that writing

850grants was an important part of the job. Grobst ein had little

862if any experience with public housing.

86813. Grobstein became Petitioner's direct supervisor and

875Petitioner was asked to teach her the day - to - day operations of

889the office.

89114. During September 1995, Grobstein wrote several memos

899to McDonnell regarding Petitioner's work performance and


90715. On December 21, 1995, Petitioner received a written

916reprimand from Grobstein for, among other infractions, failing

924to timely issue 14 - day notices. The reprimand stated, "any

935additional violations of Authority procedures will lead to

943further disciplinary actions up to and including termination."

95116. On February 6, 1996, Grobstein and Petitioner had a

961confrontation in front of a tenant regarding the start date of a

973lease. Even though her office was several doors away, McDonnell

983could hear Grobstein and Petitioner arguing about the lease. As

993a result of the incident, McDonnell terminated Grobstein. 1/

100217. Petitioner was suspended for one day as a result of

1013the argument with Gr obstein. While Petitioner was absent,

1022McDonnell discovered that several resident files, which

1029Petitioner was responsible for maintaining, were missing

1036necessary documentation.

103818. McDonnell contacted the Authority's attorney, who

1045advised McDonnell that she had no choice but to terminate

1055Petitioner's employment.

105719. On February 12, 1996, Petitioner's employment was

1065terminated. The stated reasons for her termination were:

1073consistent problems with her work performance; the incident with

1082Grobstein on F ebruary 6, 1996; refusing to follow instructions;

1092giving out rent credits/reductions without approval; attempting

1099to undermine McDonnell and the Authority; demonstrating a poor

1108attitude and an unwillingness to cooperate with others; and

1117failing to complete her work in a timely manner.

112620. Respondent maintains a disciplinary policy for

1133Authority employees. Pursuant to this policy, employees may be

1142discharged for, among other reasons, insolence or

1149insubordination; failure to obey legitimate orders f rom a

1158supervisor; mistreatment (verbal, psychological or physical) of

1165a client or fellow employee; and neglect or willful disregard of

1176the responsibilities, duties and work rules of a position.


118821. The Division of Administrative Hear ings has

1196jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this cause,

1206pursuant to Section 120.57(1).

121022. Under the provisions of Section 760.10, it is an

1220unlawful employment practice to discriminate against any

1227individual with respect to compensatio n, terms, conditions, or

1236privileges of employment because of such individual's race.

124423. In construing provisions of Section 760.10, legal

1252principles and precedents relating to federal discrimination law

1260under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42

1273U.S.C. Section 2000e, et seq. , have been incorporated and

1282adopted. See Brand v. Florida Power Corp. , 633 So. 2d 504, 509

1294(Fla. 1st DCA 1994); Florida Department of Community Affairs v.

1304Bryant , 586 So. 2d 1205 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991); Cooper v. Lakeland

1316Regional Medical Center , 16 FALR 567, 574 (FCHR 1993).

1325In discrimination cases, Petitioner has the ultimate burden to

1334prove discrimination. Initially a Petitioner must establish a

1342prima facie case of discrimination through one of three

1351generally accepted methods: by direct evidence of discriminatory

1359intent by meeting the four - pronged McDonnell - Douglas test or by

1372statistical proof. Direct evidence is evidence that, if

1380believed, would prove the existence of discrimination without

1388inferen ce or presumption. Carter v. City of Miami , 870 F.2d

1399578, 581 - 82 (11th Cir. 1989). In the face of direct evidence,

1412an employer must prove that the same employment decision would

1422have been made absent any discriminatory intent.

142924. Absent direct evi dence of discrimination, Petitioner

1437must show that she is a member of a protected group, is

1449qualified for the position, and was subject to an adverse

1459employment action; that the position was filled by a person of

1470another race or that she was treated less f avorably than

1481similarly - situated persons outside the protected class; and that

1491there is a causal connection between Petitioner's race and the

1501adverse employment action. McDonnell Douglas Corporation v.

1508Green , 411 U.S. 792 (1973) and Texas Department of Co mmunity

1519Affairs v. Burdine , 450 U.S. 248 (1981), and again in the case

1531of St. Mary's Honor Center v. Hicks , 509 U.S. 502, 113 S. Ct.

15442742 (1993). The FCHR has adopted this evidentiary model.

1553Kilpatrick v. Howard Johnson Co. , & FALR 5468, 5475 (FCHR 1985) .

156525. Petitioner showed she was not promoted to Norton's

1574job. Petitioner is the member of a protected group, and the

1585person hired to file Norton's job was white. Petitioner was

1595asked to show the new hire how to handle the daily operations of

1608the office . Petitioner established a prima facie case of


161926. Respondent must articulate some legitimate,

1625nondiscriminatory reason for the challenged employment decision.

1632Respondent is required only to "produce admissible evidence

1640which would allo w the trier of fact rationally to conclude that

1652the employment decision had not been motivated by discriminatory

1661animus." Texas Department of Community Affairs v. Burdine , at


167127. In this case, Respondent's stated reason for hiring

1680the white fem ale was her skill in writing grant proposals. It

1692was also stated that a college degree was a criterion for the

1704position, and Respondent filed the job description as a late -

1715filed exhibit. This description recites that a bachelor's

1723degree is required or, i n lieu thereof, five years of

1734experience. Petitioner did not have the degree or the


174428. Once the employer articulates a legitimate reason for

1753the action taken, the burden shifts back to Petitioner to

1763provide the reason offered by Respon dent is not the true reason

1775for the adverse employment action, but is merely a pretext.

178529. Respondent showed that Grobstein was hired because of

1794her experience in writing grants, an important part of the job,

1805and that Petitioner did not meet the minimum qualifications.

1814Petitioner did not refute this evidence. Therefore, Petitioner

1822did not establish a prima facie case that she was denied a

1834promotion because of race.

183830. Petitioner also showed that she was terminated.

1846Respondent was obligated to artic ulate a non - discriminatory

1856reason for her termination. Respondent has offered legitimate,

1864nondiscriminatory reasons for Petitioner's termination. The

1870burden to articulate a legitimate nondiscriminatory reason for

1878the action is one of production, not of p ersuasion. Reeves v.

1890Sanderson Plumbing Products, Inc. , 120 S. Ct. 2097, 2105 (2000);

1900St Mary's Honor Center v. Hicks , at 509.

190831. Respondent showed that Petitioner was disruptive and

1916uncooperative after Grobstein was hired. This resulted in

1924Grobstein' s firing, and shortly thereafter Petitioner's firing.

1932Petitioner failed to come forward with credible evidence that

1941there was a causal connection between her race and her

1951termination. Petitioner has failed to identify any non - minority

1961employees who were treated differently than she was treated

1970under similar circumstances. To the contrary, the facts show

1979that the authority terminated Grobstein after the February 6,

19881996, incident.

199032. In summary, Respondent offered admissible evidence

1997that it terminated Petitioner's employment because she

2004repeatedly ignored the instructions of her supervisors, failed

2012to perform the duties of her job, was insubordinate to

2022supervisors and violated the Authority's policies.

202833. Petitioner failed to introduce any evidenc e that

2037remotely suggests Respondent's legitimate, nondiscriminatory

2042basis for her termination was a pretext for discrimination.


2052Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2062Law, it is


2066That the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a

2075final order dismissing Petitioner's Petition for Relief.

2082DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of October, 2003, in

2092Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




2101Administrative Law J udge

2105Division of Administrative Hearings

2109The DeSoto Building

21121230 Apalachee Parkway

2115Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2120(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2128Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2135Filed with the Clerk of the

2141Division of Administrative Hearings

2145this 17th day of October, 2003.


21521/ There had been a previous incident involving a dispute

2162between Petitioner and Grobstein after which McDonnell advised

2170Grobstein that a reoccurrence would result in Petitioner's



2182Marjorie R. Ross

2185416 West New Hampshire

2189Deland, Florida 32720

2192Wayne L. Helsby, Esquire


22011477 West Fairbanks Avenue, Suite 100

2207Winter Park, Florida 32789

2211Cecil Ho ward, General Counsel

2216Florida Commission on Human Relations

22212009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

2226Tallahassee, Florida 32301

2229Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

2233Florida Commission on Human Relations

22382009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

2243Tallahassee, Florida 3230 1


2253All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

226315 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions to

2275this recommended order should be filed with the agency that will

2286issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 05/18/2004
Proceedings: Request Order to Seek Judicial Review of Case No. 97-1176 (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/19/2004
Proceedings: Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Date: 04/15/2004
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 10/17/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/17/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held August 21, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/17/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/02/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/27/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Dean from D. Birdwell enclosing a copy of the job description for the position of Public Housing Manager (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/25/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Address Change filed by W. Helsby.
Date: 08/21/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/20/2003
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion for Continuance.
Date: 08/20/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion in Opposition to Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/19/2003
Proceedings: Petition for Amendment of a Continuance (unsigned) filed by Petitioner via facsimile.
Date: 08/13/2003
Proceedings: Respondent`s Witness and Exhibit List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/08/2003
Proceedings: Letter to All Florida Reporting, Inc. from D. Crawford confirming the request for court reporter services (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/02/2003
Proceedings: Order. (Respondent`s motion to dismiss is denied)
Date: 07/02/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 21, 2003; 10:00 a.m.; Deland, FL).
Date: 06/11/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Dean from C. Roberts enclosing status report (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/27/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Hearing Not to Be Dismissed (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 05/27/2003
Proceedings: Motion to Grant Continuance (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 05/23/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance issued (parties to advise status by June 10, 2003).
Date: 05/22/2003
Proceedings: Motion to Continue (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 05/07/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Conflict filed by Respondent.
Date: 05/07/2003
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss filed by Respondent.
Date: 04/07/2003
Proceedings: Letter to St. Augustine Court Reporter from D. Crawford confirming the request for court reporter services (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/02/2003
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 04/02/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for May 28, 2003; 10:00 a.m.; Deland, FL).
Date: 04/01/2003
Proceedings: Petition to Reschedule Final Hearing (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 03/14/2003
Proceedings: Order issued. (the parties have until April 1, 2003, in which to advise if this matter has been amicably resolved, or to give mutually agreeable dates to reschedule the final hearing in late April or late May 2003)
Date: 04/08/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Dean from G. Wheeler regarding request for dismissal filed.
Date: 11/08/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Dean from G. Wheeler requesting dismissal filed.
Date: 06/04/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Update of Medical Standing in Extension for Good Cause Shown (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/01/2001
Proceedings: Order Placing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by June 1, 2001).
Date: 04/27/2001
Proceedings: Status Report to Respond to Continuance of Hearing (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 03/27/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance issued (parties to advise status by 04/26/2001).
Date: 03/26/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Ask for Extension of Time for Good Cause Shown (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/19/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Witness List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/23/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Order Placing Case in Abeyance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/23/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge from M. Ross In re: request for a copy of the FAC (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/20/2001
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 02/20/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for March 28, 2001; 10:15 a.m.; Daytona Beach, FL).
Date: 12/15/2000
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Order Placing Case in Abeyance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/03/2000
Proceedings: Order Placing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by December 15, 2000).
Date: 10/04/2000
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Revised Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/29/2000
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to Provide Information in Response to Revised Initial Order and to Retain Legal Counsel (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 09/27/2000
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to Provide Information in Response to Revised Initial Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 09/19/2000
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 09/19/2000
Proceedings: Charge of Discrimination filed.
Date: 09/19/2000
Proceedings: Request for Hearing filed.
Date: 09/19/2000
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Deland, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):