01-000009 Frank C. Kunnen, Jr., D/B/A U.S. 19 Commerce Center vs. Department Of Transportation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, December 14, 2001.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent is entitled to administratively close Petitioner`s driveway; right-out driveway to U.S. Highway 19 will present safety and operational problem. Respondent is providing Petitioner with reasonable access to state highway system.



8FRANK C. KUNNEN, JR., d/b/a )



20Petitioner, )


23vs. ) Case No. 01 - 0009




36Respondent. )



41A formal administrative hearing was held in this case in

51Clearwater, Florida, before Arnold H. Pollock, Administrative

58Law Judge, on March 20, 2001, and Daniel M. Kilbride,

68Administrative Law Judge, on September 20 through 21, 2001.


78For Petitioner: James A. Helinger, Jr., Esquire

85James A. Helinger, Jr., P.A.

90814 Chestnut Street

93Clearwater, Florida 33756

96For Respondent: Robert C. Downie, II, Esquire

103Department of Transportation

106605 Suwannee Street

109Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

115Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0458


124Whether Respondent, Departm ent of Transportation

130("Respondent"), has demonstrated that Petitioner, Frank C.

139Kunnen, Jr., d/b/a U.S. 19 Commerce Center's ("Petitioner"),

149right - out driveway to U.S. Highway 19 will present a safety and

162operational problem following Respondent's reconst ruction of

169U.S. Highway 19.

172Whether Petitioner's access to the state highway system

180will be reasonable if Petitioner's existing right - out driveway

190is closed.

192Whether Respondent is legally entitled to administratively

199close Petitioner's driveway, pursuant t o Rule 14 - 96.011, Florida

210Administrative Code, and applicable Florida Statutes.


218On December 11, 2000, Respondent sent Petitioner a notice

227of intent to change driveway connections. On December 21, 2000,

237Petitioner filed a petition for formal administrative hearing.

245On January 2, 2001, the Petition was referred to the Division of

257Administrative Hearings ("DOAH") and the case was assigned to

268Arnold H. Pollock, Administrative Law Judge. The case was set

278for hearing and discovery ensued.

283The formal administrative hearing was commenced on

290March 20, 2001, before Administrative Law Judge Arnold H.

299Pollock. During the hearing, an issue arose concerning whether

308Respondent was proceeding under Rule 14 - 96.011, Florida

317Administrative Code, a s specified in its Notice, or was actually

328attempting to proceed under Rule 14 - 96.012, Florida

337Administrative Code, which regulates the closure and

344modification of unpermitted connections. Judge Pollock granted

351Respondent a continuance to research the iss ue of whether

361Petitioner's subject driveway connection was a "permitted

368connection" under Rule 14 - 96.011, Florida Administrative Code,

377or an "unpermitted connection" under Rule 14 - 96.012, Florida

387Administrative Code.

389The hearing was reconvened on September 19 and 20, 2001,

399before Administrative Law Judge Daniel M. Kilbride at which time

409Respondent stipulated that it was proceeding under Rule 14 -

41996.011, Florida Administrative Code, thus acknowledging for the

427purposes of this proceeding, that Petitioner's dri veway

435constituted a "permitted connection." The parties also filed a

444written Joint Stipulation dated September 13, 2001, which


453The Department stipulated that the

458Petitioner's existing right - in/right - out

465driveway to the existing configuration to

471U.S. 19 does not constitute a safety or

479operational problem.

481At the formal administrative hearing, Respondent presented

488the testimony of Frank Ghadimi, P.E., an expert in the areas of

500highway design and engineering and safety operation; Vibert

508Griffith, P .E., an expert in the areas of highway design and

520engineering; and Julian Parsons, an engineer. Petitioner

527presented the testimony of Joseph Hitterman, David May, and

536Reginald Mesimer. Respondent offered 8 exhibits into evidence.

544Petitioner offered 8 ex hibits into evidence.

551At the end of the final hearing, the parties ordered a

562transcript of the final hearing, and the parties were given 20

573days from the filing of the transcript to file proposed

583recommended orders. The Transcript from the March 20 hearin g

593date was filed on September 12, 2001, and the Transcript from

604the September 20 through 21 hearing dates was filed on

614October 31, 2001. Each party filed its Proposed Recommended

623Order on November 20, 2001. Respondent filed a corrected

632proposed order on November 26, 2001. Each party's proposals

641have been give careful consideration in the preparation of the

651Recommended Order.


6561. Petitioner is the owner of real property located within

666the city limits of Clearwater, in Pinellas County, Florida,

675which property abuts U.S. Highway 19 (State Road 55). It has a

687right - in and right - out driveway connection to U.S. Highway 19.

700Petitioner's current right - in, right - out driveway does not

711create a safety or operational problem with the existing

720con figuration of U.S. Highway 19.

7262. Respondent is an agency of the State of Florida created

737pursuant to Chapter 20, Florida Statutes. Respondent regulates

745access to the state highway system.

7513. Respondent initially cited Rule 14 - 96.011, Florida

760Administra tive Code, in the Notice as authority for the intended

771agency action. This Rule pertains to closure or modification of

781permitted driveways. At hearing on March 20, it was discovered

791that Respondent had intended to cite Rule 14 - 96.012, Florida

802Administrat ive Code, which pertains to closure or modification

811of unpermitted driveways that had been in existence since before

821July 1, 1988, the effective date of the State Highway System

832Access Management Act. The Rule refers to these driveways as

"842grandfathered." As of March 20, Respondent was not aware that

852Petitioner's driveway might have been permitted. In order to

861provide Petitioner all due process to which he was entitled,

871Respondent requested that the hearing be continued. After

879reviewing its files, Respo ndent indicated to Petitioner on

888June 28, 2001, that Respondent would be requesting an additional

898continuance to conduct an engineering study pursuant to Rule 14 -

90996.011, Florida Administrative Code.¹ Petitioner agreed to both

917continuances. The study wa s dated August 20, 2001, and was

928delivered to Petitioner's counsel just after that date. This

937study was presented as Respondent's Exhibit 5 at the resumption

947of the hearing on September 20, 2001. The Study sets out the

959essential safety and operational ba ses for Respondent's agency

968action in this case and was signed and sealed by a professional

980engineer registered in the State of Florida.

9874. Prior to the reconvened hearing, Petitioner did not

996seek to depose the author of the engineering study nor did he

1008r equest documents utilized in creating the study. Petitioner

1017decided to wait until the hearing and make a series of

1028objections to the study's admissibility. Prior to and after the

1038study was admitted into evidence, Petitioner's counsel conducted

1046extensive cross - examination of the engineer who signed and

1056sealed the study, Vibert Griffith, P.E., and his assistant in

1066the creation of the study, Julian Parsons. Petitioner did not

1076present any evidence of prejudice resulting from the timing of

1086the creation of the study. Any prejudice which may be presumed

1097was cured by Respondent's requesting a continuance specifically

1105to search its records for evidence of a permit; Respondent's

1115requesting another continuance to create that study;

1122Petitioner's agreeing to both con tinuances; and Respondent's

1130producing the study approximately one month prior to hearing.

1139This gave Petitioner time to conduct discovery regarding the

1148study, not to mention sufficient time to prepare for the hearing


11605. The Notice did not state wh ether mediation was

1170available in this case. However, the lack of mention of

1180mediation in the Notice was of no prejudice to Petitioner in

1191light of the fact that that Petitioner proposed several

1200alternative driveway designs to Respondent, and that these

1208alt ernatives had been closely studied and considered.

1216Petitioner did not present any evidence that he had asked

1226whether mediation was available or was denied an opportunity to

1236mediate this case. Accordingly, any error in the lack of

1246information regarding me diation in the Notice was harmless, and

1256any prejudice was cured.

12606. Petitioner elicited testimony with respect to a third

1269procedural point in this case. Rule 14 - 96.011(1)(e), Florida

1279Administrative Code, states that if Respondent seeks to close a

1289drivewa y, Respondent will offer to meet with the property owner

1300or his representative on - site. As Petitioner's counsel stated

1310during his opening remarks, however, there is a long history of

1321litigation between Petitioner and Respondent, including two

1328pervious med iations. Again, the unrebutted testimony at hearing

1337was that over the last several years Respondent evaluated three

1347alternative designs submitted by Petitioner for access to U.S.

1356Highway 19. Petitioner did not present any evidence of

1365prejudice in not bei ng able to meet on - site with Respondent in

1379this case. Any error in relation to this issue was harmless.

13907. U.S. Highway 19 runs north - south through Pinellas

1400County, Florida and is a part of the Florida Intrastate Highway

1411System. In the vicinity of Petit ioner's property, U.S. Highway

142119 has three lanes of traffic each for northbound and southbound

1432traffic (total of six lanes). As part of the reconstruction of

1443U.S. Highway 19, Respondent has plans to create "grade separated

1453intersections" or "urban interc hanges" at the cross street to

1463the south and north of Petitioner's property. The cross street

1473to the south is Drew Street, and the cross street to the north

1486is Coachman Road. Also, just to the north of Petitioner's

1496property, U.S. Highway 19 is elevated o ver railroad tracks, and

1507will continue to be so elevated after reconstruction.

15158. In its reconstructed state, vehicles will reach

1523mainline U.S. Highway 19 by a series of frontage roads and on

1535and off ramps. Vehicles that stay on mainline U.S. Highway 19

1546will not have to stop for signals at intersections with cross

1557streets because the mainline will travel over the cross streets.

1567The effect of U.S. Highway reconstruction will be to create a

1578more efficient transportation facility by improving safety and

1586cap acity. The overall improvements to U.S. Highway 19 are


15979. Although Respondent is closing Petitioner's right - out

1606driveway to mainline U.S. Highway 19, Respondent is not

1615acquiring any property from Petitioner. Accordingly, Respondent

1622provided P etitioner with notice of the intended agency action

1632and right to an administrative hearing (the "Notice").

1641Respondent's Proposal

164310. Respondent proposes, as part of its planned

1651improvements to U.S. Highway 19, to provide Petitioner a right -

1662in only entranc e from a frontage road running adjacent to and

1674parallel to U.S. Highway 19. Respondent also proposes to build

1684a new two - way road, referred to as Access Road A, which runs

1698north - south, parallel to U.S. Highway 19, intersects Drew

1708Street, and from that poin t provides vehicles the option of

1719traveling either north or south on mainline U.S. Highway 19, or

1730east or west on Drew Street. Petitioner's northerly neighbor, a

1740maintenance yard owned by Pinellas County, would also send all

1750of its traffic, including larg e trucks and emergency vehicles,

1760out Access Road A to Drew Street. Other properties, including

1770several car dealerships, to the south of Petitioner's property

1779would also have access to Access Road A. No other property

1790owner, including Pinellas County, obj ected to Respondent's

1798proposed access system. It is undisputed that Respondent has

1807all of the right - of - way necessary to construct Access Road A to

1822Petitioner's property line.

182511. During construction, the City of Clearwater will

1833install a temporary traffi c signal at the intersection of Access

1844Road A and Drew Street. Based on a traffic study conducted by

1856the Pinellas County MPO and endorsed by the City of Clearwater

1867and Pinellas County, the traffic light will become permanent

1876when construction is completed . Even if the temporary light is

1887removed after construction, Access Road A will function properly

1896for right turns onto Drew Street which will provide access to

1907the northbound and southbound mainline lanes of U.S. Highway 19.

1917This is true, even assuming t hat all of Petitioner's neighbors

1928send all of their traffic out Access Road A. In addition,

1939Petitioner's neighbors to the south have several alternate means

1948of access to travel west on Drew Street and either north or

1960south on U.S. Highway 19.

196512. Respond ent is closing Petitioner's right - out driveway

1975to U.S. Highway 19 because, post - construction, the driveway

1985would be located on an on - ramp. The frontage road and on - ramp,

2000as currently designed by Respondent, would prevent placement of

2009a right - out driveway in such a location.

201813. It is Petitioner's position that Respondent could have

2027designed the frontage road and on - ramp in front of Petitioner's

2039property in such a way as to allow the safe operation of a

2052right - out driveway in the approximate location of Pet itioner's

2063current right - out driveway.

2068Petitioner's Proposal

207014. In support of his contention that Respondent could

2079have designed a right - out driveway, Petitioner offered an aerial

2090map and overlay (Petitioner's Exhibit 3), which purported to

2099show that Resp ondent could have designed an on - ramp from Drew

2112Street and an off - ramp to Coachman Road to the north in such a

2127way as to allow Petitioner a right - out driveway. Petitioner's

2138Exhibit 3 was a concept based upon what was referred to as the

"2151Lochner Study" at hearing. The "Lochner Study" was a study

2161performed by the engineering firm H. W. Lochner, and showed a

2172right - in, right - out driveway from Petitioner's property onto a

2184frontage road/on - ramp in approximately the same location as

2194Petitioner's current driveway . In the past Petitioner had

2203proposed other alternatives for access to U.S. Highway 19.

2212Petitioner withdrew from consideration at this hearing all other

2221alternative designs for a right - out driveway for Petitioner.

223115. The Lochner Study was undertaken wi th the specific

2241purpose of determining whether needed improvements to U.S.

2249Highway 19 could be safely constructed within right - of - way

2261already owned by Respondent. The Lochner Study concluded that

2270placing a driveway for Petitioner in the location shown in the

2281study would provide "substandard operation and is very

2289undesirable from a safety stand point." The primary reason for

2299this conclusion was that the physical separation of northbound

2308mainline U.S. Highway 19 and the frontage road ended south of

2319the driv eway's location. This lack of physical separation would

2329allow vehicles on northbound mainline U.S. Highway 19 to cross

2339over the frontage road and enter Petitioner's property, creating

2348unsafe traffic movements. Petitioner's witnesses agreed that

2355this lack of separation would be a safety problem.

236416. Petitioner's Exhibit 3, prepared and testified about

2372by Reginald Mesimer, attempted to alleviate this admittedly

2380unsafe aspect of the Lochner plan by extending the physical

2390separator between northbound mainlin e U.S. Highway 19 and the

2400frontage road/on - ramp to a point just beyond the location of

2412where Petitioner's driveway would be. The area of physical

2421separation is the "gore" area. In effect, this extension also

2431would shift the beginning of the on - ramp to th e point of

2445Petitioner's driveway. Thus, the issue raised was whether the

2454location of the on - ramp could be safely designed to co - exist

2468with the location of the off - ramp for the next interchange at

2481Coachman Road. The standards for determining whether this

2489design is safe are set by the American Association for State

2500Highway and Transportation Officials ("AASHTO"), who publish

2509these standards in the "Green Book," known as the "Bible" of

2520transportation engineers.

252217. In examining Petitioner's Exhibit 3, as we ll as the

2533requirements of AASHTO submitted in this case, it is clear that

2544the requirements for an on - ramp followed by an off - ramp are: (1)

2559an acceleration area for the on - ramp; (2) a weaving area for

2572vehicles going from the on - ramp to mainline, and for veh icles

2585going from mainline to the off - ramp; (3) a deceleration area for

2598the off - ramp, and (4) a queue area for vehicles at the terminus

2612of the off - ramp.

261718. Petitioner's Exhibit 3 shows the start of the

2626acceleration area for the on - ramp at the location of

2637Petitioner's right - out driveway, which indicates that the on -

2648ramp for vehicles leaving Petitioner's property would begin at

2657his driveway. Petitioner's Exhibit 3 shows a 2,000 - foot weave

2669area, also beginning at the location of Petitioner's right - out

2680drivew ay.

268219. Placing the start of the acceleration area and the

2692weave area at the same point on an on - ramp is contrary to AASHTO

2707design standards. The beginning of the weave area should be

2717near the end of the acceleration area, which, on Petitioner's

2727Exhibit 3, is supposed to be where vehicles on the on - ramp are

2741traveling at the design speed of the highway they are attempting

2752to enter. AASHTO places the beginning of the weaving area where

2763the outside lane of the mainline and the inside lane of the on -

2777ramp are separated by two feet. The weave area extends to a

2789point where there is a twelve - foot separation of the mainline

2801and off - ramp lanes at the next interchange.

281020. The design speed of U.S. Highway 19 is 55 miles per

2822hour. It is uncontested that vehicles l eaving Petitioner's

2831property will be in a stopped condition prior to entering the

2842on - ramp. Thus, looking at Petitioner's Exhibit 3, the beginning

2853of the weave area should be placed approximately 965 feet to the

2865north of the current location shown on Petit ioner's Exhibit 3.

2876In turn, this forces the deceleration area for the off - ramp to

2889Coachman Road shown on Petitioner's Exhibit 3 to be shifted 965

2900feet to the north. Petitioner's expert testified that the off -

2911ramp deceleration area at Coachman Road could be shifted between

2921300 and 400 feet to the north. Assuming this to be correct,

2933this places the start of the off - ramp deceleration area

2944approximately 965 feet to the north of its current location,

2954which is 565 to 665 feet beyond the farthest point Petition er's

2966expert testified it could be moved.

297221. Respondent's experts also examined Petitioner's

2978Exhibit 3 under the dictates of AASHTO. Unlike Petitioner,

2987Respondent assumed a design speed of 50 miles per hour, and

2998assumed that shorter distances for acceler ation, weaving, and

3007deceleration could be applied in this situation under AASHTO.

3016Respondent's findings demonstrate that under the "Petitioner's

3023best case scenario" the off - ramp at Coachman Road would still

3035have to be moved approximately 600 feet to the n orth, which is

3048at least 200 feet past the farthest possible shift testified to

3059by Petitioner's expert. Moving the off - ramp would obviously

3069require redesign and delay of the Coachman Road project to the

3080north, already designed and funded for construction.

308722. Further, Petitioner's Exhibit 3 also did not take into

3097account any need for increased acceleration distance on the on -

3108ramp due to the grade of the road. For certain portions of the

3121acceleration area of the on - ramp in Petitioner's Exhibit 3 the

3133grade is steeper that 3 percent, and averages over 2 percent.

3144AASHTO does not require an increase in acceleration distance

3153where the grade is "less that two percent." AASHTO requires an

3164increase when the grade is more than 3 percent. This is,

3175according to Pet itioner's witness, a "gray area" in AASHTO. In

3186this situation, while AASHTO may not require a multiplier be

3196applied to the entire acceleration distance, it would be safer

3206for the traveling public to apply the multiplier at least to the

3218portions above 3 pe rcent and perhaps to the entire acceleration

3229distance, and to acknowledge that the grade of the road

3239militates against application of strict minimum AASHTO standard

3247distances. Adjusting at all for grade would result in a longer

3258on - ramp and require pushing the off - ramp at Coachman even

3271further north, which makes Petitioner's Exhibit 3 alternative

3279even less viable.

328223. Another factor that Petitioner's Exhibit 3 did not

3291take into account was that a significant amount of traffic

3301leaving the proposed right - out driveway would be fully - loaded

3313heavy trucks both from Petitioner's property and the Pinellas

3322County maintenance yard. The AASHTO acceleration distance of

3330965 feet shown in that Exhibit is for automobiles. Knowing that

3341heavy, fully loaded trucks would be utilizing this driveway on a

3352regular basis, the acceleration distance for such trucks

3360reaching 55 or even 50 miles per hour would be longer than for a

3374normal passenger vehicle.

337724. Petitioner's alternative proposal was fatally flawed

3384in its misplacement of the weave area, and was defective in

3395other respects such as not considering the slower heavy truck

3405traffic or the grade of the road. Thus, it is apparent that

3417under any interpretation of the AASHTO standards, Respondent

3425could not safely design an on - ra mp from the Drew Street area and

3440an off - ramp to the Coachman Road interchange and provide

3451Petitioner a right - out driveway in the approximate location of

3462his existing right - out driveway.

346825. Based upon all the evidence presented at hearing,

3477Respondent de monstrated that AASHTO standards preclude moving

3485the on - ramp to the location proposed by Petitioner. Therefore,

3496closing Petitioner's right - out driveway to reconstructed U.S.

3505Highway 19 is mandated for safety and operational reasons.

3514Access - Reasonableness Issues

351826. Following the reconstruction of U.S. Highway 19, the

3527access proposed by Respondent for Petitioner's property is

3535reasonable. An objective comparison of the alternative proposed

3543by Petitioner and Respondent's proposal reveals that

3550Respondent's d esign results in safer and more efficient access

3560to the state highway system for Petitioner and direct access to

3571east and west travel on Drew Street.

357827. One measurable point of comparison is the relative

3587distance a vehicle would have to travel to reach t he state

3599highway system under Respondent's proposal versus Petitioner's.

3606Prior to Petitioner's withdrawing from consideration all

3613alternatives other than what was represented in Petitioner's

3621Exhibit 3, Respondent presented testimony regarding two of

3629Petit ioner's earlier alternative concepts. These previous

3636alternatives were referred to as Proposal One and Proposal Two.

3646Proposal One was basically a right - out driveway in the form of

3659an on - ramp that would have tied in to mainline U.S. Highway 19

3673prior to th e railroad tracks. Proposal Two was a right - out

3686driveway/on - ramp that tied into the off - ramp for Coachman Road.

3699As far as comparing relative travel distances, both Proposals

3708One and Two are similar to the alternative in Petitioner's

3718Exhibit 3. For vehic les to travel north from Petitioner's

3728property on U.S. Highway 19 in Respondent's design, vehicles

3737travel south on Access Road A, west on Drew Street, and then

3749south on the frontage road/on - ramp. This is a distance of .44

3762miles. To reach the same point u sing the access provided in

3774Proposal One, Proposal Two, or Petitioner's Exhibit 3, a vehicle

3784must travel north to the Coachman interchange, and double back

3794south, a distance of approximately 1.45 miles. Thus, when added

3804together, the distances for vehicle s to travel north and south

3815on U.S. Highway 19 in Respondent's design total 1.12 miles, or

3826.33 miles less than the 1.45 miles to reach the same points

3838using any of Petitioner's alternative driveway proposals. In

3846addition, for vehicles that wish to travel east or west on Drew

3858Street from Petitioner's property, Respondent's alternative is

3865much shorter. It is .32 miles to reach Drew Street along Access

3877Road A, and 1.6 miles to reach Drew Street from Proposal One,

3889Proposal Two, or Petitioner's Exhibit 3.

389528. Another measurable point of comparison are conflict

3903points, places such as intersections and merge areas where

3912vehicles can be expected to change lanes. In Respondent's

3921design, there are four or five conflict points to travel north

3932on U.S. Highway 19, th ree or four to travel south on U.S.

3945Highway 19, and one to travel east or west on Drew Street.

3957Petitioner's Exhibit 3 shows two conflict points to travel north

3967(right - out turn to on - ramp and merge to mainline), six or seven

3982to travel south on U.S. Highway 19, and seven or eight to travel

3995east or west on Drew Street (same as south on U.S. Highway 19

4008plus turn from off - ramp). For vehicles traveling north and

4019south on U.S. Highway 19 from Petitioner's property, the number

4029of conflict points in either Respond ent's design or Petitioner's

4039alternative are essentially even, but when travel on Drew Street

4049is included in the comparison Respondent's design is clearly


405929. A third point of comparison is that Petitioner's

4068alternative provides one way in and one way out. Respondent's

4078design provides two ways in and one way out. Respondent's

4088design provides reasonable access to Petitioner's property. In

4096comparison to Petitioner's alternative, Respondent's design

4102provides for shorter combined travel distances. I n regard to

4112conflict points, Respondent's design is as safe as Petitioner's

4121alternative, and safer if travel on Drew Street is included in

4132the comparison. Finally, Respondent's design provides an

4139additional point of ingress.

414330. Both witnesses called by Petitioner opined that the

4152access proposed by Respondent was not reasonable, primarily

4160because the access is not "direct." The basis of that opinion

4171was limited to their belief that a "better" access plan, the

4182alternative shown in Petitioner's Exhibit 3, was viable.

4190Neither of Petitioner's witnesses knew the relative travel

4198distances, nor did either witness testify about actual conflict

4207points or any other possible objective points of comparison.

4216Petitioner's witnesses' view are flawed because the altern ative

4225shown in Petitioner's Exhibit 3 is not viable.

423331. Assuming, arguendo , that Petitioner's Exhibit 3

4240reflected a safe design, and assuming that this access is

4250reasonable, it would be contrary to logic to conclude that

4260Respondent's design results in un reasonable access. The only

"4269advantage" in Petitioner's Exhibit 3 versus Respondent's

4276proposal is a right - out "direct" connection to U.S. Highway 19

4288via the on - ramp. However, comparing travel distances, conflict

4298points, and points of ingress, Respondent 's design is comparable

4308if not superior, and thus, reasonable.

431432. Petitioner stressed that all other property owners

4322along the U.S. Highway 19 corridor have right - in and right - out

4336driveways on frontage roads, and that Petitioner is the only

4346property owne r required to use a facility like Access Road A for

4359egress. Even if true, this circumstance does not in and of

4370itself change Respondent's designed access for Petitioner's

4377property into unreasonable access. Based upon objective

4384criteria, Respondent's desi gn is comparable or superior to

4393Petitioner's alternative, and Respondent's design is comparable

4400or superior to the access enjoyed by all other property owners

4411in this vicinity.

4414Engineering Study

441633. Pursuant to Rule 14 - 96.011, Florida Administrative

4425Code, Respondent conducted an engineering study to examine the

4434closure of Petitioner's right - out driveway. Normally, an

4443engineering study is prepared prior to Respondent serving its

4452Notice of Intent to close or alter a permitted driveway

4462connection. The engin eering study documents that there is a

4472safety or operational problem with a particular driveway

4480connection, and ensures that Respondent has an engineering basis

4489to seek closure or alteration of the driveway. However, at the

4500time this case came to hearing on March 20, 2001, Respondent was

4512not aware that Petitioner's driveway may have been permitted.

4521That is the reason the study was conducted during a continuance

4532of this case and delivered to Petitioner on or around August 17,

45442001. Petitioner agreed to th e continuance for Respondent to

4554conduct the study, and Petitioner had adequate time to conduct

4564any further discovery in this case after receipt of the study.

4575Thus, any procedural error in the timing of the study was waived

4587by Petitioner and/or cured by Re spondent.

459434. The Study does provide safety and operational bases

4603for Respondent's agency action in this case. The study

4612summarizes the history of the U.S. Highway 19 improvement

4621project, discusses the current conditions, explains the proposed

4629improvemen ts, and reviews the safety and operational issues

4638specific to Petitioner's right - out driveway in the post

4648construction condition. The study also explains why two

4656alternative right - out driveway configurations were not

4664acceptable to Respondent. The study c ontains exhibits showing

4673traffic patterns in the existing and possible future post

4682construction conditions. The study was signed and sealed by a

4692professional engineer registered in the State of Florida. The

4701study did not discuss the Petitioner's alternat ive advocated at

4711hearing. The reason the study did not address this concept was

4722that at the time of its creation, Respondent did not have

4733Petitioner's Exhibit 3.

473635. One other item not addressed was traffic accident

4745data. Since the improvements of U.S. Highway 19 have not been

4756constructed, there is no accident data for the right - out

4767driveway in the post construction condition. Respondent

4774stipulated that Petitioner's existing right - out driveway is

4783safe, so any accident data relating to current conditions is not



479836. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

4805jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

4815proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida


482437. Respondent regulates, among oth er things, access to

4833the state highway system pursuant to Sections 335.18 through

4842335.188, Florida Statutes, the State Highway System Access

4850Management Act. Respondent is also the state agency charged

4859with construction, operation, and maintenance of the s tate

4868highway system. Respondent had plenary authority with respect

4876to the state highway system and must exercise its discretion

4886according to its enabling statutes to serve the public need.

4896Department of Transportation v. Lopez - Torres , 526 So. 2d 674

4907(Fla . 1988).

491038. Section 334.044(14), Florida Statutes, provides in

4917pertinent part, as follows:

4921Department; powers and duties. -- The

4927department shall have the following general

4933powers and duties:

4936* * *

4939(14) To establish, control, and prohibit

4945point s of ingress to, and egress from, the

4954State Highway System, the turnpike, and

4960other transportation facilities under the

4965department's jurisdiction as necessary to

4970ensure the safe, efficient, and effective

4976maintenance and operation of such


498239. Section 335.181, Florida Statutes, provides in

4989pertinent part, as follows:

4993(1) It is the finding of the Legislature


5002(a) Regulation of access to the State

5009Highway System is necessary in order to

5016protect the public health, safety, and

5022welfare, to preserve the functional

5027integrity of the State Highway System, and

5034to promote the safe and efficient movement

5041of people and goods within the state.

5048* * *

5051(2) It is the policy of the Legislature


5060(a) Every owner of property which a buts a

5069road on the State Highway System has a right

5078to reasonable access to the abutting state

5085highway but does not have the right of

5093unregulated access to such highway. The

5099operational capabilities of an access

5104connection may be restricted by the

5110departm ent. However, a means of reasonable

5117access to an abutting state highway may not

5125be denied by the department, except on the

5133basis of safety or operational concerns as

5140provided in s. 335.184 .

5145(b) The access rights of an owner of

5153property abutting the State Highway System

5159are subject to reasonable regulation to

5165ensure the public's right and interest in a

5173safe and efficient highway system. This

5179paragraph does not author ize the department

5186to deny a means of reasonable access to an

5195abutting state highway, except on the basis

5202of safety or operational concerns as

5208provided in s. 335.184 .

5213* * *

5216(7) Nothing in this act prohibits the

5223construction of service roads along a

5229highway on the State Highway System so long

5237as such service roads provide reasonable

5243access to such highway. A property owner

5250whose land abuts a service road is e ntitled

5259to reasonable access to such service road

5266pursuant to s. 335.184 . However, nothing in

5274this act requires that a property owner

5281whose land abuts a service road be given

5289direct access across the service road to the

5297state highway served thereby.

530140. Section 335.184(3), Florida Statutes, provides as


5309(3) A property owner shall be granted a

5317permit for an access connection to the

5324abutting state highway, un less the

5330permitting of such access connection would

5336jeopardize the safety of the public or have

5344a negative impact upon the operational

5350characteristics of the highway. Such access

5356connection and permitted turning movements

5361shall be based upon standards and criteria

5368adopted, by rule, by the department.

537441. The burden of proof is on the party asserting the

5385affirmative of an issue before an administrative tribunal.

5393Florida Department of Transportation v. J. W. C. Co., Inc. , 396

5404So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 198 1). To meet this burden, Respondent

5417must establish facts upon which its allegations are based by a

5428preponderance of evidence. Section 120.57(1)(j), Florida

5434Statutes. If Respondent makes a prima facie showing of

5443reasonable assurances, the burden shifts t o Petitioner to

5452present evidence of equivalent quality. J. W. C. Co. , 396 So.

54632d at 788.

546642. Respondent seeks to close Petitioner's right - out

5475driveway to mainline U.S. Highway 19 as party of a major

5486reconstruction project of that facility. In order to c lose the

5497driveway, Respondent must comply with Rule 14 - 96.015, Florida

5507Administrative Code, which provides:

5511(3) Where connections are to be closed or

5519substantially re - located as part of a

5527Department improvement project, and the

5532Department is not plannin g to acquire any

5540portion of the property for the project, the

5548Department will provide notice and

5553opportunity for an administrative proceeding

5558pursuant to rules 14 - 96.011 or 14 - 96.012 and

5569Chapter 120, Florida Statutes.

557343. Rule 14 - 96.011, Florida Ad ministrative Code, applies

5583to closure of permitted driveways, and Rule 14 - 96.012, Florida

5594Administrative Code, applies to closure of "grandfathered"

5601driveways. The parties agreed that Rule 14 - 96.011, Florida

5611Administrative Code, would apply in this case.

561844. Rule 14 - 96.011(1)(d), Florida Administrative Code,

5626provides as follows:

5629. . . The Department may initiate action to

5638revoke or modify any permit or existing

5645permitted connections if:

5648* * *

5651(d) Such revocation or modification is

5657determined to be necessary because the

5663connection poses a current or potential

5669safety or operational problem on the State

5676Highway System. This problem must be

5682substantiated by an engineering study signed

5688and sealed by a professional engineer

5694registered in the State of Florida

5700qualified in transportation engineering.

5704Such engineering study shall consider, but

5710not be limited to, the following:

57161. Accident or operational analysis

5721directly involving the access points or

5727similar access points, or a traffic

5733conflicts a nalysis of the site.

57392. Analysis of the impact the closure,

5746modification, or relocation will have on

5752maintenance, or safety of the Public Road


57603. Analysis of the impact [sic] closure,

5767modification, relocation will have on

5772traffic patterns and circulation on the

5778Public Road System.

57814. The principles of transportation

5786engineering as determined by generally

5791accepted Professional Practice.

579445. The timing of the creation of the study was of no

5806prejudice to Petitioner. The study provides safet y and

5815operational bases for Respondent's proposed agency action in

5823this case, summarizes the history of the U.S. Highway 19

5833improvement project, discusses the current conditions, explains

5840the proposed improvements, and reviews the safety and

5848operational is sues specific to Petitioner's right - out driveway

5858in the post construction condition. The study also explains why

5868two alternative right - out configurations are not acceptable to

5878Respondent. The study contains exhibits showing traffic

5885patterns in the existi ng and possible future post - construction

5896conditions. The study was signed and sealed by a professional

5906engineer registered in the State of Florida. The engineering

5915study performed by Respondent meets the requirements of Rule 14 -

592696.011, Florida Administra tive Code.

593146. Rule 28 - 106.111, Florida Administrative Code, and

5940Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, both provide that a notice of

5950agency action inform an affected party of whether mediation is

5960available in a particular case. With respect to the Notice no t

5972mentioning whether mediation was available in this case, there

5981is no evidence that this prejudiced Petitioner in any way, and,

5992thus, any error was harmless.

599747. Rule 14 - 96.011(1)(e), Florida Administrative Code,

6005states that Respondent will offer to meet on - site with a

6017property owner and take into consideration documents, reports,

6025studies and alternative solutions proposed by the property

6033owner. With respect to Respondent not offering to meet on - site,

6045no evidence of prejudice was presented. In fact, it was

6055testified to by both sides that for several years prior to this

6067hearing Respondent and Petitioner had been discussing

6074alternatives. Further, no testimony was provided that the

6082parties did not comply with the Order of Prehearing Instructions

6092issued Jul y 23, 2001, which required the parties to meet at

6104least 15 days prior to hearing and discuss the possibility of

6115settlement. Any error with respect to the lack of on - site

6127meeting was harmless.

613048. At hearing, Respondent demonstrated that following the

6138pla nned improvements to U.S. Highway 19 there is no acceptable

6149way to construct Petitioner a right - out driveway in the location

6161of Petitioner's current right - out driveway. The alternatives

6170considered and rejected by Respondent prior to hearing and the

6180altern ative presented for the first time at hearing

6189(Petitioner's Exhibit 3), indicate that the action by Respondent

6198to close Petitioner's right - out driveway is proper.

6207Petitioner's preference for a right - out cannot outweigh the

6217Respondent's acceptable route de termination. See Pasco County

6225v. Franzel , 569 So. 2d 877, 879 (Fla. 2d DCA 1990) ("a landowner

6239cannot force a taking authority to select the landowner's

6248preferred route when the authority has carefully selected an

6257acceptable alternative route . . . ."). Based upon the

6268evidence, Respondent is authorized to close Petitioner's right -

6277out driveway.

627949. Respondent's action will not deny Petitioner access to

6288his property. Further, Respondent's action will result in

6296reasonable access to Petitioner's property. Rule 14 - 96.002(22),

6305Florida Administrative Code, defines "reasonable access" as

6312follows: "[T]he minimum number of connections, direct or

6320indirect, necessary to provide safe ingress and egress to the

6330State Highway System based on Section 335.18, Florida St atutes,

6340the Access Management Classification, projected connection and

6347roadway traffic volumes, and the type and intensity of the land

6358use." Respondent is providing Petitioner reasonable ingress to

6366his property via the frontage road and Access Road A.

6376Re spondent is providing reasonable egress from Petitioner's

6384property via Access Road A. The evidence demonstrated that with

6394or without a traffic signal at the intersection of Access Road A

6406and Drew Street, Access Road A will function as designed. The

6417local governments with jurisdiction over the intersection will

6425keep a traffic signal after construction is completed. Thus,

6434Petitioner will have reasonable access to his property.

644250. The record is clear that Respondent has met its burden

6453to show that Petitio ner's right - out driveway connection to U.S.

6465Highway 19, after the constructed improvements, will create a

6474safety and operational problem, and that Respondent has been

6483given safe and reasonable access to U.S. Highway 19 via the

6494frontage road and Access Road A. Respondent has also met its

6505burden to show that the prospective closing of Petitioner's

6514driveway connection is in compliance with the State Highway

6523System Access Management Act, Sections 335.18 through 335.188,

6531Florida Statutes, and Chapter 14 - 96, Flo rida Administrative



6543Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

6553Law, it is

6556RECOMMENDED that the Florida Department of Transportation

6563enter a final order approving the closure of Petitioner's right -

6574out driveway as part of the future constructed improvements to

6584U.S. Highway 19 and the construction of Access Road A.

6594DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of December, 2001, in

6604Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



6612Administrative Law Judge

6615Division of Administrative Hearings

6619The DeSoto Building

66221230 Apalachee Parkway

6625Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6630(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

6638Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


6645Filed with the Clerk of the

6651Division of Administrative H earings

6656this 14th day of December, 2001.


66631/ Respondent filed a Motion for Continuance on June 29, 2001,

6674which recited the chain of events that led up to the decision to

6687conduct the engineering study as the basis for a continuance.

6697Respondent w as authorized to represent that Petitioner had no

6707objection to the Motion. The full text of the Motion is as


6720Respondent, Department of Transportation

6724(Department), hereby requests a continuance

6729in the above - styled matter, and in support


67391. The original continuance in this case

6746was granted on March 20, 2001, in part, so

6755that the Department could search its files

6762for any permits which may have been issued

6770to Petitioner for an access

6775connection/driveway to U.S. 19 in Pinellas

6781County, Flori da.

67842. On April 12, 2001, the Department

6791communicated to counsel for Petitioner that

6797the Department had searched its records for

6804an access management/driveway permit for

6809Petitioner's property and had found a permit

6816dated December 7, 1982, which appeared to

6823authorize placement of fill material and

6829removal of a curb rail within the

6836Department's right of way. At that time,

6843and based upon that document alone, the

6850Department took the position that Petitioner

6856did not have a driveway permit as

6863contemplated by Section 335.187, Florida

6868Statutes, and Rule 14 - 96.011, Florida

6875Administrative Code.

68773. Within the last week, the Department

6884has found another document relevant to this

6891issue, a letter dated September 16, 1980,

6898from the Department to Petitioner. Based

6904u pon this letter, together with the above -

6913referenced permit, the Department is

6918reevaluating whether Petitioner had an

6923access permit, and if so whether that access

6931permit was in effect or valid as of July 1,

69411988. However, in order to accord

6947Petitioner all rights to which he may be

6955entitled, the Department is going to prepare

6962an engineering study pursuant to the

6968requirements of Rule 14 - 96.011, Florida

6975Administrative Code. When completed, the

6980Department will immediately deliver

6984Petitioner's counsel a copy of the study.

6991The Department anticipates that Petitioner

6996may at that time wish to engage in further


70064. The Department requests that this case

7013be continued until such time as the parties

7021are again ready to proceed. Based upon

7028witness availabil ity at this time the

7035parties do not anticipate the hearing

7041commencing until late September, 2001.

7046Frank Ghadimi, the Department's witness who

7052was testifying when this case was continued

7059on March 20, 2001, will be out of the

7068country for all of August and t he first

7077fifteen days of September, 2001.

70825. The Department is authorized to

7088represent that Petitioner has no objection

7094to this requested continuance.


7101Robert C. Downie, II, Esquire

7106Department of Transportation

7109605 Suwannee Street

7112Ha ydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

7119Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0458

7124James A. Helinger, Jr., Esquire

7129James A. Helinger, Jr., P.A.

7134814 Chestnut Street

7137Clearwater, Florida 33756

7140James C. Myers, Clerk of Agency Proceedings

7147Department of Transportation

7150Hay don Burns Building, Mail Station 58

7157605 Suwannee Street

7160Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450

7165Pamela Leslie, General Counsel

7169Department of Transportation

7172Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

7178605 Suwannee Street

7181Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450


7193All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

720315 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

7214to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

7225will issue the Final Order in this case .

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/16/2002
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: (Appellant`s motion for extension of time is granted and the initial brief shall be filed by June 24, 2002) filed.
Date: 03/20/2002
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from the District Court of Appeal filed. DCA Case No. 2D02-1012
Date: 02/13/2002
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/13/2002
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/13/2002
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 12/26/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/14/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/14/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held March 20, and September 20 and 21, 2001) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/14/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 11/26/2001
Proceedings: Respondent, Department of Transportation`s, Corrected Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/26/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Respondent, Department of Transportation`s Corrected Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/20/2001
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed by Petitioner.
Date: 11/20/2001
Proceedings: Respondant, Department of Transportation`s, Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/19/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Respondent, Department of Transportation`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/31/2001
Proceedings: Transcript (3 Volumes) filed.
Date: 10/04/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Kilbride from J. Helinger, Jr. concerning Petitioner`s Exhibit 1 filed.
Date: 09/24/2001
Proceedings: Hearing Exhibits filed by Respondent.
Date: 09/20/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing, Joint Stipulation filed with Judge at Hearing.
Date: 09/20/2001
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 09/17/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Frank C. Kunnen Jr., d/b/a U.S. 19 Commerce Center, Notice to Produce (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/12/2001
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 09/11/2001
Proceedings: Order of Recusal issued.
Date: 09/10/2001
Proceedings: Motion to Recuse (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 08/09/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner`s, Frank C. Kunnen Jr., d/b/a U.S. 19 Commerce Center, Second Set of Interrogatories to Respondent, Department of Transportation, Interrogatories filed.
Date: 07/23/2001
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 07/23/2001
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing issued. (hearing set for September 19 and 20, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL, amended as to date).
Date: 07/02/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for September 20 and 21, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Date: 06/29/2001
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 06/28/2001
Proceedings: Letter to J. Helinger from R. Downie, II (notifying that Respondent will file a motion to continue) filed via facsimile.
Date: 06/26/2001
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing issued. (hearing set for July 5 and 6, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL, amended as to location).
Date: 06/26/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Pollock from R. Downie, II (requesting that hearing location be changed) filed via facsimile.
Date: 06/22/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for July 5 and 6, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 06/22/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Pollock from R. Downie (regarding availability of parties for hearing) filed via facsimile.
Date: 06/04/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner`s, Frank C. Kunnen, Jr., d/b/a U.S. 19 Commerce Center, Answers to Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/17/2001
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 05/16/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance issued (parties to advise status by June 20, 2001).
Date: 05/16/2001
Proceedings: Emergency Motion to Continue Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/09/2001
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing issued. (hearing set for May 22 and 23, 2001; 9:30 a.m.; Clearwater, FL, amended as to date).
Date: 04/13/2001
Proceedings: Letter to J. Heinger from R. Downie (regarding issued driveway permit) filed.
Date: 03/27/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for May 21 and 22, 2001; 9:30 a.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Date: 03/20/2001
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held; continued to date not certain.
Date: 03/12/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition and Request to Produce 3 filed by J. Helinger
Date: 03/08/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Respondent`s Answers to Interrogatories (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/15/2001
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Amendment to Petition for formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: (Responses to) Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner`s, Frank C. Kunnen, Jr., d/b/a U.S. 19 Commerce Center, Answers to Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s, Frank C. Kunnen, Jr. d/b/a U.S. 19 Commerce Center, First Request for Production filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner`s, Frank C. Kunnen, Jr. d/b/a U.S. 19 Commerce Center, First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent, Department of Transportation filed.
Date: 01/17/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for March 20 and 21, 2001; 9:30 a.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Date: 01/11/2001
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/08/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge S. Smith from J. Helinger, Jr. In re: initial order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/05/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 01/05/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 01/03/2001
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 01/02/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Change Driveway Connections filed.
Date: 01/02/2001
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/02/2001
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Clearwater, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):