01-000189BID Sprint Payphone Services, Inc. vs. Department Of Corrections
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, April 6, 2001.

View Dockets  
Summary: Proposal submitted by Petitioner in response to Request for Proposals was non-responsive. Petitioner does not have standing to further pursue its protest of the agency`s proposed action. Petitioner`s bid protest should be dismissed.





14Petitioner , )


17vs. ) Case No. 01-0189BID




28Respondent , )


31and )




40Intervenor. )



45A formal hearing was held pursuant to notice, on

54February 15, 2001, in Tallahassee, Florida, before Barbara J.

63Staros, assigned Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

72Administrative Hearings.


75For Petitioner : Jonathan Sjostrom, Esquire

81Rex Ware, Esquire

84Steel, Hector & Davis

88215 South Monroe Street, Suite 601

94Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1804

97For Respondent : Obed Dorceus, Esquire

103Veronica McCrackin, Esquire

106Department of Corrections

1092601 Blairstone Road

112Tallahassee, Florida 32314

115For Intervenor : Carolyn S. Raepple, Esquire

122Shannon L. Novey, Esquire

126Hopping, Green, Sams & Smith, P.A.

132Post Office Box 6526

136Tallahassee, Florida 32314


143Whether the proposal Petitioner submitted in response to

151Respondent's Request for Proposal No. 00-DC-7295 was non-



162On December 5, 2000, the Florida Department of

170Corrections (Department) posted its intended award of the

178contract for RFP No. 00-DC-7295 for an inmate telephone system

188to MCI Worldcom Communications, Inc. ( Worldcom). Petitioner

196Sprint Payphone Services, Inc. (Sprint) timely filed a protest

205to this intended award. Petitioner T-Netix, Inc. (T-NETIX)

213also timely filed a protest to this intended award. The cases

224were forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings on

233or about January 16, 2001. The protest filed by Sprint was

244assigned Case No. 01-0189BID, and the protest filed by T-Netix

254was assigned Case No. 01-0190BID.

259Case Nos. 01-0189BID and 01-0190BID were consolidated by

267an Order issued January 18, 2001. WorldCom petitioned to

276intervene in both cases. Sprint moved to intervene in Case

286No. 01-0190BID. T-NETIX moved to intervene in Case No. 01-

2960189. All motions to intervene were granted.

303In its Formal Written Protest and Petition for Formal

312Administrative Hearing, Sprint asserted that the Department

319incorrectly and arbitrarily rejected Sprint's proposal as non-

327responsive. Sprint also asserted that the intended award of

336the contract to Worldcom is contrary to the Department's

345governing statutes, rules, or policies or the proposal

353specifications. Sprint requested that its proposal be deemed

361responsive and the most advantageous to the state, that

370Worldcom's and T-NETIX's proposals be disqualified and, in the

379alternative, that all bids be rejected and the Respondent

388rebid the contract.

391The Department filed a Motion to Dismiss or in the

401Alternative Motion for Summary Recommended Order. The

408Department argued in its Motion that Sprint was a non-

418responsive bidder and, therefore, lacked standing to bring

426this protest. On February 7, 2001, an Order was issued

436denying the motion without prejudice to raise the issue of

446standing at hearing and in Proposed Recommended Orders.

454On February 14, 2001, Petitioner T-NETIX filed a Notice

463of Voluntary Dismissal resulting in the dismissal of Case

472No. 01-0190BID. Therefore, only Case No. 01-0189BID was

480considered at the final hearing.

485The parties filed a Prehearing Stipulation. At hearing,

493Petitioner presented the testimony of Mike Jewell and Genanne

502Wilson. Petitioner's E xhibit 35 was admitted into evidence.

511Petitioner's Exhibit 39 was not admitted into evidence and was

521proffered. Respondent did not present any witnesses.

528Respondent's Exhibits 23 and 38 were admitted into evidence.

537Intervenor Worldcom did not present any witnesses. Joint

545Exhibits 1, 2, 4-9, 11, 12, 15, and 16 were also admitted into


559A Transcript, consisting of two volumes, was filed on

568March 8, 2001. On March 19, 2001, the parties timely filed

579Proposed Recommended Orders which have been considered in the

588preparation of this Recommended Order.


596Stipulated Facts

5981. On or about August 14, 2000, the Department issued

608RFP No. 00-DC-7295 for an Inmate Telephone System.

6162. Generally, RFP No. 00-DC-7295 requests proposers to

624submit proposals to provide local, intralata, interlata, and

632international telephone services for inmates in the

639Department's facilities identified in the RFP and coin-

647operated telephones at each site for staff and visitors. The

657proposer awarded the contract under RFP No. 00-DC-7295 (the

666Contractor) must provide and install all telephone instruments

674and all wiring. The Contractor must also provide system

683administrators and site technicians who will implement and

691manage pin numbers and calling lists for inmates, and must

701provide various specified reports and data to the Department

7103. All services, equipment, etc ., addressed in RFP

719No. 00-DC-7295 must be provided to the Department at no cost.

730Instead, the Contractor must pay the Department a commission

739calculated as a percentage of gross revenues. Consequently,

747the contract to be awarded under RFP No. 00-DC-7295 is a

758revenue-generating contract for the Department.

7634. Sprint, T-NETIX, WorldCom at AT&T timely submitted

771proposals to the RFP.

7755. On November 6, 2000, the assigned Department

783Purchasing Staff member, Genanne Wilson, determined the AT&T

791and Sprint proposals to be non-responsive for failing 1 to meet

802the mandatory requirements of the RFP.

8086. Sprint's proposal was also determined to contain a

817material deviation 2 from the RFP.

8237. The determination that the Sprint proposal failed 3 to

833meet the mandatory requirements of the RFP and contained a

843material deviation was based on Sprint's inclusion of the

852following underlined language on the Supplemental Proposal

859Sheets wherein the proposers were instructed to appropriately

867initial in understanding and agreement each paragraph of the


877Liquidated Damages

879With the express understanding the total

885liquidated damages are limited to

890$100,000.00 by the Limitation of Remedies

897in Section 7.32.

9008. Following the determination that the Sprint proposal

908failed 4 to meet the mandatory requirements of the RFP and

919contained a material deviation, Sprint's proposal was not

927further evaluated by the Department.

9329. The T-NETIX 5 and WorldCom proposals were individually

941evaluated by each member of an Evaluation Team pursuant to the

952criteria specified in the RFP.

95710. On Tuesday, December 5, 2000, the Department posted

966its intended award of the contract for RFP No. 00-DC-7295 to


97811. Sprint and T-NETIX each timely filed a protest to

988this intended award.

991Findings of Fact Based on the Evidence of the Record

100112. On or about October 13, 2000, the Department issued

1011Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. 00-DC-7295 which reprinted the

1021original RFP in its entirety and included 67 revisions.

103013. Section 4.3.6 of the RFP specifies that, "[t ]he

1040Department shall reject any and all proposals not meeting

1049mandatory responsiveness requirements."

105214. Section 5.1 of the RFP, reads in pertinent part as


10645.1 Tab 1 - Mandatory Responsiveness


1071The following terms, conditions, or

1076requirements must be met by the proposer to

1084be responsive to this RFP. These

1090responsiveness requirements are mandatory.

1094Failure to meet these responsiveness

1099requirements will cause rejection of a

1105proposal. Any proposal rejected for

1110failure to meet responsiveness requirements

1115will not be evaluated.

11195.1.1 It is mandatory that the proposer

1126supply one (1) original and ten (10) copies

1134of both the Project and the Cost Proposals.

1142Project and Cost Proposals shall be in

1149separately sealed packages each clearly

1154marked "Project Proposal - RFP-00-DC- 7295 "

1160or "Cost Proposal - RFP-00-DC-7295 "

1165respectively. Inclusion of any commission

1170rates or pricing data in the Project

1177Proposal shall result in rejection of the

1184entire proposal.

11865.1.2 It is mandatory the proposer return,

1193under Tab 1, the Supplemental Proposal

1199Sheets (Attachment 1) of this RFP document,

1206appropriately initialed in understanding

1210and agreement of each paragraph of the RFP

1218and signed by the person with authority to

1226properly bind the proposer.

12305.1.3 It is mandatory the proposer

1236complete, sign and return, under Tab 1, the

1244PUR Form 7033, State of Florida Request for

1252Proposal/Contractual Services

1254Acknowledgment which is the front cover of

1261this RFP document. A copy of the document

1269that includes both front and back sides is

1277acceptable. ( emphasis in original)

128215. Section 6.1 of the RFP further provides:

12906.1 Review of Mandatory Responsiveness


1296Proposals will be reviewed by Department

1302staff to determine if they comply with the

1310mandatory requirements listed in Section 5

1316of the RFP. This will be a yes/no review

1325to determine if all requirements have been

1332met. Failure to meet any of these

1339mandatory requirements will render proposal

1344non-responsive and result in rejection of

1350the proposal. Further evaluation will not

1356be performed.

1358No points will be awarded for passing the

1366mandatory requirements. ( emphasis in


137216. RFP Section 7.30, entitled, "Liquidated Damages,"

1379addresses liquidated damages for various requirements and

1386services to be provided by the successful proposer under the

1396contract for an inmate telephone system. Section 7.30 does

1405not contain a cap or limitation on liquidated damages.

141417. RFP Section 7.32, entitled "Limitation of Remedies,"

1422addresses the limitation of remedies for the performance or

1431non-performance of machines and programming. There is no cap

1440or limitation on liquidated damages established by RFP Section


145018. Sprint altered the Supplemental Proposal Sheets by

1458limiting liquidated damages under Section 7.30 to $100,000

1467based upon its understanding of the relationship between

1475Sections 7.30 and 7.32 of the RFP. Specifically, Sprint read

1485Sections 7.30 and 7.32 in para materia and concluded that

1495total liquidated damages would be "limited to $100,000 by the

1506limitation of remedies in Section 7.32."

151219. Mike Jewell, who at the time the RFP was issued, was

1524Sprint's Vice President of Sprint Payphone Services, Inc., was

1533responsible for "oversight over the responses that Sprint

1541submitted and to make sure that they were in keeping with the

1553corporation's business interests." Mr. Jewell testified that

1560the purpose of inserting this language in the proposal was to,

"1571point out to the Department of Corrections that our agreement

1581to 7.30 had to be read in conjunction with the language in the

1594agreement in [sic]" Mr. Jewell acknowledged that

1602vendors had the opportunity to ask questions prior to the

1612submittal of their proposals to the Department and that Sprint

1622did not ask any questions regarding the relationship between

1631Sections 7.30 and 7.32 of the RFP.

163820. A letter written by Paul Eide, Customer Care Manager

1648for Sprint, and faxed to the Department on November 21, 2000,

1659after the opening of the proposals, stated in pertinent part:

1669In response to the RFP, we found the

1677liquidated damages section to [sic] vague

1683and confusing to the exact dollar amount of

1691a penalty situation. Our intentions were

1697to point out the ambiguity and merely cap

1705the amount so the winning vendor was not

1713liable for an infinite amount of money.

172021. Although Sprint requested permission from

1726the Department to remove the $100,000 cap on

1735liquidated damages after the opening of the

1742proposals , the Department did not permit Sprint to

1750do so.

175222. Genanne Wilson, a purchasing analyst in the

1760Department's bureau of purchasing, was the person charged with

1769reviewing the proposals for responsiveness. Ms. Wilson

1776determined that Sprint did not meet the requirement of Section

17865.1.2 and, therefore, failed to meet the mandatory

1794responsiveness requirements of the RFP. That determination

1801was confirmed by her bureau chief. As specified in Section

18116.1 of the RFP, further evaluation was not performed on

1821Sprint's proposal.

182323. The evidence submitted by Sprint is not sufficient

1832to establish that Sprint's proposal was responsive. Rather,

1840the evidence establishes that Sprint chose to alter or modify

1850the Supplemental Proposal Sheets even though those who

1858submitted proposals were advised in Sections 5.1 and 6.1 that

1868failure to meet any of the mandatory responsiveness

1876requirements would render a proposal non-responsive and result

1884in rejection of the proposal and that further evaluation would

1894not be performed.

189724. Sprint's failure to signify its understanding and

1905agreement to Section 7.30 by initialing the supplemental

1913proposal sheets without more resulted in a failure to meet the

1924mandatory requirement in Section 5.1.2.

192925. Sprint's failure to meet the mandatory requirement

1937constitutes a material deviation from the RFP.

194426. The Department's determination that Sprint's

1950proposal was non-responsive was consistent with the clear,

1958express language of the RFP which informed proposers of

1967mandatory requirements and that proposals found to be non-

1976responsive would not be further evaluated. Sprint's proposal

1984was not responsive to the RFP because it failed to meet a

1996mandatory requirement and it contained a material deviation.

2004Both defects arise from Sprint's attempt to limit its exposure

2014to liquidated damages.


202027. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2027jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter in this case

2037pursuant to Sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and 120.57(3),

2044Florida Statutes.

204628. Petitioner has challenged the Department's proposed

2053agency action of determining that Sprint's proposal is non-

2062responsive and the Department's intention to award the

2070contract for inmate telephone services to Worldcom.

207729. The burden of proof resides with the Petitioner.

2086See Section 120.57(3)(f), Florida Statutes.

209130. The underlying findings of fact in this case are

2101based on a preponderance of the evidence. Section

2109120.57(1)(j), Florida Statutes.

211231. The threshold burden which Petitioner Sprint must

2120meet is that their submission was responsive to the RFP and,

2131therefore, that Sprint has standing to bring this protest.

2140Petitioner has failed to meet this burden.

214732. The language of Sections 5.1 and 6.1 of the RFP is

2159clear and unambiguous. Section 5.1 clearly states that the

2168responsiveness requirements are mandatory. Section 6.1

2174clearly states that failure to meet any of the mandatory

2184requirements will render a proposal non-responsive resulting

2191in rejection of the proposal and that further evaluation would

2201not be performed.

220433. A variance is material when it gives the bidder or

2215offeror a substantial advantage over other bidders and

2223restricts or stifles competition. See Tropabest Foods, Inc.

2231v. State of Florida , 493 So. 2d 50 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986).

2243Whether an irregularity in a bid is material or immaterial

2253turns on "whether the variation affects the amount of the bid

2264by giving the bidder an unfair advantage or benefit not

2274enjoyed by the other bidders." Harry Pepper & Associates,

2283Inc. v. City of Cape Coral , 352 So. 2d 1190,1193 (Fla. 2d DCA


229834. A "responsive offeror" means a person who has

2307submitted a . . . proposal which conforms in all material

2318respects to the . . . request for proposals." Section

2328287.012(17), Florida Statutes.

233135. Sprint's unauthorized limitation of the Liquidated

2338Damages part of the Supplemental Proposal Sheet constitutes a

2347material deviation. Such a deviation would give Sprint an

2356unfair advantage or benefit not enjoyed by the other bidders.

236636. By failing to establish its standing, Sprint is

2375without the ability to further pursue its protest of the

2385Department's intended action. To establish entitlement to a

2393Section 120.57 hearing, a party must show that its substantial

2403interests will be affected by the proposed agency action. See

2413Agrico Chemical Co, v. Department of Environmental Protection ,

2421406 So. 2d 478 (Fla. 2d DCA 1981). When a proposer would not

2434be in a position to be awarded the contract based upon its

2446material deviation from the expectations of the RFP, it does

2456not have a substantial interest to support the protest. Only

2466responsive bidders have standing to protest agency contract

2474awards. Cf. Intercontinental Properties, Inc. v. Department

2481of Health & Rehabilitative Services , 606 So. 2d 381, 384 (Fla.

24923d DCA 1992.)(Party protesting award of government contract to

2501low bidder must be prepared to show not only that low bid was

2514deficient but also that protestor's own bid does not suffer

2524from the same deficiency).

252837. Because Sprint's proposal is non-responsive as a

2536matter of law, it is not necessary to address the question of

2548whether the Department's award of the contract to Worldcom is

2558contrary to the agency's governing statutes, rules or

2566policies, or the bid or proposal specifications. Section

2574120.57(3)(f), Florida Statutes.


2578Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

2587of Law set forth herein, it is


2595That the Department of Corrections enter a final order

2604dismissing the bid protest filed by Sprint.

2611DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of April, 2001, in

2621Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.


2628Administrative Law Judge

2631Division of Administrative Hearings

2635The DeSoto Building

26381230 Ap alachee Parkway

2642Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2645(850) 488- 9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

2650Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


2655Filed with the Clerk of the

2661Division of Administrative Hearings

2665this 6th day of April, 2001.


26721/ The Pre-hearing Stipulation contained the word

"2679allegedly" here.

26812/ See Endnote 1.

26853/ See Endnote 1.

26894/ See Endnote 1.

26935/ While the Department's purchasing staff determined that

2701the proposal submitted by T-NETIX was responsive, at hearing,

2710the remaining parties stipulated that T-NETIX's proposal was



2721Jonathan Sjostrom, Esquire

2724Rex Ware, Esquire

2727Steel, Hector & Davis

2731215 South Monroe Street, Suite 601

2737Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1804

2740Carolyn S. Raepple, Esquire

2744Shannon L. Novey, Esquire

2748Hopping, Green, Sams & Smith, P.A.

2754Post Office Box 6526

2758Tallahassee, Florida 32314

2761Obed Dorceus, Esquire

2764Veronica McCrackin, Esquire

2767Department of Corrections

27702601 Blairstone Road

2773Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500

2776Louis A. Vargas, General Counsel

2781Department of Corrections

27842601 Blair Stone Road

2788Tallahassee, Florida 32399-6563

2791Michael W. Moore, Secretary

2795Department of Corrections

27982601 Blair Stone Road

2802Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500


2807William E. Williams, Esquire

2811J. Andrew Berton, Jr., Esquire

2816Huey, Guilday & Tucker, P.A.

28211983 Centre Point Boulevard, Suite 200

2827Post Office Box 12500

2831Tallahassee, Florida 32317-2500


2840All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

285010 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

2861to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

2872will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/14/2001
Proceedings: Order Denying Petitioner`s Request for Stay Pending Appeal filed by Respondent.
Date: 05/07/2001
Proceedings: Worldcom`s Response in Opposition to Sprint`s Request for Stay Pending Appeal filed.
Date: 04/25/2001
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 04/24/2001
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 04/16/2001
Proceedings: Sprint`s Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/06/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/06/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held February 15, 2001) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/06/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 03/19/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order of Sprint Payphone Services, Inc. filed.
Date: 03/19/2001
Proceedings: Sprint Payphone Services` Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/19/2001
Proceedings: Department of Corrections and MCI Worldcom Communications, Inc. Joint Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/08/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript filed.
Date: 03/08/2001
Proceedings: Transcript filed. (2 volumes)
Date: 02/15/2001
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 02/14/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Objections to the deposition questions for the deposition of Genanne Wilson, Rhonda Mixon, Lisa Bassett and Mary Goodman) filed.
Date: 02/14/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by Petitioner, T-Netix, Inc.
Date: 02/14/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Subpoenas and Returns of Service; Subpoena Ad Testificandum 4 filed.
Date: 02/14/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Withdrawal of Allegations Related to Sunshine Law Claim filed by Petitioner Sprint.
Date: 02/14/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Addition to Sprint`s Exhibit List and Notice of Filing Same filed.
Date: 02/14/2001
Proceedings: Prehearing Stipulation of the Parties filed.
Date: 02/13/2001
Proceedings: State of Florida, Department of Corrections` Answers to Petitioner`s T-Netix, Inc.`s Second Set of Interrogatories to State of Florida, Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 02/13/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent`s, State of Florida, Department of Corrections` Answers to Petitioner`s T-Netix, Inc.`s Second Set of Interrogatories to State of Florida, Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 02/13/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to T-Netix, Inc.`s Second Request for Production of Documents to the Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 02/13/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript of Deposition, The Deposition of: Steve Montanaro filed.
Date: 02/12/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner, T-Netix, Inc.`s Motion for Leave to Amend the Formal Written Protests and Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 02/12/2001
Proceedings: Amended Formal Written Protest and Petition for Formal Administrative Proceeding filed by W. Williams).
Date: 02/12/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion to Strike Sprint`s Allegations of Sunshine Law Violations or in the Alternative, Motion in Limine for Lack of Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 02/12/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcripts of Depositions; Depositions of Rhonda M. Mixon and Shelly Kelley filed.
Date: 02/08/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 02/08/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner, T-Netix, Inc.`s Response to Sprint Payphone Services, Inc.` Response to and Request for Ruling on Objections filed.
Date: 02/08/2001
Proceedings: Response to and Request for Ruling on Objections filed by Petitioner/Intervenor.
Date: 02/08/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing; Petitioner, T-Netix, Inc.`s Responses to Sprint Payphone Services, Inc.`s Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/08/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Hearing on T-Netix, Inc.`s Objection to Sprint`s Discovery filed.
Date: 02/08/2001
Proceedings: Second Cross-Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (change in location only) filed.
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: State of Florida, Department of Corrections` First Set of Interrogatories to T-Netix, Inc. filed.
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: State of Florida, Department of Corrections` Notice of Service of Interrogatories to T-Netix, Inc. filed.
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: Second Amended Notice of Taking Deposition and Request for Production of Documents (as to location only) filed.
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: State of Florida, Department of Corrections` Request for Admissions to T-Netix, Inc. filed.
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s Second Set of Interrogatories to Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s Certificate of Serving Second Set of Interrogatories to Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s Second Request for Production of Documents to the Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner, T-Netix, Inc.`s Response to Sprint Payphone Services, Inc.`s Response to and Request for Ruling on Objections filed.
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: Order issued (the Motion to Dismiss or in the Alternative Motion for Summary Recommended Order is denied without prejudice to raised the issue of standing at final hearing and through Proposed Recommended Orders).
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion to Strike Sprint`s Supplemental Memorandum or in the Alternative Motion for Leave to Submit Same filed.
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Compliance with Second Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/06/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Intervention issued (T-Netix, Inc.`s).
Date: 02/06/2001
Proceedings: MCI WorldCom`s Second Request for Production of Documents to Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 02/06/2001
Proceedings: Sprint`s Supplemental Memorandum in Opposition to the Department`s Motion for Summary Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/06/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Compliance with Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/05/2001
Proceedings: Sprint`s Answers and Objections to Worldcom`s, Inc.`s First Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/02/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s Verified Answers to Sprint Payphone Services, Inc.`s Interrogatories filed.
Date: 02/02/2001
Proceedings: Sprint`s Memorandum in Opposition to The Department`s Motion for Summary Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/02/2001
Proceedings: Response to and Request for Ruling on Objections filed.
Date: 02/02/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 02/02/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petition, T-Netix, Inc.`s Verified Answers to Sprint Payphone Services, Inc.`s Interrogatories filed.
Date: 02/02/2001
Proceedings: Second Cross-Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 02/02/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript of Deposition filed.
Date: 02/02/2001
Proceedings: Deposition of Genanne Wilson filed.
Date: 02/02/2001
Proceedings: State of Florida, Department of Corrections` Response to T-Netix`s Request for Admissions to Respondent Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 02/02/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (J. Sjostrom, C. Raepple, W. Williams) filed.
Date: 01/31/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s Expert Set of Interrogatories to MCI Worldcom Communications, Inc. filed.
Date: 01/31/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s Certificate of Serving Second Set of Interrogatories to MCI Worldcom Communications, Inc. filed.
Date: 01/31/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 01/31/2001
Proceedings: MCI Worldcom`s First Request for Production of Documents to Sprint Payphone Services, Inc. filed.
Date: 01/31/2001
Proceedings: MCI Worldcom`s First Request for Production of Documents to Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 01/31/2001
Proceedings: Re-Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (change in date only) filed.
Date: 01/31/2001
Proceedings: Cross-Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum 2 filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition and Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: State of Florida, Department of Correction Response to Sprint`s Request for Production filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: State of Florida, Department of Corrections` Answers to Petitioner`s, Sprint Payphone Services, Inc.`s Interrogatories to State of Florida Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: State of Florida, Department of Corrections` Answers to Petitioner`s T-Netix, Inc.`s Interrogatories to State of Florida, Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent`s, State of Florida, Department of Corrections` Answers to Petitioner`s T-Netix, Inc.`s Interrogatories to State of Florida, Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: State of Florida, Department of Corrections` Response to Sprint`s Request for Admissions to Respondent Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent`s, State of Florida, Department of Corrections` Answers to Petitioner`s, Sprint Payphone Services, Inc.`s Interrogatories to State of Florida Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: State of Florida, Department of Correction Response to T-Netix`s Request for Production filed.
Date: 01/29/2001
Proceedings: Sprint`s Answers and Objection`s to T-Netix, Inc.`s First Request for Production filed.
Date: 01/29/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Sprint`s Answers and Objections to T-Netix, Inc.`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 01/29/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s Unverified Answers to Sprint Payphone Services, Inc.`s Interrogatories filed.
Date: 01/29/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner, T-Netix, Inc.`s Unverified Answers to Sprint Payphone Services, Inc.`s Interrogatories filed.
Date: 01/29/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner, T-Netix, Inc.`s Response to Sprint Payphone Services, Inc.`s Request for Production filed.
Date: 01/26/2001
Proceedings: Cross Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 01/26/2001
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition and Amended Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 01/26/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s First Request for Admissions to Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 01/26/2001
Proceedings: Department of Correction`s Motion to Dismiss or in the Alternative Motion for Summary Recommended Order and Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 01/25/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition and Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 01/25/2001
Proceedings: Cross Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 01/25/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 01/25/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 01/25/2001
Proceedings: Amended Notice for Agency Representative Deposition (change in place only) filed.
Date: 01/24/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner Sprint`s Request for Production to Respondent Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s First Set of Interrogatories to MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s Certificate of Serving First Set of Interrogatories to MCI Worldcom Communication, Inc. filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s First Set of Interrogatories to Sprint Payphone Services, Inc. filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s Certified of Service of First Set of Interrogatories to Sprint Payphone Services, Inc. filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s First Set of Interrogatories to Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s Certificate of Serving of First Set of Interrogatories to Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s First Request for Production of Documents to Sprint Payphone Services, Inc. filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s First Request for Production of Documents to the Department of Corrections filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: T-Netix, Inc.`s First Request for Production of Documents to MCI WorldCom Communication, Inc. filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Sprint`s Interrogatories to Petitioner T-Netix, Inc. (Nos. 1-5) filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Sprint`s Interrogatories to Respondent Department of Corrections (Nos. 1-9) filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: Notice for Agency Representative Deposition filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: Intervenor Sprints Request for Production to Petitioner T-Netix filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner Sprint`s Request for Production to Intervenor WorldCom filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: Requests for Admissions to Respondent Department of Corrections from Petitioner Sprint (Nos. 1-25) filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Sprint`s Interrogatories to Intervenor MCI/Worldcom (Nos. 1-4) filed.
Date: 01/22/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Intervention issued (MCI Worldcom Communications, Inc. and Spring Payphone Services, Inc.).
Date: 01/18/2001
Proceedings: Order of Pre-Hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 01/18/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for February 15 and 16, 2001, 9:30 a.m., Tallahassee, Fl.).
Date: 01/18/2001
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation issued. (consolidated cases are: 01-000189BID and 01-000190BID)
Date: 01/16/2001
Proceedings: Worldcom`s Petition for leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 01/16/2001
Proceedings: Power of Attorney filed.
Date: 01/16/2001
Proceedings: Procurement Protest Bond filed.
Date: 01/16/2001
Proceedings: Formal Written Protest and Petition for Formal Administrative Proceeding filed.
Date: 01/16/2001
Proceedings: Request for Assignment of Administrative Law Judge and Notice of Preservation of Record filed.
Date: 01/16/2001
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


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