01-001307 Palm Beach County School Board vs. Cassandra Dickerson
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, August 24, 2001.

View Dockets  
Summary: School Board`s evidence was sufficient to recommend termination of non-instructional employee`s employment based upon unsatisfactory performance.





15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) Case No. 01-1307




28Respondent. )



33The parties having been provided proper notice,

40Administrative Law Judge John G. Van Laningham of the Division

50of Administrative Hearings convened a formal hearing of this

59matter in West Palm Beach, Florida, on June 7, 2001, as

70scheduled . The hearing was adjourned that same day.


80For Petitioner : Alan M. Aronson, Esquire

87Office of the Chief Counsel

92for the School Board

96Palm Beach County School Board

1013318 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-302

107West Palm Beach, Florida 33406

112For Respondent : No appearance


121The issue in this case is whether a district school board

132is entitled to terminate the employment of a non-instructional

141employee whose performance is alleged to have been



152In a Petition for Suspension Without Pay and Dismissal From

162Employment dated March 15, 2001, the Superintendent of Schools

171for the School District of Palm Beach County, Florida (the

"181District") urged the Palm Beach County School Board (the

"191Board") to suspend Respondent Cassandra Dickerson

198("Ms. Dickerson") without pay effective March 29, 2001, and to

210terminate her employment effective 15 days after the Board's

219decision or, alternatively, following an administrative hearing

226if timely requested. The superintendent based his

233recommendation on the allegation that Ms. Dickerson had failed

242to correct identified performance deficiencies within 30 days

250after an unsatisfactory evaluation, despite having been provided

258assistance to improve her performance.

263The Board accepted the superintendent's recommendation at

270its regular meeting on March 28, 2001. Ms. Dickerson timely

280requested a formal administrative hearing, and, on April 5,

2892001, the matter was referred to the Division of Administrative


300The undersigned Administrative Law Judge, having been

307assigned the case, issued a Notice of Hearing on April 17, 2001,

319that set the final hearing for June 7 and 8, 2001, in West Palm

333Beach, Florida. The hearing convened on June 7 as scheduled.

343The Board appeared through counsel. Ms. Dickerson, who had

352participated in pre-hearing telephone conferences and for that

360reason was known to be aware of the date, place, and time of the

374final hearing, did not appear. Because the Board had the burden

385of proving its allegations, the hearing went forward without

394Ms. Dickerson.

396The Board presented four witnesses, all District employees :

405Kimberly Vargas-Vila, a classroom teacher; Ruby Garcia, a

413paraprofessional; Elizabeth Cardozo, Principal; and Diane

419Curcio-Greaves, Professional Standards Specialist. In addition,

425the Board introduced 29 exhibits into evidence, numbered 1

434through 29.

436On June 8, 2001, the A dministrative Law Judge issued Post-

447Hearing Instructions that directed the parties to file their

456proposed recommended orders within 20 days after the filing of

466the final hearing transcript with the Division of Administrative


476The transcript was filed on June 27, 2001. An Order

486Regarding Proposed Recommended Orders was entered on June 28,

4952001, which specifically established July 17, 2001, as the

504deadline for filing post-hearing papers. This deadline was

512enlarged to July 24, 2001, on the Board's motion.

521The Board timely filed its Proposed Findings of Fact and

531Recommended Order. The undersigned carefully considered the

538Board's submission in the preparation of this Recommended Order.

547Ms. Dickerson did not submit any post-hearing papers.


5581. At all times material, Ms. Dickerson was employed in

568the District as an education paraprofessional. For the 2000-01

577school year, she was assigned to Meadow Park Elementary School

587(the "School").

5902. That year, Ms. Dickerson worked under the supervision

599and direction of a special education teacher named Kimberly

608Vargas-Vila, whose half-dozen or so pupils, ranging in age from

618three to seven years, were children with autism.

6263. Ms. Dickerson was one of two paraprofessionals placed

635in Ms. Vargas-Vila’s classroom for the 2000-01 school year. In

645the discharge of her duties, Ms. Dickerson was required to feed

656students, help them in the toilet, assist the teacher in the

667classroom, assist children in play, watch them on the

676playground, make copies, and run errands for the teacher.

6854. Not long after the school year started, Ms. Vargas-Vila

695noticed that Ms. Dickerson resisted attempts by the other

704paraprofessional, who was a so-called "one-on-one" aide assigned

712to a specific student, to help Ms. Dickerson. Ms. Dickerson

722wanted to perform certain duties herself and often refused

731offers of assistance. Ms. Dickerson's unwillingness to share

739the work load was not initially disruptive but increasingly

748became so.

7505. In October 2000, another pr oblem developed :

759Ms. Dickerson began to disobey Ms. Vargas-Vila's directions

767concerning the management of students' behavior. The teacher

775spoke with Ms. Dickerson about this issue, but Ms. Dickerson

785refused to discuss the matter with her. Instead, Ms. Dickerson

795sent a letter to the Board in which she unjustly accused

806Ms. Vargas-Vila of harassment.

8106. Unable on her own to resolve the problems she was

821having with Ms. Dickerson, Ms. Vargas-Vila sought the advice of

831the School's Principal, Elizabeth Cardozo. After conferring,

838they decided that the three of them (the principal, the teacher,

849and the paraprofessional) should meet together.

8557. Accordingly, a meeting was held between Ms. Dickerson,

864Ms. Vargas-Vila, and Ms. Cardozo on October 18, 2000. While the

875primary topic of discussion was Ms. Dickerson's allegation that

884Ms. Vargas-Vila had harassed her (which was groundless), other

893matters were discussed too, with the participants agreeing to

902reconvene if problems recurred.

9068. Despit e this meeting on October 18, 2000, Ms. Vargas-

917Vila continued to have difficulties with Ms. Dickerson.

925Therefore, a few weeks later, on November 7, 2000, Ms. Vargas-

936Vila wrote a memorandum to Ms. Cardozo that related her concerns

947about Ms. Dickerson's ongoing failure to follow instructions

955relating to the behavior management techniques that she (the

964teacher) wanted to use with a particular student.

9729. In this memorandum, Ms. Vargas-Vila explained that she

981frequently had told Ms. Dickerson to ignore certain

989inappropriate behaviors in which the student in question was

998engaging, but Ms. Dickerson refused to comply. Rather than

1007ignore the student, as directed, Ms. Dickerson would continue to

1017talk and interact with the student. Ms. Vargas-Vila also had

1027instructed that the student’s chair be placed slightly apart

1036from the other students, but Ms. Dickerson, disobeying, had

1045moved the student’s chair back towards the others in the group.

1056Ms. Dickerson's defiance was causing friction in the classroom.

106510. Whe n Ms. Vargas-Vila witnessed these insubordinate

1073acts, she immediately discussed them with Ms. Dickerson, who

1082either did not comment or expressed her opinion that the

1092teacher's orders were inappropriate.

109611. Ms. Vargas-Vila's memorandum of November 7, 2000,

1104reported as well that Ms. Dickerson continued to object when the

1115teacher asked the other paraprofessional to handle duties that

1124Ms. Dickerson felt were "her" tasks.

113012. As a result of Ms. Vargas-Vila's memorandum, a meeting

1140was held on November 17, 2000, between Ms. Dickerson ,

1149Ms. Vargas-Vila, Ms. Cardozo, and a District official named John

1159Stevens. The meeting was difficult because Ms. Dickerson became

1168loud and angry, accusing the attendees, among other things, of

1178plotting to violate her Constitutional rights. She also made

1187the weird charge that Ms. Vargas-Vila had employed a "fake

1197cough" to aggravate her in the classroom. Notwithstanding these

1206impediments to productive discourse, Ms. Vargas-Vila reviewed

"1213improvement strategies" with Ms. Dickerson, who said that she

1222would follow this advice. Afterwards, Ms. Dickerson was

1230provided a written summary of the November 17, 2000, conference,

1240which specified the areas in which improvement was needed and

1250the recommended improvement strategies.

12541 3. For a while after the November 17, 2000, meeting ,

1265Ms. Dickerson's performance improved. But before the month was

1274out, Ms. Dickerson had resumed refusing to allow the other

1284paraprofessional to perform certain duties, and she had begun

1293once again to disregard the behavior management techniques that

1302Ms. Vargas-Vila prescribed. These problems continued into the

1310next calendar year.

131314. Throughout January 2001, Ms. Dickerson's performance-

1320related problems persisted. Ms. Vargas-Vila talked specifically

1327with Ms. Dickerson about the need for her to follow directions

1338and allow other people to help out in the classroom, but

1349Ms. Dickerson did not change her unsatisfactory behavior. As a

1359result, another meeting with Ms. Cardozo was scheduled, for

1368January 25, 2001.

137115. The January 25, 2001, meeting was attended by

1380Ms. Cardozo, Ms. Vargas-Vila, and Ms. Dickerson. During the

1389meeting, Ms. Dickerson was told that she had failed to follow

1400the improvement strategies that had been recommended——and which

1408she had agreed to implement——during the conference on

1416November 17, 2000. Ms. Dickerson was notified that if she

1426continued to disobey the teacher's directions, she would be

1435subject to disciplinary action. Finally, more improvement

1442strategies were discussed, and these were reduced to writing, as

1452part of the principal's conference notes, a copy of which was

1463provided to Ms. Dickerson on January 30, 2001.

147116. As of the January 25, 2001, meeting, Ms. Cardozo was

1482convinced that Ms. Dickerson’s job performance was

1489unsatisfactory and that her actions were interfering with the

1498instructional process in the classroom. Consequently ,

1504Ms. Cardozo sought guidance from Diane Curcio-Greaves, a

1512Professional Standards Specialist at the District's

1518headquarters, in regard to the preparation of a performance

1527evaluation of Ms. Dickerson.

153117. The conditions of Ms. Dickerson's employment were

1539governed by a collective bargaining agreement called the

1547Agreement Between the School District of Palm Beach County,

1556Florida and the Association of Education Secretaries and Office

1565Professionals, dated July 1, 1997 - June 30, 2000 (the "Union

1576Contract"). The Union Contract forbade the recommendation of an

1586employee for termination based upon an unsatisfactory evaluation

1594unless that employee had been given at least 30 days to improve

1606his or her performance.

161018. In view of this contractual provision, Ms. Curcio-

1619Greaves and Ms. Cardozo decided that Ms. Dickerson would be

1629afforded 30 days from the date she received an unsatisfactory

1639performance evaluation within which to correct the identified


164819. On February 2, 2001, based on Ms. Vargas-Vila's input

1658as well as her own observations, Ms. Cardozo recorded her

1668assessment of Ms. Dickerson's performance on a Noninstructional

1676Evaluation form used by the District. Ms. Cardozo rated

1685Ms. Dickerson unsatisfactory under the categories of self

1693motivation, adaptability to change, interpersonal effectiveness,

1699and assignments (specifically, under the last heading, for

1707failing to follow directions easily and effectively).

1714Ms. Cardozo assigned Ms. Dickerson an overall rating of


172420. Ms. Cardozo, Ms. Curcio-Greaves, and Assistant

1731Principal Diane Bell met with Ms. Dickerson on February 5, 2001,

1742to discuss the unsatisfactory evaluation and to initiate a 30-

1752day assistance plan. At this meeting, improvement strategies

1760for each area in which her performance had been deemed

1770unsatisfactory were recommended to Ms. Dickerson. These

1777improvement strategies, together with a statement of the reasons

1786why Ms. Dickerson's job performance was considered

1793unsatisfactory, were set forth in a memorandum of assistance

1802dated February 2, 2001, which Ms. Cardozo had prepared earlier.

181221. The evaluation and its attach ments, including the

1821memorandum of assistance, were presented to Ms. Dickerson on

1830February 5, 2001. Ms. Dickerson acknowledged receipt of these

1839documents, noting her disagreement with the contents and vowing

1848to appeal "THIS FALSE PLOT!"

185322. In accordan ce with District policy and the Union

1863Contract, Ms. Cardozo was responsible for monitoring

1870Ms. Dickerson's progress during the 30-day assistance period and

1879periodically meeting with Ms. Dickerson to review her

1887performance and provide feedback. Ms. Cardozo scheduled several

1895review conferences with Ms. Dickerson, to occur on Friday,

1904February 16; Monday, February 26; and Monday, March 12, 2001.

1914These dates were provided to Ms. Dickerson in a memorandum dated

1925February 8, 2001, receipt of which was acknowledged by

1934Ms. Dickerson that same day.

193923. The first review conference was held on February 20,

19492001. 1 Present were the same persons as on February 5 :

1961Ms. Cardozo, Ms. Bell, Ms. Curcio-Greaves, and Ms. Dickerson.

1970Ms. Cardozo discussed each previously-identified area of

1977deficiency with Ms. Dickerson and told Ms. Dickerson what was

1987expected of her to correct these deficiencies, which persisted.

1996Ms. Dickerson was not receptive to advice and indeed refused to

2007acknowledge that her performance was unsatisfactory. Based upon

2015Ms. Dickerson’s comments and the fact that she had not been

2026following the implementation strategies described in the

2033February 2, 2001, memorandum of assistance, Ms. Cardozo was of

2043the opinion that as of February 20, 2001, Ms. Dickerson’s job

2054performance had not improved.

205824. On February 22, 2001, Ms. Cardozo wrote a memorandum

2068detailing the discussion that had taken place during the

2077February 20, 2001, meeting. This memorandum specified the areas

2086of Ms. Dickerson’s job performance that continued to be

2095deficient, and spelled out the steps that Ms. Dickerson needed

2105to take in order to improve. Ms. Cardozo gave Ms. Dickerson a

2117copy of her memorandum on February 22, 2001 , receipt of which

2128was acknowledged by Ms. Dickerson.

213325. On February 23, 2001, Ms. Cardozo formally observed

2142Ms. Dickerson in Ms. Vargas-Vila's classroom for one hour. She

2152noticed that Ms. Dickerson continued to be performing

2160unsatisfactorily in the area of interpersonal effectiveness.

216726. A few days later, on February 26, 2001, a second

2178review meeting was held with Ms. Dickerson. In attendance were

2188Ms. Cardozo, Ms. Curcio-Greaves, Ms. Bell, Jeanne Burdsall (a

2197Manager in the District's Office of Professional Standards), and

2206Ms. Dickerson. At this meeting, Ms. Dickerson informed the

2215group that she had spoken with the "Assistant Superintendent"

2224concerning her belief that people were trying to take her job

2235away and give her a bad evaluation. Ms. Dickerson was reminded

2246that on February 5, 2001, she had been advised about the

2257grievance procedures available to union members. Ms. Dickerson

2265was again informed of her right to contact a union

2275representative if she wanted to file a grievance regarding her


228627. It is evident that by the tim e of the February 26,

22992001, meeting, Ms. Dickerson was not implementing previously-

2307recommended improvement strategies and had no intention of doing

2316so. She continued to deny having performance problems and

2325stubbornly resisted attempts to help her improve. Ms. Dickerson

2334repeated the now-familiar but utterly unsubstantiated accusation

2341that Ms. Vargas-Vila and others were harassing her and plotting

2351to take away her job. Ms. Dickerson's comments had become

2361alarmingly irrational and paranoid.

236528. On March 6, 2001, Ms. Dickerson received a copy of

2376Ms. Cardozo's detailed memorandum describing the February 26

2384meeting. Ms. Cardozo continued to hold the opinion that

2393Ms. Dickerson had not improved her job performance to a

2403satisfactory level.

240529. The next day, Ms. Dickerson refused to change a

2415child's diaper at the direct request of Ms. Vargas-Vila,

2424claiming that it was not her job and complaining that the

2435teacher's directive constituted harassment. Ms. Vargas-Vila

2441immediately brought this incident to Ms. Cardozo's attention.

2449Within hours, the principal had notified Ms. Dickerson in

2458writing that she wanted to meet with her the following day,

2469March 8, 2001, in order to review the notes that Ms. Cardozo had

2482made concerning her February 23, 2001, classroom evaluation of

2491Ms. Dickerson.

249330. Later that afternoon, Ms. Dickerson appeared in

2501Ms. Cardozo's office, ranting loudly that she was being harassed

2511and asking why they needed to have a meeting. Ms. Cardozo

2522advised Ms. Dickerson that the reason for the meeting was to go

2534over the results of the February 23, 2001, observation.

2543Ms. Dickerson alleged (again) that she could no longer do her

2554job due to the supposed harassment. Ms. Cardozo asked

2563Ms. Dickerson if she was refusing to meet with her, and

2574Ms. Dickerson told her she was not.

258131. At that point, Ms. Cardozo told Ms. Dickerson that she

2592would arrange to discuss the observation of February 23, 2001,

2602at the upcoming assistance review meeting, scheduled for

2610March 12, 2001. Thereupon, Ms. Dickerson left Ms. Cardozo’s

2619office, only to return minutes later to tell Ms. Cardozo that

2630she was sick and leaving for the day. In light of

2641Ms. Dickerson's outburst and bizarre behavior, Ms. Cardozo began

2650to worry that she or her staff might be in danger.

266132. Ms. Cardozo’s last meeting with Ms. Dickerson was on

2671March 12, 2001. Ms. Cardozo gave Ms. Dickerson a copy of her

2683memorandum of the observation that she had conducted on

2692February 23, 2001. In the memorandum, Ms. Cardozo specifically

2701commented on Ms. Dickerson's lack of interpersonal

2708effectiveness. Ms. Cardozo also handed Ms. Dickerson a

2716Noninstructional Evaluation form that she had completed on

2724March 12, 2001, on which Ms. Dickerson was graded unsatisfactory

2734in the areas of self motivation, adaptability to change,

2743interpersonal effectiveness, and assignments——the same areas in

2750which Ms. Dickerson's performance previously had been considered

2758deficient. Overall, the evaluation was unsatisfactory.

276433. Because she had failed to correct the identified

2773performance deficiencies within 30 days, Ms. Dickerson was

2781informed via a letter from the Chief Personnel Officer, which

2791she received on March 12, 2001, that effective March 13, 2001,

2802she was being reassigned to her home with pay, pending the

2813Board's next meeting on March 28, 2001, at which time action

2824would be taken to dismiss her.

283034. By memorandum dated March 12, 2001, Ms. Cardozo

2839notified the Director of Professional Standards that

2846Ms. Dickerson had been given an unsatisfactory evaluation after

2855the end of a 30-day assistance period. Based upon the

2865unsatisfactory evaluation, Ms. Cardozo requested a District

2872review to determine further action, up to and including

2881termination of Ms. Dickerson's employment.

288635. In due course, pursuant to District policy, a

2895competency hearing was convened before a committee of District

2904employees, to review the evaluation process and Ms. Cardozo's

2913recommendation that Ms. Dickerson's employment be terminated.

2920The committee determined that all of the procedures for

2929terminating a non-instructional employee for unsatisfactory

2935performance had been followed, and it voted to uphold

2944Ms. Cardozo's recommendation.

294736. The superintendent accepted the committee's

2953recommendation, executing a petition on March 15, 2001, which

2962urged the Board to suspend Ms. Dickerson without pay effective

2972March 29, 2001, and to terminate her employment effective 15

2982days after the Board's decision or following an administrative

2991hearing if timely requested.

299537. Although the record is not entirely clear, it appears

3005that the Board suspended Ms. Dickerson without pay effective

3014March 29, 2001, as recommended.

3019Ultimate Factual Determination

302238. Ms. Dickerson's job performance was unsatisfactory,

3029and she failed to correct the identified deficiencies within the

303930-day period prescribed under the Union Contract, despite the

3048provision of ample assistance to improve her performance.


305939. The Division of Administrative Hearings has person al

3068and subject matter jurisdiction in this proceeding pursuant to

3077Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

308340. Generally speaking, "[i ]n accordance with the

3091provisions of s. 4(b) of Art. IX of the State Constitution,

3102district school boards [are empowered to] operate, control, and

3111supervise all free public schools in their respective districts

3120and may exercise any power except as expressly prohibited by the

3131State Constitution or general law." Section 230.03(2), Florida


314041. The distr ict superintendent is responsible for

3148recommending the placement of school personnel and requiring

3156compliance and observance by all personnel of the laws,

3165policies, and directives of the school district. The

3173superintendent has the authority to recommend to the school

3182board that a district employee be dismissed from employment. See

3192Section 230.33(7)(e), Florida Statutes

319642. "Under Florida law, a school board's decision to

3205terminate an employee is one affecting the employee's

3213substantial interests; therefore, the employee is entitled to a

3222formal hearing under section 120.57(1) if material issues of

3231fact are in dispute," for a school board is "a state agency

3243falling within Chapter 120 for purposes of quasi-judicial

3251administrative orders." Sublett v. District School Board of

3259Sumter County , 617 So. 2d 374, 377 (Fla. 5th DCA 1993).

327043. A district school board employee against whom a

3279dismissal proceeding has been initiated must be given written

3288notice of the specific charges prior to the hearing. Although

3298the notice "need not be set forth with the technical nicety or

3310formal exactness required of pleadings in court," it should

"3319specify the [statute,] rule, [regulation, policy, or collective

3328bargaining provision] the [school board] alleges has been

3336violated and the conduct which occasioned [said] violation."

3344Jacker v. School Board of Dade County , 426 So. 2d 1149, 1151

3356(Fla. 3d DCA 1983)(Jorgenson, J. concurring).

336244. Once the school board, in its notice of specific

3372charges, has delineated the offenses alleged to justify

3380termination, those are the only grounds upon which dismissal may

3390be predicated, and none other. See Lusskin v. Agency for Health

3401Care Administration , 731 So. 2d 67, 69 (Fla. 4th DCA 1999) ;

3412Cottrill v. Department of Insurance , 685 So. 2d 1371, 1372 (Fla.

34231st DCA 1996) ; Klein v. Department of Business and Professional

3433Regulation , 625 So. 2d 1237, 1238-39 (Fla. 2d DCA 1993) ; Delk v.

3445Department of Professional Regulation , 595 So. 2d 966, 967 (Fla.

34555th DCA 1992) ; Willner v. Department of Professional Regulation,

3464Board of Medicine , 563 So. 2d 805, 806 (Fla. 1st DCA 1990), rev.

3477denied , 576 So. 2d 295 (1991).

348345. At hearing, the school board has the burden to prove

3494the allegations contained in the notice of specific charges by a

3505preponderance of the evidence, unless the collective bargaining

3513agreement covering the bargaining unit of which the employee is

3523a member prescribes a more demanding standard of proof. See

3533McNeill v. Pinellas County School Board , 678 So. 2d 476, 477

3544(Fla. 2d DCA 1996)("The School Board bears the burden of

3555proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, each element of the

3566charged offense which may warrant dismissal."); Sublett v.

3575Sumter County School Board , 664 So. 2d 1178, 1179 (Fla. 5th DCA

35871995). Neither party here has pointed to or offered in evidence

3598any contractual provision that would require the Board to

3607satisfy a stricter standard of proof. 2

361446. Where the employee whose discharge is sought is an

"3624educational support employee," the school board must also act

3633in accordance with the provisions of Section 231.3605, Florida

3642Statutes, which provides:

3645(1) As used in this section:

3651(a) "Educational support employee" means

3656any person employed by a district school

3663system who is so employed as . . . a

3673secretary, or a clerical employee, or any

3680other person who by virtue of his or her

3689position of employment is not required to be

3697certified by the Department of Education or

3704district school board pursuant to s.

3710231.1725. This section does not apply to

3717persons employed in confidential or

3722management positions. This section applies

3727to all employees who are not temporary or

3735casual and whose duties require 20 or more

3743hours in each normal working week.

3749(b) "Employee" means any person employed

3755as an educational support employee.

3760(c) "Superintendent" means the

3764superintendent of schools or his or her


3772(2)(a) Each educational support employee

3777shall be employed on probationary status for

3784a period to be determined through the

3791appropriate collective bargaining agreement

3795or by district school board rule in cases

3803where a collective bargaining agreement does

3809not exist.

3811(b ) Upon successful completion of the

3818probationary period by the employee, the

3824employee's status shall continue from year

3830to year unless the superintendent terminates

3836the employee for reasons stated in the

3843collective bargaining agreement, or in

3848district school board rule in cases where a

3856collective bargaining agreement does not

3861exist, or reduces the number of employees on

3869a districtwide basis for financial reasons.

3875(c) In the event the superintendent seeks

3882termination of an employee, the district

3888school board may suspend the employee with

3895or without pay. The employee shall receive

3902written notice and shall have the

3908opportunity to formally appeal the

3913termination. The appeals process shall be

3919determined by the appropriate collective

3924bargaining process or by district school

3930board rule in the event there is no

3938collective bargaining agreement.

394147. Ms. Dickerson is an "educational support employee,"

3949within the meaning of Section 231.3605(1)(a), Florida Statutes,

3957who has completed the probationary period and is covered by a

3968collective bargaining agreement. Accordingly, pursuant to

3974Section 231.3605(2)(b), Florida Statutes, her employment may be

3982terminated "for reasons stated in the collective bargaining


399148. An examination of the Union Contract reveals that a

4001bargaining unit member covered by the contract may be dismissed

4011for unsatisfactory performance. The pertinent contractual

4017provisions, found in Article 3, Section B, Paragraphs 4 and 14,

4028provide, respectively, as follows:

4032(a ) All members of the bargaining unit

4040shall have one written evaluation yearly.

4046(b ) Prior to an evaluation that may result

4055in "less than satisfactory", a conference

4061shall be arranged no less than twenty (20)

4069duty days prior to the formal evaluation

4076being conducted to allow an employee the

4083opportunity to improve his/her performance.

4088The employee shall receive, in writing, the

4095areas of improvement needed.

4099(c ) Employees will be given a copy of the

4109written evaluation prepared by the

4114principal/supervisor and will have the right

4120to discuss such evaluation with his/her


4127(d ) The professional judgment of the

4134evaluator and the content of the evaluation

4141shall not be subject to the grievance

4148procedure. Any other grievance filed under

4154this section of the contract shall not be

4162subject to binding arbitration.

4166(e ) The employee shall have twenty (20)

4174duty days to attach a written statement of

4182rebuttal to the evaluation. All written

4188rebuttals shall be sent to the Department of

4196Employee Records and Information Services.

4201(f ) No administrator or department head

4208shall discuss any matter relating to the

4215performance of an employee in the presence

4222of students, parents or other employees.

4228All personnel and/or confidential matters

4233shall only be discussed in private offices.

4240(g ) If an employee is not working up to

4250expectation, a Memorandum of Assistance will

4256be presented to the employee by the

4263principal/department head. This memorandum

4267will state specific reasons why the

4273employee's job performance is considered

4278unsatisfactory. This memorandum will also

4283state specific steps to take for the

4290employee to improve his/her performance.

4295* * *

4298(a ) An employee whose performance is deemed

4306to be less than satisfactory by his/her

4313supervisor shall be so advised in writing of

4321such unsatisfactory performance by the

4326principal/department head.

4328(b ) The employee will be provided

4335assistance to improve his/her performance.

4340(c ) No employee shall be recommended for

4348termination based on unsatisfactory

4352evaluation unless he/she has been given at

4359least thirty (30) days to improve his/her


4367(d ) An employee who has been recommended to

4376the Superintendent for termination shall be

4382given notice, in writing with documentation

4388stating the reasons for this by his/her

4395principal/department head. The employee

4399shall be given ten (10) working days notice

4407if the Superintendent is recommending

4412termination prior to School Board action.

4418(e ) After School Board action, an employee

4426may, within fifteen (15) days, protest

4432his/her performance-based termination

4435through either the grievance procedure or

4441the Department [ sic ] of Administration


4449Union Contract, at pp. 11, 14-15.

445549. As se t forth in the Findings of Fact, the Board

4467carried its burden, by the requisite quantum of proof, to

4477establish that Ms. Dickerson's performance was unsatisfactory.

4484The evidence shows as well that the Board complied with the

4495provisions in the Union Contract that govern the performance-

4504based termination of non-instructional employees.


4510Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

4520Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board enter a final order

4531ratifying Ms. Dickerson's suspension without pay effective

4538March 29, 2001, and discharging her from further employment in

4548the Palm Beach County Public Schools.

4554DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of August, 2001, in

4564Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4573Administrative Law Judge

4576Division of Administrative Hearings

4580The DeSoto Building

45831230 Apalachee Parkway

4586Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

4589(850) 488- 9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

4594Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


4599Filed with the Clerk of the

4605Division of Administrative Hearings

4609this 24th day of August, 2001.


46161 / Evidently, this meeting, originally set to take place on

4627February 16, 2001, had been rescheduled, for reasons that are

4637not clear in the record.

46422 / Where the district school board, through the collective

4652bargaining process, has agreed to bear a more demanding

4661standard, it must honor, and act in accordance with, its

4671agreement. See Chiles v. United Faculty of Florida , 615 So. 2d

4682671, 672-73 (Fla. 1993)("Once the executive has negotiated and

4692the legislature has accepted and funded an agreement [with its

4702employees' collective bargaining representative], the state and

4709all its organs are bound by that [collective bargaining

4718agreement] under the principles of contract law."); Hillsborough

4727County Governmental Employees Association v. Hillsborough County

4734Aviation Authority , 522 So. 2d 358, 363 (Fla. 1988)("[W ]e hold

4746that a public employer must implement a ratified collective

4755bargaining agreement with respect to wages, hours, or terms or

4765conditions of employment . . . ."); Palm Beach County School

4777Board v. Auerbach , No. 96-3683 (Fla. DOAH February 20, 1997)

4787(Recommended Order)("Long-standing case law establishes that in

4795a teacher employment discipline case, the school district has

4804the burden of proving its charges by a preponderance of the

4815evidence. . . . However, in this case, the district must comply

4827with the terms of the collective bargaining agreement, which

4836. . . requires the more stringent standard of proof: clear and

4848convincing evidence.").


4853Alan M. Aronson, Esquire

4857Office of the Chief Counsel

4862for the School Board

4866Palm Beach County School Board

48713318 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-302

4877West Palm Beach, Florida 33406

4882Cassandra Dickerson

4884Post Office Box 12084

4888Lake Park, Florida 33403

4892Honorable Charlie Crist, Commissioner

4896Department of Education

4899The Capitol, Plaza Level 08

4904Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

4907Dr. H. Benjamin Marlin, Superintendent

4912Palm Beach County School Board

49173340 Forest Hill Boulevard

4921Room C316

4923West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-5869


4934All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

494415 days from the date of this R ecommended O rder. Any exceptions

4957to this R ecommended O rder should be filed with the agency that

4970will issue the F inal O rder in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/01/2001
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 09/19/2001
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/24/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/24/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 08/24/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held June 7, 2001) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/24/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Findings of Fact and Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/03/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time to File a Recommended Order issued.
Date: 07/03/2001
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to File a Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/28/2001
Proceedings: Order Regarding Proposed Recomended Orders issued.
Date: 06/27/2001
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 06/13/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Copy of Petitioner`s Exhibits with Respondent (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/08/2001
Proceedings: Post-Hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 06/07/2001
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 06/06/2001
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance issued.
Date: 06/05/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Laningham from C. Dickerson (request to cancel hearing) filed.
Date: 06/04/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Lanningham from C. Dickerson regarding requesting to cancel hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/30/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Petitioner`s Evidence List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/30/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Petitioner`s Witness List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/16/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Laningham from A. Aronson (request for re-employment) filed.
Date: 05/04/2001
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance issued.
Date: 05/03/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/27/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Laningham from C. Dickinson (Attaching previously filed Response to Initial Order; filed on 4/16/01) filed.
Date: 04/17/2001
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 04/17/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for June 7 and 8, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach, FL).
Date: 04/17/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Ex Parte Communication issued.
Date: 04/16/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 04/16/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Laningham from C. Dickerson (Response to Initial Order) filed.
Date: 04/06/2001
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 04/05/2001
Proceedings: Request for Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/05/2001
Proceedings: Petition for Suspension without Pay and Dismissal from Employment (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/05/2001
Proceedings: Agency referral (filed via facsimile).

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida


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