01-002070 Flagler County School Board vs. John A. Highsmith
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, October 23, 2001.

View Dockets  
Summary: Assistant school principal was arrested and convicted of driving under the influence and possession of drug paraphernalia. Respondent`s contract should be terminated.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 01 - 2070




30Respondent. )



35Notice was provi ded, and a formal hearing was held on

46August 29 and 30, 2001, in Bunnell, Florida, and conducted by

57Harry L. Hooper, Administrative Law Judge with the Division of

67Administrative Hearings.


70For Petitioner: Frank D. Upchurch, Esquire

76Upchurch, Bailey and Upchurch, P.A.

81Post Office Drawer 3007

85St. Augustine, Florida 32085 - 9066

91For Respondent: Bill Salmon, Esquire

96204 West University Avenue

100Suite 8

102Gainesville, Florida 32602


109Whether Respondent's employment be terminated based on his



120At times pertinent Respondent was employed as an as sistant

130principal by the Flagler County School Board (Board).

138Subsequent to the arrest of Respondent on November 12, 2000,

148Respondent was suspended from his employment with pay. On

157November 21, 2000, Respondent was suspended without pay and on

167April 26, 2001, Respondent was informed that his employment was

177to be terminated for cause. Respondent timely requested an

186administrative hearing.

188The matter was set for a hearing on July 31, 2001.

199Pursuant to a joint motion to continue the hearing, the case was

211subsequently set to commence on August 29, 2001, in Bunnell,

221Florida, and was heard as scheduled.

227Petitioner presented the testimony of five witnesses and

235offered 23 exhibits which were admitted into evidence.

243Respondent presented the testimony o f ten witnesses and offered

253one exhibit which was admitted.

258A Transcript was filed on September 20, 2001. Petitioner's

267Proposed Recommended Order was timely filed on October 4, 2001.

277Respondent moved for an extension of time to file his Proposed

288Rec ommended Order. The motion was not opposed by Petitioner and

299was granted. Respondent was permitted to file his Proposed

308Recommended Order no later than October 9, 2001, and he timely

319filed it. The Proposed Recommended Orders were considered in

328the prepa ration of the Recommended Order.


3381. Respondent, from the beginning of the 1998 - 1999 school

349year until April 26, 2001, was employed by the Board as

360assistant principal in charge of the Ninth Grade Center at

370Flagler - Palm Coast Hig h School (Flagler). Prior to the 1998 -

3831999 school year, he was employed by the Board as a teacher and

396as Dean of Students.

4002. Respondent's employment was pursuant to a contract

408between Respondent and the Board which provided for employment

417from July 1, 1999 until June 30, 2001.

4253. On Sunday, November 12, 2000, Respondent attended a

434football game in Jacksonville, Florida, with a friend. He

443departed the stadium area in the late afternoon and traveled to

454Daytona Beach.

4564. By 9:30 p.m., on November 12, 2001, he was in his Honda

469automobile with his friend, occupying the right travel lane of

479U.S. 92, about four miles west of Interstate 95. His automobile

490was motionless and oriented west toward Deland. U.S. 92 is a

501high - speed, four - lane hi ghway, with a divided median. The speed

515limit in the portion of the road occupied by Respondent's

525automobile is 65 miles per hour. It is located in Volusia

536County, which is the county immediately south of Flagler County.

5465. Deputy Mike Burton, of t he Volusia County Sheriff's

556Office, was proceeding west on U.S. 92 when, at 9:30 p.m., he

568observed Respondent's Honda. He observed that Respondent's

575vehicle presented a hazard to Respondent and others. It

584appeared to Deputy Burton that the occupants of t he Honda were

596unconscious. He attempted to communicate with the occupants by

605hailing them through the use of his patrol vehicle's

614loudspeaker. He failed to rouse the occupants of Respondent's


6246. Deputy Burton then positioned his patrol vehic le behind

634Respondent's automobile and turned on his blue emergency lights

643so that oncoming traffic could be warned of the hazard posed by

655Respondent's automobile. Because the two occupants of

662Respondent's Honda appeared to be unconscious, Deputy Burton

670fe ared that they might be experiencing a medical problem. He

681called his dispatcher who summoned a rescue squad.

6897. Deputy Burton knocked on the window of Respondent's

698Honda. Respondent woke up, and upon being told to move his car

710to the side of the r oad, pulled on to the shoulder, and fell

724again into a state of unconsciousness.

7308. Sergeant Cook of the Volusia County Sheriff's Office

739arrived on the scene and he and Deputy Burton were eventually

750able to arouse Respondent. Deputy Burton observed Respondent to

759be unsteady on his feet and observed that his eyes were glassy.

771Opened and unopened beer cans were found inside the passenger

781compartment of the vehicle and many unopened beer cans were

791found in the trunk.

7959. Sergeant Cook also found a bottle of prescription

804medicine which contained Effexor.

80810. Deputy Burton observed Sergeant Cook administer a

816field sobriety test. Based on all of his observations of

826Respondent, Deputy Burton determined that Respondent's faculties

833were impaired , although he did not have an opinion as to whether

845the impairment was the result of alcohol ingestion.

85311. Sergeant Cook, subsequent to the administration of

861field sobriety tests, was of the opinion that Respondent's

870faculties were impaired due to the consumption of alcoholic

879beverages. He arrested Respondent.

88312. In a search incident to the arrest a brass - colored

895pipe, about three inches long, was found in Respondent's right

905front pants pocket. There was a dark - colored residue with an

917od or of burnt marijuana in the bowl of the pipe. Sergeant Cook

930performed a field test on the residue which was positive for

941marijuana. Based on his observations, his field test, and his

951training and experience, Sergeant Cook concluded that the pipe

960constit uted drug paraphernalia.

96413. Respondent stated to Sergeant Cook, upon questioning,

972that the pipe was not his.

97814. A videotape of Respondent was made immediately

986subsequent to his arrest after Respondent was transported to a

996Volusia County Sheri ff's facility. The videotape was received

1005into evidence. In the videotape Respondent admits to consuming

1014alcoholic beverages during the afternoon and evening of the day

1024he was arrested. Respondent revealed in the videotape that he

1034had been prescribed Ef fexor by his doctor to alleviate symptoms

1045of depression. During the course of the videotape, Respondent

1054answered questions in a slow, monotone voice which contrasted

1063sharply with his articulate testimony at the hearing.

107115. As part of Respondent's n olo contendre plea to the

1082charge of driving while under the influence of alcohol he

1092admitted that he drove under the influence of alcohol to the

1103extent his normal faculties were impaired. He was adjudicated

1112guilty in the County Court of Volusia County of driving under

1123the influence of alcohol.

112716. Lawrence Richard Hunsinger is the principal of Flagler

1136and is Respondent's immediate supervisor. He related that one

1145of the primary missions at Flagler was character education.

1154Educational programs addres sing illegal drugs and alcohol abuse

1163are a major facet of that mission. The hazards of driving while

1175under the influence of alcohol or drugs is emphasized in the

1186character education program.

118917. Principal Hunsinger related that the Ninth Grade

1197Cente r was somewhat autonomous in relation to the high school as

1209a whole and stated that Respondent acted as a quasi - principal.

1221Student discipline is one of the most important jobs entrusted

1231to Respondent and he was expected to be a positive role model.

1243It wa s important to Principal Hunsinger that he be able to trust


125718. Respondent telephoned Principal Hunsinger the day

1264after Respondent's arrest and told him, among other things, that

1274he found the marijuana pipe on the high school grounds and that

1286he intended to use it as a training aid for the students.

129819. The arrest of Respondent generated unfavorable

1305newspaper articles in the local area and in the Flagler student

1316newspaper. The arrest upset and disappointed many of the

1325students at Flagler. The incident caused a derogation of

1334respect for Respondent among the students.

134020. Robert Nocella is the dean of students for the Ninth

1351Grade Center. Respondent was his supervisor. He believes that

1360the dean of students and the assistant p rincipal must be role


137321. It is Mr. Nocella's opinion that Respondent's

1381effectiveness as a role model has been derogated by the incident

1392of November 12, 2000.

139622. Dr. Robert D. Williams is Superintendent of Schools

1405for Flagler Count y. He received a telephone call from

1415Respondent the afternoon of the day following Respondent's

1423arrest. Respondent told him that he had found the marijuana

1433pipe at the Jaguars football game in Jacksonville. Respondent

1442expressed remorse for the events th at had transpired.

1451Respondent denied using marijuana.

145523. Dr. Williams had a subsequent conversation with

1463Respondent on Wednesday, November 15, 2000, in Dr. Williams'

1472office. During that time, Respondent again denied using

1480marijuana on November 12, 2000.

148524. Dr. Williams had another conversation with Respondent

1493on Friday, November 17, 2000, in Dr. Williams' office. At that

1504time Respondent told Dr. Williams that the marijuana pipe was

1514used for demonstration purposes in the classroom.

152125. Dr. Williams opined that Respondent's conduct was

1529inconsistent with the standards of public conscience and good

1538morals. He further opined that Respondent's actions brought the

1547school district and the high school into public disgrace and

1557tarnished his rep utation as well as the reputation of the school

1569district and high school.

157326. Dr. Williams has discussed this matter with persons in

1583the community and the incident resulted in negative effects on

1593the school system. Two parents asked that punishment

1601administered to their children be rescinded based on the

1610behavior of Respondent.

161327. There have been numerous recent unfortunate events

1621involving members of the Flagler staff which have occurred in

1631the school district. These include a teacher stalki ng someone,

1641a teacher kicking a student, a teacher striking a student, and a

1653teacher downloading pornography on a school computer. These

1661events involved teachers, rather than administrators, and they

1669were dissimilar from Respondent's conduct.

167428. Th e evidence established that, on November 12, 2000,

1684Respondent was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle

1694while under the influence of alcohol and that he was in

1705possession of drug paraphernalia.

170929. While serving as assistant principal in char ge of the

1720Ninth Grade Center Respondent proved to be an effective

1729administrator who fairly meted out discipline. Until the

1737incident of November 12, 2000, he was respected and admired by

1748both students and teachers. He was very concerned about the

1758welfare of his students. Subsequent to the incident there were

1768numerous persons who wanted him to be reinstated. He currently

1778works in marine construction and his employer stated that he is

1789a hard - working and reliable employee.


179930. The Divi sion of Administrative Hearings has

1807jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

1817proceeding pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

182431. The burden of proof is on the party asserting the

1835affirmative of an issue before an admin istrative tribunal,

1844Florida Department of Transportation v. J.W.C. Company, Inc. ,

1852396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981).

186032. In order to meet its burden of proof, the Board must

1872establish facts upon which its allegations of misconduct are

1881proved by a preponderance of the evidence. Dileo v. School

1891Board of Dade County , 569 So. 2d 8834 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1990) and

1904Section 120.57(1)(j), Florida Statutes.

190833. Paragraph 5 of the contract between Respondent and the

1918Board provided that Respondent may be removed for cause as

1928provided by law.

193134. The applicable law in this case is Section

1940231.36(6)(b), Florida Statutes, which provides, inter alia that:

1948(b) Any member of the district

1954administrative or supervisory staff,

1958including any principal but exclud ing an

1965employee specified in subsection (4), may be

1972suspended or dismissed at any time during

1979the term of the contract; however, the

1986charges against him or her must be based on

1995immorality, misconduct in office,

1999incompetency, gross insubordination, willful

2003neglect of duty, drunkenness, or conviction

2009of any crime involving moral turpitude, as

2016these terms are defined by rule of the State

2025Board of Education.

202835. The allegations against Respondent were as follows:

2036a. Drunkenness on November 12, 2000, in tha t Respondent

2046was publicly under the influence of alcoholic beverages to such

2056an extent that his normal faculties were impaired, and that

2066Respondent was arrested and found guilty of driving under the

2076influence of alcohol.

2079b. Immorality, in that Respondent' s conduct was

2087inconsistent with standards of public conscience and good

2095morals, based on Respondent's arrest for driving under the

2104influence of alcohol, possession of drug paraphernalia, and his

2113conviction of driving under the influence of alcohol. It was

2123further alleged that these actions by Respondent were so serious

2133and notorious that he was brought into public disgrace and

2143disrespect and his service in the community was impaired.

2152c. Misconduct in office in that Respondent violated the

2161Code of Ethics o f the Education Profession in Florida by failing

2173to maintain a high degree of ethical conduct, as evidenced by

2184his actions on November 12, 2000, including driving under the

2194influence of alcohol, refusing to take the blood alcohol breath

2204test, and possessio n of drug paraphernalia. It was further

2214alleged that these actions by Respondent were so serious and

2224notorious that his effectiveness in the school system was


2234d. Gross insubordination or willful neglect of duty, based

2243on his repeated refusal to submit to a drug test in accordance

2255with district policy and the directives of his superiors which

2265were based on reasonable suspicion.

227036. Drunkenness is defined by Rule 6B - 4.009(5)(a), Florida

2280Administrative Code, as occurring when an individual publ icly is

2290under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs to such an

2301extent that his or her normal faculties are impaired.

2310Respondent was under the influence of alcohol to the extent his

2321normal faculties were impaired while in an automobile which was

2331mo tionless in the driving lane of a major U.S. highway at night.

2344Not only was this dangerous, but it attracted public attention.

2354Accordingly, the allegation of public drunkenness is proved.

236237. Immorality is defined in Rule 6B - 4.009(2), Florida

2372Administra tive Code, ". . . as conduct that is inconsistent with

2384the standards of public conscience and good morals. It is

2394conduct sufficiently notorious to bring the individual concerned

2402or the education profession into public disgrace or disrespect

2411and impair the individual's service in the community." The

2420allegation of immorality was proved.

242538. Misconduct is defined in Rule 6B - 4.009(3), Florida

2435Administrative Code, as ". . . a violation of the Code of Ethics

2448of the Education Profession as adopted in Rule 6B - 1 .001, Florida

2461Administrative Code, and the Principles of Professional Conduct

2469for the Education Profession in Florida as adopted in Rule

24796B - 1.006, Florida Administrative Code, which is so serious as to

2491impair the individual's effectiveness in the school s ystem."

250039. Rule 6B - 1.001, Florida Administrative Code, provides

2509that educators must be, "Aware of the importance of maintaining

2519the respect and confidence of one's colleagues, of students, of

2529parents, and of other members of the community, the educa tor

2540strives to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical


255141. Respondent's actions on November 12, 2000, were

2559sufficient to establish that he engaged in misconduct as


256942. The insubordination charge is not supported by the

2578e vidence because district policy in this regard was not proven

2589and Respondent was not ordered to submit to a drug test although

2601he was invited to do so.


2608Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law,

2618it is


2621Tha t a final order be entered terminating the employment of


2633DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of October, 2001, in

2643Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2651Administrative Law Judge

2654Division of Admini strative Hearings

2659The DeSoto Building

26621230 Apalachee Parkway

2665Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2670(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2678Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2685Filed with the Clerk of the

2691Division of Administrative Hearings

2695this 19th day of October, 2001.


2704Bill Salmon, Esquire

2707204 West University Avenue

2711Suite 8

2713Gainesville, Florida 32602

2716Frank D. Upchurch, Esquire

2720Upchurch, Bailey and Upchurch, P.A.

2725Post Office Drawer 3007

2729St. Augustine, Florida 32085 - 9066

2735Robert D. Williams, Superintendent

2739School District of Flagler County

2744Post Office Box 755

27483039 Highway 100, East

2752Bunnell, Florida 32110

2755Honorable Charlie Crist

2758Commissioner of Education

2761The Capitol, Plaza Level 08

2766Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


2778All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

278815 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2799to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2810will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 12/06/2001
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 12/04/2001
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 10/23/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/23/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 10/23/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held August 29 and 30, 2001) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/11/2001
Proceedings: Order issued (Respondent`s Unopposed Request for Extension of time to File Respondent`s Proposed Order is granted).
Date: 10/10/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Hooper from B. Salmon concerning a revised copy of pages 6 through 8 in the Respondent`s Proposed Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/09/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Filing Proposed Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/05/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Closing Argument and Memorandum of Law (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/05/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Closing Argument and Memorandum of Law (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/05/2001
Proceedings: Unopposed Request for Extension of Time to File Respondent`s Proposed Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 10/04/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Order filed.
Date: 10/04/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing Proposed Order filed.
Date: 09/20/2001
Proceedings: Transcript, Volumes I and II filed.
Date: 08/29/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s Motion in Limine (unsigned) filed via facsimile.
Date: 08/29/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Hearing Brief (unsigned) filed via facsimile.
Date: 08/29/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s Motion in Limine (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/28/2001
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 08/28/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Hearing Brief (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/28/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion in Limine (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/24/2001
Proceedings: Subpoena Duces Tecum (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 08/24/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum Records Pick-Up Only (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 08/23/2001
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition, D. Couch, S. DeAugustino, B. Sawyer, B. Nocella, T. Smith, N. McCoppin, F. Noble, R. Williams, L. Hunsinger, and S. Hunter (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/23/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition, D. Couch, S. DeAugustino, B. Sawyer, B. Nocella, N. McCoppin, B. Prince, R. Williams, L. Hunsinger, and S. Hunter (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/22/2001
Proceedings: Subpoena Duces Tecum, W. Burnsed (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/15/2001
Proceedings: Subpoena Duces Tecum, P. Cook filed.
Date: 08/13/2001
Proceedings: Subpoena ad Testificandum (M. Burton) filed.
Date: 08/06/2001
Proceedings: Subpoena ad Testificandum (L. Fortier) filed.
Date: 07/31/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Answering Interrogatories (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 07/26/2001
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Depositions L. Fortier, H. Highsmith (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/26/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions L. Fortier, J. Hightower (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/26/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for August 29 and 30, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Bunnell, FL).
Date: 07/25/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Request for Admissions (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 07/20/2001
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Continue Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/29/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents from Petitioner, Flagler County School Board (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/29/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Request for Admissions to Petitioner (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/29/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Request for Admissions to Petitioner filed.
Date: 06/29/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents from Petitioner, Flagler County School Board filed.
Date: 06/29/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Respondent`s First Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 06/12/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for July 31 and August 1, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Bunnell, FL).
Date: 06/04/2001
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 05/25/2001
Proceedings: Letter to J. Highsmith from R. Williams apprizing of employment status filed.
Date: 05/25/2001
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 05/23/2001
Proceedings: Request for Assignment of Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 05/23/2001
Proceedings: Response to Notice of Termination (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/23/2001
Proceedings: Agency referral (filed via facsimile).

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Bunnell, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (1):