01-002294 Becky Ayech vs. Southwest Florida Water Management District
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, November 27, 2001.

View Dockets  
Summary: Applicant satisfied criteria for renewal of water use permit, where withdrawal amounts requested were drastically reduced and Petitioner could not demonstrate any impact to her well would be caused by proposed withdrawals.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case Nos. 01 - 2294





31Respondent. )



36Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was conducted in

45this case on September 25, 2001, in Sarasota, Florida, before

55Lawrence P. Stevenson, a duly - designated Administrative Law

64Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


72For Petitioner: Becky Ayech, pro se

78421 Verna Road

81Sarasota, Florida 34240

84For Respondent: Jack R. Pepper, Esquire

90Southwest Florida Water

93Management District

952379 Broad Street

98Brooksville, Florida 34604


105The issue presented for decision in this case is whether

115Responden t, the Southwest Florida Water Management District

123(the "District"), should issue Water Use Permit ("WUP")

134No. 20005687.003 to Dr. Thomas E. Kelly, pursuant to the terms

145of the proposed permit issued on April 11, 2001.


156On April 11 , 2001, the District issued notice of final

166agency action for approval of general WUP No. 20005687.003 to

176the applicant, Dr. Thomas E. Kelly. The permit would

185authorize the use of 1,700 gallons of water per day ("gpd"),

199on an average annual basis, for irr igation and restroom use at

211Pop's Golf and Batting Center in unincorporated Sarasota


220On May 1, 2001, Petitioner filed with the District a

230petition for formal hearing, challenging the proposed issuance

238of WUP No. 20005687.003 to Dr. Thomas E. Kelly , as more fully

250described below. On June 7, 2001, the District referred the

260petition to the Division of Administrative Hearings for

268assignment of an administrative law judge and conduct of a

278formal administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1),

285Flo rida Statutes.

288At the formal hearing, the District presented the

296testimony of Ralph Perna, the owner of Pop's Golf and Batting

307Center, and of David Brown, a senior professional geologist

316with the District and expert in geology, hydrogeology, well

325and o ther withdrawal facility construction, and water use

334permitting. The District's Exhibits 1 through 8 were admitted

343into evidence.

345Petitioner testified on her own behalf and presented the

354testimony of Ellen Richardson, a Sarasota resident. At the

363hearing , Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 14, C through H, N, R

374through T and V were admitted. Petitioner's Exhibits J

383through L, M, O, P, and Q were rejected. Ruling was reserved

395on Petitioner's Exhibits 15 through 50 and B. By order issued

406on October 17, 2001 , Petitioner's Exhibits 15 through 50 and B

417were admitted into evidence.

421A Transcript of the final hearing was filed with the

431Division of Administrative Hearings on October 18, 2001. By

440order issued October 26, 2001, the District's motion for

449extension w as granted, and the parties were ordered to file

460their proposed recommended orders no later than November 5,

4692001. Both parties filed Proposed Recommended Orders on

477November 5, 2001.


483Based on the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the

493final hearing and the entire record in this proceeding, the

503following findings of fact are made:


5111. Petitioner Becky Ayech is a resident of Sarasota

520County and a citizen of the State of Florida.

5292. The District is a water management dis trict in the

540State of Florida created pursuant to Section 373.069(1)(d) and

549(2)(d), Florida Statutes. The District is the governmental

557agency charged with the responsibility and authority to review

566and act upon water use permit applications, pursuant to

575C hapter 373, Part II, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 40D - 1 and

58840D - 2, Florida Administrative Code.

5943. Dr. Thomas E. Kelly is the owner of the real property

606in Sarasota County on which Pop's Golf and Batting Center is

617located, and as such is recognized as t he applicant for and

629holder of any WUP issued for the property. Pursuant to a 50 -

642year lease with Dr. Kelly, Ralph Perna owns and operates Pop's

653Golf and Batting Center and is the person who would be

664responsible for day - to - day compliance with the terms of the

677WUP at issue. Neither Dr. Kelly nor Mr. Perna formally

687intervened in this proceeding.


6954. The proposed permit is for irrigation and sanitary

704uses at a golf driving range and batting cage facility called

715Pop's Golf and Battin g Center, on Fruitville Road in Sarasota

726County. The site leased by Mr. Perna comprises approximately

73530 acres, of which the westward 15 acres is taken up by the

748Pop's facility. The eastern 15 acres is heavily wooded,

757overgrown with brush, and contains a five - acre lake.

7675. The majority of the 15 acres used by Pop's is taken

779up by the landing area for the driving range. Near the front

791of the facility are a tee box and putting green sown with

803Bermuda grass. This grassy area, about six - tenths of an acre,

815i s the only part of the 30 - acre property requiring irrigation,

828aside from some landscape plants in front of the business

838office. The landing area is not watered and is not even set

850up for irrigation.

8536. The Pop's facility is in a low - lying area

864historic ally prone to flooding. For this reason, the tee box,

875putting green, and business office are elevated about two and

885one - half feet higher than the landing area. This elevation

896also serves the esthetic purpose of allowing golfers to follow

906the flight of th eir drives and watch the balls land.

9177. The proposed WUP is a renewal of an existing permit.

928The existing permit is premised on the property's prior use

938for agriculture, and permits withdrawals of 34,000 gpd on an

949average annual basis and 99,000 gpd on a peak monthly basis.

961The renewal would authorize withdrawals of 1,700 gpd on an

972average annual basis and 4,400 gpd on a peak monthly basis,

984reductions of

98695 percent and 96 percent, respectively.

9928. "Average annual" quantity is the total amount of

1001water withdrawn over the course of one year. This quantity is

1012divided by 365 to arrive at the allowable gallons per day.

"1023Peak monthly" quantity is the amount of water allowed to be

1034withdrawn during the driest month of the year. This quantity

1044is divided by 30 to arrive at the allowable gallons per day.

10569. Pop's draws water from two wells on the property. A

1067six - inch diameter well, designated District Identification No.

10761 ("DID 1"), is used for irrigation of the tee box and putting

1091green. A four - inch diameter well, designated District

1100Identification No. 3 ("DID 3"), is used to supply water to the

1114two restrooms at the facility.


112310. The proposed WUP includes the following basic

1131information: the permittee's name and address; the perm it

1140number; the date the permit application was filed; the date

1150the permit was issued; the expiration date of the proposed

1160permit; the property location; the quantity of water to be

1170permitted; the withdrawal locations; and the water use

1178classification propo sed pursuant to the District's permit


118711. The District's permit application provides the

1194applicant with the following five choices regarding proposed

1202water use: Public Supply; Industrial or Commercial;

1209Recreation or Aesthetic; Mining or Dewa tering; and

1217Agriculture. The proposed permit in this case has been

1226classified as Recreation or Aesthetic.

123112. The proposed WUP would allow the permittee to

1240withdraw from DID 1 an average of 1,600 gpd, with a peak

1253monthly withdrawal of 4,200 gpd, and to withdraw from DID 3 an

1266average of 100 gpd, with a peak monthly withdrawal of 200 gpd.

127813. The proposed WUP contains four Special Conditions.

1286Relevant to the issues raised in this proceeding, Special

1295Condition No. 3 requires the permittee to incorporate b est

1305water management practices, to limit daytime irrigation to the

1314greatest extent practicable, to implement a leak detection and

1323repair program, to conduct a system - wide inspection of the

1334irrigation system at least once per year, and to evaluate the

1345feasi bility of improving the efficiency of the current

1354irrigation system.

135614. Special Condition No. 4 requires the permittee to

1365submit a conservation plan no later than April 30, 2006. The

1376plan must address potential on - site reuse of water and

1387external sour ces of reuse water.

139315. The proposed WUP also contains 16 Standard

1401Conditions. Standard Condition No. 2 reserves the District's

1409right to modify or revoke the WUP following notice and a

1420hearing, should the District determine that the permittee's

1428use of t he water is no longer reasonable and beneficial,

1439consistent with the public interest, or if the water use

1449interferes with an existing legal use of water.

145716. Standard Condition No. 3 provides that the permittee

1466may not deviate from the terms of the WUP wi thout the

1478District's written approval.

148117. Standard Condition No. 4 provides that, if the

1490District declares a water shortage pursuant to Chapter 40D - 21,

1501Florida Administrative Code, the District may alter, modify,

1509or declare inactive all or any part of th e proposed WUP as

1522necessary to address the water shortage.

152818. Standard Condition No. 5 provides that the District

1537will collect water samples from DIDs 1 and 3, or require the

1549permittee to submit water samples to the District, if the

1559District determines t here is a potential for adverse impacts

1569to water quality.

157219. Standard Condition No. 9 provides that the District

1581may require the permittee to cease or reduce its withdrawals

1591if water levels in aquifers fall below minimum levels

1600established by the Distric t.

160520. Standard Condition No. 11 provides that the District

1614may establish special regulations for Water Use Caution Areas

1623("WUCAs"), and that the permit will be subject to such

1635regulations upon notice and a reasonable period to come into


164621. Standard Condition No. 12 requires the permittee to

1655install flow metering or other measuring devices to record

1664withdrawal quantities, when the District deems it necessary to

1673analyze impacts to the water resource or existing users.


168922. Generally, the miniscule withdrawals proposed by

1696Pop's would not fall within the District's permitting

1704authority, which mostly confines itself to withdrawals of

1712100,000 gpd or more. However, Rule 40D - 2.041(1)(c), Florida

1723Administrative Code, requires a permit for any withdrawal from

1732a well having an outside diameter of six inches or more at the

1745surface. DID 1 has an outside diameter of six inches.

175523. An applicant for a WUP must demonstrate that the

1765proposed use of water is reasonabl e and beneficial, is in the

1777public interest, and will not interfere with any existing legal

1787use of water, by providing reasonable assurances on both an

1797individual and a cumulative basis that the proposed use of

1807water satisfies the 14 specific conditions se t forth in Rule

181840D - 2.301(1)(a) - (n), Florida Administrative Code, identified in

1828the subheadings below.

1831(a) Necessary to Fulfill a Certain Reasonable Demand

183924. Pop's is open for business twelve hours per day.

1849During the summer months, it averag es 100 customers per day.

1860The tee box and putting green at Pop's are heavily used. When

1872golfers hit balls from the tee box, they make small gouges, or

1884divots, in the Bermuda grass. These divots are later filled

1894with sand, and the grass naturally grows o ver them.

1904Irrigation is essential to the health of the Bermuda grass,

1914allowing the application of fertilizer and chemicals to treat

1923for pests and fungus. The tee box and putting green are

1934watered as little as possible, because over - watering can

1944itself le ad to fungus problems with the Bermuda grass.

195425. The District uses an irrigation allocation computer

1962program called AGMOD to determine reasonable average annual

1970and peak monthly quantities for irrigation in an objective and

1980consistent manner. Data on t he pump capacity, soil type, the

1991area to be irrigated, and its geographic location are input,

2001and AGMOD allocates a quantity of water sufficient to irrigate

2011for the driest 20 percent of the time, based on 75 years of

2024historic rainfall data. The AGMOD prog ram allows quantities

2033for irrigation of the fairways of a typical golf course;

2043however, Pop's does not have fairways and thus the proposed

2053permit does not authorize any water for such irrigation.

206226. The District's expert, David Brown, credibly

2069testified that the amounts allocated under this permit are

2078conservative because the area to be irrigated is a high

2088traffic area, because the irrigation methodology employed by

2096Pop's ensures that

209975 percent of the water withdrawn from DID 1 will get to the

2112grass, be cause of the fertilizers and chemicals necessary to

2122maintain and repair the grass, and because of the elevation of

2133the area to be watered. Mr. Brown testified that the AGMOD

2144model uses native soil types, not the fill used to elevate the

2156tee box and puttin g green, and therefore the soil for the

2168elevated areas will likely require more water and drain more

2178quickly than AGMOD indicated.

218227. The quantities allocated for withdrawals from DID 3

2191on an average annual and peak monthly basis are necessary to

2202fulfill the demand associated with the use of the two

2212restrooms by Pop's employees and customers.

221828. In summary, the amounts of water authorized for

2227withdrawal under the proposed permit are no more than

2236necessary to fulfill a certain reasonable demand.

2243(b) Q uantity/Quality Changes Adversely Impacting Resources

225029. The evidence at the hearing established that the

2259operation of DIDs 1 and 3 pursuant to the terms of the

2271proposed WUP will cause no quality or quantity changes

2280adversely impacting the water resource s. The proposed

2288withdrawal amounts constitute a decrease of 95 percent on an

2298average annual basis and of

230396 percent on a peak monthly basis from the existing permit.

231430. The District reasonably presumes that decreases in

2322permitted withdrawal amounts wil l not cause quantity or

2331quality changes that will adversely impact the water

2339resources. Nonetheless, Mr. Brown performed groundwater

2345modeling to confirm that the District's presumption was

2353correct in this case.

235731. The first step in model development is to study the

2368geology at the site being studied. Mr. Brown looked at

2378detailed information from surrounding WUPs and geographic logs

2386to arrive at a "vertical" view of the stratigraphic column in

2397place at Pop's, giving him an idea of which zones below Pop's

2409produce water and which zones confine water and impede its

2419movement between the producing units. Mr. Brown then looked

2428to site - specific aquifer test information from other permits

2438to give him an idea of the "horizontal" continuity of the

2449system across the area under study.

245532. The hydrogeologic profile at Pop's contains five

2463different aquifer production zones separated by confining

2470units of clay or dense limestone. Moving downward from the

2480surface, the production zones are the surficial aquifer, zones

2489ca lled Production Zone 2 ("PZ - 2") and Production Zone 3 ("PZ -

25063") within the intermediate aquifer, and the Suwannee

2515limestone and Avon Park limestone layers within the Upper

2524Floridan aquifer system.

252733. DID 3 has approximately 96 feet of casing and a

2538total d epth of approximately 195 feet. It draws water from

2549PZ - 2, the upper production zone of the intermediate aquifer.

256034. DID 1 was built before the District assumed

2569regulation of well construction and consumptive water use;

2577therefore, the District does not p ossess specific information

2586as to its construction. Mr. Brown reviewed historical

2594documents, including a 1930s report by the United States

2603Geological Survey ("U.S.G.S.") about irrigation wells drilled

2612in the location now occupied by Pop's. Mr. Brown's re view led

2624him to a reasonable conclusion that DID 1 has approximately 75

2635to 100 feet of casing and is drilled to a total depth of 600

2649to 700 feet below land surface. The District's water level

2659measurements confirmed

2661Mr. Brown's judgment, indicating that t he well penetrates only

2671through the Suwannee limestone formation in the Upper Floridan


268135. His hydrogeological findings in place, Mr. Brown

2689proceeded to perform a number of analyses using a five - layer

2701groundwater model based on the "Mod - Flow EM" program developed

2712by the U.S.G.S. to determine whether the withdrawals

2720authorized by the proposed WUP would have any adverse impacts

2730on water resources. The model's five layers simulated the

2739five aquifer zones found in the area of Pop's. Mr. Brown

2750perfor med simulations to predict the effect of the combined

2760pumping of DID 1 and DID 3 at 1,700 gpd on a steady state

2775basis and at 4,400 gpd for a period of 90 days. A "steady

2789state" model assumes continuous pumping at the stated quantity

2798forever. The scenario for pumping 4,400 gpd for 90 days is

2810called a "transient" model, and simulates the effect of

2819continuous pumping at the peak month quantity, without

2827replenishment of the water source, for the stated period.

2836Both the steady state and transient models used by Mr. Brown

2847were conservative, in that it is unlikely that their scenarios

2857would actually occur at Pop's.

286236. The modeling predicted that Pop's withdrawals would

2870have no effect on the surficial aquifer or on the deep Avon

2882Park limestone formation. Becau se DID 1 is likely to open to

2894the PZ - 2, PZ - 3, and Suwannee limestone production zones, Mr.

2907Brown analyzed the steady state and transient conditions for

2916each zone. The greatest effect predicted by any of the

2926modeling runs was a drawdown in water levels of approximately

2936two - hundredths of a foot in the PZ - 3 and Suwannee limestone

2950zones. This drawdown would extend no farther than the

2959boundary of Pop's property.

296337. All of the predicted drawdowns were smaller than the

2973natural fluctuations in water levels caus ed by changes in

2983barometric pressure. Thus, any possible effects of

2990withdrawals at the quantities proposed in the WUP would be

3000lost in the background noise of the natural water level

3010fluctuations that occur in all confined aquifers.

301738. The water level o r pressure within subterranean

3026production zones is referred to as the "head." For water to

3037move from one zone to another, there must be a difference in

3049head between the zones. The evidence established that

3057groundwater quality declines with depth at the P op's site, but

3068that the heads in the PZ - 2, PZ - 3, and Suwannee limestone

3082production zones are essentially the same in that area. The

3092similarity in heads means that there is no driving force to

3103move water between the zones and thus no potential for adverse

3114water quality changes caused by DID 1's being open to multiple

3125production zones.

312739. In summary, the amounts of water authorized for

3136withdrawal under the proposed permit will not cause quantity

3145or quality changes which adversely impact the water resources ,

3154including both surface and ground waters.

3160(c) Adverse Environmental Impacts to Wetlands, Lakes,

3167Streams, Estuaries, Fish and Wildlife, or Other Natural


317640. Mr. Brown's model indicated there would be no

3185drawdown from the surficial aquifer, where there would be the

3195potential for damage to water related environmental features

3203and/or the fish and wildlife using those features as habitat.

3213Petitioner offered no evidence indicating that the proposed

3221water use will cause adverse environmental imp acts.

3229(d) Deviation from Water Levels or Rates of Flow

323841. The District has not established minimum flows or

3247levels for the area including Pop's. Therefore, Rule 40D -

32572.301(1)(d), Florida Administrative Code, is not applicable to

3265this WUP.

3267(e) Utili zation of Lowest Quality of Water

327542. Ninety percent of the water withdrawn from DID 1

3285will come from the Suwannee limestone formation and is highly

3295mineralized and of lower quality than the water in PZ - 2 or PZ -


331143. DID 3 draws its water from PZ - 2. As noted above,

3324DID 3 provides water to the two restrooms on the premises of

3336Pop's. Because its water is used in the public restrooms, DID

33473 is considered a limited public supply well, the water from

3358which must meet potable standards. Mr. Brown testified that,

3367though PZ - 2 provides water of higher quality than do the zones

3380beneath it, that water only barely meets potable standards.

3389Lower quality water than that obtained from PZ - 2 would require

3401extensive treatment to meet potable standards.

340744. Reuse or re claimed water is unavailable to Pop's

3417under any rational cost - benefit analysis. There is a

3427reclaimed water transmission network in Sarasota County, but

3435the nearest point of connection is more than one mile away

3446from Pop's. The wetland lake on Pop's site is unsuitable

3456because extensive land clearing, pipeline construction, and

3463intensive filtration would be required to use its water. Such

3473a project would not be technically or economically feasible

3482for the small amount of water in question.

349045. The evidenc e establishes that Pop's will utilize the

3500lowest quality water available.

3504(f) Saline Water Intrusion

350846. The evidence demonstrated that the proposed use will

3517not significantly induce saline water intrusion. Saline water

3525intrusion occurs in the Avon P ark limestone formation.

3534Withdrawals must cause a drawdown in the Avon Park formation

3544to further induce saline water intrusion. DID 1 does not

3554penetrate into the Avon Park formation. Mr. Brown's modeling

3563indicated that the withdrawals allowed under the proposed WUP

3572will not cause any drawdown in the Avon Park formation.

3582(g) Pollution of the Aquifer

358747. The proposed use will not cause pollution of the

3597aquifer. As noted above, absent a difference in head or some

3608driving force, there is no potential for water to be exchanged

3619between the confined producing zones. Any small quantity that

3628might be exchanged due to the pumping of the well would be

3640removed by the same pumping.

364548. There is no potential for pollution of the aquifer

3655by storm water moving thro ugh DID 1 or DID 3 because there is

3669no head differential or driving force to move storm water down

3680into the wells. The District's historic water level

3688measurements indicated that during the rainy season, when the

3697site is most likely to be inundated, water levels in the wells

3709are 0.15 feet above land surface. The well structures extend

3719at least one foot above ground level and are sealed with

3730plates and gaskets.

3733(h) Adverse Impacts to Existing Off - site Land Uses

374349. The proposed use will not adversely imp act off - site

3755land uses. The District's reasonable practice, when

3762authorizing renewal of the permit for an existing well, is to

3773consider off - site impacts only where the applicant seeks to

3784increase withdrawal amounts. In this case, the applicant is

3793request ing a substantial decrease in the amount of withdrawals

3803allowed under the renewed WUP.

3808(i) Adverse Impacts to Existing Legal Withdrawals

381550. The proposed use will not adversely affect any

3824existing legal withdrawals of water. The District's

3831reasonable pr actice, when authorizing renewal of the permit

3840for an existing well, is to consider adverse impacts to

3850existing legal withdrawals only where the applicant seeks to

3859increase withdrawal amounts. In this case, the applicant is

3868requesting a substantial decrea se in the amount of withdrawals

3878allowed under the renewed WUP.

388351. As noted above, Mr. Brown's modeling indicated that

3892any drawdowns caused by these withdrawals are so small as to

3903be lost within the natural fluctuations of water levels in the

3914aquifer, eve n at the edge of Pop's 30 - acre site. Petitioner's

3927well is more than ten miles away from the wells at Pop's.

3939(j) Utilization of Local Resources to Greatest Extent


394852. The proposed use of water will use local resources

3958to the greatest exte nt practicable, because the water

3967withdrawn pursuant to the permit will be used on the property

3978where the withdrawal occurs.

3982(k) Water Conservation Measures

398653. The proposed use of water incorporates water

3994conservation measures. Pop's uses a commercial irrigation

4001system with low volume misters, spray tips and sprinkler

4010heads, and a rain gauge that automatically shuts down the

4020system if one - eighth to one - quarter inch of rain falls. Mr.

4034Perna testified that the automatic shutdown system rarely has

4043the opp ortunity to work, because he manually shuts down the

4054system if the weather forecast calls for rain.

406254. Mr. Perna testified that the typical golf range

4071irrigates from 30 to 45 minutes per sprinkler head. Pop's

4081irrigates roughly eight minutes per head. O verwatering can

4090cause fungus on the Bermuda grass, giving Pop's a practical

4100incentive to minimize irrigation. Pop's irrigates only the

4108high traffic areas of the tee box and putting green, not the

4120landing area.

412255. In its Basis of Review, the District has adopted a

4133water conservation plan for golf courses located in the

4142Eastern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area ("WUCA"). Basis of

4154Review 7.2, subsection 3.2. Pop's is located in the Eastern

4164Tampa Bay WUCA, and has implemented the items that golf

4174courses are required to address in their conservation plans.

4183(l) Reuse Measures

418656. Given the small total irrigated area and the

4195efficiency of the irrigation methods employed by Pop's, there

4204is no realistic opportunity to capture and reuse water on the

4215site. There is no reuse water realistically available from

4224other sources. Thus, Pop's incorporates reuse measures to the

4233greatest extent practicable.

4236(m) Waste

423857. Given the reduction in permitted quantities and the

4247limited scope of the irrigation, the proposed u se will not

4258cause waste.

4260(n) Otherwise Harmful to District Resources

426658. No evidence was presented that the use of this water

4277by Pop's will otherwise harm the water resources of the



429159. Petitioner testified on her own behalf and presented

4300the testimony of Ellen Richardson. Ms. Richardson testified

4308that she had once seen a sprinkler running at Pop's during a

4320rainfall, though she conceded that it had just begun to rain

4331when she saw it. Ms. Richardson also testified tha t she had

4343more than once seen sprinklers running at Pop's during

4352daylight hours. However, Mr. Brown testified that some

4360daytime irrigation is permissible under the District's

4367watering restrictions, where heat stress and applications of

4375fertilizers and che micals make daytime watering necessary.

4383These conditions applied to Pop's.

438860. Petitioner's chief concern was with her own well.

4397Since the late 1980s, she has experienced intermittent water

4406outages. The District has repeatedly worked with Petitioner

4414on her well problems, and Petitioner feels frustrated at the

4424District's inability to solve them. However, the District's

4432evidence established that Petitioner's problems with water

4439levels in her own well could not possibly be caused or

4450exacerbated by the w ithdrawals at Pop's, ten miles away. To

4461the extent that the renewal of this WUP will result in drastic

4473decreases in permitted withdrawals, Petitioner's position

4479would be improved even accepting her theory that these

4488withdrawals have some impact on her wel l.

449661. In her petition, Petitioner alleged that there were

4505disputed issues of material fact as to eight of the fourteen

4516permitting criteria discussed above. While she engaged in

4524spirited cross - examination of the District's witnesses,

4532Petitioner offered n o affirmative evidence showing that the

4541any of the conditions for issuance of permits were not met.

455262. Petitioner's chief attack was that Rule 40D -

45612.301(1), Florida Administrative Code, requires "reasonable

4567assurances" that the permittee will fulfill the listed

4575conditions, and that the applicant here could not supply

"4584reasonable assurances" because of his long history of failure

4593to comply with the conditions of prior permits. As evidence,

4603Petitioner offered the District's historic record of this

4611permit, which indeed was replete with correspondence from the

4620District requesting records related to pumpage and water

4628quality, and apparent silence from Dr. Kelly in reply.

463763. However, the record also explains that the failure

4646to provide data was not the resu lt of obduracy, but because

4658farming had ceased on the property. When the less water

4668intensive use of the driving range commenced approximately

4676nine years ago, the owner ceased monitoring activities. The

4685District, under the impression that farming was sti ll taking

4695place on the property, continued to request pumpage and water

4705quality data for several years after the conversion. It

4714appears from the record that

4719Dr. Kelly, an absentee landlord, simply did not bother to

4729respond. Dr. Kelly's past discourtesy does not rise to the

4739level of calling into question the reasonable assurances

4747provided in this permit renewal application, particularly

4754where the lessee,

4757Mr. Perna, has every reason to ensure that the conditions of

4768the WUP are fulfilled.

477264. The evidence did not prove that Petitioner

4780participated in this proceeding for an improper purpose -- i.e. ,

4790primarily to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or for

4800frivolous purpose or to needlessly increase the cost of

4809licensing or securing the approval of the permit renewal

4818application. To the contrary, the evidence was that

4826Petitioner participated in this proceeding in an attempt to

4835raise justifiable issues as to why the permit renewal

4844application should not be granted. In particular, Petitioner

4852raised an important policy issue as to whether an applicant's

4862history of failure to comply with permit conditions should be

4872considered by the District in assessing the reasonableness of

4881the applicant's assurances of future compliance. The District

4889contended that the applica nt's compliance history is

4897irrelevant. While the District ultimately prevailed on the

4905substantive issue, its procedural claim of irrelevance was

4913rejected, and Petitioner was allowed to attempt to prove her

4923contention as to Dr. Kelly's noncompliance. It i s not found

4934that Petitioner's litigation of this claim was frivolous.


494565. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

4952jurisdiction over the subject matter of and the parties to

4962this proceeding, pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120. 57(1),

4971Florida Statutes.

497366. The District is a water management district in the

4983State of Florida created and existing pursuant to

4991Section 373.069, Florida Statutes, and other applicable law.

4999The District is the governmental agency charged with the

5008respo nsibility and authority to review and act upon the WUP

5019application at issue, pursuant to Chapter 373, Part II,

5028Florida Statutes, and Chapters 40D - 1 and 40D - 2, Florida

5040Administrative Code.

504267. This permit application is governed by the

5050conditions for issuance found in Chapter 373, Part II, Florida

5060Statutes, and Chapter 40D - 2, Florida Administrative Code, and

5070in the Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Applications,

5080dated April 18, 2001 (the "Basis of Review"), adopted by

5091reference in Rule 40D - 2.091, Fl orida Administrative Code.

510168. The applicant, asserting an affirmative entitlement

5108to issuance of a water use permit by the District, has the

5120burden of showing by a preponderance of the credible and

5130credited evidence that he is entitled to that permi t.

5140Department of Transportation v. J.W.C. Company, Inc. , 396 So.

51492d 778, 789 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981). In the context of this

5161proceeding, the District undertook the burden of showing that

5170the applicant provided reasonable assurances that the

5177applicable condit ions for issuance of the water use permit

5187have been satisfied, in accordance with the applicable

5195statutes and rules and the Basis of Review.

520369. If the applicant makes a prima facie showing of

5213reasonable assurances, the burden shifts to Petitioner to

5221present evidence of equivalent quality. J.W.C. Company , 396

5229So. 2d at 789. Petitioner cannot carry the burden of

5239presenting contrary evidence by mere speculation concerning

5246what "might" occur. Chipola Basin Protective Group, Inc. v.

5255Department of Envir onmental Regulation , 11 FALR 467, 480 - 81

5266(December 30, 1988).

526970. The standard for applicant’s burden of proof is one

5279of reasonable assurances, not absolute guarantees, that the

5287applicable conditions for issuance of the permit have been

5296satisfied. M anasota - 88, Inc. v. Agrico Chemical Co. and

5307Florida Department of Environmental Regulation , 12 FALR 1319,

53151325 (February 19, 1990).

531971. "Reasonable assurances" contemplates a substantial

5325likelihood that the project will be successfully implemented.

5333M etropolitan Dade County v. Coscan Florida, Inc. , 609 So. 2d

5344644, 648 (Fla. 3d DCA 1992).

535072. In the context of potential for harm to state

5360natural resources, Florida courts have allowed agencies

5367flexibility in interpreting "reasonable assurances" and in

5374applying individual permit standards based upon the totality

5382of the circumstances. Booker Creek Preservation, Inc. v.

5390Mobil Chemical Co. , 481 So. 2d 10, 13 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986).

540273. The applicant is not required to eliminate all

5411contrary possibil ities or to address impacts which are only

5421theoretical and could not be measured in real life; rather, an

5432applicant must provide reasonable assurances which take into

5440account contingencies that might reasonably be expected.

5447Hoffert v. St. Joe Paper Co. , 1 2 FALR 4972, 4987 (October 29,


546174. To meet his burden, the applicant must meet the

5471requirements of Section 373.223, Florida Statutes, which

5478provides in relevant part:

5482(1) To obtain a permit pursuant to the

5490provisions of this chapter, the applicant

5496must establish that the proposed use of


5504(a) Is a reasonable - beneficial use as

5512defined in s. 373.019(13);

5516(b) Will not interfere with any


5523existing legal use of water; and

5529(c) Is consistent with the public

5535interes t.

553775. "Reasonable - beneficial use" is defined in Section

5546373.019(13), Florida Statutes, as "the use of water in such

5556quantity as is necessary for economic and efficient

5564utilization for a purpose and in a manner which is both

5575reasonable and consisten t with the public interest."

558376. The District has adopted Rule 40D - 2.301, Florida

5593Administrative Code, which implements Section 373.223(1),

5599Florida Statutes. In relevant part, Rule 40D - 2.301, Florida

5609Administrative Code, provides as follows:

5614(1) In or der to obtain a Water Use


5624an Applicant must demonstrate that the


5631use is reasonable and beneficial, is in the

5639public interest, and will not interfere


5646any existing legal use of water, by


5654reasonable assurances, on both an

5659ind ividual

5661and a cumulative basis, that the water use:

5669(a) Is necessary to fulfill a certain

5676reasonable demand;

5678(b) Will not cause quantity or quality

5685changes which adversely impact the water

5691resources, including both surface and

5696ground waters;

5698(c ) Will not cause adverse environmental

5705impacts to wetlands, lakes, streams,

5710estuaries, fish and wildlife, or other

5716natural resources;

5718(d) Will comply with the provisions of

57254.3 of the Basis of Review described in

573340D - 2.091 [minimum flows and levels];

5740(e) Will utilize the lowest quality

5746water the Applicant has the ability to use;

5754(f) Will not significantly induce saline

5760water intrusion;

5762(g) Will not cause pollution of the


5770(h) Will not adversely impact offsite

5776land uses existing at the time of the


5785(i) Will not adversely impact an

5791existing legal withdrawal;

5794(j) Will utilize local resources to the

5801greatest extent practicable;

5804(k) Will incorporate water conservation


5810(l) Will incorporate reuse me asures to

5817the greatest extent practicable;

5821(m) Will not cause water to go to waste;


5831(n) Will not otherwise be harmful to the

5839water resources within the District.

584477. The District has also adopted the Basis of Review,

5854which clarifies and supplements the conditions for issuance of

5863water use permits set forth in Rule 40D - 2.301, Florida

5874Administrative Code.

587678. Based on the findings of fact set forth above, it is

5888concluded that the District, on behalf of the applicant,

5897established a prima f acie case of the applicant's entitlement

5907to the proposed WUP. Petitioner failed to present any

5916evidence relevant to the issues related to the proposed WUP or

5927to prove the facts alleged in her petition.

593579. The applicant provided the District with reason able

5944assurances that the applicable conditions for issuance have

5952been met and thus has established his entitlement to the

5962proposed WUP by a preponderance of the evidence.

597080. Petitioner did not provide credible evidence that

5978the proposed WUP would violat e any of the applicable

5988permitting statutes or rules, or any other applicable law.

599781. Subsequent to the hearing, the District filed a

6006motion for award of attorney's fees and costs, pursuant to

6016Section 120.595, Florida Statutes. The cited statute provid es

6025for an award of attorney's fees and costs to the prevailing

6036party, where it is determined that the non - prevailing adverse

6047party has participated in the proceeding for an improper

6056purpose. "Improper purpose" is defined as "participation in a


6066. . . primarily to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or for

6079frivolous purpose or to needlessly increase the cost of

6088licensing or securing the approval of an activity." For the

6098reasons stated in the Findings of Fact above, the District's

6108motion is deni ed. See , e.g. , Paul Still v. New River Solid

6120Waste Association and Department of Environmental Protection ,

6127DOAH Case No. 01 - 1033 (August 7, 2001).


6137Upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

6146Law, it is recommended that the South west Florida Water

6156Management District enter a final order determining that Dr.

6165Thomas E. Kelly has satisfied the requirements of Section

6174373.223, Florida Statutes, and Rule 40D - 2.301, Florida

6183Administrative Code, regarding conditions for issuance of

6190water use permits, and that the District issue Water Use

6200Permit No. 20005687.003 to

6204Dr. Thomas E. Kelly.

6208DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of November, 2001, in

6218Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



6226Administrative Law Judge

6229Division of Administrative


6233The DeSoto Building

6236123 0 Apalachee Parkway

6240Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6245(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

6253Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


6260Filed with the Clerk of the

6266Division of Administrative


6270this 27th day of November, 2001.


6278Becky Ayech

6280421 Verna Road

6283Sarasota, Florida 34240

6286Jack R. Pepper, Esquire

6290Southwest Florida Water

6293Management District

62952379 Broad Street

6298Brook sville, Florida 34604

6302E. D. "Sonny" Vergara, Executive Director

6308Southwest Florida Water

6311Management District

63132379 Broad Street

6316Brooksville, Florida 34609 - 6899


6327All parties have the right to submit written exceptio ns within

633815 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any

6348exceptions to this Recommended Order should be filed with the

6358agency that will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/24/2001
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 12/18/2001
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/27/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/27/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 11/27/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held September 25, 2001) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/05/2001
Proceedings: Becy Ayech`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/05/2001
Proceedings: Southwest Florida Water Management District`s Motion for Award of Attorney`s Fees and Costs (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/05/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Filng Proposed Recommended Order, Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/26/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion for Extension issued.
Date: 10/25/2001
Proceedings: Motion to Extend Deadline for Filing Post Hearing Submisisons (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 10/18/2001
Proceedings: Transcript filed, Volumes I-A and I-B.
Date: 10/17/2001
Proceedings: Order issued (this order is without prejudice to the District, which may in its recommended order present further argument as to the relevance in the permit application process of an applicant`s compliance history).
Date: 10/02/2001
Proceedings: Memorandum in Support of Motion to Exclude Proposed Exhibits and to Strike Testimony (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 09/21/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Becky Ayech`s Proposed Prehearing Stipulations (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/02/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for September 25, 2001; 10:00 a.m.; Sarasota, FL).
Date: 07/31/2001
Proceedings: Response to Motion for Continuance (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 07/30/2001
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 07/13/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (E. Richardson) filed via facsimile.
Date: 07/05/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (B. Ayech) filed.
Date: 06/26/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for August 8, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Sarasota, FL).
Date: 06/15/2001
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/08/2001
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 06/07/2001
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 06/07/2001
Proceedings: Permit filed.
Date: 06/07/2001
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Sarasota, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):