01-002603 Shannon R. Mccarthy, D/B/A Little Bears Day Care Center vs. Department Of Children And Family Services
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, October 31, 2001.

View Dockets  
Summary: State failed to prove that Petitioner`s child care license should be revoked.






20Petitioner, )

22vs. ) Case No. 01 - 2603





39Respondent. )



44Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was cond ucted in this

55case on August 30, 2001, in Key Largo, Florida, before

65Florence Snyder Rivas, a duly - designated Administrative Law

74Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


82For Petitioner: Mark A. Dienstag, Esquire

8821 S outheast First Avenue, Suite 800

95Miami, Florida 33131

98For Respondent: Rosemarie Rinaldi, Esquire

103Department of Children and Families

108401 Northwest Second Avenue

112Suite N - 1014

116Miami, Florida 33128


123At issue is whether Respondent’s license to operate a

132child care center should be revoked.


140By letter dated April 2, 2001 , the Department of Children

150and Familie s (the “Department”) notified Petitioner of its

159intent to revoke child care license pursuant to Section

168402.310, Florida Statutes (2000), for violation of minimum

176child care standards.

179Petitioner timely requested a Section 120.57(1), Florida

186Statutes, he aring on the Department's proposed action. On

195July 2, 2001, the matter was referred to the Division of

206Administrative Hearings (DOAH) for the assignment of an

214Administrative Law Judge to conduct the hearing.

221The hearing was held on August 30, 2001. Petit ioner

231testified on her own behalf and also presented the testimony

241of Pastor Ralph Williams. Additionally, Petitioner offered

248three exhibits into evidence.

252The Department presented the testimony of Maricel Perez,

260Stacy Cooper, Erin Decoste, Robin Kamrow , Kathryn Heal, and

269Molly Fettig, and introduced 19 exhibits into evidence.

277The transcript of the final hearing was filed on

286September 19, 2001. A timely agreed - upon motion for

296additional time to submit proposed recommended orders was

304filed, and an enlarg ement of time was granted through

314October 23, 2001.

317Respondent timely filed a Proposed Recommended Order

324which was carefully considered in the preparation of this

333Recommended Order. Petitioner neither moved for nor received

341an additional enlargement o f time. The undersigned had

350reviewed the case and decided it on the merits when Petitioner

361filed an untimely Proposed Recommended Order on October 30,



3741. From February 2, 1999, until April of 2001, when they

385sold their business ass ets to the Church of the Nazarene,

396Petitioner Shanion 1 McCarthy (McCarthy) and her then - partner

406Maricel Perez (Perez) owned and operated the Little Bears Day

416Care Center (Little Bears). McCarthy and Perez were equal

425partners in the purchase, ownership, an d operation of Little

435Bears. Both had been employed at Little Bears prior to going

446into business together.

4492. McCarthy had been a competent, caring, day care

458worker for over a decade. She did not shirk form unpleasant

469obligations, such as the duty to re port child abuse, even when

481it meant exposing herself to abuse and retaliation from the

491accused abuser.

4933. Within months of forming their partnership, McCarthy

501and Perez began to seek a better facility for their business,

512and began making plans to move Li ttle Bears to a new location.

525Perez, however, began to plan a personal business strategy,

534which involved opening the new center in her own name,

544dissolving the partnership, and recruiting Little Bears

551employees to work at the new center in competition wi th


5634. One of the employees whom Perez would later hire away

574from Little Bears was Stacy Cooper (Cooper).

5815. The Department's primary charge against McCarthy is

589that on March 19, 2001, McCarthy was "not aware" that a three -

602year - old child named Sergio had left Little Bears through a

614bathroom door which exited to the outside after going to the

625bathroom and removing his wet underwear and shorts.

6336. It is undisputed that Sergio did leave the center and

644was shortly thereafter found by Robin Kamrow (Kamrow), an

653employee of a nearby auto - transmission shop.

6617. Sergio was able to let himself out the bathroom door

672because he had been granted permission to go to the bathroom,

683without supervision, by Cooper.

6878. At all times material to this incident, Coo per, and

698not McCarthy, was the child care worker directly responsible

707for Sergio's supervision. Cooper was eager to leave for lunch

717with a co - worker, and did so without first verifying that

729Sergio was back in class, and without advising McCarthy that

739the child had been sent to the bathroom by himself.

7499. The incident could have ended tragically, but did

758not, due to Kamrow's willingness to attend to a little boy

769walking alone with a dog.

77410. The dog turned out to be owned by Sergio's uncle,

785who lived di rectly behind the day care center. Upon exiting

796to the outside from the Little Bears bathroom, Sergio

805proceeded to his uncle's house and took the dog with the

816intention of having the dog accompany him to his home, some

827seven blocks away.

83011. Apparently S ergio has not been taught to fear

840strangers, for he willingly allowed Kamrow to put a rag on his

852uncovered bottom, and to pick him up and carry him the rest of

865the way home. Sergio was able to direct Kamrow to his

876family's home, telling her where and wher e not to turn.

887Kamrow released Sergio to his grandmother.

89312. Rather than telephone the day care center or the

903police, Sergio's grandmother went to the center to confront

912the owners. By this time, McCarthy had discovered that Sergio

922was missing and ha d called the police.

93013. At the time of the incident, Sergio's family knew,

940but had not informed Little Bears, that Sergio had a

950propensity to run away.

95414. Immediately after this incident, McCarthy had the

962locks child proofed and installed a chain lin k fence, although

973the law did not require that either of these things be done.

98515. In its letter of April 2, 2001, the Department

995further alleges that McCarthy asked a staff member to lie

1005about this incident, and that McCarthy told the Department

1014that Ser gio was under the supervision of a staff person who

1026was actually out of the center on a lunch break.

103616. The only evidence that McCarthy asked a staffer to

1046lie was offered by Cooper. Cooper claimed that McCarthy asked

1056her to not tell investigators that S ergio had let the dog out

1069of his uncle's gate and that Sergio was riding a tricycle.

108017. The undersigned rejects Cooper's testimony on this

1088matter as patently implausible. Cooper never claimed to have

1097personal knowledge of any aspect of Sergio's escape.

1105Moreover, there was never any evidence from any source that he

1116had a tricycle.

111918. These silly fabrications, coupled with Cooper's

1126deceptive demeanor under oath and her financial stake in

1135permanently eliminating McCarthy as a competitor of Perez's

1143day c are center, all contribute to the undersigned's

1152conclusion that Cooper's testimony is unworthy of belief.

1160Cooper is the only witness who claims personal knowledge that

1170McCarthy's negligence was the proximate cause of Sergio's

1178escape. To the contrary, the evidence establishes that Cooper

1187lied under oath for the most obvious of reasons --- to shift

1199responsibility from herself to McCarthy.

120419. The Department also alleges that Little Bears "has

1213had a history of problems." In support of this allegation,

1223the Department relies primarily upon three incidents.

123020. On January 12, 1999, the Department found Little

1239Bears to be out of compliance with minimum child care

1249standards because the center was over capacity. However, on

1258that date, McCarthy was an employee, not an owner. There is

1269no evidence that McCarthy had any legal obligation or

1278authority to deny admittance to a child who had been duly

1289enrolled by McCarthy's employer.

129321. On July 11 1999, the Department again cited Little

1303Bears for a violation of minim um child care standards because

1314the center had 26 children enrolled.

132022. On this date, McCarthy and Perez were in an

1330ownership position and obliged to comply with state standards.

1339Based upon the square footage of Little Bears (as opposed to

1350the adult - ch ild ratios, which were in compliance) 23 was the

1363upper limit of enrollment. McCarthy acted promptly and worked

1372with the Department to correct the violation.

137923. There is no evidence that this violation posed a

1389threat to the health or safety of any child in care. At least

1402one child was granted a Department waiver and permitted to

1412remain after the parent complained about being forced to go

1422elsewhere for child care. The Department did not seek to

1432punish this violation, but rather worked to accommodate the

1441needs of the families which relied on the center.

145024. The third incident alleged as part of the "history

1460of problems" is an incident on February 22, 2000, in which

1471McCarthy "engaged in a physical altercation with her daughter

1480on the grounds of the Little Bears Day Care Center."

149025. Although the Department alleged that McCarthy's

1497daughter, Chastity, was employed at the center at the time of

1508the incident, no evidence was offered to support that

1517allegation. Instead, the evidence revealed that Chastity,

1524an gry and upset that McCarthy had called police to report that

1536Chastity was at a motel, possibly engaging in illegal or

1546dangerous activities with her boyfriend, showed up

1553unannounced, uninvited, and greatly agitated, at Little Bears.

156126. Chastity came to th e door and demanded to confront

1572her mother. McCarthy made every effort to keep the argument

1582away from the children. Chastity became violent and McCarthy

1591reacted in self - defense to protect herself and to restrain and

1603calm her daughter.

160627. A police in vestigation revealed no wrongdoing by

1615McCarthy. The Department imposed a $100 fine for the incident

1625which McCarthy personally paid.


163228. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1639jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

1649proceeding. Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

165429. The Department has the burden of proof in this

1664proceeding. The Department must show by clear and convincing

1673evidence that Petitioner committed the acts alleged in the

1682Administrative Complaint, an d the reasonableness of any

1690penalty to be imposed. Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292

1701(Fla. 1987).

170330. The Department has the authority to revoke a child

1713care license for violation of minimum child care standards

1722pursuant to Section 402.310, Florida S tatutes:

1729(1)(a) The department or local licensing

1735agency may deny, suspend, or revoke a

1742license or impose an administrative fine

1748not to exceed $100 per violation, per day,

1756for the violation of any provision of ss.

1764402.301 - 402.319 or rules adopted

1770thereu nder. However, where the violation

1776could or does cause death or serious harm,

1784the department or local licensing agency

1790may impose an administrative fine, not to

1797exceed $500 per violation per day.

1803(b) In determining the appropriate

1808disciplinary action to be taken for a

1815violation as provided in paragraph (a), the

1822following factors shall be considered:

18271. The severity of the violation,

1833including the probability that death or

1839serious harm to the health or safety of any

1848person will result or has resul ted, the

1856severity of the actual or potential harm,

1863and the extent to which the provisions of

1871this part have been violated.

18762. Actions taken by the licensee to

1883correct the violation or to remedy


18903. Any previous violations of the

1896licensee .

189831. In addition, the Department contends that the

1906incidents set forth in its letter of April 2, 2001, constitute

1917violations of the following statutes and rules:

1924a. Section 402.302, Florida Statutes, which defines a

1932child care operator and owner as follows:

1939(11) "Operator" means any onsite person

1945ultimately responsible for the overall

1950operation of a child care facility, whether

1957or not he or she is the owner or

1966administrator of such facility.

1970(12) "Owner" means the person who is

1977licensed to o perate the child care


1985b. Section 402.305, Florida Statutes, sets the licensing

1993standards for child care facilities:

1998(1) LICENSING STANDARDS. -- The department

2004shall establish licensing standards that

2009each licensed child care facility must meet

2016r egardless of the origin or source of the

2025fees used to operate the facility or the

2033type of children served by the facility.

2040(a) The standards shall be designed to

2047address the following areas:

20511. The health, sanitation, safety, and

2057adequate physical surroundings for all

2062children in child care.

20662. The health and nutrition of all

2073children in child care.

20773. The child development needs of all

2084children in child care.

2088* * *

2091(c) The minimum standards for child care

2098facilities shall be adopted in the rules of

2106the department and shall address the areas

2113delineated in this section. The

2118department, in adopting rules to establish

2124minimum standards for child care

2129facilities, shall recognize that different

2134age groups of children may require

2140different standards. The department may

2145adopt different minimum standards for

2150facilities that serve children in different

2156age groups, including school - age children.

2163c. The statutory licensing standards which have been

2171codified in Florida Administrative Code, Ru le 65C - 22,

2181specifically Rule 65C - 22.001 which outlines the requirements

2190for the issuance of a license as follows:

2198(2) License.

2200(a) A child care facility license is

2207issued in the name of the owner,

2214partnership, association, or corporation.

2218d. Rule 65C - 22.001, Florida Administrative Code, sets

2227forth minimum required space per child, as follows:

2235Physical Environment.

2237(3) Indoor Floor Space.

2241(a) A child care facility that held a

2249valid license on October 1, 1992, must have

2257a minimum of 20 square feet of u sable

2266indoor floor space for each child. A child

2274care facility that did not hold a valid

2282license on October 1, 1992, and seeks

2289regulatory approval to operate as a child

2296care facility, must have a minimum of 35

2304square feet of usable indoor floor space

2311f or each child.

2315e. Lastly, Rule 65C - 22.001, Florida Administrative Code,

2324sets forth the requirement for supervision:

2330(5) Supervision.

2332(a) Direct supervision means watching and

2338directing children's activities within the

2343same room or designated outdoor pl ay area

2351and responding to each child's need. Child

2358care personnel at a facility must be

2365assigned to provide direct supervision to a

2372specific group of children and be present

2379with that group of children at all times.

2387When caring for school age children, c hild

2395care personnel shall remain responsible for

2401the supervision of the children in care and

2409capable of responding to emergencies, and

2415are accountable for children at all times,

2422which includes when children are separated

2428from their groups.

2431(b) During na p time, supervision means

2438sufficient staff in close proximity, within

2444sight and hearing of all the children. All

2452other staff to meet the required staff - to -

2462children ratio shall be within the same

2469building on the same floor and be readily

2477accessible and ava ilable to be summoned to

2485ensure the safety of the children.

249132. The Department has failed to establish that any of

2501the incidents described in the foregoing Findings of Fact,

2510singly or taken together, demonstrate either gross misconduct

2518and/or willful vi olation of the minimum child care standard

2528within the meaning of the statutes and rules charged.

253733. The Department has failed to establish by clear and

2547convincing evidence that McCarthy was responsible for Sergio's

2555escape. Instead, the evidence establ ishes that Cooper was

2564appropriately assigned to look after him, and failed to

2573perform her duty.

257634. It might be argued that it would be wise policy not

2588to permit a staffer to leave a day care center unless another

2600individual had performed a head count. B ut there is no

2611evidence that such a procedure is required either by law,

2621rule, nor by a standard of care in place at Little Bears.

263335. Moreover, the Department expressly disclaimed that

2640its case is based upon a respondent superior theory. Instead,

2650the Department contended, but failed to prove, that McCarthy

2659was directly responsible for Sergio and neglected her duty to

2669supervise him.

267136. The Department argues that the March 19, 2001

2680incident was so serious that the Department could have revoked

2690the lic ense without a history of prior violations at the

2701center, citing Coke v. Department of Children and Family

2710Services , 704 So. 2d 726 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998). Because the

2721evidence does not establish McCarthy's culpability for

2728Sergio's escape, arguably the other charges are moot.

273637. However, Coke is readily distinguishable. There,

2743the court upheld the non - renewal of a child care license based

2756upon one incident of an unexplained injury to a child in day

2768care. Here, the injury has been explained, and the negligent

2778party identified. McCarthy's misplaced trust in Cooper,

2785coupled with the incidents of July 11, 1999, and February 22,

27962000, do not constitute clear and convincing evidence that

2805McCarthy, after a long and unblemished career, should be

2814deemed unf it to work in child care.


2823Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

2832of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department issue a final

2843order dismissing the charges against Petitioner, Shanion R.


2852DONE AND ORDERED this 31st day of October, 2001, in

2862Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2870Administrative Law Judge

2873Division of Administrative Hearings

2877The DeSoto Building

28801230 Apalachee Parkway

2883Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 30 60

2889(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2897Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2904Filed with the Clerk of the

2910Division of Administrative Hearings

2914this 31st day of October, 2001.


29211/ This is the correct spelling of Petitioner's first name .

2932The caption incorrectly uses the more traditional spelling.


2942Mark Dienstag, Esquire

294521 Southeast First Avenue, Suite 800

2951Miami, Florida 33131

2954Rosemarie Rinaldi, Esquire

2957Department of Children and Families

2962401 Northwest Second A venue, Suite N - 1014

2971Miami, Florida 33128

2974Virginia A. Daire, Agency Clerk

2979Department of Children and

2983Family Services

29851317 Winewood Boulevard

2988Building 2, Room 204B

2992Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700

2997Josie Tomayo, General Counsel

3001Department of Children and

3005Family Services

30071317 Winewood Boulevard

3010Building 2, Room 204

3014Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


3025All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

303515 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any

3045ex ceptions to this Recommended Order should be filed with the

3056agency that will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/14/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Exceptions to Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/31/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/31/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held August 30, 2001) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/31/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 10/29/2001
Proceedings: Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law and Final Order filed by M. Dienstag
Date: 10/24/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/09/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders issued.
Date: 10/08/2001
Proceedings: Agreed Motion for Additional Time to Submit Proposed Recommended Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 09/19/2001
Proceedings: Transcript, Condensed filed.
Date: 09/19/2001
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 08/30/2001
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 07/12/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for August 30 and 31, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Key Largo, FL).
Date: 07/10/2001
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/03/2001
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 07/03/2001
Proceedings: Reply to Notice of Department`s Intention to Dismiss Petitioner`s Request for Hearing filed.
Date: 07/03/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Department`s Intention to Dismiss Petitioner`s Request for Hearing Unless Petitioner Files Additional Information within Twenty-one Days filed.
Date: 07/03/2001
Proceedings: Revocation of Child Care License and Suspension of Operation filed.
Date: 07/03/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by M.Dienstag).
Date: 07/03/2001
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Key Largo, Florida
Department of Children and Families


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):