01-002920 Spyke`s Grove, Inc., D/B/A Fresh Fruit Express, Emerald Estate, Nature`s Classic vs. Clark`s Country Farmers Market, Inc., And Contractors Bonding And Insurance Company
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, November 29, 2001.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner established that Respondent had breached a series of sales contracts by failing to pay for citrus fruit gift boxes ordered and shipped. It was recommended that Petitioner be awarded damages.



8SPYKE'S GROVE, INC., d/b/a )




23Petitioner, )


26vs. ) Case No. 01 - 2920A






49Respondent s. )



55The parties having been provided proper notice,

62Administrative Law Judge John G. Van Laningham of the Division

72of Administrative Hearings conven ed a formal hearing of this

82matter by telephone conference on October 25, 2001. Petitioner

91appeared in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Respondent Clark's County

99Farmers Market, Inc. appeared, and the Administrative Law Judge

108presided, in Tallahassee, Florida.


113For Petitioner: Barbara Spiece, pro se

119Spyke's Grove, Inc.

1227250 Griffin Road

125Davie, Florida 33314

128For Respondent Clark's County Farmers Market, Inc. :

136Denise B. Clark, pro se

141Clark's Country Farmers Market, Inc.

14618440 U.S. Highway 19, North

151Hudson, Florida 34667

154For Respondent Contractors Bonding & Insurance Company:

161No appearance


167The issue in this case is whether Respondent Clark's

176Country Farmers Market, Inc. owes Petitioner a sum of money for

187shipments of citrus fruit.


193On April 30, 2001, Petitioner Spyke's Grove , Inc. ("Spyke's

203Grove") filed a Complaint with the Department of Agriculture and

214Consumer Services (the "Department") in which it alleged that

224Respondent Clark's Country Farmers Market, Inc. ("Clark's") had

234failed to pay for gift fruit packages that Spyke 's Grove had

246shipped during the 1999 - 2000 citrus shipping season pursuant to

257a series of sales contracts between the parties. Spyke's Grove

267claimed that Clark's owed a balance of $4,803.55. Respondent

277Contractors Bonding & Insurance Company was named in the

286Complaint as Clark's' surety.

290In an Answer filed with the Department on July 19, 2001,

301Clark's denied Spyke's Grove's allegations and requested a

309hearing. Shortly thereafter, the Department forwarded the

316matter to the Division of Administrative Hearin gs.

324At the final hearing on October 25, 2001, Spyke's Grove was

335represented by its president, Barbara Spiece, who testified on

344the company's behalf, as did her husband, Robert Spiece.

353Spyke's Grove introduced Petitioner's Exhibits 1 - 4; 6 - 10; 11;

36513; 14 - 17; 19 - 22; 27; 28; and 30 into evidence, and all were

381received. (Most of Spyke's Grove's exhibits were composite

389exhibits comprising numerous separate documents.)

394On behalf of Clark's appeared an officer of the company,

404Denise B. Clark. She testified, as did employees Denise Bosse

414and Milia Julian. Clark's offered exhibits, mostly composites,

422alphabetically identified as Respondent's Exhibits A - I; L - N; T;

434and U. All were admitted into evidence.

441Although a court reporter recorded the proceeding, none o f

451the parties ordered a transcript. Spyke's Grove and Clark's

460submitted proposed recommended orders, and the undersigned

467reviewed them judiciously.


473The evidence presented at final hearing established the

481facts that follow.

484The Parties an d Their Problem

4901. Spyke's Grove and Clark's are "citrus fruit dealers"

499operating within the Department's regulatory jurisdiction.

5052. As a wholesale shipper, Spyke's Grove packages and

514arranges for delivery of citrus products pursuant to purchase

523orders that retail sellers such as Clark's submit. The packages

533typically are labeled with the retail seller's name, and thus

543the retail buyer (and the recipient, if the citrus is purchased

554as a gift) usually will not be aware of Spyke's Grove's


5663 . The instant case involves a series of orders that

577Clark's placed with Spyke's Grove between October and December

5861999 for packages of gift fruit. Under a number of informal,

597largely unwritten contracts, Spyke's Grove agreed, each time it

606received an or der from Clark's, to ship a gift fruit box or

619basket to the donee designated by Clark's' retail customer, for

629which fruit shipment Clark's agreed to pay Spyke's Grove.

6384. Spyke's Grove alleges that Clark's failed to pay in

648full for all of the gift fruit p ackages that Clark's ordered and

661Spyke's Grove duly shipped. Clark's contends (though not

669precisely in these terms) that Spyke's Grove materially breached

678the contracts, thereby discharging Clark's from further

685performance thereunder.

687The Transactions

6895. From mid - October 1999 until around December 12, 1999,

700Clark's faxed or e - mailed to Spyke's Grove approximately 350

711individual orders for gift fruit packages. Among other

719information, each order consisted of a shipping label that

728identified the product ( e.g. the type of gift box or basket),

740the intended recipient, and the destination. Spyke's Grove

748manifested its intent to fill these orders by faxing statements

758of acknowledgment to Clark's, by telephoning Clark's, or both.

7676. Although the many contrac ts that arose from these

777transactions were thus documented, the writings left much

785unsaid. For example, the parties did not explicitly agree in

795writing that Spyke's Grove would deliver the subject gift

804baskets to the donees before Christmas, nor did they make any

815express oral agreements to this effect. 1

8227. Further, the parties did not specifically agree that

831Spyke's Grove would be obligated to deliver the gift fruit into

842the hands of the donees and bear the risk of loss until such

855tender of delivery. Rather, the contracts between Spyke's Grove

864and Clark's were ordinary shipment contracts that required

872Spyke's Grove to put the goods into the possession of carriers

883(such as the U.S. Postal Service or United Parcel Service) who

894in due course would deliver the packages to the donees.

9048. For many weeks, until early December 1999, Clark's

913placed orders, and Spyke's Grove filled them, under the

922arrangement just described. The relationship was not completely

930trouble - free, for the parties had some problems wit h duplicate

942orders. Most, if not all, of these difficulties stemmed from

952the implementation of a computerized ordering system which

960allowed Clark's to "export" orders directly to Spyke's Grove's

969electronic database. The parties recognized at the time tha t

979errors were occurring, and they attempted contemporaneously to

987identify and purge unintended duplicates. Pursuant to the

995course of dealing between these parties, Spyke's Grove filled

1004orders that were not affirmatively identified as errors prior to

1014the s cheduled shipment date.

1019The Fire

10219. On the night of Sunday, December 12, 1999, a

1031devastating fire at Spyke's Grove's premises caused substantial

1039damage, temporarily disrupting its citrus packing and shipping

1047operations at the peak of the holiday season. Working through

1057and around the loss, Spyke's Grove soon recovered sufficiently

1066to reopen for business. By around noon on Tuesday, December 14,

10771999, its telephone service had been restored, and activities

1086relating to shipping resumed on Friday, December 1 7, 1999.

1096The Aftermath

109810. Meantime, Clark's contends, customers had begun

1105calling Clark's on December 10, 1999, to complain that gift

1115fruit packages were not being received as promised. None of the

1126customers testified at hearing, however, and therefore no

1134competent, non - hearsay evidence establishes the contents of

1143their alleged out - of - court statements.

115111. On December 14, 1999, following several unsuccessful

1159attempts to communicate with Spyke's Grove shortly after the

1168fire (about which Clark's remained unaware), Denise Clark,

1176acting on behalf of Clark's, reached Robert Spiece, a

1185representative of Spyke's Grove, on his cell phone. At hearing,

1195Ms. Clark and Mr. Spiece gave conflicting accounts as to the

1206substance of their December 14, 1999, telephone conv ersation.

1215Neither disputed, however, that during this conversation Ms.

1223Clark and Mr. Spiece agreed, at Ms. Clark's request, that all

1234orders of Clark's not yet shipped by Spyke's Grove would be

1245canceled, effective immediately, as a result of the fire.

1254Alt hough Ms. Clark claimed that Mr. Spiece further informed her

1265that Spyke's Grove could not identify which orders had been

1275shipped, the factfinder does not believe that Mr. Spiece made

1285such a sweeping negative statement. Rather, as Mr. Spiece

1294explained at h earing, Ms. Clark probably was told that

1304information regarding the filled orders would not be available

1313that day .

131612. Without waiting for further information from Spyke's

1324Grove, Clark's began calling its retail customers to ascertain

1333whether they had re ceived packages that were supposed to have

1344been shipped by Spyke's Grove. Employees of Clark's who had

1354participated in this process —— which took four to five days ——

1366testified at hearing about conversations between themselves and

1374various customers. As uncor roborated hearsay, however, the out -

1384of - court statements attributed to these customers were not

1394competent substantial evidence upon which a relevant finding of

1403fact, e.g. that any particular customer or customers had not

1413received their gift fruit, could be based. Moreover, this

1422hearsay evidence, even if competent, would still have been too

1432anecdotal to establish persuasively any widespread failure on

1440the part of the carriers to deliver the packages shipped by

1451Spyke's Grove.

145313. On December 15, 1999, Spyke' s Grove prepared three

1463draft invoices for the gift fruit packages that Clark's had

1473ordered and which Spyke's Grove had shipped before December 12,

14831999. Numbered 1999113001, 1999121101, and 1999121201, the

1490invoices sought payment of $688.72, $2,415.48, an d $298.66,

1500respectively. On the first page of Invoice #1999121201, Barbara

1509Spiece, the President of Spyke's Grove, wrote:

1516Some of these were lost in the fire. "A"

1525day left in the morning. "Springfield" was

1532on the floor to go out that night. I

1541realize t here are many duplicates in these

1549shipped reports. We tried to watch for them

1557but with different order numbers it was very

1565difficult. Just cross them out [and] you

1572will not be charged for them. I apologize

1580for all of the problems we have had this

1589season [illegible] wish you luck.

1594These bills were faxed to, and received by, Clark's on

1604December 16, 1999.

160714. Clark's did not pay the invoices, or dispute them, or

1618cross out the unintended duplicate orders (as it had been

1628invited to do) to effect a reductio n in the outstanding balance.

1640Instead, Clark's ignored Spyke's Grove's requests for payment.

1648Not only that, in disregard of its existing contractual

1657obligations and with no advance notice to Spyke's Grove, Clark's

1667proceeded on its own to fill all of the orders that it had

1680placed with Spyke's Grove before December 12, 1999 —— including

1690those orders that Spyke's Grove, through its draft invoices,

1699claimed to have shipped.

170315. Even after the fact, Clark's failed to inform Spyke's

1713Grove that it had, in effect, repudiated its contractual

1722promises to pay Spyke's Grove for the gift fruit packages

1732already shipped as of December 12, 1999 ( i.e. the orders not

1744canceled on December 14, 1999).

1749The Inevitable Dispute

175216. Having heard nothing from Clark's in response t o its

1763December 16, 1999, fax, Spyke's Grove sent its invoices out

1773again, in final form, on January 25, 2000. 2 This time, Ms.

1785Spiece did not inscribe any instructions to cross out duplicates

1795for a discount. Numbered 11063001 ($688.72), 11063002

1802($2,449.14 ), and 11063003 ($195.52), these bills totaled


181317. Each of these invoices contained the following

1821boilerplate "terms":

1824Net 14 days prompt payment is expected and

1832appreciated. A 1 ½% monthly service charge

1839(A.P.R. 18% per annum) may be charged on all

1848past due accounts. Customer agrees to pay

1855all costs of collection, including attorneys

1861[sic] fees and court costs, should

1867collection efforts ever become necessary.

187218. Clark's did not remit payment or otherwise respond to

1882Spyke's Grove's stateme nts. Accordingly, on June 20, 2000,

1891Spyke's Grove sent a letter to the Department requesting

1900assistance. Clark's was provided a copy of this letter.

1909Shortly thereafter, Spyke's Grove filed a Complaint with the

1918Department, initiating the instant proceedi ng.

1924Ultimate Factual Determinations

192719. Clark's refusal to pay for the goods ordered from and

1938shipped by Spyke's Grove constituted a breach of the contracts

1948between the parties. Spyke's Grove did not materially breach

1957the agreements.

195920. Further, Clar k's did not object, within a reasonable

1969period of time, to the statements of account that Spyke's Grove

1980rendered preliminarily on December 16, 1999, and finally on

1989January 25, 2000. Accordingly, these invoices amount to an

1998account stated concerning the tr ansactions between the parties.

2007Clark's failed to overcome the presumption of correctness that

2016attaches to an account stated, either by proving fraud, mistake,

2026or error.

202821. Spyke's Grove has suffered an injury as a result of

2039Clark's' breach. Spyke's Gr ove's damages consist of the

2048principal amount of the debt together with pre - award interest at

2060the statutory rate.

206322. Accordingly, Spyke's Grove is entitled to recover the

2072following amounts from Clark's:

2076Principal Due Date Statutory Interest

2081$3,333.38 2/08/99 $ 298.66 (2/08/00 - 12/31/00)

2089$ 335.56 (1/01/01 - 11/30/01)

2094$3,333.38 $ 634.22

2098Interest will continue to accrue on the outstanding balance of

2108$3,333.38 in the amount of $1.00 per day from December 1, 2001,

2121until the date of the final order.


213123. The Division of Administrative Hearings has personal

2139and subject matter jurisdiction in this proceeding pursuant to

2148Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

215424. Chapter 601, Florida Statutes, is known as "The

2163Florida Citru s Code of 1949." Section 601.01, Florida Statutes.

"2173Citrus fruit" is defined in Section 601.03(7), Florida

2181Statutes, as

2183all varieties and regulated hybrids of

2189citrus fruit and also means processed citrus

2196products containing 20 percent or more

2202citrus frui t or citrus fruit juice, but, for

2211the purposes of this chapter, shall not mean

2219limes, lemons, marmalade, jellies,

2223preserves, candies, or citrus hybrids for

2229which no specific standards have been

2235established by the Department of Citrus.

224125. A "citrus fruit dealer" is defined in

2249Section 601.03(8), Florida Statutes, as

2254any consignor, commission merchant,

2258consignment shipper, cash buyer, broker,

2263association, cooperative association,

2266express or gift fruit shipper, or person who

2274in any manner makes or attempts t o make

2283money or other thing of value on citrus

2291fruit in any manner whatsoever, other than

2298of growing or producing citrus fruit, but

2305the term shall not include retail

2311establishments whose sales are direct to

2317consumers and not for resale or persons or

2325firms trading solely in citrus futures

2331contracts on a regulated commodity exchange.

2337Both Spyke's Grove and Clark's are citrus fruit dealers under

2347this definition.

234926. Citrus fruit dealers are required to be licensed by

2359the Department in order to transact busin ess in Florida.

2369Section 601.55(1), Florida Statutes. As a condition of

2377obtaining a license, such dealers are required to provide a cash

2388bond or a certificate of deposit or a surety bond in an amount

2401to be determined by the Department "for the use and ben efit of

2414every producer and of every citrus fruit dealer with whom the

2425dealer deals in the purchase, handling, sale, and accounting of

2435purchases and sales of citrus fruit." Section 601.61(3),

2443Florida Statutes.

244527. Section 601.65, Florida Statutes, provid es that "[i]f

2454any licensed citrus fruit dealer violates any provision of this

2464chapter, such dealer shall be liable to the person allegedly

2474injured thereby for the full amount of damages sustained in

2484consequence of such violation." This liability may be

2492ad judicated in an administrative action brought before the

2501Department or in a "judicial suit at law in a court of competent

2514jurisdiction." Id.

251628. Section 601.64(4), Florida Statutes, defines as an

"2524unlawful act" by a citrus fruit dealer the failure to pay

2535promptly and fully, as promised, for any citrus fruit which is

2546the subject of a transaction relating to the purchase and sale

2557of such goods.

256029. Any person may file a complaint with the Department

2570alleging a violation of the provisions of Chapter 601, Florida

2580Statutes, by a citrus fruit dealer. Section 601.66(1), Florida

2589Statutes. The Department is charged with the responsibilities

2597of determining whether the allegations of the complaint have

2606been established and adjudicating the amount of indebtedness or

2615damages owed by the citrus fruit dealer. Section 601.66(5),

2624Florida Statutes. The Department shall "fix a reasonable time

2633within which said indebtedness shall be paid by the [citrus

2643fruit] dealer," and, if the dealer does not pay within the time

2655spec ified by the Department, the Department shall obtain payment

2665of the damages from the dealer's surety company, up to the

2676amount of the bond. Section 601.66(5) and (6), Florida


268630. The contracts at issue between Spyke's Grove and

2695Clark's were for the sale of goods. Accordingly, in addition to

2706being subject to the provisions of Chapter 601, Florida

2715Statutes, these transactions are governed by Florida's Uniform

2723Commercial Code ("UCC"). See Section 672.102, Florida Statutes

2733(describing scope of UCC 's Article II on "sales"); Section

2744672.105(1), Florida Statutes (defining "goods").

275031. The informal nature of the subject agreements does not

2760adversely affect their enforceability. The parties intended to

2768form contracts, and reasonably certain grounds exist in the

2777record for giving an appropriate remedy. See , e.g. , Sections

2786672.204, 672.206, 672.207, and 672.208, Florida Statutes.

279332. The contracts at issue contained no explicit

2801provisions allocating the risk of loss while the goods were in

2812the pos session of a carrier, nor did they provide for any

2824delivery terms. Hence, these were ordinary shipment contracts,

2832not destination contracts, for the latter must be explicitly

2841agreed to. See Pestana v. Karinol Corp. , 367 So. 2d 1096, 1099

2853(Fla. 3d DCA 197 9); Sig M. Glukstad, Inc. v. Lineas Aereas

2865Paraguayas , 619 F.2d 457, 459 (5th Cir. 1980)(absent specific

2874contrary terms, sales contract is a shipment contract).

288233. Under a shipment contract, the seller is required to

2892tender the goods to a carrier for del ivery to the buyer, and the

2906risk of loss passes to the buyer upon the carrier's receipt of

2918the goods. See Pestana , 367 So. 2d at 1099; Section 672.504,

2929Florida Statutes.

293134. Spyke's Grove bore the burden of proving the

2940allegations in its Complaint agai nst Clark's by a preponderance

2950of the evidence. See Florida Department of Transportation v.

2959J.W.C. Co., Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778, 788 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981);

2971Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services v.

2979Career Service Commission , 289 So. 2d 412, 4 15 (Fla. 4th DCA

29911974); Section 120.57(1)(j), Florida Statutes. Clark's,

2997however, had the burden to establish any breach with respect to

3008goods accepted. See Section 672.607(4), Florida Statutes. The

3016burden was also on Clark's, which had failed to object to

3027Spyke's Grove's invoices within a reasonable time after having

3036received them, to overcome the presumption of correctness with

3045which an account stated is cloaked. E.g. Home Health Services

3055of Sarasota, Inc. v. McQuay - Garrett, Sullivan & Co. , 462 So. 2d

3068605, 606 (Fla. 2d DCA 1985); see also Robert C. Malt & Co. v.

3082Kelly Tractor Co. , 518 So. 2d 991, 992 (Fla. 4th DCA

30931988)("Generally, an account stated is established where a

3102debtor does not object to a bill from his creditor within a

3114reasonable period of time."); Rauzin v. Kupper , 139 So. 2d 432,

3126432 (Fla. 3d DCA 1962)("The account stated generally arises from

3137the rendition of a statement of transactions between the parties

3147with a failure on the part of the party to whom the account was

3161rendered to object within a reasonable time . . . .").

317335. Spyke's Grove carried its burden of proving that

3182Clark's has failed and refused to pay, as agreed, for citrus

3193fruit that Spyke's Grove properly tendered to various carriers

3202for delivery.

320436. Clark's failed to esta blish that it rejected the

3214tender of goods by Spyke's Grove, or that it properly revoked

3225the acceptance of such goods. Having failed to make an

3235effective and timely rejection or revocation of acceptance,

3243Clark's is deemed to have accepted all of the citru s fruit for

3256which Spyke's Grove has sought payment. See Sections 672.601,

3265672.606, and 672.608, Florida Statutes.

327037. Clark's did not demonstrate that Spyke's Grove had

3279breached the contracts relating to the accepted goods. See

3288Section 672.607(4), Flori da Statutes. Moreover, Clark's failed

3296to prove that it had timely notified Spyke's Grove of any

3307breaches, and for that additional reason is barred from any

3317remedy therefor. See Section 672.607(3)(a), Florida Statutes.

332438. Clark's failed to prove fraud , mistake, or error in

3334connection with Spyke's Grove's invoices. As a result, the

3343presumed correctness of these invoices was not defeated, and

3352became conclusive. 3 Gendzier v. Bielecki , 97 So. 2d 604, 608

3363(Fla. 1957)("This presumed correctness [of an acco unt stated]

3373may be overcome by proof of fraud, mistake, or error. However,

3384the burden of establishing [these defenses] is upon the party

3394asserting [them] and unless he disposes of this burden, the

3404presumptive correctness of the stated account becomes

3411conc lusive."); Home Health Services of Sarasota , 462 So. 2d at


342439. Thus, Clark's is indebted to Spyke's Grove in the

3434principal amount of $3,333.38. See Section 672.607(1), Florida


344440. The amounts that Clark's owes Spyke's Grove came due

3454as provided in the invoices that Spyke's Grove sent to Clark's,

3465namely, 14 days after the date of the invoice. See Section

3476672.310, Florida Statutes.

347941. Spyke's Grove is entitled to simple interest on the

3489outstanding balance at the statutory rate of ten percent per

3499annum until December 31, 2000, and at the rate of 11 percent per

3512year beginning January 1, 2001. See Section 687.01, Florida

3521Statutes; Section 55.03, Florida Statutes;

3526http://www.dbf.state.fl.us/interest.html; see also United

3530Services Automob ile Ass'n v. Smith , 527 So. 2d 281, 283 - 84 (Fla.

35441st DCA 1988)(improper to award compound statutory interest).

3552Notwithstanding the boilerplate in its invoices, Sypke's Grove

3560is not entitled to recover interest at an annual rate of 18

3572percent, because the parties did not make a special contract for

3583that rate. See Celotex Corp. v. Buildex, Inc. , 476 So. 2d 294,

3595296 (Fla. 3d DCA 1985), rev. denied , 486 So. 2d 595 (1986).


3608Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3618Law, it is REC OMMENDED that the Department enter a final order

3630awarding Spyke's Grove the sum of $3,333.38, together with pre -

3642award interest in the amount of $634.22 (through November 30,

36522001), plus additional interest from December 1, 2001, until the

3662date of the final order, which will accrue in the amount of

3674$1.00 per day.

3677DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of November, 2001, in

3687Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3696Administrative Law Judge

3699Division of Administrative Hearings

3703The DeSoto Building

37061230 Apalachee Parkway

3709Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3714(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3722Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3729Filed with the Clerk of the

3735Division of Administrative Hearings

3739this 29th day of Novembe r, 2001.


37471 / The promises that Clark's made to its retail customers must,

3759of course, be distinguished from those made by Spyke's Grove to

3770Clark's. That Clark's, in a separate contractual undertaking

3778with a retail buyer, may have obligated itself to deliver a

3789package before a certain date ( e.g. by guaranteeing delivery by

3800Christmas) is not determinative of whether Spyke's Grove

3808concomitantly committed itself to su ch a promise; rather,

3817Spyke's Grove's obligations are governed by the various

3825contracts between Spyke's Grove and Clark's.

38312 / Spyke's Grove sent seven other invoices to Clark's at around

3843the same time. Four of these were bills for catalogs that

3854Clark's had purchased from Spyke's Grove, and a settlement was

3864reached at the final hearing with respect to them. Also at

3875hearing, Spyke's Grove withdrew its claims concerning three

3883additional invoices. Thus, the three invoices discussed in the

3892text are the only statements presently in dispute.

39003 / The UCC displaces the common law to the extent the latter

3913conflicts with the statutory provisions; unless displaced,

3920common law principles of law and equity supplement the code.

3930See Section 671.103, Florida Statutes; Burtman v. Technical

3938Chemicals and Products, Inc. , 724 So. 2d 672, 676 (Fla. 4th DCA

39501999). None of the parties took a position, one way or the

3962other, as to whether the UCC displaces any action on an account

3974stated in transactions involving the sales of goods. Although

3983the discussion in the text assumes that the common law of

3994accounts supplements the UCC, that premise was not outcome

4003determinative; rather, it gave rise to an alternative rationale

4012in support of a result that would have been reached regard less.


4027Barbara Spiece, President

4030Spyke's Grove, Inc.

40337250 Griffin Road

4036Davie, Florida 33314

4039Denise B. Clark

4042Clark's Country Farmers Market, Inc.

404718440 U.S. Highway 19, North

4052Hudson, Florida 34667

4055Patty St. George

4058Con tractors Bonding & Insurance Company

4064Post Office Box 9271

4068Seattle, Washington 98109

4071Honorable Charles H. Bronson

4075Commissioner of Agriculture

4078Department of Agriculture and

4082Consumer Services

4084The Capitol, Plaza Level 10

4089Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0810

4094R ichard Ditschler, General Counsel

4099Department of Agriculture and

4103Consumer Services

4105The Capitol, Plaza Level 10

4110Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0810

4115Brenda D. Hyatt, Bureau Chief

4120Department of Agriculture

4123and Consumer Services

4126500 Third Street Northwest

4130Post Office Box 1072

4134Winter Haven, Florida 33882 - 1072


4146All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

415615 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

4167to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

4178will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/29/2002
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 05/28/2002
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/29/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/29/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held October 25, 2001) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/29/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 11/06/2001
Proceedings: (Proposed) Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/05/2001
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order by Respondent filed.
Date: 10/31/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Laningham from D. Clark regarding payment in the amount of $253.46 filed.
Date: 10/30/2001
Proceedings: Order of Post-Hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 10/29/2001
Proceedings: Interrogatory Request filed by B. Spiece
Date: 10/25/2001
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 10/24/2001
Proceedings: Ammended Evidence List-2 (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/24/2001
Proceedings: Facsimile Cover sheet to Judge V. Laningham from D. Clark regarding information requested (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/24/2001
Proceedings: Response to Request to Produce filed by D. Clark
Date: 10/24/2001
Proceedings: Letter to B. Spiece from D. Clark regarding response to letter dated September 6, 2001(filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/23/2001
Proceedings: Order issued (Petitioner`s Motion to Compel is granted in part).
Date: 10/19/2001
Proceedings: Motion to Compel (filed by Petitioner via facsimile)
Date: 10/09/2001
Proceedings: Interrogatory Request filed by Petitioner.
Date: 10/04/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Capital Reporting Services from S. Carver confirming the request for court reporter services for hearing on October 25, 2001 filed.
Date: 09/17/2001
Proceedings: Witness List (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 09/17/2001
Proceedings: Copies of Discovery filed.
Date: 09/14/2001
Proceedings: Copies of Discovery (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 09/14/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Ex-Parte Communication issued.
Date: 09/11/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Video Teleconference issued (video hearing set for October 25, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 09/10/2001
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from J. Ball concerning a telephone conversation with Denise Clark about Clark`s Country Groves (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/07/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Laningham from B. Spiece concerning a request of continuance filed.
Date: 09/05/2001
Proceedings: Order on Discovery Deadline issued.
Date: 09/04/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Laningham from B. Spiece regarding Discovery deadlines (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/16/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Capital Reporting Services, Inc. from S. Carver regarding confirmation of a court reporter filed.
Date: 08/06/2001
Proceedings: Letter to B. Ladrie from S. Carver regarding address change filed.
Date: 08/02/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference issued (video hearing set for September 14, 2001; 2:00 p.m.; Fort Lauderdale and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 08/02/2001
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 07/30/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Laningham from B. Spiece in reply to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/27/2001
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order (filed by D. Clark via facsimile).
Date: 07/24/2001
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 07/23/2001
Proceedings: Answer of Respondent filed.
Date: 07/23/2001
Proceedings: Complaint filed.
Date: 07/23/2001
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (23):