01-003317 Pinellas County School Board vs. Reginald K. Reese
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, January 2, 2002.

View Dockets  
Summary: Violation of School Board policy which prohibits sexual misconduct is just cause for teacher`s dismissal.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 01 - 3317




30Respondent. )



35Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held on October 18, 2001,

46in Largo, Florida, before Carolyn S. Holifield, an

54Administrative Law Judge with the Division of Administrative



64For Petitioner: Jacqueline Spoto Bircher, Esquire

70Sc hool Board of Pinellas County

76301 Fourth Street, Southwest

80Post Office Box 2942

84Largo, Florida 33779 - 2942

89For Respondent: Mark Herdman, Esquire

94Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A.

982595 Tampa Road, Suite J

103Palm Harbor, Florida 34684


111Whether Respondent’s alleged conduct is a violation of

119Pinellas County School Board Policy 8.25 and/or Section 231.36,

128Florida Statutes, and is just cause for his dismissal as a

139teacher in the Pinellas County School District.


148By letter dated July 18, 2001, Dr. J. Howard Hinesley,

158Superintendent of Pinellas County Schools, advised Respondent

165that he was recommending Respondent’s dism issal as a teacher in

176the school district. According to the letter, the

184recommendation of dismissal was because, on November 10, 1999,

193Respondent engaged in conduct that violated School Board Policy

2028.25 and Section 231.36, Florida Statutes. Respondent

209c hallenged the proposed dismissal and requested a formal

218hearing. On or about August 20, 2001, the matter was forwarded

229to the Division of Administrative Hearings for assignment of an

239Administrative Law Judge to conduct the hearing and prepare a

249recommende d order. By notice issued September 6, 2001, the

259matter was set for hearing and this proceeding followed.

268In the Pre - Hearing Statement filed at the final hearing,

279the School Board clarified the issues in the case by stating

290that Respondent’s “actions were a violation of School Board

299Policy 8.25(1)(a), (d) and (x) and 8.04, and also constitute

309just cause for his dismissal under Section 231.36 because, among

319other things, it constitutes immorality and conviction of a

328crime involving moral turpitude.”

332Prior t o the evidentiary portion of the hearing, the

342parties agreed to address Respondent’s Motion for Partial

350Summary Final Order, filed on October 5, 2001, in their post -

362hearing submittals in lieu of making argument at the hearing.

372After due consideration of t he Respondent's Motion and the

382Memorandum of Law in support thereof, the Motion for Partial

392Summary Final Order was denied in an Order issued on

402December 31, 2001.

405At hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of the

413following witnesses: Brian Ward, a c orporal with the Pinellas

423County Sheriff’s Office; Jeannie Springer, an assistant

430principal at Riviera Middle School; J. Howard Hinesley, Ed.D.,

439Superintendent of Pinellas County Schools; Arthur Harris, an

447assistant principal at Riviera Middle School; Albe rt Bennett,

456principal of Riviera Middle School; James M. Barker,

464administrator of the Office of Professional Standards, Pinellas

472County Schools; and Frank Wooten, president of the Parent -

482Teacher - Student Association of Riviera Middle School.

490Petitioner off ered and had Exhibits 1 through 13 received into


502Respondent testified on his own behalf and presented the

511testimony of the following witnesses: Faith Golson, Sue Greene,

520Jean Krasulski, and David Mason, all teachers at Riviera Middle

530School ; Jade Moore, executive director of the Pinellas County

539Classroom Teachers Association; Peggy Sanchez Mills and Peter

547Nolan, parents of former students of Respondent at Riviera

556Middle School; Betty Reese, Respondent’s mother; Derek Reese,

564Respondent’s brot her; Gwendolyn Deloris Reese, Respondent’s

571sister; and Terry Chisolm, Angela Rodriguez, Angela Peaton, and

580Dallas Manuel, II, all friends of Respondent and members of the

591Pinellas County community. Respondent offered and had Exhibits

5991 and 2 received into evidence.

605At the conclusion of the hearing, the parties agreed to

615file proposed recommended orders ten days from the date the

625Transcript was filed. The Transcript of the proceeding was

634filed on October 29, 2001. On November 11, 2001, the parties

645filed a Joint Motion for Enlargement of Time to Submit Proposed

656Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Supporting Memorandum

665(Motion). The Motion was granted and the time for filing

675proposed recommended orders was extended to November 12, 2001.

684Both parties t imely filed proposed findings of fact, conclusions

694of law, and argument under the extended time frame.


7061. Respondent, Reginald K. Reese, is a teacher certified

715by the State of Florida, holding a professional service contract

725with Pe titioner, the Pinellas County School Board (School

734Board). Respondent was employed as a substitute teacher by the

744School Board in August 1988. Respondent was hired as a full -

756time teacher in the Pinellas County School System in August

7661989, and has been a teacher in the district since that time.

778At all times relevant to this proceeding, he was employed as a

790teacher at Riviera Middle School.

7952. Throughout his tenure with the School Board,

803Respondent's teaching career has been exemplary and he has

812co nsistently received good evaluations.

8173. It is undisputed that Respondent is held in high regard

828and considered an excellent teacher by many parents of children

838he has taught and by his colleagues and administrators with whom

849he has worked.

8524. Respondent is viewed by his former principal and

861current assistant principals as an excellent educator. His

869co - workers view him as an excellent teacher, the epitome of

881quality, a wonderful teacher, top - notch, one of the best,

892innovative, creative, comp assionate with children, an

899inspiration to students, and one of the teachers students come

909back to the school to see. Two parents whose children were

920taught by Respondent several years ago believe that Respondent's

929work and effort as a teacher had turned their children around

940and made them responsible, productive adult members of society.

9495. Prior to the recommended disciplinary action which is

958the subject of this proceeding, Respondent has never been the

968subject of disciplinary action by the School Board or any of its


9816. On Wednesday, November 10, 1999, at about 1:00 p.m.,

991Respondent parked his vehicle at the entrance of the south trail

1002near the mangrove area in the vicinity of 4th Street and 115th

1014Avenue in St. Petersburg, Flor ida. Respondent then exited his

1024vehicle and entered the south trail of the mangrove area.

10347. It is undisputed that while in the mangrove area,

1044Respondent engaged in a sexual activity, specifically oral sex

1053and masturbation, with two other adults. The contact between

1062Respondent and the other individuals was consensual and involved

1071adults who were strangers to each other. This sexual activity

1081was observed by Corporal Ward of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s


10928. The mangrove area in which t he incident occurred was

1103not clearly visible from the street. However, the area is

1113considered a public place and is next to a busy four - lane road.

1127Moreover, within that vicinity, people engage in recreational

1135activities, including sunbathing, fishing, an d boating.

11429. After the sexual activity had concluded, Respondent was

1151arrested at the scene of the incident described in paragraph 7

1162by an officer with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office who had

1173observed the acts. As a result of the incident, Resp ondent was

1185charged with committing an unnatural and lascivious act and

1194exposure of sexual organs. Respondent pled nolo contendere to

1203exposure of sexual organs and an Order Withholding Adjudication

1212of Guilt was entered on December 30, 1999. Further, an Or der

1224Withholding Adjudication of Guilt on a Plea of Nolo Contendere

1234to the charge of unnatural and lascivious act was entered on

1245December 30, 1999. An Order to Seal Criminal History Record was

1256entered on January 4, 2001.

126110. On the advice of counsel, Respondent did not report

1271his arrest, the charges filed against him, or the orders entered

1282resolving the criminal matters to School Board officials at or

1292near the time they occurred.

129711. Respondent reported his arrest in a letter dated

1306June 10, 200 1, to the School Board’s Office of Professional

1317Standards, when he applied for renewal of his teaching


132712. Upon receipt of the June 10, 2001, notification of

1337Respondent’s arrest, the School Board investigated the matter.

1345Following the i nvestigation, on July 18, 2001, Respondent was

1355notified in a certified letter that Dr. J. Howard Hinesley,

1365Superintendent of Pinellas County Schools, would be recommending

1373to the School Board that Respondent be dismissed from

1382employment. The basis of the recommendation of dismissal is

1391that the conduct engaged in by Respondent on November 10, 1999,

1402violated Pinellas County School Board Policy 8.25 and the Code

1412of Ethics and the Principles of Conduct of the Education

1422Profession in Florida. It was alleged th at these violations

1432constitute just cause for Respondent's dismissal pursuant to

1440Section 231.36, Florida Statutes.

144413. Dr. Hinesley's recommendation of dismissal is based on

1453several factors. First, Dr. Hinesley believes that the conduct

1462engaged in b y Respondent on November 10, 1999, was immoral in

1474that it took place in a public area. Second, Dr. Hinesley

1485believes that dismissal of Respondent is warranted because

1493Respondent's actions were inappropriate and embarrassed the

1500school system and the school . Finally, Dr. Hinesley believes

1510that the conduct engaged in by Respondent was inappropriate and

1520impaired his effectiveness as a teacher in the Pinellas County

1530School District.

153214. Information regarding the subject incident has not been

1541widely dissem inated because the record was sealed by court -

1552order. However, all of the witnesses testifying in support of

1562Respondent were advised of the details of the incident. In

1572light of this knowledge, teachers who have worked with

1581Respondent, a former administrat or who supervised Respondent,

1589former students of Respondent, parents of Respondent's former

1597students, and community members supported Respondent. While

1604admitting that Respondent made a mistake or had a lapse in

1615judgment, they believe that his exemplary te aching record and

1625dedication to students and to the profession will allow him to

1636overcome the challenges that may arise if and when the incident

1647becomes public. Many of them also believe that his service to

1658the Pinellas County School District community wi ll not be



167215. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1679jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter in this case.

1689See Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, and

1697Subsection 231.36(6)(a)2., Florida Statutes .

170216. The Superintendent of the Pinellas County School Board

1711has the authority to make recommendations for dismissal

1719regarding school employees pursuant to Subsection 230.33(7)(e),

1726Florida Statutes.

172817. The School Board has the authority to dis miss School

1739Board employees pursuant to Subsection 230.23(5)(f), Florida


174718. The School Board seeks to dismiss Respondent from

1756employment as a teacher in the Pinellas County School District.

1766Accordingly, in this proceeding, the School Boar d has the burden

1777of proof and must meet that burden by a preponderance of the

1789evidence. Dileo v. School Board of Dade County , 569 So. 2d 883

1801(Fla. 3rd DCA 1990) and Allen v. School Board of Dade County ,

1813571 So. 2d 568 (Fla. DCA 1990).

182019. Chapter 23 1, Florida Statutes, governs teacher

1828contracts and teacher discipline. Subsection 231.02(1), Florida

1835Statutes, provides that to be eligible for appointment in any

1845position in any school district, "a person shall be of good

1856moral character."

185820. Resp ondent is employed by the School Board pursuant to

1869a professional service contract. Section 231.36, Florida

1876Statutes, provides in pertinent part:

1881(1)(a) Each person employed as a member

1888of the instructional staff in any district

1895school system . . . sha ll be entitled to and

1906shall receive a written contract as

1912specified in Chapter 230. All such

1918contracts . . . shall contain provisions for

1926dismissal during the term of the contract

1933only for just cause. Just cause includes,

1940but is not limited to, the follo wing

1948instances, as defined by rule of the State

1956Board of Education: misconduct in office,

1962incompetency, gross insubordination, willful

1966neglect of duty, or conviction of a crime

1974involving moral turpitude.

1977* * *

1980(6)(a) Any member of the instructi onal

1987staff, excluding an employee specified in

1993subsection (4), may be suspended or

1999dismissed at any time during the term of the

2008contract for just cause as provided in

2015paragraph (1)(a). . . .

202021. The definition of “just cause” set forth in

2029Subsectio n 231.36(1)(a), Florida Statutes, is not all - inclusive.

2039By defining just cause as “including, but not limited to,

2049misconduct in office, incompetency, gross insubordination,

2055willful neglect of duty, or conviction of a crime involving

2065moral turpitude,” the Florida Legislature gave school boards

2074discretion to determine what actions constitute just cause for

2083suspension or dismissal. Carl B. Dietz v. Lee County School

2093Board , 647 So. 2d 217 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1994). Therefore, engaging

2104in immoral conduct or conduct that comes within definition of

2114just cause provided in Section 321.36, Florida Statutes, is not

2124the sole basis upon which a school board may dismiss an

2135employee. A school board may define by policy conduct that

2145constitutes just cause for dismissal of an employee who has a

2156professional service contract.

215922. In this case, the School Board duly promulgated School

2169Board Policy 8.25. That policy establishes conduct that may

2178constitute just cause for dismissal of a teacher and, hence,

2188termination of his or her professional service contract.

219623. As a result of the conduct described in paragraph 7

2207above, it is alleged that Respondent violated School Board

2216Policy 8.25, and the Code of Ethics and Principles of

2226Professional Conduct of the Education Prof ession in Florida. It

2236is alleged that these violations constitute just cause for his

2246dismissal pursuant to Section 231.36, Florida Statutes. More

2254specifically, the record in this case indicates that the School

2264Board alleges that Respondent’s conduct not only violates School

2273Board Policy 8.25, but also is immoral and is a conviction of a

2286crime involving moral turpitude within the meaning of

2294Rule 6B - 4.009, Florida Administrative Code.

230124. The terms "immorality" and "conviction of a crime

2310involving mo ral turpitude” are defined in Rule 6B - 4.009, Florida

2322Administrative Code, as follows:

2326(2) Immorality is defined as conduct that

2333is inconsistent with the standards of public

2340conscience and good morals. It is conduct

2347that is sufficiently notorious to bri ng the

2355individual concerned or the education

2360profession into public disgrace or

2365disrespect and impair the individual's

2370service in the community.

2374* * *

2377(6) Moral turpitude is a crime that is

2385evidenced by an act of baseness, vi leness or

2394depravity in the private and social duties,

2401which according to the accepted standards of

2408the time a man owes to his or her fellow man

2419or to society in general, and the doing of

2428the act itself and not its prohibition by

2436statute fixes the moral tur pitude.

244225. School Board Policy 8.25 sets forth the disciplinary

2451guidelines for School Board employees. An employee who commits

2460one or more of the offenses enumerated in that policy is subject

2472to imposition of a penalty within the range prescribed therein.

2482Among the offenses listed in School Board Policy 8.25(1) and

2492which constitute grounds for discipline under Section 231.36,

2500Florida Statutes, are the following:

2505(a) Inappropriate sexual conduct,

2509including but not limited to lewd and

2516lascivio us behavior, indecent exposure,

2521solicitation of prostitution, sexual

2525battery, possession or sale of pornography

2531involving minors, sexual relations with a


2538* * *

2541(d) Committing or Conviction* of a

2547Criminal Act - Misdemeanor

2551* * *

2554(x) Failure to Comply with School

2560Board Policy, State Law, or Appropriate

2566Contractual Agreement

2568* * *

2571*Conviction is defined as a finding of

2578guilt, a plea of guilty, a plea of nolo

2587contendere , or entering a Pre - Trial

2594Intervention pr ogram, whether or not there

2601is a formal adjudication of guilt.

260726. School Board Policy 8.25(1) provides that mitigating

2615circumstances may be considered in determining the disciplinary

2623action to be taken only "when there is a range of penalties."

2635In this case, the sole penalty for a substantiated charge of

2646inappropriate sexual conduct, which includes lewd and lascivious

2654behavior, is dismissal. The penalty range for the a

2663substantiated charge of committing or conviction of a “criminal

2672act - misdemeanor ” is suspension to dismissal. Finally, the

2682penalty range for a substantiated charge of failing to comply

2692with school board policy, state law, or appropriate contractual

2701agreement is caution to dismissal.

270627. The School Board established by the requis ite

2715evidentiary standard that Respondent violated School Board

2722Policy 8.25(1)(a). The evidence presented at hearing clearly

2730established that on one occasion, Respondent engaged in

2738inappropriate sexual conduct within the meaning of School Board

2747Policy 8.25 (1)(a). It is undisputed that Respondent engaged in

2757sexual activity with two other adults and exposed his sexual

2767organs in a public place. For this conduct, Respondent was

2777charged with and pled nolo contendere to committing an unnatural

2787and lascivious ac t and exposure of sexual organs. School Board

2798Policy 8.25 expressly provides that lewd and lascivious behavior

2807is deemed "inappropriate sexual conduct." Moreover, the policy

2815mandates that this sexual conduct will result in dismissal, the

2825sole penalty pre scribed by the duly promulgated policy.

283428. The School Board met its burden and established that

2844Respondent violated School Board Policy 8.25(1)(a). Therefore,

2851consistent with that policy, the penalty for this violation is


286229. Under the facts of this case, the violation of School

2873Board Policy 8.25(1)(a) constitutes just cause to dismiss

2881Respondent from his teaching position with the Pinellas County

2890School District.

289230. The School Board established that Respondent violated

2900Schoo l Board Policy 8.25(1)(x) by failing to timely report his

2911arrest as required by School Board Policy 8.04(4) and

2920Rule 6B - 1.006(5)(m), Florida Administrative Code. School Board

2929Policy 8.04 requires all employees to “notify their supervisors

2938immediately” if they are arrested for any criminal offense.

2947Rule 6B - 1.006(5)(m), Florida Administrative Code, requires

2955educators to “self - report any conviction, finding of guilt,

2965withholding of adjudication . . . or entering of a plea of

2977guilty or nolo contendere for an y criminal offense other than a

2989minor traffic violation within 48 hours after the final


299931. The evidence is undisputed that Respondent was

3007arrested on November 10, 1999, and entered a plea of nolo

3018contendere to the charges arising out of the subject incident on

3029December 30, 1999. It is also undisputed that the orders

3039withholding adjudication were entered December 30, 1999.

3046Respondent acknowledged that he failed to report the required

3055information to appropriate official within the time p rescribed

3064by School Board Policy 8.04 and Rule 6B - 1.006(5)(m), Florida

3075Administrative Code, in violation of School Board Policy

30838.25(1)(x). The penalty for this violation is caution to


309332. The undisputed evidence established that Responden t

3101committed the acts described in paragraph 7. These acts are

3111criminal offenses classified as misdemeanors. Accordingly, the

3118School Board met its burden and established that Respondent

3127violated School Board Policy 8.25(1)(d) by committing

3134misdemeanor cri minal acts. The penalty range for a

3143substantiated charge of committing a "criminal act - misdemeanor"

3152is suspension to dismissal.

315633. The School Board has failed to establish that

3165Respondent was convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude

3174within the meaning of Section 231.36, Florida Statutes,

3182notwithstanding the School Board’s definition of “conviction” as

3190enunciated in School Board Policy 8.25. The evidence

3198established that with respect to both criminal charges against

3207Respondent, adjudication of guilt was withheld. Accordingly,

3214there was no conviction of any crime.

322134. The School Board failed to establish that Respondent’s

3230conduct described in paragraph 7 constituted immoral acts within

3239the meaning of Rule 6B - 4.009(2), Florida Administrativ e Code.

3250In order to show that the conduct is immoral within the meaning

3262of the rule, it must be established that the conduct (1) is

3274inconsistent with the standards of public conscience and good

3283morals; (2) is sufficiently notorious to bring the individual

3292concerned or the education profession into public disgrace or

3301disrespect; and (3) impairs the individual's service in the

3310community. See McKinney v. Castor , 667 S. 2d 387 (Fla. 1st DCA

33221995). The School Board met its burden as to the first and

3334second el ements required to establish "immorality" within the

3343meaning of Rule 6B - 4.009(2), Florida Administrative Code, but

3353failed to establish the third element.

335935. With regard to the first element, it was established

3369that the conduct engaged in by Responde nt is inconsistent with

3380the standards of public conscience and good morals. As to the

3391second element, Respondent's conduct is sufficiently notorious

3398to bring Respondent and/or the education profession into public

3407disgrace or disrespect. With regard to th e third element, many

3418of Respondent's colleagues, former students and parents of his

3427former students, and friends and community members testified at

3436hearing and submitted letters of support for Respondent. These

3445individuals believe that despite the subjec t incident,

3453Respondent can overcome any challenge that may arise if and when

3464the details of the incident become public. Moreover, these

3473individuals believe that Respondent can contribute positively to

3481the Pinellas County School District community. The Sc hool Board

3491presented no contrary evidence to establish that Respondent's

3499service in the community would be impaired as a result of his

3511conduct. Having failed to establish each of the three elements

3521required by Rule 6B - 4.009(2), Florida Administrative Code , there

3531can be no finding that the conduct is immoral within the meaning

3543of the rule.

354636. The School Board has established that Respondent

3554violated School Board Policy 8.25(1)(a), (d), and (x). Those

3563violations constitute just cause for Respondent's dismissal as a

3572teacher in the Pinellas County School District.


3580Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3590Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a Final Order

3602that dismisses Respondent from his position as a teacher with

3612the Pinellas County School District.

3617DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of January, 2002, in

3627Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3635Administrative Law Judge

3638Division of Administrative Heari ngs

3643The DeSoto Building

36461230 Apalachee Parkway

3649Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3654(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3662Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3669Filed with the Clerk of the

3675Division of Administrative Hearings

3679this 2nd day of January, 2002.


3688Mark Herdman, Esquire

3691Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A.

36952595 Tampa Road, Suite J

3700Palm Harbor, Florida 34684

3704Jacqueline Spoto Bircher, Esquire

3708School Board of Pinellas County

3713301 Fourth Street, Southwest

3717Post Office Box 2942

3721Largo, Fl orida 33779 - 2942

3727Honorable Charlie Crist

3730Commissioner of Education

3733The Capitol, Plaza Level 08

3738Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

3743Dr. J. Howard Hinesley, Superintendent

3748Pinellas County School Board

3752301 Fourth Street, Southwest

3756Largo, Florida 33770 - 3536

3761James A. Robinson, General Counsel

3766Department of Education

3769The Capitol, Suite 1701

3773Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


3784All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

379415 days from the date of this Recomme nded Order. Any exceptions

3806to this Recommended Order must be filed with the agency that

3817will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/18/2004
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 03/12/2002
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/02/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/02/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held October 18, 2001) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/02/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 12/31/2001
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion for Partial Summary Judgment issued.
Date: 11/13/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 11/13/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/13/2001
Proceedings: Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Supporting Memorandum (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 11/08/2001
Proceedings: Order Extending Time to File Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law issued.
Date: 11/06/2001
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Enlargement of Time to Submit Proposed Findings of fact, Conclusions of Law and Supporting Memorandum (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/29/2001
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (2 Volumes) filed.
Date: 10/18/2001
Proceedings: (Joint) Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 10/17/2001
Proceedings: Prehearing Stipulation (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 10/09/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Quattlebaum from M. Herdman requesting ten subpoenas ad testificandum (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/05/2001
Proceedings: Memorandum of Law in Support of Respondent`s Motion for Partial Summary Final Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 10/05/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Partial Summary Final Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/05/2001
Proceedings: (Joint) Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/20/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Serving First Interrogatories to Respondent (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/20/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents to Respondent (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/06/2001
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing issued. (hearing set for October 18, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Largo, FL, amended as to date).
Date: 09/06/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for October 17 and 18, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Largo, FL).
Date: 09/06/2001
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 08/27/2001
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/21/2001
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 08/20/2001
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 08/20/2001
Proceedings: Agency Action filed.
Date: 08/20/2001
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Largo, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):