01-003465 Juan Elso vs. City Of Hialeah Gardens
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, January 3, 2002.

View Dockets  
Summary: Evidence is insufficient to prove age-based discrimination. Accordingly, petition should be dismissed.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 01 - 3465




29Respondent. )



34Pursuant to notice, a final h earing was conducted in this

45case on November 16, 2001, by video teleconference at sites in

56Miami and Tallahassee, Florida, before Administrative Law Judge

64Michael M. Parrish of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


74For Petitioner: Ga ry A. Costales, Esquire

81Law Office of Gary A. Costales, P. A.

892151 Le Jeune Road, Suite 200

95Coral Gables, Florida 33134

99For Respondent: J. Frost Walker, III, Esquire

106Law offices of Charles A. Citrin

112100 West Sunrise Avenue

116Coral Gables, Florida 33133


124The issue in this case is whether the Respondent

133discriminated against the Petitioner on the ba sis of age for the

145reasons stated in the Charge of Discrimination and Petition for

155Relief in violation of Section 760.10(1), Florida Statutes.


165On or about February 5, 2001, the Petitioner executed a

175Charge of Discrimination against t he Respondent. The charge was

185filed with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity

193Commission (EEOC) on or about February 12, 2001. In his Charge

204of Discrimination, the Petitioner asserted that he had been

213subjected to "age discrimination" when the Respondent's Mayor

"221demoted me from the position of Maintenance Supervisor in

230October 2000 and replaced me with Nivaldo Rodriguez, who is in

241his twenties." On July 26, 2001, the EEOC issued a "Dismissal

252and Notice of Rights," in which it stated, in pertin ent part:

"264Based upon its investigation, the EEOC is unable to conclude

274that the information obtained establishes violations of the

282statutes." On August 24, 2001, the Petitioner filed a Petition

292for Relief with the Florida Commission on Human Relations

301( FCHR). The Petition for Relief asserted that the Petitioner in

312this case had been subjected to age discrimination. The

321Petition for Relief also asserted age discrimination claims on

330behalf of two other petitioners who were former employees of the

341Respond ent. 1

344At the final hearing in this case, the Petitioner testified

354on his own behalf and also presented the testimony of three

365additional witnesses. The Petitioner also offered one exhibit,

373which was received in evidence. The Respondent presented the

382test imony of two witnesses and offered eleven exhibits, all of

393which were received in evidence.

398At the conclusion of the hearing, neither party wished to

408order a transcript. The parties were allowed ten days from the

419date of the hearing within which to file t heir proposed

430recommended orders. Thereafter both parties filed timely

437Proposed Recommended Orders. The parties' proposals have been

445carefully considered during the preparation of this Recommended



4571. The Petitioner was born in 1 953. At the time of the

470events which form the basis for his claim, he was more than

482forty years old. The Petitioner was born in Cuba and spent most

494of his life in Cuba. The Petitioner came to the United States

506of America approximately two years before t he events which form

517the basis for his claim. The Petitioner speaks fluent Spanish,

527but does not speak English.

5322. In October of 1999, the Petitioner was hired by the

543City of Hialeah Gardens as a laborer in the Parks Department at

555a pay rate of $6.50 per hour. The Petitioner is still employed

567by the City of Hialeah Gardens as a laborer in the Parks

579Department at a pay rate of $6.50 per hour. The Petitioner's

590pay rate has never been changed during his employment with the

601City of Hialeah Gardens.

6053. Duri ng his employment with the City of Hialeah Gardens,

616the Petitioner has never held either the position of

"625Maintenance Supervisor" or the position of "Assistant Parks

633Director." During his employment with the City of Hialeah

642Gardens, the Petitioner has nev er been demoted from either the

653position of "Maintenance Supervisor" or the position of

"661Assistant Parks Director."

6644. The Mayor of the City of Hialeah Gardens has the sole

676authority and responsibility to make employment decisions. The

684Mayor appointed Ni valdo Rodriguez (Rodriguez) to the position of

694Assistant Parks Director. At the time of the appointment,

703Rodriguez was in his late twenties. At the time of the

714appointment, Rodriguez spoke fluent English and Spanish. At the

723time of the appointment, Rodr iguez was a friend of the Mayor and

736the Mayor was aware of his qualifications for the position. The

747Mayor appointed Rodriguez to the position of "Assistant Parks

756Director" because he thought he was qualified for the position.

766The Mayor also thought that the Petitioner was not qualified for

777the position because, among other things, the Petitioner did not

787speak English. It is necessary to be able to speak English in

799order to fulfill all of the duties of the position of "Assistant

811Parks Director."

8135. The M ayor had credible non - discriminatory reasons to

824appoint Rodriguez as "Assistant Park Director," and not to

833appoint the Petitioner to that position. There is no credible

843evidence that the Mayor's reasons for appointing Rodriguez were

852pretextual. Age was n ot a factor in the decision to appoint

864Rodriguez rather than the Petitioner.

8696. The evidence regarding the Respondent's hiring and

877termination practices does not establish any pattern of age

886based discrimination.


8917. The Division of Adm inistrative Hearings has

899jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of this

910proceeding. Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

9158. The basic legal principles applicable to a case of this

926nature were described as follows in Donald R. v. Seminole

936Community College , DOAH Case No. 99 - 2483 (Final Order issued

947September 17, 1999):

95012. Section 760.10(1), in relevant part,

956makes it an unlawful employment practice for

963Respondent to discriminate against

967Petitioner because of Petitioner's age.

972Chapte r 760, entitled the Florida Human

979Relations Act (the "Act"), adopts the legal

987principles and judicial precedent set forth

993under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of

10021964, as amended, 42 U.S.C., Section 2000e

1009et seq. (the "ADA").

101413. The law affords no p rotection from

1022discrimination unless Respondent engages in

1027an adverse employment action. Morisky v.

1033Broward County , 80 F.3d 445 (11th Cir.

10401996); Bristow v. Daily Press , 770 F2d 1251

1048(4th Cir. 1985). Respondent engaged in an

1055adverse employment action whe n Respondent

1061did not hire Petitioner for either of the

1069positions for which Petitioner applied. The

1075remaining issue is whether Respondent

1080engaged in the adverse employment action

1086because of Petitioner's age.

109014. Petitioner submitted no direct

1095evidence o f age discrimination. In the

1102absence of such evidence, Petitioner must

1108provide sufficient inferential evidence of

1113age discrimination. Texas Department of

1118Community Affairs v. Burdine , 450 U.S. 248

1125(1981); McDonnell Douglas v. Green , 411 U.S.

1132792 (1973).

113414. [sic] The initial burden of proof is

1142on Petitioner. Florida Department of

1147Transportation v. J.W.C. Company, Inc. , 396

1153So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981); Balino v.

1162Department of Health and Rehabilitative

1167Services , 348 So. 2d 349 (Fla. 1st DCA

11751977). P etitioner must satisfy its burden

1182of proof by a preponderance of the evidence.

1190Section 120.57(1)(g).

119215. Petitioner must establish a prima

1198facie case of discrimination. Rosenbaum v.

1204Southern Manatee Fire and Rescue District ,

1210980 F.Supp 1469 (M.D. Fla. 1997); Andrade v.

1218Morse Operations, Inc. , 946 F.Supp 979, 984

1225(M.D. 1996). Petitioner must show by a

1232preponderance of evidence that: he is a

1239member of protected class; he suffered an

1246adverse employment action; he received

1251disparate treatment from other similarly

1256situated individuals in a non - protected

1263class; and that there is sufficient evidence

1270of bias to infer a causal connection between

1278his age and the disparate treatment. Id.

1285Failure to establish the last prong of the

1293conjunctive test is fatal to a claim of

1301discrimination. Mayfield v. Patterson Pump

1306Company , 101 F.3d 1371 (11th Cir. 1996);

1313Earley v. Champion International Corp. , 907

1319F.2d 1077 (11th Cir. 1990).

132416. Petitioner made a prima facie showing

1331that he is a member of a protected class and

1341that he suffered an adverse employment

1347action. However, Petitioner failed to make

1353a prima facie showing that he received

1360dissimilar treatment from individuals in a

1366non - protected class; that there was any bias

1375against Petitioner; or that, even if

1381evidence of bias did exist, it was

1388sufficient to infer a causal connection

1394between Petitioner's age and the alleged

1400disparate treatment. (Emphasis in


14059. Application of the foregoing legal principles to the

1414facts in this case leads to the conclusion t hat this case should

1427be dismissed because of the absence of any persuasive evidence

1437of any age - based discrimination against the Petitioner. To the

1448extent that the Petitioner's claim for relief is based on an

1459assertion that he was improperly demoted, the c laim fails,

1469because the evidence clearly shows that the Petitioner was never

1479promoted to any position other than his initial position as a

1490laborer. To the extent that the Petitioner's claim for relief

1500is based on an assertion that the promotion of Rodrigu ez, rather

1512than the Petitioner, was based on age discrimination, the claim

1522fails because there were legitimate non - discriminatory reasons

1531for promoting Rodriguez, and there is no persuasive evidence of

1541any age - based discrimination.


1547Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of

1557law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human

1567Relations issue a final order dismissing the petition in this

1577case and denying all relief sought by the Petitioner.

1586DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of January, 2002, in

1596Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



1604Administrative Law Judge

1607Division of Administrative Hearings

1611The DeSoto Building

16141230 Apalachee Parkway

1617Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1622(850) 48 8 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

1631Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


1638Filed with the Clerk of the

1644Division of Administrative Hearings

1648this 3rd day of January, 2002.


16551/ The claims of the other two petitioners were docketed as

1666separate cases a t the Division of Administrative Hearings; Boada

1676v. City of Hialeah Gardens , DOAH Case No. 01 - 3463, and Martinez

1689v. City of Hialeah Gardens , DOAH Case No. 01 - 3464. Hearings were

1702previously held in the Boada and Martinez cases before

1711Administrative Law Jud ge Robert Meale.


1719J. Frost Walker, III, Esquire

1724Law offices of Charles A. Citrin

1730100 West Sunrise Avenue

1734Coral Gables, Florida 33133

1738Charles A. Citrin, Esquire

1742City of Hialeah Gardens

174610001 Northwest 87th Avenue

1750Hialeah Gardens, Flori da 33016

1755Gary A. Costales, Esquire

1759Law Office of Gary A. Costales, P. A.

17672151 Le Jeune Road, Suite 200

1773Coral Gables, Florida 33134

1777Cecil Howard, General Counsel

1781Florida Commission on Human Relations

1786325 John Knox Road

1790Building F, Suite 240

1794Tallahassee, Florida 32303 - 4149

1799Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

1803Florida Commission on Human Relations

1808325 John Knox Road

1812Building F, Suite 240

1816Tallahassee, Florida 32303 - 4149


1827All parties have the right to submit written excepti ons within

183815 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

1849to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

1860will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 04/19/2002
Proceedings: Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief From an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Date: 04/19/2002
Proceedings: Final Order Dismissing Petition fro Relief from an Unlawfil Employment Practice filed.
Date: 04/17/2002
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/03/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/03/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held November 16, 2001) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/03/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 11/27/2001
Proceedings: Order Extending Time issued.
Date: 11/27/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (filed by via facsimile).
Date: 11/27/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Extension of Time (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/21/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/21/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Trial Memorandum filed.
Date: 11/21/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Exhibits filed.
Date: 11/21/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Post-Trial Memorandum filed.
Date: 11/16/2001
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 11/14/2001
Proceedings: Order Denying Withdrawal of Counsel issued.
Date: 11/14/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Withdrawal of Representation (filed by C. Costales via facsimile).
Date: 11/09/2001
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Video Teleconference issued. (hearing scheduled for November 16, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL, amended as to video, time, and location).
Date: 09/28/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Pettioner`s Request for Postponement of Hearing issued (hearing set for November 16, 2001, 8:00 a.m.).
Date: 09/24/2001
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance and Rescheduling (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 09/24/2001
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance and Rescheduling (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 09/18/2001
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from A. Dixon confirming the request for court reporting services for October 5, 2001 filed.
Date: 09/11/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for October 5, 2001; 8:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 08/31/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Mr. Elso from N. Washington advising that complaint is being processed filed.
Date: 08/31/2001
Proceedings: Dismissal and Notice of Rights filed.
Date: 08/31/2001
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 08/31/2001
Proceedings: Charge of Discrimination filed.
Date: 08/31/2001
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):