01-003895 Maxine S. E. Torres vs. Department Of Children And Family Services
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, May 16, 2002.

View Dockets  
Summary: Re-licensure denied for family day care home for failure to advise of adult with criminal record in residence and failure to ensure safety of children.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 01 - 3895





34Respondent. )



40Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative

47Hearings, by its duly - designated Administrative Law Judge,

56Jeff B. Clark, held a formal administrative hearing in this case

67on February 18, 2002, in Orlando, Florida.


75For Petitioner: James Sweeting, III, Esquire

81506 West Washington Street

85Orlando, Florida 32801

88For Respondent: Richard Cato, Esquire

93Department of Children and

97Family Servic es

100400 West Robinson Street

104Suite S - 1106

108Orlando, Florida 32801 - 1782


117The issues in this case are: (a) Whether Petitioner's

126license as a family day care home should be renewed; (b) Whether

138Petitioner was required to list her son, Stephen Randall, as a

149household member on her annual registration application for a

158family day care home for 2000 and 2001; and (c) Whether Stephen

170Randall was a member of Petitioner's house hold at any time in

1822000 and 2001.


187On August 28, 2001, Respondent, Department of Children and

196Family Services, notified Petitioner, Maxine S. E. Torres, of a

206Denial of Registration of her request to operate a family day

217care home. Th e Notice of Denial of Registration advised

227Petitioner that the

230background screening required pursuant to

235licensure or registration has revealed that

241you have been the subject of a report to the

251central abuse hotline which was subsequently

257investigated by the Department of Children

263and Families. The facts underlying

268confidential abuse reports numbered 2000 -

274001833 and 2000 - 098735 demonstrate an

281inability to ensure the safety of children

288in your care to the level necessary to be

297registered as a family day ca re. In

305addition, you were notified by this office

312in April of 1999 that a particular family

320member (Stephen Randall) had been

325disqualified from contact with client

330children, yet report number 2000 - 001833

337referenced above indicates that said family

343member was still in the household and

350supervising client children. In both your

356year 2000 and year 2001 applications, you

363have failed to list said family member.

370On September 13, 2001, Petitioner requested an

377administrative hearing by letter directed to Ro bert R. Moran,

387Jr. On October 8, 2001, the Division of Administrative Hearings

397received a Request for Administrative Hearing from Respondent.

405On October 8, 2001, an Initial Order was sent to both parties.

417On November 15, 2001, the case was set for f inal hearing in

430Orlando, Florida, on December 24, 2001. On December 19, 2001,

440Petitioner's Motion to Continue Final Hearing was granted and

449the final hearing was rescheduled for February 4, 2002. On

459January 18, 2002, Petitioner filed her Second Motion to Continue

469Hearing, which was granted, and the final hearing was

478rescheduled for February 18, 2002.

483At the final hearing Petitioner presented four witnesses:

491Julia Scott, Nifa Randall, Jose Torres, and Maxine Torres.

500Petitioner offered six exhibits w hich were admitted into

509evidence and marked Exhibits A through C and E through G. No

521Exhibit D was offered. Respondent presented six witnesses:

529Wendy King, Mimi Posipsil, Melanie Schaefer, Maxine McGregor,

537Charlene Groves, and Susan Wojtowicz. Ms. Wojt owicz was also

547called as a rebuttal witness. Respondent offered 23 exhibits

556which were admitted into evidence and marked Respondent's

564Exhibits A through E, F1 through F6, G through M, N1 and N2, and

578O through Q.

581A Transcript of the proceedings was fi led with the Division

592of Administrative Hearings on March 13, 2002; at the final

602hearing the parties had requested and were granted 30 days in

613which to file proposed recommended orders. On April 12, 2002,

623the parties jointly moved to extend the time for f iling proposed

635recommended orders and were given until May 3, 2002, at

6455:00 p.m., to file their proposed recommended orders.

653Petitioner did not file a proposed recommended order.

661Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order was filed on May 8,



674Based on the testimony and demeanor of the witnesses and

684the documentary evidence presented, the following findings of

692fact are made:

6951. Petitioner's application for license for a family day

704care home dated October 20, 1997, was receive d by Respondent on

716November 20, 1997. Listed among the "household members" on the

726application was Petitioner's son, Stephen H. Randall, whose date

735of birth is March 28, 1981.

7412. On January 10, 1998, Petitioner submitted her

749application for registrat ion for a family day care home; the

760application was received by Respondent on January 14, 1998.

769Stephen Randall is also listed as a household member on this


7813. On January 15, 1998, Respondent wrote a letter to

791Petitioner acknowledging h er desire to withdraw her application

800for license as a family day care home.

8084. On February 18, 1998, Petitioner was registered as a

818family day care home for one year effective February 28, 1998.

829The letter advised:

832To maintain your registration in

837accordance with Section 402.313, Florida

842Statutes, you must do the following:

848* * *

851(3) Send in background screening forms

857including fingerprints for household members

862who become 18 years of age, or for adults

871who move into your home, or w hen your

880substitute changes and has not been


8875. On October 26, 1998, Petitioner forwarded a renewal

896application for registration as a family day care home which

906listed Stephen Randall as a "household member."

9136. As a result of a Dece mber 9, 1998, inspection by

925Respondent, it was determined that an adult who had not been

936screened was living in the registered day care home and,

946therefore, Petitioner was notified that screening was to be

955accomplished "ASAP."

9577. On January 12, 1999, Respondent sent Petitioner a

966Certified Letter reminding her that "Adult members residing in

975the family day care home must go through a background screening

986process in accordance with Florida Statutes, . . . ."

9968. On January 28, 1999, Petitioner tel ephoned Respondent

1005indicating that she "changed her mind about daycare." This

1014telephone call was followed by a letter from Respondent to

1024Petitioner dated January 29, 1999, indicating, "Per your request

1033January 28, 1999, we have withdrawn your Family Day C are license

1045application and closed your registration effective this date."

10539. On April 9, 1999, Petitioner submitted an original

1062registration application which listed her 18 - year - old son,

1073Stephen Randall, as living in the home which was to become the

1085registered family day care home.

109010. On July 6, 1999, Petitioner, by letter, advised

1099Respondent that "My son Stephen H. Randall is no longer living

1110with me (Maxine Torres)."

111411. On July 20, 1999, Respondent mailed Petitioner a

1123letter advising that "The Department of Children & Family

1132Services has registered your Family Day Care Home for one year

1143effective July 30, 1999." The letter also advised Petitioner of

1153the necessity of advising Respondent when unscreened adults move

1162into the home in the same language as contained in paragraph 4,

1174supra .

117612. On September 23, 1999, Respondent sent Petitioner a

1185Certified Letter which stated:

1189We have received your letter dated July 7,

11971999 in reference to your son, Stephen

1204Randale [sic], moving out of your home.

1211Should he return, he must be background

1218screened within ten (10) days.

1223Please remember that all household members

1229must be screened in accordance with F.S.

1236Section 202.303 and 402.305. Failure to do

1243so in a timely manner may result in

1251admin istrative action, which could result in

1258a fine, suspension, or revocation.

126313. On October 31, 2000, the Circuit Court in and for

1274Orange County, Florida, in Case Number CR - O - 00 - 4737/A

1287adjudicated Stephen Henry Randall, Petitioner's son, guilty of

1295vio lating the following criminal statutes: Subsections

1302806.13(1)(b)1, 810.02(3), and 812.014(2)(c)5, Florida Statutes,

1308two of which offenses are felonies, and sentenced him to one day

1320in jail and three years' probation. Stephen Randall had been

1330arrested in April 2000 for the criminal offenses he committed.

1340The offenses occurred at a residence two residences away from

1350Petitioner's home, the registered family day care home.

135814. Petitioner submitted an application for re - licensure

1367dated May 14, 2000, in which she was required to disclose the

1379name of "everyone who lives in your home." By signing the

1390application, Petitioner attested that the information on the

1398application was "truthful, correct, and complete." Stephen

1405Randall was not listed as living or resid ing at Petitioner's


141715. Respondent's investigators and independent witnesses

1423presented credible testimony indicating that Stephen Randall was

1431residing in Petitioner's residence (the registered day care home)

1440during the calendar year 2000. In particular, an abuse report of

1451an incident in January 2000, indicates that Petitioner reported

1460that she "left her teenage son in the home" purportedly to

1471supervise the children left in Petitioner's care; in June 2000,

1481Petitioner again told an investigator, that if she wasn't there

1491her son, Stephen Randall, her daughter or husband watch the

1501children. In addition, independent witnesses, whose children

1508were at the day care home, reported repeatedly seeing Stephen

1518Randall there.

152016. Stephen Randall was living in the residence of

1529Petitioner, which was a registered day care home, during the

1539calendar year 2000 and had not been screened as required by

1550Florida Statutes because Petitioner did not advise Respondent

1558that he had returned and was residing in the home.

156817. Respondent investigated two Florida Protective

1574Services abuse hotline complaints against Petitioner and

1581determined the complaints to be well - founded. In both

1591instances, Petitioner failed to properly supervise children left

1599in her care and , as a result, failed to ensure the safety of the


161418. Independent witnesses confirmed the abuse hotline

1621complaints and presented other complaints, all confirming that

1629Petitioner failed to properly supervise children left in her

1638care and failed to ensure their safety.


164819. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1655jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of these

1665proceedings. Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

167020. The burden of proof is upon Respo ndent to adduce

1681evidence to support the denial of the renewal of Petitioner's

1691application for re - licensure. Dubin v. Department of Business

1701Regulation , 262 So. 2d 273 (Fla. 1st DCA 1972). To meet its

1713burden, Respondent must establish facts upon which its

1721allegations are based by clear and convincing evidence.

1729Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Securities and

1738Investor Protection v. Osborne Stern Company , 670 So. 2d 932, 933

1749(Fla. 1996); Coke v. Department of Children and Family Services ,

1759704 S o. 2d 726 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998); and Subsection 120.57(1)(j),

1771Florida Statutes.

177321. Section 402.310, Florida Statutes, authorizes the

1780Department of Children and Family Services to deny a license for

1791the violation of any provision of Sections 402.301 t hrough

1801402.319, Florida Statutes, or rules adopted thereunder.

180822. Section 402.313, Florida Statutes, sets licensing

1815standards for the family day care homes.

182223. Subsection 402.313(1)(a)5, Florida Statutes, provides

1828as follows:

1830(1) Family day car e homes shall be

1838licensed under this act if they are

1845presently being licensed under an existing

1851county licensing ordinance, if they are

1857participating in the subsidized child care

1863program, or if the board of county

1870commissioners passes a resolution that

1875fam ily day care homes be licensed. If no

1884county authority exists for the licensing of

1891a family day care home, the department shall

1899have the authority to license family day

1906care homes under contract for the purchase -

1914of - service system in the subsidized care

1922pr ogram

1924(a) If not subject to license, family day

1932care homes shall register annually with the

1939department, providing the following


1944* * *

19475. Proof of screening and background


195424. Subsection 402.313(3), Florida Statutes, provides, as


1962Child care personnel in family day care

1969homes shall be subject to the applicable

1976screening provisions contained in ss.

1981402.305(2) and 402.3055. For purposes of

1987screening in family day care homes, the term

1995includes any member over the age of 12 years

2004of a family day care home operator's family,

2012or persons over the age of 12 years residing

2021with the operator in the family day care

2029home. Members of the operator's family, or

2036persons residing with the operator, who are

2043between the ages of 12 years and 18 years

2052shall not be required to be fingerprinted,

2059but shall be screened for delinquency


206625. Subsection 402.305(2), Florida Statutes, sets forth the

2074minimum standards for child care personnel in a day care center.

2085In par ticular, Subsection 402.305(2)(a), Florida Statutes,


2093(2) PERSONNEL. -- Minimum standards for

2099child care personnel shall include minimum

2105requirements as to:

2108(a) Good moral character based upon

2114screening. This screening shall be

2119conducted as pr ovides in Chapter 435, using

2127level 2 standards for screening set forth in

2135that chapter.

213726. Subsection 435.04(1), Florida Statutes, "Level 2

2144screening standards" provides:

2147All employees in positions designated by

2153law as positions of trust or responsib ility

2161shall be required to undergo security

2167background investigations as a condition of

2173employment and continued employment. For

2178the purposes of this subsection, security

2184background investigations shall include, but

2189not be limited to, fingerprinting for a ll

2197purposes and checks in this subsection,

2203statewide criminal and juvenile records

2208checks through the Florida Department of Law

2215Enforcement, and federal criminal records

2220checks through the Federal Bureau of

2226Investigation, and may include local

2231criminal re cords checks through local law

2238enforcement agencies.

224027. Subsection 435.04(2)(w), Florida Statutes, "Level 2

2247Screening standards" provides:

2250(2) The security background

2254investigations under this section must

2259ensure that the no person subject to the

2267pr ovisions of this section have been found

2275guilty of, regardless of adjudication, or

2281entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty

2289to, any offense prohibited under any of the

2297following provisions of the Florida Statutes

2303or under any similar statute of another


2311* * *

2314(w) Chapter 812, relating to theft,

2320robbery, and related crimes, if the offense

2327is a felony.

233028. Subsections 39.201(4) and (6), Florida Statutes,

2337provide, in pertinent part, as follows:

2343(4) The department shall es tablish and

2350maintain a central abuse hotline to receive

2357all reports made pursuant to this section in

2365writing or through a single statewide toll -

2373free telephone number, which any person may

2380use to report known or suspected child abuse

2388abandonment, or neglect . . . .

2395* * *

2398(6) Information in the central abuse

2404hotline may not be used for employment

2411screening, except as provided in s.

241739.202(2)(a) and (h). Information in the

2423central abuse hotline and the department's

2429automated abuse information sys tem may be

2436used by the department, its authorized

2442agents, or contract providers, the

2447Department of Health, or county agencies as

2454part of the licensure or registration

2460process pursuant to ss. 402.301 - 402.319 and

2468ss. 409.175 - 409.176.

247229. Subsections 39.20 2(1), (2)(a)4 and (j), Florida

2480Statutes, provide as follows:

2484(1) In order to protect the rights of the

2493child and the child's parents or other

2500persons responsible for the child's welfare,

2506all records held by the department

2512concerning reports of child aba ndonment,

2518abuse, or neglect, including reports made to

2525the central abuse hotline and all records

2532generated as a result of such reports, shall

2540be confidential and exempt from the

2546provisions of s. 119.07(1) and shall not be

2554disclosed except as specifically a uthorized

2560by this chapter. Such exemption from s.

2567119.07(1) applies to information in the

2573possession of those entities granted access

2579as set forth in this section.

2585(2) Access to such records, excluding the

2592name of the reporter which shall be released

2600only as provided in subsection (4), shall be

2608granted only to the following persons,

2614officials, and agencies:

2617(a) Employees, authorized agents, or

2622contract providers of the department, the

2628Department of Health, or county agencies

2634responsible for carryin g out:

2639* * *

26424. Licensure or approval of adoptive

2648homes, foster homes, or child care

2654facilities, or family day care homes or

2661informal child care providers who receive

2667subsidized child care funding, or other

2673homes used to provide for the care and

2681welfare of children.

2684* * *

2687(j) The Division of Administrative

2692Hearings for purposes of any administrative


269930. Rule 65C - 20.009, Florida Administrative Code, States,

2708in part:

2710* * *

2713(3) Supervision by Staff.

2717(a) At all times, which includes when the

2725children are sleeping, the operator shall

2731remain responsible for the supervision of

2737the children in care and capable of

2744responding to the emergencies and needs of

2751the children. During the daytime hours of

2758opera tion, children shall have adult

2764supervision which means watching and

2769directing children's activities, both

2773indoors and outdoors, and responding to each

2780child's needs.

278231. Credible testimony established that Stephen Randall

2789resided in Petitioner's ho me during some or all of calendar year

28012000. During this period of time, Petitioner continued to

2810operate her family day care home and did not inform Respondent

2821that her son resided there.

282632. As a household member residing in Petitioner's home,

2835Stephen R andall was subject to background screening. As Stephen

2845Randall had been adjudicated guilty of a third degree felony

2855listed in Subsection 435.04(2), Florida Statutes, his living at

2864Petitioner's home could disqualify Petitioner from operating a

2872registered f amily day care home. In addition, Petitioner's

2881failure to submit Stephen Randall for background screening within

2890ten (10) days of his return to residence in the family day care

2903home could be the basis for registration denial or revocation.

291333. Petition er knew that she was required to notify

2923Respondent of the identity of all household members, including

2932her son, Stephen Randall, so they could be properly screened.

2942Petitioner failed to advise Respondent of her son's return and

2952residence in her home.

295634. Respondent is authorized to use the information in the

2966abuse hotline and automated abuse information system in the

2975registration process for family day care home facilities, which

2984would imply, since the denial of registration is part of the

2995registration pro cess, the authority to use such information to

3005deny the registration of a family day care home. Subsections

301539.201(6) and 39.202(2)(a), Florida Statutes. When Respondent

3022attempts to use the allegations contained in those abuse

3031reporting systems to deny a family day care home registration,

3041it must prove those allegations by clear and convincing

3050evidence. In the instant case, Respondent has, through

3058documentary evidence and the testimony of its investigators and

3067independent witnesses, proved by clear and c onvincing evidence

3076that Petitioner failed to meet minimum standards of care to

3086ensure the safety of children in her care.


3095Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3105Law, it is

3108RECOMMENDED that the Department of Children and Family

3116Services deny Petitioner's application for re - licensure of her

3126family day care home.

3130DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of May, 2002, in

3140Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3148Administrative Law Judge

3151Divis ion of Administrative Hearings

3156The DeSoto Building

31591230 Apalachee Parkway

3162Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3167(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3175Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3182Filed with the Clerk of the

3188Division of Administrative Hearings

3192this 16th day of May, 2002.


3201Richard Cato, Esquire

3204Department of Children and Family Services

3210400 West Robinson Street

3214Suite S - 1106

3218Orlando, Florida 32801 - 1782

3223James Sweeting, III, Esquire

3227506 West Washington Street

3231Orlando, Florida 3280 1

3235Paul Flounlacker, Agency Clerk

3239Department of Children and Family Services

32451317 Winewood Boulevard

3248Building 2, Room 204B

3252Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700

3257Josie Tomayo, General Counsel

3261Department of Children and Family Services

32671317 Winewood Boulevard

3270Bu ilding 2, Room 204

3275Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


3286All parties have the right to submit written exceptions

3295within 15 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any

3306exceptions to this Recommended Order should be f iled with the

3317agency that will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/12/2002
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 09/09/2002
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/16/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/16/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held February 18, 2002) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/16/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 05/08/2002
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed by Respondent.
Date: 05/03/2002
Proceedings: Motion for One Day Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders (filed R. Cato via facsimile).
Date: 04/16/2002
Proceedings: Order issued (the parties shall file their proposed recommended orders by May 3, 2002).
Date: 04/12/2002
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/13/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Filing, Transcript of Proceedings Before the Honorable Jeff B. Clark Volumes I and II filed.
Date: 02/18/2002
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 02/15/2002
Proceedings: Response to Pre-Hearing Instructions (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 02/06/2002
Proceedings: Response to Respondent`s First Interrogatories (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 01/23/2002
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for February 18, 2002; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 01/22/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Conflict (filed by J. Sweeting via facsimile).
Date: 01/22/2002
Proceedings: Second Motion to Continue Hearing (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 12/19/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for February 4, 2002; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 12/10/2001
Proceedings: Amended Motion to Continue Final Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/10/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Request to Produce (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/10/2001
Proceedings: Motion to Continue Final Hearing (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 11/21/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Interrogatories (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 11/21/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Request for Admissions (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/21/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Counsel (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 11/15/2001
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 11/15/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for December 24, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 10/24/2001
Proceedings: Request for Production filed by J. Sweeting.
Date: 10/08/2001
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 10/08/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Denial of filed.
Date: 10/08/2001
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 10/08/2001
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (14):