01-004323RX Zafar Shah, M.D. vs. Department Of Health, Board Of Medicine
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, March 19, 2002.

View Dockets  
Summary: Portion of Rule determined to enlarge the provisions of law implemented, and Board was without specific statutory authority to promulgate rule; other subsection not invalid.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 01 - 4323RX





33Respondent. )



38THIS C AUSE came on before Daniel M. Kilbride,

47Administrative Law Judge, the Division of Administrative

54Hearings, pursuant to the Petition to Challenge Existing Rule

63under Subsection 120.56(3), Florida Statutes, in Tallahassee,



72For Petitioner : Jack D. Hoogewind, Esquire

7933283 Cortez Boulevard

82Dade City, Florida 33523

86For Respondent: Lee Ann Gustafson, Esquire

92Office of the Attorney General,

97Department o f Legal Affairs

102The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

107Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050


116Whether the provisions of Rule Subsections 64B8 - 9.008(1)

125and (2), Florida Administrative Code, enlarge, modify , or

133contravene the provisions of law implemented, and is arbitrary

142and capricious because the rule penalizes harmless conduct, in

151violation of Subsections 120.52(8)(c) and (e), Florida Statutes.

159Whether the Department of Health had the statutory

167authority to promulgate Rule 64B8 - 9.008, Florida Administrative

176Code, pursuant to Section 120.536, Florida Statutes.

183Whether the Board of Medicine had statutory authority to

192promulgate Rule 64B8 - 9.008, Florida Administrative Code,

200pursuant to Section 120.536, Flori da Statutes.


209On May 4, 2001, the Department of Health (DOH) filed an

220Administrative Complaint against Petitioner's medical license.

226Petitioner disputed the allegations and requested a formal

234hearing. During the course of the formal hearing process,

243Petitioner sought to challenge a rule of the Board of Medicine

254which had been officially recognized during the formal hearing

263process. Permission was granted, and, subsequently, on

270November 2, 2001, Petitioner filed a Petition to Challen ge

280Existing Rule with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative

290Hearings (DOAH). Pursuant to a telephonic hearing, the parties

299agreed that there appear to be no disputed facts or need for an

312evidentiary hearing. Respondent was given ten days to object to

322the Judge's consideration of Exhibits A, B, and C, which were

333attached to the Petition to Challenge Existing Rule. No

342objection has been forthcoming, and therefore these exhibits are

351properly before this tribunal, and the following findings of

360fact are based on the exhibits.

366Petitioner names DOH and the Board of Medicine (Board), as

376Respondents in this action. Petitioner alleges that DOH did not

386have authority to adopt Rule 64B8 - 9.008, Florida Administrative

396Code. DOH did not promulgate the rule at is sue. It was

408promulgated by the Board; therefore, Respondent, DOH, is


417The parties submitted their Proposed Final Orders and

425Briefs in a timely manner, and each has been given careful

436consideration in the preparation of this Final Order.


4471. DOH has filed an Administrative Complaint against

455Petitioner herein, Dr. Zafar Shah, M.D., seeking disciplinary

463sanctions against his medical license. The Complaint alleges

471that Petitioner violated Subsections 458.331(1)(j) and (x),

478Florida S tatutes (1999). Subsection (j) requires that the

487physician exploit the physician - patient relationship to obtain

496sex from a patient before he is subject to discipline.

506Subsection (x) holds, inter alia , that violating a rule of the

517Board or DOH by a physic ian subjects him to discipline. 1

5292. The Administrative Complaint alleges that the sexual

537relationship between Petitioner and patient, T.R., began in

545December of 1996. According to the complaint, Petitioner first

554treated T.R. on August 20, 1997, about eig ht months after he

566first had sex with her. Petitioner continued to treat T.R.

576periodically until on or about January 18, 1999.

5843. During the prosecution of the administrative action

592against Petitioner, DOH requested that the Administrative Law

600Judge take official recognition of Section 458.329, Florida

608Statutes, a special section relating to sexual misconduct and

617Rule 61B8 - 8.001, Florida Administrative Code, as amended

626December 28, 1999, and Rule 64B8 - 9.008, Florida Administrative

636Code, as amended May 29, 1997, by the Board of Medicine. An

648order was entered granting that request.

6544. Section 458.329, Florida Statutes, reads as follows:

662Sexual misconduct in the practice of

668medicine. –

670The physician - patient relationship is

676founded on mutual trust. Sex ual misconduct

683in the practice of medicine means violation

690of the physician - patient relationship

696through which the physician uses said

702relationship to induce or attempt to induce

709the patient to engage, or to engage or

717attempt to engage the patient, in sexu al

725activity outside the scope of the practice

732or the scope of generally accepted

738examination or treatment of the patient.

744Sexual misconduct in the practice of

750medicine is prohibited.

7535. Section 458.331, Florida Statutes (1999), reads in

761pertinent part, a s follows:

766Grounds for disciplinary action; action by

772the board and department. – -

778(1) The following acts constitute grounds

784for denial of a license or disciplinary

791action, as specified in s. 456.072(2):

797* * *

800(j) Exercising influence within a

805pa tient - physician relationship for purposes

812of engaging a patient in sexual activity. A

820patient shall be presumed to be incapable of

828giving free, full, and informed consent to

835sexual activity with his or her physician.

842* * *

845(v) Practicing or offerin g to practice

852beyond the scope permitted by law or

859accepting and performing professional

863responsibilities which the licensee knows or

869has reason to know that he or she is not

879competent to perform. The board may

885establish by rule standards of practice and

892standards of care for particular practice

898settings, including, but not limited to,

904education and training, equipment and

909supplies, medications including anesthetics,

913assistance of and delegation to other

919personnel, transfer agreements,

922sterilization, recor ds, performance of

927complex or multiple procedures, informed

932consent, and policy and procedure manuals.

938* * *

941(x) Violating any provision of this

947chapter, a rule of the board or department,

955or a lawful order of the board or department

964previously ente red in a disciplinary hearing

971or failing to comply with a lawfully issued

979subpoena of the department.

9836. Rule 64B8 - 9.008, Florida Administrative Code, reads in

993pertinent part, as follows:

99764B8 - 9.008 Sexual Misconduct. --

1003(1) Sexual contact with a p atient is

1011sexual misconduct and is a violation of

1018Sections 458.329 and 458.331(1)(j), Florida


1024(2) For purposes of this rule, sexual

1031misconduct between a physician and a patient

1038includes, but it is not limited to:

1045(a) Sexual behavior or in volvement with a

1053patient including verbal or physical

1058behavior which

10601. may reasonably be interpreted as

1066romantic involvement with a patient

1071regardless of whether such involvement

1076occurs in the professional setting or

1082outside of it;

10852. may reason ably be interpreted as

1092intended for the sexual arousal or

1098gratification of the physician, the patient

1104or any third party; or

11093. may reasonably be interpreted by the

1116patient as being sexual.

1120(b) Sexual behavior or involvement with a

1127patient not act ively receiving treatment

1133from the physician, including verbal or

1139physical behavior or involvement which meets

1145any one or more of the criteria in paragraph

1154(2)(a) above and which

11581. results from the use or exploitation

1165of trust, knowledge, influence o r emotions

1172derived from the professional relationship;

11772. misuses privileged information or

1182access to privileged information to meet the

1189physician's personal or sexual needs; or

11953. is an abuse or reasonably appears to

1203be an abuse of authority or power.

1210* * *

1213(4) The determination of when a person is

1221a patient for purposes of this rule is made

1230on a case by case basis with consideration

1238given to the nature, extent, and context of

1246the professional relationship between the

1251physician and the per son. The fact that a

1260person is not actively receiving treatment

1266or professional services from a physician is

1273not determinative of this issue. A person

1280is presumed to remain a patient until the

1288patient - physician relationship is


1294(5) The mer e passage of time since the

1303patient's last visit to the physician is not

1311solely determinative of whether or not the

1318physician - patient relationship has been

1324terminated. Some of the factors considered

1330by the Board in determining whether the

1337physician - patien t relationship has

1343terminated include, but are not limited to,

1350the following:

1352(a) formal termination procedures;

1356(b) transfer of the patient's case to

1363another physician;

1365(c) the length of time that has passed

1373since the patient's last visit to t he


1382(d) the length of the professional


1389(e) the extent to which the patient has

1397confided personal or private information to

1403the physician;

1405(f) the nature of the patient's medical


1413(g) the degree of emotional d ependence

1420that the patient has on the physician.

1427(6) Sexual conduct between a physician

1433and a former patient after termination of

1440the physician - patient relationship will

1446constitute a violation of the Medical

1452Practice Act if the sexual contact is a

1460resu lt of the exploitation of trust,

1467knowledge, influence or emotions, derived

1472from the professional relationship.

1476(7) A patient's consent to, initiation

1482of, or participation in sexual behavior or

1489involvement with a physician does not change

1496the nature of the conduct nor lift the

1504statutory prohibition.

1506* * *

1509(9) Upon a finding that a physician has

1517committed unprofessional conduct by engaging

1522in sexual misconduct, the Board will impose

1529such discipline as the Board deems necessary

1536to protect the public . The sanctions

1543available to the Board are set forth in Rule

155264B8 - 8.001, F.A.C., and include restriction

1559or limitation of the physician's practice,

1565revocation or suspension of the physician's


15727. The challenged portions of the rule consists of: Rule

1582Subsections 64B8 - 9.008(1) and (2), Florida Administrative Code.

1591Rule 64B8 - 9.008, Florida Administrative Code, cites as Specific

1601Authority Section 458.309 and Subsection 458.331(5), Florida

1608Statutes; as Law Implemented the Rule cites Section 458.329 and

1618Subsection 458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes. By technical change

1625to the Rule filed December 12, 2001, with the Bureau of

1636Administrative Code, the Rule cites as Specific Authority and

1645Law Implemented Subsection 458.331(1)(v), Florida Statutes.

1651Subsecti on 458.331(1)(v), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Board

1659to establish by rule standards of practice.

16668. Subsection 458.309(1), Florida Statutes, provides as


1674The board has authority to adopt rules

1681pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to

1688impleme nt the provisions of this chapter

1695conferring duties upon it.

16999. Subsection 458.331(5), Florida Statutes, provides as


1707The board shall by rule establish

1713guidelines for the disposition of

1718disciplinary cases involving specific types

1723of violations.


172810. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1735jurisdiction of this action and the parties pursuant to

1744Subsections 120.56(1) and (3), Section 120.569, and Subsection

1752120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

175511. Section 120.56, Florida Statutes, reads in pertinent

1763part, as follows:

1766Challenges to rules. –



1785(a) Any person substantially affected by

1791a rule or a proposed rule may seek an

1800administrative determina tion of the

1805invalidity of the rule on the ground that

1813the rule is an invalid exercise of delegated

1821legislative authority.

1823* * *

1826(e) Hearings held under this section

1832shall be conducted in the same manner as

1840provided by ss. 120.569 and 120.57, except

1847t hat the administrative law judge's order

1854shall be final agency action. The

1860petitioner and the agency whose rule is

1867challenged shall be adverse parties.

1872* * *



1882(a) A substantially affected pers on may

1889seek an administrative determination of the

1895invalidity of an existing rule at any time

1903during the existence of the rule.

1909(b) The administrative law judge may

1915declare all or part of a rule invalid. The

1924rule or part thereof declared invalid shall

1931become void when the time for filing an

1939appeal expires. The agency whose rule has

1946been declared invalid in whole or part shall

1954give notice of the decision in the Florida

1962Administrative Weekly in the first available

1968issue after the rule has become void.

197512. Petitioner alleges that the cited portions of Rule

198464B8 - 9.008, Florida Administrative Code, violate Subsection

1992120.52(8), Florida Statutes. Subsections 120.52(8)(c) and (e),

1999Florida Statutes, provide that a rule is an invalid exercise

2009delegation of l egislative authority if it enlarges, modifies, or

2019contravenes the specific provisions of law implemented, or is

2028arbitrary or capricious.

203113. Petitioner alleges that the language of Rule

2039Subsections 64B8 - 9.008(1) and (2), Florida Administrative Code,

2048permi ts the Board to find a violation of Section 458.329,

2059Florida Statutes, when the physician has not violated the

2068physician - patient relationship or used the physician - patient

2078relationship to induce or attempt to induce the patient to

2088engage in sexual activity . The allegations also claim that the

2099language of the Rule permits the Board to find a violation of

2111Subsection 458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes, when the physician

2118has not exercised influence within a physician - patient

2127relationship for purposes of engaging a patient in sexual


213714. Section 458.329, Florida Statutes, specifically

2143defines sexual misconduct in the practice of medicine. Rule

2152Subsection 64B8 - 9.008(1), Florida Administrative Code, does not

2161impermissibly enlarge the specific provisions of the law

2169implemented. Under the Rule, sexual contact with a patient

2178constitutes sexual misconduct. The Rule then goes on to list

2188what behavior would be considered sexual in nature when applied

2198to the definition of sexual misconduct, as set forth in th e


221115. As explained in 2 Fla. Jur. 2d, Administrative Law

2221Section 165:

2223Administrative regulations must be

2227consistent with the statutes under which

2233they are promulgated, and they may not

2240amend, add to, or repeal the statute. An

2248agency may not pro mulgate regulations which

2255broaden the scope of a proscription

2261contained in its enabling legislation, read

2267into a statute conditions or requirements

2273not plainly expressed therein, or attempt to

2280supply essential substantive provisions

2284which are missing from or are unclear in the


2294State v. Florida Department of Business Regulation v. Salvation

2303Limited, Inc. , 452 So. 2d 65 (Fla. 1st DCA 1984). See Whitener

2315v. Department of Business and Professional Regulation , 662 So.

23242d 1299 (Fla. 4th DCA 1995); Stat e, Department of Health and

2336Rehabilitative Services v. McTigue , 387 So. 2d 454 (Fla. 1st DCA

23471997); Capeletti Builders, Inc. v. Dept. of Transportation , 499

2356So. 2d 855 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986).

236316. Neither Subsection 458.331(1)(j) nor (v), Florida

2370Statutes, authorized the Board to adopt rules to "redefine" the

2380term "sexual misconduct" in this section, nor does it

2389contemplate that the Board needs to establish standards of

2398practice relating to sexual misconduct. The Legislature

2405expressly enacted its definition of sexual misconduct in Section

2414458.329, Florida Statutes, and authorized the Department of

2422Health to charge a physician with sexual misconduct under

2431Subsection 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes.

243517. Rule Subsections 64B8 - 9.008(1) and (2), Florida

2444Admini strative Code, however, does not eliminate or attempt to

2454eliminate the elements of the violation set forth in Section

2464458.329 and Subsection 458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes. Rule

2471Subsection 64B8 - 9.008(1), Florida Administrative Code, ties

2479sexual misconduc t under the Rule to the two statutory provisions

2490which define it. Rule Subsection 64B8 - 9.008(2)(a), Florida

2499Administrative Code, defines the behavior that the Board will

2508consider to be behavior that constitutes sexual activity for the

2518purposes of Section 458.329 and Subsection 458.331(1)(j),

2525Florida Statutes. Rule Subsection 64B8 - 9.008(2)(b), Florida

2533Administrative Code, clarifies that the patient in an

2541established physician - patient relationship need not be actively

2550receiving treatment at the time of the sexual activity for a

2561violation to be found if the behavior results from exploitation,

2571misuse of privileged information, or an abuse of authority or

2581power. This subsection provides guidelines regarding two

2588elements of the violation:

2592(a) what constitutes use of the physician - patient

2601relationship or exercising influence within the physician -

2609patient relationship, e.g. exploitation, misuse of privileged

2616information, or abuse of authority or power, and

2624(b) the parameters of the physician - patient relationship,

2633which does not require current, active treatment for the

2642relationship to exist.

264518. Petitioner also alleges the identified Rule

2652subsections (Rule Subsections 64B8 - 9.008(1) and (2), Florida

2661Administrative Code) violate Subsection 120.52(8)(e), Florida

2667Sta tutes, because the Rule's subsections are arbitrary and

2676capricious. Petitioner alleges the Rule subsections are

2683arbitrary and capricious because they "penalize [] harmless

2691conduct that a physician has a constitutional right to engage

2701in." Petitioner does not have a constitutional right to engage

2711in sexual misconduct. Subsections (1) and (2) of the Rule

2721provide guidelines for licensees in the determination of whether

2730a physician - patient relationship existed between a licensee and

2740his or her patient; wheth er prohibited behavior occurred; and

2750whether a licensee improperly exploited the patient, or used

2759privileged information inappropriately including sexual

2764activity; or abused his or her position of trust and authority

2775to induce a patient to engage in sexual activity.

278419. The fact that Petitioner engaged in sexual activity

2793prior to establishing a physician - patient relationship, if such

2803a finding is made, is one factor to take into consideration in

2815determining if Petitioner violated Section 458.239 and

2822Subsec tion 458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes. Regardless of the

2830fact that sexual activity occurred prior to the establishment of

2840a physician - patient relationship, a determination could be made

2850that the continuation of sexual activity, under the

2858circumstances, as a matter of fact, resulted from improper

2867exploitation or abuse of authority and trust; or conversely, it

2877could be determined that such exploitation and abuse did not

2887occur under the facts of the case. The language of the

2898challenged portions of the Rule do es not pre - determine the

2910result in the underlying disciplinary action.

291620. To the extent that Petitioner challenges the Rule as

2926arbitrary and capricious because of constitutional implications,

2933this tribunal does not have the authority to find an existing

2944rule unconstitutional. "[A] hearing officer [now administrative

2951law judge] does not have power to adjudicate the

2960constitutionality of a [promulgated] rule, such power being a

2969judicial rather than a quasi - judicial power." Department of

2979Environmental Regul ation v. Leon County , 344 So. 2d 297 (Fla.

29901st DCA 1977); see also Department of Administration v. Stevens ,

3000344 So. 2d 290 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977); and Department of

3011Administration, Division of Personnel v. Department of

3018Administration, Division of Administrat ive Hearings , 326 So. 2d

3027187 (Fla. 1st DCA 1976). But see , Caddy v. Department of

3038Health , 764 So. 2d 625 (Fla. 1st DCA 2000).

304721. The standard for determining whether a rule is

3056arbitrary and capricious pursuant to Subsection 120.52(8)(e),

3063Florida Statute s, is whether it is not supported by fact or

3075logic or is enacted without thought or reason. Conversely, if

3085an administrative decision is justifiable under any analysis

3093that a reasonable person would use to reach a decision of

3104similar importance, it is nei ther arbitrary nor capricious.

3113Dravo Basic Chemicals Company v. State , 602 So. 2d 632 (Fla. 2d

3125DCA 1992). This standard was recognized by the Legislature, as

3135was noted in Florida League of Cities, Inc. v. Department of

3146Environmental Regulation , 603 So. 2 d 1363, 1367 - 8 (Fla. 1st DCA


3160Staff Analysis of the House Committee on

3167Governmental Operations, "Staff Analysis of

3172Proposed Amendments to Chapter 120, F.S.,

3178for House Bill 710 and Senate Bill 608"

3186(1987) (Florida State Archives), explaining

3191that Se ction 120.52(8)(e), Florida Statutes

3197(1987), relating to the term arbitrary or

3204capricious, "codifies the long established

3209principle that administrative rules cannot

3214be arbitrary or capricious, i.e.,

3219unsupported by logic, despotic or

3224irrational." In suppor t of this statement

3231the Staff Analysis refers to the Agrico

3238Chemical Co. [v. State Department of

3244Environmental Protection, 365 So. 2d 759

3250(Fla. 1st DCA 1978)] and the General

3257Telephone Co. of [v. Florida Public Service

3264Commission, 446 So. 2d 1063 (Fla. 198 4)]


327322. Subsections (1) and (2) of the challenged Rule

3282provisions are not illogical, despotic, or irrational. The Rule

3291addresses elements of the violation stated in the statutes

3300(which have not and could not be challenged by Petitioner in

3311this proceeding.). It is not despotic of the Board to recognize

3322that a physician can exercise influence in the physician - patient

3333relationship or use the physician - patient relationship

3341improperly even though treatment is not being actively provided

3350at the time . Otherwise, a gynecologist who only sees patients

3361once a year could avoid the strictures of the law by only

3373engaging in sexual activity with a patient in - between visits.

3384Likewise, it is hardly illogical or irrational to define sexual

3394activity as somethi ng broader than sexual intercourse. The

3403definitions of what constitutes sexual behavior advise licensed

3411physicians that verbal comments intended to induce sexual

3419activity are as inappropriate as physical behavior; the

3427definitions are intended to protect t he unwilling recipient as

3437well as the patient who consents through the physician's abuse

3447of his or her position of trust.

345423. Prior to the 1996 Amendments to Chapter 120, Florida

3464Statutes, an agency had implied rulemaking authority to

3472implement that agenc y's statutory duties, as long as the rules

3483were "reasonably related" to the purpose of the enabling

3492legislation. However, in 1996, Section 120.536, Florida

3499Statutes, was created, to provide that:

3505120.536 Rulemaking authority; listed of

3510rules exceeding authority repeal;

3514challenge. --

3516(1) A grant of rulemaking authority is

3523necessary, but not sufficient to allow an

3530agency to adopt a rule; a specific law to be

3540implemented is also required. An agency may

3547adopt only rules that implement or interpret

3554speci fic powers and duties granted by the

3562enabling statute. No agency shall have

3568authority to adopt a rule only because it is

3577reasonably related to the purpose or the

3584enabling legislation. . . ."

3589This section repealed the "reasonably related" test previously

3597relied on by the courts. Department of Professional Regulation

3606v. Calder Race Course, Inc. , 724 So. 2d 100, 102 (Fla. 1st DCA


362024. The Southwest Florida Water Management District v.

3628Save the Manatee Club, Inc. , 773 So. 2d 594 (Fla. 1st DCA 2000)

3641pr ovided the First District an opportunity to address the 1999

3652amendments to Subsection 120.52(8), Florida Statutes, governing

3659the required authority of agencies to engage in rulemaking.

3668Previously, in St. Johns Water Management District v.

3676Consolidated - Tom oka Land Co. , 717 So. 2d 72 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998),

3690the court had construed that provision of Chapter 120 to create

3701a "class of powers" test. Under that test, a rule was valid if

3714it regulated matters within a class of powers identified by the

3725Legislature. F ollowing the decision in the Consolidated - Tomoka

3735case, the Legislature amended Subsection 120.52(8) with the

3743clear intent to limit agencies' rulemaking authority. The

3751amended provisions stated that it was not sufficient for a rule

3762to fall within a class o f powers granted to the agency; rather,

3775it must "implement or interpret the specific powers or duties

3785granted by the enabling statute." Subsection 120.52(8), Florida


379425. Subsequent to the change in Subsection 120.52(8), the

3803Save the Manatee Clu b filed a petition with the Division of

3815Administrative Hearings challenging certain provisions of

3821Rule 40D - 4.051, Florida Administrative Code, which created

3830exemption from wetlands permitting for a variety of activities.

3839The basis for the challenge was t hat the District did not have

3852specific statutory authority to adopt permitting exemptions.

3859The ALJ held that the rules were invalid. The court agreed with

3871the ALJ that no specific authority existed for the rule. The

3882District argued that Subsection 373.4 14(9), Florida Statutes,

3890directed the District to adopt implementing rules based

"3898primarily on the existing rules of the [Department of

3907Environmental Protection] and the water management districts."

3914However, the court relied on language in the same statut ory

3925provision which stated that permit exemptions could only be

3934adopted where they did not "allow significant adverse impacts."

3943In construing the 1999 amendment to Subsection 120.52(8), the

3952court relied upon the dictionary definition of "specific." It

3961con cluded that the intent of the Legislature was that a rule

3973must be based on an explicit power or duty set forth in the

3986statute. In this case, the exemption was based on whether a

3997project was approved before a certain date, not whether it would

4008have a signi ficant adverse impact. Thus, the court concluded

4018that the exemption was not based on a specific power or duty

4030granted to the District.

403426. In dicta , the court noted that rules may still be more

4046detailed in nature than the underlying statute, stating: "T he

4056question is whether the statute contains a specific grant of

4066legislative authority for the rule, not whether the grant of

4076authority is specific enough." The court recognized that

4084greater levels of detail are required in enabling statutes than

4094was the c ase prior to the 1996 and 1999 APA amendments, but

4107still adhered to the principle that the Legislature will not

"4117micro - manage" agency business by including all implementing

4126details in enabling legislation. Id. at 599. The court

4135declined to formulate an o bjective test or standard for making

4146the determination. The First District further refused to adopt

4155a sliding scale analysis, and ruled instead that the issue must

4166be determined on a case - by - case basis: Id. at 599.

417927. Thereafter, in Board of Podiatric Medicine v. Florida

4188Medical Association , 779 So. 2d 658 (Fla. 1st DCA 2001), the

4199Florida Medical Association challenged a proposed rule of the

4208Board which defined "human leg" and "surgical treatment." The

4217term human leg was defined in the proposed rule to include the

4229entire leg below the hip. The rule defined surgical treatment

4239to mean "a distinctly operative kind of treatment." The ALJ

4249concluded that the definition expanded the legislative scope of

4258practice of podiatric medicine by covering the leg abov e the

4269knee. In that case, the Board of Podiatric Medicine promulgated

4279Rule 64B18 - 23.001, Florida Administrative Code, which provides

4288definitions pertaining to the standards and scope of podiatric

4297practice. As specific authority for the Rule, the Board of

4307Podiatric Medicine cited to Section 461.005, Florida Statutes,

4315which provides as follows:

4319The Board of Podiatric Medicine has

4325authority to adopt rules pursuant to ss.

4332120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the

4338provisions of this chapter conferring duties

4344up on it.

4347As law implemented, the Board of Podiatric Medicine cited to

4357Subsection 461.003(3) [now (5)], Florida Statutes, which

4364provides as follows:

"4367Practice of podiatric medicine" means the

4373diagnosis of medical, surgical, palliative,

4378and mechanical treat ment of ailments of the

4386human foot and leg. The surgical treatment

4393of ailments of the human foot and leg shall

4402be limited anatomically to that part below

4409the anterior tibial tubercle. The practice

4415of podiatric medicine shall include the

4421amputation of the toes or other parts of the

4430foot but shall not include the amputation of

4438the foot or leg in its entirety. A

4446podiatric physician may prescribe drugs that

4452relate specifically to the scope of practice

4459authorized herein.

446128. On appeal, the court revers ed. Judge Allen held that

4472the Board did not enlarge, modify, or contravene the statute.

4482The statute defined the practice of podiatric medicine to mean

"4492diagnosis, surgical, palliative, and mechanical treatment of

4499ailments of the human foot and leg." The court noted that

4510expert testimony at the hearing supported a conclusion that the

4520term leg had various meanings, some of which could be limited to

4532portions of the leg below the knee. Accordingly, it deferred to

4543the Board's broad discretion in construing t he statute. In its

4554decision, the First District held that the rulemaking authority

4563in Section 461.005, Florida Statutes, encompassed the

4570implementation of provisions by which Chapter 461 conferred

4578duties upon the Board, and that those duties included matt ers

4589which required the Board's assessment at to the lawful scope of

4600podiatric practice. The court cited as an example of the duty

4611of the Board to assess the lawful scope of practice Subsection

4622461.013(1)(u), Florida Statutes, the disciplinary provision

4628ma king it a violation to practice or offer to practice beyond

4640the scope permitted by law. Therefore, the court found that the

4651Rule defining the term "human leg" fell within the grant of

4662rulemaking authority in Section 461.005, Florida Statutes,

"4669insofar as the rule provides a permissible explication and

4678definition of the statutory terminology used in Section

4686461.003." However, the court, in its opinion makes no reference

4696to the 1996 or 1999 amendments to the APA, nor does it cite the

4710Save the Manatee case, but only cites cases decided prior to the

47221996 changes.

472429. Following its decision is Save the Manatee and Board

4734of Podiatric Medicine , the First District in Board of Trustees

4744of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund v. Day Cruise

4753Association, Inc. , 794. So . 2d 696 (Fla. 1st DCA 2001) applied

4765the 1996 and 1999 amendments to the APA and ruled that the

4777statute was not sufficient under the amended APA to authorize

4787the trustees to promulgate the proposed rule.

479430. The Day Cruise Association challenged a propose d rule

4804of the Board of Trustees that would have prohibited the

4814anchoring or mooring of vessels on sovereignty submerged lands

4823where the vessels were "used primarily for the purpose of

4833gambling" and where such vessels were "engaged in 'cruises to

4843nowhere.'" The ALJ held that the rule was invalid, and the

4854First District affirmed that decision. In reaching this

4862decision, Judge Benton in the majority opinion discussed in

4871detail the recent legislative history of the APA with respect to

4882agencies rulemaking auth ority. His opinion held that:

4890Under the 1996 and 1999 amendments to the

4898APA, it is now clear, agencies have

4905rulemaking authority only where the

4910Legislature has enacted a specific statute,

4916and authorized the agency to implement it,

4923and only if the (propose d) rule implements

4931or interprets specific powers or duties, as

4938opposed to improvising in an area that can

4946be said to fall only generally within some

4954class of powers or duties the Legislature

4961has conferred on the agency.

4966Id. at 700.

496931. The court agreed w ith the ALJ that the proposed rule

4981violated the provisions of both Subsections 120.52(8)(b) and

4989120.52(8)(c), Florida Statutes, that the Trustees had exceeded

4997their rulemaking authority and had enlarged upon the specific

5006provisions of law being implemented . The Trustees had cited

5016Subsections 253.03(7)(a) and (b), Florida Statutes, as

5023rulemaking authority in the notice of proposed rulemaking. The

5032court concluded that neither of those subsections provided the

5041necessary authority. Subsection 253.03(7)(a) gr anted the

5048Trustees very general authority to adopt rules for the overall

"5058acquisition, management, and disposition of state - owned lands."

5067The court held that Subsection (a) did not provide any authority

5078for the proposed regulation as it made no specific r eference to

5090submerged lands. In contrast, Subsection (b) did address

5098submerged lands. However, the court concluded that its

5106rulemaking authority was insufficient to allow for a prohibition

5115on the docking of gambling vessels. Subsection (b) provides

5124that the Trustees may adopt rules governing the usage of

5134sovereignty lands by vessels "limited to regulations for

5142anchoring, mooring, or otherwise attaching to the bottom; the

5151establishment of anchorages; and the discharge of sewage,

5159pumpout requirements, and facilities associated with

5165anchorages." The court concluded that the statute did not

5174authorize the Trustees to prohibit an otherwise legal use of a

5185vessel (gambling) where there was no physical or environmental

5194threat to the sovereignty submerged lands. In addition, the

5203court held that the proposed regulation violated the provision

5212of Subsection (b) that prohibited the Trustees from adopting a

5222rule that would "interfere with commerce or the transitory

5231operation of vessels through navigable water." Subsec tion

5239253.03(7)(b), Florida Statutes.

524232. Likewise, the court held that the proposed rule

5251enlarged upon the statutory provisions being implemented. The

5259Trustees had cited Article X, Section 11, Florida Constitution,

5268and Section 253.03 and Section 253.04, Florida Statutes. The

5277court, after reviewing each of those provisions, found no

5286specific provision of law being implemented by the Trustees. It


5297In the absence of a specific power or duty

5306enabling or requiring the Trustees to

5312regulate cruises t o nowhere or to regulate

5320gambling or to regulate on the basis of

5328activities occurring aboard vessels after

5333they leave sovereignty submerged lands and

5339adjacent water, the Trustees' proposed rule

5345exceeds the Trustees' rulemaking authority

5350and is an invalid e xercise of delegated

5358legislative authority as defined in Section

5364120.52(8)(c), Florida Statutes.

5367Id. at 704.

5370In reaching this decision, the court noted that the Legislature

5380had twice considered legislation that would have prohibited

"5388cruises to nowhere" and failed to adopt such a bill.

539833. In a dissenting opinion, Judge Allen disagreed that

5407the statute must grant specific authority to the Trustees to

5417regulate gambling vessels, finding the authority to regulate the

5426anchoring of "vessels, floating homes, o r any other watercraft"

5436to be sufficiently broad. Subsection 253.03(7)(b), Florida

5443Statutes. Moreover, he found no basis for limiting the

5452regulatory authority of the Trustees over sovereignty submerged

5460lands to "environmental concerns." He concluded tha t impact of

5470the majority's opinion would be to negate the power of the

5481Trustees to regulate the use of sovereignty lands by commercial


549234. In the instant case, Respondent argues that the grant

5502of rulemaking authority to the Board of Medicine in S ection

5513458.309, Florida Statutes, is identical to the authority granted

5522to the Board of Podiatric Medicine in Section 461.005, Florida

5532Statutes; Rule Subsections 64B8 - 9.008(1) and (2), Florida

5541Administrative Code, define terms used in the statutes just as

5551the Board of Podiatric Medicine's rule defined statutory

5559terminology; and among the duties assigned to the Board of

5569Medicine is the duty to determine if a physician has committed

5580sexual misconduct or otherwise violated the standards of

5588practice. Responden t asserts that the facts of this case are

5599four - square with the facts in Board of Podiatric Medicine ;

5610therefore the Rule Subsections 64B8 - 9.008(1) and (2), Florida

5620Administrative Code, are authorized by the cited statutory


562935. Although Responde nt is correct on its holding, the

5639Save the Manatee and Day Cruise cases must be examined closely,

5650as well, in this case. Under the standards set in those cases,

5662the Board was only authorized to implement or interpret the

5672specific powers or duties granted by the enabling statute.

5681Subsection 458.309(1), Florida Statutes, grants the Board

5688authority to adopt rules to implement the provisions of this

5698Chapter [458] conferring duties upon it; Subsection

5705458.331(1)(v), Florida Statutes, grants the Board authority to

5713set standards of practice within the profession; and Subsection

5722458.331(5), Florida Statutes, grants the Board authority to

5730establish disciplinary guidelines for violations of the statute.

5738The Legislature has already provided for its own definition of

"5748sexual misconduct" in enacting Section 458.329, Florida

5755Statutes, and Subsection 458.331(1)(j), Florida Statutes, which

5762prohibit a physician from exercising influence in order to

5771engage a patient in sexual activity. In the instant case, Rule

578264B - 9.008, Florida Administrative Code, sets out examples of

5792what sexual activity is. It does not set forth a new or

5804different definition of "sexual misconduct," nor does it create

5813a new ground for "misconduct" under Subsection 458.331(1)(j),

5821Florida Statutes. Unde r Subsections 458.309(1) and 458.331(5),

5829Florida Statutes, the Board was given authority specific enough

5838to adopt rules to establish regulatory standards. Southwest

5846Florida Water Management District v. Save the Manatee Club,

5855Inc. , supra. at p 599.

586036. The Board was authorized to interpret or clarify the

5870implementing statutes; it has done so in the challenged Rule.

5880It has not redefined "sexual misconduct" in a manner that

5890conflicts with the statutory definition, nor did it enlarge and

5900expand the conduct proscribed in the statute to the detriment of

5911Petitioner. Based on the foregoing, Rule Subsections 64B8 -

59209.008(1) and (2), Florida Administrative Code, of the Board of

5930Medicine are not an invalid exercise of delegated legislative

5939authority, as defined in Subsections 120.58(8)(b),(c) or (e),

5948Florida Statutes.


5952Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5962Law, it is

5965ORDERED that the Petition to Challenge Existence of Rule is


5976DONE AND ORDERED this 19th day of March, 2 002, in

5987Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5995Administrative Law Judge

5998Division of Administrative Hearings

6002The DeSoto Building

60051230 Apalachee Parkway

6008Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6013(850) 488 - 9675 SUNC OM 278 - 9675

6022Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


6029Filed with the Clerk of the

6035Division of Administrative Hearings

6039this 19th day of March, 2002.


60461/ This language in the statute was specifically transferred by

6056the Legislature in Laws of Florida, Chapter 2001 - 277, Section 21

6068which created subsection (nn) which reads as follows:

6076Section 458.331(1)

6078(nn) Violating any provision of this

6084chapter or Chapter 456, or any rule adopted

6092pursuant thereto.


6097Lee Ann Gustafson , Esquire

6101Office of the Attorney General

6106Department of Legal Affairs

6110The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

6115Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

6120Jack D. Hoogewind, Esquire

612433283 Cortez Boulevard

6127Dade City, Florida 33523

6131William W. Large, General Counsel

6136Department o f Health

61404052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

6146Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

6151R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

6156Department of Health

61594052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

6165Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

6170M. Catherine Lannon, Esquire

6174Office of the Attorney General

6179Department of Legal Affairs

6183The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

6188Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

6193Tanya Williams, Executive Director

6197Board of Medicine

6200Department of Health

62034052 Bald Cypress Way

6207Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

6212Carroll Webb

6214Executive Director and General Co unsel

6220Joint Administrative Procedures Committee

6224Holland Building, Room 120

6228Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1300


6239A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

6250entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.6 8, Florida

6260Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

6269of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

6277filing the original notice of appeal with the Clerk of the

6288Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy, accompanied by

6297filing fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of

6307Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of Appeal in

6318the Appellate District where the party resides. The notice of

6328appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to

6341be rev iewed.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/19/2002
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 03/19/2002
Proceedings: Final Order issued. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/21/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 12/20/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Brief in Support of Petition to Challenge Existing Rule filed.
Date: 12/19/2001
Proceedings: Order issued (Petitioner shall file his initial brief by December 21, 2001).
Date: 11/05/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Motions for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 11/05/2001
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 11/05/2001
Proceedings: Petition to Challenge Existing Rule filed.
Date: 11/05/2001
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 11/05/2001
Proceedings: Order of Assignment issued.
Date: 11/05/2001
Proceedings: Letter to Liz Cloud from A. Cole with copy to Carroll Webb and the Agency General Counsel sent out.
Date: 11/02/2001
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Dade City, Florida
Department of Health


Related Florida Statute(s) (14):