02-000116 Joseph Belanger, Patricia Belanger, Jerome Strauss, And Susan Strauss vs. Conquest Developments Usa L.C., And South Florida Water Management District
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, July 24, 2002.

View Dockets  
Summary: Applicant provided reasonable assurances that modification of existing surface water management system for residential subdivision satisfied all criteria.







22Petitioners, )


25vs. ) Case No. 02 - 0116





45L.C., )


48Respondents. )



53Pursuant to notice, this matte r was heard before the

63Division of Administrative Hearings by its assigned

70Administrative Law Judge, Donald R. Alexander, on May 29,

792002, in Naples, Florida.


84For Petitioners: Anthony P. Pires, Jr., Esquire

91Woodward, Pi res & Lombardo, P.A.

973200 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 200

103Naples, Florida 34103 - 4105

108Robert E. Murrell, Esquire

112Samouce, Murrell & Francoeur, P.A.

117800 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300

123Naples, Florida 34108 - 2713

128For Respondent: Keith W. Rizzardi, Esquire

134(Agency) South Florida Water Management District

140Post Office Box 24680

144West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 - 4680

151For Respondent: Kenneth B. Cuyler, Esquire

157(Applicant) Goodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P.A.

1634001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300

169Naples, Flo rida 34103 - 3556


179The issue is whether an Environmental Resource Permit

187should be issued to Conquest Developments USA, L.C.,

195authorizing the modification of an existing stormwater

202management system serving a residential development known as

210Silver Lakes in Collier County, Florida.


218This matter began on August 15, 2001, when Respondent,

227South Florida Water Management District, issued its Written

235Notice of Intended District Decision on Permit Application

243010223 aut horizing Respondent, Conquest Developments USA,

250L.C., to modify an existing stormwater management system

258serving a residential development in Collier County, Florida.

266On December 13, 2001, Petitioners, Joseph H. Belanger,

274Patricia Belanger, Jerome Strau ss, and Susan Strauss, who live

284within the development, filed a Petition for Formal

292Administrative Hearing challenging the issuance of the permit.

300On December 17, 2001, Petitioners filed an Amended Petition

309for Formal Administrative Hearing. The matter w as referred to

319the Division of Administrative Hearings on January 9, 2002,

328with a request that an Administrative Law Judge be assigned to

339conduct a hearing.

342By Notice of Hearing dated February 25, 2002, a final

352hearing was scheduled on May 29, 2002, in Naples, Florida. At

363the final hearing, Petitioners presented the testimony of Gary

372L. Beardsley, an environmental consultant and accepted as an

381expert, and Joseph H. Belanger. Also, they offered

389Petitioners' Exhibits 2, 4 - 10, and 12 - 14, which were admit ted

403into evidence. Respondent, South Florida Water Management

410District, presented the testimony of Karen M. Johnson, an

419environmental supervisor and accepted as an expert; Cory L.

428Peck, an environmental scientist and accepted as an expert;

437and Richard H. Thompson, a senior supervisor engineer and

446accepted as an expert. Also, it offered District Exhibits A -

457H, which were received in evidence. The parties also offered

467Joint Exhibits 1 - 37, which were received in evidence.

477Finally, the undersigned took offic ial recognition of certain

486portions of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes; Chapter 62 - 340 and

497Rules 40E - 4.054, 40E - 4.301, and 40E - 4.302, Florida

509Administrative Code; and the Basis for Review for

517Environmental Resource Permit Applications Within the South

524Florid a Water Management District.

529The Transcript of the hearing (two volumes) was filed on

539June 23, 2002. Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

549Law were filed by the South Florida Water Management District

559and Petitioners on July 10 and 15, 2002, respec tively, and

570they have been considered by the undersigned in the

579preparation of this Recommended Order.


587Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of

597fact are determined:

600a. Background

6021. In this environmental permitting d ispute, Respondent,

610South Florida Water Management District (District), proposes

617to issue an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) to Respondent,

626Conquest Developments USA, L.C. (Applicant), authorizing the

633modification of an existing stormwater management s ystem

641serving a private, gated residential community known as Silver

650Lakes RV and Golf Club, Inc. (Silver Lakes) in unincorporated

660Collier County, Florida. As the agency responsible for the

669administration of the ERP program, the District has the

678authority to grant or deny the requested permit. Preliminary

687action approving the application was taken by the District on

697August 15, 2001.

7002. Silver Lakes is a 146 - acre residential development

710located adjacent to, and on the east side of, County Road 951

722approxi mately 1.5 miles south of the intersection of U.S.

732Highway 41 and County Road 951 in southwestern Collier County,


7433. The project site is a part of the larger development

754and consists of approximately forty undeveloped acres (40 - acre

764site) just north of, and adjacent to, the residential

773community. If the application is approved, the Applicant

781would be allowed to construct an open storage facility on a

7927.02 - acre tract of land in the western part of the 40 - acre

807site on which trailers, boats, motor homes, tow dollies, and

817similar items will be stored. It would also allow the

827Applicant to relocate previously permitted lots along the

835southeastern boundary of the 40 - acre site which border the

846Silver Lakes development.

8494. Petitioners, Jerome and Susan Strauss, own Lots 14,

85815, and 16 within Silver Lakes. Petitioners, Joseph H. and

868Patricia Belanger, own Lot 26 within Silver Lakes, which is

878adjacent to the proposed storage facility. For obvious

886reasons, the Belangers do not wish to have a storage faci lity

898next to their property. Rather, they and the other

907Petitioners have suggested that the storage facility be

915reduced in size and moved to a 3.0 - acre site in the

928northeastern portion of the 40 - acre site. The parties have

939stipulated that Petitioners hav e standing to bring this


9495. As reflected in the parties' Prehearing Stipulation,

957Petitioners contend that the proposed construction of the

965storage area will cause flooding, adverse secondary impacts,

973and adverse water quantity impacts; that the pr oposed activity

983will result in a violation of state water quality standards;

993that the proposed system will cause adverse impacts to surface

1003water storage and conveyance capabilities, the value of

1011functions provided to fish and wildlife and listed species b y

1022wetlands and other surface waters, and the conservation of

1031fish and wildlife; that the Applicant has failed to minimize

1041or avoid impact to jurisdictional wetlands to the greatest

1050extent practicable; that the proposed site provides a wildlife

1059corridor con nected to protected lands directly to the west;

1069that the proposed site is jurisdictional wetlands; that the

1078Applicant has engaged in District activities without a permit;

1087and that the proposed site is subject to a Declaration of

1098Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. These objections,

1104where relevant, have been grouped into five categories -

1113wetlands, wildlife, secondary and cumulative impacts, water

1120quality and quantity, and prior enforcement activities - and

1129they are addressed separately below.

1134b. Wetl ands

11376. The District has adopted and incorporated by

1145reference in Rule 40E - 4.091(1)(a), Florida Administrative

1153Code, a document known as the Basis of Review for

1163Environmental Resource Permit Applications Within the South

1170Florida Water Management District (Basis of Review). The

1178standards and criteria found in the Basis of Review are used

1189to determine whether an applicant has given reasonable

1197assurances that the conditions for issuance of an ERP have

1207been satisfied. Compliance with the criteria in the Basi s of

1218Review creates a presumption that the standard and additional

1227conditions for issuance of an ERP in Rules 40E - 4.301 and 40E -

12414.302, Florida Administrative Code, respectively, have been

1248met. See Section 1.3, Basis of Review.

12557. Section 4.2.1 of the Bas is of Review generally

1265requires that an applicant provide reasonable assurances that

1273wetland impacts be eliminated or reduced to the greatest

1282extent practicable. This can be done through the

1290implementation of "practicable design modifications" to the

1297proj ect, or where adverse impacts still remain after such

1307modifications, through mitigation.

13108. There are 36.82 acres of wetlands throughout the 40 -

1321acre site. If the application is approved, there will be

1331adverse impacts to 9.9 acres of wetlands in the wes tern

1342portion of the site (where the storage facility will be

1352located) and to 3.37 acres in the southeastern portion of the


13649. To avoid and minimize wetland impacts, the Applicant

1373has been required to reduce the number of acres impacted from

1384its orig inal proposal, and to place the storage area on the

1396western part of the 40 - acre site near County Road 951. In the

1410original application, the Applicant proposed to place the

1418storage area in the eastern part of the site and to create a

1431larger storage area.

143410. Although the western part of the 40 - acre site

1445contains higher quality wetlands than the central or eastern

1454parts, the western area is not pristine, and it is

1464substantially impacted by exotic species, such as wax myrtle

1473and Brazilian pepper. In addit ion, the western area is

1483adjacent to County Road 951, which reduces wetland functions

1492and values, reduces habitat values because of increased light

1501and noise encroachment, and increases risk to wildlife because

1510of passing vehicles. Further, the central an d eastern areas

1520are adjacent to other undeveloped lands, and this creates the

1530potential for larger tracts of preserved and enhanced wetlands

1539and maximizes wetland functions and values.

154511. Impacts to wetlands will be adequately mitigated by

1554the Applicant preserving and enhancing 26.92 acres within the

156340 - acre site in a recorded conservation easement; by

1573monitoring and reporting on the on - site mitigation (easement)

1583for a five - year period and by maintaining the property in

1595perpetuity; by purchasing 3.66 miti gation credits of similar

1604wetland habitat from the Panther Island Mitigation Bank; and

1613by adhering to a remediation plan (found in the Special

1623Conditions in the permit) to address any future deficiencies

1632in the mitigation.

163512. Given these considerations, it is found that the

1644Applicant has provided reasonable assurances that the wetland

1652impacts from the proposed activities will be eliminated or

1661reduced as required by Section 4.2.1 of the Basis of Review.

1672c. Impact on Wildlife

167613. Section 4.2.2 of the Ba sis of Review requires an

1687applicant to provide reasonable assurances that the activity

1695will not impact the values of wetlands and other surface water

1706functions so as to cause adverse impacts to the abundance,

1716diversity, or habitat of fish, wildlife, and li sted species.

172614. The primary agency responsible for the protection of

1735wildlife is the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation

1743Commission (Commission), and not the District. Therefore,

1750Section 4.2.2 of the Basis of Review requires that the

1760District prov ide the Commission with a copy of all ERP

1771applications for its review and comment as to wildlife issues.

1781In this case, the Commission offered no comments or objections

1791regarding wildlife on the property in question.

179815. The evidence shows that listed a nd endangered

1807species such as Florida panthers, wood storks, and Big Cypress

1817fox squirrels have been spotted on infrequent occasions on the

182740 - acre site by residents of Silver Lake. However, the

1838parties stipulated that there was no evidence of any nesting ,

1848denning, or breeding activity on the same site. Based on the

1859evidence of record, including the Applicant's Protected

1866Species Survey, it is fair to infer that there is limited or

1878no use of the property by protected wildlife species. Indeed,

1888Petitioners' own expert found no evidence of endangered or

1897threatened species on the 40 - acre site during his two


190916. Two Special Conditions have been incorporated into

1917the permit to protect endangered, threatened, or other listed

1926species. First, in the event that Big Cypress fox squirrels

1936are observed on or near the property, Special Condition 24

1946requires that the Applicant prepare a habitat management plan,

1955in consultation with the Commission, to address issues related

1964to nesting habitat. Second, if an y endangered or threatened

1974species are ever found on the property, Special Condition 25


1985that the Applicant coordinate with the Commission or the U.S.

1995Fish and Wildlife Commission for guidance or recommendations.

200317. Given the above, the eviden ce supports a finding

2013that the Applicant has given reasonable assurances that the

2022requirements of Section 4.2.2 of the Basis of Review have been


2034e. Secondary and Cumulative Impacts

203918. Section 4.2.7 of the Basis of Review requires that

2049an appl icant provide reasonable assurances that the proposed

2058activity will not cause adverse secondary impacts to the water

2068resources. At the same time, Section 4.2.8 requires that an

2078applicant provide reasonable assurances that a regulated

2085activity will not cau se unacceptable cumulative impacts to

2094wetlands and other surface waters within the same drainage

2103basin as the regulated activity for which the permit is being

2114sought. In providing the necessary reasonable assurances

2121regarding cumulative impacts, Section 4 .2.8.2 authorizes an

2129applicant to use preservation and mitigation measures to

2137prevent cumulative impacts.

214019. The more persuasive evidence shows that the project

2149will not cause secondary impacts to wetlands. This is because

2159a water quality berm system su rrounds the wetlands, isolating

2169the wetland system from the surface water management system; a

217950 - foot preserved area lies between the storage area and the

2191adjacent property boundary to the north; the storage area is

2201being placed in an area already seconda rily impacted by County

2212Road 951; and the wetland preservation area will be placed in

2223the conservation easement.

222620. Further, the project will not cause secondary

2234impacts to wildlife. This is because structural buffers will

2243prevent future encroachment into the wetlands and distance any

2252wildlife away from the more dense residential functions.

2260These buffers include a 50 - foot wide natural preserve on the

2272north side of the storage area (Special Condition 26), an

2282already - erected structural buffer to the sou th of the storage

2294area (Special Condition 26), and a 17 to 21 - foot structural

2306buffer (planted with native vegetation or vegetated buffers)

2314on the eastern side of the 40 - acre site where the new lots are

2329proposed. Except for two conclusionary opinion statem ents by

2338Petitioners' expert, without further facts or explanation, no

2346other evidence on secondary impacts was offered.

235321. The project will not cause cumulative impacts to the

2363wetlands. This is because the proposed mitigation for the

2372project adequately o ffsets the impacts of the 40 - acre site,

2384and the impacts from other permitted projects in the basin

2394area have been sufficiently offset. In addition, very little

2403property in the area remains to be developed, and there are no

2415new applications before the Dist rict involving the same basin.

2425In the event a new application may be filed, however, the

2436District will require the applicant to offset any impacts

2445associated with its project with buffers and conservation

2453easements, like the Applicant in the instant case.

2461f. Water Quantity and Quality

246622. Section 5.0 et. seq. of the Basis of Review contains

2477water quality criteria that must be satisfied in order for an

2488ERP to be issued, while Section 6.0 et. seq. addresses water

2499quantity criteria for an ERP. Given the limited nature of

2509changes to the existing system and the lack of a hydrologic

2520connection to the wetlands, and for the following additional

2529reasons, the Applicant has given reasonable assurances that

2537the project complies with the water quality and quantity


254723. The project as designed includes a grass swale near

2557the storage area on the western part of the 40 - acre site. The

2571rainfall and run - off from the storage area flows into an

2583internal road, through the grass swale, into a storm drain,

2593and then into the pre - existing water management system

2603associated with the original permit for Silver Lake.

261124. The project also allows rainfall and run - off from

2622the proposed lots on the southeastern border of the 40 - acre

2634site to sheetflow onto an internal road, w here waters are

2645collected in existing catch basins and conveyed into the

2654previously permitted water management system associated with

2661the original permit.

266425. Since the rainfall and run - off from the storage area

2676and lots drain into the existing lakes (Lak es 1 and 2) that

2689are part of the Silver Lakes water management system, those

2699waters will be treated for water quality through wet detention

2709before their eventual discharge to McIlvane Bay, which lies to

2719the southwest of Silver Lake.

272426. The basin discharg e rates, minimum floor elevations,

2733road designs, parking lot designs, structure control

2740elevations, and structure sizes are specified in the the

2749District's Staff Report, and were set at or above the

2759calculated design limitations to meet water quality and

2767q uantity requirements.

277027. Section 5.2.1(a)1. of the Basis of Review specifies

2779that wet detention volume shall be provided for the first inch

2790of runoff from the developed project. The evidence shows that

2800the proposed system captures one inch of run - off ov er the

2813entire site, which drains into the existing lake system to

2823provide water quality treatment.

282728. The system is also designed to meet the relevant

2837discharge rate requirements for a 25 - year, 3 - day storm event,

2850and the minimum floor elevations were bas ed on a 100 - year, 3 -

2865day storm event.

286829. The wetland preserve area is outside the area served

2878by the surface water management system, is not hydrologically

2887connected to that system, and will not be affected by run - off

2900from the storage area or lots.

290630. Just prior to the final hearing, the District added

2916Special Condition 23 to create a 50 - foot buffer zone along the

2929southern boundary of the storage area for aesthetic purposes

2938and to reduce secondary impacts. Implementation of that

2946buffer must be in acco rdance with the staff report, will not

2958change the surface water management system, will have no

2967impact on water quality or flood control, and will be

2977implemented after additional consultation with the District.

2984g. Past Enforcement

298731. Rule 40E - 4.302(2) , Florida Administrative Code,

2995requires that the District take into consideration past

3003violations of various rules adopted by the District. No

3012enforcement action relating to the property has ever been

3021taken by the District against the Applicant for any vi olation

3032of ERP requirements.

303532. Although Petitioners suggested that unpermitted fill

3042activities have taken place on the southeastern part of the

305240 - acre site, an inspection by District personnel revealed

3062that unpermitted activities were "not significant. " Further,

3069Special Condition 23 requires that the Applicant restore "that

3078portion of the disturbed wetland area located in the southeast

3088corner of the site which is to be included in the wetland

3100preserve area." Therefore, any impacts to the 40 - acre site

3111resulting from past unpermitted activities have been

3118considered and remedied.


312433. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3131jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties hereto

3140pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

314834. As the applicant in this cause, Conquest

3156Developments USA, L.C., bears the burden of showing by a

3166preponderance of the evidence that it is entitled to the

3176requested permit. See , e.g. , Cordes v. State, Dep't of Envir.

3186Re g. , 582 So. 2d 652, 654 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

319735. The issuance of an ERP is governed by Chapter 373,

3208Florida Statutes, Chapters 40E - 4 and 40E - 400, Florida

3219Administrative Code, and the Basis of Review. In general

3228terms, an applicant must give reasonable as surance that the

3238conditions for the issuance of an ERP have been met.

3248Reasonable assurance contemplates a substantial likelihood

3254that the project will be successfully implemented.

3261Metropolitan Dade County v. Coscan Florida, Inc. , 609 So. 2d

3271644, 648 (Fla . 3d DCA 1992); City of Newberry v. Watson

3283Construction Co., Inc. et al. , 19 F.A.L.R. 2067, 2080 (DEP

32931996). However, the reasonable assurance standard does not

3301require an "absolute guarantee" of compliance with

3308environmental standards. Save our Suwannee v. Dep't of Envir.

3317Protection and Piechocki , 18 F.A.L.R. 1467, 1472 (DEP 1996);

3326Manatee - 88, Inc. v. Agrico Chemical Co. and Fla. Dep't of

3338Envir. Regulation , 12 F.A.L.R. 1319 (DER 1990); Hoffert v. St.

3348Joe Paper Co. et al. , 12 F.A.L.R. 4972 (DER 1990).

33583 6. By a preponderance of the evidence, the Applicant

3368has established that the proposed modifications to the

3376existing system comply with all requirements of Chapter 373,

3385Florida Statutes, the associated rules in Chapters 40E - 4 and

339640E - 400, Florida Administ rative Code, and the Basis of Review.

3408Therefore, the Applicant is entitled to the issuance of an


341937. Finally, ongoing litigation in Circuit Court between

3427Petitioners and the Applicant concerning ownership of the 40 -

3437acre site, and determinations by t he Collier County Planning

3447Commission and Collier County Environmental Advisory Council

3454concerning the need for a 7.02 - acre storage facility, are not

3466relevant to this proceeding.


3471Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact an d Conclusions

3481of Law, it is

3485RECOMMENDED that the South Florida Water Management

3492District enter a final order granting Permit Application No.

3501010223 - 5 of Conquest Developments USA, L.C., for an

3511Environmental Resource Permit.

3514DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day o f July, 2002, in

3525Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3533Administrative Law Judge

3536Division of Administrative Hearings

3540The DeSoto Building

35431230 Apalachee Parkway

3546Tallahassee, Fl orida 32399 - 3060

3552(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3560Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3567Filed with the Clerk of the

3573Division of Administrative Hearings

3577this 24th day of July, 2002.


3585Henry Dean, Executi ve Director

3590South Florida Water Management District

3595Post Office Box 24680

3599West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 - 4680

3606Anthony P. Pires, Jr., Esquire

3611Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A.

36163200 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 200

3622Naples, Florida 34103 - 4105

3627Robert E. Murre ll, Esquire

3632Samouce, Murrell & Francoeur, P.A.

3637800 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300

3643Naples, Florida 34108 - 2713

3648Keith W. Rizzardi, Esquire

3652South Florida Water Management District

3657Post Office Box 24680

3661West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 - 4680

3668Kenneth B. Cuyler, Es quire

3673Goodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P.A.

36784001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300

3684Naples, Florida 34103 - 3556


3695All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

370515 days of the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3716to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3727will render a final order in this matter.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/30/2002
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 09/26/2002
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/22/2002
Proceedings: South Florida Water Management District`s Response to Petitioner`s Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/12/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by SFWMD).
Date: 07/24/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/24/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 07/24/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held May 29, 2002) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/19/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Alexander from K. Rizzardi enclosing disk of proposed recommended order filed.
Date: 07/12/2002
Proceedings: Regarding Respondent Conquest Development, USA, L.C. Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/11/2002
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/11/2002
Proceedings: (Proposed) Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/10/2002
Proceedings: South Florida Water Management District`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/26/2002
Proceedings: Transcript Volume 1 and 2 ) filed.
Date: 06/19/2002
Proceedings: Transcript (Volume 1 and 2) filed.
Date: 06/05/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Alexander form K. Cuyler enclosing materials from hearing filed.
Date: 05/29/2002
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 05/24/2002
Proceedings: (Joint) Prehearing Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/17/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition. G. Beardsley, J. Strauss, J. Belanger filed.
Date: 05/16/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Filing, Affidavit of A. Woodruff (filed by via facsimile).
Date: 05/16/2002
Proceedings: Motion to Quash Subpoena and Service of Subpoena (filed by J. Decker via facsimile).
Date: 05/16/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum, A. Woodruff filed.
Date: 05/16/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition, A. Woodruff filed.
Date: 05/15/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition, R. Thompson, K. Johnson, C. Peck, W. Bridgett, W. Henuset filed.
Date: 05/15/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum, M. Farmer, I. Butler filed.
Date: 02/25/2002
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 02/25/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for May 29, 2002; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL).
Date: 01/29/2002
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/18/2002
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order (filed by Petitioners via facsimile).
Date: 01/11/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 01/09/2002
Proceedings: Statement of Compliance With Rules 28-106.201 and 40E-1.521 Florida Administrative Code filed.
Date: 01/09/2002
Proceedings: Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/09/2002
Proceedings: South Florida Water Management District`s Request for Assignment of Administrative Law Judge and Notice of Preservation of Record filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Naples, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):