02-001020 Department Of Health, Division Of Environmental Health vs. Larry C. Garner, D/B/A E. Carver Septic Tank
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, May 24, 2002.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent`s employee seriously overstated size of septic tank and drain field on Form 4015 so as to warrant $500 fine against Respondent.






18Petitioner, )


21vs. ) Case No. 02 - 1020





40Respondent. )

42___________________ _________________)


46On April 26, 2002, a final administrative hearing was

55held in this case in Green Cove Springs, Florida, before

65J. Lawrence Johnston, Administrative Law Judge, Division of

73Administrative Hearings (DOAH).


78For Petitioner: John D. Lacko, Esquire

84Department of Health

87420 Fentress Boulevard

90Daytona Beach, Florida 32114

94For Respondent: Larry C. Garner, pro se

10113950 Normandy Boulevard

104Jacksonville, Florida 32221


111The issue in this case is whether Respondent, Larry C.

121Garner, should be fined $500 for misstating the size of a

132septic tank and drain field.


140On January 15, 2002, the Department of Health, Division

149of Environmental Health (the Department), issued a Citation

157for Violation alleging that Respondent violated Section

164489.553(3), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code

171Rule 64E - 6.022(1)(k) by "practicing fraud or deceit [or]

181making misleading or untrue representation" on Department of

189Health Form 4015. Respondent timely disputed the charges and

198requested an administrative hearing. The matter was referred

206to DOAH on March 1, 20 02, and final hearing was scheduled for

219April 26, 2002.

222At final hearing, the Department called two witnesses and

231had Petitioner’s Exhibits 1 and 2 admitted in evidence.

240Respondent testified in his own behalf but offered no exhibits

250in evidence. Neither party ordered a transcript, and the

259parties were given until May 6, 2002, to file proposed

269recommended orders. Only the Department filed a proposed

277recommended order, which has been considered in preparation of

286this Recommended Order.


2921. Respondent, Larry C. Garner, is the licensed septic

301tank contractor who owns and operates A. Carver Septic Tank.

311(The Citation for Violation erroneously referred to the

319company as “E. Carver Septic Tank,” but the error was

330corrected without objection at final hearing. There was no

339evidence to support Respondent’s suggestion that the

346Department may have taken disciplinary action against him

354because it erroneously thought Respondent was another


3622. On December 6, 2001, an employee of Respon dent pumped

373out a septic tank and measured a drain field located at

384847 Matthews Road, Maxville, Florida. The resident there

392wanted to enlarge her residence and needed Respondent's

400services in order to obtain Department approval of the

409existing septic tan k system for the enlarged residence.

4183. After services were provided, Respondent's office

425gave the resident a receipt stating that Respondent's company

434had pumped out a 900 gallon septic tank and that the drain

446field measured 360 square feet. (Responde nt's office actually

455dealt with the resident's adult daughter.) Respondent's

462office staff also prepared Form 4015 (a Department form

471entitled “Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System Existing

479System and System Repair Evaluation”) and gave it to the

489re sident for use in getting approval of the system for the

501enlarged residence. The form stated that the septic tank was

511900 gallons and that the drain field was 360 square feet.

5224. When the resident applied for approval of her septic

532tank system for her en larged residence, the Department

541inspected the system and found that the septic tank actually

551was 750 gallons and the drain field actually was only

561approximately 110 square feet. The Department issued the

569Citation for Violation based on the magnitude of t he


5805. Respondent denied that he personally had any

588contemporaneous knowledge of the services provided by his

596employee or the receipt of Form 4015 prepared by his office,

607and there was no evidence that he did. Respondent personally

617investig ated after issuance of the Citation for Violation.

6266. At final hearing, Respondent questioned whether the

634Form 4015 actually stated that the septic tank was 900

644gallons. From the handwriting on the form itself, it appears

654possible that the number could read 700, not 900. But based

665on the written receipt, which either was prepared

673contemporaneously with the Form 4015 or was the basis for

683preparation of the Form 4015 by Respondent's office staff, the

693greater weight of the evidence was that the Form 4015 stated

704and was intended to state 900 gallons as the size of the

716septic tank.

7187. As further support for this finding, Respondent

726himself testified to a conversation he had with his employee

736during which the employee explained that he sized the septic

746tan k at 700 gallons based on its apparent depth and Respondent

758admonished him that the employee knew better -- i.e. , knew it

769was necessary to measure height, width, and depth to

778accurately measure the size of a septic tank.

7868. Respondent also attempted to ex plain how his employee

796may have made a forgivable error in measuring the drain field.

807According to the Form 4015, the employee measured the drain

817field as a rectangular bed, 12 feet by 30 feet. Actually, the

829drain field consists of two trenches (one 26 f eet long and the

842other 29 feet long), which the Department's inspector measured

851as being two feet wide. Respondent testified that the drain

861field began at a distribution box and was approximately ten

871feet wide within a few feet of the distribution box.

881R espondent testified that it would be easy to incorrectly

891assume that the approximate ten - foot width continued as a bed

903for the entire length of the drain field, as his employee

914apparently did. However, the greater weight of the evidence

923was that the emplo yee's error was not reasonable; to the

934contrary, to determine the configuration and size of a drain

944field, it is necessary to probe the ground at more than just

956one distance close to the distribution box.

9639. When Respondent himself went to the site to

972i nvestigate the allegations against him, he probed both near

982the distribution box and further away southeast of the

991distribution box. He testified that he found solid rock ten

1001feet in width near the distribution box; to the southeast, his

1012probing revealed a trench which Respondent measured at between

1021three and a half and four feet in width. Based on those

1033measurements, Respondent assumed two trenches approximately 30

1040feet long and four feet in width each, for a total of

1052approximately 240 square feet.

105610. It is difficult to reconcile Respondent’s testimony

1064as to the width of the southeast trench with the testimony of

1076the Department's inspector. The Department's inspector probed

1083approximately ten feet and 20 feet from the septic tank and

1094found two - foot wi de trenches in four different places. The

1106Department's inspector also testified without contradiction in

1113response to Respondent's questions on cross - examination that

1122backhoes used at the time this drain field was installed in

11331973 generally had two - foot w ide excavation buckets.

114311. Based on the greater care taken by the Department's

1153inspector in measuring the drain field, and the kind of

1163backhoe in general use in 1973, it is found that the

1174Department's inspector's measurements were more accurate.

1180Even if Respondent's measurements were accurate, and the

1188Department inspector's were inaccurate, the measurements

1194recorded on the receipt and on Form 4015 still would have been

1206seriously overstated.

120812. While not seriously disputing the inaccuracy of the

1217Fo rm 4015 submitted in this case, Respondent stated "anyone

1227can make a mistake" and that the Department should have asked

1238Respondent to re - check the measurements instead of issuing a

1249citation, especially in view of Respondent's disciplinary

1256record in 29 year s in the business in Clay County.

1267(Respondent testified that his only "issues in Tallahassee"

1275were one incident -- not fully explained -- involving a cow on

1287someone's property and another when he had someone take a re -

1299certification examination for him at a ti me when his mother

1310was ill. The Department did not controvert this testimony.

1319As already mentioned, there was no evidence to support

1328Respondent's initial suggestion that the Department may have

1336taken disciplinary action against him because it erroneously

1344thought he was another licensee.) But the Department's

1352witness testified that issuance of the citation was

1360appropriate and consistent with agency policy because of the

1369magnitude of the discrepancies on the Form 4015.

137713. Respondent testified that the employee involved in

1385this case was his stepson, who has worked for Respondent for

139614 years, since he was 11 years old, seven to eight years as a

1410full - time employee. Respondent also testified that he

1419recently fired his stepson, but the reasons for firing h im

1430were not directly related to his conduct in this case.

144014. Respondent also testified that he felt compelled to

1449insist on a hearing although he knew the Form 4015 was

1460inaccurate because he perceived the Department to be acting in

1470this case as if it ha d "absolute power" over him. He

1482apparently viewed his request for a hearing as a necessary

1492challenge to government's assertion of "absolute power" over



150415. Section 381.0065(3)(c), Florida Statutes, authorizes

1510the Department to: "Conduct enforcement activities, including

1517imposing fines, issuing citations, suspensions, revocations,

1523injunctions, and emergency orders for violations of this

1531section, part I of chapter 386, or part III of chapter 489 or

1544for a violation of any rule adop ted under this section, part I

1557of chapter 386, or part III of chapter 489."

156616. Section 489.553(3), Florida Statutes, authorizes the

1573Department to "adopt reasonable rules, including, but not

1581limited to, rules that establish ethical standards of

1589practice , requirements for registering as a [septic tank]

1597contractor, requirements for obtaining an initial or renewal

1605certificate of registration, disciplinary guidelines, and

1611requirements for the certification of partnerships and


161917. Section 4 89.556, Florida Statutes, provides:

1626A certificate of registration may be

1632suspended or revoked upon a showing that

1639the registrant has:

1642(1) Violated any provision of this part.

1649(2) Violated any lawful order or rule

1656rendered or adopted by the department.

1662(3) Obtained his or her registration or

1669any other order, ruling, or authorization

1675by means of fraud, misrepresentation, or

1681concealment of material facts.

1685(4) Been found guilty of gross misconduct

1692in the pursuit of his or her profession.

170018. Florida Adm inistrative Code Rule 64E - 6.022 provides

1710in pertinent part:

1713(1) The following guidelines shall be used

1720in disciplinary cases, absent aggravating

1725or mitigating circumstances and subject to

1731other provisions of this section.

1736* * *

1739(k) Practicing fraud or deceit, making

1745misleading or untrue representations.

1749First violation, $500 fine; repeat

1754violation, revocation.

1756* * *

1759(2) Circumstances which shall be

1764considered for the purposes of mitigation

1770or aggravation of penalty shall include the


1778(a) Monetary or other damage to the

1785registrant's customer, in any way

1790associated with the violation, which damage

1796the registrant has not relieved, as of the

1804time the penalty is to be assessed.

1811(b) Actual job - site violations of this

1819rule or co nditions exhibiting gross

1825negligence, incompetence or misconduct by

1830the contractor, which have not been

1836corrected as of the time the penalty is

1844being assessed.

1846(c) The severity of the offense.

1852(d) The danger to the public.

1858(e) The number of repetitions of the


1866(f) The number of complaints filed against

1873the contractor.

1875(g) The length of time the contractor has

1883practiced and registration category.

1887(h) The actual damage, physical or

1893otherwise, to the customer.

1897(i) The effect of the penalty upon the

1905contractor's livelihood.

1907(j) Any efforts at rehabilitation.

1912(k) Any other mitigating or aggravating


191919. The statutory and rule scheme used by the Department

1929in its Citation for Violations is unusual. See Final Order

1939entered in Dept. of Health, etc. v. Barbara Thompson, etc. ,

1949DOAH Case No. 01 - 3218, entered February 27, 2002, adopting in

1961toto Recommended Order, entered by ALJ Alexander February 5,

19702002, 2002 WL 185223. But as in the Thompson case, no issue

1982has been raised in this case as to adequacy of the charges or

1995notice to Respondent.

199820. Applying the intent of Rule 64E - 6.022(1)(k), the

2008evidence is clear that Respondent, through the actions of his

2018employee, is subject to imposition of a fine for "[p]racticing

2028fraud or deceit, ma king misleading or untrue representations."

2037(Emphasis added.) The facts found do not clearly warrant

2046either aggravation or mitigation of the $500 penalty



2056Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

2065of Law, it i s

2070RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final

2079order finding Respondent guilty as charged and imposing a fine

2089in the amount of $500.

2094DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of May, 2002, in

2104Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2112Administrative Law Judge

2115Division of Administrative Hearings

2119The DeSoto Building

21221230 Apalachee Parkway

2125Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2130(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2138Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2145Filed with the Clerk of the

2151Division of Administrative Hearings

2155this 24th day of May, 2002.


2163Dr. John O. Agwunobi, Secretary

2168Department of Health

21714052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00

2177Tallaha ssee, Florida 32399 - 1701

2183William W. Large, General Counsel

2188Department of Health

21914052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2197Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

2202R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

2207Department of Health

22104052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2216Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

2221John D. Lacko, Esquire

2225Department of Health

2228420 Fentress Boulevard

2231Daytona Beach, Florida 32114

2235Larry C. Garner

223813950 Normandy Boulevard

2241Jacksonville, Florida 32221


2250All parties have the right to submit written e xceptions within 15

2262days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to

2273this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will

2284issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/11/2002
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 06/26/2002
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/24/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/24/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held April 26, 2002) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/24/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 05/07/2002
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/26/2002
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 04/23/2002
Proceedings: Pre-Hearing Stipluation (filed Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 03/26/2002
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 03/26/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for April 26, 2002; 10:00 a.m.; Green Cove Springs, FL).
Date: 03/20/2002
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/14/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 03/01/2002
Proceedings: Citation for Violation Onsite Sewage Program/Sanitary Nuisance filed.
Date: 03/01/2002
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Green Cove Springs, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):