02-001417 James Jones, Jr. | J. J., Sr. vs. Department Of Children And Family Services
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, July 18, 2002.

View Dockets  
Summary: Examination or Section 435.07, Florida Statutes, and its predecessor, Section 393.0655, Florida Statutes, reveals Petitioner did not commit disqualifying offense. Recommend grant exemption from disqualification.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 02 - 1417





32Respondent. )

34_______________ _______________)


38Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this case

49on June 12, 2002, by telephone in Tallahassee, Florida, before

59the Division of Administrative Hearings, by its designated

67Administrative Law Judge, Barbara J. Staros.


74For Petitioner: Linda Barge - Miles, Esquire

81American Federation of State,

85County and Municipal Employees

89111 North Gadsden Street

93Tallahassee, Florida 32301

96For Respondent: John R. Perry, Esquire

102Depa rtment of Children

106and Family Services

1092639 North Monroe Street

113Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2949


122The issue in this proceeding is whether Petitioner's

130request for an exemption from disqualification from employme nt

139in a position of trust or responsibility should be granted.


151By letter dated February 12, 2002, the Department of

160Children and Family Services (Department) informed Petitioner,

167James Jones, that his request for exemption from

175disqu alification pursuant to the laws governing background

183screening had been denied.

187Petitioner disputed the denial of exemption from

194disqualification and requested an administrative hearing. The

201request for hearing was forwarded to the Division of

210Administr ative Hearings on or about April 10, 2002. A formal

221hearing was scheduled for June 12, 2002. Prior to the hearing,

232the parties stipulated that neither party intended to call any

242witnesses and that a live hearing was not requested or


253At hear ing, the parties' Joint Exhibit numbered 1 was

263admitted into evidence. Official recognition was taken of

271Chapter 95 - 228, Laws of Florida.

278The hearing was not transcribed. The parties requested more

287than 10 days in which to file proposed recommended order s. That

299request was granted and the due date for submission of proposed

310recommended orders was established as June 28, 2002. Respondent

319and Petitioner filed Proposed Recommended Orders on June 24 and

32928, 2002, respectively, which have been considered in the

338preparation of this Recommended Order.

343Respondent filed a Motion to Strike Petitioner's Proposed

351Recommended Order asserting that it had been filed untimely and

361that the due date had been established as June 24, 2002.

372Petitioner filed a response objec ting to the motion.

381Respondent's assertion that the proposed recommended orders were

389due June 24, 2002, is incorrect. The Motion to Strike is



4041. Petitioner has been employed in a position of trust and

415seeks an exemption from disqualification.

4202. On February 19, 1985, Petitioner entered a plea of

430guilty to the offense of battery, Case No. 85 - MM - 137 - A, in the

447County Court of Gadsden County, Florida. Adjudication was

455withheld and the court placed Pe titioner on probation and

465ordered Petitioner to make restitution for hospital bills and

474pay court costs.

4773. This offense involved Petitioner and Jenean Stewart,

485with whom Petitioner had lived and with whom Petitioner had

495resided together in the past as if a family. There was no

507evidence presented or assertion made that Petitioner and

515Ms. Stewart were married at the time of the offense or at any

528other time.

5304. The parties stipulated to the admission of the court

540documents which describe the incident. The Complaint charged

548Petitioner with a violation of Section 784.03, Florida Statutes,

557which is described in both the 1983 and 1985 Florida Statutes as

569battery, a misdemeanor of the first degree. The Summary of

579Offense and Probable Cause Affidavit reveals th at Petitioner and

589Ms. Stewart got into a fight and that Petitioner kicked, hit,

600and choked her and made several threats to do bodily harm to her

613with a shotgun. It additionally reveals that Ms. Stewart

622advised the arresting officer that she was pregnant a nd that

633Petitioner had struck her in the stomach causing her pain. The

644Summary of Offense and Probable Cause Affidavit also reveals

653that no physical marks or injury was found on Ms. Stewart by the

666officer who signed the affidavit. 1

6725. No evid ence was presented that Ms. Stewart was a minor

684at the time of the offense.

6906. Other than this incident, no evidence was presented to

700indicate that Petitioner has ever been charged with any other


7117. No evidence was presented as to any rehabilitati on of



7268. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

733jurisdiction over the parties to and subject matter of this

743proceeding. Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

7489. The Department of Children and Family Services is the

758agency charged with the responsibility of licensing child care

767facilities in the state of Florida. Chapter 402, Florida


77710. Section 435.04, Florida Statutes (2001), sets forth

785disqualifying offenses for persons employed in positions of

793trust o r responsibility. Section 435.07, Florida Statutes

801(2001), sets forth the basis for exemptions from

809disqualification. Petitioner argues that the law that created

817this statute, Chapter 95 - 228, Laws of Florida, is inapplicable

828because the effective date of the law was 10 years after the

840offense cited by Respondent as the disqualifying event. The

849Department, however, asserts that the screening requirements set

857forth in Chapter 95 - 228, Laws of Florida, did not originate in

870that legislation. To resolve the d ispute, it is necessary to

881consider pertinent statutory provisions.

88511. In 1995, the legislature comprehensively amended the

893statutes which govern those persons seeking to work with

902children or the developmentally disabled. See Chapter 95 - 228,

912Laws of Fl orida. Among other things, Chapter 95 - 228 created

924Chapter 435, Florida Statutes. Section 64 of Chapter 95 - 228

935provides that the effective date of the law was October 1, 1995,

"947and shall apply to offenses committed on or after that date."

95812. However, T he predecessor to current Sections 435.04

967and 435.07, Florida Statutes, was Section 393.0655, Florida

975Statutes, which was created by Chapter 85 - 54, Laws of Florida.

987That section set forth minimum standards for caretakers of

996developmentally disabled person s and stated in pertinent part as


1007(1) MINIMUM STANDARDS. - The department shall

1014establish minimum standards as to good moral

1021character, based on screening, for

1026caretakers who are unrelated to their

1032clients. Such minimum standards for

1037screening shall ensure that no caretaker

1043unrelated to his client has been found

1050guilty of, regardless of adjudication, or

1056entered a plea of nolo contender or guilty

1064to, any felony prohibited under any of the

1072provisions of the Florida Statutes or under

1079any similar s tatute of another jurisdiction:

1086* * *

1089(y) Section 784.03, relating to battery, if

1096the victim of the offense was a minor.

1104* * *

1107Such standards for screening shall also

1113ensure that the person has not . . .

1122committed an act whi ch constitutes domestic

1129violence as defined in Section 741.30 . . .

1138the Department may grant an exemption from

1145such a disqualification if the department

1151has clear and convincing evidence to support

1158a reasonable belief that the person is of

1166good moral chara cter as to justify an


1175The person shall bear the burden of setting

1183forth sufficient evidence of rehabilitation,

1188including, but not limited to, the

1194circumstances surrounding the incident, the

1199time period that has elapsed since the

1206incident, the nature of the harm occasioned

1213to the victim, and the history of the person

1222since the incident or such other

1228circumstances that shall by the

1233aforementioned standards indicate that the

1238person will not present a danger to the

1246safety or well - being of children .

1254(emphasis supplied)

125613. Section 741.30, Florida Statutes, (1985) contains the

1264following definitions:

1266741.30(1) As used in this section, the


1274(a) "Domestic violence" means any assault,

1280battery, or sexual battery by a person

1287aga inst the person's spouse.

1292(b) "Spouse" means a person to whom another

1300person has been married or a person to whom

1309another person has been married and from

1316whom such person is now separated or


132414. Thus, in 1985, the offense committed by Petitioner was

1334not a disqualifying offense as there is no evidence that

1344Petitioner was nor had been married to the victim.

135315. The language of Section 339.0655, Florida Statutes,

1361was amended over time. Section 393.0655(2)(c), Fl orida Statutes

1370(1994), which was in effect before Section 435.04, Florida

1379Statutes, contains a reference to domestic violence which read

1388as follows: "Has not committed an act which constitutes

1397domestic violence as defined in s.741.28." This language was

1406repealed by Section 35, Chapter 95 - 228, Laws of Florida.

141716. In relation to the definition of domestic violence

1426referenced in the prior paragraph, Chapters 94 - 134 and 94 - 135,

1439Laws of Florida, created definitions of "domestic violence" and

"1448family or hou sehold member," as follows:

1455741.28 Domestic violence; definitions. --

1460As used in ss. 741.28 - 741.31:

1467(1) "Domestic violence" means any assault,

1473battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, or

1479any criminal offense resulting in physical

1485injury or death of one family or household

1493member by another who is or was residing in

1502the same single dwelling unit.

1507(2) "Family or household member" means

1513spouses, former spouses, persons related by

1519blood or marriage, persons who are presently

1526residing together as if a fam ily or who have

1536resided together in the past as if a family

1545and persons who have a child in common

1553regardless of whether they have been married

1560or have resided together at any time.

1567Section 36, Chapter 94 - 134 and Section 36, Chapter 94 - 135, Laws

1581of Fl orida, provide for applicability of this statutory language

1591to offenses committed on or after July 1, 1994. Thus, the

1602expanded definitions of domestic violence and who is considered

1611a family member for purposes of what constitutes domestic

1620violence could not apply to Petitioner's offense.

162717. Section 393.0655, Florida Statutes (1995) requires

1634employment screening pursuant to level 2 screening standards set

1643forth in Chapter 435, Florida Statutes, which was created by the

1654same act, Chapter 95 - 228, Laws of Florida.

166318. Section 435.04, Florida Statutes (1995), sets forth

1671level 2 screening standards. Subsection (h) continues to

1679reference Section 784.03 relating to battery if the victim of

1689the offense was a minor. The 1995 version of the law also

1701requires the screening standards to ensure that the employee has

1711not committed an act that constitutes domestic violence as

1720defined in Section 741.30, Florida Statutes (1995), not Section

1729741.28, Florida Statutes (1995), which no longer pertained.

173719. Section 741.30, Florida Statutes (1995), does not

1745contain a definition of domestic violence but rather creates a

1755cause of action for an injunction for protection against

1764domestic violence. There is no evidence that a court ever

1774issued an injunction for protectio n against domestic violence as

1784contemplated by Section 741.30, Florida Statutes (1995).

179120. In summary, when the screening law was created in

18011985, the offense committed by Petitioner was not a

1810disqualifying offense. The 1994 amendments to the definiti on of

"1820domestic violence" and the broader definition of "family or

1829household member", rather than the more limited definition of

"1838spouse" that existed in 1985, do not apply to Petitioner.

1848Finally, the 1995 amendment struck the reference to Section

1857741.28 which contained those expanded definitions of "domestic

1865violence" and "family member" which the Department seeks to

1874apply and instead references 741.30 which specifically deals

1882with injunctions, which is inapplicable to the circumstances

1890herein. According ly, Petitioner has not committed a

1898disqualifying offense.


1901Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it



1914That the Department of Children and Family Services enter a

1924final order granting Petitioner an exem ption from


1933DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of July, 2002, in

1943Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



1951Administrative Law Judge

1954Division of Administrati ve Hearings

1959The DeSoto Building

19621230 Apalachee Parkway

1965Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1970(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

1978Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


1985Filed with the Clerk of th e

1992Division of Administrative Hearings

1996this 18th day of July , 2002.


20031/ The Summary of Offense and Probable Cause Affidavit

2012indicated there was a second page on the reverse of the first

2024page. The fact that a page appeared to b e missing was pointed

2037out to counsel during the hearing and a complete exhibit was to

2049be filed on or before the due date for the proposed recommended

2061orders, but no additional page or complete exhibit was ever



2074John R. Perry, Esquire

2078Department of Children

2081and Family Services

20842639 North Monroe Street

2088Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2949

2093Linda Barge - Miles, Esquire

2098American Federation of State,

2102County and Municipal Employees

2106111 North Gads den Street

2111Tallahassee, Florida 32301

2114Paul F. Flounlacker, Jr., Agency Clerk

2120Department of Children

2123and Family Services

2126Building 2, Room 204B

21301317 Winewood Boulevard

2133Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700

2138Josie Tomayo, General Counse l

2143Department of Children

2146and Family Services

21491317 Winewood Boulevard

2152Building 2, Room 204

2156Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


2167All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

217715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2188to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2199will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/13/2002
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 11/12/2002
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/18/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/18/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held June 12, 2002) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/18/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 07/15/2002
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Objection to and Motion to Strike Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/08/2002
Proceedings: Respondent`s Objection to and Motion to Strike Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/28/2002
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/24/2002
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/12/2002
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 06/10/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Exhibits filed by Respondent.
Date: 06/07/2002
Proceedings: Joint Stipulation of Parties filed.
Date: 06/07/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Joint Stipulation filed by Respondent.
Date: 04/24/2002
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 04/24/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for June 12, 2002; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 04/18/2002
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed by Respondent.
Date: 04/10/2002
Proceedings: Denial of Request for Exemption filed.
Date: 04/10/2002
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 04/10/2002
Proceedings: Notice filed.
Date: 04/10/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Mango, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (7):