02-001652 Jake Cheskin vs. Department Of Children And Family Services
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, July 31, 2002.

View Dockets  
Summary: Department established that child eligible to receive services for the developmentally disabled not entitled to services paid out of general revenue funds because child was on waiting list for services provided through Medicaid Waiver Program.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 02 - 1652





32Respondent. )



37Pursuant to notice, a formal hea ring was held in this case

49on June 12, 2002, by video teleconference, with the parties

59appearing in Miami, Florida, before Patricia Hart Malono, a

68duly - designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

78Administrative Hearings, who presided in Tallahas see, Florida.


87For Petitioner: Mark Cheskin, Father 1

937860 Southwest 52nd Court

97Miami, Florida 33143

100For Respondent: Hilda A. Fluriach, Esquire

106Department of Children and

110Family Services

112401 Northwest Second Avenue

116Suite N - 1020

120Miami, Florida 33128


127Whether the Respondent has sufficient general revenue fu nds

136to provide the Petitioner with services under the Respondent's

145Developmental Disabilities Program.


150In a letter dated February 19, 2002, the Department of

160Children and Family Services ("Department") advised Jake Cheskin

170that, conce rning his request for physical, occupational, and

179speech therapy services,

182[w]e regret to inform you, as a conclusion

190of law, that your request cannot be granted

198within the limits of the Department's

204appropriated general revenue funds, and

209Florida law proh ibits the Department from

216spending or committing funds in excess of

223its appropriation. Please see

227Section 393.13(2)(c) and (d), F.S., and

233refer to the State Spending Plan as approved

241by the Legislature.

244Mark Cheskin, Jake's father, timely requested a hea ring on his

255son's behalf to challenge the Department's refusal to provide

264the requested services to his son. The Department transmitted

273the matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings for

282assignment of an administrative law judge. The final hearing

291was scheduled for June 12, 2002.

297Because the undersigned was not certain of the issue to be

308resolved in this proceeding, an Order to Show Cause was entered

319on May 14, 2002, explaining the undersigned's concerns and

328requiring the parties to explain why, if the denial was based on

340a conclusion of law, the case should not be returned to the

352Department. In addition, if the parties believed that the case

362was properly before the Division of Administrative Hearings,

370they were requested to identify the issue to b e resolved in the


384Mr. Cheskin responded to the order and expressed his belief

394that the only factual dispute to be resolved in the matter was

406whether his son is eligible to receive services under the

416Department's Developmental Disabilities Progr am. The Department

423did not respond to the Order to Show Cause until the final

435hearing, at which time the Department stated that the only issue

446to be resolved in this case is whether the Department had

457sufficient general revenue funds to begin providing se rvices to

467Jake at the time his eligibility for such services was


478At the hearing, Mr. Cheskin testified on behalf of his son;

489he did not offer any exhibits into evidence. The Department

499presented the testimony of Evelyn Alvarez, an employee of the

509Department. Respondent's Exhibit 1 was offered and received

517into evidence. At the request of the Department and without

527objection, official recognition was taken of Chapter 393,

535Florida Statutes, specifically Sections 393.13(3)(c) and (d) and

543393.14 , Florida Statutes, and of that portion of the Conference

553Report on Senate Bill 2000: General Appropriations for

5612001 - 2002, consisting of pages 85 through 90 and 399.

572At the hearing, counsel for the Department indicated that

581the Department would be filing a transcript of the proceedings

591with the Division of Administrative Hearings. In a subsequent

600conversation with the undersigned's assistant, counsel for the

608Department stated that the Department would not file a

617transcript and would not submit a proposed recommended order.

626On July 19, 2002, however, a transcript of the proceedings was

637filed, and both parties timely filed proposed findings of fact

647and conclusions of law.


654Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the

664final h earing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the

676following findings of fact are made:

6821. The Department is the state agency charged with

691administering and determining eligibility for services to

698developmentally disabled individuals pursuant to Flor ida's

705Developmental Disabilities Prevention and Community Services

711Act, Chapter 393, Florida Statutes. Section 393.065, Florida

719Statutes. The program developed by the Department is known as

729the Developmental Disabilities Program.

7332. Jake is a resident o f Miami, Florida, and is four and

746one - half years of age, having been born October 6, 1997.

7583. On October 24, 2000, Jake's parents submitted on his

768behalf an application requesting that the Department enroll him

777in its Developmental Disabilities Program an d provide him with

787physical, occupational, and speech therapy services as a

795developmentally disabled individual. 2

7994. The parties stipulated to the following facts:

807a. Jake has a rare genetic disorder called "Williams

816Syndrome," which causes significant d evelopmental delays. Jake

824also has a significant hearing impairment, which exasperates his

833developmental delays. Among other developmental delays, Jake

840cannot walk on his own, is unable to talk, and is unable to

853respond to verbal requests.

857b. Jake requi res regular and frequent physical,

865occupational, and speech therapies, and Jake is eligible to

874receive these services under the Department's Developmental

881Disabilities Program.

8835. A social worker employed by the Department advised

892Jake's mother on October 25, 2000, that Jake was eligible for

903the requested services. The social worker developed a family

912support plan, which Jake's mother signed on January 12, 2001.

922Pursuant to the Department's policies, the Department considered

930Jake a "client" of the Depar tment and eligible for services on

942the date the family support plan was signed.

9506. According to the Department's witness, the funding

958category at issue in this case is state general revenue funds

969appropriated by the Florida Legislature and not federal fun ds.

9797. Upon receiving Jake's application for services under

987the Department's Developmental Disabilities Program, the

993Department reviewed the request and implemented a prioritization

1001schedule set forth in a Department memorandum dated June 1,

10112001. The su bject matter of the memorandum is identified as

"1022State Fiscal Year 2001 - 2002 Spending Plan Implementation

1031Instructions ("Spending Plan")." 3

10378. The Spending Plan was developed in accordance with the

1047following directive of the Legislature, which is found in the

1057Conference Report on SB 2000: General Appropriations for

10652001 - 02, May 1, 2001 ("Conference Report"):

1075Funds in Specific Appropriations 374 and 377

1082are intended to provide Home and Community -

1090Based Services Waiver Services in accordance

1096with a spending plan developed by the

1103Department of Children and Family Services

1109and submitted to the Executive Office of the

1117Governor for approval by November 1, 2001.

1124Such plan shall include a financially

1130feasible timeframe for providing services to

1136persons who are on waiting lists for fiscal

1144years 1999 - 2000 and 2000 - 2001 and those

1154eligible persons who apply for services

1160during fiscal year 2001 - 2002. Such persons

1168shall be enrolled in the waiver in

1175accordance with the department's policy for

1181serving persons on the waiti ng list.

11889. The Spending Plan relates to the distribution of funds

1198to persons served through the Home and Community - Based Waiver

1209Services program ("Waiver Program"), which is co - funded by the

1222federal government as part of the Medicaid program. 4

123110. The Spending Plan establishes five "priority"

1238categories for providing services through the Waiver Program:

1246Persons who were clients as of July 1, 1999; members of the

1258class in the case of Cramer v. Bush ; persons not on the original

1271waiting list who are in cr isis (an estimated ten new clients

1283monthly, statewide); persons discharged from the Mentally

1290Retarded Defendant Program; and "[p]ersons who have become

1298clients since July 1, 1999, in date order (new waiting list) --

1310projected to be approximately 6,284 pers ons remaining to be

1321phased in between March 2002 and June 2002, subject to vacancies

1332on the Waiver and available funding."

133811. The Spending Plan further provides that "[i]n order to

1348serve the estimated additional 6,774 individuals who are

1357projected to wan t and need Waiver services during FY 01 - 02,

1370enrollment on the Waiver will be phased in as described above."

138112. According to the procedure specified in the Spending

1390Plan, a waiting list for Waiver Program services is maintained

1400by the Department's Central Office of the Developmental

1408Disabilities Program, and that office advises the various

1416districts when they may begin providing services to a person on

1427the list. According to the Spending Plan, services are to be

1438provided to individuals on the waiting list "subject to

1447vacancies on the Waiver and available funding."

145413. Upon review of his application for services, the

1463Department classified Jake in the fifth category of the Spending

1473Plan as a person who become a client after July 1, 1999, and his

1487name was pl aced on the waiting list to receive services provided

1499through Waiver Program funding.

150314. Although no evidence was presented on this point, it

1513is apparent from the text of the Spending Plan that, in addition

1525to the Waiver Program funding for services to t he

1535developmentally disabled, there is a second source of funding

1544for services to these individuals, Individual and Family

1552Supports ("IFS") funding. 5 The Department did not provide any

1564indication in its denial letter and it did not present any

1575evidence at the final hearing to establish that the "general

1585revenue funds" at issue were IFS funds. It has been necessary

1596to infer from the record that such is the case. 6

160715. Although the Department presented no evidence with

1615respect to Jake's eligibility for servi ces from IFS funds or

1626with respect to the availability of IFS funds to provide Jake

1637with the services for which he is eligible, the Spending Plan

1648provides: "The use of non - Waiver funds (Individual and Family

1659Supports (IFS) budget category) to fund service s for additional

1669persons who are awaiting enrollment on the Waiver is

1678prohibited." The only possible inference from the evidence

1686presented by the Department and from the record as a whole is

1698that, notwithstanding the reasons stated in the Department's

1706den ial letter in this case, Jake was denied services from IFS

1718funds because he was placed on the Medicaid Waiver Program

1728waiting list.


173316. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1740jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and of

1750the parties thereto pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

1759Florida Statutes (2001).

176217. In the normal case involving the denial of an

1772application for a license or for services provided by a state

1783agency, the applicant bears the burden of prov ing entitlement to

1794licensure or eligibility for services. See Dept. of Banking and

1804Finance v. Osbourne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996).

1816However, in this case, the Department concedes that Jake is

1826eligible for the services he has requested and bas es its refusal

1838to provide the services on the lack of general revenue funds.

1849This is in the nature of an affirmative defense, and the

1860Department, as the party asserting the affirmative on the

1869funding issue, is required to prove by a preponderance of the

1880e vidence that its refusal to provide Jake immediately with the

1891services for which he is eligible is justified. See

1900Section 120.57(1)(j), Florida Statutes (1999); Department of

1907Transportation v. J.W.C. Co, Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA


192018. Sect ion 393.13, Florida Statutes, provides, in

1928pertinent part, as follows:

1932(1) SHORT TITLE. – This act shall be known

1941as "The Bill of Rights of Persons Who are

1950Developmentally Disabled."


1956(a) The Legislature finds and declares

1962th at the system of care which the state

1971provides to individuals who are

1976developmentally disabled must be designed to

1982meet the needs of the clients as well as

1991protect the integrity of their legal and

1998human rights. Further, the current system

2004of care for pers ons who are developmentally

2012disabled is in need of substantial

2018improvement in order to provide truly

2024meaningful treatment and habilitation.

2028(b) The Legislature further finds and

2034declares that the design and delivery of

2041treatment and services to persons who are

2048developmentally disabled should be directed

2053by the principles of normalization and

2059therefore should:

20611. Abate the use of large institutions.

20682. Continue the development of community -

2075based services which provide reasonable

2080alternatives to inst itutionalization in

2085settings that are least restrictive to the


20933. Provide training and education to

2099individuals who are developmentally disabled

2104which will maximize their potential to lead

2111independent and productive lives and which

2117will afford o pportunities for outward

2123mobility from institutions.

2126* * *

2129(d) It is the intent of the Legislature:

2137* * *

21403. To divert those individuals from

2146institutional commitment who, by virtue of

2152comprehensive assessment, can be placed in

2158less costly, more e ffective community

2164environments and programs.

21674. To develop a plan which will indicate

2175the most effective and efficient manner in

2182which to implement treatment programs which

2188are meaningful to individuals with

2193developmental disabilities, while

2196safeguardi ng and respecting the legal and

2203human rights of such individuals.

22085. Once the plan developed under the

2215provisions of subparagraph 4. is presented

2221to the Legislature, to fund improvements in

2228the program in accordance with the

2234availability of state resour ces and yearly

2241priorities determined by the Legislature.

22466. To ensure that persons with

2252developmental disabilities receive treatment

2256and habilitation which fosters the

2261developmental potential of the individual.

22667. To provide programs for the proper

2273habilitation and treatment of persons with

2279developmental disabilities which shall

2283include, but not be limited to,

2289comprehensive medical/dental care,

2292education, recreation, specialized

2295therapies, training, social services,

2299transportation, guardianship, fam ily care

2304programs, day services, and habilitative and

2310rehabilitative services suited to the needs

2316of the individual regardless of age, degree

2323of disability, or handicapping condition.

2328No person with developmental disabilities

2333shall be deprived of these en umerated

2340services by reason of inability to pay.

23478. To fully effectuate the normalization

2353principle through the establishment of

2358community services for persons with

2363developmental disabilities as a viable and

2369practical alternative to institutional care

2374at each stage of individual life

2380development. . . .

2384(e) It is the clear, unequivocal intent

2391of this act to guarantee individual dignity,

2398liberty, pursuit of happiness, and

2403protection of the civil and legal rights of

2411persons with developmental disabiliti es.



2427described in this subsection shall apply to

2434all persons with developmental disabilities,

2439whether or not such persons are clients of

2447the department.

2449* * *

2452(c) Persons with dev elopmental

2457disabilities shall receive services, within

2462available sources, which protect the

2467personal liberty of the individual and which

2474are provided in the least restrictive

2480conditions necessary to achieve the purpose

2486of treatment.

2488(d) Persons who are developmentally

2493disabled shall have a right to participate

2500in an appropriate program of quality

2506education and training services, within

2511available resources, regardless of

2515chronological age or degree of

2520disability. . . .

252419. The Department created the Developmental Disabilities

2531Program in accordance with the directive in Section 393.066(1),

2540Florida Statutes (2000), that the Department

2546plan, develop, organize, and implement its

2552programs of services and treatment for

2558persons who are developmentally disabl ed

2564along district lines. The goal of such

2571programs shall be to allow clients to live

2579as independently as possible in their own

2586homes or communities and to achieve

2592productive lives as close to normal as


260020. It is concluded, based on the findi ngs of fact herein,

2612that the record is sufficient to establish, by a preponderance

2622of the evidence, that, at the time of the final hearing, Jake

2634was not entitled to receive services as a developmentally

2643disabled individual because, even though he is eligib le for such

2654services, he is on the waiting list for services from Waiver

2665Program funding and the Department is precluded from using IFS

2675funds to provide services to individuals awaiting services

2683funded under the Waiver Program. Jake's classification under

2691category five of the prioritization schedule was not challenged,

2700and, at some undetermined point in the future, he will receive

2711the services that he needs and for which he is eligible. 7


2724Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusio ns of

2735Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Children and

2745Family Services enter a final order finding that Jake Cheskin

2755shall remain on the waiting list for Home and Community - Based

2767Waiver Services under the Developmental Disabilities Program and

2775or dering that Jake Cheskin shall be provided with the physical,

2786occupational, and speech therapy services for which he is

2795eligible as soon as a vacancy occurs or additional funding is

2806available under the Department's Developmental Disabilities

2812Program. 8

2814DO NE AND ENTERED this 31st day of July, 2002, in

2825Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2833Administrative Law Judge

2836Division of Administrative Hearings

2840The DeSoto Building

28431230 Apalachee Parkway

2846Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2851(850 ) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2860Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2867Filed with the Clerk of the

2873Division of Administrative Hearings

2877this 31st day of July, 2002.


28841 / Mr. Cheskin represented the interests of his son, Jake

2895Cheskin, who is a minor child.

29012 / In its Propos ed Recommended Order, the Department included as

2913a proposed finding of fact that an application for Jake's

2923enrollment in the Home and Community - Based Waiver Services

2933program was also submitted on October 24, 2000. This fact is

2944not, however, to be found in the record of this proceeding.

29553 / Because the validity of the Spending Plan has not been

2967challenged by Petitioner in this proceeding, it is assumed for

2977the purposes of this proceeding only that the Spending Plan is


29894 / The Conference Report prov ides that the "[f]unds in Specific

3001Appropriation 377 and 374 are provided to meet the needs of

3012developmental services Medicaid Waiver participants based on the

3020individuals' most recent support plans." Also, the Spending

3028Plan provides: "Provision of Waive r services must also comply

3038with federally approved service definitions."

30435 / These funds are included in Specific Appropriation 375 in the

3055Conference Report.

30576 / In its Proposed Recommended Order, the Department included in

3068the Preliminary Statement an explanation of the two sources of

3078funding for the Department's Developmental Disabilities Program,

3085the Waiver Program funds and IFS funds. There was, however, no

3096evidence presented at the hearing to establish this on the


31077 / The dearth of evidenc e presented by the Department to support

3120its decision in this case made the preparation of this

3130Recommended Order very frustrating, based as it is on inferences

3140and assumptions extracted from a sparse record.

31478 / It is hoped that the Department has counse led Jake's parents

3160on the availability from other sources of the services Jake

3170needs and that it keeps Jake's parents apprised of Jake's

3180standing on the Waiver Program waiting list.


3189Mark R. Cheskin, Esquire

31937860 Southwest 52nd Court

3197Miami, Florida 33143

3200Hilda Fluriach, Esquire

3203Department of Children and Family Services

3209401 Northwest Second Av enue

3214Suite N - 1020

3218Miami, Florida 33128

3221Josie Tomayo, General Counsel

3225Department of Children and Family Services

32311317 Winewood Boulevard

3234Building 2, Room 204

3238Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700

3243Paul F. Flounlacker, Jr., Agency Clerk

3249Department of Children and Family Services

32551317 Winewood Boulevard

3258Building 2, Room 204B

3262Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


3273All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

328315 days from the date of this recommended order. An y exceptions

3295to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

3306will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/06/2003
Proceedings: Final Order Adopting Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/02/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/31/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/31/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 07/31/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held June 12, 2002) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/29/2002
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/25/2002
Proceedings: (Proposed) Petitioner`s Proposed Findings of Facts (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/19/2002
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 06/12/2002
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 06/10/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 06/10/2002
Proceedings: (Joint) Pre-Hearing Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/06/2002
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Video Teleconference issued. (hearing scheduled for June 12, 2002; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL, amended as to Video and location).
Date: 06/04/2002
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion for Continuance issued.
Date: 05/30/2002
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Order to Show Cause and Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/14/2002
Proceedings: Order to Show Cause issued (on or before May 31, 2002, parties to show cause why this case should not be closed).
Date: 05/13/2002
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 05/13/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for June 12, 2002; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 04/29/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 04/26/2002
Proceedings: Denying Request for Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy filed.
Date: 04/26/2002
Proceedings: Request for Hearing (Jake Cheskin) filed.
Date: 04/26/2002
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):