02-001909 Orchard Meadows Assisted Living Facility vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, September 16, 2002.

View Dockets  
Summary: Assisted living facility must pay administrative fine, renewal fees, and applicable late fee at which time license should be renewed.






16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) C ase Nos. 02 - 1909





36Respondent. )



42A hearing was held pursuant to notice on July 30, 2002, by

54Barbara J. Staros, assigned Administrative Law Judge of the

63Division of Administrative Hearings, in Tallahassee, Florida.


71For Petitioner: Christine T. Messana, Esq uire

78Agency for Health Care Administration

832727 Mahan Drive

86Fort Knox Building 3, Suite 3431

92Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 5403

97For Respondent: Lee Dougherty, Esq uire

103245 Washington Street

106Monticello, Florida 32344


113Whether Petitioner's license to operate an assisted living

121facility should be renewed.


127On February 27, 2002, the Agency for Health Care

136Administration (AHCA) issued a Notice of Intent to Deny, which

146informed Petitioner that Petitioner's renewal application for an

154assisted living facility license be denied. The denial was

163based on Petitioner's failure to submit a completed renewal

172license application within specified time frames pursuant to

180Sections 400.414(1)(i) and 414.417, Florida Statutes.

186Specifically, the notice alleged that Petitioner failed to

194provide proof of liability insurance and failed to pay an

204out standing fine in final order status.

211Petitioner disputed the application renewal denial and

218requested a formal administrative hearing. AHCA forwarded the

226case to the Division of Administrative Hearings on or about

236May 9, 2002. A hearing was scheduled for July 30, 2002, in

248Tallahassee, Florida.

250On July 17, 2002, AHCA filed a Motion for Order Closing

261File. Oral argument was heard on the motion on July 25, 2002,

273and the motion was denied.

278At hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of two

286witnesses, Na thaniel Gallon and Eula Fogle. Petitioner's

294Exhibit 1 was admitted into evidence. Respondent presented the

303testimony of Greg Rice. Respondent's Exhibits 1 through 5 were

313admitted into evidence. Official Recognition was taken of

321Sections 400.408, 400.41 4, and 400.417, Florida Statutes.

329A Transcript, consisting of one volume, was filed on

338August 13, 2002. Respondent filed a Proposed Recommended Order

347on September 3, 2002. Petitioner did not file any post - hearing



3631. AHCA is the agency responsible for the licensing and

373regulation of assisted living facilities in Florida pursuant to

382Chapter 400, Florida Statutes.

3862. Orchard Meadows is an assisted living facility (ALF)

395which is owned by Nathaniel Gallon, and is located in

405Monti cello, Florida.

408Prior Case and Administrative Fine

4133. In a prior case involving AHCA and Nathaniel Gallon,

423d/b/a Orchard Meadows, AHCA issued a Final Order dated

432September 27, 2001. The Final Order incorporated by reference a

442Settlement Agreement entere d into between the parties, which

451read in pertinent part:

4556. The Respondent agrees to pay half of the

464administrative fine imposed, in the amount

470of seven thousand eight hundred seventy - five

478($7,875) dollars, to be paid within sixty

486(60) days of entry of t he Final Order

495adopting this settlement stipulation


5007. The Respondent agrees to maintain the

507facility in substantial compliance with all

513applicable statutes and rules governing

518assisted living facilities, as determined by

524the Agency field offi ce manager, for a

532period of one year from the entry of the

541Final Order incorporating this settlement

546stipulation agreement. In the event that

552the conditions in paragraph 6 and 7 are not

561met, the following consequences shall


567(a) the remaining sev en thousand eight

574hundred seventy - five ($7,875) dollars

581outstanding from the administrative fine

586initially imposed by the Agency in the

593amount of fifteen thousand seven hundred

599fifty ($15,750) dollars, shall become due


607(b) the Agency shall consider Respondent

613ineligible for renewal of licensure as an

620assisted living facility based on the

626demonstrated inability to comply with

631requirements of continued licensure.

6354. Eula Fogle is the Administrator of Orchard Meadows and

645has been in t hat position since May of 2000. According to both

658Mr. Gallon and Ms. Fogle, Orchard Meadows made efforts to

668acquire the funds to pay the $7,875.00 administrative fine

678referenced in paragraph 6 of the stipulation but acknowledge

687that they were unable to do so within the 60 days following the

700entry of the Final Order referenced above. However, a few days

711after the 60 - day time period expired, they were able to acquire

724the funds and Ms. Fogle personally took a check for $7,875.00 to

737Mr. Rice at AHCA. AHCA di d not accept the check but referred

750Ms. Fogle to the agency's lawyers. Ms. Fogle attempted to get

761in touch with the appropriate agency lawyer(s) in an effort to

772pay the fine but was unsuccessful in doing so.

781License renewal

7835. Orchard Meadows first recei ved a license to operate an

794ALF by AHCA effective December 23, 1994. Orchard Meadows

803renewed its license and was issued a conditional license from

813December 23, 1996 through March 22, 1997. Orchard Meadows

822received a standard license for the period March 23, 1997

832through December 22, 1998.

8366. On August 18, 1999, AHCA sent a letter to Orchard

847Meadows enclosing a standard renewal license #AL8362 issued for

856the period December 23, 1999 to December 22, 2002.

8657. Greg Rice is a Government Operations Consul tant III in

876the Assisted Living Licensing Office of AHCA. According to

885Mr. Rice, ALF licenses are issued for two - year periods. Thus,

897the license issued from December 23, 1999 until December 22,

9072002, was issued in error.

9128. On October 25, 1999, AHCA sen t another letter to

923Orchard Meadows with a standard renewal license enclosed. The

932letter stated that the enclosed license was being issued to

942correct the dates of the one previously sent. The letter also

953requested that Orchard Meadows return the license previously

961issued. The renewal standard license #AL8362 was issued for the

971period December 23, 1998 until December 22, 2000, which resulted

981in a two - year licensure period beginning one year prior to the

994first renewal license and ending two years earlier.

10029. On July 31, 2000, AHCA sent a letter to Orchard Meadows

1014notifying Petitioner that the license to operate expired

1022December 22, 2000. The letter instructed Orchard Meadows to

1031complete an enclosed application and return it with the

1040appropriate fee 90 d ays before the expiration date. The letter

1051further stated that failure to file a renewal application within

1061that time frame will result in a late fee as allowed by law.

1074The return - receipt card was signed by Demetria Poe on August 2,

10872000. Ms. Poe is a f ormer employee of Orchard Meadows and did

1100not testify at the hearing.

110510. There is no evidence of any correspondence from AHCA

1115to Orchard Meadows regarding the license status between the

1124July 31, 2000 letter and a January 11, 2002 letter, a period of

1137appr oximately one and one - half years.

114511. Despite the position by AHCA that the license expired

1155December 22, 2000, AHCA continued to come to the facility to

1166conduct surveys during the period of time in which AHCA contends

1177that Orchard Meadows was operating wi thout a license. According

1187to Ms. Fogle, AHCA's most recent survey of the facility was

1198conducted four to six months prior to the final hearing date.

120912. Mr. Rice's explained why Orchard Meadows was permitted

1218to operate:

1220Q. And even though that renewa l was not

1229submitted, they were permitted to continue

1235to operate because they were in litigation;

1242is that correct?

1245A. Yes.

1247Q. Okay. And so, because they were in

1255litigation and because there was a

1261settlement that needed to be complied with,

1268is that the reason that there was no further

1277notice to the facility after the July 2000?

1285A. Yes.

128713. On January 11, 2002, AHCA sent a letter to Eula Fogle,

1299Administrator of Orchard Meadows. The letter notified Ms. Fogle

1308that the license to operate Orchard M eadows expired on

1318December 22, 2000, and that no renewal application had been

1328filed nor had the license fee been paid. The letter instructed

1339Ms. Fogle to cease and desist operating Orchard Meadows.

134814. Ms. Fogle was surprised to receive the January 11,

13582 002 letter as the license with the 2002 expiration date was on

1371the wall of the office in Orchard Meadows. According to

1381Ms. Fogle, she was unaware of the July 31, 2000 letter signed

1393for by the former employee, Demetria Poe, or of the license with

1405the expir ation date of December 22, 2000, that was issued in

14171999. It was her understanding that Orchard Meadows' license

1426was current until December 2002.

143115. Orchard Meadows filed a renewal application in early

14402002. The record is not clear as to the exact da te it was

1454filed. However, Mr. Rice established that it was filed sometime

1464subsequent to the January 11, 2002 letter from AHCA to Orchard


147616. On February 27, 2002, AHCA issued the subject Notice

1486Of Intent to Deny Orchard Meadows' renewal of their ALF license,

1497which states as follows:

1501Dear Ms. Fogle:

1504It is the decision of this Agency that your

1513renewal application for an assisted living

1519facility (ALF) license be DENIED.

1524The Specific Basis for this determination


1531The applicant's failure to su bmit a

1538completed renewal license application within

1543the specified time frames pursuant to

1549Section 400.414(1)(i), Florida Statutes

1553(F.S.), and Section 400.417, F.S.

1558Specifically, the applicant failed to

1563provide proof of liability insurance and

1569failed to pa y an outstanding fine in final

1578order status (AHCA Case No's: 02 - 00 - 063 - ALF,

159002 - 00 - 004 - ALF, 02 - 00 - 016 - ALF and 02 - 00 - 053 -

1611ALF). The omitted information was requested

1617by the Agency in a certified letter dated

1625February 4, 2002, received by the applicant

1632on Feb ruary 6, 2002. The applicant failed

1640to submit the required information to the

1647Agency by February 25, 2002.

165217. No proof was presented at hearing describing any

1661omissions request as referenced in the Notice of Intent to Deny.

167218. Nonetheless, Orchard Meadows' current liability

1678insurance is with United National Insurance Company with an

1687effective date of March 27, 2002 until March 27, 2003.


170019. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1707jurisdiction over the parties and subject mat ter in this case.

1718Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes.

172420. Section 400.414, Florida Statutes, reads in pertinent

1732part as follows:

1735400.414 Denial, revocation, or suspension

1740of license; imposition of administrative

1745fine; grounds. --

1748(1) The agency may deny, revoke, or suspend

1756any license issued under this part, or

1763impose an administrative fine in the manner

1770provided in chapter 120, for any of the

1778following actions by an assisted living

1784facility, any person subject to level 2

1791background screening under s. 400.4174, or

1797any facility employee:

1800* * *

1803(i) Failure of the license applicant, the

1810licensee during relicensure, or a licensee

1816that holds a provisional license to meet the

1824minimum license requirements of this pa rt,

1831or related rules, at the time of the license

1840application or renewal.

1843* * *

1846Administrative proceedings challenging

1849agency action under this subsection shall be

1856reviewed on the basis of the facts and

1864conditions that resulted in the agency


1871* * *

1874(3) The agency may deny a license to any

1883applicant . . . [which] has an outstanding

1891fine assessed under this chapter.

189621. Section 400.417, Florida Statutes, reads in pertinent

1904part as follows:

1907400. 417 Expiration of license; conditional

1913license. --

1915(1) Biennial licenses, unless sooner

1920suspended or revoked, shall expire 2 years

1927from the date of issuance. Limited nursing,

1934extended congregate care, and limited mental

1940health licenses shall expire at th e same

1948time as the facility's standard license,

1954regardless of when issued. The agency shall

1961notify the facility by certified mail at

1968least 120 days prior to expiration that a

1976renewal license is necessary to continue

1982operation. Ninety days prior to the

1988ex piration date, an application for renewal

1995shall be submitted to the agency. Fees must

2003be prorated. The failure to file a timely

2011renewal application fee shall result in a

2018late fee charged in an amount equal to 50

2027percent of the current fee.

2032(3) . . . A license for the operation of a

2043facility shall not be renewed if the

2050licensee has any outstanding fines assessed

2056pursuant to this part which are in final

2064order status.

206622. In its Proposed Recommended Order, AHCA also relies

2075upon Secti on 400.408, Florida Statutes, which states that it is

2086unlawful to own, operate, or maintain an assisted living

2095facility without obtaining a license under this part. Reliance

2104on this statute is misplaced. AHCA conducted surveys of the

2114facility after enter ing into a settlement agreement which

2123references Orchard Meadows' agreement to maintain the facility

2131in substantial compliance with all applicable statutes and rules

2140for one year, prior to issuing the January 11, 2002 letter.

2151During this time, AHCA assert s that it permitted the facility to

2163operate because it was in litigation, although the litigation

2172ended with the September 27, 2001 final order incorporating the

2182settlement stipulation. Under the circumstances, the Agency

2189cannot now contend that the facil ity operated inappropriately in

2199the interim. Most importantly, the Notice of Intent to Deny

2209does not charge Orchard Meadows with operating without a

2218license, and does not base the denial on Section 400.408,

2228Florida Statutes.

223023. Section 400.414, F lorida Statutes, provides that

2238administrative proceedings challenging agency action under

2244Section 400.414(1), Florida Statutes, shall be reviewed on the

2253basis of the facts and conditions that resulted in the agency


226524. The evidence established tha t there was, at a minimum,

2276confusion as to the licensure status of Orchard Meadows during

2286the one and one - half years between the July 31, 2000 and

2299January 11, 2002 letters from AHCA to Orchard Meadows.

230825. The Agency's argument that it is prohibited f rom

2318renewing the license pursuant to Section 400.417(3), Florida

2326Statutes, is unpersuasive. The license can be renewed if the

2336outstanding fine is paid. Orchard Meadows made a good faith

2346attempt to pay the full amount of the fine within a few days of

2360the required due date. It is unclear why the money was not

2372accepted late, given the fact that the closure of a facility was

2384at stake. Had that money been accepted, there would no longer

2395have been any outstanding fine. Again, it is not too late to

2407pay the fi ne. Orchard Meadows has provided evidence of current

2418liability insurance.

242026. Pursuant to 400.417(1), Florida Statutes, the failure

2428to file a timely renewal application results in a late fee

2439charged to the facility in an amount equal to 50 percent of the

2452current fee. Accordingly, that is the appropriate penalty for

2461failure to timely file the renewal application.


2469Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

2478of Law set forth herein, it is


2486That the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a

2495final order requiring Orchard Meadows to pay the $7,875.00 fine

2506and any renewal application fees, including any appropriate late

2515fees, within 30 days of the issuance of the final order.

2526Upon payment of the fine an d license fees, Orchard Meadows'

2537license should be renewed. If the fine and license fees are not

2549paid within 30 days of the final order, the renewal application

2560of Orchard Meadows should be denied and Orchard Meadows should

2570cease operations as a licensed assisted living facility.

2578DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of September, 2002, in

2588Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.


2595Administrative Law Judge

2598Division of Administrative Hearings

2602The DeSoto Building

26051230 Apalachee Parkway

2608Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2613(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2621Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2628Filed with the Clerk of the

2634Division of Administrative Hearings

2638this 16th day of September, 2002.


2646Christine T. Messana, Esquire

2650Agency for Health Care Administration

26552727 Mahan Drive

2658Fort Knox Building 3, Suite 3431

2664Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 5403

2669Lee Dougherty, Esquire

2672245 East Wash ington Street

2677Monticello, Florida 32344

2680Leland McCharen, Agency Clerk

2684Agency for Health Care Administration

26892727 Mahan Drive

2692Fort Knox Building 3, Suite 3431

2698Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 5403

2703Valinda Clark Christian, Acting General Counsel

2709Agency for Health Care Administration

27142727 Mahan Drive

2717Fort Knox Building 3, Suite 3431

2723Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 5403


2734All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

274415 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions to

2756this recommended order should be filed with the agency that will

2767issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 01/16/2003
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 12/31/2002
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/16/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/16/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held July 30, 2002) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/16/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 09/03/2002
Proceedings: (Proposed) Agency`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/13/2002
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 07/30/2002
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 07/30/2002
Proceedings: Respondent Exhibit #5 filed.
Date: 07/18/2002
Proceedings: Motion for Order Closing File (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 07/05/2002
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 07/03/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance filed by L. Dougherty.
Date: 06/17/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Counsel and Request for Service (filed by C. Messana facsimile).
Date: 06/12/2002
Proceedings: Letter to L. Dougherty from C. Messana requesting to file a notice of appearence with Judge Staros (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/04/2002
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 06/04/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for July 30, 2002; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/09/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Deny filed.
Date: 05/09/2002
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/09/2002
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Date: 05/09/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):