02-001960 Travis Davis vs. Department Of Children And Family Services
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, September 9, 2002.

View Dockets  
Summary: Evidence insufficient to warrant foster care license revocation.





12Petitioner, )

14vs. ) Case No. 02 - 1960





32Respondent. )



37Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was conducted in this

47case on July 12, 2002, via vid eo teleconference at sites in

59Miami and Tallahassee, Florida, before Administrative Law Judge

67Florence Snyder Rivas, of the Division of Administrative



77For Petitioner: Travis Davis, pro se

832922 Northwest 92 nd Street

88Miami, Florida 33147

91For Respondent: Rosemarie Rinaldi, Esquire

96Department of Children and

100Family Services

102401 Northwest Second Avenue

106Suite N - 1014

110Miami, Florida 33128


117At issue is whether Petitioner’s foster home license should

126be revoked.


130By letter dated April 1, 2002 , the Department of Children

140and Family Se rvices (the Department or DCF) notified Petitioner,

150Travis Davis (Petitioner or Davis), of its intent to revoke his

161foster home license pursuant to Florida Administrative Code,

169Rule 65C - 13, for violation of minimum standards.

178Petitioner timely requested an administrative hearing,

184which was held on July 12, 2002. Petitioner testified on his

195own behalf and also presented the testimony of Marquita Parker

205and Leila Hill.

208The Department presented the testimony of Lucius Daniel and

217Lisa Ellis, and introduced two exhibits into evidence.

225The transcript of the final hearing was filed on August 12,

2362002. A timely agreed motion for additional time to submit

246proposed recommended orders was made, and an enlargement of time

256was granted through August 26, 2002. DCF timely filed a

266Proposed Recommended Order which has been carefully considered;

274Petitioner advised DOAH that he did not desire to make a written



2901. Petitioner holds a bachelor's degree in social work

299from Florida Internationa l University. Since his graduation in

308December 1995 he has been steadily employed in a variety

318of positions which involve dealing with foster children and

327special education students.

3302. Davis' employment included work for the Department as a

340foster ca re counselor and a protective investigator. In

349addition, he has a long history of involvement in his church,

360including teaching Sunday school and volunteer work with youth

369in the community.

3723. Relatives, including a mother and sister, live in the

382area an d are supportive of his desire to continue as a foster


3964. For all these reasons, the Department held high hopes

406for Davis as a foster parent when he sought and received a

418foster home license in the fall of 2001.

4265. Notwithstanding his extensiv e experience with

433exceptionally needy children Davis was required to and did

442attend the 30 - hour training course required of all new foster


4556. Davis, like all foster parents, entered into a detailed

465contractual agreement with DCF which sets forth the obligations

474of foster parents and states that non - compliance will lead to

486revocation of the license.

4907. The contract is lengthy, but for purposes of this case

501it suffices to say that it obligates foster parents to provide

512adequate, age - appropriate s upervision at all times. In order to

524assist the foster parents in fulfilling this and other

533obligations, DCF is contractually obligated to support foster

541parents in a number of ways. The foster parent must be informed

553in as much detail as is available to DCF of a child's special

566needs or limitations. If the child is taking prescribed

575medication, DCF is obliged to provide the medication when the

585child is brought to the foster home, along with instructions for

596administering the drug. DCF is also required to exercise

605professional judgment when placing a child in a foster home to

616assure, to the extent possible, that the foster parent is

626capable of managing the child.

6318. Shortly after Davis was licensed, DCF assigned to him a

642particularly difficult child, K .N. At the time K.N. was brought

653to Davis on December 4, 2001, the child, a boy, was 12 years

666old. Davis was informed that K.N. was on medication, but DCF

677did not provide the medication. Davis made several efforts to

687secure the medication for K.N., but he was not successful.

6979. At the time K.N. was placed in Davis' home, Davis

708already had one foster child, D.L. Davis had previously

717committed to D.L. and to other neighborhood teenagers to take

727them in his van to the Soul Bowl high school football game in

740Tallahassee on December 9, 2001.

74510. The trip was uneventful until the return drive.

754During the trip back from Tallahassee, K.N.’s difficult behavior

763irritated the other children. In the ensuing horseplay, K.N.

772ended up with his pants down for appr oximately the final hour of

785the return trip.

78811. Details of the incident are impossible to state with

798certainty. The Department presented no testimony of any

806individual with personal knowledge of the incident. Davis and a

816teenage girl who was on the t rip testified to their

827recollections. The undersigned, having carefully viewed their

834demeanor under oath, credits their testimony as candid; they

843were clear and precise with regard to elements of the day that

855they did recall, and honest in stating where t heir recollections

866were imprecise.

86812. The Department repeatedly asserts that K.N. was

"876naked" but the use of this word, as it is commonly understood,

888is unsupported by any competent evidence. It cannot be

897ascertained from the record, for example, wheth er K.N. was

907wearing underwear as well as pants, and if so, were the

918underwear pulled down as well? The only direct testimony

927regarding whether or not K.N.'s genitals were exposed to the

937other children was offered by Davis, who believes that K.N.'s

947genital s were always covered. K.N. and D.L. denied any improper

958touching to DCF's investigator, according to his written report.

96713. After years of driving youth from his church and

977community on field trips, Davis, like anyone who drives carloads

987of children, had learned to filter out background noise in order

998to focus on safe driving. Yet, like anyone responsible for a

1009vanload of kids, he also had to remain cognizant of behaviors in

1021the back seat(s). At some point, Davis became aware that there

1032was an issue concerning K.N.'s pants. Davis, as well as the

1043teenage passengers in the car, acting on Davis' instructions,

1052made efforts to convince K.N. to get his pants back up. K.N.

1064refused. It was raining for at least a portion of the time

1076while Davis was attempti ng to deal with the situation from the

1088driver's seat.

109014. The testimony offered by Davis on his behalf

1099establishes that the situation among the children, particularly

1107K.N., could have been dealt with more aggressively and with

1117better results. The wiser c ourse would have been for Davis to

1129pull over, rearrange seating, verbally re - direct K.N. and the

1140other passengers, and, as a last resort, summon the police.

115015. It is equally clear that Davis was the only adult in

1162the car and responsible to deliver the c hildren home safely on a

1175rainy day. He had tuned out the back seat noises to focus on

1188driving when it seemed reasonable to do so, and, once aware of

1200the situation with K.N.'s pants, decided to manage it as best he

1212could from the driver's seat and get eve ryone back home as

1224quickly as possible.

122716. The situation was resolved when Davis drove his van to

1238the north Dade home of Davis’ sister, who had a good rapport

1250with K.N. K.N. complied promptly with her instruction that he

1260get himself properly dressed.

126417. Soon after the trip, K.N. related a lurid and

1274untruthful version of events to a third party. A complaint

1284against Davis to the state's child abuse hotline resulted.

129318. Davis felt mistreated by the DCF investigator who was

1303dispatched to look into the allegations. Davis perceived that

1312the investigator had prejudged the complaint and deemed Davis to

1322be guilty of participating in and/or allowing sexual abuse of


133319. Rather than complain to the supervisor of the

1342investigator who offended him, Dav is made another bad

1351decision --- he refused to honor the investigator's request that

1361he provide the names and whereabouts of the other passengers in

1372the van.

137420. Davis' failure to provide this information immediately

1382was not deemed by DCF as a serious e nough offense to warrant

1395immediate removal of the foster children. Nor did it prejudice

1405DCF in these proceedings, for Davis did provide the names to DCF

1417well in advance of the final hearing.

142421. Davis' refusal to provide the names when first asked

1434to do so was self - defeating in the extreme, for the passengers

1447were in a position to corroborate what the investigator was told

1458by both foster children: that Davis had not provoked the removal

1469of K.N.'s pants, and had made efforts to ameliorate the

1479situation as soon as he became aware of it, and was successful

1491to the extent that the other children cooperated with his

1501request to encourage K.N. to pull his pants up, which K.N. was

1513fully capable of doing.

151722. The Department contends that "there is no amount of

1527addi tional training or any other remedial action (short of

1537license revocation) that would alleviate the Department's

1544concern about [Davis'] ability to provide proper care and

1553supervision to foster children."

155723. This contention is rejected for two reasons: F irst,

1567although the substance of DCF's investigation was completed by

1576December 12, K.N. remained in Davis' home until December 17, at

1587which time Davis realized that he was not capable of handling

1598K.N.'s behaviors and returned him to the custody of his foste r

1610care counselor. Second, Davis requested and received DCF's

1618permission to keep his other foster child, D.L. "through the

1628holidays." That time frame was generously interpreted by DCF

1637staff; they did not take D.L. from Davis' care until February 8,


165024. Davis is appropriately regretful that he was not

1659adequate to the task at hand on December 9. He also understands

1671the inappropriateness of failing to fully cooperate with DCF's

1680investigation in a timely fashion. Although the future is

1689impossible to p redict, it is reasonable to credit Davis' word

1700that he has learned from these mistakes.

170725. Davis is willing to unconditionally accept additional

1715training, supervision, and assistance from DCF.


172426. The Division of Administrative Hear ings has

1732jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

1742proceeding. Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

174727. The law governing this proceeding is undisputed.

1755Section 409.175(1)(f), Florida Statutes, reminds that although

1762anyone may have a child of his own, the opportunity to foster a

1775child whose parents have proved unable or unwilling to care for

1786him is a privilege, not a legal right:

1794A license under this section is issued to

1802a family foster home or other facility and

1810is not a professio nal license of any

1818individual. Receipt of a license under this

1825section shall not create a property right in

1833the recipient. A license under this act is

1841a public trust and a privilege, and is not

1850an entitlement. This privilege must guide

1856the finder of fac t or trier of law at any

1867administrative proceeding or court action

1872initiated by the department.

187628. The privilege, however, may not be arbitrarily

1884withdrawn, and for purposes of this case the undersigned accepts

1894paragraph 15 of the Department's Proposed Recommended Order,

1902which states: "The Department has the burden of proof in this

1913proceeding. Because the Petitioner is not entitled to the

1922license, the Department must only provide a specific reason for

1932the revocation of Petitioner’s foster home license and present

1941competent evidence supporting the proffered reason. See

1948Department of Banking and Finance v. Osborne Stern and Co. , 670

1959So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996)."

196429. Section 409.175(4)(a), Florida Statutes, gives the

1971Department of Children and Families the authority to "adopt and

1981amend licensing rules for family foster homes.” Those rules are

1991set out in Rule 65C - 13, Florida Administrative Code. The bar is

2004properly set high.

200730. Rule 65C - 13.009, Florida Administrative Code,

2015describes the philosophy which c urrently guides the state's

2024foster care program, and also sets forth specific qualities

2033which are necessary if the foster parents are to ". . . grow in

2047their new roles. . . ."

205331. The Rule is suffused with references to the

2062partnership that must exist amo ng DCF staff, foster parents,

2072and, if applicable, other individuals involved either

2079professionally or personally with the child's life.

208632. Davis' judgment as the Soul Bowl trip wound its way

2097back to Miami was imperfect, but not so imperfect as to

2108establi sh that K.N. was damaged in any way, or that Davis is

2121incapable of "grow[ing] in [his] new role."

212833. DCF has failed to establish that Davis, in DCF's

2138words, "failed to properly supervise the foster children in his

2148care, and in particular, failed to prote ct K.N. from sexual

2159exploitation by the older children on the trip." DCF did not

2170present a shred of evidence that K.N. was sexually exploited.

2180Indeed, DCF presented no testimony from any individual with

2189first - hand knowledge of the trip.

219634. All of the c ompetent evidence in this case was

2207presented by Davis, and not discredited in any way by DCF. It

2219establishes that Davis was in over his head with K.N. in

2230general, and on that trip in particular. DCF bears some

2240responsibility in this matter. Despite its contractual promises

2248of full support to foster parents, DCF gave Davis, a person new

2260to foster parenting, an unmanageable child, without necessary

2268medications, and expected him to be able to handle it because he

2280had a college education in social work and p rofessional

2290experience with disturbed children.

229435. Yet, there is no authority for DCF's view that a well

2306educated foster parent may be held to a higher standard of

2317parental competence, or is entitled to less that full disclosure

2327and support from DCF rega rding the problems a child brings to

2339the home. The skills involved in being a parent are simply not

2351the same as the skills involved in working with troubled

2361children who are fed, clothed and sheltered by someone else.

237136. Given the fact that DCF elected to leave K.N. with

2382Davis until Davis gave up on the relationship, and permitted

2392D.L., who wanted to remain with Davis, to stay in his home for

2405nearly two months after the alleged inexcusably inadequate

2413supervision, it is not logical to conclude that "no a mount of

2425additional training or other remedial action short of revocation

2434of the foster home license . . . would assure the Department

2446that any other foster children would be safe if entrusted to the

2458care of Davis."

246137. It may be that Davis will never be competent to care

2473for a child with K.N.'s extreme difficulties. But it cannot be

2484concluded on this record that Davis is not competent to foster

2495any child. To the contrary, the record suggests that with

2505additional training and/or mentoring; and with a bet ter match of

2516Davis' abilities and relative inexperience as a foster parent

2525with the pool of children in need of foster care, Davis can be

2538successful, as he appears to have been, in DCF's view, with

2549D.L., and that some foster children would be able to make

2560progress in his home.


2565Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2575Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department issue a final order

2586dismissing the April 1, 2002, charges against Davis.

2594DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of Septemb er, 2002, in

2605Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2613Administrative Law Judge

2616Divis ion of Administrative Hearings

2621The DeSoto Building

26241230 Apalachee Parkway

2627Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2632(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9 675

2641Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2648Filed with the Clerk of the

2654Division of Administrative Hearings

2658this 9th day of September, 2002.


2666Travis Davis

26682922 Northwest 92nd Street

2672Miami, Florida 33147

2675Rosemarie Rinaldi, Esquire

2678Department of Children and

2682Family Services

2684401 Northwest Second Avenue

2688Suite N - 1014

2692Miami, Florida 33128

2695Paul F. Flounlacker, Jr., Agency Clerk

2701Department of Children and

2705Family Services

27071317 Winewood Boulevard

2710Building 2, Room 204B

2714Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700

2719Josefina Tomayo, General Counsel

2723Department of Children and

2727Family Services

27291317 W inewood Boulevard

2733Building 2, Room 204

2737Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700

2742Jerry Regier, Secretary

2745Department of Children and

2749Family Services

27511317 Winewood Boulevard

2754Building 1, Room 202

2758Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


2770All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

278015 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2791to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2802will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 01/27/2003
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 01/24/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/24/2002
Proceedings: Respondent`s Exceptions to Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/09/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/09/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held July 12, 2002) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/09/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 08/26/2002
Proceedings: (Proposed) Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/12/2002
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 07/12/2002
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 07/05/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Filing, Respondent`s Exhibits.
Date: 06/25/2002
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Video Teleconference issued. (hearing scheduled for July 12, 2002; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL, amended as to video and location).
Date: 06/24/2002
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for July 12, 2002; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 06/14/2002
Proceedings: Respondent`s Witness List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/12/2002
Proceedings: Witness List (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 05/20/2002
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 05/20/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for June 24 and 25, 2002; 9:30 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 05/17/2002
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 05/14/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Revoke Foster Home License filed.
Date: 05/14/2002
Proceedings: Order Rejecting Petition With Leave to Amend filed.
Date: 05/14/2002
Proceedings: Amended Petition filed.
Date: 05/14/2002
Proceedings: Request for an Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/14/2002
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Date: 05/14/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):