02-003531 Dan Calabria vs. Department Of Transportation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, December 31, 2002.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner lacks standing to challenge special use permit issued to city by Department to install sign/mural in median of State Road 693, but sign fails to meet criteria in Department`s Traffic Engineering Manual.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) C ase No. 02 - 3531




29Respondent, )


32and )




41Intervenor. )



46Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this case

57on October 30, 2002, in Clearwater, Florida, before T. Kent

67Wetherell, II, the designated Administrative Law Judge of the

76Division of Administrative Hearin gs.


82For Petitioner: Dan Calabria

867068 South Shore Drive, South

91South Pasadena, Florida 33707

95For Respondent: Robert M. Burdick, Esquire

101Department of Transportation

104605 Suwannee Street

107Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

113Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0458

118For Intervenor: Linda M. Hallas, Esquire

124City of South Pasadena

1287047 Sunset Drive, South

132South Pasadena, Florida 33707


140The issues are whether Petitioner has standing to challenge

149the Department of Transportation's decision to issue special use

158permit No. 02 - K - 799 - 0021 to the City of South Pasadena, and

174whether the special use permit was properly issued by the



188On June 26, 2002, the Department of Transportation

196(Department or Respondent) issued special use permit No. 02 - K -

208799 - 0021 (Permit) to the City of South Pasadena (City) to allow

221the City to construct a sign on a median within the right - of - way

237of Sta te Road 693. Starting on July 29, 2002, Petitioner sent

249several letters to the Department requesting a formal hearing on

259the Department's decision. On September 11, 2002, the

267Department finally referred the matter to the Division of

276Administrative Hearin gs (Division) for the assignment of an

285administrative law judge to conduct the formal hearing requested

294by Petitioner.

296On October 7, 2002, the City filed a petition to intervene

307pursuant to Rule 28 - 106.205, Florida Administrative Code. The

317petition was g ranted by Order dated October 16, 2002.

327At the hearing, Petitioner testified in his own behalf and

337also presented the testimony of City Commissioner Chris Burgess. 1

347Petitioner's Exhibits, numbered P1 through P4 and P6

355through P14, were received into evid ence. 2 The Department

365presented the testimony of Department employees Norman Lataille,

373Kevin Dunn, and Chris Gregory, all of whom were involved in the

385review of the Permit. The Department's Exhibits, numbered R1

394through R13, were received into evidence. The City presented

403the testimony of William Naylor, the City's Chief of Public

413Safety, and Bob Brown, a professional engineer. Mr. Brown was

423accepted as an expert in site distance calculation and analysis.

433The City's Exhibits, numbered I1 and I2, were r eceived into

444evidence. At Petitioner's request, official recognition was

451taken of Sections 337.406 and 479.11, Florida Statutes.

459The Transcript of the hearing was filed with the Division

469on November 14, 2002. The parties requested and were granted 20

480da ys from the date the Transcript was filed to submit their

492proposed recommended orders (PROs). As a result, the parties

501waived the deadline for the submittal of this Recommended Order.

511See Rule 28 - 106.216(2), Florida Administrative Code. The

520Department a nd the City timely filed their PROs; Petitioner

530filed his PRO on December 9, 2002. All of the PROs were given

543due consideration by the undersigned in preparing this

551Recommended Order.


556Based upon the testimony and evidence received at th e

566hearing, the following findings are made:

572A. Parties

5741. Petitioner is a resident of the City. Petitioner lives

584in a subdivision less than one - half mile from the location of

597the sign at issue in this proceeding.

6042. Shore Drive provides the only man ner of egress from the

616subdivision in which Petitioner lives. Shore Drive intersects

624State Road 693 just south of the location of the sign at issue

637in this proceeding. Shore Drive becomes Matthews Road once it

647crosses State Road 693.

6513. Petitioner driv es on State Road 693 on a daily basis.

663However, Petitioner does not use the median cut (described more

673fully below) immediately adjacent to the sign.

6804. The Department is the state agency charged with

689regulating the placement of signs, structures, and l andscaping

698within state road rights - of - way in a manner that does not

712interfere with the safe and efficient movement of traffic on the


7245. The City is an incorporated municipality of the State

734of Florida. The City is located in southern Pinellas Co unty.

7456. The City is very small. It is slightly more than one

757mile long and approximately one - half mile wide, and it has

769approximately 6,000 residents.

7737. The main north/south thoroughfare through the City is

782State Road 693. More than 33,000 vehicle s per day travel

794through the City on State Road 693.

8018. State Road 693 enters the "downtown" area of the City

812over a small bridge at the northern end of New Corey Causeway.

824The southern City limits are on the causeway, just north of the

836bridge across the Intercoastal Waterway to St. Petersburg Beach.

845The northern City limits are near the intersection of State Road

856693 and Park Street.

8609. There are several condominium complexes along State

868Road 693 between the City's southern boundary and the bridge

878into the City's "downtown" area. A significant portion of the

888City's residents live in those condominiums.

894B. The Sign's Characteristics and Location

90010. In October 2001, the Department gave "conceptual

908approval" to the City's plan to construct a "gateway" sign on a

920median within the right - of - way of State Road 693. In doing so,

935the Department indicated its willingness to make an "exception"

944to its policy that such signs be located at or in proximity to

957the City limits. The basis of the exception was that the

968Department believed (or was led to believe) that there was

978insufficient right - of - way in the area of the City limits for

992such a sign and that "the first urban environment encountered is

1003near the proposed location."

100711. The general concept for the erect ion of a "gateway" or

1019entryway sign appears to have come from a Vision Plan prepared

1030by the City with the input of its citizens and others in 1999.

104312. On June 12, 2002, the City formally submitted to the

1054Department an application for a special use permit in order to

1065erect and maintain a sign (which the City refers to as "mural")

1078on the median within State Road 693 just north of the

1089intersection of State Road 693 and Shore Drive/Matthews Road.

1098The application included a map identifying the proposed locati on

1108of the sign as well as drawings which showed the dimensions and

1120appearance of the sign.

112413. The sign is a large concrete structure. As built, it

1135is more than 21 feet long, more than 15 feet high, and more than

11493 feet wide. These dimensions are sligh tly more than the

1160dimensions set forth in the application.

116614. Both sides of the sign are covered by a mosaic

1177depicting waves, dolphins jumping out of the water, a manatee, a

1188sailboat, and the City's logo which includes the name of the

1199City, the City's se al, and the City's motto ("our place in the


121515. The City's logo is located in a small area at the top

1228of the sign. The City's name and motto are in dark blue and

1241they blend into the light blue background of the sign. As a

1253result, it is somewhat difficult to read the City's name on the

1265sign from a distance.

126916. The median on which the sign is located is surrounded

1280by a six - inch non - mountable curb.

128917. As built, the sign is located more than 13 feet from

1301the back of the curb of the southbound travel lanes of State

1313Road 693, and is located more than 25 feet from the back of the

1327curb of the northbound lanes. The sign is located approximately

133777 feet south of the median cut described below.

134618. The sign is located in the middle of the City in w hat

1360appears to be the City's "downtown" area. The sign is

1370approximately one - half mile north of the City's southern

1380boundary and approximately seven - tenths of a mile south of the

1392City's northern boundary.

139519. At the location of the sign, State Road 693 is a

1407multi - lane highway divided by the median. The southbound

1417portion of the road consists of two through lanes and dedicated

1428right and left turn lanes. The northbound portion of the road

1439consists of three through lanes. The posted speed limit on that

1450portion of State Road 693 is 35 miles per hour.

146020. There are traffic signals at the intersection of State

1470Road 693 and Shore Drive/Matthews Road, which is immediately to

1480the south of the median. A median opening (or "median cut") is

1493located on the nor th side of the median. There is no signal at

1507the median cut.

151021. The median cut is used by southbound vehicles to turn

1521left into businesses located across the northbound travel lanes

1530of State Road 693 and to make U - turns into the northbound travel

1544lanes. The median cut is also used by northbound vehicles

1554(including emergency vehicles accessing the adjacent Pasadena

1561Palms Hospital) to make U - turns into the southbound travel lanes

1573of State Road 693 and by vehicles turning left onto southbound

1584State Road 69 3 from businesses along the northbound travel


159522. The sign does not affect northbound emergency vehicles

1604which make U - turns in the median cut to facilitate their access

1617into the hospital's entrance. In such circumstances, the sign

1626is behind the ve hicle and therefore could not interfere with the

1638view of oncoming southbound traffic. Similarly, the location of

1647the sign does not interfere with the ability of a southbound

1658vehicle to see emergency vehicles that might access the

1667hospital's entrance by tu rning left across southbound State Road

1677693 at the signalized intersection of State Road 693 and

1687Matthews Road/Shore Drive.

169023. Prior to the construction of the sign, the median was

1701covered with large trees and other vegetation. In some areas,

1711the veget ation was quite dense. Much of the vegetation was

1722removed for the construction of the sign. As a result, the

1733overall visibility through the median is better now than it was

1744before the construction of the sign.

1750C. Department's Review of the Permit Applic ation

175824. After receiving the City's application, the Department

1766staff inspected the proposed location and reviewed the

1774application based upon the criteria for "customized place name

1783signs" in the Department's Traffic Engineering Manual. The

1791Department staff determined that those criteria were the most

1800applicable because the sign was proposed to include the City's

1810name and logo and because it was represented to be located near

1822the City's geographic boundary.

182625. Among other things, customized place name signs are

1835required to meet the Department's clear zone requirements and

1844safety criteria.

184626. The clear zone requirements are set forth in the

1856Department's Plans Preparation Manual. The clear zone is an

1865area adjacent to the travel lanes of a road where n o fixed

1878objects are to be located so that a vehicle which runs off the

1891road will be able to recover and return to the road without

1903striking anything.

190527. The width of the clear zone varies based upon the

1916posted speed limit of the road and the presence or absence of a

1929curb on the road. Where there is a curb, the clear zone must be

1943at least four feet from the back face of the curb.

195428. Structures are generally not permitted to be located

1963in the clear zone, but if they are, they must be designed to

1976break a way on impact. Structures not located in the clear zone

1988are not required to be designed to break away on impact.

199929. The safety criteria applicable to the sign are the

2009sight - distance criteria contained in Standard Index 546. The

2019sight - distance criteria are intended to ensure that a structure

2030or object within the right of way will not interfere with the

2042motorists' clear line of sight necessary to permit safe and

2052efficient use of the road. More specifically, the sight -

2062distance criteria are intended to ens ure that a vehicle turning

2073into or across oncoming traffic will have a clear line of sight

2085of the oncoming traffic for at least a specified minimum

2095distance, which varies based upon the speed limit of the road.

210630. The Department staff determined based up on a review of

2117the application materials and an on - site inspection of the

2128proposed location of the sign that the sign met the Department's

2139requirements for a custom place name sign, including the clear

2149zone and sight - distance requirements. Accordingly, on June 26,

21592002, the Department issued the Permit to the City.

216831. Despite the issuance of the Permit, the Department

2177staff continued to review the project after the Permit had been

2188issued. That supplemental review was in direct response to

2197concerns raise d by Petitioner through correspondence with the

2206Department staff. Specifically, Petitioner expressed concerns

2212that the sign would constitute a safety hazard as a result of

2224its size, its placement in the median of a heavily - traveled

2236road, and its location in proximity to Pasadena Palms Hospital.

224632. The supplemental review resulted in additional permit

2254conditions as reflected in a July 31, 2002, e - mail from the

2267Department to the City's director of public works. In that e -

2279mail, the Department directed the City to submit a sight -

2290distance analysis prepared by an engineer and further directed

2299the City to remove the "existing South Pasadena city limit

2309signing heading [northbound] on S.R. 693 between the

2317intercoastal bridge and the proposed location."

232333. The s ight - distance analysis was conducted by Bob

2334Brown, a professional engineer with expertise in sight - distance

2344calculation and analysis. Mr. Brown performed an evaluation in

2353the field with respect to each location that might potentially

2363be impacted by the si gn from a sight - line standpoint, including

2376the intersection of State Road 693 and Shore Drive/Matthews

2385Road, the median cut, and northbound and southbound through

2394traffic in the vicinity of the sign.

240134. Mr. Brown's analysis determined that the only

2409poten tial area of concern from a sight - line standpoint was for a

2423southbound vehicle in the median cut making a left turn across

2434the northbound lanes of State Road 693 or performing a U - turn

2447into the northbound lanes. Even in the median cut, however,

2457Mr. Brown' s sight - distance analysis shows (consistent with the

2468initial analysis conducted by the Department staff) that the

2477location of sign provides sufficient sight - lines to meet the

2488requirements of Standard Index 546. Stated another way, even

2497with the sign locat ed in the median, the available sight - lines

2510meet the applicable Department requirements.

251535. Mr. Brown's analysis is corroborated by the

2523photographs taken from a vehicle in the median cut which were

2534introduced at the hearing. Those photographs clearly s how that

2544a vehicle using the median cut would have a clear view of

2556oncoming traffic beyond the signalized intersection of Shore

2564Drive/Matthews Road and State Road 693.

257036. With respect to the July 31, 2002, e - mail's reference

2582to the existing city limit s igns, there are actually two wooden

2594customized place name signs adjacent to the northbound lanes of

2604State Road 693. The first is located on the New Corey Causeway

2616several hundred feet south of the bridge that leads into the

2627City. The second is located ju st south of that bridge. Both of

2640those signs are closer to the southern City limits than the sign

2652at issue in this proceeding. As of the date of the hearing,

2664both signs were still in place.

267037. There is also a wooden customized place name sign

2680adjacent to the southbound lanes of State Road 693 near the

2691intersection of State Road 693 and Park Street, which is the

2702City's northern boundary. As of the date of the hearing, that

2713sign is also still in place.

271938. After discussions with the City, the Departme nt

2728changed its position, and by letter dated August 8, 2002, the

"2739Department's Traffic Operations Unit waived the removal of the

2748existing signs along state road 693." The rationale for that

2758decision was not explained in the letter or at the hearing.

276939. The August 8, 2002, letter also authorized the City to

"2780proceed with construction of the mural." Thereafter, the City

2789began construction of the sign.

279440. Construction of the sign was completed in October

28032002, prior to the date of the hearing.


2815A. Jurisdiction and Scope of Proceeding

282141. The Division has jurisdiction over the parties to and

2831subject matter of this proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.569

2840and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. (All references to Sections

2848and Chapters are to the Florida Statutes (2002). All references

2858to Rules are to the Florida Administrative Code.)

286642. At the outset, it is important to note that questions

2877regarding the wisdom of the City's decision to construct the

2887sign (and the related expenditure of significant City funds) and

2897the consistency of the sign with the City's 1999 Vision Plan are

2909beyond the scope of this proceeding. Those are issues must be

2920resolved, if at all, between the City and its citizens at the

2932local level.

293443. The scope of this proceeding (and this Recommended

2943Order) is limited to the propriety of the Department's issuance

2953of the Permit based upon the standards set forth in State law

2965and the Department's rules and policies, as well as Petitioner's

2975standing to challenge the Permit through the Chapter 120

2984process. The threshold issue of Petitioner's standing, which is

2993contested by both the Department and the City, will be addressed


3005B. Standing

300744. Administrative review of agency action is available to

3016a "party" whose "subs tantial interests" are determined by an

3026agency. See Section 120.569(1). Thus, Petitioner's standing to

3034seek administrative review of the Department's decision to issue

3043the Permit initially turns on whether he is a "party" as defined

3055in Section 120.52(12) .

305945. Section 120.52(12) defines "party" to mean:

3066(a) Specifically named persons whose

3071substantial interests are being determined

3076in the proceeding.

3079(b) Any other person who, as a matter of

3088constitutional right, provision of statute,

3093or provision of agency regulation, is

3099entitled to participate in whole or in part

3107in the proceeding, or whose substantial

3113interests will be affected by proposed

3119agency action, and who makes an appearance

3126as a party.

3129(c) Any other person, including an agency

3136staff m ember, allowed by the agency to

3144intervene or participate in the proceeding

3150as a party. An agency may by rule authorize

3159limited forms of participation in agency

3165proceedings for persons who are not eligible

3172to become parties.

3175(d) Any county representati ve, agency,

3181department, or unit funded and authorized by

3188state statute or county ordinance to

3194represent the interests of the consumers of

3201a county, when the proceeding involves the

3208substantial interests of a significant

3213number of residents of the county an d the

3222board of county commissioners has, by

3228resolution, authorized the representative,

3232agency, department, or unit to represent the

3239class of interested persons. . . . .

324746. Petitioner is not a specifically named person whose

3256substantial interests are be ing determined by the Department;

3265only the City is. Nor does the record reflect that Petitioner

3276is authorized by statute or local ordinance to represent the

3286interests of the City residents. Accordingly, Petitioner is not

3295a party under Section 120.52(12)( a) or (d).

330347. Petitioner has not argued that he has a constitutional

3313right to seek review of the Department's decision to issue the

3324Permit, and he does not. Similarly, Petitioner has not cited

3334nor has the undersigned's research located any statue or

3343Dep artment rule which entitles him to participate in this

3353proceeding. For example, there is no statute or agency rule

3363requiring the Department to publish a "notice of intent" to

3373issue the permit at issue in this proceeding. Accordingly,

3382Petitioner is not a party under Section 120.52(12)(b) unless his

"3392substantial interests will be affected by [the] proposed agency


340248. The standards for determining whether a third - party

3412has standing to challenge an agency's decision to issue a permit

3423were set forth in Agrico Chemical Co. v. Department of

3433Environmental Regulation , 406 So. 2d 478 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1981),

3443rev. denied , 415 So. 2d 1359 (Fla. 1982). In that case, the

3455court explained that:

3458before one can be considered to have a

3466substantial interest in the outc ome of the

3474proceeding he must show 1) that he will

3482suffer injury in fact which is of sufficient

3490immediacy to entitle him to a section 120.57

3498hearing, and 2) that his substantial injury

3505is of a type or nature which the proceeding

3514is designed to protect. Th e first aspect of

3523the test deals with the degree of injury.

3531The second deals with the nature of the


3540Id. at 482. Accord Florida Soc. of Ophthalmology v. State Bd.

3551of Optometry , 532 So. 2d 1279 (Fla. 1st DCA 1988). 3

356249. Subsequent cases have requi red the third - party to

3573demonstrate that he or she is substantially affected in a manner

3584different than the general public at large to establish

3593standing. See Grove Isle, Ltd. v. Bayshore Homeowners'

3601Association, Inc. , 418 So. 2d 1046, 1047 (Fla. 1st DCA 1 982),

3613rev. denied , 430 So. 2d 451 (Fla. 1983). And cf. City of

3625Sarasota v. Windom , 736 So. 2d 741 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1999) (holding

3637that plaintiffs lacked standing in circuit court to challenge

3646the placement of speed humps and tables on various city streets

3657to reduce the volume and speed of traffic and to enhance

3668pedestrian safety because plaintiffs lived in different

3675neighborhoods in the city and were not required to travel on the

3687affected streets). But cf. Friends of the Everglades, Inc. v.

3697Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund , 595

3707So. 2d 186, 189 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992) (rejecting "special injury"

3718requirement for purposes of establishing standing in a Section

3727120.57 proceeding where environmental group that requested a

3735hearing to challenge wh ether proposed use of state lands was

3746consistent with Section 253.023, Florida Statutes).

375250. Petitioner failed to demonstrate that he will suffer

3761an immediate injury as a result of the Department's decision to

3772issue the Permit. Indeed, Petitioner fail ed to show that he

3783will suffer any injury as a result of the issuance of the Permit

3796and the construction of sign. Although he frequently drives on

3806State Road 693, he does not use the median cut which is the only

3820traffic movement conceivably affected by th e sign. In this

3830regard, Petitioner's general concerns regarding the sign's

3837impacts on the safety of traffic flow on State Road 693 (while

3849clearly the type of injury the Department's statutory scheme is

3859designed to prevent) are no different than the intere sts of the

3871general public. See Grove Isle , supra . And cf. Boca Raton

3882Mausoleum, Inc. v. State, Dept. of Banking and Finance , 511

3892So. 2d 1060, 1066 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987) (taxpayer's general

3902concerns regarding the effect of a proposed cemetery upon the

3912commu nity was not sufficient to give him standing to participate

3923in the permitting process or challenge the issuance of the

3933cemetery permit; taxpayer's concerns are more appropriately

3940addressed to local zoning authorities). Because Petitioner

3947failed to demonst rate that his substantial interests would be

3957affected by the Department's issuance of the Permit, he is not a

3969party under Section 120.52(12)(b).

397351. With respect to Section 120.52(12)(c), the Department

3981clearly did not acquiesce to the Petitioner's partic ipation in

3991this proceeding. See Department PRO, at 7 ("The Department has

4002contended from the beginning of this proceeding that

4010[Petitioner] lacks standing to request a hearing to review the

4020permit decision."). The Department did, however, allow

4028Petitione r to become involved in the permitting process.

4037Indeed, it was Petitioner's involvement in the process which

4046ultimately led the Department to require the City to submit a

4057sight - distance analysis prepared by an engineer. Nevertheless,

4066Section 120.52(12)(c ) appears to require some sort of formal

4076authorization to "participate," which Petitioner lacks in this

4084case. See Florida Society of Opthamology , 532 So. 2d at 1288

4095(considering but rejecting a standard that would provide

4103standing to persons who simply pa rticipated in the permitting

4113process based upon a personal concern); City of Key West v.

4124Askew , 324 So. 2d 655, 659 (Fla. 1st DCA 1975) (involving a

4136circumstance where agency formally allowed petitioners to

4143participate in agency proceeding). Accordingly, Petitioner is

4150not a party under Section 120.52(12)(c).

415652. Even if Petitioner were considered to be a party under

4167Section 120.52(12)(c) based upon his participation in the

4175permitting process, that does not automatically give him

4183standing in this proceedin g because, as noted above, standing is

4194limited to parties whose "substantial interests" are determined

4202by the agency. See Section 120.569(1). Stated another way,

4211even if Petitioner were considered a party under Section

4220120.52(12)(c), he must still demons trate that his "substantial

4229interests" are determined by the Department's issuance of the

4238Permit. Cf. Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation, Inc. v.

4246Clark , 668 So. 2d 982, 987 (Fla. 1996) (to have standing to

4258appeal final agency action, person must be a party and must be

4270adversely affected by the agency action). As discussed above,

4279Petitioner failed to prove that his substantial interests are

4288affected based upon the test set forth in Agrico . Accordingly,

4299Petitioner lacks standing to challenge the Per mit in this

4309proceeding even if he were considered a party under the

4319definition in Section 120.52(12)(c).

432353. In sum, because Petitioner is not a "party" as defined

4334in Section 120.52(12) and/or because Petitioner's "substantial

4341interests" are not determine d by the Department's issuance of

4351the Permit, Petitioner lacks standing to seek review of the

4361Permit under Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1).

4367C. Merits of Petitioner's Challenge to the Permit

437554. The Department and the City argue that Petitioner has

4385the bu rden to demonstrate the inconsistency of the Permit with

4396the Department's statutes, rules, and policies. See Department

4404PRO, at 10; City PRO, at 8. This argument appears to be based

4417upon the premise that the Permit has been issued and the sign

4429has been c onstructed and, therefore, Petitioner is the party

4439seeking to change the status quo. This argument is correct as

4450far as it goes.

445455. If, contrary to the determination above, it is

4463determined (either by the Department in its final order or by an

4475appella te court) that Petitioner is a party whose substantial

4485interests were affected by the issuance of the Permit, then the

4496Department was obligated to provide him a point of entry to

4507challenge it's decision to issue the Permit before it became

4517final. See Sect ion 120.569(1); Rule 28 - 106.111; Florida League

4528of Cities, Inc. v. Administration Comm'n , 586 So. 2d 397, 413 - 15

4541(Fla. 1st DCA 1991) ("The policy behind the requirement of a

4553clear point of entry is to assure that affected parties are not

4565prejudiced by admi nistrative action without being afforded an

4574opportunity to pursue an available and adequate remedy."). Had

4584the Department been required to provide Petitioner with notice

4593of its intent to issue the Permit, Petitioner's challenge would

4603have been governed by Department of Transportation v. J.W.C.

4612Co., Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981), and the City

4625would have the burden to prove its entitlement to the Permit in

4637this proceeding. However, in light of the determination above

4646that Petitioner was not a par ty, the Department was not

4657obligated to provide him a point of entry to challenge the

4668Permit prior to its issuance and, as a result, Petitioner has

4679the burden of proof in this proceeding.

468656. The proper allocation of the burden of proof in this

4697proceedin g is not determinative. Indeed, to the extent that the

4708burden was on the Petitioner to prove that the Department

4718improperly issued the Permit based upon the criteria in Section

47282.7.6 of the Department's Traffic Engineering Manual (TEM), he

4737did so; and, to the extent that the burden was on the City to

4751prove its entitlement to the Permit under TEM 2.7.6, it failed

4762to do so. Specifically, as discussed below, although the

4771preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that the sign will

4780not interfere with the saf e and efficient movement of traffic on

4792State Road 693, the preponderance of the evidence further

4801demonstrates that the sign fails to meet several of the

4811requirements in TEM Section 2.7.6, most significantly the

4819requirement in TEM Section 2.7.6(4) that the sign be located "at

4830or in proximity" to the City limits.

483757. Section 334.044 grants the Department broad authority

4845to coordinate the state transportation system. See , e.g. ,

4853Section 334.044(10) (authorizing the Department to adopt uniform

4861standards and c riteria for the construction, design,

4869maintenance, and operation of state roads). And see Sections

4878316.0745 and 335.09 (authorizing the Department to adopt uniform

4887standards for signs and other traffic control devices for the

4897regulation, control, guidance and protection of traffic on the

4906State Highway System); Section 337.407 (authorizing the

4913Department to regulate the erection of signs within the rights

4923of way of the State Highway System pursuant to Chapter 479,

4934Florida Statutes). While the Department ha s considerable

4942discretion in exercising its authority, that discretion is not

4951absolute. See Dept. of Transportation v. Lopez - Torres , 526 So.

49622d 674, 676 (Fla. 1988); Department PRO, at 10. Where, as here,

4974the Department has formal written policies to gui de the exercise

4985of its discretionary authority, it must comply with those

4994policies, and its failure to do so constitutes an abuse of

5005discretion. See , e.g. , Vantage Healthcare Corp. v. Agency for

5014Health Care Admin. , 687 So. 2d 306, 308 (Fla. 1st DCA 1997), and

5027cases cited therein; Cleveland Clinic Florida Hosp. v. Agency

5036for Health Care Admin. , 679 So. 2d 1237, 1241 - 42 (Fla. 1st DCA


505158. Neither the City nor the Department has cited any

5061rules in the Florida Administrative Code which prescribe

5069stand ards for the issuance of permits for signs such as the one

5082at issue in this proceeding, and the undersigned's research has

5092not located any. Compare Rules 14 - 10.0022 through 14 - 10.007

5104(prescribing standards for the issuance of permits for signs

5113subject to Chapter 479, and establishing other requirements for

5122such signs); Rule 14 - 40.003 (prescribing standards for highway

5132landscape projects and including a definition of landscaping

5140that includes man - made amenities in addition to vegetation).

5150The Department di d not evaluate the City's permit application

5160under those rules. In light of the nature and general location

5171of the sign (and the City's characterization of the sign as a

"5183gateway" or entryway sign), the Department did not abuse its

5193discretion in evaluatin g the permit application based upon the

5203policies governing "customized place name signs" rather as an

5212outdoor advertising sign under Chapter 479 4 and Rule Chapter 14 -

522410 or a landscaping project subject to the requirements of Rule

523514 - 40.003.

523859. TEM Secti on 2.7, which was received into evidence as

5249Exhibit R6, establishes the standards for erecting place name

5258signs on state roads. The entire TEM is not specifically

5268incorporated by reference into any Department rule; Rule 14 -

527815.015 incorporates only Section 2.16 of the TEM. Accordingly,

5287the remainder of the TEM appears to be a non - rule policy which

5301the Department must "prove up" each time it is applied. See

5312Section 120.57(1)(e). Neither Petitioner nor the City

5319challenged the validity of the TEM in this pr oceeding, so to the

5332extent that the Department was required to "prove up" the

5342policies in the TEM it is deemed to have has done so.

535460. The sign at issue in this proceeding qualifies as a

"5365customized" place name sign, rather than a standard place name

5375si gn which is described in TEM Section 2.7.5 as a sign having a

5389white legend on a green rectangular background. Accordingly,

5397TEM Section 2.7.6 applies and the sign must meet the following


5409(1) Customized treatment shall be

5414considered only fo r city limits,

5420incorporated municipalities, and counties on

5425State Highways other than limited access

5431highways or freeways.

5434(2) Place name signs located off the

5441State Highway right of way shall conform to

5449Section 479.16(12), F.S.

5452(3) The preferred l ocation of customized

5459place name signs is off the State Highway

5467right of way, where increased lateral

5473clearance can be used. When additional

5479right of way is not available, the

5486Department should authorize placement of the

5492sign within State Highway right of way.

5499Sufficient lateral clearance is particularly

5504important for custom place name signs due to

5512nonstandard designs and sizes.

5516(4) The sign and structure or other

5523treatment shall be located at or in

5530proximity to the geographical boundary of

5536the city or county in the approach direction


5545(5) The proposed installation will not

5551interfere in any manner with other traffic

5558control devices in the area.

5563(6) Existing city limit or county

5569boundary signs and/or nonofficial signs or

5575structures at or nea r the location shall be


5585(7) All signs and supporting structures

5591shall be designed, constructed, and

5596installed to meet the Department’s clear

5602zone and safety criteria including breakaway

5608features. The design shall be signed and

5615sealed by a Pro fessional Engineer registered

5622in the State of Florida.

5627(8) Sign size and lettering shall be

5634appropriate for driver readability without

5639slowing down.

5641(9) Sign information shall be limited to

5648the name of the city or county logo, the

5657words “Welcome To ”, and where appropriate, a

5665regional designation or phrase.

5669(10) The sign and structure shall be

5676completely devoid of any commercial

5681advertising or the name of any political

5688incumbent and of such design and color as to

5697be considered in good taste and

5703a esthetically pleasing.

5706(11) The primary location for custom

5712place name signs shall be along the roadside

5720behind curb and gutter sections. Medians

5726should only be considered if other roadside

5733locations, either on or off State Highway

5740rights of way, are not practical nor


5748(12) Installations in any median shall

5754meet the Department’s appropriate clear zone

5760and safety criteria. Signs shall not be

5767installed in both the median and roadside at

5775a given location.

5778(13) Displays shall be fixed. N o

5785flashing or colored lights nor changeable

5791messages shall be used. However, customized

5797treatment may include interior or exterior

5803illumination. In the absence of lighting,

5809signs shall be reflectorized.

5813(14) Upon approval of a customized place

5820name s ign request, the Department and the

5828local government shall execute an agreement

5834providing for the local government to

5840install and maintain the customized

5845sign/sign supports and all landscaping and

5851shrubbery associated with the installation

5856as well as to de fray the cost of any

5866electrical energy necessary for operation of

5872the sign display. The agreement shall

5878clearly indicate that the Department

5883reserves the right to have the installation

5890modified or removed from within the State

5897Highway rights of way if dee med necessary

5905for any reason.

5908TEM Section 2.7.6.

591161. The City is incorporated, and is located along State

5921Road 693. State Road 693 is part of the State Highway System

5933and is not a limited access highway or freeway. Accordingly,

5943the Sign meets the requ irements of TEM Section 2.7.6(1).

595362. TEM Section 2.7.6(2) applies only to signs located

"5962off the . . . right of way." The sign at issue in this

5976proceeding is located within the right - of - way. Therefore, TEM

5988Section 2.7.6(2) is not applicable. 5

599463. TEM Section 2.7.6(3) provides that the "preferred

6002location" for customized place name signs is off the right - of -

6015way. However, that section authorizes placement of the sign

6024within the right - of - way if sufficient lateral clearance is

6036provided. The preponder ance of the evidence demonstrates that

6045sufficient area outside the right - of - way is not available in the

6059vicinity of the median where the sign is located and that

6070sufficient lateral clearance exists with the sign at its present

6080location. In this regard, th e sign is more than 13 feet from

6093State Road 693 at its closest point. Accordingly, to the extent

6104that the median where the sign is located is determined to be an

6117appropriate location for the sign based upon the other criteria

6127in TEM Section 2.7.6 (which, as discussed below, it is not), the

6139sign meets the requirements of TEM Section 2.7.6(3).

614764. TEM Section 2.7.6(4) provides that the sign shall be

6157located "at or in proximity to the geographic boundary of the

6168city . . . in the approach direction." At the outset, it is not

6182apparent which direction is the "approach direction" for the

6191sign because it is nearly equal distance from the City's

6201northern and southern boundaries. Because the focus of the

6210hearing was on the impact of the sign on the sight - lines of

6224vehicles traveling southbound and, because both sides of the

6233sign (including the north side which faces southbound traffic on

6243State Road 693) include a mosaic, the approach direction could

6253be considered southbound. However, the Department apparently

6260cons iders the "approach direction" to be northbound because the

6270basis of the Department's original "conceptual approval" of the

6279sign was that the Department assumed (incorrectly, as discussed

6288below) that the bridge into the City's "downtown" area from the

6299New Corey Causeway was the City limits and that the "downtown"

6310area was the first urban area within the City encountered by a

6322vehicle traveling northbound on State Road 693. The conclusion

6331that northbound is the "approach direction" is bolstered by the

6341Depart ment's initial mandate (which was later "waived") that the

6352City remove the existing place name signs located adjacent to

6362the northbound lanes of State Road 693. No matter which

6372direction is considered the "approach direction," the sign is

6381not "at or in pr oximity to" the City limits in either direction.

639465. Clearly, the Sign at issue in this proceeding is not

6405located "at" the City's geographic boundary. It is

6413approximately seven - tenths of a mile from the City's northern

6424boundary (State Road 693 and Park S treet) and approximately one -

6436half mile from the City's southern boundary (on the New Corey

6447Causeway at the north end of the Intercoastal bridge to

6457St. Petersburg Beach).

646066. The TEM does not define "in proximity," so it should

6471be given its plain and ord inary meaning. See Southwest Florida

6482Water Management Dist. v. Save the Manatee Club, Inc. , 773

6492So. 2d 594, 599 (Fla. 1st DCA 2000). "Proximate" (from which

6503the word "proximity" is derived) is defined to mean "immediately

6513preceding or following" or "very near." See Mirriam - Webster's

6523Online Dictionary , at www.m - w.com. In light of those

6533definitions, it is clear that the sign is not "in proximity to"

6545the City's boundaries; indeed, the sign is located approximately

6554in the middle of the City.

656067. The Depart ment staff's decision to make an "exception"

6570to the locational requirement in TEM Section 2.7.6(4) was

6579erroneous as a matter of fact and law. Specifically, the

6589Department staff was under the erroneous belief that the City's

6599southern boundary was at the br idge between the causeway and the

6611City's "downtown" area and that the area around the median was

6622the first urban area that a northbound vehicle on State Road 693

6634would encounter. The preponderance of the evidence at the

6643hearing demonstrates that the City' s southern boundary is

6652approximately one - half mile south of the City's "downtown" area

6663at the northern end of the bridge over the Intercoastal to

6674St. Petersburg Beach (which is a different bridge than the one

6685leading into the City's "downtown" area), and t he preponderance

6695of the evidence further demonstrates that there are several

6704condominium complexes between the City's southern boundaries and

6712the City's "downtown" area.

671668. Moreover, as a matter of law, neither the City nor the

6728Department has identifie d any legal authority which would give

6738the Department staff authority to "make an exception" to the

6748requirements of TEM Section 2.7.6(4). While Section 120.542

6756does authorize agencies to grant variances or waivers to their

6766rules, the record fails to demon strate that the procedures in

6777that section were followed in this case. Accordingly, the

"6786exception" granted by the Department staff is legally

6794ineffective, and because the sign is not located "at or in

6805proximity to" the City limits, it fails to meet the r equirements

6817of Section 2.7.6(4).

682069. TEM Section 2.7.6(5) provides that the sign must not

6830interfere with traffic control devices in the area. The

6839preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that the sign will

6848not interfere with the traffic signals at the intersection of

6858State Road 693 and Shore Drive/Matthews Road nor any other

6868traffic control device in the area. Accordingly, the sign meets

6878the requirements of TEM Section 2.7.6(5).

688470. TEM Section 2.7.6(6) requires existing city limit

6892signs "at or near the location" to be removed. There are no

6904such signs "at" the location of the sign at issue in this

6916proceeding. There are, however, existing place name signs on

6925State Road 693, both north and south of the location of the sign

6938at issue in this proceeding which are closer to the City limits.

6950To the extent that the Department considers the sign at issue in

6962this proceeding to be "in proximity to" the City limits, it

6973would also have to consider the existing signs to be "near" the

6985location of the new sign. A ccordingly, TEM Section 2.7.6(6)

6995would require those signs to be removed. 6 If, however, the

7006Department agrees with the determination above that the sign at

7016issue in this proceeding is not "at or in proximity to" the

7028City's boundaries, then it follows that the existing signs are

7038not "at or near" the current sign and they would not need to be


705371. TEM Section 2.7.6(7) requires the sign to be

"7062designed, constructed and installed" to meet the Department's

7070clear zone and safety criteria. Because the median is

7079surrounded by a six - inch mountable curb, the applicable clear

7090zone requirement is four feet from the back of the curb. See

7102Plans Preparation Manual, Section 4.1.2 and Table 2.11.8

7110(received as Exhibit R8). The sign is located more than 13 feet

7122from the back of the curb at its closest point. Therefore, the

7134sign meets the Department's clear zone requirements, and because

7143the sign is located outside of the clear zone, it is not

7155required to be designed to break away on impact. The

7165preponderance of the evidence (particularly Mr. Brown's analysis

7173in Exhibit R10) also demonstrates that the sign meets the

7183Department's sight - distance requirements, which are the safety

7192criteria referenced in TEM Section 2.7.6(7). Accordingly, the

7200Sign meets the requirem ents of TEM Section 2.7.6(7).

720972. TEM Section 2.7.6(8) requires the sign size and

7218lettering to be appropriate for driver readability without

7226slowing down. The lettering on the sign takes up only a small

7238portion of the sign's face, and the location of th e words on the

7252sign and their coloring make them difficult to read

7261(particularly in comparison to the existing place name signs

7270depicted in Exhibit P12). In this regard, neither the City nor

7281the Department presented any credible evidence to rebut

7289Petition er's testimony that the sign is difficult to read when

7300driving past it; indeed, Petitioner's testimony is corroborated

7308by the photographs of the sign introduced by the City and the

7320Department and by the hearsay statement of another City resident

7330regarding her inability to "see the words 'South Pasadena' when

7340passing" the sign. Accordingly, the preponderance of the

7348evidence demonstrates that the sign fails to meet the

7357requirements of TEM Section 2.7.6(8).

736273. TEM Section 2.7.6(9) limits the information wh ich can

7372be displayed on a customized place name sign. The only words on

7384the sign at issue in this proceeding are the name of the City

7397and its motto, "our place in the sun." Accordingly, the sign

7408meets the requirements of TEM Section 2.7.6(9).

741574. TEM S ection 2.7.6(10) prohibits commercial and

7423political advertising on the sign and requires the sign to be in

7435good taste and to be aesthetically pleasing. The sign contains

7445no commercial or political advertisements, and Petitioner has

7453not alleged that the si gn is not aesthetically pleasing.

7463Accordingly, the sign meets the requirements of TEM Section


747375. TEM Section 2.7.6(11) provides that the primary

7481location for a customized place name sign is along the roadside,

7492and further provides that "[m]e dians should only be considered

7502if other roadside locations, either on or off State Highway

7512rights of way, are not practical nor possible." The

7521preponderance of the evidence fails to demonstrate that another

7530location for a customized place name sign was n ot practical or

7542possible. While there may not be any other location for a sign

7554of the size of the sign constructed by the City, that is not the

7568standard in TEM Section 2.7.6(11); the standard is whether other

7578locations are practical or possible for a cust omized place name

7589sign of some kind. Clearly, there are other locations for

7599customized place name signs along State Road 693 because three

7609such signs currently exist. Accordingly, the sign fails to meet

7619the requirements of TEM Section 2.7.6(11).

762576. TE M Section 2.7.6(12) requires structures located in

7634medians to meet the Department's clear zone and safety criteria.

7644As discussed above in relation to TEM Section 2.7.6(7), the

7654preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that the sign meets

7663the clear zone a nd sight - distance requirements. Accordingly,

7673the sign meets the requirements of TEM Section 2.7.6(12).

768277. TEM Section 2.7.6(13) provides that displays shall be

7691fixed, contain no flashing lights or changeable messages, and

7700shall be reflectorized if not illuminated. The sign clearly

7709contains a fixed display, but the record does not reflect

7719whether the sign is illuminated or whether it is reflectorized.

7729However, because Petitioner did not expressly challenge the

7737issuance of the Permit on this ground, it is unnecessary to

7748determine whether the sign meets the requirements of TEM Section


775978. TEM Section 2.7.6(14) provides that upon approval of a

7769customized place name sign request, the Department and the local

7779government shall execute an agreemen t requiring the local

7788government to maintain the sign and any associated landscaping.

7797The record does not reflect whether such an agreement was

7807entered into between the City and the Department; however,

7816because Petitioner did not expressly challenge the i ssuance of

7826the permit on this ground, it is unnecessary to determine

7836whether the sign meets the requirements of TEM Section


784679. Finally, it is important to note that TEM Section

78562.7.6(14) requires the agreement to reflect that the Department

7865r eserves the right to "have the [sign] modified or removed from

7877within the State Highway rights of way if deemed necessary for

7888any reason." This language put the City on notice that its sign

7900may be subject to removal. In light of determinations set forth

7911above that the sign should never have been permitted at its

7922present location, the sign should be removed unless the

7931Department grants the City an after - the - fact variance or waiver

7944pursuant to Section 120.542 for those requirements in the TEM

7954that the sign fails to meet.


7961Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

7970of Law, it is

7974RECOMMENDED that the Department of Transportation issue a

7982final order which dismisses Petitioner's challenge to special

7990use permit No. 02 - K - 799 - 0021 ba sed upon his lack of standing.

8007If, however, the Department rejects that recommendation in

8015its final order and instead determines that Petitioner does have

8025standing, then the Department should issue a final order which:

8035(1) determines that special use perm it No. 02 - K - 799 - 0021

8050was not properly issued because the sign fails to meet the

8061requirements of Section 2.7.6 of the Department's Traffic

8069Engineering Manual; and

8072(2) directs the City to remove the sign unless it obtains

8083a variance or waiver of those requi rements in Section 2.7.6 of

8095the Traffic Engineering Manual with which it does not comply

8105pursuant to Section 120.542, Florida Statutes.

8111DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of December, 2002, in

8121Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.

8125_______________________________ ____


8131Administrative Law Judge

8134Division of Administrative Hearings

8138The DeSoto Building

81411230 Apalachee Parkway

8144Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

8149(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

8157Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


8164Filed with the Clerk of the

8170Division of Administrative Hearings

8174this 31st day of December, 2002.


81811/ Petitioner also called Robert Hicks as a witness, but Mr.

8192Hicks was not permitted to testify because the subject - matter of

8204his testimony (as it was represented by Petitioner) was not

8214directly relevant to issues in this proceeding. Petitioner was

8223given an opportunity to make a proffer of Mr. Hicks testimony

8234for the record, but he chose not to do so.

82442/ Petitioner did not formall y offer Exhibit P5 as an exhibit

8256at the hearing, and the undersigned has not considered it in

8267preparing this Recommended Order. However, because the exhibit

8275was discussed at length at the hearing, it is included as part

8287of the record transmitted to the De partment herewith.

82963/ In Florida Society of Opthamology , the court acknowledged

8305but rejected the broader view of standing advocated by Professor

8315Pat Dore, a noted scholar on Florida's Administrative Procedure

8324Act. Professor Dore suggested that standing should be afforded


8334any person whose important or significant

8340personal concerns will be acted on or

8347changed in some way in a proceeding in which

8356he makes an appearance and in which the

8364substantial interests of a party are

8370decided, settled, or resolved finally by an


8378Florida Society of Opthamology , 532 So. 2d at 1288 n.10 (quoting

8389Dore, Access to Florida Administrative Proceedings , 13 Fla. St.

8398L. Rev. 967, 1065 (1986)). Petitioner meets that test; however,

8408that test is not the law.

84144/ Indeed , the definition of "sign" in Chapter 479 specifically

8424excludes "an official traffic control sign, official marker, or

8433specific information panel erected, caused to be erected, or

8442approved by the department." See Section 479.01(17).

84495/ TEM Section 2.7.6 (2) is counterintuitive because it requires

8459signs located off the right of way to conform to Section

8470479.16(12) which limits the size of the sign to eight square

8481feet while imposing no similar size limitation on place name

8491signs within the right - of - way.

84996 / For the reasons discussed above in connection with TEM

8510Section 2.7.6(4), the Department staff's purported "waiver" of

8518this requirement is legally ineffective.


8526Robert M. Burdick, Esquire

8530Department of Transportation

8533605 Suwannee Stre et

8537Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

8543Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0458

8548Dan Calabria

85507068 South Shore Drive, South

8555South Pasadena, Florida 33707

8559Linda M. Hallas, Esquire

8563City of South Pasadena

85677047 Sunset Drive, South

8571South Pasadena, Florida 33707

8575James C. Myers, Clerk of Agency Proceedings

8582Department of Transportation

8585605 Suwannee Street

8588Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

8594Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0458

8599Pamela Leslie, General Counsel

8603Department of Transportation

8606605 Suwannee Street

8609Haydon Bur ns Building, Mail Station 58

8616Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450


8627All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

863715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

8648to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

8659will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/31/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/31/2003
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 12/31/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/31/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 12/31/2002
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held October 30, 2002) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/16/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Wetherell from D. Calabria certifying that copies of letter were sent to Respondent (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/12/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Wetherell from D. Calabria enclosing attached form of explanation and proof that addresses misstatements of Respondent brief filed.
Date: 12/11/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Ex-Parte Communication issued.
Date: 12/09/2002
Proceedings: Clarification, Restatement and Correction of the Facts as Confirmed by Actual Hearing Testimony, Dan Calabria (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 12/04/2002
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order of Respondent, Department of Transportation filed.
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed by L. Hallas.
Date: 11/14/2002
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (2 Volumes) filed.
Date: 11/12/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Ex-Parte Communication issued.
Date: 11/04/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Wetherell from D. Calabria stating opinions about hearing filed.
Date: 10/30/2002
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 10/16/2002
Proceedings: Order Granting Petition to Intervene issued. (City of South Pasadena)
Date: 10/15/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Wetherell from D. Calabria enclosing copies of documents planned to offer at hearing filed.
Date: 10/15/2002
Proceedings: Documents/Exhibits filed by Petitioner.
Date: 10/15/2002
Proceedings: Witness List of Dan Calabria filed.
Date: 10/09/2002
Proceedings: Respondent`s Witnesses (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/08/2002
Proceedings: Objection to "Petition to Intervene" (filed by D. Calabria via facsimile).
Date: 10/07/2002
Proceedings: Witness List of City of South Pasadena (filed by L. Hallas via facsimile).
Date: 10/07/2002
Proceedings: Petition to Intervene (filed L. Hallas via facsimile).
Date: 09/23/2002
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 09/23/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for October 30, 2002; 9:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Date: 09/20/2002
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 09/12/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 09/11/2002
Proceedings: Special Use Permit filed.
Date: 09/11/2002
Proceedings: Request for Hearing filed.
Date: 09/11/2002
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Clearwater, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (12):