02-003637 Deborah Groen Sobeleski vs. City Of Clearwater And Christopher C. Mariani
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Monday, January 13, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Neighbor appealed from decision granting deviation from dock requirements to allow longer dock. Neighbor did not meet burden for appeal.





13Appellant, )


16vs. ) Case No. 02 - 3637





34Appellees. )



39On November 12, 2002, an appeal hearing was held in this

50case in Clearwater, Florida, before J. Lawrence Johnston,

58Administrative Law Judge, Division of Administrative Hearings



67For Appellant: Maxwell G. Battle, Jr., Esquire

74Battle & Edenfield, P.A.

78206 Mason Street

81Brandon, Florida 33511

84For Appellee City of Clearwater:

89Leslie K. Dougall - Sides, Esquire

95Assistant City Attorney

98City of Clearwater

101Post Office Box 4748

105Clearwater, Florida 33758

108For Appellee Mariani:

111Timothy A. Johnson, Jr., Esquire

116Johnson, Blakely, Pope, Bokor,

120Ruppel & Burns, P.A.

124911 Chestnut Street

127Post Office Box 1368

131Clearwater, Florida 33757


138This hearing officer appeal under Section 4 - 505 of the City

150of Clearwater Community Development Code (Code) is the second of

160two administrative appeals available to an d taken by Appellant,

170Deborah Groen Sobeleski (Sobeleski) under the Code. The issue

179in this second appeal is whether to sustain the decision of the

191City of Clearwater Community Development Board (CDB). The CDB's

200decision, made under Section 4 - 504 of the Code, was to allow

213Sobeleski's earlier Application for Administrative Appeal to the

221CDB from a Development Order (DO) issued by the City of

232Clearwater Community Development Coordinator (CDC) to remain on

240the CDB's consent agenda, which had the effect of de nying the

252Application for Administrative Appeal and confirming the CDC's

260DO without a quasi - judicial hearing for receipt of additional

271evidence. The CDC's DO granted, with conditions, the Flexible

280Standard Development Application filed by Appellee, Christ opher

288C. Mariani (Mariani, or Applicant), and subsequently amended,

296for a deviation to allow construction of a dock exceeding the

30760 - foot maximum length otherwise allowed by the Code.


319The CDB's decision was made on August 20, 2002. Sobeleski

329(Appellant) filed her Appeal Application from the CDB's decision

338on August 26, 2002. On September 20, 2002, Appellee, the City

349of Clearwater (City) referred Sobeleski's Appeal Application to

357DOAH under Section 4 - 505 of Code. However, the refer ral letter

370from counsel for the City explained that the Appeal Application

380was not being forwarded in its entirety. See Finding 11, infra .

392The parties waived the 60 - day deadline for the appeal

403hearing under Section 4 - 505 of the Code, and the appeal hear ing

417was scheduled for November 12, 2002, in the City of Clearwater.

428At the appeal hearing, Appellant argued that,

435notwithstanding the language in Section 4 - 505 of the Code, that

447the sole purpose of the appeal hearing was to receive the

458record - on - appeal a nd hear oral argument, additional evidence

470should be received and considered during this appeal under rules

480of procedure in effect at the time of filing of the original

492application by Appellee, Christopher C. Mariani, on January 18,

5012002. 1 Appellant also moved ore tenus for a continuance to allow

513time to prepare to introduce additional evidence. Appellees

521opposed these requests. Appellant's motion for continuance of

529the scheduled appeal hearing was denied, but ruling was reserved

539for a determination as t o which rules of procedure applied to

551this appeal and the need for an additional hearing for purposes

562of receiving additional evidence.

566Appellant raised three issues in oral argument concerning

574the record - on - appeal previously forwarded by the City. Firs t,

587Appellant contended the record - on - appeal was deficient in that

599it did not contain original documents but only authentic copies.

609On that issue, it was ruled that authentic copies were

619sufficient if not ideal. Second, Appellant contended that

627black - and - white copies of original color photographs presented

638to the City's Community Development Board (CDB) in the

647proceeding below were inadequate; and it was agreed that

656Appellant would substitute color photographs. Third, Appellant

663sought to add items to the record - on - appeal on the ground that

678they should have been received and considered by the CDB in the

690proceeding below. However, Appellant did not make it clear

699exactly what items she thought the CDB improperly failed to

709receive and consider (although this could have been ascertained

718if the City had forwarded the entire Appeal Application with the

729referral to DOAH. See Finding 11, infra .).

737It was ruled that the City should have included the

747complete Appeal Application in its entirety, as filed, with all

757e xhibits, in the referral to DOAH; that documents not received

768and considered by the CDB were not properly part of the "record -

781on - appeal" before to the CDB below; and that whether additional

793items should have been received and considered by the CDB could

804be considered as one of Appellant's points on appeal to the

815hearing officer. After these rulings, the record - on - appeal was

827received over Appellant's objections.

831On December 2, 2002, Appellant substituted color photographs

839for inclusion in the record - on - ap peal, as agreed, and the parties

854submitted proposed final orders, which have been considered in the

864preparation of this final order.

869On December 19, 2002, Appellant filed a complete copy of

879the Appeal Application. This filing made it possible for the

889fi rst time to ascertain exactly what documents the City had

900failed to refer as part of the record - on - appeal in this case and

916what documents the CDC had failed to present to the CDB as part

929of the earlier Application for Administrative Appeal from the

938CDC's D O.


9441. On January 18, 2002, Appellee, Christopher C. Mariani

953(Mariani, or Applicant), filed a Flexible Standard Development

961Application for a deviation from Section 3 - 601.C.1.b. 2 of the

973City of Clearwater Community Development Code (the Code) to

982allow construction of a 101 - foot long dock (98 feet in length

995with a 3 - foot step - down) where 60 feet would be the maximum

1010otherwise allowed by the Code.

10152. The deviation from Code apparently was requested

1023because a Pinellas County Department o f Environmental Management

1032Water and Navigation Report dated November 26, 2001, stated:

1041Seagrass beds are located along this entire

1048property, and extend out to a maximum of 65

1057ft. from the seawall in the area of the

1066proposed dock although it becomes spar se at

1074approximately 60 ft. It is the policy of

1082this Department to limit structures over

1088seagrasses to 4 ft. in width and to place

1097the terminal platforms and boat slips beyond

1104the limits of the seagrasses wherever


11113. At the time the applicati on was filed, Section 4 - 505 of

1125the Code provided that, in an appeal to a hearing officer from a

1138decision of the City of Clearwater Community Development Board

1147(CDB), the record before the CDB could be "supplemented by such

1158additional evidence as may be bro ught forward during the

1168hearing"; and the appellant's burden was to show that the CDB's

1179decision could not be "sustained by the evidence before the

1189board and before the hearing officer."

11954. The "City of Clearwater Planning Department Staff

1203Report for 2/ 14/02 DRC Meeting" recommended flexible standard

1212development approval for a 92 - foot long dock. 3 The stated "Bases

1225for approval" were: compliance with the flexible standard

1233development criteria under Section 3 - 601.C.1.g. 4 of the Code;

1244compliance with the general applicability criteria under Section

12523 - 913 of the Code; and compatibility with the surrounding area.

1264The Staff Report noted: (1) "there are no navigational concerns

1274with the proposed development"; and (2) "the proposal is more

1284environmentally sen sitive than the existing 5 dock and constitute

1294an improvement over existing conditions." The Report also

1302stated that, since only one of the three criteria in Section 3 -

1315601.C.1.g. need be met, similarity to surrounding dock patterns

1324was not applicable but t hat "the proposed dock, as amended, will

1336be similar to surrounding dock patterns."

13425. By letter dated March 5, 2002, Mariani amended his

1352application to: decrease the length of the proposed dock to 95

1363feet; reduce the roof length over the larger capacit y boat lift

1375from 48 feet to 38 feet (to match the roof length over the

1388smaller capacity lift); and reduce the total dock square footage

1398to 476.25 square feet versus the 498 feet previously requested.

14086. On or about April 14, 2002, Mariani submitted to t he

1420City a set of "Dock Plans" for a 92 - foot long dock. 6 The

1435document included "Diagram A Permittable Construction" and

"1442Diagram B Proposed Construction." The apparent purpose was to

1451contrast the dock Mariani would have been permitted to build in

1462the abse nce of seagrasses with his proposed dock. 7

14727. On May 2, 2002, Section 4 - 505 of the Code was amended

1486to provide that the appeal hearing before a hearing officer

1496consists solely of reception of the record before the CDB and

1507oral argument and that the burd en on appeal to the hearing

1519officer is for "the appellant to show that the decision of the

1531[CDB] cannot be sustained by the evidence before the [CDB], or

1542that the decision of the [CDB] departs from the essential

1552requirements of law." Under the amendment, no other evidence is

1562to be considered. 8

15668. By letter dated July 22, 2002, the CDC 9 issued a DO

1579stating concurrence with the DRC's "findings." Except for this

1588reference, the record - on - appeal does not contain any evidence of

1601the DRC's recommendation or a ny written findings by the DRC. 10

1613But the CDC approved Mariani's application, as amended, upon the

1623same "Bases for approval" contained in the "City of Clearwater

1633Planning Department Staff Report for 2/14/02 DRC Meeting," with

1642the following conditions:

16451. That a building permit for the proposed

1653dock only be issued concurrently with, or

1660subsequent to, building permit issuance for

1666a principal, residential structure on the


16732. That the proposed dock be relocated

1680farther east (with the dock head centered on

1688the midpoint of the waterfront property

1694line, as measured at the seawall) and

1701constructed perpendicular to the waterfront

1706property line;

17083. That the relocation of the dock meet all

1717criteria under Section 3 - 601.C.1; and

17244. That revised plans reflecting

1729conformance with condition #2 be submitted

1735with the building permit application, to the

1742satisfaction of staff.

1745The DO then stated: "The approval is based on and must adhere

1757to the site plan dated received April 15, 2002, or as modified

1769by condition #2 ." 11

17749. On July 26, 2002, Sobeleski filed an Application for

1784Administrative Appeal to the CDB from the CDC's decision. It

1794included numerous exhibits. It appears that not all of the

1804Application for Administrative Appeal and attachments were

1811presented to the CDB for its consideration on August 20, 2002.

1822One attachment was a letter dated March 27, 2002, from

1832Sobeleski's attorney to the CDC and the City's Land Planner.

1842This letter had 15 exhibits attached, but the CDC removed

1852Exhibits 9 - 15 from the versio n of the letter presented to the

1866CDB for its consideration. However, the letter stated that

1875Exhibits 10 - 15 were attached for "ease of review," and the CDC

1888separately presented copies of the documents contained in

1896Exhibits 12 - 15 for the CDB's consideration . As for the other

1909exhibits removed from the letter, Exhibit 9 was a computer

1919diskette containing the photographs that were presented to the

1928CDB for its consideration as Exhibits 1 - 8. Exhibit 10 was a

1941letter dated March 6, 2002, from individuals named Bl um to the

1953City Planner stating no objection to the proposed dock. Exhibit

196311 was a letter dated March 7, 2002, from Mariani to the CDC

1976responding to opposition from Sobeleski and another individual

1984to the proposed dock. While Exhibit 11 apparently was no t

1995presented to the CDB for its consideration, it clearly was

2005adverse to Sobeleski's position and was addressed at length in

2015the letter from Sobeleski's attorney dated March 27, 2002. In

202510. On August 20, 2002, the CDB considered the documents

2035described in the immediately preceding Finding, together with a

"2044City of Clearwater Planning Department Summary of Events,"

2052dated August 20, 2002, as well as oral presentations by the CDC,

2064counsel for Sobeleski, and counsel for Mariani. The audiotape -

2074recording of t he oral presentations reveals that, upon the

2084advice of the CDC and the Assistant City Attorney, the CDB

2095attempted to limit the oral presentations to the question

2104whether the CDB should remove Sobeleski's Application for

2112Administrative Appeal from the CDB's consent agenda so as to

2122cause a quasi - judicial hearing to be conducted, or should leave

2134it on the consent agenda, which would result in upholding the

2145CDC's decision. After being restricted by the CDB from

2154addressing the merits, counsel for Sobeleski argu ed for a quasi -

2166judicial hearing for reasons of "public policy." The CDB then

2176allowed counsel for Mariani to address the merits in arguing

2186that Sobeleski had made no showing as to why the CDC decision

2198was incorrect so as to justify a quasi - judicial hearing . 12 The

2212Assistant City Attorney concurred that some such showing should

2221be necessary to justify removal from the consent agenda. After

2231the oral presentations, the CDB voted to leave Sobeleski's

2240Application for Administrative Appeal on the CDB's consent

2248ag enda, thereby upholding the CDC's decision to issue the DO.

225911. On August 26, 2002, Sobeleski filed an Appeal

2268Application from the CDB's decision. On September 20, 2002, the

2278City referred the Appeal Application to DOAH under Section 4 - 505

2290of the Code. However, the referral letter from counsel for the

2301City stated:

2303Please note that I am not forwarding

2310Exhibits 1 - 15 to the Appeal Application.

2318Items 1 - 9 and 12 - 15 are already of record

2330before the Board and are thus otherwise

2337included. Items 10 and 11 were not of

2345record below and are not being included, on

2353that basis.

2355Although the manner in which the record - on - appeal was prepared

2368made it exceedingly difficult to ascertain, it appears that the

2378referral actually failed to forward the entirety of Exhibit B to

2389the Appeal Application, which consisted of letters from

2397Appellant's counsel dated August 16 and March 27, 2002. 13 The

2408documents called "Exhibits" or "Items" in the referral letter

2417actually were Exhibits 1 - 15 attached to the letter from

2428Appellant's counsel dated March 27, 2002. As previously found,

2437the CDC decided not to present to the CDB all attachments to the

2450letter dated March 27, 2002. See Finding 9, supra . For that

2462reason, the Assistant City Attorney "redacted" the Appeal

2470Application by deleting th e items not in fact presented

2480(Exhibits 9, 10, and 11), as well as the items identical to

2492documents separately presented (Exhibits 12 - 15), to the CDB for

2503its consideration. See Finding 11, supra . 14


2514Applicable Procedure and Burden on Ap peal

252112. Under Section 4 - 501 of the Code, the hearing officer

2533has jurisdiction to hear appeals from decisions of the CDB

2543regarding Level One approvals, such as the CDC's DO in this


255513. Section 4 - 505 of the Code, governing hearing officer

2566appeals, was amended on May 2, 2002, and again on July 18, 2002.

2579See Finding 7, supra . It is concluded that those amendments are

2591procedural in nature and apply to cases pending at the time of

2603their adoption. See Life Care Centers of America, Inc. v.

2613Sawgrass Ca re Center, Inc. , 683 So. 2d 609, 613 (Fla. 1st DCA

26261996). As a result, they would apply to this case even if it

2639were considered to have been commenced upon the filing of

2649Mariani's original application on January 18, 2002, instead of

2658upon the filing of eit her Sobeleski's Application for

2667Administrative Appeal to the CDB from the CDC's decision and her

2678Appeal Application from the CDB's decision, both of which were

2688after adoption of the amendments. See Findings 9 and 11, supra .

270014. In its current form as a result of those amendments,

2711the appeal hearing before the hearing officer consists solely of

2721reception of the record before the CDB and oral argument. No

2732other evidence is to be considered. In addition, the burden on

2743appeal to the hearing officer is for "the appellant to show that

2755the decision of the [CDB] cannot be sustained by the evidence

2766before the [CDB], or that the decision of the [CDB] departs from

2778the essential requirements of law." Section 4 - 505.C. of the


279015. While Section 4 - 505.C. of the Code requires the CDB's

2802decision to be sustained by "the evidence," not by "competent,

2812substantial evidence," the Court's discussion of the meaning of

2821that concept in DeGroot v. Sheffield , 95 So. 2d 912 (Fla. 1957),

2833is instructive :

2836We have used the ter m "competent substantial

2844evidence" advisedly. Substantial evidence

2848has been described as such evidence as will

2856establish a substantial basis of fact from

2863which the fact at issue can be reasonably

2871inferred. We have stated it to be such

2879relevant evidence a s a reasonable mind would

2887accept as adequate to support a conclusion.

2894. . . In employing the adjective "competent"

2902to modify the word "substantial" we are

2909aware of the familiar rule that in

2916administrative proceedings the formalities

2920and the introduction o f testimony common to

2928the courts of justice are not strictly

2935employed. . . . We are of the view,

2944however, that the evidence relied upon to

2951sustain the ultimate findings should be

2957sufficiently relevant and material that a

2963reasonable mind would accept it as adequate

2970to support the conclusion reached. To this

2977extent, the "substantial" evidence should

2982also be "competent."

2985Id. at 916 (citations omitted.) It also has been held that

2996whether a decision "departs from the essential requirements of

3005law" amounts to an inquiry into whether the decision - maker

"3016applied the correct law." Haines City Community Development ,

3024658 So. 2d 523, 530 (Fla. 1995) . In this case, Appellant was

3037unable to demonstrate either that the CDB's decision could "not

3047be sustained by the e vidence before the [CDB]," or that it

"3059departs from the essential requirements of law."

3066Findings of Fact Requirement

307016. Notwithstanding the clear appellate review nature of

3078the hearing officer appeal process under current Section 4 - 505,

3089part D of Secti on 4 - 505 still requires the decision of the

3103hearing officer to include findings of fact. This requirement

3112is problematic. Review under Section 4 - 505 of the Code is the

3125second of two appellate reviews available for what the Code

3135calls Level One developmen t approval decisions. See Section 4 -

3146501 of the Code. A hearing officer (Administrative Law Judge)

3156acting in an appellate review capacity is without authority to

3166reweigh conflicting evidence presented below or to substitute

3174his or her judgment for that of the fact finder below on the

3187issue of the credibility of witnesses. See Haines City

3196Community Development v. Heggs , supra , at 530. As such, the

3206only true "findings of fact" that properly could be made at this

3218level of review would be findings reporting what occurred below

3228and what occurred procedurally in this case ( i.e. , in this case,

3240findings as to the preparation of the record - on - appeal.) Such

"3253findings of fact" could report findings below, but such

3262findings are minimal. No findings were made by the CDB during

3273its appellate review below. The DO stated that the CDC

"3283concurred with the findings of the Development Review

3291Committee," but it does not appear from the record - on - appeal in

3305this case that any written "findings" were made by the DRC other

3317than the ultimate findings of fact that can be gleaned from the

3329DRC's Bases for Approval, which were adopted in the DO. In the

3341absence of any other "findings of fact" below, the problematic

3351requirement in Section 4 - 505 of the Code that the Final Order

3364include findings of fact has been met by reciting parts of the

3376proceedings below, including the Bases for Approval.

3383Legal Context of CDB Decision

338817. The decision of the CDB on the first administrative

3398appeal from the CDC's DO was made pursuant Section 4 - 504 o f the

3413Code, which provides in pertinent part:

3419B. Upon receipt of an application/notice of

3426appeal from a Level One approval (flexible

3433standard) from an abutting property owner,

3439the [CDB] shall place the appeal on the

3447consent agenda of the next scheduled me eting

3455of the board. . . . The appeal may be

3465removed from the consent agenda only by a

3473vote of at least four members of the [CDB].

3482If the appeal is not removed from the

3490consent agenda, the decision of the [CDC] is

3498confirmed as part of the consent agenda by a

3507vote of the majority of the members of the

3516board. If the appeal is removed from the

3524consent agenda, the [CDB] shall review the

3531application, the recommendation of the

3536[CDC], conduct a quasi - judicial public

3543hearing on the application in accordance

3549with t he requirements of Section 4 - 206 and

3559render a decision in accordance with the

3566provisions of Section 4 - 206(D)(5) granting

3573the appeal, granting the appeal subject to

3580specified conditions or denying the appeal.

3586C. In order to grant an appeal, overturning

3594or modifying the decision appealed from, the

3601[CDB] shall find that based on substantial

3608competent evidence presented by the

3613applicant or other party:

36171. The decision appealed from

3622misconstrued or incorrectly interpreted the

3627provisions of this developm ent code;

36332. That the decision will be in harmony

3641with the general intent and purpose of this

3649development code; and

36523. Will not be detrimental to the public

3660health, safety and general welfare.

3665While the word construction in Section 4 - 504.C. of the Code is

3678awkward and results in facial ambiguity, it is concluded that,

3688for it to make any sense in context, the "decision" mentioned in

3700paragraph 2 must refer to the decision of the CDB granting,

3711overturning or modifying the decision appealed from, not th e

3721decision appealed from, and that paragraph 3 also must refer to

3732the decision of the CDB for the same reason. For that reason,

3744to prevail in the first - tier appeal to the CDB, an appellant

3757would have to persuade the CDB (after a quasi - judicial hearing)

3769th at the CDC's decision misconstrued or incorrectly interpreted

3778the provisions of the Code. The questions on this second - tier,

3790hearing officer appeal are whether the CDB's decision, made

3799without the benefit of a quasi - judicial hearing, is "sustained

3810by the evidence before the [CDB]" and whether it "departs from

3821the essential requirements of law." Section 4 - 505.C. of the


3833Review of CDB's Decision

383718. Addressing Mariani's position first, the law generally

3845does not require a useless act. See DeWitt v. School Bd. of

3857Sarasota County , 799 So. 2d 322, 325 (Fla. 2d DCA 2001).

3868Mariani argued that the CDC clearly did not misconstrue or

3878incorrectly interpret any Code provision and that a quasi -

3888judicial hearing would have served no purpose. For that reason,

3898M ariani contended, the CDB's decision was sustained by the

3908evidence and did not depart from essential requirements of law.

391819. Under Section 4 - 206.D.4. of the Code, the "burden of

3930proof is upon the applicant to show by substantial competent

3940evidence that he is entitled to the approval requested." Dock

3950requirements are set out in Section 3 - 601 of the Code, which

3963provides in subsection C.1.g. in pertinent part as follows:

3972The [CDC] may grant deviations from the

3979requirements of this section as a Level One

3987( minimum standard) approval provided that

3993signed and notarized statements of no

3999objection are submitted from adjacent

4004waterfront property owners, as well as

4010signed and notarized statements on the

4016Pinellas County Water and Navigation Control

4022Authority permit application. In the event

4028that such statements cannot be obtained,

4034applications for deviations may be approved

4040by the [CDC] through a Level One (flexible

4048standard) approval process based on one of

4055the following:

4057i) The proposed dock will result in no

4065navigational conflicts and the length of the

4072proposed dock will not exceed 25 percent of

4080the width of the waterway; or

4086ii) The proposed dock location needs to be

4094adjusted to protect environmentally

4098sensitive areas; or

4101iii) The property configurations precludes

4106the placement of a dock in compliance with

4114the required dimensional standards; however,

4119the proposed dock will be similar in

4126dimensional characteristics as surrounding

4130dock patterns.

4132Only one of these conditions for approval are required to be

4143met, and there was no question but that Mariani met both of the

4156first two conditions.

415920. Appellant contends that, notwithstanding compliance

4165with Section 3 - 601.C.1.g. of the Code, the CDB erred by not

4178requiring a quasi - judicial hearing on the issue wh ether Mariani

4190met the "General Standards for Level One and Level Two approval

4201conditions" under Section 3 - 913 of the Code, which provides:

4212A. Conditions which are imposed by the

4219[CDC] and the [CDB] pursuant to a Level One

4228or a Level Two approval shall e nsure that:

42371. The proposed development of the land

4244will be in harmony with the scale, bulk,

4252coverage, density, and character of adjacent

4258properties in which it is located.

42642. The proposed development will not

4270hinder or discourage the appropriate

4275d evelopment and use of adjacent land and

4283buildings or significantly impair the value


42903. The proposed development will not

4296adversely affect the health or safety or

4303persons residing or working in the

4309neighborhood of the proposed use.

43144. The proposed development is designed

4320to minimize traffic congestion.

43245. The proposed development is consistent

4330with the community character of the

4336immediate vicinity of the parcel proposed

4342for development.

43446. The design of the proposed development

4351mi nimizes adverse effects, including visual,

4357acoustic and olfactory and hours of

4363operation impacts, on adjacent properties.

4368B. In the event of an express conflict

4376between a particular flexibility criterion

4381and a provision of Article 3, the

4388flexibility cri terion shall govern unless

4394the context clearly implies that the Article

44013 provision should control.

440521. Mariani argues that, under Section 3 - 913.B., Section

44153 - 601.C.1.g. supercedes the requirements of Section 3 - 913.A.

4426But there is no express conflict be tween Section 3 - 601.C.1.g.

4438and Section 3 - 913.A. As a result, it is concluded that Section

44513 - 913.A. did apply. (The CDC's DO seemed to imply as much by

4465making compliance with Section 3 - 913 one of the "Bases for

4477approval." See Findings 4 and 8, supra . In addition, the City

4489argues in its Proposed Final Order that Appellant "failed to

4499show that the General Standards for Level One approval . . .

4511contained in Section 3 - 913 of the Code were not met.") For that

4526reason, it cannot be said that a quasi - judicial h earing would be

4540a "useless act," as argued by Mariani. On the other hand, it

4552also cannot be said, based on the record - on - appeal in this case,

4567that the CDC misconstrued or misinterpreted Section 3 - 913 of the


458022. As previously concluded, no standar ds are provided in

4590Section 4 - 504.B. of the Code to guide the CDB's decision on the

4604question of whether to remove an appeal from its consent agenda

4615for purposes of conducting a quasi - judicial public hearing. As

4626a result, it cannot be said that the CDB appl ied the incorrect


464023. The City suggested that the CBD's decision was

4649sustained by the evidence under either of two possible

4658standards: a requirement that the CDB exercise sound

4666discretion; or a requirement that the appellant make a showing

4676of a co lorable basis for overturning the CDC's DO. It is

4688concluded that the former standard applied and that the CDB's

4698decision should only be overturned if the CDB abused its

4708discretion. Cf. e.g. Smith v. Coalition to Reduce Class Size ,

4718827 So. 2d 959, 961 (Fl a. 2002)("order imposing a permanent

4730injunction lies within the sound discretion of the trial court

4740and will be affirmed absent a showing of abuse of discretion");

4752Aerolineas Argentinas, S.A. v. Gimenez , 807 So. 2d 111, 116

4762(Fla. 3d DCA 2002)(trial court's exercise of discretion to

4771determine forum non conveniens to be upheld if reasonable);

4780State v. Batterton , 784 So. 2d 1259 (Fla. 5th DCA 2001)(motion

4791for new trial addressed to court's sound discretion, which is

4801upheld unless abuse of discretion).

480624. A ppellant argued in her Proposed Order that the City's

4817proposed "showing of colorable basis" standard was met. But it

4827is concluded that the CDB's decision would also be sustained by

4838the evidence under that standard.

484325. Appellant also argued that the CD B erroneously

4852believed that a second - tier appeal to a hearing officer under

4864Section 4 - 505 of the Code would afford Appellant a "full and

4877meaningful appeal" -- essentially, a de novo hearing. But the

4887record - on - appeal does not support this argument. 15

4898Recor d - on - Appeal

490426. A troublesome aspect of this case was the City's

4914handling of the records in the two appeals. In the first - tier

4927appeal, Section 4 - 504.B. of the Code required that the CDB make

4940its decision whether to remove Sobeleski's appeal from the CDB' s

4951consent agenda based on the Application for Administrative

4959Appeal. But the CDC failed to present to the CDB the entire

4971Application for Administrative Appeal for its consideration.

4978See Finding 9, supra . In the second - tier appeal, the City

"4991censored" th e Appeal Application and did not forward items not

5002presented to the CDB for its consideration. See Finding 11,

5012supra . It is concluded that the Appeal Application should have

5023been forwarded to DOAH in its entirety and that, while Section

50344 - 505 of the Code does not specify the contents of the record -

5049on - appeal, it should have included items requested to be

5060presented but, for whatever reason, not presented to the CDB for

5071its consideration. Cf. Rules 9.190(c) and 9.200(a), Florida

5079Rules of Appellate Procedure 16 . While it ultimately was

5089determined that the shortcomings in the handling of the record -

5100on - appeal both below and in this appeal did not require

5112reversal, they added to the time and effort required to fully

5123comprehend and decide some of the issues presen ted.


5133Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5143Law, the Appeal Application is denied, the decision of the CDB

5154is sustained, and the CDC's DO is upheld.

5162DONE AND ORDERED this 13th day of January, 2003, in

5172Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5180Administrative Law Judge

5183Division of Administrative Hearings

5187The DeSoto Building

51901230 Apalachee Parkway

5193Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5198(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5206Fax Filin g (850) 921 - 6847


5214Filed with the Clerk of the

5220Division of Administrative Hearings

5224this 13th day of January, 2003.


52311 / The Planning Department's Staff Summary of Events, dated

5241August 20, 2002, indicates th at the original application was re -

5253filed ten days later. The record - on - appeal includes the re -

5267filed application, not the originally - filed application.

52752 / Either by mistake or in an apparent attempt to make them

5288clearer, some Code citations in the reco rd - on - appeal and in the

5303parties' filings include hyphens or parentheses to separate

5311subsections and paragraphs. But the Code itself uses periods

5320for this purpose.

53233 / The DRC cited to Section 2 - 203 of the Code for "Flexibility

5338Criteria for Docks." Act ually, the criteria are found in

5348Section 3 - 601.C.1.g. Also, it is not clear why the DRC

5360considered Mariani's application to be for a 92 - foot long dock

5372at that point in time.

53774 / The Report incorrectly cited the provision as "Section 3 -


53905 / One of Appellant's issues on appeal and below before the CDB

5403was that this basis for approval was incorrect in that there is

5415no "existing" dock. It appears that the intended reference was

5425to the dock that could have been built without any deviation to

5437mee t environmental concerns.

54416 / For reasons not made clear from the record - on - appeal, there

5456are two filed - stamp dates on the document -- one for April 14,

54702002, indicating receipt by "Development Services Department,"

5477and another for April 15, 2002, indicatin g receipt by "Planning

5488and Development Services." Also for reasons not made clear from

5498the record - on - appeal, the document also bears the notation,

"5510Exhibit C (Site Plan).

55147 / Another issue raised by Appellant on this appeal and below

5526before the CDB was that it was not clear from these "Dock Plans"

5539which alternative was being proposed.

55448 / There was another amendment to Section 4 - 505 on July 18,

55582002, relating to the timing of the appeal hearings.

55679 / Another issue raised on this appeal and below befo re the CDB

5581was that the DO was signed by someone other than the CDC for the

5595CDC. However, there was no indication that the person signing

5605was not properly authorized to sign for the CDC. To the

5616contrary, the Planning Department Staff Summary of Events, d ated

5626August 20, 2002, indicates that the DO was "approved by the

5637[CDC] (Planning Director) through its designee (Assistant

5644Planning Director) . . . ."

565010 / This was another issue raised by Appellant on this appeal

5662and below before the CDB.

566711 / Appella nt contended on this appeal and below before the CDB

5680not only that the "Dock Plans" were ambiguous, as already

5690addressed in Endnote 7, supra , but also that the use of the

5702disjunctive "or" made this condition ambiguous. But it was

5711clarified in proceedings before the CDB that the DO made

5721condition #2 mandatory.

572412 / On this appeal and below before the CDB, Appellant argued

5736not only that it was error to limit her oral presentation but

5748also that the CDB's disparate treatment of the parties was a

5759violation o f due process.

576413 / Because the referral letter "censored" the Appeal

5773Application, it was not clear until much later (when Appellant

5783filed a complete copy of the Appeal Application on December 19,

57942002) what was omitted from the referral. See last parag raph of

5806Preliminary Statement and Finding 11, supra . Until then, it

5816could not even be ascertained that there was a letter dated

5827August 16, 2002, attached to the Appeal Application. (That

5836letter essentially transmitted a copy of the letter dated

5845March 27, 2002, for presentation to the CDB when it considered

5856Sobeleski's Application for Administrative Appeal to the CDB.)

586414 / See also Conclusion 26, infra , for additional discussion of

5875the manner in which the record - on - appeal was prepared in this


589015 / Among the other points - on - appeal not meeting the this

5904standard are those reflected in Endnotes 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, and

591612, supra .

591916 / It may be advisable for the City to amend Section 4 - 505 of

5935the Code to specify the method of preparation of the record - on -

5949appeal, as is done in the court Rules of Appellate Procedure.


5963Maxwell G. Battle, Jr., Esquire

5968Battle & Edenfield, P.A.

5972206 Mason Street

5975Brandon, Florida 33511

5978Leslie K. Dougall - Sides, Esquire

5984City of Clearwater

5987Post Office Box 4 748

5992Clearwater, Florida 33758 - 4748

5997Timothy A. Johnson, Jr., Esquire

6002Johnson, Blakely, Pope,

6005Bokor, Ruppel & Burns, P.A.

6010911 Chestnut Street

6013Post Office Box 1368

6017Clearwater, Florida 33757

6020Cynthia Goudeau, City Clerk

6024City of Clearwater

6027Post Office Box 4748

6031Clearwater, Florida 34618


6040According to Section 4 - 505.D. of the Code, this Final Order is

6053subject to judicial review by common law certiorari to the

6063circuit court.

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Date: 01/13/2004
Proceedings: Remanded from the Agency
Date: 01/13/2004
Proceedings: Order on Remand.
Date: 01/07/2004
Proceedings: Mandate filed.
Date: 12/31/2003
Proceedings: Mandate
Date: 12/08/2003
Proceedings: Order Granting Petition for Certiorari filed.
Date: 06/13/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Johnston from K. De Blaker advising that the appeal case number has changed to 522003AP01152XXXXCV filed.
Date: 05/19/2003
Proceedings: Reply to Respondent City of Clearwater`s Response to Order to Show Cause filed by Petitioner
Date: 05/19/2003
Proceedings: Reply to Christopher C. Mariani`s Response to Order to Show Cause filed by Petitioner
Date: 04/18/2003
Proceedings: Respondent, Christopher C. Mariani`s Appendix filed.
Date: 04/18/2003
Proceedings: Respondent, Christopher C. Mariani`s Response to Order to Show Cause and Response to Petition for Certiorari filed.
Date: 04/18/2003
Proceedings: Request for Oral Argument filed by C. Mariani.
Date: 04/02/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Withdrawal of Respondent City of Clearwater`s Motion to Strike Notice of Filing Transcript (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/12/2003
Proceedings: Respondent City of Clearwater`s Motion to Strike Notice of Filing Transcript (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/24/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Supplement to Appendix to Petition for Certiorari Pursuant to Rules 9.030(c)(3) and 9.100(a), Florida Rules of Appellant Procedure and Section 4-505.D, City of Clearwater COmmunity Development Code filed by Petitioner.
Date: 02/21/2003
Proceedings: Order of Recusal filed by J. Schaefer.
Date: 02/18/2003
Proceedings: Motion to Supplement Appendix to Petition for Certiorari Pursuant to Rules 9.030(c)(3) and 9.100(a), Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure and Section 4-505.D, City of Clearwater Community Development Code filed.
Date: 02/11/2003
Proceedings: Petition for Certiorari Pursuant to Rules 9.030(c)(3) and 9.100(a), Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure and Section 4-505.D, City of Clearwater Community Development Code filed by Petitioner.
Date: 01/13/2003
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 01/13/2003
Proceedings: Final Order issued (hearing held November 12, 2002). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/19/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Documents filed by M. Battle.
Date: 12/06/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Johnston from L. Dougall-Sides enclosing diskette containing Respondent`s proposed final order filed.
Date: 12/04/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Johnston from T. Johnson enclosing disk in word format containing Appellee C. Mariani`s findings of fact and conclusions of law filed.
Date: 12/03/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Johnston from M. Battle enclosing diskette with the proposed orders filed.
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: Appellant`s Proposed Order Granting Ore Tenus Motion for Continuance and Determining Applicable Appellate Procedure (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: Appelant`s Proposed Order Granting Appeal and Reversing Decision of the Community Development Board (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Complete Copy of Apeal Application (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (filed by T. Johnson via facsimile).
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: Respondent City of Clearwater`s Proposed Final Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/02/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Photographic Exhibits filed by M. Battle.
Date: 11/20/2002
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 11/12/2002
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 11/07/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Johnston from L. Dougall-Sides enclosing copies of exhibits requested filed.
Date: 10/02/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for November 12, 2002; 9:30 a.m.; Clearwater, FL).
Date: 09/30/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge York from T. Johnson stating the firm represents C. Mariani (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/26/2002
Proceedings: Notice that this case is now before the Division of Administrative Hearings sent out.
Date: 09/20/2002
Proceedings: Ordinance No. 6928-02 filed.
Date: 09/20/2002
Proceedings: Ordinance No. 6998-02 filed.
Date: 09/20/2002
Proceedings: City of Clearwater Planning Department Staff Summary of Events filed.
Date: 09/20/2002
Proceedings: Appeal Application filed.
Date: 09/20/2002
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Clearwater, Florida
Contract Hearings
