02-003762 Health Options, Inc. vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Monday, March 3, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Federal and state legal provisions do not permit imposition of a durational limitation in present cancer therapies. Accordingly, petition is denied.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 02 - 3762





32Respondent. )



37Admini strative Law Judge Don W. Davis of the Division of

48Administrative Hearings held a formal hearing in this case on

58January 13, 2003, in Tallahassee, Florida.


65For Petitioner: Daniel Alter, Esquire

70Bunnell, Woulfe, Kirschbaum, Keller,

74Mc Intrye & Gregoire, P.A.

79Post Office Drawer 030340

83Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33303

87For Respondent: Ursula Eikman, Esquire

92Agency for Health Care Administration

972727 Mahan Drive

100Building 3, Mail Stop 3

105Tallahassee, Florid a 32308


113This is a proceeding under Section 408.7056, Florida

121Statutes (2002), in which the issue is whether the denial by

132Health Options, Inc. (the Petitioner), of a request that it

142cover additional lymphedema outpatient therapy a fter a

150mastectomy to treat C.B. (the Subscriber), 1 is consistent or

160inconsistent with the rules and laws that regulate managed care

170entities. 2


174This matter involves a coverage dispute about outpatient

182rehabilitation services under th e terms of a group Health

192Maintenance Organization (HMO) contract issued by the Petitioner

200to Atlantic States Bank for the benefit of its employees and

211their eligible dependents, inclusive of the Subscriber.

218In May, 2001, the Subscriber underwent a partia l mastectomy

228of her left breast. Following surgery, she required outpatient

237physical therapy known as decongestive therapy. The Petitioner

245denied coverage for continued therapy beyond a consecutive

25362 - day period.

257By internal appeal to the Petitione r, the Subscriber

266challenged the denial of coverage for further outpatient

274rehabilitative therapy beyond the consecutive 62 - day period from

284the date her therapy began. The Petitioner reaffirmed its

293initial coverage determination. The Subscriber filed an appeal

301with the Statewide Subscriber and Provider Assistance Panel

309(Panel) to hear and review her complaint in accordance with

319Section 408.7056, Florida Statutes. A hearing was then held

328before the Panel by video conference on July 15, 2002.

338On August 2, 2002, the Panel determined that the Subscriber

348was entitled to coverage for continued outpatient rehabilitative

356therapy. On August 27, 2002, the Agency for Health Care

366Administration (AHCA), confirmed this decision and determined

373that the Petitioner shou ld authorize continued decongestive

381rehabilitative therapy for the Subscriber.

386On September 17, 2002, the Petitioner requested a summary

395hearing to contest AHCA’s decision. Subsequently, on

402September 25, 2002, this matter was referred to the Divisison o f

414Administrative Hearings (DOAH) for formal proceedings.

420At the final hearing, the Petitioner presented no witnesses

429and offered one exhibit. AHCA presented the testimony of one

439witness, Dr. Joel Mattison, by telephone, as an expert witness

449on the preva iling medical standard for treatment of lymphedema.

459AHCA also presented two exhibits, a copy of Dr. Mattison’s

469curriculum vitae and a copy of the Women’s Cancer Rights Act of


482The Transcript of the proceeding was filed on January 27,

4922003. The parti es were granted leave to file Proposed Final

503Orders within 20 days thereafter. Both parties have filed

512Proposed Final Orders, which have been reviewed and considered

521in the preparation of this Final Order.


5311. The following facts were stipulated to at hearing by

541the Petitioner and AHCA:

545(i) Effective April 1, 2002, the Subscriber in

553question was enrolled as a participant in a group HMO

563plan issued by the Petitioner to the Subscriber’s

571employer for the benefit of its employees and thei r

581eligible dependents. This plan constitutes an

587“employee welfare benefit plan” pursuant to the

594Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974


602(ii) As a result of breast cancer, the

610Subscriber had a partial mastectomy of her left

618breast. Subs equent to her surgery, she required

626decongestic therapy due to lymphedema.

631(iii) The Petitioner authorized and provided

637coverage for decongestic physical therapy benefits for

644the Subscriber for services rendered from a

651participating provider for the auth orized period of

659August 9, 2001, through October 18, 2001.

666(iv) The Petitioner denied coverage for

672additional decongestic physical therapy beyond the

678authorized period of August 9, 2001, through

685October 18, 2001, on the grounds that the Subscriber’s

694ben efit had been exhausted under the terms of the

704Member Handbook.

7062. The Member Handbook for the Subscriber's HMO, signed by

716Robert I. Lufrano, M.D., the president of the Petitioner’s

725company, establishes the description of the rights and

733obligations of t he Subscriber and the Petitioner with respect to

744the coverage and/or benefits to be provided by the Petitioner.

754Pages 20 - 23 of the Member Handbook requires the preparation and

766review every 30 days of a treatment plan as recommended by the

778Subscriber’s pri mary care physician or authorized provider.

786Further, provisions of the Member Handbook document the

794Petitioner's obligation to comply with state and federal laws

803and regulations and states that the terms of the agreement shall

814be interpreted to comply wit h those laws.

8223. Joel Mattison, M.D., is board - certified in plastic and

833reconstructive surgery. He holds a license in Florida and in

843North Carolina to practice medicine and surgery. Dr. Mattison

852has a specialty in plastic surgery and tropical diseases.

8614. Dr. Mattison's testimony establishes that the most

869common treatment form for lymphedema is a method of massage

879known as decongestic therapy. Lymphedema is the type of problem

889that will reoccur and no current treatment permanently

897eliminates the pro blem. If treatment is not received, the

907patient will suffer swelling of the body part located near the

918problem area causing trauma and infection with fungi and

927bacteria. The decongestic therapy is outpatient post - surgical

936follow - up care in keeping with t he prevailing medical standard.

9485. As established by Dr. Mattison's testimony, the

956massage, which is the prevailing medical standard of care for

966lymphedemas, could be needed in excess of 62 days.

9756. Included in the therapy is the education of the patie nt

987to perform self - massage. The instruction in self - massage,

998however, is only part of the therapy and the other massage

1009should not be discontinued.

10137. The evidence does not establish that the Subscriber

1022received any instruction in self - massage or her ability to

1033perform this function.

10368. In addition, Dr. Mattison testified that lymphedemas as

1045a result of reconstruction and as a result of mastectomy, are

1056indistinguishable without other indication, such as scars or

1064patient history.

10669. Dr. Mattison te stified that lymphedema pumps are

1075available to assist in treatment. While it is hoped that the

1086patient will learn how to use the pump, patients cannot always

1097be depended on to learn to use them.

110510. The evidence fails to establish that the patient was

1115of fered a lymphedema pump or that using the lymphedema pump

1126constitutes the prevailing medical standard.


113411. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1141jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of this

1152proceeding. Section s 120.57, 120.574, and 408.7056(14), Florida


116112. Section 408.7056, Florida Statutes, provides for the

1169establishment of a program to resolve disputes between managed

1178care entities and subscribers who receive health care from such

1188entities. Pe rtinent provisions of Section 408.7056, Florida

1196Statutes, include the following:

1200(3) The agency shall review all

1206grievances within 60 days after receipt and

1213make a determination whether the grievance

1219shall be heard. Once the agency notifies

1226the panel, the subscriber or provider, and

1233the managed care entity that a grievance

1240will be heard by the panel, the panel shall

1249hear the grievance either in the network

1256area or by teleconference no later than 120

1264days after the date the grievance was filed.

1272The agen cy shall notify the parties, in

1280writing, by facsimile transmission, or by

1286phone, of the time and place of the hearing.

1295The panel may take testimony under oath,

1302request certified copies of documents, and

1308take similar actions to collect information

1314and docu mentation that will assist the panel

1322in making findings of fact and a

1329recommendation. The panel shall issue a

1335written recommendation, supported by

1339findings of fact, to the provider or

1346subscriber, to the managed care entity, and

1353to the agency or the depart ment no later

1362than 15 working days after hearing the

1369grievance. If at the hearing the panel

1376requests additional documentation or

1380additional records, the time for issuing a

1387recommendation is tolled until the

1392information or documentation requested has

1397been provided to the panel. The proceedings

1404of the panel are not subject to chapter 120.

1413* * *

1416(7) After hearing a grievance, the panel

1423shall make a recommendation to the agency or

1431the department which may include specific

1437actions the managed care entit y must take to

1446comply with state laws or rules regulating

1453managed care entities.

1456(8) A managed care entity, subscriber, or

1463provider that is affected by a panel

1470recommendation may within 10 days after

1476receipt of the panel's recommendation, or 72

1483hours af ter receipt of a recommendation in

1491an expedited grievance, furnish to the

1497agency or department written evidence in

1503opposition to the recommendation or findings

1509of fact of the panel.

1514(9) No later than 30 days after the

1522issuance of the panel's recommendat ion and,

1529for an expedited grievance, no later than 10

1537days after the issuance of the panel's

1544recommendation, the agency or the department

1550may adopt the panel's recommendation or

1556findings of fact in a proposed order or an

1565emergency order, as provided in cha pter 120,

1573which it shall issue to the managed care

1581entity. The agency or department may issue

1588a proposed order or an emergency order, as

1596provided in chapter 120, imposing fines or

1603sanctions, including those contained in

1608ss. 641.25 and 641.52. The agenc y or the

1617department may reject all or part of the

1625panel's recommendation. All fines collected

1630under this subsection must be deposited into

1637the Health Care Trust Fund.

1642* * *

1645(13) Any information which would identify

1651a subscriber or the spouse, relat ive, or

1659guardian of a subscriber and which is

1666contained in a report obtained by the

1673Department of Insurance pursuant to this

1679section is confidential and exempt from the

1686provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a),

1693Art. I of the State Constitution.

1699(14) A pr oposed order issued by the

1707agency or department which only requires the

1714managed care entity to take a specific

1721action under subsection (7) is subject to a

1729summary hearing in accordance with

1734s. 120.574, unless all of the parties agree

1742otherwise. If the man aged care entity does

1750not prevail at the hearing, the managed care

1758entity must pay reasonable costs and

1764attorney's fees of the agency or the

1771department incurred in that proceeding.

1776(15)(a) Any information which would

1781identify a subscriber or the spouse,

1787relative, or guardian of a subscriber which

1794is contained in a document, report, or

1801record prepared or reviewed by the panel or

1809obtained by the agency pursuant to this

1816section is confidential and exempt from the

1823provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a),

1830Art . I of the State Constitution.

183713. The issue in this case is twofold: whether the

1847Subscriber falls into the class of people intended to be

1857protected by the federal "Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act

1867of 1998” (the Act); and, whether outpatient lymphede ma treatment

1877is required by Section 641.31(31)(a), Florida Statutes, for the

1886Subscriber after her mastectomy.

189014. The Member Handbook is evidence of the existence of

1900the group plan. The Member Handbook also establishes the

1909description of the rights and obligations of the Subscriber and

1919the Petitioner with respect to the coverage and/or benefits to

1929be provided by the Petitioner, inclusive of the Petitioner's

1938obligation to comply with state and federal laws and


194815. Pursuant to provisions of the Act, the Petitioner is

1958required to provide coverage for the Subscriber’s lymphedema

1966treatment. The Act was implemented to provide coverage and

1975quality of care minimums for mastectomies and for breast

1984reconstruction for women who have breast cancer. The Act is

1994codified in Title 29 U.S.C. Section 1185b, which states in part:

2005(a) In general

2008A group health plan, and a health

2015insurance issuer providing health insurance

2020coverage in connection with a group health

2027plan, that provides medical and surgi cal

2034benefits with respect to a mastectomy shall

2041provide, in a case of a participant or

2049beneficiary who is receiving benefits in

2055connection with a mastectomy and who elects

2062breast reconstruction in connection with

2067such mastectomy, coverage for -

2072(1) al l stages of reconstruction of the

2080breast on which the mastectomy has been


2088(2) surgery and reconstruction of the

2094other breast to produce a symmetrical

2100appearance; and

2102(3) prostheses and physical complications

2107of mastectomy, including lymp hedemas ;

2112In a manner determined in consultation

2118with the attending physician and the

2124patient. Such coverage may be subject to

2131annual deductibles and coinsurance

2135provisions as may be deemed appropriate and

2142as are consistent with those established for

2149o ther benefits under the plan or coverage.

2157Written notice of the availability of such

2164coverage shall be . . . .

2171(Emphasis added)

217316. All women who have breast cancer who need mastectomies

2183are covered under this Act. Howard v. Coventry Health Care of

2194Iowa , 158 F. Supp.2d 937 (S.D. Iowa 2001), 3 states the

2205legislative intent for the enactment of the Act was to "ban

2216drive - through mastectomies" and to require that insurance plans

2226cover the costs of breast reconstruction surgeries. See Women's

2235Health and Cancer Rights Act , 1998 WL 235685 (Cong. Rec.), 144

2246Cong. Rec. S4644 - 01 at *S4646 (May 12, 1998). 4 This Act was

2260intended to protect women with breast cancer and to ensure

2270appropriate treatment for complications of mastectomy, including


227817. The code states in Title 29 U.S.C. Section 1185b (e):

2289Preemption, relation to state laws —

2295(1) In general

2298Nothing in this section shall be construed

2305to preempt any State law in effect on

2313October 21, 1998, with respect to health

2320insurance coverage that requ ires coverage of

2327at least the coverage of reconstructive

2333breast surgery otherwise required under this


2340(2) ERISA

2342Nothing in this section shall be construed

2349to affect or modify the provisions of

2356section 1144 of this title with respect to

2364group health plans.

236718. Notably, as set forth in the foregoing federal

2376provisions, if the state law conflicts with the federal law,

2386then the state law preempts. No apparent conflict is

2395discernible between state and federal provisions on the subject.

2404As codif ied in Section 641.31(31)(a), Florida Statutes (1997), a

2414health maintenance contract must provide coverage for outpatient

2422post surgical follow - up care in keeping with the prevailing

2433medical standards after a mastectomy. As codified in Section

2442641.31(32), Florida Statutes, coverage for mastectomy must also

2450include coverage for prosthetic devices and breast


245819. The Florida law requires coverage of care after a

2468mastectomy specifically in Section 641.31(31)(a), Florida

2474Statutes, which states in pertinent part:

2480(31)(a) . . . Such contract must also

2488provide coverage for outpatient postsurgical

2493followup care in keeping with prevailing

2499medical standards by a licensed health care

2506professional under contract with the health

2512maintenance organiz ation qualified to

2517provide postsurgical mastectomy care . The

2523treating physician under contract with the

2529health maintenance organization, after

2533consultation with the covered patient, may

2539choose that the outpatient care be provided

2546at the most medically app ropriate setting,

2553which may include the hospital, treating

2559physician's office, outpatient center, or

2564home of the covered patient. (Emphasis


257120. Both the Florida Statute and the Act use the

2581cost - sharing mechanism of deductibles and coinsuranc e for the

2592plan to impose limitations on the lymphedemas treatment. The

2601plain language of the state statute on mastectomy coverage,

2610Section 641.31(31)(c)2., Florida Statutes, and the federal code,

2618does not permit durational limitation on the treatment.

262621. Coverage limits are stated in the language from Title

263629 U.S.C. Section 1185b(a)(3) as follows:

2642Such coverage may be subject to annual

2649deductibles and coinsurance provisions as

2654may be deemed appropriate and as are

2661consistent with those establishe d for other

2668benefits under the plan or coverage . . . .

267822. Section 641.31(31)(c)2., Florida Statutes, states:

2684This subsection does not prevent a

2690contract from imposing deductibles,

2694coinsurance, or other cost sharing in

2700relation to benefits pursua nt to this

2707subsection, except that such cost sharing

2713shall not exceed cost sharing with other


272123. AHCA seeks a 30 - day review of the rehabilitative

2732treatment plan in accordance with provisions for rehabilitative

2740services set forth on pages 20 - 23 of the Member Handbook, which

2753requires the preparation and review every 30 days of a treatment

2764plan as recommended by the Subscriber’s primary care physician

2773or authorized provider.

277624. Section 408.7056(14), Florida Statutes (2002),

2782concludes with the fol lowing provision:

2788(14) . . . If the managed care entity

2797does not prevail at the hearing, the managed

2805care entity must pay reasonable costs and

2812attorney's fees of the agency or the

2819department incurred in that proceeding.


2825Pursuant to the forego ing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

2835of Law, it is ORDERED:

28401. That the Petitioner reimburse the Subscriber for all

2849lymphedema outpatient therapy received until the date of this

2858Final Order for as long as the Subscriber maintained coverage

2868under the Membe r Handbook;

28732. That the Petitioner immediately reinstate coverage for

2881the Subscriber’s lymphedema outpatient therapy for so long as

2890the treatment is medically necessary and the Subscriber

2898maintains coverage under the Member Handbook;

29043. That a rehabilita tive treatment plan is created in

2914consultation with the attending physician and patient, and

2922reviewed by the Petitioner every 30 days until the lymphedema

2932outpatient therapy is no longer medically necessary; and

29404. That jurisdiction is retained solely fo r determination

2949of the amount of reasonable costs and attorney’s fees to be

2960awarded to AHCA in this proceeding in accordance with Section

2970408.7056(14), Florida Statutes (2002), upon filing of

2977appropriate pleadings by AHCA.

2981DONE AND ORDERED this 3rd da y of March, 2003, in

2992Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3000Administrative Law Judge

3003Division of Administrative Hearings

3007The DeSoto Building

30101230 Apalachee Parkway

3013Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3018(850) 488 - 967 5 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3027Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3034Filed with the Clerk of the

3040Division of Administrative Hearings

3044this 3rd day of March, 2003.


30511/ In view of the provisions of Subsections (13) and (15) of

3063Section 408.7056, Flo rida Statutes, "the Subscriber" has been

3072substituted for the name of the insured.

30792/ Section 408.7056(1)(a), Florida Statutes, defines “managed

3086care entity” as “a health maintenance organization or a prepaid

3096health clinic certified under chapter 641, a prepaid health plan

3106authorized under s. 409.912, or an exclusive provider

3114organization certified under s. 627.6472.”

31193/ A brief summary of this case is: United States District

3130Court, S.D. Iowa, Central Division. Lisa HOWARD, Plaintiff v.

3139COVENTRY HEAL TH CARE OF IOWA, INC., Principal Financial Group,

3149Inc., and Principal Mutual a/k/a Principal Life Insurance

3157Company , Defendant, No. 4 - 01 - CV - 10196 (July 20, 2001). A group

3172of breast cancer patients brought putative class action against

3181health insurer in st ate court, asserting claims for tortious

3191breach of statute, breach of contract, violation of public

3200policy, and bad faith. After removing action, insurer moved to


32114/ After removing action, insurer moved to dismiss. The

3220District Court, Longst aff, Chief Judge, held that: (1) there is

3231no implied private cause of action under provision of Women's

3241Health and Cancer Rights Act addressing required health coverage

3250for reconstructive surgery following mastectomies, and

3256(2) claims for breach of contra ct, violation of public policy,

3267and bad faith were preempted by Employee Retirement Income

3276Security Act (ERISA).


3282Daniel Alter, Esquire

3285Bunnell, Woulfe, Kirschbaum, Keller,

3289McIntyre & Gregoire, P.A.

3293Post Office Drawer 030340

3297Fort Laud erdale, Florida 33303

3302Ursula Eikman, Esquire

3305Agency for Health Care Administration

33102727 Mahan Drive

3313Tallahassee, Florida 32308

3316Lealand McCharen, Agency Clerk

3320Agency for Health Care Administration

33252727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

3331Tallahassee, Florida 3230 8

3335Valda Clark Christian, General Counsel

3340Agency for Health Care Administration

33452727 Mahan Drive

3348Fort Knox Building, Suite 3431

3353Tallahassee, Florida 32308


3362A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

3373entit led to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida

3383Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

3392of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

3400filing the original notice of appeal with the Clerk of the

3411Division of Adm inistrative Hearings and a copy, accompanied by

3421filing fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of

3431Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of Appeal in

3442the Appellate District where the party resides. The notice of

3452appeal must be filed wi thin 30 days of rendition of the order to

3466be reviewed.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 04/01/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Reasonable Costs and Attorney`s Fees and Request for Hearing (DOAH case no. 03-1150F established) filed by Respondent via facsimile.
Date: 03/03/2003
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 03/03/2003
Proceedings: Final Order issued (hearing held January 13, 2003). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/17/2003
Proceedings: Agency`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 02/17/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner, Health Options, Inc.`s Proposed Final Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/27/2003
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 01/13/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 01/08/2003
Proceedings: Order issued. (Respondent`s motion for order authorizing witness to appear via telephonic communication is granted)
Date: 01/07/2003
Proceedings: Amended Motion for Order Authorizing Witness to Appear Via Telephonic Communication (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 01/07/2003
Proceedings: Motion for Order Authorizing Witness to Appear Via Telephonic Communication (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 10/18/2002
Proceedings: Order Granting Joint Motion to Proceed on Summary Hearing issued. (final hearing shall convene at 9:30 a.m., on January 13, 2003 in Tallahassee, Florida)
Date: 10/17/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Summary Hearing issued (hearing set for January 13, 2003; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 10/09/2002
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Proceed on Summary Hearing (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 10/02/2002
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 09/26/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 09/25/2002
Proceedings: Findings of Fact and Recommendation filed.
Date: 09/25/2002
Proceedings: Health Options, Inc`s, Request for Summary Hearing filed.
Date: 09/25/2002
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Agency for Health Care Administration


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):