02-004241 Department Of Agriculture And Consumer Services, Division Of Licensing vs. International Investigators, Inc. And Jorge L. Baro
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, May 6, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent`s violation of a Final Order warrants revocation of licenses.







21Petitioner, )


24vs. ) Case No. 02 - 4241





42Respondents. )



47Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was conducted on

56March 17, 2003, by video teleconference at sites in West Palm

67Beach and Tallahassee, Florida by Florence Snyder Rivas, the

76duly - app ointed Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

87Administrative Hearings.


90For Petitioner: Steve Bensko, Esquire

95Department of Agriculture and

99Consumer Services

101Division of Licensing

104Post Office Box 6687

108Tallahassee, Florida 32314

111For Respondent: Thomas V. Close, Esquire

117Lake Wellington Professional Centre

12112230 Forest Hill Bou levard, Suite 122

128. Wellington, Florida 33414 - 5799


135At issue is whether Respondent committed the violations set

144forth in the Third Amended Administrative Complaint dated

152August 28, 2002, and if so, what penalty should be imposed .


166By Third Amended Administrative Complaint dated August 28,

1742002, Petitioner, Department of Agriculture and Consumer

181Services, Division of Licensing (Petitioner) charged Respondent,

188International Investigations, Inc., Jorge L. Baro, Owner,

195(Respondent or Baro) with violating provisions of Chapter 493 of

205the Florida Statutes. Respondent timely requested a formal


214At the hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of

222Andrew Gluck, Fredrick W. Rustmann, Jorge Baro, and John A.

232Perret - Gentil. Petitioner’s Exhibits numbered 1, 2, 4, 7, 8,

2439, 11, 12, 14, and 16 were received into evidence. The

254Respondent testified on his own behalf but presented no


264A transcript of the hearing was filed on April 7, 2003.

275Following the hearing, an appearance of counsel was entered on

285behalf of Respondent, and the parties requested an enlargement

294of time to April 25, 2003, to file proposed recommended orders,

305which motion was granted. The proposed recommended orders

313have been carefully considered.


3201. At all times material to this case Respondent held a

331Class "C" Private Investigator License, number C87 - 00343, as

341well as a Class "E" Recovery Agent License, number E87 - 00046.

3532. By Final Order dated January 22, 2002 (Fin al Order)

364Petitioner determined that Respondent had conducted or

371advertised the business of a private investigative agency

379without a valid Class A license, and had performed the services

390of a private investigator after his Class C private investigator

400lice nse had been suspended. Baro was fined for this conduct,

411and ordered to cease and desist from such activities until such

422time as he was properly licensed. Baro did not appeal the Final


4353. Baro subsequently violated the Final Order by

443advertising h is availability to serve as a private investigator

453in Palm Beach County, Florida, without first obtaining the

462requisite licensure.

4644. On or about January 14, 2002, in Palm Beach County,

475Florida, Respondent subcontracted investigative work to CTC

482Internat ional Group, a licensed Florida investigative agency. At

491that time, Baro did not have a Florida private investigative

501agency license.

5035. In July, 2001, in Palm Beach County, Florida, Baro was

514working for Mrs. William LeNeve, who was embroiled in a

524conten tious divorce. Baro's services to Mrs. LeNeve included

533concealing her whereabouts from her husband. Desperate for money,

542Baro approached Mr. LeNeve and offered to switch sides and help

553locate Mr. LeNeve’s wife and children for a price to be agreed


5666 . By way of defense, Baro contends that Petitioner is

577conducting a "vendetta" because, "[O]pposing Counsel did not

585appreciate my telling him years ago that I thought what they did

597to me then amounted to nothing short of extortion." See Baro's

608letter to t he Division of Administrative Hearings, dated April 8,

6192003. In a letter to the Division of Administrative Hearings,

629dated March 14, 2002, Baro asserted, "I know that we can clearly

641show that the states(sic)case is unjust and that Mr. Bensko's only

652motiva tion is a personal vendetta. I would very much like the

664opportunity to prove that."

6687. Baro made no attempt to back up the claim of improper

680motivation. To be clear, the record -- both before and after Baro

692was represented by counsel -- is completely devoid of any evidence

703that the Petitioner has acted improperly, or is improperly

712motivated with respect to Baro.


7208. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction

728over the parties and subject matter of this cause pursuant to

739Section s 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

7469. It is Petitioner's burden to prove the violations alleged

756by clear and convincing evidence. Dept. of Banking and Finance v.

767Osborne Stern , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996), Pic n’ Save Central

779Florida, Inc. v. Dept . of Business Regulation, Div. of Alcoholic

790Beverages & Tobacco , 601 So. 2d 245 at 249 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992),

803Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 at 294 (Fla. 1987).

81410. Florida law defines "private investigative agency" as

822“any person who, for considerati on, advertises as providing or is

833engaged in the business of furnishing private investigations.”

841Section 493.6101(15), Florida Statutes.

84511. "[A]dvertising means the submission of bids,

852contracting, or making known by any public notice or solicitation

862of business, directly or indirectly, that services regulated under

871this chapter are available for consideration." Section

878493.6101(6), Florida Statutes.

88112. Section 493.6201(1), Florida Statutes, requires that

888“[a]ny person, firm, company, partnership, or corporation which

896engages in business as a private investigative agency shall have a

907Class A license.”

91013. Pursuant to Section 493.6118(2), Florida Statutes,

917Petitioner has authority to impose disciplinary sanctions against

925a licensee or unlicensed pers on, upon determination that a

935licensee or unlicensed person has violated any of the provisions

945of Section 493.6118(1), Florida Statutes.

95014. Section 493.6118(1), Florida Statutes, provides, in

957pertinent part that:

960(1) The following constitute grounds fo r

967which disciplinary action specified in

972subsection (2) may be taken by the department

980against any licensee, agency, or applicant

986regulated by this chapter, or any unlicensed

993person engaged in activities regulated under

999this chapter.

1001* * *

1004(f) Proof t hat the licensee is guilty of

1013fraud or deceit, or of negligence,

1019incompetency, or misconduct, in the practice

1025of the activities regulated under this


1032* * *

1035(g) Conducting activities regulated under

1040this chapter without a license or with a

1048revoked or suspended license.

1052* * *

1055(k) Knowingly violating, advising,

1059encouraging, or assisting the violation of

1065any statute, court order, capias, warrant,

1071injunction, or cease and desist order, in

1078the course of business regulated under this

1085ch apter.

1087* * *

1090(t) Violating any provision of this chapter.

1097* * *

110015. The evidence in this case is clear and convincing that

1111Respondent advertised private investigative services in West Palm

1119Beach, Florida, at a time when he did not possess the re quisite

1132license and in violation of the Final Order.

114016. There is also clear and convincing evidence that Baro

1150offered to work for his client's adversary in the LeNeve case.

1161This betrayal of trust, standing alone, would warrant revocation

1170of the licenses Baro holds.

117517. Respondent has failed to demonstrate the existence of

1184circumstances which would warrant leniency for his decision to

1193sell out Mrs. LeNeve to her estranged husband. By putting his

1204personal interests -- in this case his "despera[tion] for mo ney"

1215ahead of Mrs. LeNeve's well - being, Baro demonstrated that he lacks

1227the requisite fitness and trustworthiness to perform investigative

1235services. Specifically, his conduct amounted to fraud, deceit,

1243and misconduct while performing the duties of a priva te


125418. Petitioner also contends that Respondent's action in

1262subcontracting investigative work without himself possessing a

1269private investigative agency license provides an independent basis

1277to revoke Baro's licenses. In support of this argu ment,

1287Petitioner relies upon a "legal policy" in effect since 1993 and

1298more fully set forth in Division Legal Opinion number 93 - 37.

1310Petitioner has cited no authority for the proposition that a legal

1321opinion rendered by agency counsel carries the force of statute or

1332rule; therefore, Petitioner has failed to demonstrate by clear and

1342convincing evidence that discipline should be imposed upon

1350Respondent for subcontracting with CTC International Group.

135719. Section 493.6118(2), Florida Statutes, provides, in

1364p ertinent part:

1367(2) When the department finds any violation

1374of subsection (1), it may do one or more of

1384the following:

1386* * *

1389(a) Deny an application for the issuance or

1397renewal of a license.

1401* * *

1404(b) Issue a reprimand.

1408* * *

1411(c) Impose a n administrative fine not to

1419exceed $1,000 for every count or separate


1428* * *

1431(d) Place the licensee on probation for a

1439period of time and subject to such conditions

1447as the department may specify.

1452* * *

1455(e) Suspend or revoke a license.

1461* * *

146420. Pursuant to Rule 5N - 1.113(1)(o), Florida Administrative

1473Code, Petitioner's guideline penalty for an agency’s violation of

1482Section 493.6118(1)(g), Florida Statutes, for conducting or

1489advertising the business of an agency without a valid lice nse

1500ranges from an administrative fine of $250 to $750 to revocation

1511or denial of license. 1

151621. Pursuant to Rule 5N - 1.113(1)(u), Florida Administrative

1525Code, the Petitioner's guideline penalty for a violation of

1534Section 493.6118(1)(k), Florida Statutes, f or violation of a cease

1544and desist order ranges from an administrative fine of $500 -

1555$1,000 to revocation or denial of license.

156322. No guideline penalty exists for the violation of Section

1573493.6118(1)(f) which Baro committed when he offered to disclose

1582Mrs. LeNeve's whereabouts to her estranged husband.


1590Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

1600Law, it is recommended that the Class "C" Private Investigator

1610License and the Class "E" Recovery Agent License, held by

1620Respon dent be revoked and that he be fined $1,500.

1631DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of May, 2003, in Tallahassee,

1642Leon County, Florida.



1649Administrative Law Judge

1652Division of Administrative Hearings

1656The DeSot o Building

16601230 Apalachee Parkway

1663Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1668(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

1676Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


1683Filed with the Clerk of the

1689Division of Administrative Hearings

1693this 6th day of May, 2003.


17001/ Ef fective January 3, 2003, rule chapter 1C - 3, Florida

1712Administrative Code, was transferred to the rule chapter 5N - 1.


1726Steve Bensko, Esquire

1729Department of Agriculture and

1733Consumer Services

1735Division of Licensing

1738Post Office Box 6687

1742Talla hassee, Florida 32314

1746Thomas V. Close, Esquire

1750Lake Wellington Professional Centre

175412230 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 122

1760Wellington, Florida 33414 - 5799

1765Honorable Glenda E. Hood

1769Secretary of State

1772Department of State

1775R. A. Gray Building

1779500 South Brono ugh Street

1784Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0250

1789Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel

1794Department of State

1797The Capitol, Lower Level 10

1802Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0250


1813All parties have the right to submit written exception s within

182415 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

1835to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

1846will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 06/21/2004
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 08/07/2003
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/07/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Ex-Parte Communication issued.
Date: 05/07/2003
Proceedings: Letter to T. Close from J. Baro` inquiring about appeal process (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/06/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/06/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 05/06/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held March 17, 2003) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/29/2003
Proceedings: (Proposed) Final Order (filed by T. Close via facsimile).
Date: 04/25/2003
Proceedings: (Proposed) Final Order (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 04/25/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/16/2003
Proceedings: (Joint) Stipulation Regarding Final Hearing filed.
Date: 04/14/2003
Proceedings: Order Approving Stipulation and Cancelling Hearing issued. (the hearing schedule for April 17, 2003, is cancelled, the parties are to submit their proposed recommended orders on or before April 25, 2003)
Date: 04/10/2003
Proceedings: (Joint) Stipulation Regarding Final Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/08/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Rivas from J. Baro` requesting more time to prepare case (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/07/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Witness List and Exhibit List April 17, 2003 Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 04/07/2003
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 04/01/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference issued (video hearing set for April 17, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 03/24/2003
Proceedings: Motion to Continue Time for Taking Evidence (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 03/18/2003
Proceedings: Letter to S. Bensko from J. Baro regarding resolving this case amicably (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/17/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 03/14/2003
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Rivas from J. Baro requesting continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/06/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Witness List and Exhibit List March 17, 2003 Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 02/18/2003
Proceedings: Order issued. (ordered that the style is amended accordingly)
Date: 02/12/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Name Change filed.
Date: 12/19/2002
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Video Teleconference issued (video hearing set for March 17, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 12/17/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Interrogatories Propounded to Petitioner (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 12/17/2002
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/10/2002
Proceedings: Response to Request for Admissions filed by Respondent.
Date: 12/03/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference issued (video hearing set for January 17, 2003; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/15/2002
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order by Respondents filed.
Date: 11/07/2002
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 11/07/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Discovery filed by Petitioner.
Date: 11/07/2002
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed by Petitioner.
Date: 11/01/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 10/30/2002
Proceedings: Third Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 10/30/2002
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Hearing and Response to Third Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 10/30/2002
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):