02-004356 In Re: Petition For Rule Creation - Cocohatchee Community Development District vs. *
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, February 17, 2003.

View Dockets  
Summary: Establishment of new Community Development District in Lee County; local public hearing held; evidence was that all statutory "factors" were met.




14CREATION - COCOHATCHEE ) Case No. 02 - 4356





41Pursuant to Section 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes,

47J. Lawrence Johnston, Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) of the

56Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH), conducted a local

64public hearing, in Bonita Springs, Florida, on January 22, 2003.


75For Petitioner: Kenza van Assenderp

80Young, van Assenderp,

83Varnadoe & Anderson, P.A.

87225 South Adams Street, Suite 200

93Tallahassee, Florida 32301


100At "issue" in this hearing was the Petition for Rulemaking

110to Establish a Uniform Community Development District, dated

118October 10, 2002 (Petition). The Petition, filed by Beach Road

128Development Company L.L.C., requested that the Florida Land and

137Water Adjudicatory Commission (FLWA C) adopt a rule to establish

147a state - chartered uniform community development district, to be

157called the Cocohatchee Community Development District, on

164certain property in Lee County, Florida. The hearing was for

174purposes of gathering information in antici pation of quasi -

184legislative rulemaking by FLWAC.


190After the Petition was filed, a local public hearing was

200duly scheduled, noticed, advertised, and held in Bonita Springs,

209Florida, on January 22, 2003. At the hearing, Petitioner

218p resented five witnesses, whose names and addresses are listed

228in Appendix A to this Report, and had two exhibits admitted into

240evidence: Petitioner's Exhibit 1, a print - out copy of an e - mail

254from Assistant Lee County Attorney, Dawn Perry - Lehnert,

263indicati ng that she would not be participating in the hearing

274because her client, the Lee County Board of County

283Commissioners, adopted a resolution in support of establishment;

291and Petitioner's Pre - hearing Statement and Composite Exhibit 2,

301A through L. These ex hibits are more fully described in

312Appendix B to this Report.

317The Transcript of the local public hearing was filed on

327February 4, 2003. Petitioner filed a Proposed Report to FLWAC,

337which is essentially adopted and incorporated into this Report.

346Refere nces in the Report to "Tr." are to the cited page of the

360Transcript. References to "Q." are to the cited question and

370answer contained in that witness's prepared testimony.


380A. The Petition

3831. A copy of the Petition was filed with Le e County, along

396with a $15,000 filing fee, on September 27, 2002. On

407October 10, 2002, the Petition was filed with FLWAC.

4162. The Petition (Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 2, B - 1

426through B - 8) invokes the statutory charter created by the

437Legislature in Sec tions 190.006 - 190.046, Florida Statutes

446(2001), as amended, and requests establishment of the

454Cocohatchee Community Development District (the District or CDD)

462on 1,298 acres, more or less, in unincorporated Lee County,

473Florida, bounded on the north by unin corporated Lee County, on

484the east and south by the Lee County line, and on the west by a

499section of land undergoing review for a residential planned

508development. Petitioner's Exhibit 2 gives a metes and bounds

517description of the proposed Cocohatchee CDD.

5233. The property within the proposed boundary of the

532District and established thereon contains no enclaves.

5394. The Petition alleges that the owners of all of the

550proposed real property to be included in the CDD have given

561written consent to the estab lishment of the Cocohatchee CDD.

571Exhibit 3 to the Petition contains documentation constituting

579written consent of the owners of one hundred percent (100%) of

590the property to be included.

5955. The Petition names the five persons to be appointed by

606the ru le to serve as members of the initial Board of Supervisors

619until replaced by elected members.

6246. The Petition identifies the major trunk waterlines,

632sewer interceptors, and outfalls on the proposed property to be

642serviced by the CDD. Exhibit 4 to the Pe tition depicts the

654location of these public facilities.

6597. The Petition sets forth in Exhibit 5 a proposed

669timetable and schedule of estimated costs for the construction

678of the proposed facilities. Total costs projected for the

687construction period of si x years are $56,638,000.00 for water

699management, right - of - way (ROW) improvements, perimeter

708landscaping, wetland mitigation, and offsite improvements.

7148. The Petition alleges its Exhibit 6 - A is the future land

727use map of the Lee County Comprehensive Plan . The land area

739within the proposed District is designated "Rural Wetlands."

747Exhibit 6 - C attached to the Petition is a letter from the

760Department of Community Affairs (DCA) determining that the Lee

769County Comprehensive Plan is in compliance. Exhibit 6 - D

779attached to the Petition is DCA's Notice of Intent.

7889. The Petition includes Exhibit 7, which is a Statement

798of Estimated Regulatory Costs.

80210. The Petition alleges that Petitioner paid $15,000 to

812Lee County on September 27, 2002, as filing fees (Peti tioner's

823Composite Exhibit 2, C).

827B. Local Hearings

83011. On January 14, 2003, the state - chartered Lee County

841Commission held an optional local public hearing under Section

850190.005(1)(c), Florida Statutes, concerning establishment of the

857state - chartered C DD on the proposed property. At the conclusion

869of the optional local public hearing, Lee County adopted and

879filed a resolution in support of the CDD, Lee County Resolution

89003 - 01 - 25 (Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 2, D).

90012. All procedural requirements f or transmittals and

908notice were met, as set forth in Petitioner's Composite Exhibit

9182, D - H. Petitioner duly advertised the local public hearing

929to be conducted by DOAH on January 22, 2003, in an appropriate

941local newspaper in the four weeks immediately prior to the local

952public hearing. Publication dates were December 24 and 31,

9612002, and January 7 and 14, 2003, as confirmed by the newspaper

973affidavit and copies of tear sheets, Petitioner's Composite

981Exhibit 2, H.

98413. The DOAH hearing was commenced te n minutes after the

995noticed and scheduled time in order to give any persons who

1006wanted to attend, as a result of the notice, ample time to

1018attend before the hearing began (Tr. 1).

102514. John Gleeson, vice president of Resource Conservation

1033Properties, wh ich is Petitioner's managing member, testified

1041that the approximately 1,280 acres proposed for the District are

1052located about 4 and 1/2 miles east of I - 75 at the Bonita Beach

1067Road interchange surrounded by preserve to the south and the

1077east and a future pr eserve to the north and by agricultural and

1090future development of another landowner to the west. Currently,

1099the land is about 90 percent in tomato row - crop production, and

1112it is anticipated to develop approximately 1,200 units and 36

1123holes of golf on the project. Gleeson then testified that in

1134working with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)

1143in getting the appropriate permit, the landowner - developer

1152provided two flow - ways for SFWMD to use to reestablish the

1164Cocohatchee Drainage Basin Water Flow - Way. The purpose is to

1175drain water from the preserve eventually down to the Cocohatchee

1185Drainage Basin and into the Cocohatchee River in the neighboring

1195county, Collier County (Tr. 5 - 6). Gleeson stated that the name

1207of the project is not yet determ ined but that, as a result of

1221the Flow - Way, the District was named the Cocohatchee CDD. He

1233estimated that site work would commence later this year with

1243sales for the end of the year. Gleeson testified further that

1254the District will help acquire and manag e assets primarily

1264composed of the parts of the SFWMD Flow - Way and the lakes on

1278site, as well as constructed road access to the adjacent

1288sections (Tr. 6). Gleeson then reviewed and authenticated

1296Petitioner's Pre - hearing Statement and Composite Exhibit 2 ( Tr.

13073) for receipt in evidence. Gleeson then described the other

1317witnesses of the Petitioner's team who were present and the

1327responsibilities assigned to each team member (Tr. 7).

1335Thereafter, Gleeson testified that basic utilities will be

1343provided by the development company, privately funded (Tr. 13).

135215. Carey Garland was the next witness. He was tendered

1362and accepted as an expert witness authorized and capable of

1372rendering opinion testimony about the delivery and financing of

1381different types of inf rastructure and maintenance so as to

1391enable him to prepare and render opinions about a Statement of

1402Estimated Regulatory Costs. Garland testified that he prepared

1410the required Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs in Exhibit

14197 to the Petition (Petitione r's Composite Exhibit 2, B). He

1430then summarized the focus of a Statement of Estimated Regulatory

1440Costs as being the costs to various local and state agencies and

1452other private entities from the District government being

1460established, as listed under Sectio n 120.54, Florida Statutes.

1469He then testified that he had applied these statutory

1478requirements to the Cocohatchee District and did not discover

1487any unusual problem or matter that needed to be pointed out to

1499the ALJ, or to the Governor and members of the C abinet (Tr. 15 -


151516. The next witness was Robert D. Hutcherson, a planner

1525with the firm of WilsonMiller, Inc., who was tendered and

1535accepted as an expert capable of rendering expert opinion

1544testimony about the planning aspects of establishing a commun ity

1554development district as an alternative mechanism to deliver

1562infrastructure (Tr. 23). Hutcherson testified that he applied

1570the six factors in Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida Statutes, from

1579his perspective as a planner. As to factor one, he stated that

1591the Petition from his perspective was true and correct. As to

1602factor two, he stated that he had reviewed both the state plan

1614and the Lee County Comprehensive Plan and found establishment of

1624the District not to be inconsistent with either. Regarding

1633facto r three, he found the land area to be sufficiently compact

1645and contiguous and of sufficient size to be developable as one

1656functional inter - related community. Regarding factor four, he

1665determined that the District would be the best alternative to

1675deliver t he community development services and facilities.

1683Regarding factor five, he found that there would be no

1693incompatibility with the capacity and uses of local and regional

1703community development services and facilities; regarding factor

1710six, he determined th at the land area is amenable to separate

1722special district government (Tr. 24 - 25). He adopted

1731Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 2, K, the planning "white paper"

1740he prepared which details his opinions (Tr. 23). He then

1750testified that he had not discovered any unusual problem or

1760matter that needed to be disclosed or brought to the attention

1771of the ALJ, or to FLWAC, which he stated was his primary purpose

1784for applying the six statutory factors in order to see if there

1796were anything he could discover that should be reported (Tr. 25 -


180917. The next witness was Joshua R. Evans, who was tendered

1820and accepted as an expert Board Certified Engineer capable of

1830rendering opinion testimony about alternative delivery of basic

1838infrastructure for community development (T r. 27 - 28). Evans

1848then testified that he had prepared Petitioner's Composite

1856Exhibit 2, K, the engineering "white paper," which reviewed each

1866factor listed in Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida Statutes, from

1874the perspective of any special engineering problems that are

1883related to District establishment (Tr. 28). As to the first

1893factor, he found the Petition to be correct and that there were

1905no special engineering problems evident from his review (Tr. 28 -

191629). He then discussed the second factor, finding no pro blems

1927or places in the legal description that would cause problems so

1938that there were no special engineering problems with regard to

1948consistency with the state plan (Tr. 29). He then discussed the

1959third factor and found that there were no special engineer ing

1970problems and that the land area was of sufficient size,

1980contiguity, and compactness (Tr. 29). Believing it logical to

1989go next to factor six, he determined that the land area is

2001amenable for special district governance and that there were no

2011existing l and features, facilities, encumbrance, or restrictions

2019that would make services or special utilities of the District

2029difficult to provide, so that there were no special engineering

2039problems evident during his review (Tr. 29 - 30). Believing it

2050logical to go next to factor five, he determined that the

2061District would not be incompatible with any existing community

2070development district systems, facilities, or services, and with

2078any authorized, and that there were no special engineering

2087problems evident comparin g that to the District (Tr. 30). He

2098concluded with factor four and determined that the District is

2108the best alternative (Tr. 30). He then summarized all of his

2119testimony to the effect that he had determined no special

2129problem or unusual situation to brin g to the attention of the

2141Judge, or the Governor and members of the Cabinet (Tr. 30).

215218. The next witness was Jim Ward, vice president of

2162Operations, Severn Trent Services, which has managed over 140

2171community development districts, of which Ward has ha ndled about

218140 personally (Tr. 31). He then responded to a variety of

2192questions regarding his experience and capabilities in managing

2200Districts and in working with landowners on alternative ways to

2210provide infrastructure, both management and financing asp ects,

2218and distinguishing the District as a special purpose local

2227government from general purpose local governments and related

2235matters (Tr. 31 - 34). Ward was then tendered and accepted as an

2248expert capable of rendering opinion testimony about the CDD as

2258an alternative way to provide infrastructure, the management of

2267that alternative, and the various financing aspects that attend

2276to that alternative (Tr. 34). Ward then testified that he is

2287familiar with the land area proposed for establishing the

2296District, that he had worked with Gleeson, Garland, the

2305engineer, and the planner on this establishment Petition. Ward

2314then testified that he was not aware of any particular problems

2325or concerns he would face about his ability to manage the

2336District if it is establ ished on the property and that there is

2349nothing he would deem important enough that would require being

2359pointed out to the ALJ with regard to any problem in

2370establishment and operation of this District (Tr. 34 - 35). In

2381response to a question from the Admin istrative Law Judge, Ward

2392explained that he forms his initial feeling about whether a

2402proposed development is operated better under a CDD, as opposed

2412to any other method, by first reviewing the location, continuity

2422of ownership of the property itself, and what the ultimate land -

2434use will be. He then looks at the kinds of amenities to be

2447constructed within the property that would be required to be

2457operated by a government entity, the provision of long - term

2468infrastructure services and the management of those services

2476(Tr. 35 - 36). He then contrasted the location of Cocohatchee

2487with property in a downtown area, where it might be better in a

2500redevelopment study to use a community redevelopment agency or

2509some sort of other kind of alternative; he stated further t hat

2521he would look at the size of the government itself and the

2533nature and value that the amenities the developer proposes to

2543provide for its residents so that from there he can make a

2555determination whether a municipal agency, a dependent district,

2563or an in dependent district, in this case a community development

2574district, is best. Finally, he thought the District on this

2584proposed property would request at least optional park and

2593security powers (Tr. 36 - 37). As to security powers, he stated

2605that the Distric t can enter into an interlocal agreement with

2616the applicable county or city police function (Tr. 37). Ward

2626then stated that a number of the Districts he manages have

2637agreements with the local police department or the sheriff's

2646office to provide additional services within the District

2654boundary, ranging from police officers for specified services to

2663directing patrol for specific areas to include 365, seven - day - a -

2677week coverage, or related options. He also said that districts

2687may use private security services for such things as manning a

2698guard house or watching over facilities or something of that

2708nature and that the District does not have pure police power,

2719power to issue tickets and fine and arrest people but rather

2730enters into agreements with a local enforc ement department for

2740such a function (Tr. 37 - 38).

274719. With reference to Petitioner's Exhibit 1, no one from

2757Lee County was present. But, as indicated, Petitioner's

2765Composite Exhibit 2, D, constitutes the Resolution of the Board

2775of County Commissioners o f Lee County in support of

2785establishment of the District.

278920. The ALJ polled the audience and determined that no one

2800had appeared in response to the notice other than the Petitioner

2811and its staff (Tr. 2). This fact remained consistent through to

2822the ter mination of the hearing so that there were no questions,

2834evidence, or testimony from anyone else because no one was

2844present. The local public hearing was concluded at 2:00 p.m.


2856A. General

285821. Under Section 190.003(6), Florida Statutes, a

"2865community development district" is a local unit of special -

2875purpose government which is created pursuant to this act and

2885limited to the performance of those specialized functions

2893authorized by this act; the boundaries of which are contained

2903wholly within a single county; the governing head of which is a

2915body created, organized, and constituted and authorized to

2923function specifically as prescribed in this act for the delivery

2933of urban community development services; and the formation,

2941powers, governing bod y, operation, duration, accountability,

2948requirements for disclosure, and termination of which are as

2957required by general law.

296122. Section 190.011, Florida Statutes, enumerates the

2968general powers of CDDs. These general powers are to enable the

2979District t o exercise its single specialized narrow growth

2988management purpose. State v. Frontier Acres Community

2995Development District , 472 So. 2d 455 (Fla. 1985) . They include

3006the powers to organize itself, to hire contract with

3015consultants, to have a seal, to sue and be sued, and related

3027governmental powers.

302923. Section 190.012, Florida Statutes, lists special

3036powers of CDDs. Subject to the regulatory power of all

3046applicable government agencies, CDDs may plan, finance, acquire,

3054construct, enlarge, operate, and maintain systems and facilities

3062for water management; water supply, sewer, and wastewater

3070management; district roads meeting minimum county

3076specifications; and certain projects within or without the

3084district pursuant to development orders from local gover nments.

3093After obtaining the consent of the applicable local general

3102purpose government, a CDD may have the same powers with respect

3113to using the following "optional" systems, facilities, and

3121services already granted to the District by its general law

3131char ter: parks and recreation, fire prevention, school

3139buildings, security, mosquito control, and waste collection and


314824. Section 190.005(1), Florida Statutes, provides that

3155the sole means for establishing a community development district

3164of 1,00 0 acres or more shall be by rule adopted by FLWAC

3178granting a petition for the establishment of a CDD. (Section

3188190.005(2) provides that, for CDDs on proposed property of less

3198than 1,000 acres, the county in which the proposed CDD is to be

3212situated may est ablish a CDD under the same requirements

3222discussed below.)

322425. Section 190.005(1)(a), Florida Statutes, requires that

3231the petition be filed with FLWAC and submitted to the County.

3242The petition must describe by metes and bounds the area to be

3254serviced by the CDD with a specific description of real property

3265to be excluded from the district. The petition must set forth

3276that the petitioner has the written consent of the owners of all

3288of the real property proposed to be in the CDD, or has control

3301by "deed, t rust agreement, contract or option" of all of the

3313real property. The petition must designate the five initial

3322members of the board of supervisors of the CDD and the

3333District's name. The petition must contain a map showing

3342current major trunk water mains and sewer interceptors and

3351outfalls, if any.

335426. Section 190.005(1)(a), Florida Statutes, also requires

3361that the petition propose a timetable for construction and an

3371estimate of construction costs. The petition must designate

3379future general distribution , location, and extent of public and

3388private uses of land in the future land use element of the

3400appropriate general purpose local government. The petition must

3408contain a Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs.

341527. Section 190.005(1)(b), Florida Statute s, requires that

3423the petitioner pay a filing fee of $15,000 to the county and to

3437each municipality whose proposed boundaries are within or

3445contiguous to the CDD. The petitioner also must serve a copy of

3457the petition on those local, general - purpose governm ents.

346728. Section 190.005(1)(c), Florida Statutes, permits the

3474county and each municipality described in the preceding

3482paragraph to conduct a public hearing on the petition. Such

3492local, general - purpose governments may then present resolutions

3501to FLWAC a s to the establishment of a CDD on the property

3514proposed in the Petition.

351829. Section 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes, requires an

3525ALJ to conduct a local public hearing pursuant to Chapter 120,

3536Florida Statutes. The hearing "shall include oral and writt en

3546comments on the petition pertinent to the factors specified in

3556paragraph (e)." Section 190.005(1)(d) specifies that the

3563petitioner publish notice of the local public hearing once a

3573week for the four successive weeks immediately prior to the


3584B . Factors by Law to be Considered for Granting or

3595Denying Petition

359730. Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida Statutes, provides that

3604FLWAC consider the entire record of the local hearing, the

3614transcript of the hearing, resolutions adopted by local genera l -

3625purpose governments as provided in paragraph (c), and the

3634following factors and make a determination to grant or deny a

3645petition for the establishment of a community development


36541. Whether all statements contained within the

3661petition have bee n found to be true and correct.

36712. Whether the establishment of the district is

3679inconsistent with any applicable element of the effective local

3688government comprehensive plan.

36913. Whether the area of land within the district is of

3702sufficient size, is suf ficiently compact, and is sufficiently

3711contiguous to be developable as one functional interrelated


37204. Whether the district is the best alternative

3728available for delivering community development services and

3735facilities to the area that will be served by the district.

37465. Whether the community development services and

3753facilities of the district will be incompatible with the

3762capacity and uses of existing local and regional community

3771development services and facilities.

37756. Whether the area tha t will be served by the

3786district is amenable to separate special - district government.


3803A. Procedural Requirements

380631. The evidence was that Petitioner satisfied the

3814procedural requirements for the es tablishment of a CDD on the

3825proposed property by paying the $15,000 filing fee, filing a

3836petition in the proper form and with the required attachments,

3846and publishing statutory notice of the local public hearing.

3855B. Six Factors of Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida Statutes

386332. The evidence was that the statements in the Petition

3873and its attachments are true and correct.

388033. The evidence was that establishment by rule of the

3890District on the proposed property in the petition is not

3900inconsistent with the St ate and Lee County Comprehensive Plans.

3910(Usually, through efficient provision of certain infrastructure,

3917typically concurrent with the impacts of development, a

3925properly - established CDD serves several provisions of

3933comprehensive plans.)

393534. The evidenc e was that the size, compactness, and

3945contiguity of the proposed land area are sufficient for it to be

3957developable as one functional interrelated community.

396335. The evidence was that the CDD is the best alternative

3974presently available for delivering comm unity development

3981systems, facilities, and services to the proposed land area.

399036. The evidence was that the services and facilities

3999provided by the CDD will be compatible with the capacity and

4010uses of existing local and regional community development

4018s ervices and facilities.

402237. The evidence was that the proposed area to be served

4033by the state chartered CDD is amenable to separate special -

4044district government.


4047Based on the record evidence, the Petition meets all

4056statutory requirements, and t here appears to be no reason not to

4068grant the Petition and establish the proposed Cocohatchee

4076Community Development District by rule. For purposes of

4084drafting such a rule, a metes and bounds description of the

4095proposed Cocohatchee CDD may be found in Appe ndix B,

4105Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 2, B, 3; and the five persons

4115designated to serve as the initial members of the Board of

4126Supervisors of the Cocohatchee CDD are identified in paragraph 5

4136of the Petition, a copy of which is found in Petitioner's

4147Compo site Exhibit 2, B.

4152DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of February, 2003, in

4162Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4170Administrative Law Judge

4173Division of Administrative Hearings

4177The DeSoto Building

41801230 Apa lachee Parkway

4184Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4189(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

4197Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4204Filed with the Clerk of the

4210Division of Administrative Hearings

4214this 17th day of February, 2003.


4223Donna Ard uin, Secretary

4227Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission,

4233Room 2105, The Capitol

4237Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001

4242Barbara Leighty

4244Growth Management and Strategic Planning

4249The Capitol, Room 2105

4253Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001

4258Dawn Perry - Lehnert, Es quire

4264Lee County Attorney's Office

4268Post Office Box 398

4272Fort Myers, Florida 33902

4276Raquel Rodriguez, Esquire

4279Office of the Governor

4283Room 209, The Capitol

4287Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1001

4292Kenza van Assenderp, Esquire

4296Young, van Assenderp, Varnadoe & Anders on, P.A.

4304225 South Adams Street, Suite 200

4310Tallahassee, Florida 32301

4313Cari L. Roth, General Counsel

4318Department of Community Affairs

43222555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Room 325

4328Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100

4333David Burr, Executive Director

4337Southwest Florida Re gional Planning Council

4343Post Office Box 3455

4347North Fort Myers, Florida 33918 - 3455


4356Petitioner’s Witnesses:

4358John Gleeson, Vice President

4362Resource Conservation Properties

43653451 Bonita Bay Boulevard, Suite 202

4371Bonita Springs, Florida 34l34

4375Robe rt D. Hutcherson

4379WilsonMiller, Inc.

43814571 Colonial Boulevard

4384Fort Myers, Florida 33912

4388Joshua R. Evans

4391WilsonMiller, Inc.

43934571 Colonial Boulevard

4396Fort Myers, Florida 33912

4400Jim Ward

4402Severn Trent Services

4405210 North University Drive, Suite 702

4411Coral Sprin gs, Florida 33071

4416Carey Garland

4418Fishkind and Associates, Inc.

442211869 Hi Tech Avenue

4426Orlando, Florida 32817


4431Petitioner Composite Exhibit 1:

4435A print - out copy of an email from the Assistant County

4447Attorney, Dawn Perry - Lehnert, indicating th at she would not be

4459participating in this hearing because her client, the Lee County

4469Board of County Commissioners, adopted a resolution in support

4478of establishment

4480Petitioner Composite Exhibit 2:

4484A. Petitioner's Composite Exhibit "A":

4490A - 1 General l ocation map; a boundary map of the land area

4504to be included within the jurisdiction of the District; and

4514A - 2 The Lee County Comprehensive Plan future land - use map

4527depicting the proposed land area to be serviced by the District

4538and respective land use cat egories.

4544B. Petitioner's Composite Exhibit "B": The Petition with

4553its exhibits:

4555B - 1 Petition;

4559B - 2 Petition Exhibit "1" showing the location of land area

4571to be serviced by District as presently proposed;

4579B - 3 Petition Exhibit "2" indicating metes an d bounds legal


4592B - 4 Petition Exhibit "3" written consent by property


4603B - 5 Petition Exhibit "4" - Sewer Interceptors, Utilities

4613and Outfalls Map;

4616B - 6 Petition Exhibit "5" - Estimate of proposed timetables

4627and related cost s of construction and provision of District

4637services and facilities;

4640B - 7a Petition Exhibit "6 - A" - Copy of the Future Land Use

4655Map as provided for in the Future Land Use Element of the Lee

4668County Comprehensive Plan;

4671B - 7b Petition Exhibit "6 - B" - 2000 ver sion of applicable

4685pages of the Lee County Comprehensive Plan;

4692B - 7c Petition Exhibit “6 - C” - Florida Department of

4704Community Affairs Letter of Compliance dated 21 December 2001;

4713B - 7d Petition Exhibit “6 - D” - Notice of Intent;

4725B - 8 Petition Exhibit “7" - Statement of Estimated

4735Regulatory Costs.

4737C. Petitioner's Exhibit "C": Xeroxed copy of the

4746document of receipt of the $15,000 check to constitute the

4757filing and processing fee paid by Petitioner.

4764D. Petitioner’s Exhibit "D": Board of Lee County

4773Co mmissioners’ Resolution No. 03 - 01 - 25 supporting establishment

4784of the District, with attached affidavit and tear sheet of the

4795News - Press which constitutes proof of publication of notice of

4806the Board of County Commissioners meeting on 14 January 2002.

4816E. Petitioner's Exhibit "E": Affidavit of Ken van

4825Assenderp executed on 20 January 2003 regarding transmission of

4834the Petition to Donna Arduin, Secretary, Florida Land and Water

4844Adjudicatory Commission.

4846F. Petitioner's Composite Exhibit "F":

4852F - 1 Letter of notification of 31 October 2002 from Donna

4864Arduin, Secretary, Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

4871Commission to Cari Roth, Secretary, Department of Community

4879Affairs for review of the petition;

4885F - 2 Letter of notification of 31 October 2002 from Donna

4897Ard uin, Secretary, Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

4905Commission to Dave Burr, Executive Director, Southwest Florida

4913Regional Planning Council for review of the petition.

4921G. Petitioner's Composite Exhibit "G":

4927G - 1 Letter of 31 October 2002 from Donna Arduin,

4938Secretary, Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission

4945transmitting the Petition, certifying compliance, to Sharyn

4952Smith, Director, Division of Administrative Hearings;

4958G - 2 Amended Initial Order dated 13 November 2002 signed by

4970Sharyn Smith, Ch ief Judge, Division of Administrative Hearings,

4979assigning the case to an Administrative Judge and summarizing


4989H. Petitioner's Composite Exhibit "H":

4995H - 1 Notice of the hearing of 27 November 2002 in Bonita

5008Springs to hear affected persons i n regard to the establishment

5019of the Cocohatchee Community Development District;

5025H - 2 The Affidavit and tear sheet from the News - Press

5038constituting proof of publication for the first week of notice;

5048H - 3 The Affidavit and tear sheet from the News - Press

5061con stituting proof of publication for the second week of notice;

5072H - 4 The Affidavit and tear sheet from the News - Press

5085constituting proof of publication for the third week of notice;

5095H - 5 The Affidavit and tear sheet from the News - Press

5108constituting proof of publication for the fourth week of notice.

5118I. Petitioner's Exhibit "I": The complete official copy

5127of the Lee County Comprehensive Plan, portions of which are

5137attached to the Petition.

5141J. Petitioner's Exhibit "J": A copy of the most recent

5152codific ation of the State Comprehensive Plan as it appears

5162codified in Chapter 187, Florida Statutes (2001).

5169K. Petitioner's Composite Exhibit "K":

5175K - 1 White paper of Robert D. Hutcherson, Planner and land

5187use expert;

5189K - 2 White paper of Joshua R. Evans, Pr ofessional Engineer

5201and civil engineering expert.

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Date: 08/07/2003
Proceedings: Statement of Transmittal Filing of Supplemental Information filed by K. van Assenderp.
Date: 07/30/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Meeting filed by B. Lightly.
Date: 02/17/2003
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/17/2003
Proceedings: Administrative Law Judge`s Report to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission issued (hearing held January 22, 2003) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/17/2003
Proceedings: Administrative Law Judge`s Report to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 02/04/2003
Proceedings: (Proposed) Report to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commision filed by Petitioner.
Date: 01/24/2003
Proceedings: Exhibits filed.
Date: 01/24/2003
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Prehearing Statement and Composite Exhibit 1 filed.
Date: 01/24/2003
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 01/22/2003
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 12/10/2002
Proceedings: Compliance Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 11/27/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for January 22, 2003; 1:00 p.m.; Bonita Springs, FL).
Date: 11/13/2002
Proceedings: Amended Initial Order issued.
Date: 11/12/2002
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 11/06/2002
Proceedings: Petition for Rulemaking to Establish a Uniform State-Created Community Development Distsrict, the Chocohatchee Community Development District on Certain Proposed Property in Unincorporated Lee County filed.
Date: 11/06/2002
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Bonita Springs, Florida
Office of the Governor


Related Florida Statute(s) (7):